This place is spectacular; there is no other way to describe it. By the time we got off the ferry it was after seven so rather than coming straight to the hotel we decided to get dinner first. It made sense to me as Edward explained that Abigail’s didn’t have a restaurant. It was his thinking that we not leave Seth alone in the room so soon, while we go out to eat.
Edward parked the car in the downtown area and we walked Seth to the corner pub that had outdoor seating. We each had a couple of pints of local ale while eating burgers and fries. It was peaceful sitting out in the open air watching the people walk by. It was nearly nine by the time we got to the hotel and the sun was setting, but that didn’t take away from the grandeur of the building.
When we pulled up, the lights were situated so that the outside gardens were illuminated. The building was a three story Tudor Mansion that had been meticulously cared for or expertly restored. Green wood accented the walls adding to the character while the main arched entrance made it very inviting.
We had to leave Seth in the car while we checked in because although they do allow dogs in certain rooms they are not allowed in the main foyer. The lady behind the desk was very polite, a bit too gracious to Edward for my liking but I was getting used to that. It’s not that she was overly flirtatious she just smiled a little wider at him once she saw my passport. After giving him a room key for each of us, she handed me a doggie basket full of treats and doggy-doo bags for Seth.
Edward had reserved a coach house room, which was housed in a separate out building. It was decorated with basic cream colored walls and dark woodwork. It wasn’t a very spacious room but it was cozy with a warm fire in the hearth. A two person brown leather sofa sat in front of that with a large welcoming four poster canopy bed in the main area. The bedding was done in a deep burgundy with accents of beige in the half dozen or so bed pillows.
After all the luggage had been brought in and we sat on the sofa in front of the fire enjoying the cookies and tea that had been left there; Edward made love to me on that bed. The lovemaking was soft and sweet with lots of tender touching, spoken words of love and gentle kisses that seemed to last for hours until we were both sated and I fell asleep in his arms.
We had forgotten to close the wooden blinds and the morning sun was coming through the slats waking me. Edward was still sleeping while my hand moved over the planes of his chest with my fingers running through the soft hair. My hand continued its journey south tracing the lines over his abs until it reached where the happy trail begins. Little Eddie was awake and he twitched against my palm while standing at full attention.
After making a few passes over him and getting the same reaction I let my hand continue down over Edward’s thighs, only ceasing the movement when he murmured. “Hmmmm…don’t stop.”
“Are you awake?” I asked while my hand went back to where he wanted it to be.
Edward hissed letting out a soft groan while I stroked him, “Nooo…but I will be completely up in a second.”
“Ohhhh… I think you are already completely up,” I told him while moving my body on top of him, straddling his hips, “and if you’re not Little Eddie certainly is.”
Edward growled in fake annoyance making me giggle as my hips moved letting his length slide along my folds. I knew he didn’t really mind me calling his dick Little Eddie. It might just be a blow to his ego but in all honesty he had to know that there was nothing little about him.
I moaned slightly at the feeling of him against my sensitive skin. Little Eddie was warm, sturdy, ample and so pretty.
His eyes shot to mine, “Did you just call my cock pretty?”
“What?” I asked in shock and then giggled, “Did I just say that out loud?”
“Yes you did,” he chuckled at me, “Bella you can name him, but I’m drawing the line at pretty.
I stopped moving against him, instead taking his dick in my hands, “Well…he is pretty. Look at him all smooth and velvety soft,” I said stroking the underside while Edward sighed. “Strong in stature,” my hand moved up over the top making Edward hiss, “with a round full beautiful top.”
As I said the last words my hips lifted allowing me to slide myself onto him.
“Ohhh…fuck Bella.”
I hummed out in satisfaction, “Mmmmm…you’re right not pretty…beautiful.”
Edward’s hands held my waist while mine went to his shoulders for balance as my hips started moving over him. “No baby…you’re beautiful.”
His hands moved up to my ribs as he raised his head capturing one of my nipples in his mouth while my hands moved to the back of his head clutching him to me. My moan sounded out as his tongue swirled over the nub before he began to suckle. The sensation of pleasure only caused a need in me for more friction and my movements became more focused.
Edward’s mouth went from one to the other as his hands moved down to cup around my bottom while he started meeting my movements with thrusts of his own.
“Ohhh….soooo good. You feel so good.”
The words left my mouth in gasps of pleasure as Edward seemed to sit up more while placing kisses along my shoulder and neck. The feeling of his lips on my over heated skin sent jolts of tingles through me. Tilting my head sideways, his tongue traced the line of my neck ending with a playful tug on my ear. The feel of teeth along with his breath made me whimper as my body clung to his.
My legs and arms wrapped around his back holding myself to him while I moaned softly against his neck. The smell of Edward’s skin added to my desire and I flexed my hips to meet his movements. He hit that happy spot making my breath hitch as short panting moans came out from the building pressure. My head tilted backwards until I felt his hand on the back of my neck keeping me in place.
Unsure of what I was even asking for but knowing I needed something I begged. “Please…”
“Open your eyes,” he ordered through his own pants, “look at me baby.”
My eyes were met with his dark green ones and he commanded, “keep looking at me.”
The intensity of his desire was getting to be too much as the pressure built. Edward’s hands went back to my hips as he moved against me in quick sure strokes.
“I’m gonna…please…can’t…”
I was trying to get the words out while my eyes stared into his soul. It was intimately erotic and there was no way I was going to be able to hold on.
Edward grunted out the words I wanted to hear, “Now baby…Now.”
The pressure built and on the next stroke I clamped down around him as I let the rush from my orgasm take me away. I barely felt his hands squeeze my hips tighter and before I could comprehend what was happening Edward pushed me onto my back as he continued to move inside me. My hands gripped tight around his upper arms while I started coming back from the high he had given me.
Edward grunted out once more “Fuck!” and I could feel the warmth of his cum inside me as my muscles involuntarily squeezed around him. His forehead rested against mine while he lay breathless over top of me. My legs were still wrapped around his hips anchoring him to my body.
As our erratic breathing began to slow down to a normal pace my lips touched against his for a quick kiss.
“Good morning.”
Edward grinned at me, “So far.”
I smirked rolling my eyes while my face heated causing him to chuckle before he kissed me. My lips had just parted for him when a whine came from the side of the bed. Our heads turned together in the direction of the sound. Seth’s snout was resting on the bed as he stared at us with sad pleading brown eyee.
Edward sighed, “So much for round two.”
I giggled moving my hips against him while I squeezed the muscles around his dick that was still solid inside me, “Later?”
Edward kissed me grunting as he moved from my body and poor Seth whined once more.
“I’m coming,” he said sitting on the edge of the bed while I moved quickly to sit up myself. Seth needed to go out and I didn’t want to make Edward take him alone.
Edward put on a pair of jeans and t-shirt and I threw on some yoga pants and a sweatshirt not bothering with underwear or even looking in the mirror while pulling my hair into a pony tail. Seth was on his leash and I got a doggy-doo bag so we could take him out to relieve himself.
Outside the door Seth didn’t even sniff around for a good spot, he just lifted his leg on the first available bush. I was glad for the sweatshirt because the air was slightly chilled as we walked around the building letting Seth make his morning deposits.
“What do you want to do today?” Edward asked as we walked with his arm around my shoulders while I held the leash.
I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do. We had talked about some of the attractions that were around town but had not made any agenda, which kind of surprised me with Edward’s propensity for list making. The one thing I was sure that had to be done was eating, between last night and this morning’s activities I was starving.
“Hmmm…first thing is a shower and then food”
“We can do that here…”
I didn’t let him finish his statement, “I thought you said they don’t have a restaurant?”
“They don’t,” he shook his head, “but it’s like an elaborate bed and breakfast Bella, and it’s a very good breakfast. They also have appetizers in the evening from five to seven, but that’s all they serve.”
As he spoke I wondered how he knew this so I asked the question I wasn’t sure that I wanted answered, “Do you come here often?”
“A few times.”
It was silly but the idea that he brought other women here caused a feeling of hurt inside me. Which made absolutely no sense, rationally I knew that he was free to do what he wanted especially before he even knew me. Besides he’s had at least a dozen different women down in his playroom and that never bothered me. The thing was that I considered our time away with each other to be special and I guess it was expected that he felt the same way. Edward must have noticed the change in my demeanor because he stopped walking as we rounded the building to go back in. I knew he wanted me to look at him but I just couldn’t yet. Instead staring down at Seth who was wondering why we stopped.
Using his thumb Edward lifted my chin making me look at him, “Whenever my family comes to Victoria, this is always where we stay. The last time I was here it was last year on Valentine’s Day. It was my parent’s thirtieth anniversary.”
I heard what he said but the pain was still there and all I could do was nod as unwarranted tears filled my eyes, spilling down my face when I blinked. Edward wiped them away with his thumb, “What is it?”
I didn’t want to have to explain my unreasonable insecurities so I shook my head trying to diminish the distress it was causing the both of us. “Nothing.”
With a heavy sigh Edward was obstinate, “Bella we are not leaving this spot until you tell me.”
“I just,” I started but wasn’t exactly sure how to explain, then I thought if he wants to know just tell him. My eyes shifted from his, glancing at the flowerbeds along the front of the main building. “I told you, going away is something that I never get to do, and I don’t know, I just…” taking a deep breath I said what I was feeling as the tears once again fell from my eyes,
“didn’t want to be like the all the others.”
Rather than have me look at him Edward moved his head into my line of sight. The grief in his expression was clear and I felt awful for having caused it. “Baby, I don’t know what else to do to get you to understand. I’ve never taken another woman out to dinner, what makes you think that I would take them for a get-a-way?”
He took a deep breath before going on, “I’m going to tell you again and if I have to tell you every fucking day of my life – as irritating as it will be, I’ll do it – because you’re worth it. What you have…no, what we have…” he waved his hand in space between us, “…together is different. It’s not like all the others. I love you.”
The pain in his eyes was gone and all I saw was the conviction of his words. Taking a step towards him my arms wrapped around his waist and he held me close to him with one arm. After a second of just feeling the warmth that was Edward I realized how utterly stupid my thoughts had been. He held me a little tighter placing a kiss on the top of my head.
“Can you do me a favor Bella and try to remember that? I mean Jesus baby, I have to love you. I’m standing here holding a fucking bag of dog shit!”
I laughed so hard a snort came out, “Do you want me to hold it?” the words came out amongst the laughter.
“No..no..I got it,” he shook his head.
Warm green eyes that were filled with emotion met mine and I wanted to tell him I was sorry for being so selfish but his lips against mine stopped me. “Don’t say it; don’t tell me you’re sorry. I understand why you would feel that way. But god baby I can’t change anything about my past anymore then you can change yours. All we can do is…”
“Be glad we have each other now.” I added finishing his sentence.
“Yeah,” a warm smile lit up his face while we stood there staring at each other. The moment was broken as Edward sighed “Let’s go shower, get some breakfast and decide what we are going to do.”
I agreed with that plan and waited by the door while Edward deposited the doggy-doo bag into the receptacle. The bathroom in our room had a fantastic jet tub that I was hoping we would be making use of sometime while we were here. However, due to time constraints we ended up in the shower, where Edward got a hand job and I came from his talented fingers.
After dressing I made sure that Seth had food and fresh water before we made our way over to the main building to eat. Edward was right; breakfast was great. I had decided on cinnamon croissant French toast, yogurt with homemade granola and fruit with coffee. Edward had a mushroom Frittata with thick slices of bacon and a dark chocolate muffin with juice and coffee.
While we drank our coffee waiting for the food we talked about what we wanted to do. We really only had two full days so there was no way we would get to do everything. I watched with longing as Edward picked off a piece of the muffin putting it in his mouth.
I should have skipped the granola and gotten one of those
I tried to divert my eyes by looking over a few pamphlets but I couldn’t help myself, of course he caught me and chuckled. I tried to act coy by stirring my coffee but when I looked up he held a piece of muffin in front of my face, which I gladly took in my mouth making sure to suck all the melted chocolate chips off his fingers.
“Mmmmm….” it was warm, rich and gooey. There was no way that could be considered healthy and I wondered how many carbs I was going to have to cross off from that one bite.
“I know it’s good,” Edward took a drink of coffee before making a suggestion. “So I was thinking, how about you decide what we do today and I get tomorrow. Evenings have to be of mutual consent.”
“Well that is very democratic of you,”
Once the words were out of my mouth I wondered if he already had something in mind for tomorrow but the word ‘evening’ caused me to think about something else. The room wasn’t full, however we were seated in close proximity to other people. Leaning across the table I tried to keep my voice down. “What are we going to do about tonight?”
“Mutual consent, what do you want to do?” he asked before taking a drink of coffee.
I could feel his eyes on me while I thought. Not really wanting to give up our usual, yet it was not exactly at the most optimal time. Our normal time schedule works well at home but here we would be out in public which would be awkward. We could go modified - unless.
Could I do it? Could I be in full mode out in public?
I think it would depend on where we would be and what we would be doing. Then I began to wonder why that should make a difference. Wherever we are my behavior towards Master shouldn’t change. I ought to still show him the same respect no matter what we do. Besides I trust Edward and he would never put me in a situation that would cause either of us any embarrassment.
Part of me was nervous at the idea of taking our private life out into the public, but there was a much bigger part that was excited. Moreover I couldn’t think of a better place to ‘go public’ than in a town where no one knows you. After that thought ran through my mind I was even more excited to do it.
Then I thought about the time constraints, we would have to renegotiate start and stop times for the evening. Possibly doing away with an ending point until the morning, something told me that wouldn’t be any problem at all. The only obstacle I could see would be Edward’s consent. If he didn’t think I was ready there would be no way that he would allow it.
“Baby your killing me here,” as he said the words our food arrived and after a thank you to the waitress I met Edward’s curious gaze.
“Sorry, I was thinking.”
“I could see that,” he sounded somewhere between amused and annoyed.
Taking a drink of coffee I picked up the spoon to scoop some of the granola and yogurt onto the French toast before I spoke while keeping my eyes on what I was doing, “Do you think that …”
“Bella…look at me,” when I did he nodded deliberately once, “…now talk.”
“Well, do you think that,” I sighed feeling really stupid because if I couldn’t even say it, how the hell would I be able to do it? “I am ready to be in full mode in public?”
Edward didn’t say anything at first he just sat there staring at me. I wasn’t sure if he was looking for a reaction that would show if I was hesitant or if he was sizing me up for the task. Thankfully my wait wasn’t as long as his.
“The question is, do you think that you’re ready?”
“Yes…I do!” I was hoping that my enthusiasm would help sway him. But when Edward’s eyes widened in disbelief I wasn’t so sure. I figured my best bet was to show him my resolve to at least try.
