
A riding crop and a blindfold doesn't make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It's not a sexual thing to me, it's a very spiritual thing. ~ DominaBlue
Esme's Out Take - Aftr Chap 77
Esme POV
“Grandma, can I have this one” Vincent held up the picture of himself sitting with Bella on the blanket eating lunch.
“Sure. I’ll print out a special one for you” His smile grew making me see a little more of Alice in his features.
Grandma? How the heck did that happen?
I didn’t feel old enough to be a grandma and lord I could only hope I didn’t look like one. Thoughts of my own Grandmother came to my mind. A cold unapproachable woman who only wore long sleeved, high neck dresses. Her white hair high piled high on her head in a tight bun that seemed to pull the smile right off her face. She’d sit on her ‘throne’ in the parlor of her house in Chicago; a formal room filled with uncomfortable furniture and polished wood that gleamed with a shine from the light coming from antique lamps. The room was surrounded by windows yet no natural light ever came in due to the heavy velvet green drapes that hung in front of them from floor to ceiling.
Grandmother was a stern woman who never allowed children to be in the parlor, my brothers and I banished to the kitchen, sitting room or upstairs nursery. Quiet was a necessity when visiting, not because she was sickly just because she demanded it. My mother was her only surviving daughter who try as she may, grandmother could never make into a replica of herself, old money, haughty attitude and authoritarian discipline.
Grandmother’s father was a banker who even during the depression years somehow managed to make money. Lots of money - that paid for grandmother’s private finishing school, her fancy surroundings and a marriage to a prominent surgeon. All of which gave grandmother the financial security she needed, the social status she craved and the attitude to speak her mind, which she did – often.
Mother was the exact opposite, she took her responsibilities of keeping her home and children seriously yet she enjoyed life. Laughed, played games and on rainy days held picnics in our family room. Mother had married young; dad was a Corporate Lawyer who specialized in - of all things - Television. Many times grandmother commented on his wasted talent at representing such a low class element of society. Entertainers were no better than charlatans or Gypsys, they couldn’t be trusted and certainly not worthy of fathers business knowledge.
It was the only thing I ever remember my parents arguing over.
Every Sunday was spent going to Mass, visiting grandfather’s grave and driving from Old Town to Lincoln Park to spend the afternoon with grandmother. Father would drop us off at the door, say his goodbye then come back to retrieve us after two o’clock Sunday dinner. Marcus once asked him why he never joined us; father commented ‘food went down easier eating alone then with someone who doesn’t desire your company.’ I was ten so I had no idea what he was talking about just as I didn’t understand grandmothers continuous use of ‘the no good guinea’
As I grew it was obvious that grandmother had very little tolerance for anyone outside of her own ethnic group. I also understood the relationship that my mother had with grandmother was not one of mutual respect and love but obligation. Mother took us every Sunday to visit because it was expected of her to do it. She didn’t want to be there and would dress us in our coats as soon as dinner was over, wait for father to drive us home so we could eat sandwiches in front of the TV. I didn’t want that kind of relationship with my mother and I knew when I had children I didn’t want that with them either.
Growing up in between two brothers was an interesting adventure; I was a bit of a tomboy. Climbing trees, racing go carts and not only watching but playing sports as well. Marcus watched out for me as much as he complained about my presence, teasing me mercilessly at times and then punching one of his friends because they called me a name. He was my older brother- by nineteen months – and I idolized him as much as I catered to Aro.
He was the baby brother –to me - by fifteen months and even though I was so very young when he was born, mother often told me that I called Aro my baby. He was the living breathing version of Baby Alive and I took care of him as much as mother would allow me to. As we grew many people thought us to be twins but he was always my baby brother.
Two brothers were fun when I was young, not so much when I hit those teenage years and started dating. Marcus watched over me making sure that any male companions kept their hands to themselves. Sometimes it was rather detrimental to my normal teenage hormones but that was just the way it was and I respected him for that. Aro was the little brother who still kept the boys at bay once Marcus had left for college.
Sometimes I think it might have been better had I been afforded the personal knowledge of how brutal the male species could be. Perhaps I was sheltered, my father and brothers treated me with respect and demanded that all others do that also. I had never met a man who was so outwardly disrespectful as Charles Everson was. He didn’t start out that way, when I first met him my freshman year at Northwestern. But it didn’t take long for his true colors to show through.
He came from a predominate family in Ohio, like mine; his father was a lawyer which made grandmother happy. Our time together started out like any others, dates to dinner and the movies. I started noticing that Charles was overly protective, which was something I was use to from my brothers. When I would be out with friends he would show up under the pretense of making sure I got home safely. Friends warned me about his overbearing ways but I thought it was endearing that he cared.
Then during my sophomore year the possessiveness started to come out, forcing me to not go anywhere at all or suffer the consequences of an argument. By Christmas break our times together had escalated to his grabbing my arms, pushing me around and slapping me until I complied. That was when I met Carlisle.
The student dance group I was in put on a yearly holiday production, we had just finished the last show and were having a wrap up party. Charles had accompanied me, while we were there Carlisle who was in his first semester of Medical School came up to me saying an innocent ‘hello’. When I answered Charles became enraged, taking me by the arm to swing me around and throwing me back against the wall. All I saw was beer flying from my cup and a fist that I cringed away from waiting for the pain to come.
It never happened.
Carlisle had stepped in between us taking the blow to his chest and then proceeded to give Charles a taste of his own medicine. The aftermath wasn’t pretty and it took a restraining order along with another semester before Charles was expelled from school. The whole event made such an impression on me that I decided to major is ‘Social Affairs’ after all if such a thing could happen to me, it could happen to anyone.
Carlisle and I became friends however we did not start actually dating until the beginning of my junior year. I needed to process what had happened to me, get some counseling and learn to trust men again. That was something he made very easy to do as he was patient, kind and respectful – traits that I had always assumed all men processed.
Grandmother loved Carlisle, he was everything that she would have wanted my father to be, tall, handsome, blond, and Irish Catholic with as she put it ‘good breeding.’ The first time I took him home for Sunday dinner grandmother took me aside saying ‘that boy and you will make lots of pretty babies’ I was embarrassed to have it said out loud and yet I couldn’t hope that for once the old woman just might be right.
That same year Marcus came home from Dartmouth with Didyme. A blond headed beauty from Greek descent, which grandmother approved of wholeheartedly. Her family was from New York City, the mecca of sophistication and class. She and I were the same age and even though she was a lot more brazen with her intimate knowledge of men we became fast friends, Didyme was the sister I never had.
