I escorted Bella back to the kitchen to see Garret, he was busy, but he said he could give us a few minutes. I left Bella take over the conversation, and just stood back and watched this amazing woman take command of the situation. Apparently he was in need of a cook, for immediate placement. He couldn’t guarantee that the position would last past the season, but he would be interested in speaking to her further about it. Before we left, she made plans to call him tomorrow when he had more time, and they had privacy.
As we walked back to meet Emmett and Rose, she had a look of satisfaction on her face. “You guys ready to head out? Rose wants to hit a few shops before we get back on the ferry.” Bella and Rose went to use the bathroom, while we paid the bill. When the girls rejoined us I told Emmett we would meet them at the pier.
Once they were gone, I wrapped my arms around Bella’s waist pulling her close to me. She smiled and came willingly placing her palms on my chest, I leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were so soft and moist. Pulling back I left my hand run down over her bottom. “I was just wondering if you have room for some ice cream.”
“Oh... a treat? I must have been a good girl.” she giggled
“I love that sound” I told her as I kissed her again. “Actually, I really want some ice cream, the shop here makes their own. It’s fantastic.”
The sky was ablaze with rays of golden yellow and orange as we leaned against the bike eating ice cream. I watched her mouth, while she ate. The way her tongue peeked out between her lips to catch the residue left from the spoon.
She had a look of contentment on her face she caught me watching her, making the cutest shade of pink wash over her features. Chuckling I leaned over kissing the top of her head “You are so cute when you blush” I whispered by her ear before I stuck my spoon in her bowl, swiping a taste. “Hey! Eat your own ice cream!”
I couldn’t help but chuckle at the look on her face “I told you, treats are mine to give or take away.” Bella’s eyes scrunched together, as she starting shoving a big spoonful into her mouth. “What are you doing?” Her mouth was full with the frozen treat as she mumbled “Eting ess, so you can’t ake it aay”
Setting my bowl on the seat of the bike, I laughed, putting my hands on her hips to pull her to me. “You’re silly” I said placing a kiss on her forehead. “I’m not going to take your treat. You enjoy it.” I kissed her again. Taking the spoon she brought it up to my lips “I’ll share”
“You have some ice cream, right here.” Bella rose on her toes letting her tongue ran across the middle of my bottom lip. I pulled her closer to me, kissing her, feeling the warmth of her lips and the coolness of her tongue. She moaned wrapping one arm around my neck, pulling me impossibly closer to her. Somewhere in my frenzied state I remembered that we were in a public place. Reluctantly I pulled back from her. The look in her eyes was one of pure lust.
The smug grin on my face made her blush as she diverted her eyes from me. I placed my finger under her chin, her eyes meeting mine once again. “Did you have a nice afternoon?” “
I did” she replied with enthusiasm “thank you for bringing me. I’ve never been to the Island before.”
I was surprised at that, people bring the ferry over just to walk around, but a thought occurred to me “Well then, that makes us uneven, doesn’t it?” A look of confusion washed over her, so I went on to explain. “You have now been where I grew up, but I haven’t been where you grew up.”
“You want to go to Forks?” she asked doubtfully almost with disdain. “Why not, I would love to see your high school, the house where you grew up...the cliff you jumped off of.” She giggled. “That bothers you, doesn’t it?”
I was playing with the end of her pony tail, letting the soft strands run through my fingers. “I just can’t picture you jumping off a sixty foot cliff” Her shoulders shrugged “It’s only sixty feet on the top you know, it gets lesser as you go down “
“Oh great, that makes me feel better.” I kissed her softly as Emmett was pulling next to us.
“You fuckers went and got ice cream didn’t you?”
“You could have come.” I looked at Bella. ‘Too bad we didn’t think to get any for them.” “He’s your brother.” She said with a ring of innocence.
“Come on little Bella, I thought you and me were tight.” he said putting his arm over her shoulder. I reached in the saddle bag, pulling out the cold pack “Here, I got a quart for you. Now get your arm off her.” Taking the container he released Bella “See Rosie, told ya they loved us.”
The air was cooler on the ferry back to Seattle. Bella looked really good in her form fitting leather jacket. We stood near the bikes, keeping to ourselves. Bella leaned into me with her back against my chest. I wasn’t going to complain, my arms fit perfectly around her waist pulling her closer.
I was discussing the upcoming week with Emmett while she and Rose talked. It seemed comfortable and easy.
Bella fit in so naturally with my family, it was almost like she was meant to be with us. Rose can be a hard ass and difficult to get along but Bella wasn’t having any problem with her. When we starting docking the girls hugged, saying something about shopping next week with Alice. I hope Bella knows what she is getting into shopping with my sister. I smiled to myself at the thought. ‘What are you grinning about?” She asked in my ear. “Nothing baby, nothing.” I said kissing her cheek, while she blushed.
I was pulling into the driveway at the back of her house. Her arms came up wrapping around my shoulders, kissing my neck. “Do you want to come in?” I used my hands to release her grip, so I could get up. She sat looking up at me questionably “Ah Bella” my lips meeting hers. ‘Hmmm...I would love to come in, but you have some work to do, and papers to fill out, and sleep to be had. So I don’t think that is a good idea.” Her pout was utterly adorable and it almost weakens my resolve. “Come on” I said taking her hand.
Seth came out of his door, while we were standing on her back porch. He completely ignored us, instead went down into the yard to do his business. “I think he’s mad at me for keeping you out all day.”
“He’ll get happy again, as soon as I feed him.” she said with a backwards glance, before meeting my eyes. “I had a really nice day Edward. Thank you” My hand was against her cheek, my thumb caressing across her lips “The pleasure was mine, Isabella”
A small moan escaped her lips “I love when you call me Isabella, it just does something to me.” My lips were on hers before I could think; it was impulse and pure need. Her mouth opened to allow me entrance, and another moan escaped her, making my dick twitch.
I let out a small sigh, as I pulled away from her. The look in her eyes told me what I already knew. “Bella, I think you better go into the house now, before I change my mind.” She placed her hands on my chest, her finger tips traced lightly over the planes of my abs. My dick was going into spasms against my jeans as I ground my hard on into her with a soft groan.
“Isabella...please, be a good girl and go into the house.” I hissed
I let out a sigh of relief when she opened her door “Good night Edward, thanks again”
“Sleep well Bella, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” My body was in overdrive, I needed to take a few cleansing breaths centering myself before I could get back on my bike. Instead of heading straight home, I decided to take a small detour around the park. I had some finishing touches to do for the finals that would begin on Tuesday, but I was afraid if I went home in this state of mind I would call her. It wouldn’t take very much for her to convince me to come back, because in all honesty that is what I really wanted to do.
Pulling into my driveway, I came to three conclusions. First, I truly enjoyed spending time with her. She is the first woman that I can honestly say holds my attention longer then it takes to do a scene with. I want to do those things with her, but I also want to know everything about her. I cared for the women that I was with, in a superficial way. I didn’t want them to be injured or sick, but I really didn’t want to know them outside the playroom either. It didn’t matter to me what they did in their daily lives. Or what outside circumstances they were dealing with. All that mattered was when they were before me, their focus was on that moment and our mutual pleasure. I never saw them outside of my playroom or the club. Not even Tanya, with whom I was with for close to a year. None of them had ever mattered enough to me. But with Bella, I found myself looking for reasons to be with her.
Second, there is a burning passion that lies somewhere deep inside her. When she lay on that mattress and told me her fantasy, I was truly shocked. Not from her words, but from the feeling that was exuding from her. I could almost taste her arousal in the air, as her body reacted to what her mind was imagining. Then when she opened her eyes to look at me, the ever present mask she wore was gone. She was completely open and uninhibited. Throughout our day, I saw her passion for life, laughter and companionship.When she laughed it was almost infectious, and when she was speaking with Rose about her past, her compassion was undeniably clear. Yes, Isabella is very passionate.
And Third, I am going to need help in her training. I have never started from scratch before, not that it bothers me very much. I won’t have to waste time re-training her in order to rid her of bad habits. The thing that has me concerned is that I have to split myself up to keep things separate. The fact that I want to know and grow with the passionate woman that is Bella, and yet be Isabella’s Dominate at the same time had me worried. I found myself wanting to give into her wishes - that would be fine for Bella. But Isabella was going to need me to be strong and follow through with my responsibilities when it comes to her training. Would I be able to punish her? Or would I find myself with a spoiled bratty submissive who just wants to play? That second scenario wouldn’t do either of us any good.
To be honest with myself, that thought scared the shit out of me. I had to figure out how to keep the two parts of our relationship separate, if that is even a possibility -I didn’t want a 24/7, and I am pretty damn sure Bella didn’t either - which is why I didn’t stay with her tonight, even though I wanted to very badly. My resolve was beginning to waver, and I had to force her to go inside. Yes, I was definitely going to need guidance, because I don’t want to fuck this up.
The question is, who? I feel like I’m in a twelve-step program trying to decide who will be a good sponsor. I laughed out loud at that thought. I could ask Emmett, He and Rosie make it work. Aro, would be a better choice, he seemed to have a connection with Bella. The only thing that I can see as a problem is that he and Jane live 24/7. I know he loves her, very, very much, and yet he still is her Master. Looking at the clock 10:45, I wonder if he is at the club. Picking up my phone, I dial his number, it goes straight to voice mail.
“Aro, this is Edward. I was wondering if you could give me a few minutes of your time to discuss Isabella. I’ll be up until midnight, if you have a chance to call by then. If not, perhaps sometime tomorrow. Thank you.”
The call had just disconnected, when a text message came in. I thought it might be Aro so I was surprised when I saw it was, Bella. Why isn’t she in bed?
Edward, are you still awake? I have a question. - B
I am awake. The question I have is why are you not in bed? - E
I am in bed, I’m reading your papers, I don’t know what something is. You told me to ask you if, I had a question. So I am asking, What is Figging?...Is it sticking leaves all over your body like Adam and Eve? - B
I chuckled as I wrote back.
My dearest silly girl, Figging is the use of Ginger Root. - E
Sir, your girl would like to know what the ginger does and how it is used? - B
Ginger is used to create a warm sensation in/on sensitive areas Its effects are building in intensity, lasting about thirty minutes, does that answer your question? - E
Yes, thank you - B
You’re very welcome. Now, go to sleep Isabella. - E
She didn’t text back that was good. I figured she had to be asleep by 11:00 to get her full eight hours. Once my work was finished, I took a quick shower, while I was drying off, my phone rang. Checking the caller ID, I smile, Aro.
“Good evening Aro, how is your night going?”
“Very well Edward. What can I do for you? You had mentioned Ms Swan in your message, is everything all right with her?” The concern for her was clear in his voice. “Yes she is very well. We spent the day together along with Emmett and Rosalie. I have some concerns that I was hoping you might be able to help me with. I won’t take much of your time, if I could just state my concerns and then you can decide if it is something you would be willing to help me with.”
After clearing his throat, he told me to continue. “I’m taking Isabella as my submissive.” I waited to hear his reaction “go on.”
I sighed “The thing is, I don’t just want her as my submissive, I want to be with her. Go out for dinner, see a movie, have a picnic in the park.”
“That doesn’t sound like a problem Edward that sounds like you are quite enamored with Ms Swan. I don’t blame you, she is a lovely young woman.” I had to agree with him “She is, she is funny, articulate, levelheaded and compassionate. She is unlike any other woman I have ever met.”
He was quiet so I continued “My concern is…is it possible to have two different kinds of relationships with the same woman? I want to do right by her, be the Dominate she needs and desires and yet be the man who shelters and protects her.”
Aro sighed before he spoke “Edward as a Dominate that is your role, to shelter, protect and provide for. That encompasses the whole self, you are not just providing basic necessities, you provide her with what she needs to be complete”
I was beginning to feel juvenile “I know that, and I have that down. But where does the boyfriend end, and the Dom pick up? How do I keep a balance or the right perspective for each role? I want to give her everything, I care for her, how am I ever going to be able to punish her?”
“Edward you are who you are. You can set certain times for play, or you can take it as it comes. You cannot just shut off your dominate side, because it is a Monday morning. She will inevitably be confused as will you. Have your protocol for the playroom, but make her respect you at all times. When it comes to punishment....Well, I will tell you, it is necessary, you know this. Is it difficult? Yes it is. I love your aunt very much. The first time I had to punish her, I cried more than she. When it was done, I was so disgusted with myself that I failed to provide her with the necessary after care and comfort. Because I was more concerned with my own emotions than I was with hers. Fifteen years later, I am still sorry about that. And I still get a little twinge when chastisement is in order. Thankfully, it does not happen often.”
He was quiet as if in thought “But I do what must be done, for both our sakes. She needs me to be what I am, just as I need her to be what she is. It’s a give and take. She is my wife, my friend, my confidant, my voice of reason and my slave. And Edward Ms Swan can be all those things to you, and still show you the respect you need and she desires to give. Do you understand what I am saying?”
“Yes...you are saying that I should allow her to be my friend, lover and submissive at all times, in the playroom and out. So my plan was to use her full name when I meant business and just Bella on a regular basis.”
“That sounds like a plan to me. That way she would know that her actions are going to have consequences. For example, you are having your picnic in the park, and she is acting inappropriate or in a dangerous manor. It would be your responsibility to correct her. How would she know that you were serious?”
He waited for my answer “I say, Isabella”
He laughed “Yes, and she will respond so long as you do not confuse her by saying it when you don’t mean it.”
“That was my original plan, I was just curious to know if it was possible do it that way.” “
I don’t see why it would not, train her to know and trust you. That doesn’t mean that she will not have her own opinion on things. She will, she will tell you what she thinks and she will call you on stuff that she feels you are doing wrong. But make her do it with respect. Take what she says to heart, as you said she is an intelligent woman, and her opinions might just be the right thing to do. There is nothing wrong with that. Give her the credit she deserves and reward her for caring enough about you to speak up. You are the Dominate my boy, but this is her relationship too. If all you want is a playmate, then continue on with the way you have been going. But if you are ready to grow with a woman in a relationship, then I can think of no finer woman for you than Ms Swan.”
“I’m just scared I’m going to fuck it up.” His laughter rang through the phone “You probably will.”
“Thanks, that is just what I wanted to hear.”
“Just take it slow, build upon each lesson, reward and correct as needed. You know all this Edward. ...Listen I know Ms Swan will tell you, if she hasn’t already. She comes from an abusive marriage, a very abusive marriage, one that has left her with a permanent disability.”
“Her neck?” I interjected. “Yes, she told you?”
“Just about the scar, not what happened.”
“Hmm...She will tell you. She also has an extreme fear, of dark enclosed places. Which is why she had extra windows installed in her home.”
That’s why there are so many windows and no curtains or drapes. Women live for drapes. Aro continued “If I were to ever meet that sad excuse for a man, I would string him up by his toes and drain every drop of blood he has...You treat her well Edward, and if you need me, I’m here for you my boy.”
“Thank you, I might take you up on that.”
“That’s fine. I don’t mind. But do me and yourself a favor, and tell Ms Swan that we talked. You want her to be honest with you, then you need to be honest with her. It will build trust. Another thing, you don’t want her to hear it through the grape vine, or find out somewhere down the road. That will just cause problems, believe me, learn from my mistakes. So just tell her and make sure she doesn’t have a problem with it. You don’t have to tell her everything that was said, word for word, just be honest with her.”
“I will and thank you for your time, I really appreciate it.” I could hear the smile in his voice You’re more than welcome my boy, I’m very happy for you, and Ms Swan. She is special, and I believe that you are the perfect match for her. I’m so very glad that you two found each other.
Have a good evening Edward”
“Good night Aro, thanks again.”
