I walked into my room at Edward’s house kicked off my shoes and laid down on the bed. Edward was downstairs taking care of Seth, the poor dog had been in the house since this morning and although he was happy to see us, he was even happier to be let outside to do his business. I came up here with the sole purpose of taking a shower, but at that moment all I wanted to do was lie there and relax.
Edward was right, I had an extraordinary day. He had asked me in the car if I was sure that I wanted to proceed with our evening as planned. I didn’t know how to explain it to him, but there was a part in me that was so looking forward to our time together that I would be disappointed if it didn’t happen.
It wasn’t just the time I would spend with Edward, because I had no doubt in my mind that if I agreed to postpone our usual, and instead opt to just lie in bed all night, that I would be wrapped in his arms. So the desire to be in the playroom had a deeper meaning. I wasn’t exactly sure what it was, but somewhere deep down inside of me, I knew that after the day I had the best place for me to find solace was in my submission to my Master. And as I lie there that realization both excited and scared the hell out of me.
“I thought you were going to shower?” I opened my eyes to see Edward standing by the bed; I hadn’t even heard him come in.
“I am, I just needed a minute.” He held out a glass of wine for me and after I took it, he pulled the chair from the desk over and sat down, gazing at me while I sat on the edge of the bed.
“Tell me what happened today.” It wasn’t a request and even though I was in my room, I felt the need to explain.
“When I got to the center this morning, Carol told me that over the weekend one of the hotline people gave out my personal number. They are not suppose to do that, ever. But I wasn’t too upset; all anyone can do is call me because nothing can be traced to my home.” That was one of the perks of having a PO Box. Edward was quiet so after I took a sip I continued.
“Sally called my cell phone; I guess she is the one who was given my number. Anyway she said that her and the kids left and were at a neighbor’s house. I told her to call a cab and I would pay when she got to the center. Because they have to come on their own, we have paid cab fare many times, but we are not to go and get them.” That was rule number one and why Carol was so upset with me.
“So why didn’t she call a cab?”
I took a deep breath knowing he was not going to like what I had to say. “She couldn’t walk because of her ankle and she was too far away.”
“Where was she?”
I sighed and took another sip before I answered, “She was in Yelm.”
“What?” Yeah, he was not happy about that at all. “You drove all the way to Yelm?”
My eyes dropped to the floor and I could feel my teeth biting into my bottom lip.
His stern voice made me look up into his eyes. “Yes Edward, I drove to Yelm. It’s only an hour away.”
He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “If you made it to Yelm in an hour then you must have been driving like a bat out of hell.” Edwards’s eyes were dark and I was very glad that we were having this conversation in my room. I did what I felt I had to do, and if given the same situation I would do it again.
“It took me longer to get back.” I thought I would let him know that.
“Why was that Bella?”
“I was trying to be careful not to bounce around too much because Sally was in so much pain; and the kid’s were only in seatbelts.”
Edward’s mouth dropped open. “You took the children in your car without proper car seats?” He voice escalated and I took another drink looking in his eyes and nodding my head once. He was there when I arrived; did he see any damn car seats? I didn’t ask that question though he was upset enough with me at the moment.
“And what would have happened had you been pulled over?”
I shrugged and then told him, “I would have explained what happened, what I was doing, and given my father’s name, title, and phone number.” Yes, I was not above using my father to get out of a quandary. Edward was shocked; he sat there with a gaping mouth, blinking rapidly.
“What?” I didn’t understand why he was so stunned. “Are you telling me that you never used your father’s connections to get quicker medical attention or a favor?”
“Bella, that’s different. I’m not breaking the law or putting myself and others in danger.”
I thought about that before answering. “It was more dangerous for her and the kids to stay.”
“And how about the danger you put yourself in? What if her husband would have been there?” His eyes grew dark and his voice demanding, “and why wasn’t your phone on?”
Oh shit. I had worried myself about the possibility that her husband might be there, but Sally assured me that he was not, and since she was at a neighbor’s house I figured that he wouldn’t show up either and I told that to Edward.