The following year at my wedding Aro returned home from college in Pennsylvania to totally ignore his longtime girlfriend. That summer he brought Jane along with him to meet the family, grandmother hated her. The joy she had found in her grand children’s choice of mates was replaced with intense loathing. Mother did everything possible to make Jane feel at ease around us, but grandmother’s nasty remarks couldn’t be dismissed.
Jane was ‘Pennsylvania white trash’, who only ‘leached’ onto Aro for the money. Grandmother made comments to Jane’s face about her ‘low class’ steel worker family, which too her credit Jane never responded too. Listening to the horrible things that were said I often wondered if that was what my father had to endure. I tried to make Jane feel welcomed but there was always something about her that made me wonder in the back of mind if grandmother wasn’t right. Mother on the other hand adored Jane; she was always going on about how pretty she was, how much Aro cared for her and how joyful they appeared to be.
I saw how happy Aro was and I would never deny him that but there was something about Jane that made me uncomfortable. She did things that I as a wife wouldn’t do, cut his meat, ran his bathwater and sat on the floor rubbing his feet. It was strange to me that she would be so…subservient.
Not that Carlisle ever expected such treatment especially since I had Emmett so soon and a husband in residency but Jane’s behavior brought out my own inadequacies and I resented her for it. She was so much younger than me and yet seemed to have a better handle on how to treat and take care of her man – my little brother –who I had taken care of for so many years.
It took a few years before I learned the truth of their relationship and then once I did - it disgust me. I had lived through the terror of being with an abusive man and here Jane was offering herself willingly to be abused. The question that grandmother had instilled in me caused me to wonder if Jane was indeed lowering herself for the money. And if she was then what kind of man did that make Aro?
Over the years I came to see their relationship as one that I could accept, yet it still bothered me and I distanced myself from all the activity. I was well aware of how my brothers made a living, thriving on the depravity that comes with being male. And I could only imagine grandmother rolling in her grave to know that their inheritance was used to start up a club designed to enhance that shamefulness.
I never begrudged my brother’s for their decisions; Marcus was brought into the notion of New Moon by Aro. He came to him with the idea that they be partners in the venture, once it took off Marcus and Didyme moved back to Chicago to open up Eclipse, essentially taking my sister away from me. Maybe it’s selfish but in my heart I blame Jane for that. If she would only stand up for herself Aro would see what he was doing.
The final blow came when my sons returned from college, Emmett came home with a Master’s in Education and a girl – Rosalie. I loved Rose from the very beginning, she was smart, sassy and beautiful, and exactly what Emmett needed to keep him in line. So I was very surprised that my oldest son would take up working at New Moon part-time and even more stunned when Rose accompanied him. I knew what went on there and I didn’t like my son being a part of it, especially when I learned of Rose’s background. Yet I left it go, not saying anything for fear that I would be like grandmother, an arrogant judgmental woman who people tolerated simply out of obligation.
Besides from what I could tell Emmett and Rose did not behave like one of the demented, so it was easy to pass off their attendance as one of fun. As if they were attending any other night club for dancing and socializing.
Edward was a different story; he came back at the same time as Emmett after only finishing two years of Med-School as a transfer student to UW. Not that I wasn’t happy to have both of my sons home, but I thought that a degree from Dartmouth would have held more weight when it came time to enter a residency program. Edward never said anything as he was always so closed lipped but I got the feeling her didn’t want to be so far away from family. So when Emmett left New Hampshire, he followed however unlike his brother Edward did not returned home with a girl.
Oh I knew he had them but there was never any talk about one in particular over another. Then to top it all off rather then move into his own apartment or stay in ours, Edward lived with Aro and Jane. Irrational as it might be I couldn’t help but be hurt, Jane had not only taken my baby brother, she also took my baby too. I tried to rationalize the situation by telling myself that Edward was still processing Mason’s death. That somehow Edward living in the home where his cousin lived was his way of coming to terms with his grief.
That was until I learned that Edward was also working at New Moon and not just do simple things like Emmett, my son was learning the day-to-day operations of running it. I had also heard that Edward was not living with his uncle to process his grief but to see how Aro interacted with Jane on a daily basis. I was so angry that my children were being tainted by my brother’s business practices. And even more so that Jane would allow Edward to live in her home so he could get a firsthand view of their lifestyle.
All kinds of images ran through my mind making wonder what kind of ‘low class piece of Pennsylvania trash’ she truly was. My anger got the better of me and I called Jane in a rage accusing her of vile things that I am truly ashamed of, even using the memory of her deceased child against her. It was a horrible thing I did and for the first time in my life I could see grandmother in myself and I didn’t like it.
Aro was at my door quicker than I would have thought possible, admonishing me for what I said calling me ‘narrow minded’, and ‘hypocritical’. Telling me that I spout off allowing my children to make their own decisions and yet I begrudge my grown son what he chooses to do. Aro left my home that afternoon with two final warnings the first was ‘If you’re going to act like grandmother, you’re going to end up like her- alone and bitter.’ The second ‘If you ever talk to my wife like that again - it will be the last time we speak.’
I wholeheartedly apologized to my sister-in-law but the fragile relationship we had was completely severed. I also saw the changes in my son and out of respect for his ability to live his life and not cause any friction between us, I kept my mouth shut. Closing my eyes to what I knew and keeping the hope that Edward would meet the right woman who could pull him away from the nonsense. The first time I met Bella – at the baseball field – I knew she was the one. If anyone was going to be able to pull my son from the dark side it was going to be that young woman.
“Grom-ma me have pit-cer?” little Mia sitting on my lap picked up the photo of her parents while Vinny commented on the one in his hands “Aunt Bella is so pretty”
The doorbell ringing kept me from answering as the excitement of seeing my brother and Diddy took over. “I think Uncle Marcus is here”
Carrying Mia I raced Vinny to the intercom pressing the call button I felt like a kid on Halloween night anticipating a treat. Marcus answered and I pressed the button allowing them entrance. Carlisle and I had been to Chicago to visit them right after New Year’s but this was the first time they had been back to Seattle since Thanksgiving. They were going to be staying at our city apartment over the weekend before leaving on Tuesday morning with Aro and Jane for vacation.
Opening the door the three of us stood there waiting for them to come down the hallway. The apartment is on the first floor with the balcony overlooking Lake Washington. Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and two baths seemed like a big place when we bought the year we were married. Five years and two-point-five kids later, it was getting rather small so right after Alice was born we began house hunting. It didn’t take us long to move to Bainbridge Island but I couldn’t bear to think of someone living in our apartment. Carlisle laughed at me, blaming my sentimental ways on fluctuating hormones, telling me we could hold on to the apartment as long as I wanted to.
