
A riding crop and a blindfold doesn't make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It's not a sexual thing to me, it's a very spiritual thing. ~ DominaBlue


Chapter 49


My face must have been redder then a beet as I stood looking back and forth between Edward’s parents. His question about the certificate for dance lessons was filled with bewildered astonishment as he looked to me.

“Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to take dance lessons?”

I rolled my eyes while his parents laughed even harder.

Oh my poor oblivious man

“It’s a joke Edward. They all…” I stopped talking because there was no way I wanted to explain it to him, let his devious parents do that. “…ask your dad, he’ll fill you in. I want to go talk to Sally.”

Edward’s eyes narrowed and I knew that he wanted me to explain it to him, but I really wanted to find out what happened last night with Heather, besides I was embarrassed enough for one morning.

Sally was sitting up towards the front with Dana watching the children dancing around, as I approached the table they giggled at me.

“Did you like your gift Bella?” Dana snickered then added, “we all thought that maybe you could learn some new moves. By the way your dance partner is …wow!”

“Told ya so,” Sally added looking over my shoulder in Edward’s direction. I couldn’t help but glance back at him; he looked to me with a grin on his face adding a wink for good measure. I guess he found their little stunt amusing, which I had to admit it was. But that wasn’t what I came over to talk about.

“Sally what happened last night?”

Her face became serious as she rolled her eyes but it was Dana who started talking. “Heather went off. When she came back from the walk…which I don’t even know why she went…” the words were almost angry, as if she was appalled by Heather’s actions.

Sally chimed in, “She’s a strange girl Bella. She never fit in, never even tried to and she lied…a lot”

I don’t know why but I felt the need to defend Heather. “She was only there a few days and sometimes it takes time to ….”

“No!” both women stopped me with their assertive answer and Dana looked at me pointedly, “I’m telling you Bella, we caught her in so many lies. First she’s married, and then she’s not. She goes to college but she never graduated. She comes from a loving caring family but her mom kicked her out of the house when she was pregnant. She’s always lived in the city but her mom lives hours away.” Dana stopped talking and Sally added.

“She would say one thing and then later say the complete opposite to someone else. It was like she was saying whatever she thought we wanted to hear, it was all lies and you never knew if what she was saying was the truth. You know how you always want us to help each other?” I nodded because I felt like the best person to talk to about what you are going through is someone who walked in your shoes. They have the most understanding and compassion for your situation.

“Yeah well…” Sally continued, “…that wasn’t possible with Heather because you just knew everything she was saying was bullshit.” We grew quiet for a few seconds as I took in all their words before Dana spoke.

“There was definitely something wrong about her, and then when she came back from the walk I swear…” Dana was adamant about her next words, “…the girl was jonesing.”

Sally nodded her head in agreement, “…like shaking and edgy. Then she cornered me in the community room, insisting that I give her your phone number,” that knowledge caused me to listen with concentrated interest.

“I told her ‘I don’t have it,’” Sally touched my hand in a reassuring gesture as she said, “Bella I threw that away…” I nodded at her admission, because we had talked about her doing that.

“…anyway, I guess she didn’t believe me because she went crazy. Yelling at me that it was very important and that she had to have your number. Then she threatened me saying that I didn’t know who I was messing with…” Sally stopped for a second shaking her head in disbelief, “…then Heather told me that she would pay me for the number…like at that point even if I had it, I would give it to her.”

“Did Heather say why she wanted it?” I couldn’t understand what her attraction to me was.

“Nope…when she realized I didn’t have it, she started freaking out. Saying she had to leave, she couldn’t stand being at the center anymore, she hated it there, we were all a bunch of losers. A little while later she made Mildred let her out.”

Mildred was the woman who manned the center on the weekends; she was older and grandmotherly but fierce as hell and didn’t take shit from anyone. I tried to process what I was being told; if Heather lied about whom and what she was, could it be possible that she only came to the center to get to me? That seemed questionable; she would have had a better chance doing something to me outside of the center. Then again if she was on some kind of drugs she wouldn’t be thinking correctly. That thought made me wonder if the reason she wanted to go to the walk was so she could score? Thinking about it I remembered that she was very conscious of the people outside, I thought that she was worried about being found, but perhaps she was scanning the crowd for her dealer. Dana’s comment brought me out of my conjecture.

“I don’t know what is up with that girl but I sure do pity EJ.”