“The phone Bella.” I could see him trying to rein in his anger, and I knew that if we had been anywhere else but in this room, I would have been Isabella at that moment.
“I turned it off.”
“You…,” Edward didn’t get to finish his statement because I continued to explain.
“On the way back, Sally was upset and we were talking and the phone kept ringing and interrupting us, so I turned it off.”
He sat there with his head down, running his hand through his hair for what seemed like forever before his eyes finally met mine again and he released a long sigh.
“Bella…,” Edward sighed again, “I’m going to give you one more chance to just stay in this room and relax tonight. I’ll bring your dinner up here; we’ll take a long bath and watch TV.”
I knew what he was saying; I understood that once I walked out my door, I was totally his submissive and I would be held responsible for my actions. The thing was that regardless of whether it was tonight or tomorrow I knew that I would be punished, and if he was going to have me write a ten-thousand word essay on the merits of safe driving or phone usage I would rather just get it over with. Besides, I needed to feel the security of my Master’s attention, even if at the moment my Master was displeased with me. I didn’t get to answer because Edward stood and walked to the door.
“I’ll tell you what Bella, you think about it. If you’re not in the kitchen at six o’clock I’ll join you up here. If you decide to go on with our usual, then bring your journal to the kitchen wearing only a robe and make sure your hair is completely dry.” He raised his eyebrows silently asking if I understood.
“Alright.” After my answer he huffed, shook his head, and left my room. Leaving me there to contemplate my options, but my mind was already made up.
Five minutes before six I walked into the kitchen with dry hair, wearing my pink silky robe, and carrying my journal - Edward wasn’t there. The back door was open and the unmistakable smell of food grilling was wharfing through. I went outside standing behind Edward and waited for him to acknowledge my presence. It seemed like a long time, but in reality it was only a few minutes before he turned from the grill to face me.
“Good evening Isabella.” When I looked in his eyes the irritation that was evident before was replaced with an eerie calmness that made my stomach clinch and I had to swallow hard before I could answer.
“Good evening Master.”
“I wasn’t a hundred percent sure you would be down, so I did not set the table, please do so now.”
“Yes Sir,” I busied myself with the task, taking extra time to fold the napkins into little pockets so I could place the utensils inside of them. I had just put my journal in front of his place setting when Edward came in carrying a plate. As I presented myself, I could see that he had skewers of grilled prawns and scallops and to my embarrassment my stomach growled.
“When is the last time you ate Isabella?”
“This morning Sir.”
The annoyance was back on his face. “Then I am very glad that I forced you to stay in bed, or you might not have eaten all day.” I didn’t say anything and he demanded, “Sit!”
I took my place and Edward brought over a bowl of rice pilaf and fresh beans to go along with the seafood and tossed salad. When he finally sat down he placed a red pen on top of the journal and ordered me to eat.
The food was good; he had marinated the prawns and scallops in a lemon butter sauce that gave it just the right amount of flavor without being over powering. The conversation was not so good, because there was none, not one word - not even a sigh, and the tension was beginning to make me edgy. I kept looking at him hoping he would say something, but he didn’t even acknowledge that I was there, and it became increasingly harder for me to continue eating. But I knew that if I didn’t it would just add to his irritation with me.
Finally, near the end of the meal, Edward picked up my journal and as he construed it, he used his red pen. I thought maybe he was correcting my spelling or something, but he never turned the page. When he was done he closed the book with the pen inside and laid it back where it was on the table before turning his dark eyes to mine. It was at that moment I was rethinking my decision to meet him in the kitchen, and had I the chance I would have ran back up to my room.
He inclined his head toward my plate, “are you done?”
“Yes Sir?” It came out like a question, because even though I didn’t think I could have eaten one more bite, I wanted to make sure that he was satisfied with my meal.
“Very well, go to the playroom and prepare yourself.” That was it; that was all he said, and with each step I took down the stairs and closer to the door, the queasiness in my stomach grew.
