
A riding crop and a blindfold doesn't make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It's not a sexual thing to me, it's a very spiritual thing. ~ DominaBlue
Jasper & Alice OT - Aft Chap 77
Jasper’s POV
“Tired baby girl?”
My wife was lying across our bed wearing nothing but a bra and panties. The drive home from Lincoln City had been long, uneventful but still long. Although without the kids it was much better than the drive down. I would have liked nothing more than to make a pitcher of Tequila Sunrises and sat in the hot tub. That wasn’t in the cards as we had to be at Esme’s in two hours. It would have been nice to just say ‘fuck it’ and stay home. But we were expected and I would never do anything to disappoint the woman who was like a second mother to me.
Esme had always been nothing but gracious and kind, going out of her way to make a thirteen year old boy feel like family in her home. That was the year my father had semi-retired from active duty and we were again moving to a new city, only that time we were staying. Being the only child of career Army man meant that we never remained in one place very long which gave me very little time to forge friendships.
My father had followed up the Military Rankings and excelled at training the enlisted men. Throughout my early childhood it seemed like every other year we would be moved to a different base. When you’re an Army Brat you learn that it’s just a way of life. You also learn not to get too close to anyone because come the next year, there was not a chance in hell that person would be around.
My mother was always busy with her social affairs; she was the wife of the Sargent Major which meant she took it upon herself to get the other Army Wives acclimated to their surroundings. Usually the first thing we did when arriving somewhere new was enroll me in school and sign me up for whatever sports program was in season. It gave me something to do and kids my age to associate with while my parents went about their business.
It was sort of always expected of me to follow in my father’s footsteps, Career Army. After all I was an only child and male, so what else would I possibly do? I admired my father, respected him immensely, the man commanded a room as he commanded his troops, but I knew early on there was no way I wanted that life. I hated moving around, dreaded every time we sat down for dinner and my father announced ‘I received a new detail.’
Moving to Seattle was like a shock to the system. We had always lived in the South; I was born in West Virginia and in thirteen years my father had been relocated to South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky and Texas. I was use to southern hospitality, heat and sunshine. Washington had none of those things and to top it off he bought a house on an island.
Bainbridge was technically a part of Washington yet it was like its own little continent that required a ferry ride or your own boat to get to the main land. Going across the sound for the first time I remembered wondering where the heck my father was dragging us to. It was the middle of July, in Texas the temperature was a sunny humid ninety-five, and here it was barely seventy and raining.
As was the norm the first we thing my parents did was register me for school and meet the football coach. I was starting seventh grade and the middle school team was more than willing to have another body on it, which was when I first met Emmett.
We were both on offensive team, due to his sheer size he was the strong side tackle, while I was the wide receiver. We became fast friends and for the first time I allowed myself to become a permanent part of someone else’s life. Esme and Carlisle welcomed me to their home and their family like I was one of their own. Edward was a scrawny little shit who was always with their cousin Mason. The two younger boys tagged along with us whenever they could and of course there was Alice.
She was only eight when I first met her, hair in pig tails carrying around a doll. She was girly, girl who went to ballet lessons and yelled at her brothers because they wouldn’t play house or tea party with her. She was the princess who her parents indulged and her brothers pacified. She also followed me around like a lost puppy and at thirteen that irritated the shit out of me. She was like my annoying little sister and I started calling her ‘baby girl’ because that’s what she was, spoiled, coddled and prone to tears.
I was always with Emmett either at the Cullen’s or my house, usually theirs as they had all the cool things. Indoor pool, billiards, air hockey, gaming systems it was like a teenagers dream. The Cullen’s became the family I always wanted but never had. I was an only child with no real bonding friendships so I clung to the strong material instinct that came off of Esme, and the warm fatherly figure that was Carlisle.
I was included in trips to see sporting event, had presents under the enormous Christmas tree and went along to Disneyland with them. I was just as much a part of their life as they were mine. In fact one of the first funerals I had ever attended was Mason’s, and along with everyone else – I cried.
Throughout the years I had come to accept Alice’s constant presence as part of the package. She had grown to be not so annoying, exchanging dolls and tea parties for Walkman’s and movie posters. She also had grown rather useful, with her uncanny ability to know things she shouldn’t possibly know. Like where Emmett and I were and what we were doing. Usually leading Edward and Mason right to us, she also at times cautioned us on actives we just shouldn’t be involved in.
At first I found it to be awkwardly weird and questioned Emmett as to the freaky ’baby girl’. Over time it became a normal activity to ask Alice if it was safe to do something. Usually the answer was always a positive one but on the few times she said ‘no’ we listened. And I don’t ever remember a time when she was wrong including our high school graduation party.
It was being held in the woods behind one of our classmate’s house and we really wanted to attend. Alice insisted that we not, we listened – grudgingly - to find out the next day it had been raided. The bonfire had gotten out of hand, someone called the police and everyone there was charged with underage drinking. They all lost their drivers licenses; some had to forfeited scholarships. Emmett and I got drunk off our ass in the boathouse, hearing about the bust the next morning while being congratulated for making good choices.
Yeah – Thank you very much baby girl.
When we left for college Alice was thirteen, Emmett went to Dartmouth, while I stayed closer to home attending UW. It was a concession I gave to my father – to stay close to home - as he was still holding out hope I would join the military. He never came right out and said it but I truly believe that he was counting on me flunking out and having no other choice. During my breaks or long weekends I would go home and even though Emmett wasn’t always there I made it a point to visit the Cullen’s house.
Edward was in the last years of high school so when I went home he and I would sometimes hang out, go for pizza or whatever before he’d be off with his friends or a girl. Alice was maturing with braces, sleepovers and of course her dancing. I always kept in touch with Emmett, emailing every day and talking several times a week. We were all growing and changing but our friendship remained the same.
School was great, I found that I loved being on my own. The first semester I was in the dorm, but communal living reminded me of an Army Barracks. The next semester I got a job and my own small one bedroom apartment. It was over Mrs. Yeager’s garage, three rooms and a bath but it was cheap, had its own entrance and everything I needed. She was a nice lady who invited me for Sunday dinners, brought me homemade cookies and knocked rent off because I cut the grass or shoveled snow. That was the semester I also meet Maria.
She was my lab partner in Chemistry and hailed from outside of Dallas Texas. Maria was a spicy dark haired beauty who insisted she only wanted to be friends. That is what I thought we were, only with extra benefits, however it became clear that friends meant something else to Maria. The beginning of my junior year of undergrad I needed to start thinking about what Medical Schools I was interested in. There were several that peaked my interest and I thought about going to the East Coast, but I was counting on staying where I was. It seemed the best option. I had friends, my apartment, and a part time job working at the free clinic.
There was absolutely no desire in me to uproot myself especially since I was fairly certain of being accepted at UW. I’m sure that all the moving around from my childhood played a part in the decision. The very idea of starting over someplace else was not appealing at all. Maria wanted me to go back to Texas with her; she started hinting at us getting married, which completely flabbergasted me.
“Married?” even the word made me feel sick.