“EJ?” I asked

“Heather’s son,” Sally explained, “His name is Evan but she calls him EJ.”

“Like Evan Junior?”

She shrugged, “I guess.”

I looked back and forth between the two women, “What is her last name?”

“Conner,” Sally answered but Dana added, “With a K.”


“No…” Dana clarified, “…K-O-H-N-E-R, or so she says.”

It became clear to me that these two women really didn’t believe anything that Heather told them. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t notice Edward approaching us until I was startled by him placing his hand on my shoulder. My reaction caused him to chuckle.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

The two women sitting with me smiled warmly at him and after a small introduction Edward asked if I was ready to leave. The breakfast was over at noon and before I could look at the time Carol was back on the microphone thanking everyone for coming and reminding all the volunteers to be sure and take a Thank-You Bag on their way out.

I really wanted to take a few minutes to tell Edward what I had just learned but it wasn’t the place for that conversation. I hugged both women telling them to be safe and they wished me a good time on my vacation. As we walked back over to our table I said goodbye to a few others and then walked outside with Edward’s parents, who stopped with us by the bike to say goodbye.

Esme looked horrified, “Edward are you making Bella ride on that thing?”

“What? She likes the bike.”

I nodded while taking the helmet from him. She rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh before pulling me into a one armed hug.

“Bella, I’ll be sure to call you when I get home.”

I figured since everyone seemed to love her mother’s Red Velvet Cake it would be a good choice to make for tomorrow night’s dinner.

“That would be great,” I told her hugging Carlisle goodbye while she cupped her son’s face, “You be careful on that thing,” when she let him go Esme added, “especially with Bella on the back.”

“Oh…I see how it is. Be careful with Bella but it’s ok if I fall off!” I snickered at Edward’s mock indignation.

“No…I don’t want either of you to fall off, but you’re tougher than Bella.”

“I don’t know mom, she’s pretty damn tough…” he pointed to his arm, “…you should see the bruises she gave me.” I gasped in shock elbowing him in the ribs with a giggle.

“Look there she goes again!”

“Edward…” she scolded and then out of simple polite conversation added, “What are your plans for the rest of the day?”

I knew we had a few people coming to the house and Edward and I had a three o’clock appointment to resume our ‘usual’ but I was shocked as I heard the words come out of his mouth.

“I think we’re going to spend the afternoon…dancing.”

I gasped in embarrassment feeling the heat of my blush as I stared wide eyed at Edward. Esme must have been just as shaken because her mouth dropped open and she stood there in stunned silence while Edward chuckled.

“oh my god” was all I could say as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me close to him.

“What?” he questioned innocently. “Dancing is good exercise, it keeps you fit, keeps you young and it makes you tired so you sleep well. See? there are lots of benefits to a good dancing session.”

I couldn’t believe he just said that to of all people his mother, thank God Carlisle was there because his laugher broke up the awkward embarrassment.

“Just be careful son,” he said patting Edward on the shoulder, and I wasn’t sure of he meant on the bike or while we were...dancing. I didn’t get to think about it too long because he added, “and we will see you next week.”

I had forgotten that they were coming to the beach with us and as I climbed on the bike I mentally started making a list of all the things I needed to get ready for our trip. I was truly excited about going away. The last trip that I had gone on was with Jake and Leah; the previous summer right after I graduated we took a trip to Juno for a few days. It was fun and nice to get away but I felt like I was tagging along and Leah was always trying to hook me up with someone. This would be the first vacation I had gone on with a man.

The time I was actually with James during our marriage we had never gone any place, except on our wedding night. That night we drove to Port Angles to stay in the Quality Inn Motel. For some reason I thought that my wedding night would be romantic, but I was wrong. We had barely gotten into the room when James set his beer can down grabbed ahold of my arms and started what he considered foreplay.

There were no tender words or lit candles; it was just a lot of biting, hair pulling, and fingers digging into my flesh. The only thing that he said to me that night was ‘I’m going to fuck the shit out of you,’ other than that it was his grunting over top of me with Sports Center playing on the TV. The next morning I awoke to bite marks on my shoulders and breasts along with black and blue marks on my arms and hips from when he held me down.