Throughout the years it has come in handy.
Emmett lived in it for a few months when he first came back from college; Alice and Jasper were here the first two years after they married until Jasper finished his residency. In fact, Vinny would have been conceived around here someplace. That was something I didn’t want to think about so I was glad to see my brother and his wife come around the corner.
Every time I saw Marcus he looked more like father, distinguished with dark eyes and a slightly receding hairline. He was muscular in stature with strong facial features that never allowed him to hide his emotions. He was already fifty-four, just two years younger than father was when he died of heart attack.
“Hey girl” Marcus dropped the handle of the suitcase to wrap me up in a hug. I held Mia on my hip and returned the embrace with one arm squeezing him tightly “How was your flight?”
“It was good” he replied letting me go. While Marcus said hello to the children making Mia hide her face in my shoulder I wrapped Diddy in warm one armed hug “You look great”
And she did.
Looking at Didyme no one would ever guess she had just turned fifty-three she had a figure that would put any model to shame. With her long blonde hair falling in layers that framed her flawless face and emphasizing sparkling blue eyes Diddy was just as stunning as the first time I met her.
“Palates…” she replied “…three times a week. It tightens my ass better then Jasper could”
“Don’t tell him that” I laughed letting her go so they could come inside.
I told Marcus to put their stuff in the Master bedroom. Carlisle and I would only be staying for the night and that way they wouldn’t have to move their belongings and I wouldn’t have to bother with changing the sheets in the morning. Vinny lead the way into the bedroom rolling the other suite case behind him while Diddy and I went into the kitchen.
“You on babysitting duty?” Diddy wondered as Mia clung to me while I got a bottle of wine out of the cooler.
“I brought the kids home with me from the beach, so that Alice and Jasper could have an adult night out with everyone else”
“Yeah, how was the beach?” she asked and Mia perked up telling her emphatically “I went to beach”
“You did?” Diddy asked with an indulgent smile.
My sister-in-law would have made a wonderful mother; she wanted a half a dozen and probably would have had them had she not been diagnosed with cervical cancer in her late twenties. Instead she dotted on my children and Mason.
“So where’s the old man?” Marcus asked after suddenly appearing in the kitchen.
Carlisle is two years older than Marcus and ever since my husband turned forty my brother thought it was funny to call him ‘old man’. I smiled at the reference telling him “He had a small errand to run but he should be home soon.”
That was the truth, at least as much as I could share. In actuality Carol had called him from the center a new woman had come in the night before who needed medical attention. Not wanting them to ask any specifics I handed out the glasses and changed the subject by adding “Aro should be any minute”
As the words left my mouth I could hear the front door opening just before Carlisle called out “Hey I found some stragglers outside so I took pity on them and invited them for dinner”
“Thanks a lot” Aro’s chuckle broke through as we all moved into the living room to say hello.
I kissed my husband as he took Mia out of my arms giving her a kiss on the cheek while Vinny came over to greet our new guest. I took the Strawberry pie Jane had brought for dessert, thanking her and freeing her arms to greet Marcus and Didyme with a hug. After all of the hellos were out of the way, I offered the three new arrivals a glass of wine. Carlisle and Aro immediately answered yes while Jane glanced at her husband before accepting the offer. It still was strange to me that a grown woman would need permission for a simple drink but…whatever. It was their thing, not mine and I had learned to keep my mouth shut.
Vinny started pulling Carlisle by the hand “Come here grandpa and look at all the pictures”
Everyone followed the insistent child to the dining room table that was littered with photographs. With all the excitement I had forgotten about the pictures that I had been printing out. Most were already separated into stacks for each of my children with a few odd one I hadn’t gotten to date yet or ones I wanted for myself. As I went into my kitchen everyone sat down and naturally began shuffling through them making comments.
Setting the pie down on the counter I worked on pouring the wine into the glasses and jumped at the loud cat call whistle that came out of Marcus followed by his loud voice “Who’s that?”
Glancing over I smiled at Marcus pointing his finger at the picture he was holding and Vinny standing by his side looking on “That’s Aunt Bella”
“Aunt Bella?” Diddy asked with amusement while Vinny nodded “Yeah she’s Uncle Eddies special friend”
Damn that kid has a memory.
Emmett had told Vinny that Bella was Edward’s special friend the first day we met her at the baseball field. Why he chose that moment to remember the reference was beyond me, yet while I was embarrassed by the comment everyone else laughed and Marcus added with a sinister chuckle “I’ll bet she is”
Gathering the glasses I joined everyone at the table glancing over to see which picture had him all excited. It was the one taken in the pool area, Bella was standing with her hands on her hips wearing the skimpy blue bikini Rose talked her into buying. She was staring down at Edward who was on his knees, with his hands clasped together like he was pleading with her. The whole thing was over Bella bringing Band-Aids to the pool and Alice asking for one.
The memories making me laugh as I took the seat next to my husband while Vinny told him “Yeah, they hold hands and kiss. It’s gross…” I wanted to say something to stop him but the others seemed so amused by the rambling that I let him go on “and when we were on the beach uncle Eddie was inside aunt Bella’s shirt”
Ok that went too far
“Vinny, I’m sure you’re mistaken” Edward wouldn’t have been so brazen on the beach.
Vinny however was rather sure of his story “yes he was I saw him. He was like this…” contorting his arms up through his shirt and pushing them through the neck while stretching it out of shape with his elbows he added “and his head was sticking out so they could nooky”
They all thought it was beyond cute I on the other hand needed to remind him to mind his language “Vincent!”
“Oh…sorry…” he turned his head to Marcus looking apologetic “…I’m not supposed to say that word”
My brother patted his back “That’s ok Vinny, but tell me are there any other words you’re not supposed to say”
“Don’t encourage him” I warned and watched as Marcus leaned over to speak in Vinny’s ear softly but loud enough for me to hear “You can tell me later”
Vinny’s wide eyes darted to me before going back to my brother and whispering conspiratorially “Ok”
Sighing in defeat while they all laughed I figured it was a good time to send him away “Vinny did you pick up all those Army men?”
“I’m still playing with them”
“Then maybe you should go do that, or pick them up before your mother gets here”
At his dejected “Ok” I picked up his juice box “Here take this with you”
Once Vinny left Jane spoke with a soft voice “He’s adorable”
I just smiled at her because Didyme raised her eyebrows “So she’s Aunt Bella?”