“Yes Jasper, that’s what adults do”
I knew what adults did, but I was still a big kid and the last thing I was thinking about was marriage. Besides as far as I knew Maria and I had nothing exclusive, she went with others as did I. At the end of the night if we were the only two people left, we went home together. It was fun and noncommittal but I certainly wasn’t willing to spend the rest of my life like that. And I certainly didn’t want to tie myself down to her because although I liked her, there was not an ounce of love and I told her that.
I would have thought that information would have hurt her instead she laughed bitterly “Love has nothing to do with it. I want you, I want to be the wife of a doctor, you owe me that much”
Was she out of her fucking mind?
I went home that weekend, my parents were on a cruise so the house was empty and there was no food. Needing someone to talk to along with a hot meal I drove over to see Esme. As always she welcomed me with open arms. We were in the kitchen, me sitting at the island drinking a Coke and Esme standing across from me forming burger into meatballs. She was going on about how Emmett was doing in New Hampshire, all of which I already knew as I had just spoken to him a few days prior.
Esme was talking about a girl, Meredith, who he was dating, according to her they had met at some activity meeting that Emmett was involved with. Her family was from Ohio and she was the daughter of a minister, which in Esme’s book meant she had high morals. Smirking at her description because although it was similar the information I had received was quite different.
Yes her name was Meredith; yes they met at an activity, if a frat party qualifies as an activity. Yes her family was from Ohio and her daddy was indeed a minister. Dating? High morals? Those were questionable.
Her scruples consisted of letting him tie her to a bed and fucking her seven ways to Sunday while she screamed out ‘Oh God’. I suppose that could be construed as a religious experience, just not the kind Esme had in mind.
Esme gave me her all-knowing mother’s eye “Do you know something you’re not telling me?”
Shaking my head I took a drink out of the can “No ma’ me, I would never keep anything from you”
“Ah uh” Esme smirked and went on talking about Edward; except that there wasn’t much to say other than his first semester was going well, he was fitting in fine. I knew the real truth; he was a little homesick and trying to ease the adjustment time by sticking his dick in anything that walked his way. Again not something I was willing to share
Esme wiped her hands on the towel draped over her shoulder, tilted her head and stared into my eyes. “What is it Jasper?”
“What is what?” trying to fringe innocence was futile as the woman who probably knew me better than my own mother pursed her lips while continuing to gaze at me “You know I’m always happy to see you dear but I can tell there is something troubling you”
When I didn’t immediately answer she patted my cheek “Tell me”
Taking a deep breath I spilled my guts to the one person who I was sure would not judge me. After giving her as much detail as I could share Esme sighed, went to the refrigerator and poured herself a glass of wine. She took a sip narrowed her eyes and asked “Did you lead her on?”
“No…” shaking my head in assurance “…I just thought we were friends…”
“With benefits“ She added and the way she said it made me feel almost ashamed of my actions but I nodded in agreement.
Esme pursed her lips, picked up the tray of meatballs and put it in the oven. Turning back around she sighed, took a drink from her glass then looked me straight in the eye and spoke as only a mother can. “You know Jasper sex is a funny thing, the difference between male and female…”
I interrupted her because I didn’t need a lesson on the birds and the bees “Esme, Carlisle gave us this talk a long time ago”
She smiled “I’m not talking about mechanics.” She paused giving me smirk “Although if you think about it, the whole thing is rather odd.” I chuckled because she was right it was odd.
“No…I’m talking about the emotional aspect.” I tried to interrupt her again but she held her hand up to cut me off “Just hear me out”
At my nod she continued. “For the male he can disassociate the act from the emotions, having no problem going from one woman to the next…getting his rocks off”
Oh Jesus…
The words making me blush which didn’t cause her any pause as Esme went right on talking “And the male will continue to do that, until he meets the one who means something to him. Then the intimacy takes on a different purpose and he gives of himself emotionally to the act, making it special.”
“The female is different” pausing dramatically to take another sip “I don’t care what the women’s lib movement says. To a woman sex is always emotional. Every time she is with a man she gives a little piece of herself to him. The act means something to her and Maria spent the last year and a half giving pieces of herself to you, banking that in the end it would mean something. Whether she was expecting your undying love or not doesn’t matter. She sees you as you are, handsome, intelligent, and hardworking, from a prosperous family and a future doctor. Right now she wants to collect the dividends on her investment. You are a high commodity and believe me I know something about women throwing themselves at Doctors ” She got a wistful look in her eye than asked “Now do you want my advice or were you just in need of clearing your chest?”
“Advice, I don’t want to hurt Maria, she a nice girl, pretty, intelligent…a dynamite fuck…” not saying the last part out loud. “…she’s fun, adventurous, southern…”
“Ohhh… I know how you like those southern bells…” she said in a mock southern accent taking another drink “…but if this Maria is all that, then what’s the problem? What’s missing?”
“I don’t know…but whatever it is, it’s not there and I’m not going to tie myself to someone simply out of obligation, which is what I think Maria wants.”
Esme raised her eyebrows at me and shrugged “So do you need to hear to from me that I agree with you before you do the right thing?”
That’s what I wanted to know
“What’s the right thing?”
I got the look of total disapproval “Jasper” her eyes narrowed as her tone became harsh “The right thing is to not string this girl along simply so you have someone to warm your bed with. The right thing to do is tell her there is no future for the two of you and leave her go to find happiness with someone else. The right thing to do is to say good-bye and mean it. Even if that means at the end of the night Maria is the only one left and you have to go home with Mary Fist”
My mouth opened in shock yet I was thoroughly admonished as I did know that was exactly what I needed to do.
Esme shook her head pouring herself another glass as she continued “Especially if this Maria girl is so set upon having you. Desperate women will do desperate things, so you need to make sure that you are always on guard and careful”
Esme took a drink before giving me a cunning look “Are you sure you’re going to be a doctor?” at my bewilderedness she sighed “Meaning…do I have to make sure that Carlisle sends you monthly care packages full of condoms, like I do for Emmett and Edward?”
“Ahhh…” I wanted to tell Esme that I was always safe but never got a chance to as a voice called out from the other room “Mom!”
“In the kitchen Alice”
I hadn’t seen Alice since the end of May when I came home for a two week break before summer sessions started. I was back several more times but she had been away, once at a dance camp, the other with the church youth group. The last time I seen her she was all ponytails and braces.
“Mom Sarah called she’s sick…” Alice stopped in the doorway, seeing me she smiled brightly “Hi Jazzy”
“Hey baby girl”
Although I wasn’t sure that was the right thing to call her anymore. The person standing there was not a baby. Her hair was cut short to her shoulders in a whimsical style that flattered her face. The braces were gone and she was wearing a black full body leotard that went from ankles to breast with small little straps over her shoulders holding it up.
Alice had breast?
That fact alone was astonishing along with the fluttery little see through pink skirt tied around her waist.
Holy Shit – Alice had a waist!
Esme turned to look at her daughter “What do you mean she’s sick?”
“She called to say she got sick after school and wasn’t going to practice, I need a ride”
“Alice I just had two glasses of wine, can you get a lift with someone else?”