“What are we talking about Edward, going out to dinner, maybe a little dancing, stopping in a pub to listen to some jazz, a walk along the harbor? If it doesn’t work out…”
He interrupted my train of thought, “If it doesn’t work out Bella, I don’t want you to lose all the trust and confidence you’ve gained in the past month.”
“I won’t!” yes, I whined like a two year old as Edward looked at me in disbelief.
“If I agree to this, don’t expect me to be lenient,” my eyes narrowed at the word, kind of pissed that he would think that but he kept talking so I stored that away for my comeback.
“This is your request, and just like any other time you’d better come completely prepared or suffer the consequences. You know what I expect and it doesn’t matter who is around us or what they may hear, I will not tolerate any hesitancy on your part. Then there is the question of time constraints.”
I wanted to make my points before we got into a discussion on times, “I wouldn’t expect you to be lenient. How am I going to learn if you go easy on me or relax your expectations?”
Letting that sink in I gave the best rationalization my mind could come up with, “I trust you Edward and I know that you would not put me in any situation that I wasn’t equipped to handle.”
Edward took a bite of his food before he brought up the time schedule which I had already thought about. Explaining that concluding at ten o’clock would be too early because by the time we ate, did something, and got Seth out for a walk our time would be over. Finished I figured I would make the most important point about extending until morning.
“If we end at our regular time we won’t be able to be alone and where is the fun in that?”
“Where indeed?” there was something in his answer that made me think he had something on his mind but I couldn’t dwell on it because Edward asked, “So you want to extend our usual until the morning?”
“Or until we fall asleep,” I answered pointedly and then added, “whichever comes first.”
Edward laughed and before taking the last bite of my food I asked, “so what do you think?”
“I think I created a monster,” sighing I rolled my eyes while Edward raised his in warning, “I also think that if you do that tonight, you are going to find yourself in a whole lot of trouble.”
“Really?!” my excited outburst brought attention from the couple sitting next to us. Toning it down slightly I wanted to make sure Edward meant what he said “So you think I’m ready?”
“It’s not a question of me Bella, it’s you. The fact that you’re bringing up the subject makes me think that you have gained enough confidence to be secure in your submission to me; and there’s only one way to find out if you are truly prepared, so I say let’s do it. Nonetheless, I’m going to give you until four-thirty to change your mind. What that means is that at any time during the day you can say ‘no Edward’ without any explanations or questions asked. However, after that time passes there is no going back, consequences be damned Isabella. Full protocol and full rules will be in effect. Do I make myself clear?”
I knew what he was saying and it wasn’t that Edward was trying to scare me; he just wanted to make sure that I knew the full ramifications. I loved him even more for allowing me the day to back out, even though I knew it wouldn’t be happening. I think he probably knew it too, but I also think that part of him hoped I would. While these thoughts were running through my head Edward was waiting for my answer.
“Yes sir, I understand,” a resolved sigh left him and then something occurred to me. “Four-thirty?”
He shrugged drinking the last of his coffee, “We will have to be back in our room by then so that you can be ready for me at five or we will never make our dinner reservations, also for my own purposes it will require that we not suspend our usual until the morning.”
I smiled wickedly, “You have purposes?”
“There is always a purpose love.”
I was going to agree to that time table when he suddenly remembered something.
“One more thing and then we will not say another word on the subject” pushing my plate away feeling stuffed beyond belief Edward continued, “I’m assuming you brought dresses with you.” I nodded, affirming that I had. “Do you have something that is not very form fitting, something that has some flow to it?”
I didn’t understand why that would be of importance but I answered, “I have a blue dress that’s not tight against me.”
He thought for a second, “When we go back to take Seth out, let me see it. If it doesn’t work then I will have to cut into your day and we will have to go shopping.”
“Alright,” I agreed but I was very sure that my own dress would work fine.
Edward smiled at me, “Where are we going first?”
“Miniature World.”
It was actually called the Miniature Museum and located downtown. Rather than take the car we decided to walk the half a dozen blocks holding hands as we went. Given that it was my day I paid, which made me rather happy since so far that has fallen on Edward. The building looks small from the outside but it’s actually very large and set up with at least twenty different scenes of miniature depictions. Each is set up behind glass and most allow you to walk around them getting views from all different angles. They have scenes that illustrate everything from the moon landing, civil war battles, farm life, and a circus with almost everything else you could imagine there being. Each one is so true to life right down to the tiniest detail, it truly is something to see and took us about two hours to get through. Every time we thought that we had seen all there was in a display one of us would point out something else to show the other.
It was almost one o’clock when we left the museum we had to go back to the room and get Seth. We talked more about some of the displays while looking at the pictures I took. Both of us had been there before, in fact Edward said that every time they come to Victoria Emmett drags him to see the miniatures, apparently it’s one of his favorites. I felt bad about that, like I was forcing Edward to do something that he would rather not do. But he said that even though he had been there many times, this was the first time that he noticed all the minute details in the displays.
Seth was extremely glad to see us and I felt bad for that. We had let him outside after we ate which was just three hours before, but even so he was all by himself in a strange room. I left the radio on so that there would be some noise for him. He had his own bed and I even gave him one of my sweatshirts so that he would know I was around, but he still looked sad. Edward said that Seth always looked like that but since for the afternoon we were just going to walk around downtown we would take him with us.
The dress and shoes I had brought along met Edward’s approval which was good, because I was not in the mood for shopping. Downtown was having a folk-art festival, there were all kinds of venders selling their crafts, plus street performers and food carts. We walked among the displays marveling at people’s talent.
We stopped at a woman’s stand who was selling handmade quilts. I was thinking about getting one for Leah but since she still didn’t know the sex of the baby I was hesitate to buy one. The woman ended up giving me her card saying that once the baby came she could ship me the quilt. While I was talking with her picking out one for each sex, Edward went over to look at something else.
I ended up buying a framed stained glass window that illustrated a yellow rose bush with three blue butterflies sitting on it. The moment I saw it, my mind instantly thought of my tattoo and I had to have it. The piece was rather large and meant to hang as in insert inside a window. Edward carried it for me while we walked a little bit more before deciding to sit down at another outside café and eat a small lunch.
“Leah really doesn’t know the sex of the baby?” he asked while we sat down across from each other at the little round table, Seth once again lying next to my chair.
“No. It’s in a weird position and no matter how hard they tried the baby wouldn’t let them get a peek at the goods,” I giggled. “Leah was so mad. The technician was trying to push on her belly,” using my hands to demonstrate, “but the baby would squirm the other way.”
The waiter brought us the glasses of wine we ordered, before he left I ordered soup and Edward got a chicken wrap. Once the waiter was gone Edward took a sip from his glass before asking, “You were there?”
Taking a drink myself I nodded, “Mmm hmm…I sat with her while she peed on a stick, went to her first appointment, was at both ultrasounds and sat through a three hour glucose test. This baby is a…well she’s my sister.” Reaching across the table I lifted his sleeve to see the time –two-thirty-five. “They should be getting on the way to Forks soon.”
“She didn’t call you last night,” it wasn’t a question but I answered it like it was.
“No, but I don’t think that I get service here.”
“So,” Edward said as the waiter left after bringing our order, “do they have names picked out for this uncooperative baby?”
“Mmmm…try this,” I told him bringing a spoonful of Lobster Bisque to his lips. Edward hummed in satisfaction agreeing that the soup was good while I answered the question.
“She has two names for each sex.” He looked at me like I was nuts, “I know crazy right? But Leah said that they wouldn’t know the right name until they actually got to see the baby.”
Edward shrugged, “I guess that makes sense. So what are the contenders?”
“Ummm…for a boy Jackson or Emerson, and for a girl Cecilia or Naomi,” I scrunched my nose on the last name making Edward chuckle.
“Not a fan of Naomi?”
“No, I’m really hoping for Cecilia. That would make Jake happy too, that was his mom’s middle name.”
“I guess you will find out soon enough, when is her due date?” he asked after wiping his mouth.
“August third…so eight weeks until baby Black makes its debut.” I smiled at the thought being just as excited to meet that little one as Leah was. Edward smiled right back at me but he had a faraway look in his eyes, like he was contemplating something very seriously.
We sat a few more minutes finishing our wine while the waiter left with my card to pay the bill. On the way back to the hotel we took the long way around walking through Chinatown. This area was mostly stores and restaurants neither of which we were interested in entering. The sun was beginning to drop in the sky but it was still rather warm as we walked holding hands, talking about the things we saw in the storefront windows.
It was slightly after four o’clock when we got back to the room, the first thing I did was kick off my shoes. We had done a lot of walking today and even though I had worn comfortable flats my feet were still protesting. Edward fiddled with the fireplace getting it started and then moved over to the small refrigerator taking out a bottle of wine. “Do you want a glass?”
Using the corkscrew he quickly opened the bottle setting it on the table next to the couch to let it breathe while he got the glasses. When Edward sat down he positioned himself so that his body was facing mine. “It was a nice day.”
“Yeah, it was,” I agreed.
I felt like a science experiment as his eyes kept searching my face. But then he sighed reaching over to get the glasses handing me one before picking up the bottle of wine. I tilted my glass as he started pouring the cream colored liquid. After dispensing his own, Edward once again sat so our bodies faced each other.
He took a drink and I followed his lead, knowing that he had something to say; after a few seconds he seemed to resolve himself. “I have to go out and get a few things. Will you be alright here alone?”
I smiled because he was always so concerned about me, “I’ll be fine. Besides I’m not alone, Seth is here.”
Edward smirked taking another drink but I couldn’t let him think that my dog was a wimp, “You don’t think Seth loves me enough to protect me?”
“Oh I know he loves you Bella,” he tucked a lock of hair behind my ear, “how could he not, but a protector?” Edward’s eyes went to Seth who was sleeping in front of the fire. “I don’t know about that.”
“Well you wouldn’t say that if you knew his mother. She’s a hunting dog.” I had to defend my baby, that’s what mother’s do. “In fact you will probably meet Sadie sometime over the weekend.”
“I can’t wait.” I giggled at his enthusiasm as he glanced at his watch.
“Did you bring stockings?”
Wooo…talk about a change of subject
“Yes. Thigh highs.” They were the only kind I wore. I couldn’t stand the restriction from regular pantyhose. Besides pantyhose are some of the ugliest things I have ever seen. Reminded me of granny panties that come all the way up past your navel and then are constantly rolling down so that you spend all of your time pulling them back up.
“Good. Then I want your hair in that half up, half down thing you do. Wearing the stockings, the shoes and have the bands on…” I made a face because I didn’t have the bands with me.
“You didn’t bring them?” he wasn’t mad just slightly taken off guard as I shook my head telling him –“ no I didn’t.”
“Then I guess it is a good thing that I brought the extra pack. I should have told you before but you should always bring them with you. From now on that will be your responsibility, think of them as a personal necessity.”
He drank the last sip in the glass before giving me the last of his instructions. “You are to be ready in your waiting position, facing the door by five o’clock. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” but I needed clarification, “facing the door?”
I’m never to be facing the door; I am always to sit with my back to it so I was slightly astonished when Edward’s head nodded once, “Yes facing the door.”
“Alright,” I answered tentatively as Edward raised his eyebrows at my guarded reply. I quickly gave the correct response, “Yes sir, I understand.”
“That’s better.”
I took another drink as Edward stood opening the closet and taking the dress out that I was to wear tonight. He turned it around to the back running his hand along the outside seam that dips low past my shoulder blades. Instead of replacing it back into the closet he hung it over the top of the door frame before once again facing me.
“Alright, I have to go or I won’t make it back in time.”
Offering his hand, I stood to give him a kiss before he left me alone with my thoughts. There wasn’t a lot of time for me to be thinking about everything. However as I was getting my hair up his list of rules were going through my head. Once my hair was up I washed my face, brushed my teeth and applied some makeup.
It was quarter of five when I sat on the bed to pull on the stockings; the next thing was the bands. I had gotten fairly adept at utilizing the applicator, making sure to get enough of the nipple drawn up inside so that the bands could slide right over. I knew that they were in place properly by giving a small tug and meeting resistance. Once the bands were in place the only thing left to put on were my shoes.
As I faced the door getting into my waiting position, it was only natural to take a mental inventory of my body. When I was satisfied that my hands were where they belonged – clasped behind the small of my back. The next step was to go over the rest of my posture, spine and chin straight, shoulders squared, eyes down with thighs separated.
Confident of my stance my brain had time to think. I wondered where Edward went; he brought a bag full of equipment along with him, besides I didn’t see any adult stores while we walked.
The longer it was taking the more my brain had time to go where I would have rather it not. There is always an instant when you second guess a decision. I hadn’t thought one iota of changing my mind all day but kneeling there I was beginning to get slightly anxious. The only thing that kept me on that floor was that fact that it was Edward.
Without a shadow of a doubt I knew that he was trustworthy. He would never do anything to cause me any degradation. He wants me to be strong and confident in my submission along with our relationship as a whole. I knew that.
Really, going out to dinner, taking a walk, maybe stopping in to hear some music someplace would be no different than going to the club. All I need to do is what I have been trained to and maybe I’ll get a really good reward at the end of the night. But even if I don’t, just the fact that I can be confident in myself and in my training…
Oh man Bella you are starting to ramble…you need to take some deep breaths
What on earth was I so afraid of? It’s not as though Edward was going to put a dog collar on me and lead me around the town on a leash. Anything that he does would be personal but hidden from the public eye.
Hearing the movement on the other side of the door made my breathing spike as a thrill of desire went through me. I had to work on relaxing to keep myself still as the door opened and his shoes came into view. Edward didn’t mess around with any pretenses; he came to stand directly in front of me. From the corner of my eye I could see something in his hand as it moved towards the table. When he laid it down on the surface I saw what it was - A black dog collar and leash.
My heart stopped at the sound of his voice.
“Good evening Isabella.”

A riding crop and a blindfold doesn't make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It's not a sexual thing to me, it's a very spiritual thing. ~ DominaBlue
Chapter 54
Bella was still sleeping when I came out of the bathroom; she was on her back with her dark hair laying against the pillow. A few silky whisps of chestnut strands cascading over her shoulders where the blankets gathered snuggly covering her breasts. Seth watched me with hopeful eyes as I got my running clothes out and dressed. Sitting on the edge of the bed to tie my shoes, Bella let out a small sigh shifting to her side. She looked peaceful in that quiet state and the last thing I wanted to do was wake her, however I wanted her to know we were leaving.