My heart didn’t want my mind to go to those dark places so I wrapped my arms around Edward’s waist a little tighter, placed a kiss on his shoulder and held on to the present. An hour later we were pulling into the driveway after taking a ride through the surrounding country side. Walking into the house all the cares that had been forgotten came crashing back as he told me that the locksmith would be there in about a half-hour. I used that time to tell him what I had learned about Heather.

“Do you think that could have been her on the video?” He asked me as we sat outback playing fetch with Seth and a tennis ball.

“It could have been. But how would she know where you lived? I mean really Edward if she knew where I was why go to the center?” He thought about that for a few seconds as he once again threw the ball into the grass.

“I’m going to call Mr. Weiss and let him check on it, I’m also going to see if he can check on your Officer Hawk.”

“My Officer Hawk?”

He smirked, “Well he’s not mine, besides he didn’t really care until he found out who you were, and I’m not taking any chances. I don’t know how it will work with him being a cop and all but…” I cut him off because I had gotten an ingenious idea.

“I could have Charlie do it. That might be easier and my dad being who he is would have access to all the police files.” Edward agreed with me but before he could say anything else the doorbell rang.

“Come on let’s go pick out some locks,” I giggled as Edward took my hand to help me up from the patio chair.

The little man on the other side of the door was a spunky older gentleman; he was only about my height with wisp of gray hair sticking out from under his black baseball cap. The white overalls he wore reminded me of a hazard suit, shaking Edward’s hand introducing himself as Joe, which was unnecessary because it was written in the little oval on his chest.

Edward must have told him what he wanted because he showed us two different locking systems. The first one was a basic lock that still required a key for a deadbolt, the second was an all in one system that required a six digit combination to open the whole thing; we picked the later. Joe said he could have both doors done and ready in an hour, so we went into the kitchen leaving him to do his job.

It was close to two-thirty and very clear there was no way we were going to meet our three o’clock appointment. While I was looking through the freezer for something to make for dinner Edward moved in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his face in my neck. I couldn’t help but nuzzle back while my hand moved up to run my fingers through his hair.

“The security company should be here soon and don’t worry about dinner, I have it covered. But make sure you eat something before you go upstairs.”


He stood straight as I turned in his arms, “Are we still going to start at three?”

“Absolutely,” Edward said without any uncertainty.

“But there will be people here,” I could hear the hesitation in my own voice. Edward on the other hand was composed as always.

“There will be people down here, however at three o’clock you should be in my room waiting for me,” glancing over my shoulder he added, “eat something because dinner is going to be later and you are going to need the energy.” The grin on his face made the muscles in my belly tighten and a tingle run through me that went straight to my clit.

Oh Boy!

“Mr. Cullen,” Joe was calling from the other side of the kitchen door and I grudgingly let go of Edward so he could go see what he wanted.

Not needing to think about dinner I shut the freezer, Edward wanted me eat something and I figured he would be hungry also, so I made him a sandwich along with mine. Leaving his wrapped on the counter while I took mine with a glass of milk and went to go up to my room.

Edward was sitting at the dining room table talking with a man who was about our age wearing a dress shirt and tie. “Bella this is Todd from the security company.”

After saying hello I told Edward that there was a sandwich waiting for him and excused myself, leaving them to what they were doing. My curiosity was spiked and I was dying to know what they had found out. It would be very easy to dwell on those thoughts but it was more important that I get myself ready. After all there wasn’t much I could do with the information and I was sure that Edward would tell me later.

My main concern at that moment was to clear my mind of outside influences so that I could go to my Master with the correct attitude. I wasn’t sure how to do that and I found that trying to force myself to think submissive was just frustrating me. The more I tried to push myself into that role the harder it seemed to achieve.

Looking at the clock I realized there was no time left, I quickly went to use the bathroom and brush my teeth. He hadn’t told me what to wear or what not to wear so I opted for my pink silk robe. As I padded down the hallway to his room I was self-conscious of the fact that other people were in the house. I figured that he would have me stay upstairs until they were gone and then we could have the night to ourselves.

The afternoon sun was filtering in through the windows casting rays of warm light onto the beige carpet. There was no mat or pillow on the floor indicating where he wanted me to wait so I figured it would be best to just pick a spot to kneel with my back towards the door.

Opening the sash of the robe I hadn’t heard Edward come into the room. “Isabella.”

The sound of his unexpected voice caused me to flinch as an exaggerated sigh reached my ears, “I had hoped we would have gotten over the jumpiness.”