Clearing my throat the two women –yes women- glanced at me “I’ll take you”
Alice smiled brightly while Esme asked if I wouldn’t mind. I told them both ‘no’ I would just hang out check out the bookstore for an hour then bring Alice back home because I was eating some of those meatballs.
Alice went into the other room coming back with a pair of black flats on and a tote bag with sparkly ballet slippers on it, slug over her shoulder. Esme said dinner would be ready when we got back and I walked ‘baby girl’ out to the car, holding the door open for her causing her to smile at me “Thanks Jaz”
The ride into town took only about ten minutes and we talked about her school, what she was thinking about doing in college and her sweet sixteen party, which was coming up in a few weeks. Her birthday was November sixth and I remembered Emmett saying that he and Edward were flying home for it.
Pulling up in front of the dance school there was some kid leaning against the wall by the entrance. He had blonde hair and a smirk on his face that I knew well. Alice glanced at him, then to me, getting a faraway look in her eyes before she sighed and went to open the door “Thanks again Jaz”
As she got out I told her I would be back in an hour and watched the kid stand up straight with a smile on his face walking towards Alice. He put his arm around her shoulder and something inside me made me want to hurt him. I didn’t stick around to see what they did, putting the car in reverse and driving to Barnes and Nobles.
That hour seemed to take forever however nothing would have prepared me for what I saw when I pulled up in front of the dance studio. Standing off to the side was Alice lip locked with the blond headed douche. Her hands wrapped around his neck and his hands palming her ass. The rage in me was flaring, how dare that little shit touch ‘baby girl’. She was too good for that loser and I knew damn well what he wanted from her. The same thing every other swinging dick wanted.
A piece of ass.
That thought enraged me even more as I wondered if he had already soiled her with his dick. I beeped the horn once making the douche jump and detach his mouth from her. Alice turned her head in my direction, looked back up at blond skumbag, said something and turned to walk away. When she moved I got out of the car giving blondie dickhead the nastiest look I could muster and opened the passenger door for Alice. The kid – yes he was just a kid – quickly walked out my line of sight around the corner of the building.
I slammed the door a little harder then I meant too, but fuck I was mad. Getting in the car I looked at Alice, her face was flushed with puffy lips like she had been aggressively kissing that schmuck for quite some time.
“Put on your seatbelt” I ordered, pissed at my reaction, pissed at her and pissed off at the little dickwad.
Alice gave me a slight smile but complied without any comment. I was so freaking outraged that rather than go straight back to the Cullen’s I drove in the opposite direction.
“Where are we going?”
Picking my phone up out of the console I handed it to Alice “Call your mom and tell her I forget something so we’re going to be a few minutes longer”
“Why?” she giggled
She fucking giggled
I was having a massive coronary and she was fucking giggling
“Why?” I questioned in outrage “What the fuck was that? Who the hell is that dipshit?”
“Elliot…” I glanced over at her waiting for the rest she sighed “Elliot Schoenberger”
“Doctor Schoenberger’s kid?”
“Yeah” Alice said bring the phone to her ear waiting for her mom to answer
While she spoke my eyes shifted over to look at her. The roundness of her childhood face was gone leaving well defined cheek bones and jaw line. She had grown up overnight and something inside me stirred making me feel – I didn’t know what the fuck I felt but it was something. All I could do was steal glances at her while I drove and as I did the mental image of blond horndog shoving his tongue down her throat and grapping her ass came to my mind. Alice shouldn’t be standing out in front of some building being groped by some little shithead.
She deserved better.
“Is he your boyfriend?” I asked when she put my phone back. At her casual shrug I had to know “Do you make a habit of playing tonsil-hokey with every swinging dick that comes along?”
It as crude but I was still mad. However I wasn’t ready for the answer I got or the ire in her voice “When did you become my father?”
“Your father? Baby girl if I was your father and saw what I just saw, you can believe me you would have been over my knee getting the spanking of your life”
I heard the gasp before glancing at her. She had her body turned towards me as far as the seatbelt would allow. There was intensity in her eyes that I couldn’t tell if it was anger or shock but her words totally blew me away. “Well I’ll tell you what Jasper Whitlock, when you become my daddy you can spank me all you want. Until then…”
Snapping her jaw shut she swung herself back into the seat and stared straight ahead out the window. Alice sat motionless not saying anything more. So when we came to a red light I looked over at her and tried to be a smartass by prompting “Until then?”
Turning her head to look at me her eyes bore into mine as she spoke with conviction “I guess we’ll both just have to wait” she kept staring at me and I couldn’t look away until from out of nowhere she said “the lights green”
The driver blowing his horn behind me broke us out of whatever trance we had been in. She went back to looking out the window and I drove us to the house. Alice got out of the car without waiting for me to open the door and all I could do was watch her walk into the house wondering what the hell that was all about. There was a voice in my head saying Alice knew something she wasn’t telling me, part of me felt kind of sick to my stomach about what it was. The other part could only picture Emmett’s face, and he was not happy.
My wife didn’t move as she sighed deeply “Yeah…I’m tired and was going to take a shower but…”
“But what?” I asked moving to lay down beside her, propping my head in one hand and running the other one down her back.
“I just didn’t have the energy” at her answer I smiled and my eyes fell on the ballerina figurine that held a predominate spot on her dresser.
It was Ukrainian porcelain entitled "BALLERINAS BEFORE THE SHOW." The figurine was made by a ceramic factory in Kiev somewhere around nineteen-twenty-four. It depicted two female dancers, one with dark hair standing erect while a blonde knelt before her lacing her slippers. The detail of the work was exceptional portraying flawless feminine forms with dainty fingers and high cheekbones. The colors we muted soft subtle flesh tones, delicate pink cheeks and mother of pearl accents on their dresses.
I knew that piece of art well as I was the one who bought it. It was in the window of an antique store that I had been walking by with one of my classmates. It was a Friday afternoon we had just gotten some lunch and were heading back to campus for our last class. After that I needed to rush over to the terminal so I could make the three-forty-five ferry over to Bainbridge. Emmett and Edward had flown in that morning for Alice’s party the next day, and I was meeting Emmett at The Grill.
My feet had traveled that street many times, walking past the store front without ever giving it a second glance. That day my eyes skimmed the vintage furniture and trinkets until setting on the figurine. I hadn’t gotten anything for Alice and it wasn’t like I was agonizing over the choice. I figured a card with a gift certificate would have sufficed. However there was something about those two tiny ballerinas that called out to me. Their grace, beauty and innocence was so alluring, I just knew ‘baby girl’ would love it.
The piece cost slightly more than a gift card – oh fuck, who the hell was I kidding – it was three times what I would have spent, but I didn’t have time to second guess. After the store keep meticulously wrapped and boxed it and I got back to campus, running ten minutes late for the start of class.
My car was already packed and I had told Mrs. Yeager I would be gone for the weekend. The ferry wasn’t crowded yet, the sun was shining and I was looking forward to a great weekend. It was good to see Emmett we ate greasy burgers and sat around talking. He asked about Maria, which took us into a discussion about what she was up to. I had taken Esme’s advice – sort of – only hooking up one more time with her in the three weeks since our talk. Maria was still around and had her sights on keeping me but that shit was getting old.