I shrugged while my husband laughed “I’m assuming she will be soon”
His statement was nothing new to me as he had been saying it since the first time he met Bella. That night he came home after having dinner with Edward with a smile on his face saying that he had just met our future daughter-in-law. The next day I met Bella at the baseball field and that afternoon we were all at Alice’s for lunch when the boys started betting on how long it was going to be until they were married. I didn’t like them wagering on such things and I thought it was a bit premature but Carlisle kept insisting and much like Alice once he gets a feeling about something he can’t let it go. He had even come home one day after working at the center with mascara smeared on his shirt. I trusted my husband completely yet I knew that women in an uncertain state of mind could get the wrong idea. When I questioned him on how the makeup got there he laughed saying ‘don’t worry dear I was comforting your future daughter-in-law.’
He never went around saying it out loud it was always something that he kept between the two of us so I was rather shocked that he would bring it up in front of everyone. Not wanting my family to misinterpreted his comment I started to explain “Carlisle seems to think that Edward will eventually make Bella a… more permanent fixture”
My husband picked up his glass “Oh after what Edward told me, there is no eventually about it”
“What did Edward tell you?” My curiosity was peeked as to when they talked and why Carlisle hadn’t said anything to me earlier.
“Tuesday morning before we went golfing I went down to their room to talk to him about his returning to the Residency program…”
“Is he going back?” Marcus wondered but Carlisle shook his head “No”
Nodding my brother stated “Since he’s been out for so long I didn’t think he would“ addressing Carlisle his face grew grave “How does that sit with you?”
“I’ll admit I wasn’t happy...” Mia squirmed to get off his lap making him pause to set her on the floor before finishing his thoughts “…but after speaking with Edward, I can understand his reasoning better. Besides he is in a worthy profession that requires the degrees he has and he can make a good living as a College Professor so…” he sighed “…as his father I can be satisfied with that.”
“But you would like Edward to continue?” Aro inquired
My husband thought for a moment before answering “If it was my choice and I could force him…yes…but only because ever since he was young all he talked about was being a physician…and I hate to see him loose his dream”
“Dreams change” My husband smiled at Marcus’s comment “That’s the same thing Edward said”
The room grew quiet as everyone took a drink while seeming to digest the truth of that statement.
Hopes and dreams do change.
Setting my glass down I noticed Jane looking at the group photo that the waitress had taken of us in the restaurant “This is a nice picture”
“Would you like a copy?” her gaze met mine with a smile she answered “Please”
I nodded and Didyme wondered “So what else did young master Edward say?”
Glaring at her use of the term she smiled at me while Carlisle picked up on what he and Edward discussed “Well let’s see…I’m not sure what Edward thought I was talking about when I asked him what he was doing. I truly was not expecting his response…and I’m not sure if he meant this week or next month…”
“Come on old man you’re not diagnosing a terminal disease so stop with the bedside manner and just freaking tell us”
Carlisle smirked at Marcus before turning his attention to me “Our son told me that when he got back from the beach he was going to look for a ring”
My mouth dropped open, I heard a gasp and then the only other thing that registered was Diddy laughing
“WoW!” the word was drawn out in three syllables as she laughed before adding in merriment “Aunt Bella must be some girl if she got Edward talking about a ring”
Everyone talked at once and I heard the words “he said that?” and “I guess it must be serious” but my full attention was on my husband because there was something I needed to know “What did you say to him?”
“What could I say love? He’s going to be twenty-eight years old next week. I suggested a lengthy engagement and wished him luck”
My quiet shock must have been mistaken for disapproval because Aro asked “Esme do you have something against Ms. Swan?”
It took me a second to realize that by Ms. Swan he was referring to Bella.
“No…absolutely not” needing to make that known “Bella is a lovely girl…and I see how much Edward loves her…I’m just…” looking at Carlisle I had to ask again “a ring?”
They were in love, it was clear as day and Carlisle had been telling me since the beginning that they would one day be married. I guess in my heart of hearts I didn’t want to believe him because it would have been a terrible thing to have my hopes dashed. Sitting there I began to see the future, my son with his wife and children leaving all the nonsense of his youth behind him to focus on his family. The hope that Bella was the one to drag Edward away from his extracurricular pass-time seemed to be coming to fruition, and I could not have been happier.
That joy only lasted as long as it took Diddy to make the statement “I hope Edward is as good at choosing a ring as he is at collars”
Carlisle grasped my hand while my eyes shifted to see her holding the picture of the three girls sitting in their beach chairs all laughing at something. “What collar?”
“The one she’s wearing in all these pictures” I knew Bella wore a necklace I just assumed it to be …a necklace.
“Oh come on Es, you can’t be that dense. They met at New Moon for god sakes”
“Nooo…they met at a pub, Carlisle told me”
looking to my husband for confirmation he pursed his lips shaking his head “No dear, I said I met Bella that evening. She was with Carol having a meal; Edward had already met her the night before”
“At the club” Diddy added with certainty
It felt like I had to explain myself “But she yells at him. I mean angry, pointing her finger, yelling…” Giving them all a demonstration, Didyme sighed with a look that was almost sympathetic
“That might be true but I can guarantee you there are times when that girl…” she pointed her finger at the picture of Bella “… wouldn’t dare to blink, without Edward’s permission”
My gaze fell on Jane who was looking at me waiting for my reaction. I wasn’t sure what I should be doing or feeling because I didn’t want to think about what Diddy was suggesting. I suppose it should not have been a surprise to me. I knew damn well that Edward and Bella attended New Moon, heck I was there when Alice showed Bella the sketches of the designs she had made. Yet somehow I was able to overlook the connotation that it implied. The dress was one thing it was very revealing yet still classy, the other things were nothing more than racy lingerie. Once that was being introduced I high tailed it out of there.
I didn’t want to think of my son’s girlfriend parading around in front of him wearing such revealing things or what that would do to him. After twenty-five years of being inundated with people who participate in the most outlandish behavior, I knew a thing or two about it. The one thing I knew best was that I didn’t raise my son to behave like some kind of dictator. The whole time they were growing up I instilled into both my boys the virtues of being a gentleman. Stressing that at all times they are to treat women with respect and admiration.
Thoughts of Bella ran through my head and although I didn’t know much of her married life, I did know she suffered terrible abuse. Much worse than anything I had dealt with from Charles so if anyone deserved to be cherished and esteemed it was her. I could never imagine myself allowing anyone – not even Carlisle – to exert themselves over me. Ours was a partnership, where both had equal say in how our marriage was conducted. It was the best way for any relationship to run; why wouldn’t my son see that?
