“Master your
girl feels naked”
eyes shifted from the road in front of us to me, taking a quick glance down my
body as he smiled appreciatively “I have to agree Isabella. That dress is
rather revealing”
Revealing? He wasn’t kidding.
I had known
that the dress Alice made for me was very form fitting however as Charlie had
pointed out I had gained about five pounds. Nothing that made me flabby or
produced pouches of blubber, instead the added weight filled in my breast and
added to the curves in my hips. The soft blue leather that had already been sexy
became down right provocative. Pulling the soft Italian fabric over my body had
turned into a major feat.
We had
arrived at Emmett and Rose’s with our party clothes in garment bags, dressed in
jeans and a t-shirt. It was the first time I had been in their home and the
modern sleekness certainly fit Rose’s taste. The whole first floor was open yet
each room was clearly offset from the others by the choice of wall coloring
while the black textured cement floor ran cohesively through the whole thing.
High end stainless steel appliances filled the kitchen with rich warm chestnut
cabinetry surrounded by deep beige walls. The dining room was light sea foam
with rich purple accents that had someone told me that color scheme I would
have never thought they worked, yet together it was very striking. The sitting
area was muted yellow with a large “L” shaped dark brown suede couch set and
maroon chairs. So many different colors that all seemed to work together in a
mish-mosh of modernism.
Rose had
made a simple dinner of Baked Ziti with a salad and bread, which I watched her
finish while Edward went with his brother to take our stuff upstairs. My
instructions for the evening had been made clear to me in the car. While at
their home we were on relaxed protocol with all rules in force and I was to
always remember who I belonged to.
As if I could ever forget.
Handing Rose
the bottle of wine we brought, she hugged me then smirked “I hear we are
already related”
I laughed
because after the initial shock of Caius’s assumptions it was just the most
ridiculous thing I had ever heard “Is he crazy or what?”
“Hey don’t
you be talking about me” Emmett chuckled while coming into the kitchen area with
Edward following. My eyes immediately went to my Master who smiled as he gave
the hand single that allowed me to continue on as I had been.
Halting the
motion of tossing the salad Rose smirked “You know Emmett not every
conversation revolves around you”
“Well it
should” he announced making me laugh while Edward shook his head as he started
opening the bottle of wine.
insisted there was nothing for me to do leaving me to sit on the stool to
continue watching her check the food. My bottom was slightly tingly so while we
all talked more about what Aro was planning to do with what Mr. Weiss had
uncovered I found myself shifting around. Placing the glass in front of me,
Edward leaned in to kiss my temple and give me a stern warning “Sit still”
“Yes Sir” I
whispered reaching for my drink while sneaking a peak to see if either of them
had heard me.
It didn’t
appear that they had or if they did neither of them cared, it was one of the
best things about being around Rose and Emmett. I could openly be Master’s
submissive without fear of condemnation, it made me feel venerable. That added
to the fuel of desire cursing through me making the itch between my thighs from
the tingle in my butt turn into a raging fire. All of that was not helping with
the command of sitting still, nor was the hand Edward had snaked under my hoodie.
His large
warm palm rested on my back with his thumb absentmindedly stroking my skin. While he spoke my mind could only focus on the
feel of his hand and the reason for the sizzle in my bottom that was all of a
sudden causing me to grow uncomfortably wet.
OH… please give me something to do
Not really
paying attention to what Emmett was saying I was struck dumb at his comment
“You have to do it Bella”
“Do what?” I
“Call Aro
daddy” the suggestion said as if it was obvious.
My mind had
been so focused on Edward’s hands and the glorious things they did to my body I
had missed the whole conversation; however that idea was out of the question.
Shaking my head I made it very clear “No way”
“Come on
little Bell, just one time. All you have to do is say it loud enough for people
to hear.”
“No Emmett.”
I was not going to be feeding into all the hype or gossip. Caius could go
around thinking anything he wanted to. All I wanted was to be able to go to the
club and have a normal enjoyable evening.
“Dude tell
her to do it, come on it would be funny as hell” he laughed while Edward shook
his head and I was glad that he shared my opinion.
Not wanting
to take ‘no’ for an answer – I could kind of see where Alice got it from –
Emmett continued on with the scenario he had envisioned. He was going on and on
about the rumors that would be flying around along with wanting to see the
expression on Aro’s face from my use of the term. I continued to refuse him along
with Edward who unequivocally stated “It’s not going to happen Emmett”
Rose said the food was done, and we could finally eat. The dinner conversation
focused on the next day, we were all going to Edward’s parents on Bainbridge for
a large family dinner. Emmett told us Carlisle was going to pick us up at
Salmon Bay Marina on his boat at one o’clock, that way we wouldn’t be bound by
the ferry schedule. I wasn’t even aware that they had a boat yet I suppose when
you lived on an Island it was probably a good thing to have. The rest of our
conversation somehow turned to my family coming to town the following weekend
and then to Edward’s birthday. That was something I made a mental note to speak
to Esme about. Before long Alice had shown up with a rather large tote bag
slung over her shoulder.