“Bella…” whispering in her ear she snuggled into the pillow letting out a soft moan, “...baby I’m taking Seth for a run.”
“Mmmm…what time is it?” I smiled at her sleepy voice.
“It’s only six o’clock, go back to sleep.”
“Hmmkay,” she never opened her eyes and I wondered if she actually heard me but I didn’t want to disturb her any more than necessary. Just as I was leaving the room she mumbled, “Edward, lock the door.”
Like I would ever leave it open
The morning air was brisk as the sun was just coming up making it the perfect temperature for running. Holding Seth’s leash we made our way to the park. I was surprised to see so many people out on the path, but I suppose with it being a work day they would have to get an early start. Although I myself didn’t have work, I did have a busy morning.
Aro wanted me at New Moon so that I could get set up on the computer system before we left. He had a meeting with Mike later in the day –which Emmett was going to attend. Aro wasn’t sure what he was going to do about him yet, it would all depend on Mike’s explanation of the events, but something told me that he wasn’t going to be working at the club much longer.
The events of last night’s dinner were enlightening to say the least. Bella’s little show of dominance in handling my brother was eye opening. I had seen small glimpses of control come through her personality before but she had never taken command of a situation. I knew that to her it was just a way to tease Emmett but she had done so well that I could see the desire to take control coming through. Then when I told him that I would have knelt, the hopefulness in her eyes was so plain that I needed to set her straight right away. If I had thought she was only kidding that idea was quenched the moment our eyes met. The sound of her voice along with the disappointing look told me all I needed to know.
I’m not exactly sure how to give her that experience which is a difficult position for me to be in. Wanting to give her all that she desires and yet knowing that there would be no way that I could fully submit to her. I was fairly sure that bringing another person into our playtime would be out of the question. I’m not even sure that I would feel comfortable with that situation. I had been involved with group play many times, but like everything else where Bella is involved, it was different.
As I thought about it an idea came to me. It would be possible for me to top from the bottom, giving her a taste of control while I still kept my dominant role. Bella could get the experience she seems to want without involving a third party. I would get the thrill of both watching and feeling her dominant side while still ultimately being in control. That prospect is something we would have to talk about in detail at a later date.
By the time everyone left and we had exhausted ourselves there was no time to talk about whatever Aro had been discussing with Bella in the kitchen. I sort of felt like an ass for even suggesting that there was anything inappropriate about their relationship, but in the heat of the moment I couldn’t help it. There was some other man laughing and conversing with her regarding something I had no clue about. Add to that the brush off she gave me when I inquired about it and my mind went to places it knew better than to go. The irrational jealousy spiked through me because he seemed to share something with my girl that I wasn’t aware of. Maybe it wasn’t so much jealousy as it was greediness, my greed to be the one and only man in her life.
That fact was again driven home when Aro commented that he had taught her well. I knew he only meant in the literal sense not in actual experience but it still grated on my nerves. If Bella needed to be taught anything I wanted it to be by my hands. Which was irrational considering my uncle has known her for much longer than I have.
It was also very clear that Aro has a deep fondness for Bella even to the point where he seems to indulge her. I was shocked that she had the audacity to question his decision to handle Jessica. I knew why she didn’t want him to do anything hoping that the less attention thrown her way the better. Besides I suppose it does give the appearance of favoritism. But still, I could not believe she questioned him, practically insinuating that he was acting out of anger.
My uncle is a man who sets his standards high. When problems arise he weighs his options before making a decision, however once made he very seldom alters his course. He does not appreciate his judgment being questioned or attempts to sway his resolve. Last night I witnessed a side of Aro that I haven’t very often seen since Mason’s death. It was in that moment when the indulgent father came through that I totally understood their connection.
Bella was definitely upset about everyone’s reaction to their relationship. I think the most surprising was Jane’s confession. I guess in Bella’s mind she never considered the prospect of being intimate with Aro so it hurt her to think that others would. The fact that her friend (and they were friends) at one time had thought the worst of her, caused some unease in the room. However they must have talked about that shit because by the time they left there was no tension between them at all.
That thought made me chuckle as I realized that with women it seems no subject is taboo. In this one instance Emmett was right they talk about everything. Seth must have heard me because he broke stride to turn his head and look at me before falling back in step so we could make the loop back home.
Unlocking the front door I followed the music out into the kitchen. Bella had her back to the door pouring herself a cup of coffee. She was dressed for a workout in a pair of aqua yoga pants and a black sports bra with all her hair gathered in a band over her left shoulder. Walking up behind her I wrapped my arms around her waist. Taking advantage of her bare neck and placing kisses there, happy with myself as I felt her shiver.
“Mmmm…you’d better hurry up and get out of here, Edward’s going to be back soon” I growled loudly in her ear making her giggle.
Bella turned her head for a kiss, “How was your run?”
“Great, it’s going to be a beautiful day, perfect for a long ride.”
She nodded, “Do you want coffee?”
“Give me ten minutes, I want to shower first.” I was all sweaty and needed to get dressed for the day. Grabbing a bottle of water I left Bella in the kitchen.
The bed had been completely stripped even down to the missing mattress protector. Bella’s luggage sat ready in the middle of the floor, while a small overnight bag sat open on top of my dresser. Before taking a shower I did the last thing that had to be done for our trip. Although not completely necessary, on-line reservations were strongly suggested for the ferry and I didn’t want to take any chances.
Bella was sitting at the table eating a bagel with some jam. After putting a bagel in the toaster and getting myself some coffee I stood quietly leaning up against the counter watching her. Most people would spread a layer of the jam on the whole thing but not my Bella. She cut the bagel up into at least two dozen small squares and was using a little spoon to scoop a small amount of jam on each individual piece before popping it in her mouth.
She must have sensed my stare because her eyes met mine, “What?”
Taking a drink of coffee I shook my head grinning as the toaster popped up, “Nothing.”
I joined her at the table spreading cream cheese over my bagel the way everyone else usually does it. As I took the first bite Bella picked up the knife I used placing a small amount of cream cheese on one of the little squares then added jam before putting it in her mouth. She continued doing that little routine while we talked about our individual plans for the morning.
She had yoga which I was aware of but she caught me off guard when she mentioned that she was also going for a waxing. Glancing over my shoulder I looked at her calendar but I couldn’t see the writing from so far away.
Bella took a drink from her cup noticing where my attention went, “I made the appointment yesterday, I didn’t get to write it down…yet.”
Taking another drink of coffee I didn’t say anything, but that was twice now that something was not put on the calendar. The lunch with Jane yesterday- which I found out about accidentally - that was ultimately cancelled and now the waxing, I guess my submissive will have some explaining to do. But at the moment I thought of something else.
“If you are waxing have them remove the remaining patch of hair.”
Bella’s hand stopped mid-way to her mouth and she just stared at me; I wondered what had caused the reaction I was getting.
“Wh-Why? You said I could keep it.”
Taking a drink of coffee I thought over my words to her on the subject, “If I remember correctly I said you could keep it for the time-being but I would like it gone now.”
“Can we talk about this?” her eyes stayed focused on the few pieces of bagel that were still on the paper towel. I didn’t understand what the problem was; we were talking about a tiny little patch of neatly trimmed hair.
“What’s the big deal?” I watched as she sat there quietly staring at the table chewing her bottom lip. “Bella?”
Devastation is the only word that came to my mind when she looked into my eyes, “I know this is really stupid, but can I please keep it until next time?”
My eyes narrowed in confusion, what did it matter if it was now or later? “Why?”
“Do you know why I kept a small patch?” I had no idea; I just figured she liked it that way. Why go through the discomfort and trouble of waxing if that wasn’t the case? I didn’t say anything though instead waiting for her to tell me.
Bella seemed to get her emotions under control taking a deep shuddering breath, “James always…he would be brutal in keeping me bare.”
She was imploring me to understand and I did. She had told me how he would tie her down and pluck each hair out. I couldn’t imagine the pain, fear, or humiliation that would cause her.
“When I finally left and would go back home I would have to see him and it was my way of silently saying ‘fuck you’ to him… stupid right?”
Comprehension came to me immediately; Bella was anxious about going home. As silly as it might sound that little patch of hair gave her the extra sense of self-esteem she needed to face her demon. I figured that had the subject of the hair removal come up after we were back, it would be a non-issue. However at that moment it was something Bella had always relied on and there was no way I was going to take it away from her.
Sitting there watching her try to explain her coping method, I realized that this trip to Forks was not going to be easy. She had not said much about it other than to give an overview of the activities that were planned. That fact alone should have given me an indication as to her state of mind. In those few seconds of time I realized that as the week wore on and our arrival in Forks grew closer that she was going to need more stability. I wasn’t exactly sure how to give that to her, but I could start with this.
“No…not stupid, and if it makes you feel better then keep it for now,” I told her entwining my fingers with hers. “But baby, maybe next time you go instead of silently saying ‘fuck you’ perhaps you can actually verbally say it.”
“Maybe,” Bella admitted quietly.
I tugged on the hand that had our joined fingers pulling her closer to me for a kiss. After our lips parted I sighed resting my forehead against hers, staring into Bella’s warm eyes. The smell of her skin was amazing and my nose moved across her cheek until it settled in the spot under her ear where the aroma seemed more concentrated.
“God baby you smell so good,”
She giggled with a little shiver, “I haven’t even showered yet.”
“Hmmm…” I hummed against her neck, “I could just eat you.”
“I’ll remind you of that later…” she said pulling back from me, “…right now I have to switch the laundry and leave.” I pouted shamefully knowing that she had to go to yoga. I had kept her from going to the gym yesterday morning and that was something I didn’t want to turn into a habit.
As she moved to get up I took the last bite of my food watching as Bella seemed to be in some discomfort. “Are you alright?”
The blush on her face made me even more curious, “I’m fine…tender but good.”
Having her step between my legs I lifted my head to look up at her while she ran her fingers through my hair. She must have seen the question on my face because she smiled brightly, “Don’t looked so worried Edward; it’s just the morning after effects.”
Morning after?
It dawned on me then what she was talking about and a feeling of dread came over me, “Did I hurt you?”
Bella laughed dryly, “No…but I can definitely tell that I was thoroughly STF’d.”
I had no idea what she was talking about, “STF’d?”
“Shucked, tucked, and fucked.” Her words made me laugh because I had never heard that expression before. They also brought about a sense of relief although I didn’t think that I had been that rough with her last night. Bella’s next words answered my question.
“Yoga class will loosen up my muscles, and don’t worry I’ll take the trade off any day.”
“Ahhh…well in that case…” my hands held on to the round fullness of her bottom pulling her center closer to me, “…I’ll have to be sure to do some more trading.”
“I’m counting on that.”
Bella leaned her head down to place a kiss on my lips. It was soft and warm for a second before she pulled back taking my bottom lip between her teeth. The groan left my throat as my hand moved up her back to rest behind her neck, keeping her in place before my lips attacked. My tongue forced its way into her mouth devouring everything in its path, as her hands gripped my hair. She moved closer to my body bringing her knee up against my dick and I couldn’t help but thrust against the pressure it created. She sighed lightly into my mouth and for a second I thought about taking her right there and giving her some more of trading skills.
The phone ringing brought me out of my stupor. I was still looking in Bella’s eyes as I answered, “Hello?”
“Edward, are you alright dear? You sound out of breath.”
Nothing conquers a hard-on like the sound of your mother’s voice
“I’m fine mom.”
Bella snickered while taking a step away from me clearing off the table. I watched while she moved across the room putting the dishes in the sink and returning items to the refrigerator. The rhythmic sway of her hips drew my attention to the fullness of her ass and her lean muscular thighs.
Thighs that I would love to feel wrapped around my body while I dive into her
“Edward…Edward! Are you listening to me?”
“Yeah mom… you want me to give Aro something. I heard you.” In all honesty that was all I heard. I had no idea what it was or why she couldn’t do it herself. She was saying something about coming by the house…
“When will you be here?” I honestly hadn’t heard because I was watching Bella shake her ass at me while bending over to switch the laundry.
Mom sighed, “I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”
Bella left the kitchen just as I was saying goodbye to mom. I knew she had to leave but when I went into the living room she was coming down the stairs with a book in her hand. “Can you give this to Jane please?”
Looking at the book my brow furled because I didn’t remember her even reading it, “I will if you tell me what kind of dog I am.”
She laughed moving past me to pick up that hideous gym bag, “I’ll tell you later.”
Kissing her at the door I stood on the porch watching as she drove around the corner. Seth followed me up the stairs to retrieve the luggage. Just as I brought them down the doorbell rang and my mother stood there holding a key in her hand with a strange expression on her face.
Apparently she wasn’t aware that we had the locks changed, so I took a few minutes to show her how to work the door and the security system. Mom didn’t have time for coffee because she was going shopping with Alice this morning. It seems that in order to go to the beach new bathing suits were a necessity. Mom popped the trunk of her car and I took the huge box out, grunting because of how heavy it was.
“Jesus, what the heck do you have in here?”
“I told you,” she was annoyed, “it’s all the samples and swatches; Aro has to decide today what he wants to order.”
Mom opened the back door of my car for me to put the box in before kissing my cheek and leaving. Going back in the house I made sure Seth had some fresh water, picked up the book Bella wanted me to return, locked the door and left.
For the third day I a row I found myself driving to the club, and the second day parking in the reserved lot in the back. I never wanted to be involved in the daily operations of the club. In part because I like my teaching job, I have weekends, holidays and summers off. Although the club is technically only open three nights a week, it still requires constant attention. Employees, schedules, ordering, cleaning, bookkeeping…the list of activities are endless and something that I didn’t want to be responsible for. It was so much easier to come and do the few jobs that I agreed to do in exchange for “silver membership” and a table in the VIP section.
I still didn’t want to be immensely involved, but for the time being I don’t mind picking up a few more responsibilities and helping my uncle out. That will not play well with my mother, she loves her brothers and doesn’t begrudge them making a living, but she doesn’t approve of their lifestyle. She never says anything to Emmett or me about our involvement but there are times when the disapproving looks can’t be hidden. I suppose in her mind ignorance is bliss and she would sooner not think about it then to consider her sons as some kind of depraved monsters.
Emmett brought Rose with him when he came home from college, mom loved her right away. Rose can be a hard-ass sometimes but she carries scars that make her skeptical of people, even those that are close her. Rose’s wounds brought out the nurturer in my mother and she welcomed her with open arms. I think that mom had hoped that Rose would “cure” Emmett of his wild ways. When it didn’t happen she overlooked that part of their life, focusing instead on all the so called ‘normal’ things.