He was going on about Meredith; she was a kinky thing that seemed to bring out something in Emmett I didn’t understand. I had an aunt, my father’s sister, who married a man that controlled her life. Where she went, who she saw, even making her cut off ties with her only brother. It seemed wrong to me that someone else would have so much influence over a person. She was fearful, afraid to stay, afraid to leave and had no options. My father went to Tennessee once, brought her and my two cousins to live with us in Washington. They stayed for a few weeks until one morning we woke to find the three of them gone.
My father basically said that she had made her decision, running back to him, so she must like the abuse. It seemed sick and twisted to me, getting your kicks out of dominating someone. Yet what Emmett was describing was more like kinky games. I wasn’t above a playful smack on the ass while pounding into a woman from behind; inflicting pain with crops and belts? That was a different story.
I debated telling Emmett about ‘baby girl’ playing tonsil-tag with the blonde douchebag but decided against it. I figured he was going to be home for the weekend and Elliot dickwad Schoenberger would more than likely be at her party so he could see that shit for himself. And for some reason I was kind of happy about that.
We stayed at The Grill until after seven before going back to his house. Esme was busy with her check list for the party; Carlisle gave me a fatherly one arm hug and a pat on the back. “How are you doing son?”
“I’m good” there wasn’t much more to say as I had just been there less than a month ago.
Edward came down the steps saying hello and bitching about someone being in his room. I didn’t see Alice, when I asked where she was Carlisle said she was with the youth group. They were having some kind of all night movie thing at the church. In the back of my mind I was glad about that, church was a wholesome activity where she wouldn’t be getting her ass groped. Emmett started laughing about something to do with ‘Angles in the Outfield’ and I thought about Meredith. The daughter of a preacher who must have spent lots of time in church and look what the fuck she was doing.
Son of a Bitch
“What’s the matter Jaz?” my eyes went to Emmett shocked that I had muttered that out loud. Shaking my head I told him “Nothing, I thought I forgot something in the city but I think I have it”
Edward went out with some friends while Emmett and I spent the night playing video games, watching violent movies and eating every kind of junk food Esme threw at us. I went home late that night, slept in then went with my parents out for lunch before going to the Cullen’s.
Opening the front door I glanced up the stairs to see Alice coming down them. She was dressed in jeans with a light green sweater that clung to her waist but hung loosely around the neck revealing one bare shoulder. I was still having a hard time reconciling the young woman in front of me with the little girl I remembered.
At seeing me she smiled, her green eyes seeming to brighten the closer she got to me and something inside me made me feel almost weak when she hugged me. “Jasper…you’re here”
It wasn’t a question or surprise on her part at my presence; it was like she was relieved to see me. That idea made me even more uneasy yet I pushed those feelings aside to hug her back “Where else would I be?”
Alice stepped away giving me a hesitant look which I replaced with another smile by shoving the gift bag at her. “Happy Birthday baby girl”
“Can I open it now?” the excitement in her voice was so potent I wanted to say ‘hell yeah girl...open it’. Just as my mouth began to form the words Esme came out of the living room. She gave me hug, saying that everyone was in the kitchen. Her eyes fell on the gift bag telling me it was unnecessary to buy a present as she took it out of Alice’s hands saying she would put with the others.
“Mom…” she groaned “I wanted to open that”
“And you will... Later” there was arguing with Esme. It’s not that she was being unreasonable Alice was just use to getting what she wants.
Putting my arm over Alice’s shoulder we followed Esme and told her “Guess you’re just going to have to wait”
Leaning into my side Alice muttered dejectedly “that’s the story of my life” making me chuckle because there are very few things in life, that Alice Cullen ever had to wait for.
Esme gave us each a list of things that needed to be done to set up the pool area. While Emmett and I put out extra tables and chairs, Edward picked out music and Alice helped Esme with the decorating. Carlisle came back with the food and the Cake which took us two trips to get everything out of his car. Before I knew it the music was playing, the lights were dimmed and the room started filling up with Alice’s friends.
Looking around everyone appeared to be having a good time playing in the swimming pool, dancing and just standing around talking. I didn’t really know any of the kids, it was possible that I had gone to school with some of their older siblings but they were all still in middle school when I graduated.
“I’m feeling old man”
Emmett looked at me and smirked “Nah…their only four years younger than us and they are over the age of consent…”
“That’s fucking disgusting…”
“What?...My parents are four years apart. Your dad’s a lot older than your mom and she was young when they started dating”
That was true there was six years separating my parents and mom was nineteen when I was born so she was only seventeen or so when they met. My eyes scanned the room again Alice had changed into a red bathing suit with white polka dots and white shorts. She was over on the far side talking with her friends. Feeling my gaze her eyes moved to mine and she smiled slyly holding my stare until the room went dark.
“Happy Birthday To You…” Esme and Carlisle started singing rolling in a rather large two tier pink and green cake with candles blazing. Everyone joined in finishing the song and Alice blew out the candles with one breath. The lights came back on and I once again found myself lost in her eyes.
Esme handed her a knife to make the first cut which broke the trance I had been in. With everyone gathered in one spot I realized that there was someone missing, in fact I didn’t recall seeing the little horndog there all day.
With the cake served Esme finally allowed Alice to open gifts. One of her friends were handing them to her, she opened CD’s, jewelry, perfume, clothes and gift cards, each time thanking the giver for their thoughtfulness. When the bag I got her was handed to her, Alice got a big smile on her face and looked in my direction to make sure I was watching.
Taking the box out she opened the lid sliding her fingers in to take out the contents, carefully unraveling the pieces of tissue paper that were protecting the delicate porcelain. As more of the figurine became exposed I could see her eyes light up until it was completely revealed. Alice stood there holding the piece of art in the palm of her hand in what appeared to be admiration Esme stood to her side making comments about how pretty it was but all I could focus on was Alice.
Using one finger she traced over the soft lines of the two dancers like she was committing it to memory. She got a wistful look on her face as her eyes glazed over with unshed tears. Alice blinked a few times before looking at me with a warm smile and mouthed “Thank you”
Sitting there next to Emmett in a room full of people something inside me shifted. There was no reconciling for me to do; the little girl I knew was gone. She had been replaced with a young woman who looked at me not with brotherly friendship but… adoration.
Nodding my head Alice smiled handing the figurine to Esme and finished the last of her gifts.
Later I was sitting on the edge of the pool with Emmett watching as a bunch of kids played volleyball. After a while he couldn’t take it anymore and jumped in to join them. As soon as he was gone Alice walked through the water to come stand next to me. Folding her arms on the ledge she rested her chin on them looking at me through her lashes.
“Are you having a nice party baby girl?”
“Yes…and thank you for my gift, it’s beautiful”
I smiled “You’re welcome; I saw it and thought of you”
She was quiet for a few moments before tilting her head to look up at me through the corners of her eyes “I’m playing Clara in the Nutcracker at the Seattle Civic Theater, will you come see me?”
“The twenty-third through the twenty-fifth” I nodded knowing that was Thanksgiving weekend and would probably not be in the city but I told her I would try to make it.
“Ok” With her chin resting on her hands she nodded while my eyes looked around the room and I wondered. “Where’s the bonehead?”