Alice was
anxious for us to get ready but she took a few minutes to sit with a glass of
wine while we finished our meal. Once we
were all done she took her glass upstairs to get the hot rollers started while
we all helped clear off the table. Working in the kitchen gave me a chance to
appreciate just how high end the appliances were. The stove alone was a gourmet
cook’s dream with two ovens, six burners and a built in griddle that I would
die to have.
kitchen is fantastic Rose” I told her wiping off the drool worthy stove top
while she loaded the dishwasher. In fact
the whole house was spectacular, the moderness was not my style yet I could
still appreciate a nice home when I saw one.
“Thanks” she
said giving the countertop a glance “I’m not sure how we’re going to child
proof it once the baby comes but…”
Rinsing out
the sponge I cut her off “You have some time, and I’m sure you’ll figure it
out. Besides Emmett could always keep the baby entertained by singing him one
little, two little, three little Indians”
She laughed
while Emmett who was putting things in the refrigerator wondered “What the fuck
is little Indians?”
I was
shocked, how the hell could he be a daddy and not know that song “You know…” I
said turning to look at him and started singing as I did the hand motions.
One little, two
little, three little Indians
Four little, five
little, six little Indians
Seven little, eight
little, nine little Indians
Ten little Indian boys
Ending the song
with my fingers spread and both hands in the air, he narrowed his eyes “Is that
politically correct? To say Indians, wouldn’t that be offensive to the Native
“Of course
not” I knew lots of Native Americans and it was not something that would offend
them. “Besides it’s just a nursery rhyme that daddy’s use to show counting
skills along with eye hand coordination”
“Hmmm…” he
mused “It sounds corny, and my son will not be singing about Indian boys, that will
have to be changed to Indian girls. Then when he’s fifteen I’ll tell him what
he can do with the ten girls”
Oh my god
chuckled while Rose spoke before my mind could think of anything to say “You
are not telling our son to have an orgy”
“Oh come on
Rosie, it’s every boys dream”
“Ten?” I
questioned “he’d be dead”
Emmett shook
his head “Not at fifteen, he’d be tired but he’d be damn happy”
I groaned
while Rose huffed “There is no way you are going to be in charge of sex
“Of course
not…he’ll learn that from his friends and the internet like everyone else, I’ll
just fill in the blanks.”
“You are not…” Rose started to say but Emmett interrupted her “That’s what father’s do”
“Did your
dad do that?” I asked with a sarcastic grin
“As a matter
of fact, he did” Emmett replied with such confidence that I was tempted to believe
“Carlisle told
you about orgies?”
“Noooo… that
came later, in college. Along with whips, blindfolds and girl on girl action.”
surprised there was no man love occurring” Emmett’s face narrowed and I
suddenly wondered if maybe there was.
“You ever
been to an orgy?”
“No” I said
shaking my head while Emmett nodded “Well once you go, you’ll see what I mean”
My mind
started coming up with all kinds of images some were pleasant others just plain
nasty, one thing I knew for certain was, there was no way I would participate
in any group sex. “Yeah, I think that’s something I’d rather not know”
“Oh come on
Bella, where’s your sense of adventure?” Rose asked with a laugh.
“I guess I
left it in college”
smirked “But all you did in college was study”
“That’s what
I was there for” I had worked so hard to get my degree in the college that had
at one time been nothing but a dream. So when I had gotten the chance to go,
there was no way I would have been frivolous and blown the opportunity.
“And to live
a little and experiment” Emmett said
the word with a twinkle in his eye so I knew what he was talking about.
That just
wasn’t me, and there really was no regret in how I spent my college years, which
never would have included orgies. Perhaps a few parties or bonding friendships
would have been welcomed but again I did what I had to do and there were no
regrets. Picking up my glass I was just about to take the last bit of wine in
it when the sigh escaped me.
My eyes met
Edward’s at the same time the sound of the snap hit my ears while he pointed to
the corner saying the one word I dreaded “Now”
Fuck, Fuck, FUCK
I stood
there with wide eyes watching as his narrowed, I could feel the weight if his
stare boring into me until it was almost stifling. My chest felt heavy and the
dread in my stomach felt like it was doing summersaults. I knew Edward was serious, I also knew that he
had already told me the next time I hesitated he would drag me to the corner.
That little scenario would have been more embarrassing then if I just went on
my own. It was with that thought I kept my eyes down, not daring to look at
anything or anyone except the place Edward’s finger was pointing to.
My cheeks
burned from humiliation as I stood staring at the point where the two beige
walls joined together. The words which I knew by heart coming out of my mouth
in a quiet hush, “making irritating noises such as sighing or grumbling is…”
“I can’t
hear you Isabella” The forcefulness of the statement only serving to bring more
attention to my discipline.