“Sorry Mas…”

“Did I ask you to talk?” the softness of his tone made the words all the more intimidating.

“No Sir.”

“Then remain quiet,” it wasn’t a suggestion.

Edward moved to his dresser while I watched him, my eyes catching his in the reflection of the mirror, the intensity of his glare caused me to lower my eyes. It was then that realization came to me. I had spent the last half-hour trying to get myself into a submissive mind frame. What I was unable to accomplish; Edward did it with a single look.

“Isabella…” Edward said my name while moving to stand in front of me giving me the signal to keep my eyes down.

“Chin up,” using two fingers he lifted my chin slightly until it was square while I kept my eyes on the floor. His proximity caused my heart to race as I felt the heat from his body while his breath flowed across my face at his words. “You are to wait for me uncovered.”

I knew that but had not had the time to remove the robe. Edward’s hands moved to the opening above my breasts, sliding his palms in opposite directions over my chest and shoulders taking the material of the robe with him. My breath hitched as the silkiness slinked down my arms and back until it pooled on the floor at my feet.

“Much better,” he announced while moving to my side.

“Back very straight,” the back of his knuckles ran up the length of my spine while he moved again to stand behind me. I had to focus hard to keep my breathing even as he took both of my wrists in his large hands bringing them to the small of my back. “Hands clasped behind you.”

Running his hands over my bottom to the juncture between my legs separating them, “Thighs spread shoulder width apart.”

Edward continued his movement around me. I was beginning to feel like his willing prey as he watched my every move while circling in for the kill.

“This Isabella,” he said standing back in front of me, “is a standing waiting position. You are to use this if and only when there is no indication of where I want you. Do you understand?”

“Yes Master.”

“Very well.”

With the two words he once again moved back to his dresser opening a drawer before I heard the door to the closet opening then close. The next thing I heard was the door to the bedroom click shut as Edward left the room with me standing there. I thought he would be right back but when he didn’t return I began to feel self-conscious about my situation. Every fiber of my being was telling me to move or at the very least look over my shoulder at the clock. I had to fight with my own conscience to remain unmoved and in all honesty it was only through sheer determination that I was able to remain.

My mind began to wonder how long he was going to leave me standing there and again I fought off the urge to look at the clock. I knew that Joe was still in the house working on the locks perhaps Edward went to speak with him. Perhaps he was going to leave me where I was until we were alone. Or possibly Todd from the security company was still here and they had things to discuss, leaving me to be a lesser priority.

Irrational as it might have been, the sorrow from that thought brought tears to my eyes as the familiar feeling of being insignificant came over me. My brain began to spiral into despair and I was on the verge of a full blown crying fit from what I perceived as abandonment. I knew it was foolish to feel that way; there was really no reason for it and I couldn’t understand why I felt so dejected.

Edward had let me stew in my own thoughts many times before. The difference was he was always present in the room. Even if I was blindfolded I knew he was there and I was his number one priority, at that particular moment I was beginning to doubt that assumption.

Blinking, I couldn’t help the tears that fell from my eyes as I heard Edward’s voice while he opened the door. He was talking to someone but I couldn’t concentrate on anything as the tears fell freely from a wave of emotion that came over me.

“Mom, I have to call you back.”

Before I even registered the fact that Edward was in front of me, I was wrapped up in his arms. He didn’t even ask what was the matter with me, before he started apologizing. “I’m sorry baby. My mother insisted on giving me some stupid recipe.”


“I told her you would call later but she and dad are going out and she said you wanted it for the morning,” He sighed while running his hand through my hair. “Then she started saying something about substituting sour cream and chocolate liquor…”

Edward let out a deep sigh, “it was my fault. I never should have answered the damn phone when you were in such a vulnerable state. Had it been anyone else…” His words trailed off as he buried his face into the side of my neck.

“I thought maybe something more important…”

“Never!” Edward growled the word as he took my chin forcing me to look at him. “Nothing or no one is more important than you. If that damn cake recipe hadn’t been for you, I never would have taken the time…”

“Did you write it down?” I asked in a hushed wisper.

“Ye..es” he stretched the word out into two syllables as he laid down on the bed letting me snuggle in next to him while he drew the blanket up over my body.

“Did they leave?” I asked quietly.