The atmosphere in the playroom didn’t do much to help calm me. Most of the room was dark, the only two dimly lit areas were the one immediately inside the door where my mat was waiting for me, then over to the left by the media equipment there was a black comforter on the floor in front of one of the chairs with the small round side table sitting next to it.
Edward didn’t tell me how much time I had and I figured he was in no mood to be messing around, so I moved quickly into the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. When I came out I threw the robe I was wearing into my closet closing the door then went to kneel on my mat, taking a mental inventory of my position. I readjusted several times, never feeling comfortable and as I closed my eyes to focus on my breathing I realized what was missing, there was no music playing.
Each time I had been in the playroom there had always been soft meditating music in the background. I wondered if it was an oversight on Edward’s part or if he had done it on purpose to keep me more on edge? I squirmed a little more, the waiting and anticipation making me restless. What was taking him so long? Breathe Bella, breathe. I focused once more on my breathing and position finally beginning to calm myself; that was, until Edward entered the room.
I heard the movement of the door and I could sense his presence, and even more than that I could feel his eyes on me, but he didn’t move. Seconds, minutes, hours might have passed -- I had no idea. I wanted so badly to see his face and it took all my resolve to stay in position. Every part of me was screaming to just turn around and tell him how sorry I was that I caused him so much worry. That I had made a rash decision without considering the consequences, ask him to yell or scream to do something, because anything would be better than the silence.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as Edward moved to stand in front of me, but he still remained quiet, and I broke. The tears formed in my eyes and slowly ran down my cheeks. They weren’t tears of fear, they were of remorse; I had driven him to the point where he was so upset with me that he would not even talk to me.
“Tears? Are they for true regret or just edginess?”
They were actually a little bit of both, but mostly from regret. I raised my head in an attempt to peek at him.
“Keep your head down and don’t look at me.” I immediately complied, waiting, while he went back to holding me in an agitated gaze.
“So which is it Isabella regret or anxiety? Speak!” Edward demanded.
“Master your girl is very sorry, she regrets causing you worry by driving so far.”
He huffed, “Driving? On your list of rules I don’t remember driving long distances as one of your regulations. Don’t get me wrong Isabella, I’m not very pleased about the fact that you drove so far alone, and I certainly am not happy that you made it there in an hour. That means you not only put yourself at risk, but everyone else who happened to be on the road with you today. That was reckless and dangerous and had it just been driving we would not be having this discussion right now.” Edward grew quiet for a few seconds before he continued.
“So tell me again Isabella, what exactly my girl is sorry for?”
I thought for a second but still wasn’t sure what he was talking about, I don’t know if it was out of impatience or if Edward was truly trying to help me because he asked, “What rule did my girl completely disregard today that caused me so much worry?”
Then I knew exactly what he was talking about.
“She is sorry for turning off her phone.” My voice was small and quiet, but he heard me.
“Yes, that is what caused me the needless worry. Your actions were callous and inconsiderate to not only me but also to Carol, my father, and anyone else who cares about your welfare. By simply answering the phone one time all of the alarm could have been avoided. But no, you consciously choose to just walk all over our concern for your well being.”
I didn’t think of it like that and as he spoke, I couldn’t help but feel bad for my behavior. I should have answered the phone, told them where I was.
“Carol was so concerned that she had my father call me. I had no clue where you were and I couldn’t reach you on the phone, in fact your phone is still off.” He’s right, it was, I hadn’t turned it back on and as I knelt there I wondered who else might have been trying to get in touch with me. If it was Leah, she would be frantic, which I suppose is exactly how Edward felt, that thought brought on a fresh round of tears.
“This cannot happen again. Your phone is not ever to be turned off. I don’t care where you are, what you are doing, or who you are with. Your phone will remain on and charged at all times. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Sir,” I answered quickly through a sniffle.
“Sit, with your legs stretched out.” I wasn’t exactly sure I heard him correctly so I hesitated.
“Now Isabella.”