After my conversation with Aro, I had a better understanding of what I needed to do. My original plan just needed to be slightly modified. I would have to speak with Bella tomorrow, maybe we could have lunch. I still don’t know her daily schedule. That will have to be the first thing that gets straighten out. Then we need to have a heart to heart about what Aro had mentioned concerning her permanent disability. I haven’t seen anything that would indicate a problem, so I would have to ask her point blank. The fear she has of dark enclosed places would also come up, before we could proceed with any playtime. Which I was hopeful would begin in fullness this Friday.
I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and full of energy. It was only 6:45 I had time for a run, before I had to get ready for work. Without thinking, I went to the running trail in the park, by way of Bella’s street. Her house looked quiet from what I could see, although the windows were uncovered I assumed that meant she was awake.
As I ran I thought more about what Aro said ‘If all you want is a playmate, then continue on with the way you have been going. But if you are ready to grow with a woman in a relationship, then I can think of no finer woman for you than Ms Swan.’
That’s what I wanted, I was sure that is what she was expecting. She hasn’t been with a man -willingly, that thought making me run harder - for fsix years. If she had just wanted to be a plaything or a quick fuck, she could have found that a long time ago. No Aro was correct, she is special, and a fine woman and she trusted me to bring her back to life. I could do it, I would do it.
My run lasted longer than I anticipated causing me to hurry to make it to my first class. Afterwards I had told my students that I would have office hours until noon, then again after lab until three. My day was set, students came in and out dropping off last minute papers or asking question.
It wasn’t until after two that I had a spare moment to call Bella. She picked up on the second ring, sounding like she was in a hurry. She explained that she had to pick someone up and make the 3:10 ferry in order to keep the appointment with Garrett. I didn’t want her to be on the phone while she was driving, so we made arrangements for her to come to my house for dinner around seven. I hung up with a smile, knowing that I would see my girl soon
Deciding on Chicken Cacciatore, with wild rice and broccoli, it was simple and safe. I was just steaming the vegetable when the front door bell rang. She stood on my porch with a contagious smile on her face. She was still wearing her work clothes. A gray pencil skirt, with a soft pink shirt, medium heels that looked more comfortable then they probably were. Her hair was loose, hanging softly over her shoulders. Even with the smile on her face, she looked worn.
“Hey Babe, tough day?” She stepped through the door with a heavy sigh “Just long, I feel like I ran a marathon” my hands were on her face, I kissed her quickly “Are you hungry? Dinner is almost ready.” She followed me into the kitchen. “It smells great, and yes I’m starving, I didn’t really have time for lunch, so I ate half my sandwich on the ferry.” I wasn’t very happy about that, she needed more nutrition than a half of sandwich. “You only had half a sandwich all day?” the annoyance in my voice being very clear.
“Are you going to yell at me?” her voice was quiet, almost childlike and timid. Gathering my composure and resolve I told her “No, but I am going to remind you to take better care of yourself.”
“I know it was an unusual day” I pursed my lips “Bring the wine, this is ready.” After sitting we talked about our day. She had been busy, and the appointment she had with Garret seemed to please her. “Edward, is he a good man?” I looked at her wondering why she was asking “Garret? Yes, he is fair and honest. Why do you ask?”
“Usually, I would do a full back ground check, speak to employees, present and previous,” She left out a worried sigh “I just don’t have that much time. She needs to begin working. I hate cutting corners, especially with someones future.”
“Like I said I know Garret six years, he is fair, keeps a level head, and seems to care about his employees”
“He said he would make sure that she got to the ferry safely. I was glad for that. Well, I guess we will just have to see how it works out.” She still had a worried look on her face, but her resolve was set.
She was helping with the dishes “Thank you for dinner Edward, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I figured I would just go home and eat the other half of my sandwich.”
I shot her an angry glare, she giggled. When the kitchen was done, she picked out a movie, and we sat on the couch together. While it was loading and the going through all the previews, I figured it was a good time to bring up my conversation with Aro.
“I want to talk to you about something.”
“What is something wrong?”
“No” I said, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Nothing is wrong. I just want to be honest with you, and I want you to know that I spoke with Aro last night.” She tilted her head to the side “About what?”
“About us, I told him that I had taken you as my submissive.”
“And, what did he say?” The words were common enough, but there was venom in her voice, like she was appalled. What did she think he would say? I was confused “That he was glad.”
Her body stiffened as she pulled back from me “Are you going to tell him, what we do?” Her eyes looked past me. “Not that there is much to tell.” She mumbled quietly. “
What does that mean?”
“Nothing” she spat out, standing up. “I need to use your bathroom.”
I watched her in disbelief. Did she think I would speak of our time together with someone else? Like a high school boy in the locker room, and what the fuck does she mean by, ‘there’s not much to tell?’
“Bel” I started to speak, I wanted her to clarify for me, but she cut me off. “Edward, thanks for dinner, I’m really tired. I’m going to go. I will drop off those papers for you tomorrow, so you’ll know how you can use me on Wednesday.”
Picking up her purse she headed for the door. “Bella! What do you mean use you? I don’t want to use you.”
Coming up behind her, she stopped abruptly keeping a trembling hand on the door knob. Her breath was ragged “You don’t want me Wednesday either?”
I could hear the tears in her voice. “I thought...never mind. Let me know when you want me.”
Her whole body was shaking as she tried to open the door I was blocking with my hand. “Edward please...just let me leave with some dignity.”
I watched her from my porch, as she drove away. What the fuck just happened? She looked tired when she got here, but she seemed happy almost excited. What the hell did she think I would talk to Aro about? She didn’t even let me explain. Besides we haven’t had sex yet, just that one orgasm...oh, shit - ‘not much to tell’ - she was saying that we didn’t have a sex life. ‘Use her on Wednesday’ - “Fuck!”
Could she think I don’t want her outside of the playroom? Why would she think that? I spent the whole weekend with her, what the fuck is she thinking? ‘Let me know when you want me’ - God Damn It! She thinks I don’t want her.
“Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!”
It took me about a minute of standing there playing back her words to try and decipher the hidden meaning behind her terminology. If that is even what she meant, I couldn’t be sure, but I had to find out.
I was in my car and heading over to her house without a moment’s hesitation. Her car sat in the open garage, I pulled into the driveway directly behind her, and I could see Bella was still inside. She didn’t hear me as I approached her, or if she did made no acknowledgment of my presence. Both her hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles where turning white. Her body was slumped forward, with her head resting on the back of her wrist. She was visibly shaking with tears, and my heart broke to see her so distraught.
Opening her door, I squatted down next to her. “Bella” she didn’t answer. My hand slide down the length of her hair “Baby, please look at me”
Her head moved so her cheek now rested on her wrist, she looked at me with red, puffy eyes. Her face was flushed with streaks of black running down her cheeks. She looked so pitiful as she sniffled
“Baby, tell me what happened. There has to be something else, besides our... misunderstanding. That’s what we just had back there, I didn’t make myself clear, and I think you jumped to conclusions.”
Bella sucked in a shuddering breath, “I...I...I, really… try...”
She wasn’t making any sense, and I wanted to get her out of the car, and into the house. So she could calm down and we could talk.
“Come here” After prying her hands off the steering wheel, I pulled her out of the car, cradling her in my arms bridal style. She seemed so defeated and anguished, her head laid against my shoulder, her body still shaking as she tried to get her breathing under control.
“Baby, what’s the code to open your door?”
“7...2..3..8..9" she said through shaky breaths as I held her tightly.
“Do I need to do anything to the security system?” she didn’t answer, just shook her head.
The house was quiet, the only light coming from above the stove, and a table lamp in the living room. I was going to put her down on the couch, but decided that she would be more comfortable in her bed. As I laid her down, she held onto my shirt with both fists, new tears were running down her face
“Baby, I’ll be right back”
I forced her hands off my shirt, kissing her forehead before walking into the kitchen to get her a drink. Seth was sitting by the cabinet under the sink where his food was kept. I figured he was hungry. After feeding him, I took a bottle of water out of the refrigerator, and then headed into the bathroom for some pain relievers and a cold wash cloth.
Bella was where I left her, one arm at her side, the other laying across her face, covering her eyes. The room was dark, except for the light coming through the door to the bathroom. When I sat on the bed, her arm lifted and I could see the apprehension in her eyes.
“I’m sorry Edward” a single tear escaping her eye.
“Here, sit up, I brought you some Tylenol” After taking a drink, I used the washcloth to wipe her face. She sighed and smiled sadly, before lying back on the pillow. Reaching down I took her shoes off, kicking mine to the floor before lying down next to her, and drawing her into my arms. Her body was laying aside of mine, her head on my shoulder, while I rubbed small circles along her arm, kissing the top of her head.
“You feeling better?” her body stiffened at my question as she took a deep cleansing breath.
“Yes, a little bit.” lifting her chin with my hand, I could see the tears threatening to spill again. The pad of my thumb capturing it, she sniffled.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Her eyes narrowed, “I’m just sorry.”
My arms held her secure, I wanted her to know that I wasn’t going anywhere, but I needed her to tell me what had upset her so much. It had to be more than our misunderstanding. “What exactly, are you sorry for?”
Her body wiggled in closer to me, so her head was higher on my shoulder. I could feel her breath on my neck as she spoke. “For freaking out back there, I should have let you explain.”
I thought about that for a minute, taking her hand, kissing the back of it. “Yes, you should have. That would have elevated some of the problem, but not all of it.”
She was quiet as I continued. “Let’s start this all over shall we? How was your day?”
She sighed “It was good, I guess.”
“You guess?”
Her shoulders lifted in a shrug “I was busy. I got a lot done. Looks like Peggy is going to have a job. But.” her voice trailed off.
“But?” I could hear her breathing become labored; she was fighting off tears again. Pulling back, I tried to get her to look at me, but her head was buried in the crease of my neck.
“Baby what happened?”
All kinds of scenarios went through my head. She didn’t seem injured, so I didn’t think she was attacked. She wouldn’t tell me and the longer I waited the more worried I got, finally I demanded. “Isabella, tell me what happened.”
“It’s stupid, I shouldn’t even be upset. I should expect it by now.”
Piecing together her words, all I could think was it had something to do with the center. “Something happened at the center?”
“She left. She went back to her husband. This is the third time she came for help and she went back again. I just feel like I failed her.” Bella sniffled in my shirt; I reached over to the night stand for a tissue. “Thank you”
I kissed the top of her head, lightly rubbing my hand down the length of her arm. “You’re welcome. Now tell me what could you have done differently? If you have sat by her side twenty-four hours a day, do you think the outcome would be different? Or would she have chosen to go anyway?”
“She would have left anyways, its part of the cycle. I don’t know why I even try. I give so much time, energy and money, why do I even bother? It doesn’t make a bit of difference.”
Taking her face in my hands, I forced her to look at me. “Yeah, your right...you didn’t make a bit of difference in Peggy’s life did you? You can’t save the world Isabella. If five hundred women come through that center and only one gets a better life, is it worth it? Or do you turn down that person, because the other four hundred and ninety-nine, choose to ignore the opportunity.”
She was quiet “What I’m asking, is saving one Peggy worth all your time, effort and money, or is she just not worth it?”
“Of course she’s worth it.” I looked at her waiting for her to see the absurdity of the previous statement.
“You know Bella, I admire you. You see an injustice and you at least attempt to help make a difference. Most people don’t have the courage to get involved.” My arms wrapped around her waist, turning so her back was on the bed, and was looking down at her. I ran my hand through her hair. “But not my brave Bella.”
“I’m not brave.” she said turning her face away from me. I guided it back with my hand.
“You are brave, braver then me.” She shook her head “You are, do you know why I didn’t go into pediatrics?”
‘You said you didn’t get the residency?” Her response sounded like a question.
“There are a lot of residency programs Bella. The real reason, I took a different route was because; I don’t have the guts that it takes to deal with sick children. I could do well visits, flu’s and chicken pox. But when it comes to really sick children, I wouldn’t be brave enough to help them. Even though eighty percent might live, the other twenty percent scare me so much, that I couldn’t help any of them. So I chickened out.”
I kissed her lips tenderly “But you baby, how many woman leave and get a better life, for themselves and their children?”
“I don’t know, more go back, at least once.”
“And yet you’re still there cheering on the underdogs. Courage baby...real courage...I know it must get frustrating at times, but it must be rewarding when you make a difference in some one’s life. I’m proud of you. I think you are an exceptional woman.” “
You do?” She was almost uncertain.
“Yes, I do.”
I kissed her again, this time with more energy. Her hands found purchase on my arms, pulling me closer to her. Her lips opened, biting my bottom lip softly, causing me to groan. My hands moved down along her ribs and under her back, turning her so she was once again lying on my chest. She pulled back from me, and smiled. I stoked her cheek with the back of my hand.
“Do you want to talk about the rest of what happened tonight? I know you were stressed, but we can’t let misunderstandings get in the way.”
She sat upright, with her legs out straight. “I don’t know what happened. It’s just that…” she stopped talking “What?”
“I really don’t know.” leading back against the headboard, my hands folded behind my head, I left out a long breath “Ok, let’s start again. I spoke with Aro last night.”
She pursued her lips but wouldn’t meet my eyes. “Why does that upset you?”
Bella was quiet, playing with an imaginary tread on the comforter. “I don’t want you talking about me.”
“Would it make you feel better to know, as a subject you only came up, when he told me to be good to you?”
That seemed to have gotten her attention because she looked up at me. “Isabella I wouldn’t tell people what goes on behind closed doors. Our time together is just that, our time. No one else’s. Yes eventually, we will join others, or they will join us. But that is still our time, and whatever happens is kept among those who are there. It’s not announced in a monthly newsletter.”
Her eyes lowered “There is not much to tell. It’s not Wednesday yet.” her voice was so quiet, I had to struggle to hear it.
“Are you under the delusion that I don’t desire you?” Her silence was enough of an answer. I laughed
“It’s not funny!” Her anger made me laugh harder
“Oh, but it is.” She bolted up from the bed, left the room before I could stop her. I was going to follow her, when she came back in holding some folded papers.
“Here, Look! I don’t blame you for not wanting me; I am a complete failure when it comes to sex. I hated sex with James, it made me sick to have him on top of me. I thought maybe it was just him, that with some...with you... and I found myself wanting to be with you. When you took me into the playroom, God, all I could think about was what I wanted you to do to me. So I thought that it was him, not me. But every time...”
“Every time what?”
She sat on the edge of the bed tears forming in her eyes “You keep ...it’s so easy for you to walk away from me, so ...I guess it’s just me after all.”
It took a second for her words to register. She had no idea how desirable she is. I stood up in front of her, taking her hand and placing it on my very hard cock. “Does that feel like I don’t desire you?”
Her hand squeezed around me, eliciting a groan. Her breathing picked up as her face turned a shade of pink, but she didn’t remove her hand. “Isabella, look at me” her chin came up, her eyes were a mixture of tears and of arousal.
My lips met hers, as my weight pushed her back on the bed. Her hands came up to my hair, pulling lightly, making my dick grind into her stomach. She opened her mouth for me, sucking my tongue into her mouth, I groaned at the feeling.
My hands were running up her stomach over the flesh of her breast. Her back arched and she moaned as I rubbed across her nipple. My mouth left hers, tracing the contours of her neck with wet kisses. She tried to scoot up the bed, but I held her hips in place. My lips moved to her ears “Oh, no you don’t. I waited long enough Isabella.”

A riding crop and a blindfold doesn't make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It's not a sexual thing to me, it's a very spiritual thing. ~ DominaBlue
Chapter 8
Edward took my hand leading me to the door off the kitchen, flipping on the light that showed the way down the stairs. I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I couldn’t tell if it was excitement or fear. Probably a little bit of both. Edward was one step behind me, which was a good thing; because it ensured that I couldn’t turn around and run. I kept telling myself, this is what I have been fantasizing about for years. The life I wanted was just a few more steps in front of me. With that thought, my excitement grew.