Alice lifted her head giving me an amused smirk “Who?”
“Who?” I said with irritation “You know damn well who…Elliot asswipe Schoenberger”
“Yes him, I thought for sure I would see him today”
That faraway look came into her eyes again as she glanced over her shoulder at her brother who was spiking the ball on some kid. “I’m surprised you didn’t tell Emmett about that”
I was rather surprised myself as usually there wasn’t much that I kept from him but there was something in Alice’s tone that made me wonder “Is that why he’s absent, you don’t want your brothers to know?”
Her eyes came back to mine and she shook her head “No…I decided I was going to wait”
I had no idea what she was talking about. I hoped that it meant she was going to wait to have sex or a serious boyfriend because just the thought of her being with someone that way put me on edge but I had to know. “Wait for what?”
There was no emotion on her face as she was dead serious saying the one word that completely unnerved me. “You”
My wife snuggled in closer to my body and I closed my eyes resting my chin on her shoulder with my nose buried against her neck. The scent of her skin taking me back to the first time I held her like that, the feeling of euphoria that surged through me as I realized how much I wanted her.
Thanksgiving came and went. I had gone home to my parents for dinner and spent the rest of weekend working. Because Alice was performing at the Civic Theater, The Cullen’s had stayed at their apartment in the city. I spoke with Emmett a few times but we hadn’t gotten a chance to get together before he had to fly back to New Hampshire. Sunday night I found myself outside of the will-call office getting a ticket for the final performance. Taking my seat I settled in waiting for the show the start when I heard a familiar voice from behind me.
Maria leaned forward to speak over my shoulder. “Honestly Jasper I didn’t know you were a patron saint of the arts”
Turning slightly to see her sitting with two girlfriends I acknowledged her presence “Nice to see you Maria.” She was still waiting for a reply while looking at the people sitting next to me probably wondering why I was alone. Wanting to not be bothered I told her why I was there. “I know the girl playing the lead role”
“OH” she looked down in her hand scanning the playbill while I turned back in my seat as the lights dimmed and the orchestra began to play.
Alice danced flawlessly; strong sure graceful moves that made her appear almost angelic. When the show was over, the lights on the stage brightened as each performer took their bow to the applause of the audience. Alice took her spot accepting roses from someone in front of the stage and I felt bad that I hadn’t thought to do the same but I clapped as loudly as I could.
There was absolutely no way that she could have known I was there or where I was sitting yet the moment she stood up her eyes went right to me and we smiled at each other. The whole company bowed once more, the curtain closed, the lights came on and I sat there. I didn’t know what to do, something in the back of my mind said ‘go home fool’ yet I couldn’t move - I had to see her.
The people seated next to me stood there waiting for me to get out of their way leaving me no choice but to stand and move to the aisle. However I lingered there until most of the people had left and made my way up to the front row sitting down and waiting.
The hall was empty except for a few staff members that were sweeping the floor as a few cast members started to trickle out from back stage. After ten minutes or so Alice came out holding the roses with a large tote bag slung over her shoulder.
Spotting me she stopped and I got to my feet walking over to her watching as the smile formed on her face “You came”
“You asked me to” as soon as the words were out her face fell, the smile was gone and I wondered what the heck I said to make it disappear. All I said was she had asked me to come see her, as I thought about the words I realized that it sounded like I didn’t really want to be there and that just wasn’t the truth. I started back peddling “I mean…I wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t told me, so I’m glad you did because I wouldn’t have wanted to miss it. You danced beautifully”
The smile was back “Thank you”
We stood there in quiet awkwardness which was strange because I had never been uneasy around Alice. Trying to break the silence I asked “How are you getting home?”
“Umm…I either have to get a ride or call dad”
“I’ll take you” As we started walking to the back of the theater her stomach growled making me laugh “Are you hungry?
“Starving, I get so nervous before performing I can’t eat so afterwards I’m ravenous.”
Taking the tote from off her shoulder I escorted her out to the car, there was a part of me that wanted to take Alice for something to eat. It was like I couldn’t let her go home without knowing that she was taken care of. I tried to rationalize my feelings by telling myself that she was ‘baby girl’ and of course I would be concerned about her welfare, yet the more I thought about it, I knew that wasn’t the case.
“Do you want to go home and eat or would you like to join me?” I asked holding the car door open.
She hesitated before getting in “I don’t have to be home until eleven, so I would love to join you”
The smile on her face lite up my world, she was so sweet, innocent and freaking beautiful, I wanted to see that smile every day of my life. Getting in the car I asked if the University diner was alright, it was on the way had good food and open all night. Why I threw in the all night I couldn’t say, maybe it was a hopeful wish.
Along the drive she called Esme to tell her she had a ride home and was stopping for food, leaving out the part of whose company she was in. That bothered me; it was as if we were involved in some kind of forbidden love.
No, not love – I told myself. It was friendship, admirable friendship yet still just friendship.
It was nine-thirty and because everyone was coming back from the Holiday break the diner was rather full and a few people said hello as we walked by to our booth. We sat there eating burgers and fries, talking. Alice was looking at designs schools, the applications were already sent and she was working on getting a portfolio together so she could show them her work. She listened as I talked about my plan to accelerate my classes taking an eleven year process down to nine. She took an interest in what I was saying, asking questions along the way, which was more then my father ever did.
I found myself caught up in the nuances of her expressions, listening to the changes in the tone of her voice and chuckling along with her laugh. She was warm, intelligent, and funny and I was very comfortable discussing things with her that I normally reserve for Emmett. That thought dampened my mood as I wondered if he was going to approve of all this.
Approve of what?
I didn’t have time to think about that as the waitress arrived with the cheek making me realize that I needed to get Alice home. Part of me didn’t want her to leave and the other part couldn’t wait to be alone so I could decipher what the hell was happening.
While paying the cashier my eyes went to the booth behind the woman to see Maria staring at Alice with an angry scowl on her face. Taking my change I placed my hand on the small of Alice’s back to escort her out the door.
Just as we stepped outside Maria called from behind us. “Is she the reason you won’t see me anymore Jasper? Does Emmett know your fucking his little sister?”
Anger flared inside me and I turned to glare at her but before I could say anything she continued “At least I’m assuming she’s his sister. Alice Cullen right?” Maria addressed Alice who answered with an absolute “Yes”
Maria smirked “Oh this is just great Jasper. You ignore me for the past month so you can fuck some teeny-bopper. Does she take it up the ass for you?”
Alice gasped and my anger intensified, I have never in my life wanted to hurt someone as badly as I did at the moment. “Maria, shut the fuck up and go back inside”
“Fuck you asshole!” she screamed at me before turning to Alice “You listen here little girl. While you were learning how to put on training bras I was satisfying his needs. So the next time he’s on top of you grunting and groaning you just think about who he was sticking it to before you came along and who he’ll be fucking after you’re gone.” With that she glared at me with an evil grin and turned to go back inside.
We stood there on the stoop watching Maria through the window, sitting back down with her friends she glanced over giving me the finger. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I heard the sniffle and then Alice was gone from my side, walking so quickly towards the car I had to jog to catch up.