I moved quickly to sit flat on my bottom while Edward walked behind and brought over a folding chair which he sat on in front of me.
“Give me your right foot.”
Again I hesitated, but not because I didn’t understand, but because I was unsure what he was going to do and I was slightly scared. I could feel my stomach fluttering from the anxiety and my face felt tingly as I slowly lifted my foot into the air.

When he was done, he put my foot back on the floor and told me to look at him. When I did his eyes were dark, glassy, and filled with grief, and I gasped as new tears formed from the realization that I was the cause of his anguish.
“You are not to scrub that off; it will wear off on its own in a few days. Now, look at it.” Edward inclined his head and I bent my knee to see what he wrote. I bit my lip wondering why he wrote his name on the bottom of my foot. When I met his eyes again he continued to explain.
“Maybe this will remind you of how insensitive you were to my feelings today and with each step you take you can remember whose concern for your safety you completely disregarded. Besides, the way I figure it, if you are going to walk all over me you might as well do it with my permission.”
Oh my god! For the next few days, every time I take a step it’s like I’m walking on him, hurting him. I looked back down at my foot and my fingers ran over the letters.
“Your girl is so sorry Master,” I said through tears. “She wasn’t thinking,” I sniffled then added shaking my head, “she didn’t realize.”
Edward’s hand cupped my chin, making me look at him. “That’s the problem Isabella, you didn’t think. Now you can think about that,” he inclined his head toward my foot. My eyes dropped, I didn’t want to see the disappointment in his eyes anymore.
Edward stood and walked back behind me again. “Kneel, Isabella.” As I did he stood back in front of me handing me my journal. When I looked down it was opened to the page where I recorded my daily activities. There were numbers circled in red in every box that kept track of my food intake.
“I did not give you a specific calorie intake for the hell of it, I expect it to be followed. If you do not fuel your body with sufficient nutrition then you will become weak and unhealthy. Which once again, besides yourself, you are hurting me.” He stopped talking as I looked over all the red circles. I hadn’t realized that there was so much missing from my diet.
“I expect by next week at this time that you will have that problem corrected. Your sleep is also inadequate; I expect that to be improved upon also. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Master.”
Edward took my journal, “come Isabella.”
When he took my hand to help steady me I was careful to place my weight on my toes. I didn’t like the idea of walking on Edward and I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to keep from doing it for the next few days. He led me over to where he had the chair set up in front of the media equipment. There was some kind of a wide leather belt, a red rope and a black one lying over the top of the chair.
Edward picked up the black rope first. I watched as he matched up the two ends before sliding his hands along the length until he found the middle section. “Hands at your side”
When I complied he stepped behind me and wrapped the length around me right above my breasts meeting the ends in the middle of my back. He then proceeded to secure my arms to my body with six or seven circles of rope. Finally feeding the ends through the space where my arms laid against my torso closing in the gap and pulling my arms in tighter to my body. Edward cris-crossed the rope on my back and again between my breasts, wrapping several circles underneath, before finally tying a knot directly in the center of my chest.
The binding wasn’t tight and the rope was soft and with every tug and pull I felt more at ease until I realized I was standing flat on my feet; I shuffled to place most of my weight on the left foot, while I lifted the right one. Edward raised an eyebrow at me. He knew what my problem was but he didn't say anything about it.
Edward then picked up the wide leather belt, “raise your hands in the air.” When I did he wrapped it around my waist buckling it in the front. He took each of my hands and secured them in the straps that were attached to the belt on the sides of my waist. He checked all the restraints making sure that nothing was too tight or restricting my circulation, and when he was satisfied he had me lean over the arm of the chair.
I didn’t know what he was doing, and in one swift move he slid a very well-lubed butt plug into me making me gasp in surprise.
“Ok, come lie down.”
He had to help me because I didn’t have the use of my arms, and once I was where he wanted me he started working with the red rope.
I watched Edward carefully wrap several circles around my upper thigh then around my ankle before attaching it to a hook in the floor. He then brought the end up to feed through the black rope under my breast before repeating the process on the other leg. My feet were flat, my knees were up, and my thighs were very open.