At the bottom, there was another door, Edward took his keys out, and unlocked it. When he opened the door, there was a dim light illuminating the area. He flipped the switch on the wall, the click that sounded in the quiet room, startled me. The whole room was bathed in a bright light, allowing me to take in the sight before me. I could feel Edwards gaze on me, waiting for my reaction. I couldn’t talk at the moment, as my eyes scanned his playroom, my breathing increased and I had to bite my lip to hold in the excitement that threatened to erupt.
The room was one large space that appeared to span the whole area of the house. Two support beams were the only thing that seemed to separate the space. The walls were mostly mirrored. What wasn’t covered had been painted a deep burgundy color. Directly in front of the door, against the north wall, was a four-poster dark cherry canopy bed.
The mattress was covered in black silk. A gold silk comforter and four fluffy pillows sat on the foot of the bed. Two large black leather wing chairs faced towards it, creating a small sitting area, complete with a cherry coffee table. I wondered who sat there and what would they be watching. I squeezed my thighs together and could feel the heat in my face grow at the thought.
Edward must have still been watching me, because he chuckled softly behind me. His hand was still on my back, I’m sure he could feel the labor of my breathing. He guided me forward so I was standing directly behind one of the chairs. I looked at myself in the mirrors behind the bed; my eyes were large with excitement.
Any fear I had while walking down the steps was gone now. In its place was pure yearning. To the right of the mirrors was a wooded case that should have held pool cues, but this one held seven different canes’ of various sizes and widths.
To the left a wooden structure contained whips and floggers for easy access. Edward guided me over to the structure and I so desperately wanted to reach out and touch the whips, but I refrained. Pushed in the corner were a spanking stool and something that resembled a pommel horse without handles. Both made of dark wood and covered in black leather.
“This is the media center” Edward said as he slid open a mirrored door to reveal a flat screen TV mounted on the wall. Underneath were shelves that contained a stereo, camera and video equipment, with the whole bottom shelve being filled with CD’s and DVD’s
Next to the media center was a curio cabinet, he didn’t open it, but told me that was where he kept the toys. I nodded, I know he wanted me to speak but I still hadn’t been able to.
The last thing on that wall was a series of hooks that held paddles, slappers, and crops, at the very bottom hung six different colored ropes. I couldn’t help myself this time, and I bent down to run my finger over them. Edward placed his hands on my shoulders, making me stand “Soon Isabella...soon”
I looked at him, his eyes were dark “We have more to talk about, before we can come down here.” I left out a breath
“How much more?” He smiled “Come I’ll show you the rest.”
He opened another door “This is the bathroom, shower, tub, toilet” I looked inside, it was standard, painted a soft blue color with while fixtures, the only upgrade was the large claw foot tub. On the other side of the stairs he opened more doors. “This is your closet, you’ll change or undress in here.”
“Ok...umm do I bring my things?” he shrugged “Alice is working on some things, we’ll go shopping, I’m sure Rose or Alice will go shopping with you. Anything you put in here is to be approved by me.”
I glanced inside; it was larger than I anticipated, with a chest of drawers and a rack to hang outfits on. There was a small bench and the back wall had a full length mirror. “What if I want to surprise you?” I asked. He smiled “Surprise me upstairs, in my bedroom, or at your house...” he shook his head “Not in the playroom, even if I like the surprise, you will be punished.” ok…I guess that answered that question.
He shut the door, pointing to the last door “This is storage.”
I acknowledged him with a slight nod. In the far corner of the east wall set on an angle facing the chairs was a St Andrews Cross covered in black leather with more mirrors behind it. The last thing on the wall was the rack, it had nine or ten slats made of the same dark wood. Edward pulled on a rope, and a swing dropped from the ceiling about ten feet in front of it.
When I looked up I realized that the ceiling was composed of a grid of exposed wooden beams. Where each one intersected there was a hook emerging from the wood. The lights were recessed in the ceiling. Edward stepped away from me, and the lights dimmed. “Each area has its own dimmer switch, so the light can be adjusted as needed, even over the bed.”
As he said this all the lights went out except for one that came from above the bed. I walked over to see how that was set up. My fingers ran over mattress. It wasn’t silk, it was black leather, cool to the touch and very soft. I thought about what Alice had said about my outfit being made of Italian Leather, and I hoped it would feel that soft against my skin.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, I laid back so my elbows supported my weight on the firm mattress. The gold material - matching the comforter - on the outside sheltered the same wooden grid as the ceiling, except that mirrors separated the gaps, and there were smaller hooks. The light was angled from the head of the bed, shining down.
Each of the four posts had several hooks, with restraints attached to both the head and the foot rails of the bed. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and imagined myself restrained and blind folded, withering under the onslaught of a vibrator, while people I couldn’t see, watched.
I could feel the heat in my body, as warmth and wetness soaked my panties. My thighs rubbed together on their own accord and I think I left out a small moan. I had to take a deep breath to calm myself. Edward’s soft voice pulled me back to reality
“What are you thinking about?”
I turned to face his voice. He was sitting in one of the chairs watching me, his face relaxed but with and intense look in his eyes. I released the lip I didn’t realize I was biting
“I was just imagining being restrained and blindfolded” he didn’t say anything at first; he just shifted in the chair, and then asked “What was happening to you?”
“Mmm...”I hummed “....nameless, faceless people were sitting in those chairs, watching me struggle not to cum.” I blushed with the last word.
“Ahhh... and that would be something you would enjoy?”
I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, I didn’t realize before but the room had a smell of Jasmine and Lavender. “Yes...I think I would enjoy that very much.”
Edward’s shoulders relaxed slightly “We will have to see if we can make that happen, because I believe I also would enjoy that very much.”
“You would?” I had to ask, because part of me thought that my little fantasy was obscene, and he said he didn’t share. He came over, lying beside me.
‘Yes I would” His fingers ran through my hair, over my shoulder and down my bare arm. “...to have others watching you, wanting you, knowing they could never have you, because your mine. All the while knowing that you are struggling to control yourself from the attention I’m giving to your body, and enjoying it....oh yes Isabella, that would give me great pleasure.” he leaned down and kissed me tenderly
“I might even give you a treat for that one” I giggled before he kissed me again.
I was starting to really enjoy the kiss when his pants vibrated. “Oh!” he smiled, sitting up to take out his phone. “Hello Emmett...not quite.....what time is it?” I looked at my watch 1:00, Edward took my hands so I sat up, damn Emmett. I listened to the one sided conversation. “No...we have some more to do...how about three?” Shoot, now I’m really mad at Emmett.
Edward eyed me “Are you hungry?” I shook my head “No we just ate...she’s going to go? ....yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea” he was eyeing me up again “....I don’t think Isabella’s ready for that, in a few weeks maybe...that sounds like a much better idea...We can go to Garret’s....Alright then I’ll meet you at the ferry at three, you know what make it three thirty ....see you then.”
Edward sighed taking my hands pulling me to my feet asking “Are we done in here?” I looked at him and pouted, he smiled “let me rephrase, for the moment are we done in here?” I smiled “I guess so; unless you have something else you want to show me.”
Edward wrapped his arms around my back pulling me close to his chest. He rubbed his nose along the length of my jaw and down my neck. I had to use his shoulders to steady myself, from the feeling that his warm breath was having on me. Placing slow wet kisses up to my ear, making my body tremble with want. “I do have something else I want to show you, Isabella” his voice was husky in my ear.
I moaned “What Edward?” my voice was feeble. His nose was running along the curve of my ear “I want to show you the approved food list.” he said standing up abruptly, chuckling loudly.
My face fell with shock, and my expression caused him to laugh louder. “That’s not right.” I said with indignation, “Oh Isabella, everything I do in here is right, besides that’s what you get for that dirty toilet remark.” I giggled his arms were still around my waist, and he swatted my bottom with a grin ‘Let’s go, we have some more to do, and not a lot of time.”
No one can ever say that Edward is not thorough, because once we were back in the kitchen he indeed handed me an approved food list. “The best way to ensure proper nutrition is to use a food exchange system. I figured you will need sixteen-hundred calories a day. Your exchange is on the top. Choose wisely and please see that you eat as your suppose to.” I looked at him, then down at myself “Do you think I’m fat?”
“No...I think you’re perfect, this isn’t to lose weight, this is to ensure that your body stays strong and healthy.”
“What does this mean? Can only be given at my digression.” He pursed his lips “Those will be your treats Isabella.”
“So…I go to Charlie’s birthday party, I can’t have a piece of cake?” He cut me off “Don’t be silly, those are special occasions that call for a treat. I’m talking about everyday daily stuff, going out for dinner, work related parties. I mean come on; there is some kind of cake or sweets in the teacher’s café every day. That’s not what I call a special occasion. On the same token, I would suggest that if you know something is coming up that you refrain from treats, so that you don’t have guilt about indulging. If I am with you, and I feel you may have a treat, I will get it for you. If I don’t get it for you, then you may not have it. Understand?”
What does he mean if he feels like I can? “Yes, but what if we are at Charlie’s birthday, and you say no?”
He sighed “First off I wouldn’t say anything, I just wouldn’t get it for you and second the only reason I could think of why I would not let you have a treat would be to punish you, or if the night before you had a piece of chocolate cheesecake smothered in cherry sauce”
“Oh” Edward looked at me expectantly with raised eyebrows like he was waiting for me to complain some more. I shook my head “It’s ok, I understand” He was thinking something, but I didn’t know what.
“Then the last things we have to go through, you are going to take with you. Fill it out when you have time to think about it.” I took the several sheets of paper that were stapled together and paged through them.
“My limits?” pursing his lips he nodded. “If you’re unsure what something is, ask me. The instructions are on the top and are self explanatory. The only thing I ask is that you check off one of the boxes for each item.”
“When do you want this by?” He shrugged ‘Tuesday afternoon at the latest. That way I will have a chance to look at it by Wednesday night, so we can discuss it and compare answers.”
“Compare answers? I’m sure your sheet will have a lot more checked then mine does.”
“I don’t know Isabella, I might have done more then you, but you might want to try lot of stuff. I mean, you shocked me with your little fantasy downstairs. I didn’t think you would be ready for exhibitionism. I have to admit, as you were telling me about it, all I could do was picture it happening, makes me very curious what else you fantasize about.”
I rolled my eyes “If that shocked you I’d hate to think what you’re going to think about the rest.” he laughed, just be honest and we’ll talk about Wednesday night.” “Alright”
Edward stood up, gathering some of the leftover food. I helped with putting everything away and washing the cups. “Do you want to see your room?”
I looked at him from the corner of my eye “My room?”
“Yes, your room. Come on.” He took my hand leading me through the living room and up the stairs. “This is my room.” opening the first door at the top of the stairs. The walls were painted white like the rest of the house-except the playroom. It was sparsely decorated the main piece of furniture was a king size four poster bed. The TV hung on the wall above the dresser, night stands were situated on both sides of the bed.
He closed the door, bringing me to the front of the house “This is your room. You can bring anything here that you need to be comfortable. You can have anything in here that you want, no questions asked, no permission needed.”
Looking around the room, it was painted a cream color the double bed was plain with just a head board, covered in a blue comforter. The curtains that adorned the windows matched the comforter. There was one dresser, and a night stand. Along the wall the book shelf stood empty. “This room has a smaller bath attached” he opened the door; it was small -without a tub-only a small standing shower in the corner.
Taking in the surroundings of the room “I don’t stay with you?” He sighed “on our ‘usual’ nights, you sleep in my room by invitation only. I’m not saying you won’t, I’m just saying this is your space. I will not come in here, without being invited. You can speak freely in here, tell me to go to hell and fuck myself. ...In this room....We’re just Edward and Bella.”
“Ok, so I can bring books and my own blankets?”
“Absolutely, clothes personal products, you want different curtains, you let me know.” I took a look around the room again “The curtains are fine with me”
“Alright then the only other place that is yours during our ‘usual’ time” I cut him off “You know we can call it something else”
Edward smirked “I actually like it, it’s simple, precise and private to us” he explained “During that time when we are in the kitchen, sitting at the table, you can speak your mind. But there you have to do it with respect.”
I laughed “No go to hell or fuck you?”
“No” his voice was stern “That will defiantly, earn you a really good punishment.”
Edward showed me the other two rooms upstairs; one was set up as an office, the other a guest room. The main bathroom was also up there. As we were heading back downstairs I thought of something.
“I have a question...umm, what do I do with Seth? He can get in an out by himself, but I need to feed him and give him fresh water.” Edward shrugged. “I suppose he can come here, the yard is fenced in, he can sleep in your room with you”
I was really hoping that I would be sleeping with him; I guess that won’t be happening very often, oh well, I’ll worry about that when it happens. “Are you sure? He’s a dog, he’s very well behaved, but he’s still a dog and your house is so...so, white”
Edward laughed, “White?” he asked with a mock tenor shaking his head. “Well, I’ll tell you what. We can try it, if it doesn’t work out, then we will have to make other plans.”
“So from Friday night until Sunday night, Seth and I are staying here, at Hotel Cullen? How’s the maid service?”I asked with humorous curiosity. “Sorry babe, no maids, only you”
Who would have though Psych teacher and volunteer during the week, and playmate slash maid by the weekend. I laughed at the thought. ‘Do I get to hear the joke?” Edward asked, looking at me suspiciously while leading against the door frame.
“It’s not really that funny.” he continued to watch me waiting for an answer. I sighed with a smile “I was just thinking that here I am, a college graduate with a Masters in Psychology” giggling “planning to spend my weekends shackled to your bed and cleaning your toilets.”
Edward moved forward, once again pulling me close to his chest. I love the feel of his body so close to mine, I buried my head in his chest, just breathing in the warmth of his essence. He was so strong and confident. I wanted that strength for myself, I wished I could tap into it and let it fill me. “What is it with you and toilets?” he laughed.
I looked at him, confused for a second before I understood and laughed. “I honestly don’t know.” He kissed the top of my head “Well it’s going to be fun to find out.” he added with a chuckle.
After a quick sigh he spoke “We have to get moving, or we will be late.” I stepped back, picking up the papers off the table. “Hold on” Edward took the folder, pulling the contract out of my stack of papers, placing all the others in the folder. “Take the whole thing, I’ll make a copy of this for Wednesday night.” he handed me the folder. “We really have to go.”
“Where exactly are we going?” I asked as we walked through the living room. Edward took a leather jacket out of the closet, before we walked out the door. “We’re going to take the bike, meet Emmett and Rose at the ferry and head over to Bainbridge.”
“Are we going to be gone long? Because I have to feed Seth” I inquired as I was climbing on the back of the bike. “That’s where we are going now. You’re going to need a jacket too. It will be cool tonight.” he said as I wrapped my arms around him while he jumped kicked the bike.
I quickly ran into my house, while Edward waited outside. I fed Seth, used the bathroom, fixed my hair into a low ponytail and pulled my leather jacket out of the bedroom closet. Ten minutes later we were heading towards the ferry. I missed being on a bike, the slight vibration that the seat makes, the wind blowing in my face. The best part this time was that my thighs were pressed up against Edward. The smell, his smell, was all around me. I wrapped my arms tighter around him, laying my chin on his shoulder. “You ok, back there?”
“Yes. What time do you think we’ll get back?”
“I’m thinking around eight.”
We got to the ferry a few minutes early; Edward had to call someone, so I used the time to call Leah. Her phone went to voice mail, and I told her that I would call her either late tonight, or tomorrow morning. Edward was putting his phone down, just as Emmett pulled in with Rose on the back of his Classic Harley; it was loud, shiny and beautiful. With his dark glasses, large build and leather jacket he looked the perfect part of an outlaw biker.
Once they stopped Rosalie got off the back, her long blond hair was loose, hanging softly over a black form fitting T-Shirt. Her long legs looked spectacular in the skinny jeans and high heeled ankle boots. She opened up the saddle bag, pulling out a worn Jean Jacket, putting it on.