“Hey” grasping her arm as she tried to open the car door setting off the alarm which I quickly silenced.
Looking down at Alice she wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand, and I felt like shit. Leaning up against the car I pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry”
“It’s not your fault” she said with a sniffle “I just didn’t know what to say to her”
She shouldn’t have to say anything at all - that was the point. Cupping her chin I lifted her head so she would look at me and used my other hand to wipe away the last of the tears. “It’s not your place to say something… that back there… never should have happened. She’s just…”
I didn’t even know what the fuck Maria was and frankly at that moment it just didn’t matter because Alice was looking at me with need in her eye that was staggering. Her face mere inches from mine, so close, so very close. I looked into her eyes trying to see if it was ok, as her breathing picked up and her tongue peeked out to moisten her lips.
Slowly, so fucking slowly it was almost painful my mouth moved towards hers. They met in a soft kiss that sent shivers down my spine. My hand left her face to hold the back of head as her hands wrapped around the back of my neck. Our lips parted briefly as I turned us lifting her to sit on the hood of the car while I stood between her open legs and once again crushed my mouth to hers.
Breaking the kiss my lips moved down her neck as she clung to me while I tried really hard to not grind my dick against her. Instead concentrating on the scent coming off her skin, a mixture of musk and vanilla - it was tantalizing. Burying my face in her neck my nose skimmed the spot behind her ear where the scent seemed to originate and Alice left out a low moan that made my dick throb.
“Fuck…this is wrong” I mutter taking one more deep breath
Alice swallowed hard before speaking with a breathy voice ‘Why is it wrong?”
I couldn’t seem to take my face away from her skin. “You’re like my sister”
Alice pushed on my shoulders making me straighten up and look at her. She seemed determined as she spoke “But I’m not your sister Jasper, not even close and I’ve loved you since the first day I met you. I knew it then that we would be always be together and there is nothing wrong with that”
Was there something wrong with that? Did she always know? Thoughts of the little girl following me around, wanting to sit by me, and play house with her. Was it always something that was meant to be?
“Is it wrong to love someone who you know and trust? Someone who your family already knows and trust? “
Emmett came into my mind, making me push away from the car but Alice held onto my arms sliding off the hood to stand in front of me with a questioning look “Is that wrong?”
I didn’t want it to be, because it sure as hell felt right. “No it’s not wrong”
The words came without conviction because I just wasn’t as sure as she seemed to be and I didn’t have time to stand there debating with myself or her. “Come on let’s get you home”
Taking her hand to lead her to the car she was quiet, and remained that way until we pulled up in front of their city apartment building. It was an older dwelling along Lake Washington that looked more like a large home then individual apartments. Taking my hand to get out of the car, Alice held it as I walked her to the main entrance, only letting go to get her keys out. Looking back up at me I couldn’t help but kiss her again. Breaking away she smiled making me smile in return and in that moment I knew, there wasn’t a god damn thing wrong with us being together. And if there was, it would be worth going to hell for.
I left her with another kiss telling her I would call her later and we would talk some more. On the way home I wrestled with what I was doing. Debating the repercussions of my actions with the validity of my desires and trying to see which held more merit. It was so maddening that by the time I got back to my apartment my head was fucking pounding. Taking some Tylenol I laid in bed with two different images running through my mind. One was Emmett, shocked, repulsed and mad as hell. The other was Alice, happy, content and full of love. It was the second on I chose to focus on. That was the first night I allowed myself to beat off to fantasies about Alice Cullen.
Sweeping my wife’s hair off her neck I placed soft kisses between her shoulder blades while enjoying the soft scent of vanilla that emanates from her skin. Alice sighed heavily “I’m sorry about Emmett Jazzy”
Stopping what I was doing my head hovered over her shoulder to see her face “What did Emmett do?”
Her eyes flashed to mine “You know, when we were at the pancake place and he said he would have flown home to give you a four-four”
I chuckled kissing her cheek “That’s nothing to be sorry about. It’s not the first time he threatened me”
It wasn’t either nor would I assume it would be the last. Alice and I had tried to be sneaky with our relationship. Tried - being the operative word. I called her every night and we talked about everything imaginable. On the weekends I left the city to stay at my parents on the Island so that Alice and I could be together. We thought we were slick, sneaking around, stealing kisses, long glances and holding hands when we thought no one was looking. Christmas was the hardest as Emmett and Edward were home and I tried to detach from Alice so they wouldn’t know. It hurt her feelings, made me miserable and was the first time I was glad Emmett was leaving so I could get back to being alone with my ‘baby girl’ and she was mine.
The week before Valentine’s Day, Alice was working with the youth group at church making cookies for the shut-ins and I was at the Cullen’s watching a basketball game with Carlisle. That wasn’t anything unusual as I had been there more and more. Looking back I guess that would have been a clue that something was going on, but we thought we had them all fooled.
I went to the kitchen for a drink to find Esme sitting by the island looking over a bunch of papers. Saying hello I opened the refrigerator to get a can of Coke and nearly dropped it when she spoke the words I wasn’t prepared to hear “Are you and Alice going out for dinner again tonight?”
“What?” Spinning around in shock to see Esme’s attention still on what she was doing making me wonder if my guilt was getting to me and I was hearing things.
Flipping over one of the papers she wrote on it while she talked “I was just wondering, because if you are then I think I’ll have Carlisle take me out too. I don’t feel like cooking.”
The blood drained from my face as I stammered for a response “Umm…what..ah…” I figured what the hell - just ask “Y…you know?”
Esme looked up from her papers, tilted her head to the side and smiled at me shrewdly “I’m a mother Jasper, I know everything”
Dizziness overtook me as I staggered over to lean against the island across from her. Swallowing hard I tried to come up with some kind of a reply but nothing came.
Esme knew
As that thought settled in, I wondered if that meant Carlisle knew too and if he did why didn’t he say anything to me? Then I wondered how long they knew and if they truly were aware about our relationship they must not care. Because Esme had just asked if I was taking Alice out so she didn’t have to cook. All these questions were popping into my mind in rapid secession and I had no answers to any of them.
I asked what I thought was the most important, because if I got a negative response to that one, then the rest was all pointless. “You don’t care?”
Esme sighed deeply and that worried me so I braced myself for her to tell me that my being with Alice was wrong.
“Well, I’m not happy that you’ve been trying to sneak behind our backs for the past two months. It would have been nice if you would have just told us and I kept waiting but it never came.”
I felt bad about that and as I was processing those feelings something she said clicked in my mind “Two months? You knew since then?”
Picking up her coffee cup she took a drink and smiled “I suspected as much when there were more phone calls from you on the bill than anyone else.”
Of course, Esme pays Alice’s phone bill she would see all the calls. She’s known almost since the beginning and she still hadn’t told me I couldn’t see Alice anymore. “And you don’t care? You’re not going to tell me to leave her alone, that I’m too old, or I know her since she was kid and I’m not good enough for her?”
Esme narrowed her eyes “Why would I say that? Your age is slightly daunting but I know you are a gentleman and wouldn’t push Alice into doing something she is not ready for. I know and trust that you have the best of intentions towards her and I would much rather her be with someone I know and love than someone I have to worry about her safety with. I just wish you would have trusted us enough to not sneak around.”