“Joe is down there, he just started the back door when I came up. I’m going to go check on him in a few minutes.” I nodded and in the safety of Edward’s arms I was beginning to feel foolish for the way I responded to his absence.

“I’m sorry for being so overly sensitive.” Maybe it was PMS, my period should be coming any day and that would explain my highly emotional state.

“You were not overly sensitive Isabella. When you are in your submissive nature it’s natural for you to need me, which is why I never leave you alone. If I ever do, it should always be with your understanding of where I am and when I am coming back. What happened here today was my fault, all I wanted to do was get the bands from your room, and then I got sidetracked. It will not happen again.”

I didn’t understand what he was saying or why he would leave me alone but I didn’t ask, instead I just drew my strength from his promise along with his embrace.

“Will you be alright if I go check on Joe, or do you want to come down with me?” Not wanting to seem like I was an overly needy crazy person I told him I would fine and that he should go do what needed to be done.

Edward sat up pulling me along with him. “No. Put on the bands.”

“Really I…”

“I’m not asking Isabella, and don’t refer to yourself in the first person again.” The tone of his voice along with the look in his eyes told me that my chance to choose had been revoked.

“Yes Sir.”

Moving quickly Edward handed me the applicator which I expertly used to put the bands on. He handed me the clothes that was to wear beginning with a lacy white thong. He had me put my hands up while pulling a white tank top over my head. As he tugged it down my torso the back of his hands ran over my nipples making me whimper from the throb.

Edward raised his one eyebrow and then proceeded to roll my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. The action made me suck in a breath and I had to bite the inside of my lip to keep quiet as the moisture flooded between my thighs.

“That’s much better Isabella,” at his words his hands left my body picking up the black ruffled skirt that I would normally wear with a swimming suit. But instead of having me step into it, he had me put my hands up once again, pulling it over my head, down my body until it was in place around my waist.

Edward took a step back once again skimming the back of his hands over my sensitive nipples. “I do so like this shirt; however I would hate to give poor Joe a coronary by how luscious you look in it, so…”

He motioned for me to turn around before holding out his light blue button down for me to put my arms in. Once it was over my shoulders, Edward pulled my hair out from the confinement of the shirts before spinning me around to take one more look at my appearance. The sigh that left his mouth was hard to discern, I couldn’t tell if it was from discontent or irritation, then his next comment answered my unspoken question.

“It’s a shame to have to cover you up. Come along,” but before we moved he continued, “Do you remember your task Isabella? Nothing touches your lips without my permission or by my hand.”

I had remembered that, and in fact I was hoping that was how we would eat dinner. “Yes Sir.”

As I followed him down the steps something occurred to me. “Master?”

Edward stopped before reaching the bottom to turn in my direction, “Yes Isabella?”

“Your girl was wondering if we would be modified while Joe was here?”

His eyes scanned my face before answering, “No, he will not be here much longer and I’m sure you can use your ingenuity to not let him catch on to what is happening.”

Following Edward into the kitchen I wondered if I was truly cleaver enough to pull this off and I hoped that Joe wasn’t very observant. The back door was open while he worked with a drill putting in the new locks. Seth was outside trying desperately to get around the man that was blocking the entrance. Once Joe saw the dog’s predicament he moved to allow him entrance and then watched as Seth came over to me.

“I’m almost done Mr. Cullen, shouldn’t be more then fifteen minutes.” He smiled at me with a slight nod, while I squatted down to rub Seth’s ears.

“That’s fine Joe, we have no plans to go anywhere and Isabella will sleep better knowing that the house is secure,” I heard what Edward said but my mind was on my pet.

“Are you hungry?”

“I fed him Isabella, maybe some fresh water and a snack,” Edward suggested and then added, “I would like a bottle of water.”

“Yes Sir.”

The words left my mouth without any conscious thought. The blush came to my face as soon as it registered that Joe might have heard me. But upon looking in his direction he seemed to be oblivious to our exchange. He was either unobservant or very good at acting obtuse.

I got Edward his water offering it to him while he sat at the table looking over some papers. My self-consciousness once again coming into play while I stood to his side with my head bowed in submission holding the bottle of water out in front of me. He took it right away waving his hand to tell me to carry on before I took care of Seth. As I put the bowl of fresh water down and got a few snacks out of the jar I thought of something else.

“Joe, would you like something to drink?” The man who I thought to be unperceptive answered me immediately, “No ma’am, I’m fine.”