“Hey guys!” She greeted, giving me a small hug. “It’s a great day for a ride and I really didn’t feel like making dinner.” she laughed. Emmett came up behind her swatting her bottom with a loud ‘smack’ “That’s because I spoil the shit out of you baby” she smiled deviously “I deserve it”
“Yes you do” and he laughed. It was then I noticed the silver hooped chain around Rosalie’s neck.
‘Are you two done with your public foreplay?” Edward asked. His voice startled me, as I didn’t hear him come up behind me. Emmett’s booming laugh always made me smile “Edward my man, if you think that’s foreplay, you better go back to high school heath class.”
I giggled, Edward glared at me “You think that’s funny?” he asked with fake annoyance. “Ah uh” I eyed him innocently.
“Tickets? Did you get tickets?” Edward pulled some papers out of his wallet showing his brother “I have my passes.” Emmett looked at them “You got one for little Bella?”
“Yeah I have a walking pass for her.”
We only had to wait for a few minutes before we could board. Once we were on, we left the bikes and stood by the rails. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining there was a light breeze blowing and Edward’s arms were wrapped around my waist. I couldn’t think how the day could be any more perfect. “Bella I’m sorry we won’t make the seven-ten ferry, so we won’t get back until around nine. Is that ok?” He asked in my ear “Sure, I don’t have much to do.”
“I’m thirsty.” Emmett announced “I’m going to go get a drink, Rosie you want something?” She said she would have a bottle of water. Edward asked me, I told him just a small coffee. He surprised me when he said “Only a little cream, right?”
I told him that was right, and watched as the two of them walked away. “Are you alright Bella?” I looked at Rosalie, shaking my head “All those years of being with James, he never paid enough attention to know what I took in my coffee.” She put her arm around me “Yeah, those Cullen men are attentive...and really good looking.” She laughed, I agreed, laughing with her.
“I know it really is none of my business, but I’m a nosey bitch, so I’m going to ask. How did your morning go?” I looked out over the water “It went really good, I think. We talked, went over some things, he showed me the house.” she interrupted “And?” I finally looked at her “And…What do you want to know? I signed a contract if that’s what you’re asking.” She beamed at me “That’s exactly what I’m asking.” I laughed under my breath.
The men were coming back, I stood drinking my coffee. Edward said he called someone to tell them we would be there for dinner around six, and Emmett informed him that they had to stop by his parents to pick something up. He said that they were not going to be home, so there was no reason for us to go along.
Before I knew it, we were getting back on the bikes, so we could disembark. We rode around the quaint streets and along the beach, Edward pointed out the high school, an observatory and the dock, where his parents kept their boat. When we rode by his parent’s house Emmett turned into a tree covered driveway, I couldn’t see the house from the road and we continued on with our ride. Once we were back in town, he parked the bike, and we walked through the main area, before heading over to the restaurant by the Marina.
Emmett and Rose were waiting for us as we arrived. We were seated on the outside deck area, along the railing so we could look out into the water. The hostess took our drink orders, and they started talking about Mother’s Day, which was next weekend.
“Are you going home Bella?” Edward asked while I was deciding what to order. I sighed “I don’t think so.” he looked at me like he had something to say. But then again, I believe if he did, he would just say it. “Sue will understand.”
He nodded “We’ll talk about it later.” I looked at him “There is nothing to talk about Edward. I’m going back next month. It’s my first weekend off for the summer and I don’t want to go anywhere.” He fixed me with an intense stare “Is that the only reason you don’t want to go?”
Damn! How does he know me so well, in such a short time? We ordered our food. “Your parents always lived on the island?’ I asked out of curiosity. “They lived in the city when they were first married, they moved out here when I was two, right before Edward was born.”
“It seems like a great place to grow up.” I commented.
“It’s small” Edward replied, I chuckled “Not as small as Forks.” They agreed “Last night I looked Forks up. There is a picture of your dad there, you kind of look like him.” Rose commented
I laughed “Charlie hates that picture. But, actually I look like my mom. She was prettier than me…” I saw Edward glance at me “...She was a lot more outgoing, and very flighty. When she married Phil…Well, it was worse.” I laughed remembering the cut out hearts with Phil’s name stuck to the refrigerator. The waitress brought our appetizer. I tasted my clam chowder, it was really good.
“Rose did you grow up here too?” She shook her head “No, I’m from Chicago.” I was shocked “Oh, then how did you two meet?” Edward groaned, Emmett’s expression became animated
“Well, I’ll tell you little Bella, I walked into her life and she just couldn’t get enough of me, she begged me to never leave her.” Rosalie snorted “Yeah...I begged you ...to leave me the hell alone.”
“That’s more like it.” Edward agreed snidely.
Rose shook her head “He would come into the bar I was working at every night, and bug the hell out of me. I swear to God. I couldn’t stand him. Of course most men bugged the hell out of me.”
I wasn’t sure what she was referring to, she must have noticed my confusion “Bella, when you’re blond and have boobs, that’s all men , and all the blood leaves their brains and they become complete assholes. Then when you throw in some alcohol,it’s even worse.” I nodded because I got what she was talking about.
“But I wore you down baby.” Emmett said with confidence. Rose laughed, Edward spoke up “I think she just felt sorry for your ass, and gave you a pity date.”
“No No No...little brother, I wore her down, you were witnessing the master at work - no pun intended” And he laughed, causing us all to laugh.
Our food was brought out, “So you were in Chicago Emmett?” Edward stiffened at my side, I wondered what I said wrong “No Bella, I had left Chicago, I couldn’t go back there.” Rose was looking in my eyes begging me to understand “...for the same reasons you don’t want to go back to Forks...bad memories.” I could feel my face drop as a shudder went through me, I thought about all the scars on her stomach. I could feel tears in my eyes starting to form, her eyes became glassy, and we shared a silent moment of pain.
Leave it to Emmett to lighten the atmosphere “Of course she couldn’t go back, she couldn’t get enough of me.” Rose looked to her husband “That’s right baby, after two years I found I just couldn’t get my fill without you.”
She looked at me with her thumb in the air and winked. I burst out laughing nearly choking on my food. Edward was patting my back as I took a drink “I fit the bill.” Emmett announced proudly, causing me to laugh harder. “Like no other’ Rose replied with a grin on her face. She looked at me with a resounding nod, and we both laughed.
I was using my napkin to wipe away the tears from laughing when a man came over to our table. “Gentleman, so good to see you”
“Hello Garret” Edward shook his hand “I’m glad you called ahead Edward, we were filling up tonight. Emmett how are you doing this evening?” he asked shaking his hand. “Rosalie, always a pleasure.” she said hello. He then turned to me “And Miss? I looked at Edward, I wasn’t sure if I should answer or not, he smirked at me “Isabella Swan, Isabella this is Garret. Garret owns this restaurant” I smiled “It’s very nice to meet you”
He returned my smile “Nice to meet you also. I trust everything was to your liking” I was going to answer, but Edward spoke first “Everything was great as usual, thanks for making space for us.”
“Anytime Edward, I have to get back, I just wanted to say hello. Maybe I’ll see you all next weekend; I haven’t been able to break loose. I need to hire a new person, so hopefully I’ll get a day off soon” They all said good-bye and Garret departed.
When he was out of ear shot Emmett commented “He hasn’t been to the club in over a month. I was going over the check in roll last night while we were there”
“I guess he is short staffed, business before pleasure and all that.” Edward said setting down his fork. “I wonder if he needs a cook.” Three faces turned to look at me “I have a woman at the center who is a cook, well a chief really, she needs a job. I been looking around in the city, but I can’t find anything.” Edward looked at me asking “Do you want to go find out?”
I thought about it for a minute, Peggy’s time was almost up at the center, she needed employment soon. “Do you mind? It will only take a minute.” He stood up taking my hand “No lets go, we’ll be right back.” he said to his brother as he ushered me through the restaurant.
Edward took my hand leading me to the door off the kitchen, flipping on the light that showed the way down the stairs. I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I couldn’t tell if it was excitement or fear. Probably a little bit of both. Edward was one step behind me, which was a good thing; because it ensured that I couldn’t turn around and run. I kept telling myself, this is what I have been fantasizing about for years. The life I wanted was just a few more steps in front of me. With that thought, my excitement grew.
At the bottom, there was another door, Edward took his keys out, and unlocked it. When he opened the door, there was a dim light illuminating the area. He flipped the switch on the wall, the click that sounded in the quiet room, startled me. The whole room was bathed in a bright light, allowing me to take in the sight before me. I could feel Edwards gaze on me, waiting for my reaction. I couldn’t talk at the moment, as my eyes scanned his playroom, my breathing increased and I had to bite my lip to hold in the excitement that threatened to erupt.
The room was one large space that appeared to span the whole area of the house. Two support beams were the only thing that seemed to separate the space. The walls were mostly mirrored. What wasn’t covered had been painted a deep burgundy color. Directly in front of the door, against the north wall, was a four-poster dark cherry canopy bed.
The mattress was covered in black silk. A gold silk comforter and four fluffy pillows sat on the foot of the bed. Two large black leather wing chairs faced towards it, creating a small sitting area, complete with a cherry coffee table. I wondered who sat there and what would they be watching. I squeezed my thighs together and could feel the heat in my face grow at the thought.
Edward must have still been watching me, because he chuckled softly behind me. His hand was still on my back, I’m sure he could feel the labor of my breathing. He guided me forward so I was standing directly behind one of the chairs. I looked at myself in the mirrors behind the bed; my eyes were large with excitement.
Any fear I had while walking down the steps was gone now. In its place was pure yearning. To the right of the mirrors was a wooded case that should have held pool cues, but this one held seven different canes’ of various sizes and widths.
To the left a wooden structure contained whips and floggers for easy access. Edward guided me over to the structure and I so desperately wanted to reach out and touch the whips, but I refrained. Pushed in the corner were a spanking stool and something that resembled a pommel horse without handles. Both made of dark wood and covered in black leather.
“This is the media center” Edward said as he slid open a mirrored door to reveal a flat screen TV mounted on the wall. Underneath were shelves that contained a stereo, camera and video equipment, with the whole bottom shelve being filled with CD’s and DVD’s
Next to the media center was a curio cabinet, he didn’t open it, but told me that was where he kept the toys. I nodded, I know he wanted me to speak but I still hadn’t been able to.
The last thing on that wall was a series of hooks that held paddles, slappers, and crops, at the very bottom hung six different colored ropes. I couldn’t help myself this time, and I bent down to run my finger over them. Edward placed his hands on my shoulders, making me stand “Soon Isabella...soon”
I looked at him, his eyes were dark “We have more to talk about, before we can come down here.” I left out a breath
“How much more?” He smiled “Come I’ll show you the rest.”
He opened another door “This is the bathroom, shower, tub, toilet” I looked inside, it was standard, painted a soft blue color with while fixtures, the only upgrade was the large claw foot tub. On the other side of the stairs he opened more doors. “This is your closet, you’ll change or undress in here.”
“Ok...umm do I bring my things?” he shrugged “Alice is working on some things, we’ll go shopping, I’m sure Rose or Alice will go shopping with you. Anything you put in here is to be approved by me.”
I glanced inside; it was larger than I anticipated, with a chest of drawers and a rack to hang outfits on. There was a small bench and the back wall had a full length mirror. “What if I want to surprise you?” I asked. He smiled “Surprise me upstairs, in my bedroom, or at your house...” he shook his head “Not in the playroom, even if I like the surprise, you will be punished.” ok…I guess that answered that question.
He shut the door, pointing to the last door “This is storage.”
I acknowledged him with a slight nod. In the far corner of the east wall set on an angle facing the chairs was a St Andrews Cross covered in black leather with more mirrors behind it. The last thing on the wall was the rack, it had nine or ten slats made of the same dark wood. Edward pulled on a rope, and a swing dropped from the ceiling about ten feet in front of it.
When I looked up I realized that the ceiling was composed of a grid of exposed wooden beams. Where each one intersected there was a hook emerging from the wood. The lights were recessed in the ceiling. Edward stepped away from me, and the lights dimmed. “Each area has its own dimmer switch, so the light can be adjusted as needed, even over the bed.”
As he said this all the lights went out except for one that came from above the bed. I walked over to see how that was set up. My fingers ran over mattress. It wasn’t silk, it was black leather, cool to the touch and very soft. I thought about what Alice had said about my outfit being made of Italian Leather, and I hoped it would feel that soft against my skin.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, I laid back so my elbows supported my weight on the firm mattress. The gold material - matching the comforter - on the outside sheltered the same wooden grid as the ceiling, except that mirrors separated the gaps, and there were smaller hooks. The light was angled from the head of the bed, shining down.
Each of the four posts had several hooks, with restraints attached to both the head and the foot rails of the bed. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and imagined myself restrained and blind folded, withering under the onslaught of a vibrator, while people I couldn’t see, watched.
I could feel the heat in my body, as warmth and wetness soaked my panties. My thighs rubbed together on their own accord and I think I left out a small moan. I had to take a deep breath to calm myself. Edward’s soft voice pulled me back to reality
“What are you thinking about?”
I turned to face his voice. He was sitting in one of the chairs watching me, his face relaxed but with and intense look in his eyes. I released the lip I didn’t realize I was biting
“I was just imagining being restrained and blindfolded” he didn’t say anything at first; he just shifted in the chair, and then asked “What was happening to you?”
“Mmm...”I hummed “....nameless, faceless people were sitting in those chairs, watching me struggle not to cum.” I blushed with the last word.
“Ahhh... and that would be something you would enjoy?”
I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, I didn’t realize before but the room had a smell of Jasmine and Lavender. “Yes...I think I would enjoy that very much.”
Edward’s shoulders relaxed slightly “We will have to see if we can make that happen, because I believe I also would enjoy that very much.”
“You would?” I had to ask, because part of me thought that my little fantasy was obscene, and he said he didn’t share. He came over, lying beside me.
‘Yes I would” His fingers ran through my hair, over my shoulder and down my bare arm. “...to have others watching you, wanting you, knowing they could never have you, because your mine. All the while knowing that you are struggling to control yourself from the attention I’m giving to your body, and enjoying it....oh yes Isabella, that would give me great pleasure.” he leaned down and kissed me tenderly
“I might even give you a treat for that one” I giggled before he kissed me again.
I was starting to really enjoy the kiss when his pants vibrated. “Oh!” he smiled, sitting up to take out his phone. “Hello Emmett...not quite.....what time is it?” I looked at my watch 1:00, Edward took my hands so I sat up, damn Emmett. I listened to the one sided conversation. “No...we have some more to do...how about three?” Shoot, now I’m really mad at Emmett.
Edward eyed me “Are you hungry?” I shook my head “No we just ate...she’s going to go? ....yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea” he was eyeing me up again “....I don’t think Isabella’s ready for that, in a few weeks maybe...that sounds like a much better idea...We can go to Garret’s....Alright then I’ll meet you at the ferry at three, you know what make it three thirty ....see you then.”
Edward sighed taking my hands pulling me to my feet asking “Are we done in here?” I looked at him and pouted, he smiled “let me rephrase, for the moment are we done in here?” I smiled “I guess so; unless you have something else you want to show me.”
Edward wrapped his arms around my back pulling me close to his chest. He rubbed his nose along the length of my jaw and down my neck. I had to use his shoulders to steady myself, from the feeling that his warm breath was having on me. Placing slow wet kisses up to my ear, making my body tremble with want. “I do have something else I want to show you, Isabella” his voice was husky in my ear.
I moaned “What Edward?” my voice was feeble. His nose was running along the curve of my ear “I want to show you the approved food list.” he said standing up abruptly, chuckling loudly.
My face fell with shock, and my expression caused him to laugh louder. “That’s not right.” I said with indignation, “Oh Isabella, everything I do in here is right, besides that’s what you get for that dirty toilet remark.” I giggled his arms were still around my waist, and he swatted my bottom with a grin ‘Let’s go, we have some more to do, and not a lot of time.”