“Apparently we weren’t that sneaky” I mumbled opening the soda can while Esme shook her head “No you weren’t”
Alice came home that night to a different atmosphere then when she left. The four of us went out for dinner together, ground rules were set and there was to be no more sneaking around as they accepted our relationship. Emmett was a different story.
I agonized over telling him, wishing beyond all hope that he would be as understanding as Esme and Carlisle had been because it was very clear that I was getting deeper involved with Alice. Our relationship had grown leap and bounds both emotionally and physically. She was young and inexperienced which I didn’t push her on but I had to admit I wanted her. The touch of her hand in the most innocent manor set my cock a blaze and I was beating off more than ever.
My twenty-first birthday was March sixteenth and the weekend before Alice and I had an intense make out session. It was the first time I had gotten a look at her bare breast which I licked and fondled the shit out of while bringing her to orgasm with my fingers. It was also the first time she held my cock in her hand and I have to say just her touch made me want to explode.
However Emmett was home for spring break and he called to see if I wanted to get together. Meeting at his house Friday afternoon, we sat around talking and playing video games. He had stopped seeing Meredith and was interested in another girl Linda who had the same taste in sexual practices. His exploits were rather disturbing, especially since I had Alice and couldn’t imagine doing those things to her.
“So what do you want to do tonight?” without thinking about what I was saying I answered ‘I have a date”
Pausing the game he turned to look at me “With who?”
I suppose it was a legitimate question as in the past three months I had not spoken about any females in my life. Sometimes when we talked he asked if I had taken a vow of celibacy. Sitting there in the game room I figured it was time to let him know. Looking my best friend in the eye all I said was “Alice”
“Alice who?” at my imploring gaze his eyes narrowed and the anger I feared seemed to spread across his face. “My Alice?”
At my nod his face contorted with rage “You’re fucking my baby sister!”
“NO!” I stood up quickly leaning over him pointing a finger in his face “And don’t you fucking talk about her like that!”
Jumping to his feet he yelled back “She’s my fucking sister I’ll talk about her any fucking way I want!”
The yelling must have carried through the house as Esme and Edward came to see what was happening but Emmett wasn’t being deterred “I can’t fuck believe this shit! What? There isn’t enough god damn pussy in the world you have to go after my sister?”
“I told you not to fucking talk about her like that!” I spat drawing my fist back and punching him in the face.
Emmett grabbed my shirt fisting it in his hand and pushing me back down on the couch “You stay the fuck away from my sister!”
“I can’t man…I love her!” The words came out of mouth before I could stop them. Esme was yelling at Emmett to let me go and at Edward to help but all I could do was watch my best friends face. “You fucking love her? She’s sixteen years old”
He didn’t have to tell me that, I’ve been saying it since day one but it was too late I was in too deep “I know and I’ll wait for her because Alice is worth it”
He stared at me in shock as Edward pulled him away and Esme started admonishing him for his language and behavior. It must have dawned on him that his mother was well aware of our relationship as he turned to her. “You’re ok with this? Does dad know?”
“Yes, we’ve known for quite some time”
That was news Emmett wasn’t ready for “Quite some time? How long has this shit been going on?”
Standing up I answered “Thanksgiving”
Edward actually laughed drawing my attention to him. He pointed his finger at Emmett laughing harder “And you were afraid Jaz was turning gay”
Emmett’s anger turned toward his brother “Shut the fuck up!”
“Emmett Cullen if you curse one more time, so help me god I’m going to put soap in your mouth!”
“Soap? I’m losing my mind here and you’re talking about soap?”
“Who do you think you are talking to?”
Esme was angry “Don’t you ever…disrespect me like that again. Now you might not be happy about Jasper dating Alice but in all honesty, it is none of your business. That is a decision only your father and I can make, and we’ve made it. Now if you have some information about Jasper that I don’t know about and would put your sister in danger, then please tell me. Because other than that there is not a problem with them…keeping company.”
Emmett was twice as big as Esme and yet she stared her son until his face became repentant, but she wasn’t done. “So is there something you wish to tell me? Is Jasper a secret serial killer? Does he rape women, beat animals, run over squirrels, pick his nose or fart in public? Have you ever known him to be anything other than polite and gentlemanly around a girl?”
Emmett still didn’t say anything and Esme took his quiet as confirmation “I didn’t think so. Do you think your father and I would allow Alice to spend time with someone we didn’t trust? What kind of parents do you think we are?”
“It’s not that mom…it’s just” he shuddered looking between me and Esme “…Alice?...she’s only sixteen”
“Were you dating at sixteen?” she asked him and I damn well knew the answer to that. He was not only dating he was fucking Nicole Miller on a daily basis of course he didn’t say that and Esme asked the next question. “Can you think of someone more honorable than Jasper for your sister to be with?”
“I don’t want her to be with anybody”
At the admission Esme laughed “Well sweetheart, welcome to the real world…” she chuckled again “…children grow up and your sister isn’t a baby anymore and in one short year she’s going to leave for college and get married and have a life and that’s just the way it is.” She looked up at me then back to Emmett “now you and Jasper talk, clear the air and I don’t want to hear anymore yelling or cursing. Do I make myself clear?”
We both said ‘yes ma’ me’ and she left us there with Edward too act as a mediator. The discussion didn’t go that well, Emmett accused me of lying in wait until they both left for college before jumping on Alice. That same complaint would rear its ugly head many times over the years but for the most part my relationship with Alice became a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. There were times when our friendship suffered –especially in the beginning – and I was threatened often with nothing ever coming of it. One more was nothing new, besides in the end, being with my ‘baby girl’ was worth it.
My lips went back to my wife’s neck placing soft kisses behind her ear and listening to the soft whimper that left her throat as she spoke quietly “He shouldn’t talk like that about…my daddy”
I loved when my baby girl called me daddy.
It had started as a joke, one night we were lying in bed at my apartment, just snuggling in our underwear while watching TV. She had finished her junior year the week before and was staying in the city with Esme for the week while they had the kitchen at the apartment redecorated. That was fine with me as it gave us Alice and me more time to be together.
Alice got a little sassy so I gave her a playful slap on her ass, with a gasp she got up on her knees, glaring down at me with her hands on her hips looking all snippy “Have you become my daddy yet?”
She was so damn cute I couldn’t stop the laughter as my hands gripped her wrist pulling her to me. Alice lay over my chest with her face just inches from mine while my hand started running over the fullness of her delectable ass. “Anytime you’re ready baby girl, I’ll be your daddy and I will take care of you real good.”
The twinkle in her eyes sent both hope and dread surging through me. We had messed around; found what worked for us by way of sexual expression. I got her off with my hands and mouth just as often as she had done to me, yet we still had not had actual intercourse.
Alice was rather adamant about keeping her virginity intact until she was married, saying it was the one thing that only her husband could have. I tried to explain that according to Webster a virgin was someone with no experience at all. She became rather indignant spouting off about an intact Hyman, medieval medical examinations and showing off bloody sheets as confirmation that a marriage had been consummated before adding. “Besides according to President Clinton…”
I laughed at the reference and decided not to argue as it meant something to her that on her wedding day she could stand before her family and god, knowing she was giving herself completely.