Not able to
help the reaction I huffed in disapproval causing Edward to become even more authoritative
“Now you can double it”
Damn it Bella
I had been
doing so well with catching myself before I sighed and although I wasn’t happy
about the predicament I found myself in, I completely understood why I was in
it. Master had made it very clear that during our usual time I was not to sigh,
roll my eyes, grunt, huff or in any other way show discontent. It didn’t matter
if the offensive action was in response to him, someone else or myself, I was
to learn to control my reactions.
Standing in
the corner my mind went through a barrage reasons why I was there while warring
with itself for the justification of not obeying. I was a grown woman who could
have said ‘No’ yet I knew that was
not going to happen. The words that Jane had spoken to me all those weeks ago
while I sat in her kitchen came back to me.
‘Those that think this life is easy only
want the rewards and the playtime. They have no intentions of growing or
changing, so when that first real punishment comes and they have to think about
something other than what they want, they are gone’
This life
that I had chosen to share with Edward was more than just playtime. It was my
desire to be Master’s submissive in every sense of the word. I had given him my
total surrender to do with me as he sees fit, knowing full well that it is
always for my betterment. Because it was only through my constant attention and
obedience to his needs that I could accept the changes he was making and grow
to the person I wanted to become. Like a parent correcting a child, the
correction Edward used was for my sake, not his.
With that
revelation it no longer mattered who was in the room, or if Emmett thought it
funny or Rose found me weak. I knew none of that was true. I was a strong,
independent and determined woman whose sole focus was to honor her Master and
remain obedient to his will.
The words
began to flow from my month with assured clarity “Making irritating noises such
as sighing or grumbling is rude and juvenile. If Master’s submissive is going
to behave like a moody child then he will treat her like one.”
Using my
fingers to mentally tick off the twenty sentences, I took a deep breath and
turned around to find the room empty, except for Edward. He was sitting on the
stool with his arms resting on the surface of the island patiently waiting for
me to finish. Holding my gaze, he stood as I moved towards him.
Not thinking
twice, the words of truth left my mouth “Thank you Master for patiently
teaching your girl the correct way to serve you.”
his head he gently placed a kiss on my forehead “You’re welcome nâhtötse. The
girls are waiting for you upstairs. Go”
He ordered with a rather heavy swat on my butt. The action making me yelp as my
bottom was overly sensitive from the attention he had given me in the playroom.
The note he
had left on the door was very simple in its instructions. I was to wait for him
on the chair with the cane lying across my lap wearing only my t-shirt and
panties. I knew that there was no reason
to rush as Edward wouldn’t be joining me until Emmett and his uncles left, yet
still I didn’t dawdle. Moving to my
closet to strip out of everything except what he had requested and then going
to the bathroom so I could pee and brush my teeth. Taking a look in the mirror
to make sure my hair was still decent after the nap I was struck by the
reflection in the mirror.
My face was
the same, heart shaped with high cheek bones, my bottom lip slightly larger than
the top probably due to how often I chewed on it. My hair a deep chestnut color
with subtle shades of auburn highlights that I have worn in the same style
since I was a teenager, it was all so very familiar. The difference was in my
eyes, I had always thought them to be mousy brown, dull and lifeless. Standing
there in the stark white bathroom under the bright overhead light, I noticed a
twinkle, a spark of joy that I had never seen before. It took me a few minutes
to recognize what it was, then it dawn on me, for the first time in my life I
was truly happy.
I could say
I trusted Edward and that I loved him, yet I had said those words to another
without really meaning them. They were empty statements that only caused me
pain and destruction while the lifelessness in my eyes grew. The reflection
staring back at me was a woman who truly meant what she said. She was a woman
filled with contentment, security and most of all joy. A bliss that came from
the fact that she knew the words and sentiments where true, more importantly
she knew without a doubt the one who received her affections would never
exploit them.
Even with my
new epiphany, sitting in the chair waiting for Edward my hand stroked over the
smoothness of the leather covered cane. I was slightly nervous as I wasn’t sure
what he had planned. That was nothing to be ashamed of because Edward had
already told me new experiences will always cause a bit of fear and that’s what
was flowing through me – adrenaline spiked fear.
With my
fingers skimming over the black leather my mind kept thinking back to what Pappy
had said about cane play. No matter how I tried to justify it by telling me
myself that lots of people do it, and revel in it, one word kept popping in my
head- Pain.
I had never
really thought of myself as being a masochist, pain wasn’t something I had
enjoyed, if it was then I would still be with James. He was a sadist who inflicted
torment for his own pleasure. No that’s not true, even a sadist can be
respected by a willing partner. James was a sadistic abuser who used force and
fear to control. There was no choice on my part; he seized what he wanted
without any concern for my mental, physical or emotional wellbeing. He tore me
down to the point of forcing me to be seen as a nothing.