It worries me a little that mom might have the same thoughts about Bella. That somehow or another she will cure me of my need for the unnatural. I think sometimes I can see the hope in her eyes, that Bella and I will marry, have babies and leave that part of my life in the past. Like a D/s relationship is a fleeting childhood hobby the same as collecting baseball cards. My mother would never openly be rude to Bella nor will she ever fully understand.
The same as yesterday Aro had not arrived so I let myself into the club, setting the box down on the corner of Jane’s desk. I didn’t have a lot of time to dawdle so I logged into the computer pulling up the new program. I played around with the demonstration section just trying to get a feel of what the program was capable of. It appeared that everything could be handled through the spreadsheets and there was even the capability of using it for sign-in purposes. Now all I had to do was get Aro to agree to that.
“Good morning Edward,” Aro’s voice broke through the room, “what do you think of that?”
“From what I see it looks simple enough. I think the hardest part will be loading all the starting information into it.”
“Are you all logged in?” he asked leaning over my shoulder to see what I was doing.
“No. You need to enter an executive password for me to register.”
We went into his office to do that while Jane took my place at her desk. Once I was all logged in I brought it up once again about having an electronic sign in but Aro shot it down. No matter what my reasons were he always came back with the same excuses, so frustrated I mumbled, “maybe I should have Bella ask to you.”
He chuckled, “What good would Ms Swan do?”
“You go ahead and laugh but I’ve seen how you let her get away with stuff, just like Mason used to. I would get grounded and he would get a stern, ‘don’t do that again son,’” trying to imitate Aro’s voice and failing miserably.
Aro got a faraway look in his eye, “I assure you Edward that Mason was punished when needed. But I suppose that there was a certain amount of leniency due of his illness. I seen a lot of the antics you two got into as just harmless pranks, boys being boys. Then there was the tendency to just be glad that he was there to participate in those activities that caused me to overlook minor things.”
I couldn’t imagine the pain of losing a child and I understood his reasoning, or at least now I did. At the time I would be sent to my room alone while he was taken out for ice cream all because we super glued the neighbor’s mailbox shut. The thought made me smile and Aro raised his eyebrow in curiosity but I just shook my head keeping that memory to myself.
Glancing at my watch I realized that I needed to leave. Jane was standing at her desk going through the box and when she heard us she stopped what she was doing turning to look at Aro who sighed, “Go ahead.”
She shuffled a few things on the desk picking up another book and holding it out to me, “Would you please give this to Bella?”
I took it from her looking at the title, ‘The Corset Diaries’ and while I read it she continued to talk, “It’s the perfect mindless romantic comedy to read on the beach. This girl thinks that Bella will enjoy it.”
“Romance novel?” Bella didn’t strike me as the romance novel reader. Heaving bosoms and swollen rose lips, I wasn’t so sure about that. I used my thumb scanning quickly through the pages wondering out loud, “Is there sex in here?”
“Oh yes…” Jane smirked with a twinkle in her eye, “…that is what makes it such a good book…for the beach.” I laughed telling her that I would give it to Bella then headed out to the car. There was one more place I had to stop at before going home.
Demetri was behind the counter rather than Felix, that fact surprised me as he was the craftsman of the family while his brother was the salesman. I can’t say that I ever had a problem with Felix and he did stand up for Bella that day in my house. But he was a salesman by trade and could smooze with the best of them. Demetri on the other hand was straight forward; you always knew where you stood with him.
While he waited on someone else I glanced around at the glass cases, my eyes falling on the diamond rings. I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off them and there was no feeling of unease about it, in fact it felt …right.
But as I looked at them nothing struck me as anything that would be the right ring, if there even was such a thing. The voice on the other side of the counter brought me out of my thoughts, “You getting ideas Edward?”
I sighed diverting my gaze to his as he kept talking, “Can’t see that I blame you, she is quite lovely and she must be pretty damn special too.”
“Yeah she is,” I agreed then added, “on both counts.”
Demetri went into the back to retrieve the anklet that I ordered. Opening the rectangle box to show me he stood quietly while I picked it up out of the cushioned padding that it laid against. It was silver and light in weight with at least two dozen tiny bells dangling from the main band. The sound the bells made was subtle yet could still be heard, it was charming and exactly what I wanted.
As I put the anklet back in the box Demetri replaced the lid while I took out my wallet to give him my credit card. When he came back with the slip for me to sign I was once again looking through the rings.
“So do you see anything you like?”
“Not really…nothing seems to be the right one” I told him handing the slip back.
“You know when you are ready; I could design an original with any setting and gems you want”
That might be an idea, which would make Bella’s ring one of a kind just like her. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Demetri handed me the little red bag that contained Bella’s anklet, holding on to it a bit longer than necessary, letting me know that he had something else on his mind. I just stood there with my hand holding the bag waiting for whatever he had to say, finally after a few uncomfortable seconds he spoke.
“Caius told me she was with Aro…” it wasn’t a question it was a statement, “…I think he talks out his ass.”
I sighed debating if I wanted to say anything or not, it wasn’t that their relationship was secretive but it was personal and no one’s business. Then I thought maybe if a few choice people knew the truth the rumors would die down. Especially since Aro told us last night that he would be banning Jessica from the club indefinitely. So I chose my words very carefully.
“They do have a relationship. It is and always has been purely platonic in its nature. Aro has acted in an advisory manner towards Isabella; they share the same kind of bond as I do with my uncle, one of mutual respect”
I figured that while I had his attention and had given some information maybe he could give me some, “The question I have is why Isabella’s relationship with anyone matter to Caius?”
The buzzer on the door went off, letting us know that someone had entered; Demetri’s eyes looked behind me, quickly jerking his head as if to give direction. Looking over my shoulder I saw the reason for the action as I watch Giaha move through the door that led to the back. She was a pretty woman, tall with shoulder length dark hair that matched her olive complexion. As soon as she had made it through the door Demtri started talking.
“Personally Edward I think that Caius is just a nosey fucker and can’t stand the fact that there is something going on that he is not in-the-know about. He mentioned your Isabella to me on Sunday night and made reference that she was new to you but not to Aro. He also insinuated that Aro has been providing for her financially, giving her large sums of money. Where he got that idea I have no clue. Again, it is none of my business,” he held his hands up in a gesture of surrender as he continued, “and what Aro chooses to do with his money or anything else is strictly up to him.”
I was going to tell him that Isabella is not now nor has ever been kept by Aro when Demetri spoke again, “But I have to tell you that from the few minutes that I had the privilege of speaking with your Isabella along with my brother’s view of her, I can’t see that as being true. As I said she seems like a perfectly lovely young woman.”
A wicked smile formed on his face, “And if she has got Edward Cullen looking at rings she must be something special and you are a lucky man to have found her.” I smiled taking the bag from him because I was a lucky son of a bitch and my Bella was waiting for me.
As I drove home some of what Demetri had said came back to me. Caius thought that Aro had been providing for Bella. If he honestly thought that then he wouldn’t be aware of the inheritance she received. Because obviously with her own finances the last thing Bella needed was for someone to provide her with money. So that would mean Caius didn’t know~which would rule him out as someone who was digging into Bella’s personal back ground. Unless he did know and was just being an instigator, but the more I thought about it the more it didn’t fit with his personality.
Demetri was right; Caius prided himself on being a go-to guy, someone who had the answers to your questions. He dealt in antiques, was an avid history buff, and knew a lot of mindless information. Someone my grams would say knew a lot about nothing of importance. So I could see how his curiosity would get the better of him. But still, where did he ever get the idea that Aro was giving Bella money? Then the thought occurred to me, did Aro ever give her money?
My irrational brain came up with that question all on its own while the more logical side tried to ward it off. Even if he did – which I doubted – it would have been to help her out, not for services rendered.
Where the fuck did that come from?
Pulling up in front of the house I didn’t bother to pull into the garage knowing that we would be loading up the car and leaving shortly. Bella wasn’t downstairs and there appeared to be a few more bags along with Seth’s bed added to the luggage that I had brought down earlier. I found her up in the bedroom and she was dressed comfortably in white jeans, sneakers, and a beige sleeveless shirt. She had just finished making the bed and was smoothing out the comforter as I came through the door.
“Five minutes earlier and you could have helped me.”
I shrugged wrapping her in a hug, “I would rather help you mess it up.”
Bella smiled, “I bet you would.”
I kissed her quickly asking how her morning was and if she was ready to go. She took one more quick look around the room before saying that she was sure she had everything and we went downstairs. Bella headed out into the kitchen while I started putting the luggage in the trunk of my car. She came outside wearing a pair of sunglasses carrying a picnic basket and Seth’s bed, both of which went into the back seat. With everything in the car Bella quickly ran back in the house to get her purse and Seth before I set the alarm and we left.
There was a giddy excitement in the car that I was sure was radiating from Bella. When I looked over at her she was practically beaming making me chuckle, “Are you excited?”
“Yes,” the twinkle in her eye told me she wasn’t lying, “I haven’t been anywhere in a long time. Last year I tagged along to Alaska with Jake and Leah…but that’s it,” her brow furrowed while she dug through her purse taking out her phone.
“Excuse me a minute,” Bella pressed the button on the phone then brought it to her ear while she continued to talk to me, “anyway, the last time I was in Victoria was my senior year…”
Bella stopped talking to me letting out a long exasperated sigh, “Leah I’m just letting you know that we are leaving. I don’t know if I’ll have service but I’ll try you later, call me…love you.”
Closing her phone she placed it back in her purse, it was clear that her mood had shifted and I wondered why, “Is there a problem?”
“No,” she shook her head. “She just won’t answer my calls and I don’t know if she’s busy or avoiding me.”
“Why would she avoid you?”
Bella shrugged, “I don’t know.”
Granted I didn’t know Leah very well but she struck me as someone who didn’t mess words when she had something to say. In any case I wanted to get that smile back on Bella’s face, “So senior year you went to Victoria?”
“Yes,” Bella then launched into a twenty minute tale of everything they did while there for one night. By the time she was done we were heading out of the city going south on I-5.
“So why didn’t you go back again?” It seemed like a harmless question. She lived an hour away from Port Angles, it would have been simple to go on the ferry as a foot passenger. If it was a place that she seemed to enjoy so much why not just go and spend the day?
“Well, I was married a few months later and we didn’t have the money for that Edward. The gas, the ferry, eating, it would have been at least a hundred dollars.” Glancing at her quickly I knew that she said money was always tight but it never dawned on me that a hundred dollars would have been out of her reach.
“Besides I had school, work and keeping the house. There just always seemed to be something that got in the way.” Bella grew quiet.
“Oh,” after the quiet her sudden voice startled me, “that reminds me. Last night Aro brought up that it was time to meet with the financial planner for a six month evaluation.” That must have been what they were talking about in the kitchen.
“He wanted me to ask if you would go with me, if you don’t want to Aro is willing to still go, or I guess I could go myself. After all Aro did show me how to watch trends and play the stock market. He even…”
I cut her off, “Aro gave you financial advice?”
“Yeah,” She seemed uncertain about the answer but quickly brought her thoughts together.
“Edward the only thing about money that I knew was how to balance a check book. On my twenty-fifth birthday, my father handed me a packet that said I had one point two million dollars. It also said that I had ninety days to figure out what to do with it or start paying capital gains.”
Bella looked at me, “I didn’t even know what capital gains meant.”
The admission of her ignorance made me laugh but she went on, “I’m not kidding and I suppose I could have left it with the firm my dad had chosen. After all whatever they were doing it had grown some, but they were based in Port Angeles and were friends of friends. I didn’t want my personal business getting around so I had to find someone else and closer to Seattle. Besides I wanted to take an active role in what happened with the money, but I needed someone to show me how and Aro did that for me.”
She sounded like she was trying to beg me to understand and I did. There was no explanation needed and I was glad that my uncle was there for her. “When is the appointment?”
“I didn’t make it yet, but I assume sometime around the middle of June.”
“I’ll go with you. I presume he has you with Bubba and Lentz?” That was the firm that the whole family used so I couldn’t imagine Aro would have gone elsewhere.
“Yes...and thank you.” Bella took ahold of my hand that was lying on the console, “But really I have learned some so I won’t embarrass you by asking stupid questions like ‘what’s an annuity?’” she giggled.
I stared at her in shock, “You asked what an annuity was?” I couldn’t help the laugh that came out while she blushed nodding her head.
“I didn’t know and he kept saying monthly annuities, annual annuities, asking what I wanted to do with them, so I had to ask.” Bella giggled.
“Well you’re welcome” I told her raising our joined hand placing a kiss on the back of hers “… and you can ask anything you need to know.”
Bella seemed to be debating something in her head and I could tell there was a question brewing but I just waited.
“Edward?” My eyes glanced over to her sitting there looking rather nervous.
“How much do you have in your trust?” she fidgeted slightly then added, “Never mind, it’s none of my business.”
It was her business; I was thinking of spending the rest of my life with Bella. She had a right to know. “No that’s ok we should talk about this. You have a little over a million?”
“Just a little because when I moved back to Washington, Charlie used part of the inheritance to buy the house for me. It had to remain in his name because I was still married and James would have been entitled to half of it. So as soon as the divorce was final Charlie signed the house over to me. He had also allowed me to use part of the money to pay for my Masters as well as some daily living expenses. It was a loophole but it worked out alright.”
“Hmmm…so your house is totally paid off and you have no student loans?”
“Yes, and I have no loans at all,” she seemed rather proud of that fact.
“Well Bella …in my trust I have twice as much as you. But my house is mortgaged at fifty percent of its value.”
“Why would you do that?” she was shocked, “I mean isn’t it better to just pay it off?’
“Tax purposes mostly, but it also is used for a better credit rating.” I let that sink in for a moment before adding, “I’m surprised that they didn’t advise you to have some kind of monthly mortgage payment.”
“Actually they did, but it was already done and they suggested that I take out a small mortgage to renovate my kitchen but honestly I really don’t want to do that.”
I could understand where Bella was coming from, she grew up in a world where you worked hard for your money and hoped like hell you had enough at the end of the month to pay all your bills. I grew up in a world where you were still expected to work hard, but your money worked for you. That didn’t make me better than her or anyone else it was just a different perspective on finances. I wanted to try and explain to her the benefits of having some kind of revolving credit but I figured I would leave that up to the expert.
We had been driving about an hour and just getting into Gig Harbor which I thought would be a good place to stop for lunch, “Are you hungry?”
Bella then surprised me by saying that she had packed a lunch. Which I should have realized with the picnic basket she brought along but apparently I was a little slow. So rather than eating fast food or in a restaurant we sat at a table in the park eating chicken salad, potato chips and fresh fruit. She had thought of everything right down to the red and white checkered table cloth.