No one can ever say that Edward is not thorough, because once we were back in the kitchen he indeed handed me an approved food list. “The best way to ensure proper nutrition is to use a food exchange system. I figured you will need sixteen-hundred calories a day. Your exchange is on the top. Choose wisely and please see that you eat as your suppose to.” I looked at him, then down at myself “Do you think I’m fat?”
“No...I think you’re perfect, this isn’t to lose weight, this is to ensure that your body stays strong and healthy.”
“What does this mean? Can only be given at my digression.” He pursed his lips “Those will be your treats Isabella.”
“So…I go to Charlie’s birthday party, I can’t have a piece of cake?” He cut me off “Don’t be silly, those are special occasions that call for a treat. I’m talking about everyday daily stuff, going out for dinner, work related parties. I mean come on; there is some kind of cake or sweets in the teacher’s café every day. That’s not what I call a special occasion. On the same token, I would suggest that if you know something is coming up that you refrain from treats, so that you don’t have guilt about indulging. If I am with you, and I feel you may have a treat, I will get it for you. If I don’t get it for you, then you may not have it. Understand?”
What does he mean if he feels like I can? “Yes, but what if we are at Charlie’s birthday, and you say no?”
He sighed “First off I wouldn’t say anything, I just wouldn’t get it for you and second the only reason I could think of why I would not let you have a treat would be to punish you, or if the night before you had a piece of chocolate cheesecake smothered in cherry sauce”
“Oh” Edward looked at me expectantly with raised eyebrows like he was waiting for me to complain some more. I shook my head “It’s ok, I understand” He was thinking something, but I didn’t know what.
“Then the last things we have to go through, you are going to take with you. Fill it out when you have time to think about it.” I took the several sheets of paper that were stapled together and paged through them.
“My limits?” pursing his lips he nodded. “If you’re unsure what something is, ask me. The instructions are on the top and are self explanatory. The only thing I ask is that you check off one of the boxes for each item.”
“When do you want this by?” He shrugged ‘Tuesday afternoon at the latest. That way I will have a chance to look at it by Wednesday night, so we can discuss it and compare answers.”
“Compare answers? I’m sure your sheet will have a lot more checked then mine does.”
“I don’t know Isabella, I might have done more then you, but you might want to try lot of stuff. I mean, you shocked me with your little fantasy downstairs. I didn’t think you would be ready for exhibitionism. I have to admit, as you were telling me about it, all I could do was picture it happening, makes me very curious what else you fantasize about.”
I rolled my eyes “If that shocked you I’d hate to think what you’re going to think about the rest.” he laughed, just be honest and we’ll talk about Wednesday night.” “Alright”
Edward stood up, gathering some of the leftover food. I helped with putting everything away and washing the cups. “Do you want to see your room?”
I looked at him from the corner of my eye “My room?”
“Yes, your room. Come on.” He took my hand leading me through the living room and up the stairs. “This is my room.” opening the first door at the top of the stairs. The walls were painted white like the rest of the house-except the playroom. It was sparsely decorated the main piece of furniture was a king size four poster bed. The TV hung on the wall above the dresser, night stands were situated on both sides of the bed.
He closed the door, bringing me to the front of the house “This is your room. You can bring anything here that you need to be comfortable. You can have anything in here that you want, no questions asked, no permission needed.”
Looking around the room, it was painted a cream color the double bed was plain with just a head board, covered in a blue comforter. The curtains that adorned the windows matched the comforter. There was one dresser, and a night stand. Along the wall the book shelf stood empty. “This room has a smaller bath attached” he opened the door; it was small -without a tub-only a small standing shower in the corner.
Taking in the surroundings of the room “I don’t stay with you?” He sighed “on our ‘usual’ nights, you sleep in my room by invitation only. I’m not saying you won’t, I’m just saying this is your space. I will not come in here, without being invited. You can speak freely in here, tell me to go to hell and fuck myself. ...In this room....We’re just Edward and Bella.”
“Ok, so I can bring books and my own blankets?”
“Absolutely, clothes personal products, you want different curtains, you let me know.” I took a look around the room again “The curtains are fine with me”
“Alright then the only other place that is yours during our ‘usual’ time” I cut him off “You know we can call it something else”
Edward smirked “I actually like it, it’s simple, precise and private to us” he explained “During that time when we are in the kitchen, sitting at the table, you can speak your mind. But there you have to do it with respect.”
I laughed “No go to hell or fuck you?”
“No” his voice was stern “That will defiantly, earn you a really good punishment.”
Edward showed me the other two rooms upstairs; one was set up as an office, the other a guest room. The main bathroom was also up there. As we were heading back downstairs I thought of something.
“I have a question...umm, what do I do with Seth? He can get in an out by himself, but I need to feed him and give him fresh water.” Edward shrugged. “I suppose he can come here, the yard is fenced in, he can sleep in your room with you”
I was really hoping that I would be sleeping with him; I guess that won’t be happening very often, oh well, I’ll worry about that when it happens. “Are you sure? He’s a dog, he’s very well behaved, but he’s still a dog and your house is so...so, white”
Edward laughed, “White?” he asked with a mock tenor shaking his head. “Well, I’ll tell you what. We can try it, if it doesn’t work out, then we will have to make other plans.”
“So from Friday night until Sunday night, Seth and I are staying here, at Hotel Cullen? How’s the maid service?”I asked with humorous curiosity. “Sorry babe, no maids, only you”
Who would have though Psych teacher and volunteer during the week, and playmate slash maid by the weekend. I laughed at the thought. ‘Do I get to hear the joke?” Edward asked, looking at me suspiciously while leading against the door frame.
“It’s not really that funny.” he continued to watch me waiting for an answer. I sighed with a smile “I was just thinking that here I am, a college graduate with a Masters in Psychology” giggling “planning to spend my weekends shackled to your bed and cleaning your toilets.”
Edward moved forward, once again pulling me close to his chest. I love the feel of his body so close to mine, I buried my head in his chest, just breathing in the warmth of his essence. He was so strong and confident. I wanted that strength for myself, I wished I could tap into it and let it fill me. “What is it with you and toilets?” he laughed.
I looked at him, confused for a second before I understood and laughed. “I honestly don’t know.” He kissed the top of my head “Well it’s going to be fun to find out.” he added with a chuckle.
After a quick sigh he spoke “We have to get moving, or we will be late.” I stepped back, picking up the papers off the table. “Hold on” Edward took the folder, pulling the contract out of my stack of papers, placing all the others in the folder. “Take the whole thing, I’ll make a copy of this for Wednesday night.” he handed me the folder. “We really have to go.”
“Where exactly are we going?” I asked as we walked through the living room. Edward took a leather jacket out of the closet, before we walked out the door. “We’re going to take the bike, meet Emmett and Rose at the ferry and head over to Bainbridge.”
“Are we going to be gone long? Because I have to feed Seth” I inquired as I was climbing on the back of the bike. “That’s where we are going now. You’re going to need a jacket too. It will be cool tonight.” he said as I wrapped my arms around him while he jumped kicked the bike.
I quickly ran into my house, while Edward waited outside. I fed Seth, used the bathroom, fixed my hair into a low ponytail and pulled my leather jacket out of the bedroom closet. Ten minutes later we were heading towards the ferry. I missed being on a bike, the slight vibration that the seat makes, the wind blowing in my face. The best part this time was that my thighs were pressed up against Edward. The smell, his smell, was all around me. I wrapped my arms tighter around him, laying my chin on his shoulder. “You ok, back there?”
“Yes. What time do you think we’ll get back?”
“I’m thinking around eight.”
We got to the ferry a few minutes early; Edward had to call someone, so I used the time to call Leah. Her phone went to voice mail, and I told her that I would call her either late tonight, or tomorrow morning. Edward was putting his phone down, just as Emmett pulled in with Rose on the back of his Classic Harley; it was loud, shiny and beautiful. With his dark glasses, large build and leather jacket he looked the perfect part of an outlaw biker.
Once they stopped Rosalie got off the back, her long blond hair was loose, hanging softly over a black form fitting T-Shirt. Her long legs looked spectacular in the skinny jeans and high heeled ankle boots. She opened up the saddle bag, pulling out a worn Jean Jacket, putting it on.
“Hey guys!” She greeted, giving me a small hug. “It’s a great day for a ride and I really didn’t feel like making dinner.” she laughed. Emmett came up behind her swatting her bottom with a loud ‘smack’ “That’s because I spoil the shit out of you baby” she smiled deviously “I deserve it”
“Yes you do” and he laughed. It was then I noticed the silver hooped chain around Rosalie’s neck.
‘Are you two done with your public foreplay?” Edward asked. His voice startled me, as I didn’t hear him come up behind me. Emmett’s booming laugh always made me smile “Edward my man, if you think that’s foreplay, you better go back to high school heath class.”
I giggled, Edward glared at me “You think that’s funny?” he asked with fake annoyance. “Ah uh” I eyed him innocently.
“Tickets? Did you get tickets?” Edward pulled some papers out of his wallet showing his brother “I have my passes.” Emmett looked at them “You got one for little Bella?”
“Yeah I have a walking pass for her.”
We only had to wait for a few minutes before we could board. Once we were on, we left the bikes and stood by the rails. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining there was a light breeze blowing and Edward’s arms were wrapped around my waist. I couldn’t think how the day could be any more perfect. “Bella I’m sorry we won’t make the seven-ten ferry, so we won’t get back until around nine. Is that ok?” He asked in my ear “Sure, I don’t have much to do.”
“I’m thirsty.” Emmett announced “I’m going to go get a drink, Rosie you want something?” She said she would have a bottle of water. Edward asked me, I told him just a small coffee. He surprised me when he said “Only a little cream, right?”
I told him that was right, and watched as the two of them walked away. “Are you alright Bella?” I looked at Rosalie, shaking my head “All those years of being with James, he never paid enough attention to know what I took in my coffee.” She put her arm around me “Yeah, those Cullen men are attentive...and really good looking.” She laughed, I agreed, laughing with her.
“I know it really is none of my business, but I’m a nosey bitch, so I’m going to ask. How did your morning go?” I looked out over the water “It went really good, I think. We talked, went over some things, he showed me the house.” she interrupted “And?” I finally looked at her “And…What do you want to know? I signed a contract if that’s what you’re asking.” She beamed at me “That’s exactly what I’m asking.” I laughed under my breath.
The men were coming back, I stood drinking my coffee. Edward said he called someone to tell them we would be there for dinner around six, and Emmett informed him that they had to stop by his parents to pick something up. He said that they were not going to be home, so there was no reason for us to go along.
Before I knew it, we were getting back on the bikes, so we could disembark. We rode around the quaint streets and along the beach, Edward pointed out the high school, an observatory and the dock, where his parents kept their boat. When we rode by his parent’s house Emmett turned into a tree covered driveway, I couldn’t see the house from the road and we continued on with our ride. Once we were back in town, he parked the bike, and we walked through the main area, before heading over to the restaurant by the Marina.
Emmett and Rose were waiting for us as we arrived. We were seated on the outside deck area, along the railing so we could look out into the water. The hostess took our drink orders, and they started talking about Mother’s Day, which was next weekend.
“Are you going home Bella?” Edward asked while I was deciding what to order. I sighed “I don’t think so.” he looked at me like he had something to say. But then again, I believe if he did, he would just say it. “Sue will understand.”
He nodded “We’ll talk about it later.” I looked at him “There is nothing to talk about Edward. I’m going back next month. It’s my first weekend off for the summer and I don’t want to go anywhere.” He fixed me with an intense stare “Is that the only reason you don’t want to go?”
Damn! How does he know me so well, in such a short time? We ordered our food. “Your parents always lived on the island?’ I asked out of curiosity. “They lived in the city when they were first married, they moved out here when I was two, right before Edward was born.”
“It seems like a great place to grow up.” I commented.
“It’s small” Edward replied, I chuckled “Not as small as Forks.” They agreed “Last night I looked Forks up. There is a picture of your dad there, you kind of look like him.” Rose commented
I laughed “Charlie hates that picture. But, actually I look like my mom. She was prettier than me…” I saw Edward glance at me “...She was a lot more outgoing, and very flighty. When she married Phil…Well, it was worse.” I laughed remembering the cut out hearts with Phil’s name stuck to the refrigerator. The waitress brought our appetizer. I tasted my clam chowder, it was really good.
“Rose did you grow up here too?” She shook her head “No, I’m from Chicago.” I was shocked “Oh, then how did you two meet?” Edward groaned, Emmett’s expression became animated
“Well, I’ll tell you little Bella, I walked into her life and she just couldn’t get enough of me, she begged me to never leave her.” Rosalie snorted “Yeah...I begged you ...to leave me the hell alone.”
“That’s more like it.” Edward agreed snidely.
Rose shook her head “He would come into the bar I was working at every night, and bug the hell out of me. I swear to God. I couldn’t stand him. Of course most men bugged the hell out of me.”
I wasn’t sure what she was referring to, she must have noticed my confusion “Bella, when you’re blond and have boobs, that’s all men , and all the blood leaves their brains and they become complete assholes. Then when you throw in some alcohol,it’s even worse.” I nodded because I got what she was talking about.
“But I wore you down baby.” Emmett said with confidence. Rose laughed, Edward spoke up “I think she just felt sorry for your ass, and gave you a pity date.”
“No No No...little brother, I wore her down, you were witnessing the master at work - no pun intended” And he laughed, causing us all to laugh.
Our food was brought out, “So you were in Chicago Emmett?” Edward stiffened at my side, I wondered what I said wrong “No Bella, I had left Chicago, I couldn’t go back there.” Rose was looking in my eyes begging me to understand “...for the same reasons you don’t want to go back to Forks...bad memories.” I could feel my face drop as a shudder went through me, I thought about all the scars on her stomach. I could feel tears in my eyes starting to form, her eyes became glassy, and we shared a silent moment of pain.
Leave it to Emmett to lighten the atmosphere “Of course she couldn’t go back, she couldn’t get enough of me.” Rose looked to her husband “That’s right baby, after two years I found I just couldn’t get my fill without you.”
She looked at me with her thumb in the air and winked. I burst out laughing nearly choking on my food. Edward was patting my back as I took a drink “I fit the bill.” Emmett announced proudly, causing me to laugh harder. “Like no other’ Rose replied with a grin on her face. She looked at me with a resounding nod, and we both laughed.
I was using my napkin to wipe away the tears from laughing when a man came over to our table. “Gentleman, so good to see you”
“Hello Garret” Edward shook his hand “I’m glad you called ahead Edward, we were filling up tonight. Emmett how are you doing this evening?” he asked shaking his hand. “Rosalie, always a pleasure.” she said hello. He then turned to me “And Miss? I looked at Edward, I wasn’t sure if I should answer or not, he smirked at me “Isabella Swan, Isabella this is Garret. Garret owns this restaurant” I smiled “It’s very nice to meet you”
He returned my smile “Nice to meet you also. I trust everything was to your liking” I was going to answer, but Edward spoke first “Everything was great as usual, thanks for making space for us.”
“Anytime Edward, I have to get back, I just wanted to say hello. Maybe I’ll see you all next weekend; I haven’t been able to break loose. I need to hire a new person, so hopefully I’ll get a day off soon” They all said good-bye and Garret departed.
When he was out of ear shot Emmett commented “He hasn’t been to the club in over a month. I was going over the check in roll last night while we were there”
“I guess he is short staffed, business before pleasure and all that.” Edward said setting down his fork. “I wonder if he needs a cook.” Three faces turned to look at me “I have a woman at the center who is a cook, well a chief really, she needs a job. I been looking around in the city, but I can’t find anything.” Edward looked at me asking “Do you want to go find out?”