Edward walked over to the cabinet and came back with the crop and a long silver stick. He sat down in the chair that faced me; his form was directly between my legs. He tilted his head as his eyes roamed over my body and then he smirked.
“I really like the look of that plug. I didn’t show it to you, look at the screen.” I turned my head to the side and there I was, I don’t know how he was zooming in, but the full focus became the ruby red jewel that laid flat against my rear opening. “Do you like it?”
“Yes Master, it’s pretty.” It was too.
“Hmmm…pretty? Yes it is, I have a blue one that is larger, we are going to work up to that very soon.” He sighed and then gave me my instructions.
“It’s a movie night Isabella; that means we relax and watch the video from previous sessions. We will be doing this from time to time. This is the edited version of both sessions from last week. You are not to take your eyes off the screen, you are not to orgasm, and do not struggle in your restraints. Focus on the security you feel in your bonds, force yourself to relax into them and let that help to keep you composed and under control. This is a learned skill Isabella, and one you must master.”
Edward has told me several times about learning to control myself and this exercise didn’t sound too tough. I actually felt very comfortable and when I focused on my breathing and allowed my muscles to relax, I found that I was very content in my restraints. Edward pressed the button on the remote and the screen lit up; I was waiting for sound, but there was none, it was just us. He zoomed in so the only image on the screen was me; my hands were secured to the ceiling and Edward was using the flogger on me.
My mind was so engrossed at what was happening on the screen that it startled me when I felt something sliding into me. Edward sighed out his unhappiness at my reaction and I mentally cursed myself for having that kind of response. I know I was still new to all this, but honestly, I should have been expecting something.
I relaxed again, having no reaction when he slid the dildo all the way inside if me and began moving it; I could see his hand moving from the corner of my eye but he was still sitting leisurely in the chair. When his hand drew back again, I could see something shiny and I figured he had somehow attached the silver stick to the dildo.
As I continued watching the screen I was fascinated by what I saw. I could see the way I responded to the flogging and I looked like I was getting lost in the sensation of the leather hitting my skin, reaching and practically begging for another strike. That fact registered in my mind as erotically strange, I never thought of myself as a masochist and I wondered if that was what I really was?
Edward’s question brought me out of my conjecture. “Do you see Isabella, how your body craves more?”
I did see it, and that was something I was going to have to think about. I told him so.
“Yes Master, your girl sees,” my voice was shallow and I could feel my body responding now to the attention Edward was giving me as the toy inside me began to pick up speed. I think I would have been alright had he not slid the leather of the crop along the inside of my thigh. The heat in my body was building, and when the first slap hit over my clit I moaned out in pleasure and need.
“Keep watching.”
It was beginning to get harder to stay focused, but I again relaxed and let everything around me slip away; and then the sound came on. The moans of pleasure that were escaping my mouth on the screen turned to pants and outright begging for more. The sound of my pleas became another form of stimulation and as much as possible my hips started to move.
“Isabella, hold still and relax.” His stern voice warned with a harsh slap of the crop on my inner thigh. How the hell am I supposed to relax when I am watching myself on the screen? All this stimulation occurring at one time was beginning to get to me. Edward sighed, paused the video, and removed the toy from inside of me.
“Ok, we are going to do this exercise again; and we will do it all night if we have to.”
I felt bad that I was unable to stay still and disengaged.
“Use your relaxation breathing from yoga. Let your eyes see, your body feel, but put most of your focus on the feel of your restraints and stay unhindered by anything else. Control Isabella, keep yourself under control,” he suggested with a warning.
When he restarted the video, I went into my deep breathing, and this time when he inserted the dildo into me I didn’t even flinch; and as Edward moved the crop over my body, slapping at various places, I found that I was able to detach myself from the sensations. That was until I saw myself orgasm on the screen and watched as Edward lifted me and filled me with himself. Then all I could think about was having him inside of me.