After eating we walked Seth along the Marina holding hands and just talking about nothing in particular. It was natural, easy and relaxing the absolute perfect way to start our vacation. After Seth had done his business –twice – we got back in the car. By the time we got to Port Angeles we had an hour before the Ferry departed.
Seth needed another walk and being in a strange city he made sure that every tree he came in contact with got a small sprinkle. Bella and I laughed at the last one as he lifted his leg and literally shook until he squeezed out some pee. By the time he was done marking his territory the ferry was starting to load. After giving the reservation pass to the guard along with showing our passports, Seth’s license and rabies tags, and assuring that we had nothing to declare we were able to board.
It was still rather warm out but there was a breeze blowing as we stood up on the deck. My arms wrapped around Bella’s waist pulling her close to my chest while Seth sat by our feet looking out through the railing. It felt liberating once the ferry started moving, like we were leaving so much behind us but yet there was so much ahead of us too.
In any case I held Bella a little tighter snuggling my nose into the crook of her neck. “I love you.”
Her warm hand cupped my cheek as her face turned towards mine, “I love you too.”
The moment was sealed with a simple kiss. It was in that moment that I realized why none of the rings seemed to be the right one. The woman I loved wasn’t flashy or outspoken; she was soft, subtle, and classy. She should have a ring that expressed that about her. A ring that told everyone what a wonderful person she was but more importantly told them that she was mine.
Bella was still sleeping when I came out of the bathroom; she was on her back with her dark hair laying against the pillow. A few silky whisps of chestnut strands cascading over her shoulders where the blankets gathered snuggly covering her breasts. Seth watched me with hopeful eyes as I got my running clothes out and dressed. Sitting on the edge of the bed to tie my shoes, Bella let out a small sigh shifting to her side. She looked peaceful in that quiet state and the last thing I wanted to do was wake her, however I wanted her to know we were leaving.
“Bella…” whispering in her ear she snuggled into the pillow letting out a soft moan, “...baby I’m taking Seth for a run.”
“Mmmm…what time is it?” I smiled at her sleepy voice.
“It’s only six o’clock, go back to sleep.”
“Hmmkay,” she never opened her eyes and I wondered if she actually heard me but I didn’t want to disturb her any more than necessary. Just as I was leaving the room she mumbled, “Edward, lock the door.”
Like I would ever leave it open
The morning air was brisk as the sun was just coming up making it the perfect temperature for running. Holding Seth’s leash we made our way to the park. I was surprised to see so many people out on the path, but I suppose with it being a work day they would have to get an early start. Although I myself didn’t have work, I did have a busy morning.
Aro wanted me at New Moon so that I could get set up on the computer system before we left. He had a meeting with Mike later in the day –which Emmett was going to attend. Aro wasn’t sure what he was going to do about him yet, it would all depend on Mike’s explanation of the events, but something told me that he wasn’t going to be working at the club much longer.
The events of last night’s dinner were enlightening to say the least. Bella’s little show of dominance in handling my brother was eye opening. I had seen small glimpses of control come through her personality before but she had never taken command of a situation. I knew that to her it was just a way to tease Emmett but she had done so well that I could see the desire to take control coming through. Then when I told him that I would have knelt, the hopefulness in her eyes was so plain that I needed to set her straight right away. If I had thought she was only kidding that idea was quenched the moment our eyes met. The sound of her voice along with the disappointing look told me all I needed to know.
I’m not exactly sure how to give her that experience which is a difficult position for me to be in. Wanting to give her all that she desires and yet knowing that there would be no way that I could fully submit to her. I was fairly sure that bringing another person into our playtime would be out of the question. I’m not even sure that I would feel comfortable with that situation. I had been involved with group play many times, but like everything else where Bella is involved, it was different.
As I thought about it an idea came to me. It would be possible for me to top from the bottom, giving her a taste of control while I still kept my dominant role. Bella could get the experience she seems to want without involving a third party. I would get the thrill of both watching and feeling her dominant side while still ultimately being in control. That prospect is something we would have to talk about in detail at a later date.
By the time everyone left and we had exhausted ourselves there was no time to talk about whatever Aro had been discussing with Bella in the kitchen. I sort of felt like an ass for even suggesting that there was anything inappropriate about their relationship, but in the heat of the moment I couldn’t help it. There was some other man laughing and conversing with her regarding something I had no clue about. Add to that the brush off she gave me when I inquired about it and my mind went to places it knew better than to go. The irrational jealousy spiked through me because he seemed to share something with my girl that I wasn’t aware of. Maybe it wasn’t so much jealousy as it was greediness, my greed to be the one and only man in her life.
That fact was again driven home when Aro commented that he had taught her well. I knew he only meant in the literal sense not in actual experience but it still grated on my nerves. If Bella needed to be taught anything I wanted it to be by my hands. Which was irrational considering my uncle has known her for much longer than I have.
It was also very clear that Aro has a deep fondness for Bella even to the point where he seems to indulge her. I was shocked that she had the audacity to question his decision to handle Jessica. I knew why she didn’t want him to do anything hoping that the less attention thrown her way the better. Besides I suppose it does give the appearance of favoritism. But still, I could not believe she questioned him, practically insinuating that he was acting out of anger.
My uncle is a man who sets his standards high. When problems arise he weighs his options before making a decision, however once made he very seldom alters his course. He does not appreciate his judgment being questioned or attempts to sway his resolve. Last night I witnessed a side of Aro that I haven’t very often seen since Mason’s death. It was in that moment when the indulgent father came through that I totally understood their connection.
Bella was definitely upset about everyone’s reaction to their relationship. I think the most surprising was Jane’s confession. I guess in Bella’s mind she never considered the prospect of being intimate with Aro so it hurt her to think that others would. The fact that her friend (and they were friends) at one time had thought the worst of her, caused some unease in the room. However they must have talked about that shit because by the time they left there was no tension between them at all.
That thought made me chuckle as I realized that with women it seems no subject is taboo. In this one instance Emmett was right they talk about everything. Seth must have heard me because he broke stride to turn his head and look at me before falling back in step so we could make the loop back home.
Unlocking the front door I followed the music out into the kitchen. Bella had her back to the door pouring herself a cup of coffee. She was dressed for a workout in a pair of aqua yoga pants and a black sports bra with all her hair gathered in a band over her left shoulder. Walking up behind her I wrapped my arms around her waist. Taking advantage of her bare neck and placing kisses there, happy with myself as I felt her shiver.
“Mmmm…you’d better hurry up and get out of here, Edward’s going to be back soon” I growled loudly in her ear making her giggle.
Bella turned her head for a kiss, “How was your run?”
“Great, it’s going to be a beautiful day, perfect for a long ride.”
She nodded, “Do you want coffee?”
“Give me ten minutes, I want to shower first.” I was all sweaty and needed to get dressed for the day. Grabbing a bottle of water I left Bella in the kitchen.
The bed had been completely stripped even down to the missing mattress protector. Bella’s luggage sat ready in the middle of the floor, while a small overnight bag sat open on top of my dresser. Before taking a shower I did the last thing that had to be done for our trip. Although not completely necessary, on-line reservations were strongly suggested for the ferry and I didn’t want to take any chances.
Bella was sitting at the table eating a bagel with some jam. After putting a bagel in the toaster and getting myself some coffee I stood quietly leaning up against the counter watching her. Most people would spread a layer of the jam on the whole thing but not my Bella. She cut the bagel up into at least two dozen small squares and was using a little spoon to scoop a small amount of jam on each individual piece before popping it in her mouth.
She must have sensed my stare because her eyes met mine, “What?”
Taking a drink of coffee I shook my head grinning as the toaster popped up, “Nothing.”
I joined her at the table spreading cream cheese over my bagel the way everyone else usually does it. As I took the first bite Bella picked up the knife I used placing a small amount of cream cheese on one of the little squares then added jam before putting it in her mouth. She continued doing that little routine while we talked about our individual plans for the morning.
She had yoga which I was aware of but she caught me off guard when she mentioned that she was also going for a waxing. Glancing over my shoulder I looked at her calendar but I couldn’t see the writing from so far away.
Bella took a drink from her cup noticing where my attention went, “I made the appointment yesterday, I didn’t get to write it down…yet.”
Taking another drink of coffee I didn’t say anything, but that was twice now that something was not put on the calendar. The lunch with Jane yesterday- which I found out about accidentally - that was ultimately cancelled and now the waxing, I guess my submissive will have some explaining to do. But at the moment I thought of something else.
“If you are waxing have them remove the remaining patch of hair.”
Bella’s hand stopped mid-way to her mouth and she just stared at me; I wondered what had caused the reaction I was getting.
“Wh-Why? You said I could keep it.”
Taking a drink of coffee I thought over my words to her on the subject, “If I remember correctly I said you could keep it for the time-being but I would like it gone now.”
“Can we talk about this?” her eyes stayed focused on the few pieces of bagel that were still on the paper towel. I didn’t understand what the problem was; we were talking about a tiny little patch of neatly trimmed hair.
“What’s the big deal?” I watched as she sat there quietly staring at the table chewing her bottom lip. “Bella?”
Devastation is the only word that came to my mind when she looked into my eyes, “I know this is really stupid, but can I please keep it until next time?”
My eyes narrowed in confusion, what did it matter if it was now or later? “Why?”
“Do you know why I kept a small patch?” I had no idea; I just figured she liked it that way. Why go through the discomfort and trouble of waxing if that wasn’t the case? I didn’t say anything though instead waiting for her to tell me.
Bella seemed to get her emotions under control taking a deep shuddering breath, “James always…he would be brutal in keeping me bare.”
She was imploring me to understand and I did. She had told me how he would tie her down and pluck each hair out. I couldn’t imagine the pain, fear, or humiliation that would cause her.
“When I finally left and would go back home I would have to see him and it was my way of silently saying ‘fuck you’ to him… stupid right?”
Comprehension came to me immediately; Bella was anxious about going home. As silly as it might sound that little patch of hair gave her the extra sense of self-esteem she needed to face her demon. I figured that had the subject of the hair removal come up after we were back, it would be a non-issue. However at that moment it was something Bella had always relied on and there was no way I was going to take it away from her.
Sitting there watching her try to explain her coping method, I realized that this trip to Forks was not going to be easy. She had not said much about it other than to give an overview of the activities that were planned. That fact alone should have given me an indication as to her state of mind. In those few seconds of time I realized that as the week wore on and our arrival in Forks grew closer that she was going to need more stability. I wasn’t exactly sure how to give that to her, but I could start with this.
“No…not stupid, and if it makes you feel better then keep it for now,” I told her entwining my fingers with hers. “But baby, maybe next time you go instead of silently saying ‘fuck you’ perhaps you can actually verbally say it.”
“Maybe,” Bella admitted quietly.
I tugged on the hand that had our joined fingers pulling her closer to me for a kiss. After our lips parted I sighed resting my forehead against hers, staring into Bella’s warm eyes. The smell of her skin was amazing and my nose moved across her cheek until it settled in the spot under her ear where the aroma seemed more concentrated.
“God baby you smell so good,”
She giggled with a little shiver, “I haven’t even showered yet.”
“Hmmm…” I hummed against her neck, “I could just eat you.”
“I’ll remind you of that later…” she said pulling back from me, “…right now I have to switch the laundry and leave.” I pouted shamefully knowing that she had to go to yoga. I had kept her from going to the gym yesterday morning and that was something I didn’t want to turn into a habit.
As she moved to get up I took the last bite of my food watching as Bella seemed to be in some discomfort. “Are you alright?”
The blush on her face made me even more curious, “I’m fine…tender but good.”
Having her step between my legs I lifted my head to look up at her while she ran her fingers through my hair. She must have seen the question on my face because she smiled brightly, “Don’t looked so worried Edward; it’s just the morning after effects.”
Morning after?
It dawned on me then what she was talking about and a feeling of dread came over me, “Did I hurt you?”
Bella laughed dryly, “No…but I can definitely tell that I was thoroughly STF’d.”
I had no idea what she was talking about, “STF’d?”
“Shucked, tucked, and fucked.” Her words made me laugh because I had never heard that expression before. They also brought about a sense of relief although I didn’t think that I had been that rough with her last night. Bella’s next words answered my question.
“Yoga class will loosen up my muscles, and don’t worry I’ll take the trade off any day.”
“Ahhh…well in that case…” my hands held on to the round fullness of her bottom pulling her center closer to me, “…I’ll have to be sure to do some more trading.”
“I’m counting on that.”
Bella leaned her head down to place a kiss on my lips. It was soft and warm for a second before she pulled back taking my bottom lip between her teeth. The groan left my throat as my hand moved up her back to rest behind her neck, keeping her in place before my lips attacked. My tongue forced its way into her mouth devouring everything in its path, as her hands gripped my hair. She moved closer to my body bringing her knee up against my dick and I couldn’t help but thrust against the pressure it created. She sighed lightly into my mouth and for a second I thought about taking her right there and giving her some more of trading skills.
The phone ringing brought me out of my stupor. I was still looking in Bella’s eyes as I answered, “Hello?”
“Edward, are you alright dear? You sound out of breath.”
Nothing conquers a hard-on like the sound of your mother’s voice
“I’m fine mom.”
Bella snickered while taking a step away from me clearing off the table. I watched while she moved across the room putting the dishes in the sink and returning items to the refrigerator. The rhythmic sway of her hips drew my attention to the fullness of her ass and her lean muscular thighs.
Thighs that I would love to feel wrapped around my body while I dive into her
“Edward…Edward! Are you listening to me?”
“Yeah mom… you want me to give Aro something. I heard you.” In all honesty that was all I heard. I had no idea what it was or why she couldn’t do it herself. She was saying something about coming by the house…
“When will you be here?” I honestly hadn’t heard because I was watching Bella shake her ass at me while bending over to switch the laundry.
Mom sighed, “I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”
Bella left the kitchen just as I was saying goodbye to mom. I knew she had to leave but when I went into the living room she was coming down the stairs with a book in her hand. “Can you give this to Jane please?”
Looking at the book my brow furled because I didn’t remember her even reading it, “I will if you tell me what kind of dog I am.”
She laughed moving past me to pick up that hideous gym bag, “I’ll tell you later.”
Kissing her at the door I stood on the porch watching as she drove around the corner. Seth followed me up the stairs to retrieve the luggage. Just as I brought them down the doorbell rang and my mother stood there holding a key in her hand with a strange expression on her face.
Apparently she wasn’t aware that we had the locks changed, so I took a few minutes to show her how to work the door and the security system. Mom didn’t have time for coffee because she was going shopping with Alice this morning. It seems that in order to go to the beach new bathing suits were a necessity. Mom popped the trunk of her car and I took the huge box out, grunting because of how heavy it was.