Strange that
with Edward it is the exact opposite, I freely lower myself in servitude to him
and in that action, I become everything.
I suppose the
contradiction is due to the fact that James and Edward are two men who want the
same things yet they are exact opposites in both demeanor and purposes. James took, with Edward I give. James used
fear, Edward uses my desires. James attacked out of selfishness, Edward
instructs out of loyalty. James was uncontrolled, Edward is always restrained. James
cared only about himself, Edward places me above all others. James violated
every ounce of respect I had towards him, Edward values every little bit of it.
differences in both logic and circumstance could go on indefinitely because the
men were exact polar opposites of one another. Bottom line was, with James I
feared for my life; with Edward I have realized what life is.
The door to
the playroom opened and I was totally shocked when Seth came over to where I
was sitting. That was a new development as Edward had never allowed the dog in
with us and it made me wonder why now. I was also slightly unsure as to what
reaction Edward was expecting from me. Normally I was kneeling and would wait
for him to address me, yet with me sitting comfortably in the chair I thought
maybe I should go to him. Patting Seth on the head I rose from the chair to go
present myself, glad that he seemed pleased with my action.
“Vey good
Isabella. I have to admit I wasn’t exactly sure how to handle the situation, as
I have never had a submissive who was not formally waiting. I also have never
had a submissive in my playroom with clothes on”
The thought
of other’s waiting for him was not a pleasant one, however I could push it
aside knowing that there have been others in the past, but there would only be
me from now on. Then I began to wonder why he request that I keep clothes on.
That question was answered without me voicing it.
“I was
afraid that had you been nude my control would have slipped” His hand reached
out to skim the back of his fingers over my hard nipples “However I think you
could be wearing a plastic garbage bag and you would make me hard”
intensity of his stare along with his words and actions made the muscles in my
stomach clinch as a small moan left my throat.
“That is not
helping Isabella”
Then stop looking at me like that
Taking a
deep breath Edward let out a long “Hmmmm…let’s get to work, shall we?”
“As you wish
The sly
smile on his face made me think that he was contemplating the thought of
forgoing his plans in favor of taking me right there. I wouldn’t have minded
the change, yet always the restrained one he had me follow him over to the wall
cabinet which house the canes.
Opening it
up he turned to me, eyeing the leather cane in my hand “Before we begin I was
very curious as to how you chose that particular cane”
It wasn’t a
direct question so I remained quiet until the order came “Tell me Isabella”
“Last night
at the club Pappy was giving a bit of a lesson in cane play. He explained the
differences in material and how each one created a different strike. He then
answered questions and recommended that a leather cane is the best one for the
beginner Dom or submissive. He said the
leather helps to take some of the sting out of the strike.”
“I see. Did
you ask the question?”
“No Sir”
“Why not?”
“Your girl
would have but Pappy had already answered what she wanted to know”
“Good” That
was all he said and I wasn’t sure if he meant good I had questions or good I
didn’t have the chance to ask. That was something I would need to clarify,
“Then since
you seem to have gotten a crash course I am going to ask you to pick out yet
another cane, this time for me.”
I stared at
the four remaining instruments of punishment trying to think which one would
best. Pappy had said Bamboo splinters and even though I knew Edward would make
sure it was safe to use I decide to go with the Rattan. Taking it out of the
holder that reminded me of a Pool Stick caddy, I held it out to Edward.
“Are you
sure” he asked holding it level with his chest while one hand slid along the
smooth length.
“Yes Sir”

glanced at me with a grin “I know it’s rather amusing, but the cushy-tushy is a
perfect way to practice”
Practice? Did Edward need to practice?
look at me” there was still the dark expression of my Master, the one that can
melt me with a glance, yet it was relaxed and rather playful. “We are going to
have another first. During the next hour or so you are to mind your speech but
I want you to speak freely, ask questions and be open with me about what you
are thinking and feeling. Do I make myself clear?”
I thought
about it and understood that he was telling me all protocols were suspended.
The only thing I wasn’t clear about was when he said mind my speech. “Does
Master want his girl to refer to herself and him in a formal manor?”
“Yes, this
is still my playroom. You are not to dishonor it by being insouciant. Yet I
need you to be open with me so I can gage your emotional state.”
It was one
of the first and only times I could remember Edward telling me his motives,
which made me think that maybe he was as nervous as I was. Biting my lip my head nodded in agreement.
“Yes Sir,
your girl understands”
“Good” he
once again eyed the cane in my hand “One more question before we begin. That
cane you are holding, would you like to exchange it for the one in my hand?”
My eyes
narrowed as I thought about what he was asking. Why would I want to swap with
him? As my mind went completely blank I stared at the Rattan rod that Edward
continued to stroke.
If he’s holding that one and decides to
strike me with it…
switch Master” I said quickly thrusting my leather one out to him.