The oddity by which my brother ran his household was demoralizing. Jane was nothing more than a housecleaner, cook and sexual plaything. She existed to fulfill his whims, lowered herself to the indignity of nothing more than a slave so she could be kept in a style that befitted his pocketbook. I knew nothing about Bella’s financial situation and up until that moment never thought to ask.
While at the beach she had made references to the fact that her father kept her clothed from Walmart and yard sales. I knew he was a small town police chief, so I could only guess he had a moderate salary. Bella refused to pay so much money for the Gucci dress even telling Alice that her wedding dress was only a hundred dollars. That completely astounded Alice as her wedding dress was over fifteen thousand dollars.
Bella laughed even more stating “My whole wedding cost a fifth of just your dress alone”
Was Bella doing the same thing Jane had done, selling herself to the highest bidder?
No...that couldn’t be.
After all I was there when Bella insisted on paying for the room at the resort, she had paid a rather large amount of money for a coffee maker and those underwear for Edward were not cheap. It was confusing and as Edward’s mother I wanted to make it a point to ask the questions, yet as Elizabeth Mason’s granddaughter I needed to butt out.
In the back of my mind all those horrible things grandmother had said to Jane came to the forefront. My sister-in-law didn’t deserve to be treated with such abhorrent disrespect. She was just a young girl, who even after becoming pregnant refused to marry my brother, simply because she didn’t want to prove an old lady correct. I don’t know why I hadn’t seen the self-respect and dignity in her then, I suppose it was nothing more than resentment that clouded my vision.
Aro’s cold voice broke through my thoughts “Does that lower your opinion of Ms. Swan?”
Did it?
My eyes once again going to Jane, it had certainly lowered my opinion of her, but for what reason? Aro was waiting for my answer yet at that moment I couldn’t find it inside me to give him one. Instead needing corroboration “They met at the club?”
My baby brother who I loved so very much looked at me with absolutely no emotion and nodded once in affirmation “Ms. Swan was escorted by her brother-in-law to New Moon the night Emmett and Rosalie had their get together. Because she was my guest they were placed in the VIP section and joined the group, where I believe she became reacquainted with Alice. Throughout the course of the evening the lovely Ms. Swan, through only being herself, proceeded to completely infatuated Edward. At the end of the evening I suggested that she return on another night, when the club was more…itself.”
He seemed to be waiting for my reaction, when there was none Aro continued “Even though she would have been under my protection, Ms. Swan did not feel comfortable coming alone. It was then that I suggested Edward could be her escort. That was the last I had heard until Saturday night when Emmett told me of the…wager they had made. And I will admit that after hearing that I was not as shocked by Edward’s phone the following evening as I might have been.”
It registered that Aro had said several times that Bella was his guest and I wondered what that meant. Had he some kind of relationship with her? Had she also moved into their home to see a firsthand example of the way they lived?
Not sure I wanted to know the answer I switched gears and asked hesitantly “What did he want?”
“Edward called to inform me that Ms. Swan and he had entered into a …contractual relationship”
Contractual relationship?
Marcus filled in the blank “That means they signed a contract and entered into a D/s relationship which I’m sure is on a part-time basis, especially if as you say Esme, she points her finger and yells at him”
“Part-time?” Carlisle wondered.
I could feel Aro’s eyes on me while I listened to my Marcus explain “A certain allotted of time that they choose to be something other, or more, than a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.”
I was trying to take in all in, the contractual relationship sounded like a marriage. I was bond to my husband through a legal binding contract, surly it wasn’t the same thing.
Throughout my musing Aro continued to stare at me. When I met his eyes I could feel the anger that seemed to be brewing inside him and I had no idea why he had such ire. Neither Carlisle nor I had made any derogatory comment and for a brief second I wonder why my husband had been so quiet.
Aro answered my first concern with one of his own. “Now I ask you dear sister, does that information cause you to lessen you opinion of the…lovely Ms. Swan? Does her natural nature make her no longer worthy of your admiration? Does it sicken you that your son would contract with Isabella to be her Master?”
He was so cold that it was like I didn’t even know my own brother and the word Master was uncalled for “You don’t have to be so calculating?”
“And you don’t have to be so judgmental?”
The accusation struck me hard as that was what we always called grandmother “Is that what I am?”
I certainly didn’t want to be like grandmother and I tried very hard to overcome my attitudes about the lifestyle that keeps being thrown in my face. For the first time I took the blinders off my eyes and saw my son for the real person he was. Looking down at the pictures I saw the amusement in both Edward and Bella’s eyes as she acted – and it was acting – superior to him on his knees. They were completely in love each other. And wasn’t that all that mattered?
Was it any different to think of their private time as their own then it was to think of Alice with Jasper? I didn’t insert myself into their marriage and definitely not their bedroom. So what made me think I had a right to question Edward’s personal life, or my brother’s?
I was just about to answer Aro’s question when Diddy laughed again, looking in her direction she was showing a photo to Jane “I don’t know about you, but I would say that girl is in deep trouble”
Jane stifled a giggle “It’s not funny Diddy”
“That was from Tuesday night” Jane’s face seemed to drain as she focused on the picture of the kids that was taken in Alice’s hotel room while we played Uno. “
This one was from earlier that day” I said pointing to the one from the pool reminding me that was also the day I told off that repulsive girl.
She as so damn smug with the vile things she had said to Bella. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and once I was done with the toilet I came out to find Bella standing there holding Mia totally speechless. Not that I doubted for a moment her ability to defend herself, however the last thing I wanted was a scene, especially not in front of my two year old granddaughter. Besides no one messes with my children and gets away with it.
Washing my hands I held the young girls gaze in the mirror, she was moderately pretty with a boyishly rectangular shape. Looking at her I practically laughed thinking of the words she had said to provoke Bella ‘He said he would meet me later.’
As if my son would have anything to do with the likes of her. Using my elbow to press the button on the hand drier the girl turned to leave. Keeping my eyes on her reflection I spoke in a soft easy voice. “You know Edward is my son.” At my words she turned back to face me
“I’ve raised him the best I could, it was through blood, sweat and tears I instilled morals, responsibility and values into him. I often assumed that all mothers do the same thing, like it was some sort of maternal instinct. But after hearing the comments you just made I’m beginning to wonder.”