“Jesus, what the heck do you have in here?”
“I told you,” she was annoyed, “it’s all the samples and swatches; Aro has to decide today what he wants to order.”
Mom opened the back door of my car for me to put the box in before kissing my cheek and leaving. Going back in the house I made sure Seth had some fresh water, picked up the book Bella wanted me to return, locked the door and left.
For the third day I a row I found myself driving to the club, and the second day parking in the reserved lot in the back. I never wanted to be involved in the daily operations of the club. In part because I like my teaching job, I have weekends, holidays and summers off. Although the club is technically only open three nights a week, it still requires constant attention. Employees, schedules, ordering, cleaning, bookkeeping…the list of activities are endless and something that I didn’t want to be responsible for. It was so much easier to come and do the few jobs that I agreed to do in exchange for “silver membership” and a table in the VIP section.
I still didn’t want to be immensely involved, but for the time being I don’t mind picking up a few more responsibilities and helping my uncle out. That will not play well with my mother, she loves her brothers and doesn’t begrudge them making a living, but she doesn’t approve of their lifestyle. She never says anything to Emmett or me about our involvement but there are times when the disapproving looks can’t be hidden. I suppose in her mind ignorance is bliss and she would sooner not think about it then to consider her sons as some kind of depraved monsters.
Emmett brought Rose with him when he came home from college, mom loved her right away. Rose can be a hard-ass sometimes but she carries scars that make her skeptical of people, even those that are close her. Rose’s wounds brought out the nurturer in my mother and she welcomed her with open arms. I think that mom had hoped that Rose would “cure” Emmett of his wild ways. When it didn’t happen she overlooked that part of their life, focusing instead on all the so called ‘normal’ things.
It worries me a little that mom might have the same thoughts about Bella. That somehow or another she will cure me of my need for the unnatural. I think sometimes I can see the hope in her eyes, that Bella and I will marry, have babies and leave that part of my life in the past. Like a D/s relationship is a fleeting childhood hobby the same as collecting baseball cards. My mother would never openly be rude to Bella nor will she ever fully understand.
The same as yesterday Aro had not arrived so I let myself into the club, setting the box down on the corner of Jane’s desk. I didn’t have a lot of time to dawdle so I logged into the computer pulling up the new program. I played around with the demonstration section just trying to get a feel of what the program was capable of. It appeared that everything could be handled through the spreadsheets and there was even the capability of using it for sign-in purposes. Now all I had to do was get Aro to agree to that.
“Good morning Edward,” Aro’s voice broke through the room, “what do you think of that?”
“From what I see it looks simple enough. I think the hardest part will be loading all the starting information into it.”
“Are you all logged in?” he asked leaning over my shoulder to see what I was doing.
“No. You need to enter an executive password for me to register.”
We went into his office to do that while Jane took my place at her desk. Once I was all logged in I brought it up once again about having an electronic sign in but Aro shot it down. No matter what my reasons were he always came back with the same excuses, so frustrated I mumbled, “maybe I should have Bella ask to you.”
He chuckled, “What good would Ms Swan do?”
“You go ahead and laugh but I’ve seen how you let her get away with stuff, just like Mason used to. I would get grounded and he would get a stern, ‘don’t do that again son,’” trying to imitate Aro’s voice and failing miserably.
Aro got a faraway look in his eye, “I assure you Edward that Mason was punished when needed. But I suppose that there was a certain amount of leniency due of his illness. I seen a lot of the antics you two got into as just harmless pranks, boys being boys. Then there was the tendency to just be glad that he was there to participate in those activities that caused me to overlook minor things.”
I couldn’t imagine the pain of losing a child and I understood his reasoning, or at least now I did. At the time I would be sent to my room alone while he was taken out for ice cream all because we super glued the neighbor’s mailbox shut. The thought made me smile and Aro raised his eyebrow in curiosity but I just shook my head keeping that memory to myself.
Glancing at my watch I realized that I needed to leave. Jane was standing at her desk going through the box and when she heard us she stopped what she was doing turning to look at Aro who sighed, “Go ahead.”
She shuffled a few things on the desk picking up another book and holding it out to me, “Would you please give this to Bella?”
I took it from her looking at the title, ‘The Corset Diaries’ and while I read it she continued to talk, “It’s the perfect mindless romantic comedy to read on the beach. This girl thinks that Bella will enjoy it.”
“Romance novel?” Bella didn’t strike me as the romance novel reader. Heaving bosoms and swollen rose lips, I wasn’t so sure about that. I used my thumb scanning quickly through the pages wondering out loud, “Is there sex in here?”
“Oh yes…” Jane smirked with a twinkle in her eye, “…that is what makes it such a good book…for the beach.” I laughed telling her that I would give it to Bella then headed out to the car. There was one more place I had to stop at before going home.
Demetri was behind the counter rather than Felix, that fact surprised me as he was the craftsman of the family while his brother was the salesman. I can’t say that I ever had a problem with Felix and he did stand up for Bella that day in my house. But he was a salesman by trade and could smooze with the best of them. Demetri on the other hand was straight forward; you always knew where you stood with him.
While he waited on someone else I glanced around at the glass cases, my eyes falling on the diamond rings. I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off them and there was no feeling of unease about it, in fact it felt …right.
But as I looked at them nothing struck me as anything that would be the right ring, if there even was such a thing. The voice on the other side of the counter brought me out of my thoughts, “You getting ideas Edward?”
I sighed diverting my gaze to his as he kept talking, “Can’t see that I blame you, she is quite lovely and she must be pretty damn special too.”
“Yeah she is,” I agreed then added, “on both counts.”
Demetri went into the back to retrieve the anklet that I ordered. Opening the rectangle box to show me he stood quietly while I picked it up out of the cushioned padding that it laid against. It was silver and light in weight with at least two dozen tiny bells dangling from the main band. The sound the bells made was subtle yet could still be heard, it was charming and exactly what I wanted.
As I put the anklet back in the box Demetri replaced the lid while I took out my wallet to give him my credit card. When he came back with the slip for me to sign I was once again looking through the rings.
“So do you see anything you like?”
“Not really…nothing seems to be the right one” I told him handing the slip back.
“You know when you are ready; I could design an original with any setting and gems you want”
That might be an idea, which would make Bella’s ring one of a kind just like her. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Demetri handed me the little red bag that contained Bella’s anklet, holding on to it a bit longer than necessary, letting me know that he had something else on his mind. I just stood there with my hand holding the bag waiting for whatever he had to say, finally after a few uncomfortable seconds he spoke.
“Caius told me she was with Aro…” it wasn’t a question it was a statement, “…I think he talks out his ass.”
I sighed debating if I wanted to say anything or not, it wasn’t that their relationship was secretive but it was personal and no one’s business. Then I thought maybe if a few choice people knew the truth the rumors would die down. Especially since Aro told us last night that he would be banning Jessica from the club indefinitely. So I chose my words very carefully.
“They do have a relationship. It is and always has been purely platonic in its nature. Aro has acted in an advisory manner towards Isabella; they share the same kind of bond as I do with my uncle, one of mutual respect”
I figured that while I had his attention and had given some information maybe he could give me some, “The question I have is why Isabella’s relationship with anyone matter to Caius?”
The buzzer on the door went off, letting us know that someone had entered; Demetri’s eyes looked behind me, quickly jerking his head as if to give direction. Looking over my shoulder I saw the reason for the action as I watch Giaha move through the door that led to the back. She was a pretty woman, tall with shoulder length dark hair that matched her olive complexion. As soon as she had made it through the door Demtri started talking.
“Personally Edward I think that Caius is just a nosey fucker and can’t stand the fact that there is something going on that he is not in-the-know about. He mentioned your Isabella to me on Sunday night and made reference that she was new to you but not to Aro. He also insinuated that Aro has been providing for her financially, giving her large sums of money. Where he got that idea I have no clue. Again, it is none of my business,” he held his hands up in a gesture of surrender as he continued, “and what Aro chooses to do with his money or anything else is strictly up to him.”
I was going to tell him that Isabella is not now nor has ever been kept by Aro when Demetri spoke again, “But I have to tell you that from the few minutes that I had the privilege of speaking with your Isabella along with my brother’s view of her, I can’t see that as being true. As I said she seems like a perfectly lovely young woman.”
A wicked smile formed on his face, “And if she has got Edward Cullen looking at rings she must be something special and you are a lucky man to have found her.” I smiled taking the bag from him because I was a lucky son of a bitch and my Bella was waiting for me.
As I drove home some of what Demetri had said came back to me. Caius thought that Aro had been providing for Bella. If he honestly thought that then he wouldn’t be aware of the inheritance she received. Because obviously with her own finances the last thing Bella needed was for someone to provide her with money. So that would mean Caius didn’t know~which would rule him out as someone who was digging into Bella’s personal back ground. Unless he did know and was just being an instigator, but the more I thought about it the more it didn’t fit with his personality.
Demetri was right; Caius prided himself on being a go-to guy, someone who had the answers to your questions. He dealt in antiques, was an avid history buff, and knew a lot of mindless information. Someone my grams would say knew a lot about nothing of importance. So I could see how his curiosity would get the better of him. But still, where did he ever get the idea that Aro was giving Bella money? Then the thought occurred to me, did Aro ever give her money?
My irrational brain came up with that question all on its own while the more logical side tried to ward it off. Even if he did – which I doubted – it would have been to help her out, not for services rendered.
Where the fuck did that come from?
Pulling up in front of the house I didn’t bother to pull into the garage knowing that we would be loading up the car and leaving shortly. Bella wasn’t downstairs and there appeared to be a few more bags along with Seth’s bed added to the luggage that I had brought down earlier. I found her up in the bedroom and she was dressed comfortably in white jeans, sneakers, and a beige sleeveless shirt. She had just finished making the bed and was smoothing out the comforter as I came through the door.
“Five minutes earlier and you could have helped me.”
I shrugged wrapping her in a hug, “I would rather help you mess it up.”
Bella smiled, “I bet you would.”
I kissed her quickly asking how her morning was and if she was ready to go. She took one more quick look around the room before saying that she was sure she had everything and we went downstairs. Bella headed out into the kitchen while I started putting the luggage in the trunk of my car. She came outside wearing a pair of sunglasses carrying a picnic basket and Seth’s bed, both of which went into the back seat. With everything in the car Bella quickly ran back in the house to get her purse and Seth before I set the alarm and we left.
There was a giddy excitement in the car that I was sure was radiating from Bella. When I looked over at her she was practically beaming making me chuckle, “Are you excited?”
“Yes,” the twinkle in her eye told me she wasn’t lying, “I haven’t been anywhere in a long time. Last year I tagged along to Alaska with Jake and Leah…but that’s it,” her brow furrowed while she dug through her purse taking out her phone.
“Excuse me a minute,” Bella pressed the button on the phone then brought it to her ear while she continued to talk to me, “anyway, the last time I was in Victoria was my senior year…”
Bella stopped talking to me letting out a long exasperated sigh, “Leah I’m just letting you know that we are leaving. I don’t know if I’ll have service but I’ll try you later, call me…love you.”
Closing her phone she placed it back in her purse, it was clear that her mood had shifted and I wondered why, “Is there a problem?”
“No,” she shook her head. “She just won’t answer my calls and I don’t know if she’s busy or avoiding me.”
“Why would she avoid you?”
Bella shrugged, “I don’t know.”
Granted I didn’t know Leah very well but she struck me as someone who didn’t mess words when she had something to say. In any case I wanted to get that smile back on Bella’s face, “So senior year you went to Victoria?”
“Yes,” Bella then launched into a twenty minute tale of everything they did while there for one night. By the time she was done we were heading out of the city going south on I-5.
“So why didn’t you go back again?” It seemed like a harmless question. She lived an hour away from Port Angles, it would have been simple to go on the ferry as a foot passenger. If it was a place that she seemed to enjoy so much why not just go and spend the day?
“Well, I was married a few months later and we didn’t have the money for that Edward. The gas, the ferry, eating, it would have been at least a hundred dollars.” Glancing at her quickly I knew that she said money was always tight but it never dawned on me that a hundred dollars would have been out of her reach.
“Besides I had school, work and keeping the house. There just always seemed to be something that got in the way.” Bella grew quiet.
“Oh,” after the quiet her sudden voice startled me, “that reminds me. Last night Aro brought up that it was time to meet with the financial planner for a six month evaluation.” That must have been what they were talking about in the kitchen.
“He wanted me to ask if you would go with me, if you don’t want to Aro is willing to still go, or I guess I could go myself. After all Aro did show me how to watch trends and play the stock market. He even…”
I cut her off, “Aro gave you financial advice?”
“Yeah,” She seemed uncertain about the answer but quickly brought her thoughts together.
“Edward the only thing about money that I knew was how to balance a check book. On my twenty-fifth birthday, my father handed me a packet that said I had one point two million dollars. It also said that I had ninety days to figure out what to do with it or start paying capital gains.”
Bella looked at me, “I didn’t even know what capital gains meant.”
The admission of her ignorance made me laugh but she went on, “I’m not kidding and I suppose I could have left it with the firm my dad had chosen. After all whatever they were doing it had grown some, but they were based in Port Angeles and were friends of friends. I didn’t want my personal business getting around so I had to find someone else and closer to Seattle. Besides I wanted to take an active role in what happened with the money, but I needed someone to show me how and Aro did that for me.”
She sounded like she was trying to beg me to understand and I did. There was no explanation needed and I was glad that my uncle was there for her. “When is the appointment?”
“I didn’t make it yet, but I assume sometime around the middle of June.”
“I’ll go with you. I presume he has you with Bubba and Lentz?” That was the firm that the whole family used so I couldn’t imagine Aro would have gone elsewhere.
“Yes...and thank you.” Bella took ahold of my hand that was lying on the console, “But really I have learned some so I won’t embarrass you by asking stupid questions like ‘what’s an annuity?’” she giggled.
I stared at her in shock, “You asked what an annuity was?” I couldn’t help the laugh that came out while she blushed nodding her head.
“I didn’t know and he kept saying monthly annuities, annual annuities, asking what I wanted to do with them, so I had to ask.” Bella giggled.
“Well you’re welcome” I told her raising our joined hand placing a kiss on the back of hers “… and you can ask anything you need to know.”
Bella seemed to be debating something in her head and I could tell there was a question brewing but I just waited.
“Edward?” My eyes glanced over to her sitting there looking rather nervous.
“How much do you have in your trust?” she fidgeted slightly then added, “Never mind, it’s none of my business.”