I thought about it for a minute, Peggy’s time was almost up at the center, she needed employment soon. “Do you mind? It will only take a minute.” He stood up taking my hand “No lets go, we’ll be right back.” he said to his brother as he ushered me through the restaurant.
Chapter 7
It was really difficult to leave Bella tonight. I would have been very happy staying there with her all night. It would have been a perfect ending to a fantastic day. I chuckled to myself as I enter my home, thinking about the look of shock on Leah’s face. I could only imagine what we looked like sitting on the floor. My shirt off, Bella cradled in my arms with only a pair of panties on. I heard the phone ring, but I guess Bella was just too preoccupied. I never thought that they would come bursting in like that. In a way I’m glad they did, or I would have ended up in her bed, and I really want her to know what she is getting into, before we actually fuck. Besides, I think Bella needed to have some time to relax after the day she had.
She looked so embarrassed while Jasper was examining her scar. I was so fucking mad, she didn’t say how it happened, but I knew that son-of-a-bitch ex-husband of hers had something to do with it. I didn’t want to put her on the spot, with everyone listening, and I’m not really sure I want to hear it. But, I am going to have to find out. I know it makes her self-conscious, I could see that on her face. I’m not some vain perfectionist that would allow something like a scar to lower my opinion of someone. I wanted her to know that. She surprised me when she jumped in my arms, I’m glad I was standing firmly or she would have knocked us both over. Then she was so cute, with that shy little girl look, wondering why I don’t call her Isabella. She needed worry; I plan to call her Isabella often.
I wasn’t expecting her to make dinner, but it sure was good. It seems like she had to grow up so fast. What ten year old cooks’ dinner for her father? I wonder what other responsibilities she took upon herself. She really loves her father and that shows every time she talks about him. I think I would really like to meet him, and see where she grew up. I really want to see this cliff she jumped off. What the fuck was she thinking? And fucking Jacob Black encouraging her.
I shook my head, I couldn’t keep thinking about those kinds of things. I had to get some things together for tomorrow. I planned on bringing Bella back here for coffee. I think she would be more comfortable, where no one would over hear us, and there would be no time constraints. While we were at the store, I bought some beagles, croissants, muffins and fresh fruit. I figured that was a good variety, and there would be something she would like. Going to my computer, I pulled up the files I needed, the contract, the negotiation sheet, the food list and my personal rules.
I was just pulling the papers from the printer when the phone rang. “Hello Emmet. What can I do for you at” I glance at the time on the computer “..11:30 pm?”
“I didn’t wake you or interrupt anything, did I?” rolling my eyes at his implication “No, I was just working on a few things. Then I’m going to bed.”
I sighed “Yes alone, what do you need Emmet?”
He started laughing “Little Bella shut you down baby brother?” I groaned “Ok, Ok, By the way, I like her, and even better Rose likes her. But the reason I’m calling so late, we stopped by the club, and Tanya was there asking all kinds of questions about you.”
“What about me?”
“Well the skuttle, is that there was a newbe there Thursday night, which you were quit taken with. Tanya asked Rose who it was, and if you had any contact with her.” I groaned, sometimes the people at the club are like a bunch of old ladies at a tea party, all they do is gossip. Shaking my head I continued listening to Emmet
“Of course Rose didn’t say anything, you know Rosie? She told her to go fuck herself. But just so you know, she sniffing around.”
“Yeah ok, I don’t know what her fucking problem is? I haven’t had anything to do with her in almost two years, and she’s been living with Eleazar and Carman. What the fuck happened to their happy little three-some?”
“No clue dude…Don’t know…Don’t care. I’m just letting you know what was happening.”
“Yeah Thanks”
Emmet continued “Hey tomorrow, you want to take the bikes out?”
“I’m picking up Bella in the morning; plan to spend the day with her. I was thinking about taking her on the bike, if you don’t mind to the extra person. I can’t give you an exact time. I would assume after two.”
“You really like her.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.
“Yeah, I do. I’m just ...I know we have to go slow, and renegotiate often. I just...I don’t know. I don’t want to hurt her. She’s been hurt enough”
Emmet was quiet for a second “Listen, make her talk. Make sure you know her fears. Then stay away from them. You know how sometimes you can play on a subs fear?”
He was talking about using their fears to enhance the play, like slithering a rope on a sub who’s afraid of snakes.
“ ... yeah man. You can’t do it. She will freak out, and you’ll lose all trust. Listen, just take it slow, and talk to her, before, during and after. Constantly reassure her. But don’t be a fucking pussy either. She needs what you have man, don’t treat her with kid gloves. If you do, she won’t grow, and she will end up resenting you.”
“Yeah, I hear ya.”
“Listen Edward, if you need to bounce something off me, I’m here for you. I’ll give you a call tomorrow afternoon.”
“Ok Emmet, hey....Thanks.”
“You got it little brother.”
I laid in bed thinking about Bella. She is so cute, the way she blushes, how she bites her bottom lip. And her body is amazing, perfectly proportioned. Firm round breast, narrow flat waist, hips and plump bottom. Her legs are trim and toned. She is funny, articulate, compassionate and intelligent. I thought about how she responded to my touch. I could see the struggle in her to keep her arms up. There was one point where I thought she would lose the battle, but she didn’t.
She smelt so good, and tasted even better. I just wanted to tease her as long as possible. I wanted to see how much she could take. I wanted her to lose her restraint and in order to that I needed her frustrated. So I teased her a little bit more, I loved the sound of her begging, her breathy voice pleading, I wanted her to tell me, I needed to hear her say the words. Jesus she was fucking gorgeous, laying there under my control, losing herself. I almost lost it when she pleaded saying my name. I didn’t think I could hold out very much longer. I needed her to cum. Finally she lost it, cursing and demanding, and I gave it to her.
She screamed and her whole body went rigid then she quivered, before breaking out in a beautiful pink hue. I sat there watching her face, lightly massaging her now tender breast. She looked so content and relaxed; I just had to kiss her. I wanted her to stay relaxed as long as possible, but I also wanted her close to me. The fact that she climaxed from breast stimulation is an added bonus, both hers and mine. It’s also a fact that I intend to take full advantage of.
When I woke in the morning sporting a major hard on, I figured I would shower and take care of that before getting Bella. If I had to spend the morning negotiating with her, I was going to do whatever I could to keep in control. I told her last night, she wasn’t to masturbate, but this is a do as I say, not as I do relationship.
I pulled into her driveway right on time. Seth was out in the yard, and came up to say hello. I patted his head “Hey boy, how you doing today?” When I looked up Bella was standing on her patio smiling. The sun caused her hair to have red highlights. Her skin was radiant against the black tank top, giving it a look of porcelain, so much for keeping my dick under control.
As I approached her smile broadened. “Good morning, did you sleep well?” She nodded “I did, and good morning to you too.” She glanced in the driveway “You brought the bike!” I leaned to kiss her softly.
“I did?” I said with mock surprise looking at said bike “Uh, so I did.... By the way you look radiant, sanding here in the sun.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” She smirked
“Gorgeous right?” I said chuckling at her blush.”Are you ready to go? Or do you need some more time?”
“I’m ready; let me get Seth in the house.”
Five minutes later we were on the bike; her inner thighs were pressed tight against my legs her arms wrapped firmly around my waist. As we pulled up in my driveway, she asked if I had forgotten something. “No, this is where we are going, I said I would take you for coffee, I just didn’t tell you where.” She smiled “Besides, this will give us privacy while we talk. I thought you would be more comfortable. Come on.”
The coffee was ready, the table was set and the food items were on a tray as we walked into the kitchen. This should be an interesting morning and the first of hopefully many discussions. Sitting at the table I pour her coffee
“Help yourself to whatever you want.” she thanked me reaching for the mug, adding a small amount of cream. I made a plate of fruit and blueberry muffin, before reaching for the manila folder. Sitting back I watched her put strawberry jam on a croissant. Once she had taken a bite, I started.
“Bella, how do you see yourself?” A look of confusion crossed her face. “Let me rephrase that. ... In this world of power exchange, where do you think you fit in?”
Pursing her lips, I could see her gathering her thoughts. “I know there are different levels Edward. I’m not sure what you call them, so let’s say on a scale from zero through ten. Zero being, don’t you even think about tying my hands together, and ten being, yes Master anything you say, I’ll kiss your feet twenty-four hours a day. I would say I’m six and a half.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle “That’s some analogy you have, so, six and a half? I would understand that to mean, your taste lean more towards a slave but not very much. What does it mean to you?”
There was quiet for a few seconds I was going to ask again, when she reached into her purse pulling out a piece of paper. “I think...no, I know, this is me. Right now, this is where I’m at.” Then she read
Really gives up control (only temporarily and within agreed upon limits), but gets her/his main satisfaction from aspects of submission other than serving or being used by the dominant. Usually turned on by suspense, vulnerability, and/or giving up responsibility. Doesn't dictate the scene except in very general terms, but still seek mainly her/his own direct/pleasure (rather than getting one's pleasure mainly from pleasing the dominant).
TRUE SUBMISSIVE PLAY SLAVE. Really gives up control (though only temporarily; only during brief "scenes" and within limits) and gets main satisfaction from serving/being used by dominant but only for FUN purposes, usually erotic. May/may not be into pain. If so, is turned on by pain indirectly, i.e. enjoys being the object of one's partner's sadism, on which the submissive places very few requirements or restrictions.
When she finished, she took a drink of coffee. “I would say I’m somewhere in between these two.”
“Do you have slave fantasies?” Uncertainty crossed her face “Tell me what you fantasized about last night, while you masturbated.”
I told her not to; I wanted to see if she listened. Her eyes narrowed, her face grew flush
“I didn’t. You told me I couldn’t.
” Raising my brow in disbelief “And you listened?” she nodded
“How did that make you feel? Besides the physical frustration, how did it feel mentally? Did you like that I told you not to, or would you prefer I let you have free rein? Or perhaps somewhere in the middle, make you call to ask for permission.”
She thought for a second, but didn’t make eye contact when she started speaking. I cut her off “Look at me” I ordered. She complied “Now, finish your thought” taking a deep breath she sighed - we are going to have to work on that too.
“It made me feel secure, like my body was not my own, that I had to account for my actions. No, I don’t want to have free rein, and asking for permission might be fun.”
“Did you think about disobeying?” she bit her lip, losing eye contact for a split second, before returning my gaze. “I guess that answer would be yes, you thought about it. So...what stopped you? We’re you afraid? Did you think I would punish you? Is that what it was?”
“No, it wasn’t that. I assume along the way chastisement is going to happen...It was more like you trusted me, I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
Yes! Outside I remained emotionless; inside I was doing a happy Dom dance, that my dear is the correct answer.
“So you put my desire and pleasure above your own” holding my thumb and forefinger up “on a small scale.”
She nodded “Answer please.”
“Yes Sir, I did.” leaning back in the chair I grinned proudly at her.
“Then my dear I would say that you lean towards a True Submissive Play Slave. That fits very well with my own personality and style. And we know from last night, how well your body responds to me.”
She blushed, pulling her lower lip between her teeth. I reached over rubbing my thumb over her lip. “You are so cute when you do that, but one of these days, you’re going to draw blood.”
Her lip was released as she tilted her head towards my hand. I took a deep breath “Ah, Isabella” Staring into her eyes. I was mesmerized, I leaned over to kiss her, she responded. Pulling back, I left out a long breath ‘We better continue or we’ll never get done. And I want to show you the playroom” Her eyes lit up, I smirked “Why Isabella, I believe that idea intrigues you.”
I handed her the folder “Take out the first paper.” she complied, glancing over it “Those are my beginner rules; I’d like us to go over them together.” I watched her face as she read the paper when she looked up I picked up a copy. “Ready?”
She nodded; I just continued to look at her. She cleared her throat “Sorry…yes Sir, I’m ready.” I smiled. She’s starting to realize I want verbal communication. “We will go over each item, discuss any concerns you have, and my rational for it. OK?”
1. No other sexual partners -
I looked at her “Any questions?” She thought then asked “Just me, or does this apply for you too?”
“No this applies to both of us. I don’t share Isabella, and I wouldn’t do that to you.” She seemed pleased with that.
2. No unauthorized masturbation –
“We talked about this. So this will be all the time?” She asked with curiosity.
“Yes, you said you might enjoy having to ask for permission, we can do that. I have to tell you though, permission won’t be granted very often, and doesn’t abuse the request, or you might find the privilege of asking forfeited.”
Her forehead crinkled “Why is that exactly?”
I poured some orange juice “Because I want you to crave my touch. If you get off twenty minutes before we start a scene, you’re not going to be as responsive as you should be. Do you understand?”
3. You are to follow all my directions, quickly, obediently,
and to the best of your abilities-
“Self explanatory?” I asked
I was just about to go on to the next one when she spoke up. ‘What if I don’t understand what you are asking of me?” I smiled “That’s a good question Isabella. If you don’t understand then you say, I’m sorry Master, your girl does not understand.”
I watched her face “Ok?” I grinned “Again don’t abuse the privilege”
4. You are to answer my questions, quickly and honestly –
“Same thing goes here Isabella” she smiled “What’s so humorous?” I asked with curiosity.
Her face broke out in that pink hue that I find so very adorable. “You’re calling me Isabella.” I had to smile at her confession, she told me yesterday that she enjoyed that
“That’s because ...Isabella, I mean business..” She poured another cup of coffee for herself, as I continued. “If you don’t understand my question, or you need time to think through your response, you say, I’m sorry Master your girl does not understand, or Master may your girl have time to get her thoughts together...see, honest, quick and precise.”
“Alright, I can do that.”
I reached across to take her hand; her eyes looked up from the paper she was holding. “I know you can...and believe me, you’ll need to be reminded, and that’s ok. That will not be a problem unless three months from now we are still coming up against the same obstacle. Then we have to regroup and find out what the hell is going on. Otherwise we will both be frustrated, and neither of us will get any enjoyment.”
5. You will keep me up to date with your schedule –
“You want to know where I am all the time?”
I shook my head “No, I just want a monthly schedule, When you work, when you’re at the center, family obligations, parties that are planned with friends. I have a calendar that is kept on the refrigerator for you to write your information in.”
She nodded “Alright my schedule is fairly constant, now with summer coming I’ll be working more at the center.”
“That’s fine with me; just keep it as up to date as you possibly can.”
6. You will carry your cell phone at all times and keep it charged –
“Do I have to remind you what happened last night, because the phone wasn’t answered?” I asked with a smirk. She turned bright red, making me chuckle
“No...But I didn’t hear the phone. Did you hear it?” she asked shyly.
“I did, but I was kind of busy, and I figured it would go to voice mail.”
“Uh...wonder why I didn’t hear it?” She questioned. I chuckled “I think you were preoccupied.”
‘Yeah, my mind was on other things, vacuuming, dirty toilets…” she giggled. I looked her and growled... “Don’t you worry Isabella you’ll pay for that remark, just remember your ass is mine.”
She giggled again. But she would pay for that, ‘dirty toilets” I mumbled, making her giggle more. “Seriously, this is important, if I can’t get a hold of you, I will worry. If it turns out that you are just careless, causing me needless worry. Well, you’ll be punished.
7. You will treat me with respect at all times –
“You ask a question, have a request or a comment to make, you do it all with respect.” She nodded. “I like you a little feisty and playful. Be yourself, but do it with respect, any questions on that subject?”
“No, I’m not a rude person, so that shouldn’t be hard to do.” I smiled
“Don’t worry if I think you are getting to crude I’ll remind you. You’ll know to reel it in.”
8. You will not speak to other Doms/subs without my permission –
She looked at me “Ever?”
Her expression made me chuckle. Her head was tilted to the side, her eyes were narrowed and she had a look of exasperation. “This mostly applies when we are at the club, or some kind of gathering, never with my family. Also Aro, you could and should always answer him.” I held up one finger “With Respect” I wanted to stress that.