Finished with my hands I swung around to face the girl. She wasn’t very happy with me – that was obvious by the disdain in her eyes. However I wasn’t very happy with her either and I thought I would let her know exactly what I thought about her in the most polite way I could think of “I can assure you…I’m sorry I don’t know your name…”
“Gina” why she told me? I don’t know and I made sure she knew that “It truly doesn’t matter the only thing that does is my assurance that I taught my child well. And I can guarantee you that when my son picks up trash; he puts it in the garbage not in his bed.”
“Are you calling me trash?” the girl’s outrage was rather amusing.
“I didn’t call you anything, but you can take the reference at face value”
Gina was not happy with me which I had to admit the feeling was mutual “You’re a bitch!”
I’ve been called worse
“Maybe, but I can tell you I would rather be known as that then a desperate reprobate who is willing to throw herself at a man that is not interested in her. And believe me when I say…my son…is not interested in anything you have to offer. So do us all a favor and try to remember at least some of the scruples that I can only hope your mother taught you…and leave my family alone”
The best the girl could come up with was “Fuck you!”
Shaking my head with a sigh I replied “There you go showcasing more of those virtues I was so sure you possessed.”
Her eyes narrowed and I wasn’t sure if she realized I had just insulted her or not, then again maybe she was smarted than I thought as she let out a loud huff then turned and left.
“Well I don’t know what happened between here and here” Didyme giggled pointing out the two photos “but something did and I can only assume it wasn’t pretty”
Marcus glanced at what his wife was referring to then grinned “Yes, most definitely in trouble”
I wanted to ask what kind of trouble Bella would have been in and what Edward would have done to her yet I didn’t truly want to know either. So it was a good thing when Alice and Jasper came through the door. Mia ran to her mother and everyone except Jane and I stood to greet them. After all the hellos were out of the way Jasper went to get them each a drink while Alice sat down with us holding Mia on her lap. “Oh pictures, I have some too” Alice laughed “And a video I’m sure you’re all going to want to see”
“What kind of video?” Carlisle asked what I was thinking. However Alice only laughed again “Oh, you’re going to have to wait, but I’ll hook it up so that it’s ready when they get here”
Jasper was back with two glasses of soda and I looked at him questionably. He held his hand up grinning “I’m not saying anything except he’s your son”
“What did Emmett do now?” Once again my husband speaking my thoughts
Shaking his head Jasper reiterated “I told you, I’m not telling. But…” he broke out in a deep laugh “…you’re not going to believe it”
Vinny hearing his father’s voice came running out yelling “Daddy “Jasper bent down to pick up his son “How you doing buddy?”
“Good” he answered as Jasper put him back down so he could hug Alice “Hi mommy”. Alice hugged him back, squishing Mia in the process making her yell and push him away causing Vinny to shout at his sister “stop it Mia!”
“Hey, hey, hey inside voices please” Alice reprimanded before inquiring “did you have fun?”
“Yes, grandma bought me new army men and…” he was cut off by the sound of Emmett’s voice coming from the front room “Ok, I’m here the party can start”
Once again my brothers stood, Marcus wrapping Emmett in a large bear hug, each of them clapping the other on the back while Diddy hugged Rose commenting on her protruding belly. After Aro said hello with a hand shake Emmett hugged Jane, said hello to his father and then kissed my cheek.
“Saving the best for last mom” I snickered turning to pat his cheek and froze, tilting my head to analyze the bruise on his left cheek, it was about the size of a quarter right under his eye, touching it he winced . “What happened to your face?”
“Oh, it was a little accident” he played it off but Jasper started laughing “Yeah, little being the operative word”
Emmett glared “I’m telling you plastic man, it was a lucky shot”
Alice and Rose were giggling while I came to the only conclusion I could have “Jasper you hit him?”
“No…” he was laughing so hard I couldn’t understand a word he said it was all grumbled together but it sounded like ‘…Bella did’
“She kicked his butt” Alice got out before breaking out in a fit of laughter that caused tears in her eyes.
“Bella hit you?” I was almost incensed, why in the world would Bella hit my son and what the hell did he do to make her?
“No mother…she didn’t just hit him…she knocked him out…BAM!” stopping the laughter to clamp her hands together for emphasis “Emmett goes down…” the laughter was back “….he laid on the floor…holding his stomach….going ohhhhh” groaning while grabbing her stomach with her free hand.
“I was not going …ohhhhh” Emmett said dejectedly but Alice insisted and Jasper just continued to laugh so the only other person I could look to was Rose. She was trying to hide the laughter but failing miserably so I knew Alice was telling the truth and everyone else must have too.
“Ms. Swan, took you out?” Aro questioned in astonishment while Marcus stared at one of the pictures still on the table “That tiny little woman? Oh I’ve got to meet her”
Carlisle and Jane were the two voices of reason as they both asked what I wanted to know “Why did Bella hit you?”
Alice answered for him “Because the big oaf was scaring the crap out of her”
“Oh..you shouldn’t do that to Bella” Carlisle said in a grave voice while Marcus added with a chuckle “Obviously”
“I have the whole thing on video” Alice said getting to her feet, moving to get the laptop.
While she set the video I went into the kitchen to turn off the oven and set out the plates and utensils, just as I finished Alice called over telling me the video was set to start. We all converged around the end of the table, which someone had cleared the pictures off of. Glancing around I saw the small separated stacks setting on the desk.
“The photos are still separated as you had them” smiling at Jane I said thank you and then turned my attention to the screen completely astounded at what I saw. Emmett was holding Bella’s wrists while he kept asking her ‘what are you going to do?’ I could see the fear in her trembling form as my son practically growled at her one more time and then…she was like a demon possessed, twisting, turning, punching, kicking and Alice was right…Emmett laid on the floor holding his stomach moaning…ohhhh and Bella was gone.
It wasn’t funny, it truly wasn’t, he had terrified her but I couldn’t help laughing along with everyone else. The whole idea that little Bella could take down my extremely large son was beyond imaginable. The comments ranged from ‘wow’ to ‘you must have triggered her PTSD’. I had my own question “Where did Bella go?”
“Where do you think she went, to Edward?” Jasper chuckled and sure enough the shaky video zoomed in on Bella clinging to my rather amused son. She was still visibly shaking while fisting his shirt with her head buried in his chest. There was so much laughing that I couldn’t hear what he was saying to her as he stoked her back and then something seemed to cross his mind. He stepped back prying Bella’s hand away from him to examine the knuckles before kissing them.
There were several collective “Ahhh’s” while Diddy addressed me “That boy is head over heels in love.”
“Yes he is” I agreed because that was something I knew for certain.