It was her business; I was thinking of spending the rest of my life with Bella. She had a right to know. “No that’s ok we should talk about this. You have a little over a million?”
“Just a little because when I moved back to Washington, Charlie used part of the inheritance to buy the house for me. It had to remain in his name because I was still married and James would have been entitled to half of it. So as soon as the divorce was final Charlie signed the house over to me. He had also allowed me to use part of the money to pay for my Masters as well as some daily living expenses. It was a loophole but it worked out alright.”
“Hmmm…so your house is totally paid off and you have no student loans?”
“Yes, and I have no loans at all,” she seemed rather proud of that fact.
“Well Bella …in my trust I have twice as much as you. But my house is mortgaged at fifty percent of its value.”
“Why would you do that?” she was shocked, “I mean isn’t it better to just pay it off?’
“Tax purposes mostly, but it also is used for a better credit rating.” I let that sink in for a moment before adding, “I’m surprised that they didn’t advise you to have some kind of monthly mortgage payment.”
“Actually they did, but it was already done and they suggested that I take out a small mortgage to renovate my kitchen but honestly I really don’t want to do that.”
I could understand where Bella was coming from, she grew up in a world where you worked hard for your money and hoped like hell you had enough at the end of the month to pay all your bills. I grew up in a world where you were still expected to work hard, but your money worked for you. That didn’t make me better than her or anyone else it was just a different perspective on finances. I wanted to try and explain to her the benefits of having some kind of revolving credit but I figured I would leave that up to the expert.
We had been driving about an hour and just getting into Gig Harbor which I thought would be a good place to stop for lunch, “Are you hungry?”
Bella then surprised me by saying that she had packed a lunch. Which I should have realized with the picnic basket she brought along but apparently I was a little slow. So rather than eating fast food or in a restaurant we sat at a table in the park eating chicken salad, potato chips and fresh fruit. She had thought of everything right down to the red and white checkered table cloth.
After eating we walked Seth along the Marina holding hands and just talking about nothing in particular. It was natural, easy and relaxing the absolute perfect way to start our vacation. After Seth had done his business –twice – we got back in the car. By the time we got to Port Angeles we had an hour before the Ferry departed.
Seth needed another walk and being in a strange city he made sure that every tree he came in contact with got a small sprinkle. Bella and I laughed at the last one as he lifted his leg and literally shook until he squeezed out some pee. By the time he was done marking his territory the ferry was starting to load. After giving the reservation pass to the guard along with showing our passports, Seth’s license and rabies tags, and assuring that we had nothing to declare we were able to board.
It was still rather warm out but there was a breeze blowing as we stood up on the deck. My arms wrapped around Bella’s waist pulling her close to my chest while Seth sat by our feet looking out through the railing. It felt liberating once the ferry started moving, like we were leaving so much behind us but yet there was so much ahead of us too.
In any case I held Bella a little tighter snuggling my nose into the crook of her neck. “I love you.”
Her warm hand cupped my cheek as her face turned towards mine, “I love you too.”
The moment was sealed with a simple kiss. It was in that moment that I realized why none of the rings seemed to be the right one. The woman I loved wasn’t flashy or outspoken; she was soft, subtle, and classy. She should have a ring that expressed that about her. A ring that told everyone what a wonderful person she was but more importantly told them that she was mine.
Chapter 53
“Edward!” I yelled while he still had me hanging over his shoulder as he took the stairs two at a time. I was so embarrassed looking back at the people watching him carrying me up the stairs. Emmett and Rose seemed to find my predicament humorous, while Aro and Jane - who had just arrived- tried to figure out what the heck was going on.
“I swear to God Edward,” I tried to sound menacing but my laughing totally ruined the effect and I couldn’t stop myself from giving him another whack on his butt.
“Keep it up Bella, you’re just adding five more.”
Shit! He was serious
When he told me in the kitchen that he would take me upstairs and give me a spanking, I’ll admit I wanted to test his resolve. It had been several days since Edward had put me over his knee and the idea of a warm bottom before bed was intriguing. Once the door bell rang I thought it would be safe as long as I got to the door before he caught me. My thinking was that he would wait until later, it turned out I was wrong, so very wrong.
Edward swung open the door to his room and in three strides I was slid off his shoulders as he sat down on the edge of the bed. There was still a part of me that thought he was joking and just trying to get a rise out me. That thought only lasted as long as it took for him to get me over his knee.
“Edward,” I tried to plead my case. “They are going to think we are up here having sex.”
“No Bella, they are going to think you are up here getting the spanking I said you would get.”
I could feel his forearm pressing into my back as his one leg wrapped around both of mine to keep me in position. “And I would hate to disappoint our guests.”
With the last word his hand came down in a loud smack against my skirt covered bottom. I was still so shocked I couldn’t say anything, until the next one landed close to the same spot.
“Oh!” the sound left my mouth in a gasp.
“Hmmm…I think you can do better than that.” His hand came down on the other cheek making me whimper as two more swats came quickly.
“So tell me my Bella…” his hand made contact once again, “…did you doubt my word?”
“Nooo,” I cooed as another swat landed on my bottom.
“No?” Edward asked skeptically with another swat. “That means you knew,” swat “what would happen?” swat
With each strike my bottom started to get warmer and as his hand ran over the area where it had just made contact I couldn’t stop the soft sounds of pleasure that left my mouth or the gathering wetness that was forming between my thighs.
“Ohhhh…” the word vibrated as my breathing was almost embarrassing while he rubbed both cheeks before swatting each one firmly making me squirm.
“I thought you would do it later.” The sentence came out of my mouth so fast it sounded like one big word.
“ohhh,” he groaned in understanding while rubbing my bottom. “I guess you were wrong.”
His hand came down quickly in two solid swats making me yelp. “Yeeeesss, I was wrong.”
“But you must have wanted the spanking.” The monotone sound of his voice was almost hypnotic as I sighed with the feel of another swat.
“Mmmmm,” I purred against his leg while my thighs rubbed together of their own accord.
“No, No, No. I’m afraid that’s not happening.” Edward’s hand gripped as much of my bottom as he could, squeezing it firmly. The feeling made me whimper even more before two well placed swats struck me across each cheek.
My body lay limply across his lap relishing the feeling of his large strong hands rubbing my well warmed bottom. This was my happy place as I’m sure the soft sighs coming from me could attest to. Apparently it was one of Edward’s happy places too because his very hard erection was poking me in my side. The pressure from his arm across my back lessened while his hand ran through the length of my hair.
“Are you happy now?” I could hear the grin in his voice.
Edward continued to stroke through my hair in a soothing manner as my hand which wrapped around his leg began to rub along his inner thigh. My movements becoming more purposeful while moving closer to the bulge that had to be uncomfortable. The angle I was in made it difficult, but my fingers were able to trace his hardness making him hiss.
“You’re going to get yourself in trouble.” Using both his hands Edward lifted so that I sat in his lap making me whimper slightly from the tingle of my butt sitting on his firm legs.
“I like that kind of trouble,” I told him through panting breaths shifting slightly so that my body rested fully against his. The movement caused my hip to press against a hard Little Eddie making him suck in a breath of air while his eyes grew dark with desire.
“I know you do, and I must admit I like you in that kind of trouble,” he placed a small kiss on my lips, “but there are people downstairs waiting for us.”
Oh Shit
“I forgot about them.”
Edward chuckled at my admission, “So easily distracted.”
“It’s not funny, what are they going to say?” I was mortified at the implication of him carrying me up the stairs. Plus the fact that I was sure my face must have been flushed from the surge of lust that he had created in me.
Edward was still grinning as he stood us up. “Come on let’s get down there, they won’t say anything.”
“Emmett?” He stopped walking to look at me.
“Well, Emmett might.”
Edward’s eyes scanned my appearance and a grin formed on his face. “Why don’t you go into the bathroom and freshen up, while I go down and give a proper welcome.”
“That bad?” I asked skeptically.
His grin became bigger, “Bella if there weren’t people downstairs, there is no way we would be leaving this bedroom.”
I couldn’t help the blush that crept over my face. Edward chuckled closing the space between us and placing a kiss on my lips. My arms wrapped around his neck as his hand squeezed my tender bottom making me moan unto his mouth. At the sound he pulled back looking at me with his dark eyes.
His hand cupped the side of my face, “Oh my Bella, the things I want to do to you. But they’re going to have to wait until later.”
He placed one more small kiss on my lips and as I turned he gave my bottom another swat making me yelp while he added, “Hurry up.”
Looking at my reflection in the mirror I realized that Edward was right. My face was indeed rosy with wild chaotic hair. Not too concerned with my face because I knew it would be beet red from my blushing, I concentrated on my hair. Running a brush through it didn’t help it at all, so I ended up securing the sides loosely with a clip in the back.
After straightening my skirt I made my way down the stairs not even looking into the living room where I could hear the men talking. Instead going into the kitchen where Rose was putting the prosciutto-wrapped scallops on a dish, while Jane was just finishing the strawberry brie puffs. When they heard me enter Rose gave me a smirk but Jane looked bewildered.
“Thank you for taking care of this.” Trying to ignore their curiosity I stirred the artichoke dip and then moved to get the sweet and sour sauce for the scallops out of the refrigerator.
Rose couldn’t take it anymore and started laughing, “What did you do?”
Still unable to meet their eyes I rearranged the crackers and chips for the dip, while my face burned, until I heard what sounded like grief in Jane’s voice, “Were you inattentive again Bella?”
I don’t know why but it was important to me that she not be disappointed with my actions so I figured I would let them know, “No I wasn’t inattentive,” smiling wickedly I told her exactly what I was. “I was downright naughty, on purpose.”
“Oh!” she gasped, while Rose laughed, and finally a sly smile crossed Jane’s face. “Well this one will admit that being naughty does tend to keep Master’s interest. However, this one does not know if she would be naughty before company came.”
“Well, I thought he would wait until later,” I admitted while putting a stack of dishes on the tray with the napkins.
Rose laughed again, but Jane always the voice of reason touched my arm making me look at her, “Now you know he won’t.”
I couldn’t help the giggle that came out as she smirked. Jane was right, next time I won’t make the same mistake. I realized that my hand was unconsciously rubbing the sensitive area and as I stopped the warm tingle made me rethink. Perhaps this is one lesson that I just might forget.
Everything was ready to get taken into the living room and they each took something to help me carry it in. My eyes immediately went to Edward’s as we entered, he had a grin on his face and he winked at me making me smirk as my face heated. Rose and Jane followed my lead putting the food they had carried down on the coffee table. Rose moved to sit next to her husband on the couch, while Jane fixed a plate.
After saying hello to Aro – who stood to greet me – my attention turned to Emmett waiting for some kind of comment, but all I got was a hello. Edward had poured me a glass of wine, handing it to me while I carefully perched myself on the arm of the chair he was in. My bottom was tender but not painful just slightly tingly.
While everyone ate, the talk focused on the preparations for the Anniversary party and Edward’s uncle Marcus coming in from Chicago. I had yet to meet him because apparently he and his wife Didyme didn’t come to Seattle very often, so when they did there was a lot of family activities. I knew that Esme was excited about her brother coming as that was the reason they were returning home early from the beach. There was talk about having a large family gathering the day after the party, but that hadn’t yet been confirmed.
Every now and then I could feel Emmett watching me, every time my eyes went in his direction he quickly looked away; needless to say it was making me very selfconscious. I knew he had something to say and I wished he would just spit it out and get it over with.
After a few more minutes of playing cat and mouse with him I couldn’t take it anymore and the next time he was caught staring I blurted out, “What? I know your trying really hard, but just say it Emmett!”
Emmett tilted his head slightly while he narrowed his eyes as if deep in thought. “How the fuck did you swallow that shit so fast last night?”
OK…sooo not what I thought he was going to say
I could feel my face heat up as he looked at me curiously while continuing, “Seriously, do you have extra muscles in your throat or something? Because the fastest time was…” he looked to Rose for conformation, “…what thirteen-something seconds?”
She nodded, “Thirteen-point-eight.”
“Yeah …. You did it in half the time,” his tone was one of astonishment.
Edward corrected him, “Eight is not half of thirteen Emmett.”
“Fucking close enough,” Emmett said before his eyes went back to mine. “That’s why the bid went so high, there was no way they thought you could do it that fast.”
“The bid went high because of Caius,” Edward said next to me, but Emmett never diverted his eyes from my face. He stood up reaching in his pocket and I wondered what the heck he was doing as he took a step in my direction.
“Open your mouth, let me see,” He said holding a small flashlight that was attached to his keys.
“No! Get the hell away from me!” I swatted my hand in his direction.
“Come on little Bella, let me see…” his voice was like a curious child’s whine.
Emmett looked kind of dejected that his curiosity was not going to be fulfilled, and as he turned to go back to the couch I felt kind of sorry for him. “Do you really want to know?”
“Yes,” his large form turned back to me so quickly bringing the flashlight back out of his pocket.
“Put that thing away, a demonstration would give you a better idea.” he seemed eager and I glanced at Rose.
“Would you go get the banana?” she was stunned for a moment but my smirk must have told her I was up to something because she started for the kitchen glancing back over her shoulder to give me a curious look, probably wondering what I was up to.
Putting my wine on the table I took the keys out of Emmett’s hands setting them next to my glass. “You won’t need them.”
I sort of eyed Emmett up before placing my hands on his forearms while looking up at his face. “Do you trust me?”
With those words I thought for sure he would have caught on to what I had planned, but he was either too anxious to satisfy his curiosity or he underestimated me because all he did was nod.
“Answer please.”
It was so hard not to laugh while looking into his eyes as he spoke, “I trust you.”
Rose was back peeling the banana as she stood next to her husband. I had wanted to use that for breakfast in the morning, but if this worked out it would be worth the loss. “Rose you be you, I’ll be me…” looking back up at his face I tried to keep my expression as serious as I could, “…and Emmett you have to get on your knees.”
Realization dawned on him along with everyone else in the room as Aro and Edward snickered. But poor Emmett looked pale, “What?”
I figured since I came this far I might as well continue. I tried to get that dark stern look and talk without laughing. “Don’t keep me waiting. Rose won’t be able to reach your mouth and I have to talk you through it so kneel,” adding the hand signal as I said the word.
Rose was silently giggling while Emmett’s eyes narrowed. I couldn’t take it anymore and I started to giggle as Emmett spat, “Fuck that shit! You two are not shoving a fucking banana down my throat like some god damn fake cock.”
I was laughing so hard there were tears in my eyes but poor Emmett wasn’t done, “Get down on my fucking knees…Kneel” he said the word like it left a nasty taste in his mouth adding the hand motion while he kept ranting as everyone else laughed.