“So how will I know if it’s ok”
“You are to assume it’s not unless I told you otherwise.”
She was thinking again, I could see it in her eyes “So someone comes to talk to me..”
“You look to me; I’ll either nod or shake my head.” I showed her what I meant “If permission was denied, you drop your head and remain quiet. If it is granted, then speak, but don’t ever look another Dom in the eyes.”
She looked confused “What is it? Too much information?” She sighed
“No I got it…it’s just you always want me to look in your eyes.”
I touched my hand to her face stroking her cheek with my thumb. “Baby, I love looking in your beautiful brown eyes, they tell me what’s going on inside that mind of yours. But most Doms don’t like it or allow it.”
“Alright, no eyes, what if you’re not with me? Like what if I’m going to the bathroom or you have to do something, what do I do then?”
“That can happen, with a Dom you keep your eyes on the floor, with a sub you look them in the eye, and you tell them I’m very sorry but this girls Master has not given her permission to speak. Most will understand if they continue to talk to you...” I stressed the point “...you remain quiet. When you return to me, tell me what happened, and I will take care of it. It’s all protocol. You will catch on fast.” I looked at the clock 11:15am “Let’s continue”
9. You will walk to my left, directly behind me at all times –
“This is going to require you to pay attention to what I’m doing. It really will help with our bonding, and you will be highly attuned to my body language.”
She smiled “You know sometimes I have a balance problem.”
I grinned “I didn’t notice.” I replied with mock shock “Just pay attention, you’ll be fine. These next ones have to do with your personal appearance.”
10.You will ensure the proper care to maintain a healthy, active and strong body
* Removal of all body hair
* Eight hours sleep daily
* Balanced healthy diet of my approval
* Sixty minutes of exercise three times weekly
* Sixty minutes of yoga twice weekly
* Unhealthy habits are prohibited
Smoking, drugs, excessive alcohol
‘Any questions on those? Speak your peace now.”
She cleared her throat, I grinned I knew there would be something there. She left out a long breath “The hair I don’t care about, it’s gone anyway” she blushed “well most of it is”
“It all has to go, your arms, your back”
She was aghast “I don’t have hair on my back!”
I chuckled “Yes you do, fine tiny hairs, get a full body wax, which includes your face.” She rubbed her fingers over her chin. “Full body wax, alright”
“What else has your panties in an uproar?”
“Eight hours sleep? What if I have work to do?”
I shrugged “I suggest you make better use of your time.” She rolled her eyes; yeah we are going to have to take care of that too.
“You are going to approve my diet?’ I pursed my lips “Yeah, you know those Fruity Pebbles you bought; you might as well throw them out, because they are not on the approved list.”
“Approved list?” I nodded “Yes my dearest, approved list, which I will give to you to look over. It’s a big list, you can pick anything on there you want. But I assure you, there is no sugar coated cardboard on it.”
“Edward? The exercise, can that be running, or aqua aerobics?” I told her that was fine.
“Yoga, I like yoga, it was really helpful with my therapy to help me relax”
“Good, because I plan to bend you in all kinds of positions, and you need to be limber.”
*** Failure to comply with these rules will result in swift and appropriate punishment ***
Bella looked at me with a small amount of fear in her eyes “Are you going to hit me?”
She looked so vulnerable. I took her hands and pulled her into my lap, her back was to my chest, my chin rested on her shoulder. I stroked her hair down her back. “No baby, I’m not going to hit you, at least not for punishment, for pleasure yes. Eventually corporal punishment will take place, but not at first.”
She seemed to relax slightly “Remember I told you I didn’t want to hurt you?” She nodded “Well baby, I think that would hurt you, not just the pain but emotionally. That in turn would diminish your trust in me. And I really need, your trust”
I pushed her hair off her shoulder, kissing her cheek. “Isabella, there are all kinds of punishments, ones that will make you think about your actions or attitudes. I won’t like them, because they will either inconvenience or deter in some form my enjoyment of you.”
I turned her so she would straddle my legs. “See your misbehavior will have repercussions on me too. So just think about the consequences before you act.”
Her body was close to me, and her lips so luscious even though I knew I shouldn’t, I kissed her, softly at first, until she ran her fingers through my hair, tugging me to her. I had to pull back, she looked at me sadly. I smiled at her
“I would like nothing more to continue, but we have some more to get through. I want to show you the playroom, and I made plans for us this afternoon. So go back to your seat and we will continue.” She nodded, moving back to the chair next to me.
“Are we done with this?”
“Yes, I think so. Can we revisit these later if we have to?”
I nodded “Absolutely. And if you find that you misunderstand or are not sure about something ask me. I’ll explain it to you again, now onto the next paper.”
She pulled out the contract “Read that now please, so we can talk about anything you are unsure of.” She picked up her coffee “Do you want me to heat that up for you?”
“Yes please” She went back to the document.
“This is just a formality, right. It’s not binding?”
“Your right it’s not” I replied handing her back the now warm coffee.
“Ok then, there is a few things, this phrase here...” pointing to the phrase
He may have unfettered use of my body any time, any place, in front of anyone; to keep or to give away, as He will determine.
“...you’re not giving me away; I won’t like that at all.”
I nodded “I left that in, just in case for some reason I need to leave quickly, for your protection I would turn you over to say Emmet to see that you got home safe, or something along those lines.”
“Then the only other thing I see is this”
To be prepared physically and mentally during O/our designated scheduled time
She looked at me “What is our designated scheduled time?” I started gathering up some of the plates “Do you want any more of this?”
“No thank you that was great, you’re right, this is better than in the coffee shop.”
I turned back to her “Usually you would be mine from 6:00 pm Friday until 6:00 pm Sunday, and then Wednesday 6:00 pm until 10:00 pm.” She dropped her head almost in defeat “Oh! I see” Lifting her chin with my finger, I could see the distress in her eyes.
“I said usually, and if that schedule works for you, I would like to keep that as our power exchange time. Where I am the Dom and you are the sub, and all these rules apply” I motioned with my hand over the papers. “But on the other days, I would like to spend time with you, just us Edward and Bella.”
She finally gave a small smile “You mean like on a date, like you are my boyfriend?”
I snickered “I’m far from a boy, but yes. When we are around ‘vanilla’ couples that’s what I would like to be introduced as. I know it seems like this is moving fast, but I told you Bella, I feel a strong draw to you and I don’t think I could stay away from you during the week.”
She didn’t say anything for a few seconds, then she spoke softly “I don’t want the usual; I want to spend time with you.”
I smiled and kissed her forehead “I have to tell you, I never mixed the two worlds before. I’m probably going to make mistakes. So go easy on me, ok?”
She giggled “I’ll go as easy on you as you go easy on me. How does that deal sound? Besides I haven’t dated anyone in eight years.”
I held her hand, kissing the back of it. “Well, do you want to sign this or not?”
She looked in my eyes with...trust? Then she reached into her purse and took out a pen. “Edward, can I ask you one more question?”
“You can ask me anything” she looked up but past me “How many others...have there been?”
I sat back, I figured she would want to know that watched her face as I spoke “In the past four years there have been half a dozen or so subs that I scene with. They don’t sign a contract. There were two who signed.”
She still wasn’t making eye contact “What happened to them?”
Taking a deep breath I went on “The first was Irena, I was new to this lifestyle, and she needed something I was not comfortable doing, and never will be. We ceased our relationship, she’s now a Dom and we are friends. The second was two years ago, Tanya. We were together about eight months. She wanted more than the usual and I didn’t. She tried to push me to care for her in that way and I couldn’t. She got frustrated, I got frustrated and I dismissed her. She went back to Alaska for a while”
“Where is she now?” I shrugged “She’s here, she was involved in a relationship with another couple, but I guess that is over now.”
She nodded “And all these other girls, I’m going to see them?”
“Yes, I’m afraid you will” I watched her to see what she would do
“But it was only ...the usual with them?”
“That’s right, just the usual.” She smiled picked up her pen and signed the paper. After I signed, I took her hand, pulling her close to me. I kissed her softly and lead her to the stairs that went to the playroom.
It was really difficult to leave Bella tonight. I would have been very happy staying there with her all night. It would have been a perfect ending to a fantastic day. I chuckled to myself as I enter my home, thinking about the look of shock on Leah’s face. I could only imagine what we looked like sitting on the floor. My shirt off, Bella cradled in my arms with only a pair of panties on. I heard the phone ring, but I guess Bella was just too preoccupied. I never thought that they would come bursting in like that. In a way I’m glad they did, or I would have ended up in her bed, and I really want her to know what she is getting into, before we actually fuck. Besides, I think Bella needed to have some time to relax after the day she had.
She looked so embarrassed while Jasper was examining her scar. I was so fucking mad, she didn’t say how it happened, but I knew that son-of-a-bitch ex-husband of hers had something to do with it. I didn’t want to put her on the spot, with everyone listening, and I’m not really sure I want to hear it. But, I am going to have to find out. I know it makes her self-conscious, I could see that on her face. I’m not some vain perfectionist that would allow something like a scar to lower my opinion of someone. I wanted her to know that. She surprised me when she jumped in my arms, I’m glad I was standing firmly or she would have knocked us both over. Then she was so cute, with that shy little girl look, wondering why I don’t call her Isabella. She needed worry; I plan to call her Isabella often.
I wasn’t expecting her to make dinner, but it sure was good. It seems like she had to grow up so fast. What ten year old cooks’ dinner for her father? I wonder what other responsibilities she took upon herself. She really loves her father and that shows every time she talks about him. I think I would really like to meet him, and see where she grew up. I really want to see this cliff she jumped off. What the fuck was she thinking? And fucking Jacob Black encouraging her.
I shook my head, I couldn’t keep thinking about those kinds of things. I had to get some things together for tomorrow. I planned on bringing Bella back here for coffee. I think she would be more comfortable, where no one would over hear us, and there would be no time constraints. While we were at the store, I bought some beagles, croissants, muffins and fresh fruit. I figured that was a good variety, and there would be something she would like. Going to my computer, I pulled up the files I needed, the contract, the negotiation sheet, the food list and my personal rules.
I was just pulling the papers from the printer when the phone rang. “Hello Emmet. What can I do for you at” I glance at the time on the computer “..11:30 pm?”
“I didn’t wake you or interrupt anything, did I?” rolling my eyes at his implication “No, I was just working on a few things. Then I’m going to bed.”
I sighed “Yes alone, what do you need Emmet?”
He started laughing “Little Bella shut you down baby brother?” I groaned “Ok, Ok, By the way, I like her, and even better Rose likes her. But the reason I’m calling so late, we stopped by the club, and Tanya was there asking all kinds of questions about you.”
“What about me?”
“Well the skuttle, is that there was a newbe there Thursday night, which you were quit taken with. Tanya asked Rose who it was, and if you had any contact with her.” I groaned, sometimes the people at the club are like a bunch of old ladies at a tea party, all they do is gossip. Shaking my head I continued listening to Emmet
“Of course Rose didn’t say anything, you know Rosie? She told her to go fuck herself. But just so you know, she sniffing around.”
“Yeah ok, I don’t know what her fucking problem is? I haven’t had anything to do with her in almost two years, and she’s been living with Eleazar and Carman. What the fuck happened to their happy little three-some?”
“No clue dude…Don’t know…Don’t care. I’m just letting you know what was happening.”
“Yeah Thanks”
Emmet continued “Hey tomorrow, you want to take the bikes out?”
“I’m picking up Bella in the morning; plan to spend the day with her. I was thinking about taking her on the bike, if you don’t mind to the extra person. I can’t give you an exact time. I would assume after two.”
“You really like her.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.
“Yeah, I do. I’m just ...I know we have to go slow, and renegotiate often. I just...I don’t know. I don’t want to hurt her. She’s been hurt enough”
Emmet was quiet for a second “Listen, make her talk. Make sure you know her fears. Then stay away from them. You know how sometimes you can play on a subs fear?”
He was talking about using their fears to enhance the play, like slithering a rope on a sub who’s afraid of snakes.
“ ... yeah man. You can’t do it. She will freak out, and you’ll lose all trust. Listen, just take it slow, and talk to her, before, during and after. Constantly reassure her. But don’t be a fucking pussy either. She needs what you have man, don’t treat her with kid gloves. If you do, she won’t grow, and she will end up resenting you.”
“Yeah, I hear ya.”
“Listen Edward, if you need to bounce something off me, I’m here for you. I’ll give you a call tomorrow afternoon.”
“Ok Emmet, hey....Thanks.”
“You got it little brother.”
I laid in bed thinking about Bella. She is so cute, the way she blushes, how she bites her bottom lip. And her body is amazing, perfectly proportioned. Firm round breast, narrow flat waist, hips and plump bottom. Her legs are trim and toned. She is funny, articulate, compassionate and intelligent. I thought about how she responded to my touch. I could see the struggle in her to keep her arms up. There was one point where I thought she would lose the battle, but she didn’t.
She smelt so good, and tasted even better. I just wanted to tease her as long as possible. I wanted to see how much she could take. I wanted her to lose her restraint and in order to that I needed her frustrated. So I teased her a little bit more, I loved the sound of her begging, her breathy voice pleading, I wanted her to tell me, I needed to hear her say the words. Jesus she was fucking gorgeous, laying there under my control, losing herself. I almost lost it when she pleaded saying my name. I didn’t think I could hold out very much longer. I needed her to cum. Finally she lost it, cursing and demanding, and I gave it to her.
She screamed and her whole body went rigid then she quivered, before breaking out in a beautiful pink hue. I sat there watching her face, lightly massaging her now tender breast. She looked so content and relaxed; I just had to kiss her. I wanted her to stay relaxed as long as possible, but I also wanted her close to me. The fact that she climaxed from breast stimulation is an added bonus, both hers and mine. It’s also a fact that I intend to take full advantage of.
When I woke in the morning sporting a major hard on, I figured I would shower and take care of that before getting Bella. If I had to spend the morning negotiating with her, I was going to do whatever I could to keep in control. I told her last night, she wasn’t to masturbate, but this is a do as I say, not as I do relationship.
I pulled into her driveway right on time. Seth was out in the yard, and came up to say hello. I patted his head “Hey boy, how you doing today?” When I looked up Bella was standing on her patio smiling. The sun caused her hair to have red highlights. Her skin was radiant against the black tank top, giving it a look of porcelain, so much for keeping my dick under control.
As I approached her smile broadened. “Good morning, did you sleep well?” She nodded “I did, and good morning to you too.” She glanced in the driveway “You brought the bike!” I leaned to kiss her softly.
“I did?” I said with mock surprise looking at said bike “Uh, so I did.... By the way you look radiant, sanding here in the sun.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself.” She smirked
“Gorgeous right?” I said chuckling at her blush.”Are you ready to go? Or do you need some more time?”
“I’m ready; let me get Seth in the house.”
Five minutes later we were on the bike; her inner thighs were pressed tight against my legs her arms wrapped firmly around my waist. As we pulled up in my driveway, she asked if I had forgotten something. “No, this is where we are going, I said I would take you for coffee, I just didn’t tell you where.” She smiled “Besides, this will give us privacy while we talk. I thought you would be more comfortable. Come on.”
The coffee was ready, the table was set and the food items were on a tray as we walked into the kitchen. This should be an interesting morning and the first of hopefully many discussions. Sitting at the table I pour her coffee
“Help yourself to whatever you want.” she thanked me reaching for the mug, adding a small amount of cream. I made a plate of fruit and blueberry muffin, before reaching for the manila folder. Sitting back I watched her put strawberry jam on a croissant. Once she had taken a bite, I started.
“Bella, how do you see yourself?” A look of confusion crossed her face. “Let me rephrase that. ... In this world of power exchange, where do you think you fit in?”