However that night staring into her eyes, I got the distinct feeling she was double thinking that idea and I might have been an ass for pushing her, but damn I wanted to feel her from the inside. Lifting my head I brought my lips to hers kissing her forcefully until she laid completely on top of me grinding her body against my hard on. She wiggled a little making me moan into her mouth.
Pulling her head back my lips went to her neck kissing and licking any part of her skin I could reach. Alice let out a small whimper “Ohhh…Jazz…” her voice was breathy as she spoke “maybe…couldn’t we…you know…do other stuff?”
Other stuff was fine with me
My hand roamed down feeling the soft skin of her thigh and letting my fingers skim under the silkiness of her panties to find her wet. I would have rolled us over so I could get her off but Alice grabbed my wrist and started moving it up over her ass cheek. I wasn’t sure what she was doing until she pressed harder on my fingers and wiggled making them slip through the crack to touch her puckered anus.
Realizing what she was suggesting I quickly removed my hand as my head shot back into the pillow while I glared at her “NO!”
“Why not?” Alice whined with a small pout.
Was she fucking crazy?
“Why not? Because…” shock had taken over and it was all I could come with.
Alice continued to implore me with her eyes, slightly tilting her head while her fingers ran lightly through the hair on my chest. “Because why? I know you like to and …”
“What do you mean you know I like to?” Emmett knew my preference for anal and I was getting fucking pissed that he had said something like that to her. But I was completely stunned when she said the one name that was the vain of my existence.
“Maria said…”
That woman had been nothing but problems, turning into a stalker who left notes on my car, bombarded my e-mail account and used up a whole damn micro-tape on my answering machine. She had done everything from weaseling herself into my lunch table to telling me she thought she was pregnant. I knew damn well there was no way it could have been mine, yet it was still stressful to both me and Alice.
I had reached my limit with Maria and was more than happy that she was back in Texas for the summer, so at the mention of her name my anger got the better of me “When the fuck did you talk to Maria?”
“Would you stop yelling at me?” The pleading in Alice’s voice tone causing me to take a deep breath so I could get a hold of myself. Running my hand down her back I continued to calm down while waiting to see what Alice had to say. She narrowed her eyes as if in thought and shifted her gaze down to her fingers that continued moving around on my chest “I didn’t talk to her. I was just thinking about…what she said…” her eyes met mine “…you know that night at the diner.”
Say about what?
I was unsure exactly what Alice was talking about as Maria had said a lot of shit that night. Whatever it was had Alice rather befuddled as her eyes once again shifted to my chest “You know…about taking it up the ass…”
The last part was whispered so quietly I barely heard the words, and I laughed “You’re suggesting something you can’t even say”
Light green eyes shot to mine “I can say it!”
Smartass that I was, I smirked sarcastically “So say it”
I could see the resolve forming in her mind as her jaw squared and she held her head a little higher while holding my gaze “I was thinking that if we had that kind of sex…”
“What kind?” she still hadn’t said the word.
“Anal…anal sex…”
Ok, she said it and I had to admit that my cock was growing harder by the second at just the thought of getting inside her.
Alice finished “…and I thought that way we could be together and I could still keep myself until marriage.”
I couldn’t believe I was laying there logically discussing the concept of fucking her ass. Alice was so sweet and innocent, I figured she had no idea what the act entailed or what she was getting herself into, that notion was completely blown away with her next statement. “I’ve been thinking about it…and I want to”
“You want to?” I had enough of calm. Pushing on her arms to get her off me I scurried off the bed, standing there looking at her bewildered expression, becoming dazed myself at her insistent and determined nod.
“No” the word came out again except this time it didn’t seem to have as much strength behind it.
“Why not? You did it with Maria…is she better than me?”
My mouth dropped. How in the world could she sit there thinking that Maria was better than her? “No...”
Alice’s eyes met mine “Is there something wrong with me that you don’t want to be with me?”
Kneeling on the floor in front of the bed I took her hand “Baby girl…it’s not that I don’t want to. I love you…but anal sex hurts”
“Only for a minute and I bought something”
Yeah I was in complete shock watching her reach over the other side of the bed for her purse, Picking it up she took something out of it before dropping it back on the floor and handing me a small yellow tube with red writing that I knew very well “Anal Ease? Where the hell did you get that?”
“From the internet” She was rather proud
“Please Jaz, I want to be with you…” she moved to the end of the bed “I want to show you how much I love you…” wrapped her legs around my back “I want you to be my…daddy” and kissed me.
“Oh daddy…please” my wife squired underneath me, pushing her ass against my throbbing cock.
“What does my baby girl want?” I whisper in against her ear before placing more kisses on her neck as my hand traveled towards her center, sliding lightly over the silkiness of her panties.
>She was soaked
“Are you clean?” my voice was husky as my need was taking over “Or is daddy’s naughty baby girl dirty?”
As I said the words my fingers slipped under the material to slide between her slick folds eliciting a moan when they came in contact with her clit. “Ohhh…I didn’t get into the shower yet”
Thrusting my hips I ground my dick harder against her ass while continuing to lick and suck on her neck as my unrelenting fingers worked on her clit. Alice’s breathing was getting heavy as her body squirmed and I became even more excited over the turn of events. “Does that mean…I get to clean you?”
“Ahhh…yes daddy…yess…” the pressure on my fingers increased as I found the spot above her buddle of nerves, rubbing it forcefully. Alice was writhing underneath me, letting out the most delicious noises. Without warning her body tensed as she sucked in a deep breath and then cried out in pleasure while I sucked lightly on her neck slowly bringing her down from the high with my fingers.
Once she was relaxed I kissed her cheek brushing the hair back from her face smiling at the flush on her skin. “Are you ready for cleansing baby girl?”
Alice nodded and started to move but I stopped her. “Stay here, we’ll do it on the bed”
I kissed her cheek once more before getting up to go into the bathroom so she could relax. Turning on the warm water I opened the drawer under the sink and choose a packet of Lavender Castile Soap. Ripping open the top of the package I added the contents into the red bag. After testing the water for proper temperature I made sure the nozzle on the tube was clamped before filling the two quart bag with water and securing the cap. Gathering three towels and the jar of Vaseline I picked everything up to rejoin my wife in the bedroom.
Alice had removed her panties and was lying on the bed on top of two disposable bed pads. She was in the normal semi-fetal position with her back to me. Hanging the red enema bag on the hook under the canopy of our bed, I lifted one of Alice’s legs to place a rolled up towel between them and rolled the other one up, securing it against her stomach.
Knelling behind my wife my hand ran over the length of her side. She was still so very relaxed from the release she had a few minutes ago. The post-orgasmic glow on her face making me almost jealous but I knew it wouldn’t be long until I joined her. First the cleansing then I would take great pleasure in devouring her sweet ass. My hand once again ran down the length of her side stopping on her hip while my other hand picked up the jar of Vaseline. “Ready baby girl?”
She shifted around getting into a comfortable position before saying the words that were music to my ear “Yes daddy”
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