“I think
that might be a wise choice Isabella” the words and look he gave caused the
nervousness to return.
turned to face the cushy-tushy, positioning his body to stand sideways with his
legs shoulder width apart. Looking over his shoulder her held out his hand to
me “I want you to kneel between my legs with the cane on the floor in front of
My knees and
hips just fit in the open space with my shoulders pressed against the back of
his legs. Edward patted the outside of his right thigh “Hug my leg and rest
your head right here”
Getting into
position I closed my eyes and tried to prepare for what I knew was coming. Reminding
myself that I was far away from James and that I safe in the playroom with
Edward. I knew in my head that he wielded a cane and not a belt still the Swish - Thwack sound caused my skin to
crawl with fear. Swallowing hard I tried to push the terror down as I willed my
brain to not take me to the dark places.
Clinging to
Edward’s leg like he was a life preserver with my eyes so tightly clenched
together they were starting to throb. The Swish
through the air was deafening, the Thwack
made me jump as my grip tighten around him. I was scared shitless as the next
slice through the air caused my stomach to turn bringing the nauseating
anticipation of the Thwack.
I was
starting to feel light headed and I grasped that my breathing was out of
control but I was so tense with expectation of the noise there was no way I
could get it together. After a few seconds I realized the last Thwack never happened. My mind started
to come back to reality as I comprehended the fact that I was squeezing
Edward’s leg so tightly it was a wonder he was able to remain standing. The
next thing I became conscious of was the soothing tone of Edward’s voice “Isabella…breathe…nice
deep breaths…come on baby…”
The feel of
his hand stroking my face along with the ease of his voice bringing me back to
reality “Open your eyes Isabella….”
tightness in my face relaxing as my eyes fluttered open while he wiped the
tears off my cheeks. “Where are you Isabella?”
Taking a
deep breath while looking around I answered weakly “In the playroom”
“Good girl”
his thumb continued to stroke the moisture off my cheek “And who are you with?”
the grip on his leg my head tilted to gaze up at him “With my Master”
He smiled
warmly as his hand stroke the contour of my jaw “That’s right nâhtötse. Take a
deep breath for me” breathing in with me before saying “Now let out”
“That’s my
girl” he smiled down at me as I took a few more cleansing breaths until my
pulse had settled into a normal rhythm.
“Are you
“Yes Sir” my
voice sounding normal
tilted his head to regard me “Would you like to try again or should we call it
a day?”
We were in
His Playroom and he was giving me the choice, in a way I felt validated as I
wondered how often that had occurred. I also wondered if part of Edward would
have been happier had we quit.
Taking a
deep breath I steeled myself and answered confidently “Let’s try once more”
The look of
disappointment in his eyes told me I had guessed correctly, he would have definitely
preferred to stop.
“Ok…but let’s
try something different.”
Edward had
me move forward so the back of my shoulders rested on the front of his legs. He
then called Seth over to lay down with his snout on my knee. “Pet him, but I
want you to keep your eyes open and watch the cane. Do not take your eyes off
what the cane is doing. Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir”
The calming
mundane motion of running my fingers through Seth soft fur eased my nerves.
With wide eyes I watched as Edward held the cane with both hands about a foot
away from his hip. He let his arms swing forward, slicing the rod through the
air a second before making contact with the fake ass cheeks. The sound of the
cane hitting the prosthesis caused me to flinch but the overwhelming fear was
gone. Edward’s hand withdrew back and I watch his wrist stay firm as the Swish of the air occurred before the Thwack that I sat quietly for.
Getting back
into his stance he started to explain “This is called American Caning. Some
call it The Lazy Swing style because there are no arches or curls. It’s a
straight swing” His hands moved slowly in demonstration. “The dominant always
needs to mindful of where the tip is and where the cane is landing. It is
absolutely necessary to always keep the rod straight as it hits the skin in an East-West
I didn’t
know why he was telling me all this however his instructions were easing my
tensions and I found the whole thing rather fascinating to the point where I
wondered “Are there other swings Master?”
“Yes…but we
refer to them as styles not swings”
Shifting the
weight on is legs while rising is arms until the cane was shoulder level he
went on “English Canning is done with a cocked wrist and the rod is dropped
down in an arch or ‘L’ shape motion. Always making sure to keep the cane
straight before striking”
As he did
the motion I had to crane my neck around his leg to see the movement of his arm
once again flinching at the Thwack and making Edward warn “Keep watching the
cane Isabella”
“Yes Master”
I realized quickly as I suspected Edward did too, that the sound of the strike
wasn’t as bad if I was expecting it.
showed me few more techniques the Asian style and the Middle Eastern style both
of which he explained as being very painful and usually reserved for punishment
or used on masochist and pain sluts.
After giving
me the basic run down fear once again ran through me at the command “Stand up Isabella”
Dread and
anxiety flooded my system as he helped me to my feet and my legs started
shaking at the announcement of “Your turn”
behind me I was expecting Edward to remove the cushy-tushy, instead he placed
me in the same position he had been in.