Glancing to Edward I could feel my face flush once again but he just grinned motioning for me to come sit with him at the table. Seth smelling the snacks in my hand followed me over sitting next to me patiently waiting for his treat. Edward watched me make the dog give a paw, lay down, and roll over before each reward was given.

“He listens better than you,” I gasped at Edward’s comment while he chuckled at my reaction leaning over to place a kiss on my cheek.

“Well maybe if someone rewarded me with a treat more often,” I reminded him.

“And what kind of treat would you like my pet?”

Edward’s eyes were alight with amusement while the back of his hand skimmed across my breast making me look over his shoulder to see if we were being observed. Joe was once again back to being oblivious and I suppose that even if he wasn’t, the way we were positioned there would be no way for him to see what Edward was doing.

The snapping of fingers brought my attention back to where it should be, followed by a hand motion telling me to look at him. “Isabella, your attention belongs on me at all times.”

“Yes Sir, I’m sorry.”

“You’re doing very well, don’t let it happen again.” After a moment of quiet to allow his warning to sink in he asked me again, “Now what kind of treat would you like?”

I thought about it and blurted out the one thing that I have been waiting for a repeat of all weekend, “Your girl would like you to hand feed her.”

Edward’s eyes never left mine as they grew slightly darker, “perhaps later…if you’re a good girl.”

Holy hell if that was all it was going to take I’d be a really good girl. I’d sit, shake, roll over fucking bark if I had to. Just the thought of Edward feeding me again made my stomach clinch and so much moisture gather that my thighs rubbed together in an attempt to get some friction.

Of course Edward saw it, “that’s not being a good girl.”

He warned me with a stern look before his attention went back to the paper on the table. I figured it might be a good idea to get my mind off of his arms holding me tightly against his body while I licked food from his fingers.

Come on Bella, stop that train of thought.

It was Joe that brought me back to my senses. “All done Mr. Cullen.”

Edward turned to look at me, “Isabella I put that recipe from my mom up on your dresser, why don’t you go get it?”

I wasn’t exactly sure why, but I had the feeling that Edward was trying to get rid of me while he talked with Joe. However, I did as I was told. The recipe was exactly where Edward said it was and by the time I made my way back downstairs Edward and Joe were exchanging papers. Joe received a check and Edward an invoice, as I presented myself it was obvious to me why I was sent out of the room. He didn’t want me to know how much it cost to change the locks.

Joe left us and instead of acknowledging me Edward immediately began to play with the door. “Isabella, please come over here,” he was pressing some buttons on the new lock, “I need another six letter word.”

“Ummm…how about …dancer?”

Edward’s eyes sparkled as a huge grin formed on his face while he pushed the corresponding numbers into the key pad. As he shut the door with him on the outside he mumbled something about a bunch of crazy ass women. Once the door opened again, he had me join him on the porch so I could try the lock, then we moved to the kitchen where he did the same thing with the back door. Finally satisfied that both doors were locked he set the alarm system, effectively securing us inside.

“Alright my pet, get yourself something to drink and join me at the table.”

“Would you like something Master?”

“No, I still have my water.”

I sat down at the table with a small glass of milk waiting for him to start talking but he didn’t, instead he placed the papers he was looking at earlier in front of me. I understood what they were, the report from the security company; what I didn’t completely comprehend was what they meant.

“That code there… ” Edward pointed to numbers that was circled at the top of the first page, “…is what our intruder attempted to shut off the alarm with.” I looked at the number again while Edward added with a grave voice “…that was the default code.”

“The one it came with? Do you mean it was one of the guys who installed…?” I didn’t even get to finish my thought before Edward let out a deep sigh.

“Todd from the security company is going to look into that but I don’t believe it was any of them. I just want to ask you if by chance you gave the number to anyone?”

“Noooo…I ...I didn’t even know the number.”

Edward’s eyes softened, “I didn’t think you did and I knew you wouldn’t give it to anyone but Todd wanted me to make sure, so that’s all I was doing,” an expression of distress crossed his face, making me wonder.

“Did you give the number to someone?”

His lips pressed into a firm line while he shook his head. “No…but there was someone who could have seen me entering that code.”


Edward gave me a pointed look before taking his phone out and making a call. “Hey are you still going to the club tonight…” looking in my eyes he said the words I didn’t want to hear “…we’ll meet you there”

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