Edward must have seen my reaction because he stopped the movement of the dildo; my muscles still clenched around it and I wanted so badly to be able to orgasm at that moment.
“Calm yourself Isabella, you’re doing very well, don’t lose your composure now.”
I took a few deep breaths getting myself under control. I know it sounds stupid, but at that moment I was more interested in pleasing Edward than I was in my own release, and I knew that I could gain self satisfaction by being pleasing to him. As the Friday session started on the screen all I wanted to do was what he had asked of me.
Edward completely removed the dildo as I watched myself struggle to gain composure on the screen. I wasn’t paying attention to what he was doing, I was too engrossed with what was occurring on the video. I felt something at my entrance and I forced myself to remain relaxed and quiet. This one was larger and was like a rabbit with an extension that stimulated my clit.
“Don’t you loose that,” Edward warned as he stood and used the edge of the crop to circle my nipples making them pucker and stand more erect. Then he proceeded to quickly flip the leather back and forth across them. I knew he was watching me and I struggled to keep my breathing even and my body under control.
“Very good Isabella, let’s move it up a notch shall we?” I didn’t respond, I wasn’t sure if I was suppose to or not, but I got my answer with a stern rebuke.
“Isabella, I asked you a question and I expect an answer.”
“Yes Master, take it up a notch.” I did so wish I could look at his face, but he was standing behind me and my instructions were to keep my eyes on the screen, so that’s what I did. I felt Edwards’s hands on my breast, and then something like a suction cup was attached to each nipple. He squeezed something and they began to vibrate, and then the toy between my legs also started to hum.
I focused on my breathing as I watched my body curl in on itself on the screen and then Edward began to rub the crop over my body flicking the underside of my breasts and stomach before moving down to my thighs.
I was working really hard at staying in control, focusing my attention on the feel of the rope around my chest and the thick band of leather around my wrist. I was spacing out, just letting the feel of all the stimulation happen; and I found in my mind I was looking, waiting, anticipating where the next strike would occur so I could feel the warmth of the sting.
“Don’t you dare orgasm!” Edward warned in a menacing voice.
How he knew that I fighting off the beginnings of an orgasm made my mind focus once again on the bindings around my body.
“Keep watching the screen.” The focus was only on my face and I could see myself struggle to keep in check, and I wondered if that was what I looked like now? My internal muscles were clenched so tightly I was afraid if I let go that I would lose the grip I had on the toy inside me along with whatever control I had over the rest of my body. Edward’s voice brought me back.
“Tell me what you said here.”
I didn’t know what he was talking about until I saw myself throw my head back and scream out in Quileute. “Master I…,”
“Who?” he asked abruptly.
“Your girl screamed out curses,” I took a deep breath trying to keep myself together, Edward hit one of suctions on my nipple making it pop off and I whimpered sucking in a breath.
“What else, Isabella?”
I needed to swallow to get my voice, “She said – ‘so fucking good, it feels so fucking good.’”
“Ahhh, and do you feel like that now Isabella? If I allowed you, would you cum?” As he said this he popped the suction thing off my other nipple.
“Yes Sir,” I said as I sucked in air, while he ran that crop over my very sensitive breasts.
“Hmmm, too bad that is not going to happen. Not tonight anyway.”
The screen went black but the sound remained on and all I could hear were my cries of pleasure while I withered there on the floor.
“I believe that you need more of a reminder of who you belong to, and that your life is no longer your own. Your orgasms are mine to give or to withhold, and as long as one mark remains on your foot, they will be withheld.” With that said he reached down to remove the dildo from my body making me sigh partly in relief and partly in frustration.
I watched Edward remove his shirt and unbutton the top of his pants while he brought over a pillow which he placed under my head before removing his jeans and straddling my face. I opened my mouth to swirl my tongue over the head of his dick once, before sucking him into my mouth.
“Ahhh….that’s my girl.” Edward wasn’t taking it slow, and as he began to pump in and out of my mouth, I sucked and lapped on his shaft. “You’re the only one who can bring me pleasure Isabella. Just you.”