Standing to the left side of the horse with my legs slightly parted “Ok
Isabella use both hands to grip the handle, placing your right hand on top”
He was going to show me how to swing the
For some odd
reason my fear turned to excitement as he placed my hands into the proper
position showing me how to clinch the rod between my thumb and forefinger. He
told me to allow most of the weight to be supported by those two fingers while
the rest of my hand remained in a loose grasp. Once Edward was satisfied with
how I was holding it he stepped back to allow me to ‘swing away.’ The first strike was rather hard creating a straight
indentation in the stuffing in the fake cheeks as the cane vibrated in my
chuckled “That would have broken the skin”
Holding my
hands he pulled them back into position and swung through while talking softly
against my ear “Slow and gentle, even pain play is loving Isabella”
“It is?” The
rod made contact with the same Thwack yet
there was no indication as to where we had struck.
“Of course
it is. This is sensual play, we are not trying to inflict punishment or lasting
marks. The only thing you want to feel is the sensations.”
“So you just
stand back and flail away” I said taking another swing while Edward laughed.
exactly, I’m sorry if I gave you that impression. In real cane play, just like
any other instrument there needs to be a warm up so the skin doesn’t get
“Warm up?” I
questioned while Edward stepped in closer to me with his thighs straddling my
hip as his left hand laid flat against my belly and his right hand rubbed over
my pantie clad bottom.
“Yes, warm
up starts with some rubbing” my body automatically leaned into his hand as it
roamed roughly over my butt cheeks. His breath on the side of my face sending
chills through my body as he spoke “Keep working nâhtötse”
While I went
back to what I was doing Edward continued to demonstrate the process of warming
up “Then you add a few tight grabs and pinches”
I couldn’t
help the moan that came out when his hand firmly gripped my cheek causing my
panties to suddenly become very wet. “Master?”
“Then what?”
yes I was practically begging him to continue.
“Well…” the
smile in his voice so clear I wanted to look up him to make sure I was correct
but to my disappointment Master kept his hand on my stomach as he moved to
stand behind me. “…in this case I would continue the warm up with the cane.
Using small taps to get you accustomed to the feel of it on your skin, like
Grasping my
hands he started to show me what he meant.
I was
expecting him to use the tip to demonstrate the taps, instead it was rod itself
“You never allow the tip to hit the skin because that holds the most force and
will easily cause skin breakage. Now you try, begin with light taps over the
whole surface and then once you’re ready, build up to a real strike”
He stood
away from me allowing me to play and experiment with the stuffed bottom. Each
quick tap almost bouncing off the cushy-tushy with the vibration of the cane emanating
through my hand. I was so engrossed with what I was doing that it took me a
full second to realize that my own bottom was vibrating. Then the small sting
followed by a warmth that actually made me purr in pleasure. I was too afraid
to acknowledge what I knew to be true. Instead opting to continue tapping the
cane I was holding against the cushioned rear end until once again feeling a
vibration on my bottom.
“Mmmmm” I voiced
while Master ordered “Do it in a faster motion Isabella, move the cane across
the whole surface. You need to get the whole area warmed up.”
Each time I
stuck Edward would too. My bottom was vibrating with tingly warmth as each tap
landed on a new area. The raps weren’t very hard yet the repetitive motion was
causing a somewhat pleasant sting that was building a yearning in me to feel
more. Afraid to actually voice my desire for fear that it might be granted, I
got slightly braver by pulling my hand back to strike my cane as I wanted
Edward to strike his.
The first
one I landed went unreciprocated, the second one was exactly as I had intended.
I felt the impact of the rod land simultaneously across the fleshly underside
of both butt cheeks. The sting was unlike anything I had ever felt before. My
whole body stiffened as the warmth I had grown accustomed to turned into a
burning fire of pulsing throbs.
Holy Mother Fucking Hell
flooded between my thighs drenching my panties while my body shook and for some
reason, I wanted to feel it again. Taking a deep breath my hand came back and a
split second after my cane landed the sheering sting hit on the fullness of my
butt cheeks making me cry out “OH FUCK!”
The warmth
radiated through my body as the throbbing pain caused the moisture to seep down
my legs. My lungs felt like they were gasping for breath while my chest
expanded and contracted in exaggerated motions. The lower half of my butt felt
red hot to the point where the top half was almost jealous.
Pulling my
hand back Edward asked “Again?”
“One more
Master, please”
I must be out of my fucking mind
there I debated with myself over dropping the cane and just telling him I
changed my mind. However there was something deep inside me that wanted to see
it through, some kind of pride or anxious anticipation. Like standing on the
cliff ready to jump off, of strapping yourself into the seat of the newest
roller coaster, the fear became part of the rush.