Pursing her lips, I could see her gathering her thoughts. “I know there are different levels Edward. I’m not sure what you call them, so let’s say on a scale from zero through ten. Zero being, don’t you even think about tying my hands together, and ten being, yes Master anything you say, I’ll kiss your feet twenty-four hours a day. I would say I’m six and a half.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle “That’s some analogy you have, so, six and a half? I would understand that to mean, your taste lean more towards a slave but not very much. What does it mean to you?”
There was quiet for a few seconds I was going to ask again, when she reached into her purse pulling out a piece of paper. “I think...no, I know, this is me. Right now, this is where I’m at.” Then she read
Really gives up control (only temporarily and within agreed upon limits), but gets her/his main satisfaction from aspects of submission other than serving or being used by the dominant. Usually turned on by suspense, vulnerability, and/or giving up responsibility. Doesn't dictate the scene except in very general terms, but still seek mainly her/his own direct/pleasure (rather than getting one's pleasure mainly from pleasing the dominant).
TRUE SUBMISSIVE PLAY SLAVE. Really gives up control (though only temporarily; only during brief "scenes" and within limits) and gets main satisfaction from serving/being used by dominant but only for FUN purposes, usually erotic. May/may not be into pain. If so, is turned on by pain indirectly, i.e. enjoys being the object of one's partner's sadism, on which the submissive places very few requirements or restrictions.
When she finished, she took a drink of coffee. “I would say I’m somewhere in between these two.”
“Do you have slave fantasies?” Uncertainty crossed her face “Tell me what you fantasized about last night, while you masturbated.”
I told her not to; I wanted to see if she listened. Her eyes narrowed, her face grew flush
“I didn’t. You told me I couldn’t.
” Raising my brow in disbelief “And you listened?” she nodded
“How did that make you feel? Besides the physical frustration, how did it feel mentally? Did you like that I told you not to, or would you prefer I let you have free rein? Or perhaps somewhere in the middle, make you call to ask for permission.”
She thought for a second, but didn’t make eye contact when she started speaking. I cut her off “Look at me” I ordered. She complied “Now, finish your thought” taking a deep breath she sighed - we are going to have to work on that too.
“It made me feel secure, like my body was not my own, that I had to account for my actions. No, I don’t want to have free rein, and asking for permission might be fun.”
“Did you think about disobeying?” she bit her lip, losing eye contact for a split second, before returning my gaze. “I guess that answer would be yes, you thought about it. So...what stopped you? We’re you afraid? Did you think I would punish you? Is that what it was?”
“No, it wasn’t that. I assume along the way chastisement is going to happen...It was more like you trusted me, I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
Yes! Outside I remained emotionless; inside I was doing a happy Dom dance, that my dear is the correct answer.
“So you put my desire and pleasure above your own” holding my thumb and forefinger up “on a small scale.”
She nodded “Answer please.”
“Yes Sir, I did.” leaning back in the chair I grinned proudly at her.
“Then my dear I would say that you lean towards a True Submissive Play Slave. That fits very well with my own personality and style. And we know from last night, how well your body responds to me.”
She blushed, pulling her lower lip between her teeth. I reached over rubbing my thumb over her lip. “You are so cute when you do that, but one of these days, you’re going to draw blood.”
Her lip was released as she tilted her head towards my hand. I took a deep breath “Ah, Isabella” Staring into her eyes. I was mesmerized, I leaned over to kiss her, she responded. Pulling back, I left out a long breath ‘We better continue or we’ll never get done. And I want to show you the playroom” Her eyes lit up, I smirked “Why Isabella, I believe that idea intrigues you.”
I handed her the folder “Take out the first paper.” she complied, glancing over it “Those are my beginner rules; I’d like us to go over them together.” I watched her face as she read the paper when she looked up I picked up a copy. “Ready?”
She nodded; I just continued to look at her. She cleared her throat “Sorry…yes Sir, I’m ready.” I smiled. She’s starting to realize I want verbal communication. “We will go over each item, discuss any concerns you have, and my rational for it. OK?”
1. No other sexual partners -
I looked at her “Any questions?” She thought then asked “Just me, or does this apply for you too?”
“No this applies to both of us. I don’t share Isabella, and I wouldn’t do that to you.” She seemed pleased with that.
2. No unauthorized masturbation –
“We talked about this. So this will be all the time?” She asked with curiosity.
“Yes, you said you might enjoy having to ask for permission, we can do that. I have to tell you though, permission won’t be granted very often, and doesn’t abuse the request, or you might find the privilege of asking forfeited.”
Her forehead crinkled “Why is that exactly?”
I poured some orange juice “Because I want you to crave my touch. If you get off twenty minutes before we start a scene, you’re not going to be as responsive as you should be. Do you understand?”
3. You are to follow all my directions, quickly, obediently,
and to the best of your abilities-
“Self explanatory?” I asked
I was just about to go on to the next one when she spoke up. ‘What if I don’t understand what you are asking of me?” I smiled “That’s a good question Isabella. If you don’t understand then you say, I’m sorry Master, your girl does not understand.”
I watched her face “Ok?” I grinned “Again don’t abuse the privilege”
4. You are to answer my questions, quickly and honestly –
“Same thing goes here Isabella” she smiled “What’s so humorous?” I asked with curiosity.
Her face broke out in that pink hue that I find so very adorable. “You’re calling me Isabella.” I had to smile at her confession, she told me yesterday that she enjoyed that
“That’s because ...Isabella, I mean business..” She poured another cup of coffee for herself, as I continued. “If you don’t understand my question, or you need time to think through your response, you say, I’m sorry Master your girl does not understand, or Master may your girl have time to get her thoughts together...see, honest, quick and precise.”
“Alright, I can do that.”
I reached across to take her hand; her eyes looked up from the paper she was holding. “I know you can...and believe me, you’ll need to be reminded, and that’s ok. That will not be a problem unless three months from now we are still coming up against the same obstacle. Then we have to regroup and find out what the hell is going on. Otherwise we will both be frustrated, and neither of us will get any enjoyment.”
5. You will keep me up to date with your schedule –
“You want to know where I am all the time?”
I shook my head “No, I just want a monthly schedule, When you work, when you’re at the center, family obligations, parties that are planned with friends. I have a calendar that is kept on the refrigerator for you to write your information in.”
She nodded “Alright my schedule is fairly constant, now with summer coming I’ll be working more at the center.”
“That’s fine with me; just keep it as up to date as you possibly can.”
6. You will carry your cell phone at all times and keep it charged –
“Do I have to remind you what happened last night, because the phone wasn’t answered?” I asked with a smirk. She turned bright red, making me chuckle
“No...But I didn’t hear the phone. Did you hear it?” she asked shyly.
“I did, but I was kind of busy, and I figured it would go to voice mail.”
“Uh...wonder why I didn’t hear it?” She questioned. I chuckled “I think you were preoccupied.”
‘Yeah, my mind was on other things, vacuuming, dirty toilets…” she giggled. I looked her and growled... “Don’t you worry Isabella you’ll pay for that remark, just remember your ass is mine.”
She giggled again. But she would pay for that, ‘dirty toilets” I mumbled, making her giggle more. “Seriously, this is important, if I can’t get a hold of you, I will worry. If it turns out that you are just careless, causing me needless worry. Well, you’ll be punished.
7. You will treat me with respect at all times –
“You ask a question, have a request or a comment to make, you do it all with respect.” She nodded. “I like you a little feisty and playful. Be yourself, but do it with respect, any questions on that subject?”
“No, I’m not a rude person, so that shouldn’t be hard to do.” I smiled
“Don’t worry if I think you are getting to crude I’ll remind you. You’ll know to reel it in.”
8. You will not speak to other Doms/subs without my permission –
She looked at me “Ever?”
Her expression made me chuckle. Her head was tilted to the side, her eyes were narrowed and she had a look of exasperation. “This mostly applies when we are at the club, or some kind of gathering, never with my family. Also Aro, you could and should always answer him.” I held up one finger “With Respect” I wanted to stress that.
“So how will I know if it’s ok”
“You are to assume it’s not unless I told you otherwise.”
She was thinking again, I could see it in her eyes “So someone comes to talk to me..”
“You look to me; I’ll either nod or shake my head.” I showed her what I meant “If permission was denied, you drop your head and remain quiet. If it is granted, then speak, but don’t ever look another Dom in the eyes.”
She looked confused “What is it? Too much information?” She sighed
“No I got it…it’s just you always want me to look in your eyes.”
I touched my hand to her face stroking her cheek with my thumb. “Baby, I love looking in your beautiful brown eyes, they tell me what’s going on inside that mind of yours. But most Doms don’t like it or allow it.”
“Alright, no eyes, what if you’re not with me? Like what if I’m going to the bathroom or you have to do something, what do I do then?”
“That can happen, with a Dom you keep your eyes on the floor, with a sub you look them in the eye, and you tell them I’m very sorry but this girls Master has not given her permission to speak. Most will understand if they continue to talk to you...” I stressed the point “...you remain quiet. When you return to me, tell me what happened, and I will take care of it. It’s all protocol. You will catch on fast.” I looked at the clock 11:15am “Let’s continue”
9. You will walk to my left, directly behind me at all times –
“This is going to require you to pay attention to what I’m doing. It really will help with our bonding, and you will be highly attuned to my body language.”
She smiled “You know sometimes I have a balance problem.”
I grinned “I didn’t notice.” I replied with mock shock “Just pay attention, you’ll be fine. These next ones have to do with your personal appearance.”
10.You will ensure the proper care to maintain a healthy, active and strong body
* Removal of all body hair
* Eight hours sleep daily
* Balanced healthy diet of my approval
* Sixty minutes of exercise three times weekly
* Sixty minutes of yoga twice weekly
* Unhealthy habits are prohibited
Smoking, drugs, excessive alcohol
‘Any questions on those? Speak your peace now.”
She cleared her throat, I grinned I knew there would be something there. She left out a long breath “The hair I don’t care about, it’s gone anyway” she blushed “well most of it is”
“It all has to go, your arms, your back”
She was aghast “I don’t have hair on my back!”
I chuckled “Yes you do, fine tiny hairs, get a full body wax, which includes your face.” She rubbed her fingers over her chin. “Full body wax, alright”
“What else has your panties in an uproar?”
“Eight hours sleep? What if I have work to do?”
I shrugged “I suggest you make better use of your time.” She rolled her eyes; yeah we are going to have to take care of that too.
“You are going to approve my diet?’ I pursed my lips “Yeah, you know those Fruity Pebbles you bought; you might as well throw them out, because they are not on the approved list.”
“Approved list?” I nodded “Yes my dearest, approved list, which I will give to you to look over. It’s a big list, you can pick anything on there you want. But I assure you, there is no sugar coated cardboard on it.”
“Edward? The exercise, can that be running, or aqua aerobics?” I told her that was fine.
“Yoga, I like yoga, it was really helpful with my therapy to help me relax”
“Good, because I plan to bend you in all kinds of positions, and you need to be limber.”
*** Failure to comply with these rules will result in swift and appropriate punishment ***
Bella looked at me with a small amount of fear in her eyes “Are you going to hit me?”
She looked so vulnerable. I took her hands and pulled her into my lap, her back was to my chest, my chin rested on her shoulder. I stroked her hair down her back. “No baby, I’m not going to hit you, at least not for punishment, for pleasure yes. Eventually corporal punishment will take place, but not at first.”
She seemed to relax slightly “Remember I told you I didn’t want to hurt you?” She nodded “Well baby, I think that would hurt you, not just the pain but emotionally. That in turn would diminish your trust in me. And I really need, your trust”
I pushed her hair off her shoulder, kissing her cheek. “Isabella, there are all kinds of punishments, ones that will make you think about your actions or attitudes. I won’t like them, because they will either inconvenience or deter in some form my enjoyment of you.”
I turned her so she would straddle my legs. “See your misbehavior will have repercussions on me too. So just think about the consequences before you act.”
Her body was close to me, and her lips so luscious even though I knew I shouldn’t, I kissed her, softly at first, until she ran her fingers through my hair, tugging me to her. I had to pull back, she looked at me sadly. I smiled at her
“I would like nothing more to continue, but we have some more to get through. I want to show you the playroom, and I made plans for us this afternoon. So go back to your seat and we will continue.” She nodded, moving back to the chair next to me.
“Are we done with this?”
“Yes, I think so. Can we revisit these later if we have to?”
I nodded “Absolutely. And if you find that you misunderstand or are not sure about something ask me. I’ll explain it to you again, now onto the next paper.”
She pulled out the contract “Read that now please, so we can talk about anything you are unsure of.” She picked up her coffee “Do you want me to heat that up for you?”
“Yes please” She went back to the document.
“This is just a formality, right. It’s not binding?”
“Your right it’s not” I replied handing her back the now warm coffee.
“Ok then, there is a few things, this phrase here...” pointing to the phrase
He may have unfettered use of my body any time, any place, in front of anyone; to keep or to give away, as He will determine.
“...you’re not giving me away; I won’t like that at all.”
I nodded “I left that in, just in case for some reason I need to leave quickly, for your protection I would turn you over to say Emmet to see that you got home safe, or something along those lines.”
“Then the only other thing I see is this”
To be prepared physically and mentally during O/our designated scheduled time
She looked at me “What is our designated scheduled time?” I started gathering up some of the plates “Do you want any more of this?”
“No thank you that was great, you’re right, this is better than in the coffee shop.”
I turned back to her “Usually you would be mine from 6:00 pm Friday until 6:00 pm Sunday, and then Wednesday 6:00 pm until 10:00 pm.” She dropped her head almost in defeat “Oh! I see” Lifting her chin with my finger, I could see the distress in her eyes.
“I said usually, and if that schedule works for you, I would like to keep that as our power exchange time. Where I am the Dom and you are the sub, and all these rules apply” I motioned with my hand over the papers. “But on the other days, I would like to spend time with you, just us Edward and Bella.”
She finally gave a small smile “You mean like on a date, like you are my boyfriend?”
I snickered “I’m far from a boy, but yes. When we are around ‘vanilla’ couples that’s what I would like to be introduced as. I know it seems like this is moving fast, but I told you Bella, I feel a strong draw to you and I don’t think I could stay away from you during the week.”
She didn’t say anything for a few seconds, then she spoke softly “I don’t want the usual; I want to spend time with you.”
I smiled and kissed her forehead “I have to tell you, I never mixed the two worlds before. I’m probably going to make mistakes. So go easy on me, ok?”
She giggled “I’ll go as easy on you as you go easy on me. How does that deal sound? Besides I haven’t dated anyone in eight years.”
I held her hand, kissing the back of it. “Well, do you want to sign this or not?”
She looked in my eyes with...trust? Then she reached into her purse and took out a pen. “Edward, can I ask you one more question?”
“You can ask me anything” she looked up but past me “How many others...have there been?”
I sat back, I figured she would want to know that watched her face as I spoke “In the past four years there have been half a dozen or so subs that I scene with. They don’t sign a contract. There were two who signed.”
She still wasn’t making eye contact “What happened to them?”
Taking a deep breath I went on “The first was Irena, I was new to this lifestyle, and she needed something I was not comfortable doing, and never will be. We ceased our relationship, she’s now a Dom and we are friends. The second was two years ago, Tanya. We were together about eight months. She wanted more than the usual and I didn’t. She tried to push me to care for her in that way and I couldn’t. She got frustrated, I got frustrated and I dismissed her. She went back to Alaska for a while”
“Where is she now?” I shrugged “She’s here, she was involved in a relationship with another couple, but I guess that is over now.”
She nodded “And all these other girls, I’m going to see them?”
“Yes, I’m afraid you will” I watched her to see what she would do
“But it was only ...the usual with them?”
“That’s right, just the usual.” She smiled picked up her pen and signed the paper. After I signed, I took her hand, pulling her close to me. I kissed her softly and lead her to the stairs that went to the playroom.
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