As his words registered in my brain I used more of my tongue moving it along his underside as he withdrew and more suction when he reentered. “Oh, Isabella, yes…just like that.”
His words were creating a fire in my soul and I was beginning to think how lucky I was to be the only one who could taste the essence of his seed. That thought made me more conscious of what I was doing and the groans of pleasure that were coming from Edward. At that moment it didn’t matter that I couldn’t orgasm, it was more important to me to make him have his release and let him finish inside of me. Taking his pleasure from me in whatever method he so choose.
I could feel his dick twitch in my mouth and I knew that he was close. I tried to suck him in deeper so he could cum in the back of my throat, but he abruptly pulled away, grasping his dick and came all over my neck. I looked up at him, his eyes were closed and his face was relaxed. When Edward opened his eyes he looked into mine and seeing the confusion there he explained.
“When your nutrition is as it should be, then you can have the privilege of me finishing inside your mouth.”
I couldn’t help the tears that filled my eyes, or the sob that escaped my throat. At that moment I felt completely unworthy, and he could have slapped my face and it would have caused me less pain then his words just did.
He moved quickly to release my legs, stretching them and rubbing the area where the ropes had been. Next came my wrists, and then finally my arms were free and I was sitting on Edward’s lap in the chair. He was running his hands down my back in a soothing manor while I cried on his shoulder.
“Shhh…stop the tears.” I sniffled trying to bring myself under control again as he cupped my chin to make me look at him.
“Listen to me,” I focused on the movement of his lips as he spoke, “I told you that my rules are not something that I play around with. I also told you that I would not enjoy having to punish you, because it will hinder my enjoyment of you. Now it is what it is, take the punishment and learn from it; so we do not have to have this discussion ever again.”
I nodded at his words, because I just didn’t know what to say. I felt so wretched, like I had let him down in such a big way, and I wondered how long this last consequence was going to continue? I didn’t ask him, I just let him lead me into the bathroom to take a shower. It was a very quiet shower and when we were done, Edward handed me a robe telling me to go to bed.
He didn’t invite me to sleep in his bed, so I went to my own room curling up in the soft comfy chair with a blanket laid over my body and my journal in my hands. I was finding it therapeutic to spill my heart and soul out in words. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that in the back of my mind I knew Edward would eventually read it. Maybe it just a way for me to vent; either way, I found a reprieve from all the emotions and feelings of inadequacy that I carried.
I had cried myself out while spilling my guts, and I must have fallen asleep in the chair because the next thing I knew Edward was putting me to bed and turning out the light. When he left the room I had so wanted to scream out for him to stay, but I didn’t think he would. There, in the darkened room, a feeling loneliness erupted inside me and I cried.
I don’t have a lot to say. Just a few shout outs.
To everyone who is reading my story. Thank you
To those of you who leave a comment. Mega Thank you. Your ideas and thoughts are fantastic and I enjoy reading every one of them. I try to reply to each one, if I miss you I’m sorry.
To those of you who are pimping out this story you all know who you are. I was only given one name - keitachibana along with vbfb1 for adding Diamond to her Domward’ Dungeon Series…Extra Mega Thank you…As a reader who pimped, that means so very much to me.
I saved the best for last to my beta MommyLovesEdward…Super Mega Extra Thank you…You rock girl!!! It makes it easier for me in so many ways, since you jumped on board and this journey became a lot more fun… love ya girl!
I have gotten a few questions for the OT I want to do, but I am going to need more. Please keep them coming. Also I had a request for more pictures, those have been posted on the Extra’s under photos. I do have a picture of the tattoo I will post it when Bella gets it. So you will see it the same time Edward does.
I believe that is all the housekeeping I have other than to say. The idea for this story is mine, the words are mine, sadly the characters are not…because oh...what I would love to do with Edward…lol
I hope you like this chapter, it’s an absolutely must be done kind of chapter…there are no warnings necessary, at least I don’t think so…enjoy.
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