Relaxing, my
breathing settled back down into deep calming rhythem, pulling my hand back the
swing connected as the sting on my butt hit exactly where I needed it to. The
cane in my hand dropped to the floor while my body registered the effect in a
shudder that rocked me to the core. Before I knew what was happening Edward had
his arms around my waist clutching my back against his chest. Using his strong
arms I sagged against him in penetrating need.
Not even sure what I was asking for.
As always Edward
knew exactly what to do.
His one hand
began manipulating my nipple, pulling and tugging while the other slipped into
the front of my panties sliding trough my folds “Fuck Isabella, you’re
No shit
Two fingers
plunged inside me while his thumb moved in a milking motion over my still
tender clit. It didn’t take very long before I cried out in explosive pleasure.
The orgasm came quick and strong making my body shake against his chest while
his hand drew out every ounce of bliss they could.
As the fog started to clear I heard my own
voice thanking him, for what I wasn’t exactly sure. For helping me face my
fear, for the red hot feeling radiating through my bottom or for the
overwhelming orgasm that I seemed to so desperately to need. Maybe it was all
three, I didn’t know nor care.
The next thing
I became aware of was we were laying down on the bed, Edward had me tucked
safely against his side while he stoked my back and made shushing noises
“Shhh…you did great baby. I’m so proud of you”
Clinging to
his shirt I tried to remember how we had come to lay down, the last thing I
could focus on was his hands on my and then …nothing. My body was shivering even snuggled against
his with a blanket over me. I was slightly confused as I asked “Master?”
here Isabella. Just calm down, you’ll warm up in a minute and then I’ll take
care of your bottom”
bottom? It felt fucking burning red hot
“Hmmm...” I
hummed against his neck while he asked “Are you alright? What do you remember?”
last strike, your hands, so wet…cumming…then…nothing.” Snuggling in closer I
admitted “your girl hit subspace”
“She sure
did” I felt the kiss on the top of my head “You did fantastic, were you
“Only in
that…yummy kind of delicious fear, but that last one did me in”
“That was a
full swing Isabella”
Pulling back
I needed to see his eyes for conformation I had heard him correctly “Really?”
I was damn
proud of myself and judging from the look of awe in my Master’s eye he had been
proud of me too. The burning in my ass was just a sweet reminder of how my
trust and love for the man allowed me to overcome the fears that had held me
down. I wasn’t exactly sure cane play would be something I wanted to participate
in on a regular basis, because let’s face it – it hurt like hell. But I also
knew that when the time came Edward would walk me through it the same way he
had done earlier.
Reaching the
top of the stairs he motioned to the closed door “They are in there waiting for
My soft
knock was greeted with Roses voice “Get your ass in here”
Edward once
again swatted my butt making me whimper causing him to grin “I like that sound
Evil Bastard
Rose was
sitting on dressing table bench wearing nothing but her bra and underwear while
Alice stood behind her rolling her hair up in ginormous curlers. My garment and
cosmetic bag sat waiting on the end of the bed. Alice glanced over at me
“You’re late, start doing your makeup and I’ll help you with your hair when I’m
done here”
Going into
the bathroom to pee and wash my face I came out to start getting ready and Alice
told me I should strip down to my underwear so my clothing wouldn’t smudge my
face or ruin my hair. Taking off my jeans and tee-shirt I moved to the vanity
mirror and heard the gasp “Holy hell what happened to your ass”
got canned”
around in the mirror I took in redness on my butt. It was still so hot even
after Edward cooled it with a cloth and used the lotion that I put on a thong,
which allowed the pinkness to really show. Looking at it closely I could see
one lasting faint line from Edward’s last strike.
“He hit you
with a cane?” Alice sounded sickened.
Glaring at
her I was going to remind Alice of our earlier talk when Rose spoke up. “It’s
none of your business just like those hooks hanging from your bed frame are
none of ours”
statement wasn’t something I was expecting to hear so I wondered “You have
“Not those
kinds of hooks....just small little eye hooks” clearly not wanting to talk
about it, Alice went back to Rose’s hair.
Starting on
my face I wasn’t going to let it go “So what are the hooks for?”
Both women
met my gaze in the mirror and I wondered “Does Jasper tie you up?”
“NO” Alice’s
voice was final while Rose snickered “Liquid flows better from a height”
Tapping the
excess face powder from the brush I froze as I thought about what Rose meant.
Liquid? What the hell do you need flowing
liquid in the bedroom for?
Seeing my
confusion Rose reached around to pat Alice’s butt “Jasper likes a clean
I gasped
“You kinky little bitch”
She had the
nerve to look cocky “I’m not the one standing here with a flaming red ass”
I could give
Alice that much but still, here she is acting all holier-than-thou when she
calls Jasper daddy and participates in enema play so she’s clean for anal sex.
Holding the mascara wand to my eyes a thought occurred to me. “So Alice, are
you tell me that Jasper has never spanked you while he’s tapping your ass?”