Shaking my head at our oldest son I announced that dinner was ready and everyone could help themselves. I had set up the production line of Chicken Parmesan and Ziti along with tossed salad with garlic bread on the counter. Marcus had asked about Edward’s absence and I told him he and Bella would be along later. By the time I had informed Bella of the get together she had already made plans to eat with her sister and didn’t want to cancel. I understood that especially knowing that we would all be together Sunday at the house and we could enjoy a more formal evening.
When everyone was done eating I started the coffee and set out the desserts while Diddy and Jane helped load the dishwasher. Alice was setting out the cups and small plates so I took a minute to speak to Rose. I didn’t get a chance to talk to her all night and I didn’t want to go into specifics with everyone around but I wanted to make sure she was alright and let her know that I was there for her. She seemed to be doing fine, telling me that most of the crying was done in the morning when she was with Bella. Again I was glad that my soon to be daughter-in-law – even the prospect making me happy – was there for Rose to lean on.
Soon after dessert was done Edward and Bella arrived with Seth. Dogs are not something I enjoyed in my home as I found them to be messy and smelly. However Bella was concerned with leaving him home alone so soon after just returning so I suggested that she bring him. They came into the dining area and before anyone could say hello Vinny practically sprinted to take the leash away from Bella “Can I play with Seth?”
“Ummm… I guess, you better ask your grandma first”
I smiled at his inquisitive eyes “Go ahead, maybe Seth will eat some of your Army Men, then you won’t have to pick them up”
“He won’t eat em” Vinny assured me running down the hall to the TV room.
I didn’t get a chance to say hello either of them as Marcus and Didyme were standing there rather excited to see the girl who had stolen my son’s heart. Edward gave my brother a manly hug before wrapping Diddy in a warm embrace. After their initial hello’s my son stood next to his girl with his arm around her shoulder practically beaming with pride “Marcus, Didyme, I’d like you to meet my Bella”
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you” Bella held her hand out which my brother took bringing it to his lips to making Bella blush “As it is you my dear”
Diddy didn’t wait for an invitation as she hugged Bella tightly. Moving back she held her at arm’s length looking her over for a brief moment as if Bella was a used car, before smiling warmly to Edward. “I can see why.”
Bella was confused but Edward knew exactly what his aunt was talking about and chuckled. Diddy stepped back keeping her gaze on Bella “Such an innocent face…” she commented before looking back at my son “I bet this one gets in the most delicious trouble”
Bella face turned crimson red as she bit into her bottom lip and Diddy grinned “That’s what I thought”
Marcus laughed along with Edward who squeezed Bella a little tighter “Not too much trouble”
There was that word again – trouble
What kind of trouble? Did I even want to know?
Bella’s eyes shifted up to him and he kissed her head speaking softly in her ear “at least nothing I can’t handle” I took that as my cue to step in giving them both a hug and then watched in amazement as Aro hugged Bella warmly. “Did you have a nice vacation?”
“Yes Sir we did…”
The word making me uncomfortable as Bella glanced up at my brother “…in fact I tried to talk Edward into going to Mexico, but he said …nooooo” drawing out the word with a giggle.
“I did not say noooo” Edward mocked “I said we had things to do, so we can go next month”
“It’s the same thing” Bella insisted light heartily while Edward shook his head “It is not”
Their banter made it hard for me to believe what Diddy had suggested. Bella was clearly defying him something that Jane would never do. In fact I was fairly certain that Jane would not have even suggested an alternative vacation none the less question his decision.
Bella once again spoke to Aro “Edward reminded me that he was needed so you could go away.”
“And Marcus” Aro interrupted causing Bella to address my older brother “Are you going together?”
“Yes, it’s a yearly thing”
“Oh, well then I guess for the sake of everyone’s vacation, I can make allowances” she added flippantly with a giggle while Aro joked “Why that is mighty kind of you Ms. Swan”
She giggled once more before giving him a beseeching almost annoyed look “Which reminds me, I have something I wanted to discuss with…”
“Isabella” Edward spoke her full name causing her to drop the subject - and I saw it.
The truth in what Didyme had said, the thing that I tried so hard to pretend wasn’t happening. The giggles had vanished, the smile replaced with seriousness, the outspokenness exchanged for absolute quiet. She reminded me of Jane and Aro’s cold question came back to me ‘Does her natural nature make her no longer worthy of your admiration?’
“Hey slugger” Jasper called from the end of the table causing Bella to blush and then gasp “Oh My God Emmett…I’m so sorry”
She was at his side in a moment touching the bruise on his face with her palm “Does it hurt?”
Emmett started to tell her no, but Rose cut in with a giggle “he’s been complaining all day”
Edward chuckled, excusing himself to the kitchen; we sat down while Bella made her way around the table, pausing to say something to Rose. When she sat down she chose the chair next to Jane, hugging her intensity.
As she moved back Jane lifted Bella’s hand “Does it hurt?”
“It’s better, Edward’s making me keep ice on it”
As if on cue Edward returned doing what appeared to be a balancing act. He was carrying two cups of coffee with a plate of strawberry pie poised on top of one of them. Over his right arm hung a kitchen towel and a small bag of ice dangled from his fingers. Setting the cups on the table he wrapped the ice in the dish towel before placing it on the back of Bella’s hand and taking the open seat next to her.
Once he was seated Bella said a quiet ‘thank you’ accepted a ‘you’re welcome’ by ways of a small kiss and then one of the two forks which Edward took out of the pocket of his shirt. As I watched the exchange I took notice that I wasn’t the only one. Marcus, Didyme and Jasper seemed very intent on what was occurring at the far corner of the table.
“How did you know about my hand? Did they tell you what happened?” Bella asked eating a bite of pie
“No…” Jane answered with a giggle “they showed us”
Bella’s face turned beet red as she gasped “Alice”
Making not only my daughter laugh but everyone who was paying attention “Oh come on Bella, that was hilarious…if it wouldn’t be for Emmett’s job, that video would be on You Tube as we speak. Besides after the way you were acting last night I figured you could use some levity. What the heck were you fighting over anyway?”
“We weren’t fighting” Edward stated firmly while Bella dropped her eyes to the half-eaten plate of dessert.
Everyone was correct, she had been in trouble. Unsure how to handle that revelation I excused myself to finish wiping down the kitchen.
“What’s the matter Es?”
Rinsing the sponge I didn’t bother to look at Didyme as I kept my voice down “Why should a grown woman have to worry about being in trouble?”
Diddy leaned her back against the counter leaving at a deep sigh “I suppose I could ask you the same thing”
Stopping what I was doing I turned to her with narrowed eyes “Me?”
“Yes. I seem to remember it was just last month someone calling me frantic because she had scratched her husband’s new Mercedes.”
“It’s not the same thing. I wasn’t worried about being punished”
“Well you were worried about something”
“I wasn’t worried…” I said spraying the sink out “…I just didn’t want to upset Carlisle and he was going to be…”
“Mad, angry, unhappy…” She was throwing words out at me.
“I don’t know what he was going to be but I wasn’t afraid of him”
Taking me by the shoulders to turn me around she asked “Does that girl look like she is afraid of Edward?”
Bella was leaning into Edward’s side she had one hand lying flat on the table with the ice on it the other was clasping his hand that was draped over her shoulder. They were laughing along with everyone else.
“That girl is no more fearful of your son then you are of your husband. However the very last thing she would ever want to do is disappoint or cause him stress. Just as you would not want to do the same thing to Carlisle by damaging his car, however those things happen. When they do, you make Carlisle his favorite meal, give him a blow job, tell him you’re sorry and then feel guilty until the damage is fixed. That girl does the same thing, except there is no guilt and instead of making a large meal there will be some other kind of penance.”
“That’s what concerns me…”
“That, my dear sister, is none of your business. That is between the two of them just as your relationship with your husband, is no concern of mine. The only thing you need to know is that nothing…absolutely nothing is done to that girl that she does not consent to.”
Diddy stopped to give me a pointed look “Look Es, I don’t know exactly what your problem is, but I do know that you can either continue to live in your world of denial or, you can embrace that young woman who is madly in love with your son, for who she is.”
“What are you asking me to do…share tips on leather cleaning?”
Diddy burst out laughing “No…I think Jane will have that covered…” her expression turned serious “…just don’t do what you did to Jane…I love you Es, but that was wrong”
“I’ve said I was sorry”
“You’ve said the words, I don’t think you ever believed them in your heart and Jane is very aware of that, as is Aro.”
“Mom we are going to have to go” Edward came into the kitchen with his dishes
“You’re leaving already?” he started telling me about having to stop by the grocery store, because they had nothing for breakfast and had an early morning meeting at the house. From what he was saying I got the feeling it was an insurance agent or something along those lines. I told him that I would pack him a care package that would hold them over through the morning that way they could stay a little longer.
The rest of the evening passed fairly quickly, we all ended up in the family room for the epic battle of Guitar Hero between Jasper and Marcus. Edward was standing in the back talking with Aro and his father. Jane Didyme and I were sitting at the small round table paging through pictures with Alice. When we got to an older family portrait, it reminded me to make a copy of the one Jane wanted.
Getting up to get the laptop I stopped dead at the sight of what was on the couch. Bella was in a sitting position with her head wedged in the corner and her legs drawn up on the cushions. Mia sat between her and the arm of the couch straddling her waist with her little head resting on her chest. Rose was in a half laying position on her side with her feet drawn up and her upper body lying against Bella. Both her arms were draped around Vinny who was positioned with his head on Bella’s leg and his body stretched out alongside his aunt. Seth was squeezed in behind Rose with his head resting on her upper thigh. All five of them intertwined and all five of them, sleeping.
The allure was too great and I quickly got the camera, snapping off a few pictures. My actions got the attention of the others in the room making them come to see what I found so interesting.
Marcus laughed quietly “I can’t believe Edward has a dog”
“Actually uncle, Eddie here…” he put his arm around Edward “… has a little Bella, the dog just came along…kind of like a package deal or a two for one special” he chuckled while Edward shook off his arm saying “I guess we should go”
Edward squatted down at the end of the couch. Reaching out his hand his knuckles skimmed over the length of Bella’s jaw “Wake up nâhtötse, it’s time to go home”
“Give me Mia, Bella” Jasper leaned down to the baby as Bella made whimpering noise “Mmmm…I’m stuck under Rose”
“Emmett...” Edward called “…get your wife off my woman”
“I bet you never thought you’d hear that” Marcus chuckled next to me and I had to agree with a grin. “No I didn’t”
I had worried that Edward would never find true love that he would be an old man sitting alone and surviving on frozen dinners. It was a sad proposition and one no mother wants for her child. Watching as he gently woke Bella and helped her to a standing position, I knew that was no longer a concern. I didn’t understand their life or rather the choices that they made, yet I could see that they deeply cared for one another.
My son dotted on Bella, took care of her, and treated her with tenderness and compassion. Those were all the things that I worked so hard to instill into him. Edward hadn’t forgotten and I didn’t know how the whole club life fit in with their relationship. Full-time, part-time, getting in trouble, not blinking or whatever else it entailed, all I knew was that they were both happy.
My son was ecstatically happy and going to start looking for a ring and that was all that mattered.
Everyone gathered their stuff together, I gave Jane the copy of the picture she wanted and made up my mind to try and repair our tattered relationship. I didn’t know if my sister-in-law and I could ever be close friends but we should be something.
Alice had all the kid’s stuff packed; Jasper carried Mia in his arms along with a tote over his shoulder. Emmett picked up a sleeping Vinny while Rose took Seth’s leash so Edward and Bella could handle the two bags of groceries I had gathered for them. They all left together walking down the hall talking quietly amongst themselves and I hoped that my children would always be kind to one another.
Aro was getting ready to leave, the weekend would be a busy one for both him and Marcus but it was also exciting for them. I gave Jane an unexpected hug, thanking her again for the pie and she thanked me for the picture. Looking to my baby brother, he wrapped me in his strong arms saying he would see me Sunday. When he let me go I looked up into his eyes saying the words that I should have said hours ago. “It doesn’t matter”
It took him a moment to know what I was talking about but I could see the understanding of my words come to him. It didn’t matter to me where Edward and Bella met or how they conducted their lives. I wasn’t going to pass judgment and I certainly could never think wrongly of the woman who my son loves so very much.
At his understanding I repeated the words with conviction “It doesn’t matter, I already think of Bella as my daughter”
“Good choice and I might add that now you know exactly how mother felt about Jane”
As I closed the door I thought about Aro’s parting words. Mother did love Jane and unlike me she never allowed grandmother’s narrow-mindedness to influence her opinion. I stood there wondering if mother was aware of their…lifestyle; if she was, there was nothing but acceptance for it. I didn’t know if there was any possible way to repair the damage that was done to my relationship with Jane. Didyme was correct I had said the words of apology simply out of obligation but I never truly completely meant them. That was something that had changed, I was indeed very sorry for the pain I caused and it was time to not only say it, but mean it. I just hoped it wasn’t too late.
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