Shaking my
head I grinned at Rose as she interjected “How is that different?”
“Well for
one it’s in the heat of the moment and for another I don’t end up with a red
ass the next day”
“Next day?”
I questioned rubbing my hand over my cheeks “This just happened a few hours
Christ, are you two insatiable? You’re not going to do this when my child is
there are you?”
I could have
been a bitch instead choosing to be the bigger person “No…Tuesday night not
part of our… usual”
Rose laughed
and Alice rolled her eyes “Ususal? Do I even want to know?”
not” I assured her with a grin feeling rather vindicated. Alice and Jasper can
deny all they wanted but it was very clear that they were closet kinksters who
would rather be judgmental then admit the truth. That was ok with me; I could
accept them for what they are and love them in spite of themselves. If that
makes me arrogant, so be it. At least I knew the truth and had absolutely
nothing to be ashamed of or to have to justify.
Rose’s hair
was done and we traded places, Alice pulled my hair out of the pleat I had placed
it in after my morning shower. The natural waves the braid created disappeared
as Alice worked the straighter through. The topic of conversation had changed
to Mike Newton and Karen. Both women were as worried as Edward was about the
stability of my would-be stalker. Personally I had never done anything to the
girl, I barely remember her and there was not one thing I could think of that
she would want with me. I elaborated a bit more of Edward and my run in with
Jessica at the store and what she said.
Alice was
the one who voiced the question I didn’t want to think about “Do you think that
your ex-husband is involved?”
God I hope not
Wanting to
alleviate her worries I blew it off “I doubt it, he hasn’t been around me in
Even as I
said the words I remembered Charlie telling me that the only reason James is
staying away from me was because he worried about being prosecuted for
attacking me. My father was right; as long as I held the DNA over his head I
had leverage. Once the statute of limitations was up…
I didn’t
even want to think about it.
voice broke through my musing “Well you just be careful Bella. That Karen girl
sounds unstable and if she is in cahoots with your ex-husband. My god… Edward
would freak if something happened to you”
“Gee and
here I thought you were telling me you loved me” I joked
stopped twisting my hair to meet my eyes in the reflection of the mirror “You
know I love you”
I smiled
reassuringly “I know” And I did, the whole Cullen family has accepted me in to
their family with open arms.
My hair was
twisted into some kind of knot like ponytail with all the length hanging down
the middle of my back. Alice wanted to get my dress on before doing the hot rollers,
because she wanted me to practice sitting again and she didn’t want to mess up
my hair with the tugging and pulling. It turned out she was correct.
It took both
her and Rose plus a good amount of baby powder to get the hobble dress over my
head and down my body. I had absolutely no idea how the hell I was going to get
out of it and when I asked Rose just smirked “Don’t worry, Edward will get you
out, even if he has to cut the thing off you”
Sticking my
hands inside the front of the dress I adjusted my boobs noticing how they spilt
out of the top while Alice stuck her hand up my thigh to pull down the hidden
zipper. As she did the bottom half of the dress squeezed around me like a
vacuum packed seal. Alice had me put on
my shoes to practice walking and sitting down which didn’t seem as difficult as
I had remembered. She had just finished putting the last roller in my hair when
there was a knock at the door.
Alice cocked
the door open just enough to see who it was and for me to hear Edward tell her
that he had something for me. Refusing to allow him entry – which I thought was
totally silly – I mean really it’s not like it was our wedding day – she took
the small jewelry box from him. I had no idea what was in the small blue velvet
Opening it
up Alice groaned in disappointment at the pearl hair combs but my heart soared
“These are my collar combs”
“Master gave
me these to wear the night he collared me”
“Do you want
to wear them?”
Was Alice crazy?
“Of course I
do, they are special and more important Master wants me to wear them”
My hair was
finished and Alice tucked the two combs into place before giving me one more
round of hair spray. Even nearly six months pregnant Rose looked stunning in
the silver empire waist dress that hugged her body with sheer over laying Organza
that obscured her growing belly.
“Rose, you
look fantastic”
“Yeah, well
no one is going to be looking at me. Girl you are fucking hot”
Taking a
glance in the full length mirror I stood in awe of what I was seeing. There was
not one thing on my body that was not visible, including the small patch of
pubic hair which seemed to puff out.
Not even
thinking about it I asked Alice to unzip me and Rose for a razor as I headed
into the bathroom. Three minutes later I was re-zipped and completely bare; it
was only after the deed was done I thought about Edward’s response.
Several weeks ago he had asked me to remove it
and I baulked at the idea. That patch of hair has always been crutch for me; it
was a reminder of my freedom. The self-security I had fought so long to gain,
my independence from a man who sought my oppression. Standing there looking in
the mirror at the smoothness of my Pubic Mons then moving my eyes to the
Edward’s collar around my neck - I knew I was owned and yet I had never felt so