“Edward take her back upstairs, she’s not done yet! Fucking kneel,” he was grumbling while he slumped back into the couch.
“I don’t know Emmett, she did that pretty damn good,” I looked at Edward and he winked.
“I did good?” my laughter was dying down and Edward smirked, “I think if I had been you Emmett, I would have knelt.”
“Yeah?” that piece of information excited me, but Edward shook his head giving me a look like ‘don’t-even-think-about-it’ as he firmly told me, “No!”
“Damn,” adding a snap for emphasis.
As I looked about the room I had once again forgot that there were other people here. Jane was still grinning and Aro was chuckling so I guess it was safe to say that everyone enjoyed the floor show. Everyone that is except Emmett, and I kind of felt bad about that, so walking to the back of the couch I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist and you walked right into it.”
“Yeah…yeah…yeah...don’t worry little Bella I’ll get you back,” he said patting my arm.
“I don’t doubt it,” I told him releasing my hold and taking the banana from Rose. Excusing myself I went into the kitchen to check on dinner, everything was done so after pulling the chicken out of the oven to allow it to rest I started putting the other stuff into serving bowls. The sound of the kitchen door swinging open made me turn to see who was there, and I smiled as Aro joined me.
“Isabella I don’t wish to disturb you, but may I speak with you for a minute?”
Not wanting to be rude I stopped what I was doing. “Yes Sir, do you need something?”
“No..no, please continue, I can talk while you work.” I asked him to give me a second while I took the Corn Pie out of the oven because I didn’t want him talking to my back. Once it was out I gave him my attention.
Eyeing the pie I had just removed he smiled at me warmly, “It’s nice to see you so carefree around everyone. You seem much more confident and I must admit it does me good to see that. You are young and need to laugh more.”
I giggled, “Emmett is easy to laugh with.”
Aro agreed with me with a slight nod of his head, “And Edward?”
“Edward is easy to laugh with too.”
“Good, it truly brings me joy to see you happy and carefree.”
“Well I don’t know about carefree…”
Aro spoke before I could finish, “Yes well, that is what I wanted to talk to you about. I was looking over my calendar for the upcoming month and I noticed that it was time to set up another meeting with the Financial Planner.”
Once I turned twenty-five my father had given me full rights to the trust he had started for me when my mother died. I had no idea what to do with such a large amount of money and I didn’t want to risk losing any of it. After speaking with Aro he had suggested that I meet with the man who handled his investments, even going so far as to set up the appointment and going with me. He had also taken the time to show me how to buy and sell stocks along with mutual funds, he told me that diversity was the best way to keep my investments safe. I was glad he was there to help me, growing up without money there was no need for me to understand market trends or Nasdec fluctuations. It’s not that it was hard to comprehend, but it was like learning a whole new language and I would have been lost without him, or worse - swindled out of what I had.
“Anyway, I know that you had asked me to go along with you, and I was wondering if you still needed me to do that?”
“Well,” I told him while getting the green beans into a serving bowl. “I’ve been doing some investing on my own; and I’ve actually made a little bit of money.”
I was proud of that and it appeared he was too, “Good for you Ms Swan. It’s not that hard it just requires a little know how and diligence.” He was right that it wasn’t hard once I’d been shown how.
Aro was watching me waiting for an answer. I didn’t feel comfortable enough to go alone yet, but I knew that he was a busy man and I didn’t want to bother him. “If you don’t have the time…”
“No, that’s not it,” he said shaking his head. “I would make the time. But I didn’t know if you were thinking of having Edward attend the meeting with you.”
“Oh…does Edward know what he’s doing?”
Aro laughed at my question. “I believe that he uses a different representative but from the same firm and he would be more then competent to consult with you.”
How did I not know this? I knew that Edward talked about having a trust fund, but in all honesty the topic of his personal finances have never come up in our conversations. The only time we discussed money was when I would get upset over his need to pay for everything.
Aro clarified his meaning, “As I said, I wouldn’t mind going with you, but I ask that Edward be made aware of my involvement. In all honesty though, I pass you off into very capable hands.” The grin on his face made me smile.
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” I asked him with humor.
“Would I do that?” the smile on his face made me giggle as he laughed along with me and then he spoke, “You let me know…”
Aro didn’t get to completely finish his statement because the kitchen door swung open to an almost angry Edward. His eyes were narrowed and there was a look of confusion on his face as he glanced between his uncle and me. “What’s so funny?”
Shaking my head I laughed once more, “Nothing.”
That answer didn’t seem to set well with Edward, “Something must be pretty damn humorous for you to both be in here alone, laughing your asses off!”
I stared at him in disbelief. He sounded …jealous.
Aro chuckled under his breath, “I’ll tell everyone dinner is ready.” As he left I think he mumbled something that sounded like ‘very capable hands’ but I couldn’t be sure because my focus was on the disgruntled man staring at me.
“Edward will you bring the chicken to the table?” I asked picking up the Corn Pie with the hot mitts.
“Bella, I want to know what the fuck you were doing in here.”
“Are you serious?” It was a stupid question because I could tell that he was.
“You two are in here alone having a little tae-ta-tae, laughing and carrying on like…” a sternness crossed his features. “My uncle is not the laughing kind.”
That comment caught me off guard. Aro is a disciplined man who takes his business and responsibilities very seriously. However, he is also thoughtful, compassionate and has a witty sense of humor. I wanted to say something to alleviate Edward’s tension but I really didn’t have time to explain the whole thing at that moment.
“He just asked me a question and I promise we will talk about it later, right now my dinner is getting cold.”
“You’re fucking right. We will talk about it sooner rather than later.”
I stared at him in shock while he picked the chicken up off the counter. “If I didn’t know any better I would swear you were jealous of your uncle.”
Edward stopped mid-step turning to look at me, “Bella you and Aro have some kind of strange relationship that I don’t fully understand. He seems almost protective of you, like …”
He didn’t finish instead shaking his head, “we’ll talk about it later.”
I stood there for a brief moment watching as he passed through the door right before Jane came in followed by Rose. They each picked up the remaining serving bowls off the counter and followed me into the dining room. Once everything was on the table Edward held my chair out for me, placing a kiss on my head as I slid back in. I looked at the gesture as a sign that he wasn’t really mad just in need of a deeper understanding of the relationship I had with Aro.
There were compliments about how good everything looked while Edward carved the chicken. Emmett wondered why there was pie on the table and I had to explain what it was. Telling them that it was a family favorite and when I was younger whenever Sue made baked chicken, corn pie was always served with it. There were also lots of dinners when it was the meal all by itself. My father would only eat it with a little extra butter but everyone else would put warm milk on top of it. Getting myself a serving with a ladle of milk the others at the table were at least willing to try it.
The talk at the dinner table revolved around more family preparations for a while, but soon they returned to the last night’s events.
“Honestly Bella, I have no idea how you did not smack that girl.”
I knew that Rose was just standing up for me, but in all honesty I was of the mind that violence was never the answer. “To tell you the truth, had she not grabbed my arm I would have just left without giving her the satisfaction of a reply.”
“Jessica laid her hands on you?” Aro seemed incensed by that piece of information. I truly wanted to drop the whole thing and tried to play off his question.
“It was nothing really.”
Edward placed his hand on my thigh under the table giving it a small squeeze as he spoke, “I had asked Emmett to keep an eye on Bella, but he can’t very well go into the bathroom with them.”
“That’s not the point Edward. No one should have to keep an eye on her or anyone else. If there is one place that a person should feel safe from being accosted it’s at New Moon.”
I spoke up as quickly as I could, “I felt safe…”
Aro’s eyes narrowed with intensity and I could feel the anxiety rolling off him, “I have a meeting with Mr. Newton tomorrow afternoon; I assure you this will be taken care of.”
My meal suddenly became very interesting and I wished that Aro would just let it go. Keeping my eyes down I spoke my concerns. “Don’t you think it will be better to not make a big deal out of it?”
My voice wasn’t very strong because I will admit Aro can be intimidating but I was sure he could hear me. Edward spoke up, “I promised Bella that I wouldn’t do anything this time.”
Chancing a glance at Aro he was considering Edward’s words and again I hoped that he would drop it. The whole situation made me uncomfortable. I didn’t like to think that my presence would cause anyone to get into trouble. I also thought that retaliation would only spur more unwanted attention in my direction. However I guess Aro didn’t see it that way.
“And so you shall keep your word, however I made no such promise nor would I ever. New Moon is my club, my rules, my code of conduct.” Aro’s eyes met mine his expression was very serious.
“I just don’t want to be the cause…” Aro eyes narrowed and I wasn’t sure if it was because I spoke or if it was what I said, but he was not happy.
“Isabella, it doesn’t matter to me if it is you, Rose, or a stranger off the street. Every action good, bad or indifferent has a consequence. I will not allow an assault that took place in my club to go by the way side. Now, are you going to sit there and tell me that you started the altercation?”
“No sir…I didn’t even know who she was. She just came in and started yelling about being third fiddle and it was all my fault…”
“Third Fiddle?” Emmett asked at the same time Edward spoke, “You didn’t tell me that.”
I shrugged looking to him, “I didn’t know it mattered.”
“Does Newton have a woman?” Edward’s question was directed towards his brother who shrugged and Rose spoke up, “I never seen him with one, but I didn’t even know he was with Jess until last night.”
“Maybe Newton has a man,” Emmett pondered.
While they were discussing Mike Newton’s personal life my thoughts went back to the matter at hand. I was still of the mind that any kind of retribution on my behalf would appear to be Aro’s attempt of protecting me. That would only cause more scandal and I just wanted it to stop. It was clear that going to the club was something that Edward enjoyed and to be honest so did I, when we could be left alone. I wanted to try and get Aro to understand that I believed he was adding fuel to the fire.
My eyes met Aro’s he seemed calm so I thought I would take a chance, “Sir, I know that you are angry,” His eyebrows raised and before he could cut me off again I added quickly, “But if I could please just say one more thing.”
From the corner of my eye I could see Edward’s head turn towards me while Emmett chuckled muttering, “little Bella is getting feisty.”
“Go on.”
Knowing that I had to tread lightly with Aro I tried to word my concerns very carefully. “I know that it is your club and your rules and that you have every right to enforce them as you see fit. However, don’t you think that certain people will see it as you only doing it as a way of shielding me? Caius already has made comments and it might just make him think he is right.”
“Are you done?”
“Yes Sir.”
Aro nodded once, “Before I answer, allow me to ask you some questions. In reference to my anger, what did I tell you was the number one trait a dominant must process?”
I knew where he was going to go with his question but I answered anyway, “Self-control.”
“Because if he can’t control himself, he can’t be expected to control others.”
Aro smiled, “I taught you well Ms. Swan.” At his words the hand Edward had on my leg squeezed me tightly, and Aro continued. “I am now the same as I always am, in total control of my anger, so you can dispel that notion from your pretty little head. However, would you not agree that there is a difference between uncontrolled rage and justified ire?”
I didn’t say anything at first, instead nervously biting my lip but he continued to stare at me waiting for an answer. “Yes Sir, there is a difference.”
Aro seemed pleased with my answer as he leaned forward slightly as if to close the distance between us, “As far as what Caius or anyone else thinks about my motives…” he got a distant look in his eyes before asking me, “Do you remember what I told you when you were going to quit school?”
“You were going to quit?” Edwards question caused me to momentarily break my attention away from Aro to answer him. I spoke the words in a hushed whisper, “It was a bad time.”
I didn’t want to get into the whole situation sitting at the dinner table, but I did contemplate not continuing with my education. It was right after James had attacked me in my home. I was a mess, not sleeping, not eating, and on most days afraid to leave my house yet fearful of being there alone. I had taken a full semester off returning to a part-time status and even with going throughout the summers it took me an extra year to get done. I was so worn out from the stress and all the anti-depressants that I was finding it difficult to function normally, and even more difficult to focus on my studies. I had thrown myself into working at the center as a means to try and forget but the twice-weekly counseling session always brought it back. I was so distraught with all that happened, doubting myself and my ability to have a normal life that I just couldn’t see the purpose of continuing.
“It was a bad time,” Aro commented before he asked, “But what were my words to you Isabella?”
I couldn’t help the emotion that welled up inside of me at the memory; it was such a dark time in my life. Everyone was coddling me, but Aro didn’t do that, he understood my pain but yet he was the only one who expected me to rise above it. The thought of his words brought tears to my eyes.
“You told me to dig deep, find the strength or else I’d only hurt myself and I’d allow him to prevail.” Aro had said more in his eloquent wording but that was the gist of his advice. He raised one eyebrow at my acknowledgement of his words
“It is the same thing Ms. Swan, although a different situation. You are a passive person, a quality that I greatly admire in you. Also a quality that I am sure is the reason you remained alive and sane during all those years of being with that man – and I use the term loosely - because in my opinion he should be strung up with his balls cut off and shoved down his throat.”
Aro took a deep breath before he continued, “But being passive doesn’t mean weak, nor does it imply fearfulness. It doesn’t matter what anyone says or thinks, they have no bearing upon my life or yours. Caius is not the first one to think that the relationship we share is something more than a platonic endeavor of someone who has more wisdom bestowing it to someone who wishes to know it, and he is not the last.” His eyes shifted to Edward who I could feel stiffen at my side.
I couldn’t think about Edward’s reaction because a thought occurred to me. “There was someone else?”
Aro chuckled humorlessly, “Ah Ms. Swan, sometimes your innocence in the ways of man is refreshing. To you there would not be any connotation of indecency of a man meeting with a beautiful young woman on a regular basis. But, I would venture to guess that everyone at this table would think differently.”
I didn’t even get to answer before Emmett spoke, “I would think you were getting some.”
My mouth dropped in shock and as I looked around the table Rose was nodding her head, Jane had her eyes down, and Edward was staring at me. “I thought he was.”
“How could you?” I asked, shocked.
“I didn’t know who you were Bella, but I knew that Aro was working with a female graduate student,” he shrugged explaining.
“Jane,” Aro’s voice broke through the feeling of unease I suddenly felt.
My eyes fell on the woman across the table from me. “This girl didn’t know you Bella. All she knew was what Master told her. That you were smart, pretty and young, half this girl’s age and fresh, so very fresh.”
I could feel my mouth drop open, “Jane you thought…” I couldn’t even say the words. “…ohhh…my god. That’s just …” I shuddered.
“Well thank you very much Ms. Swan,” Aro’s words made it sound like he was wounded but his chuckle told me otherwise.
“You know what I mean. You’re a handsome man but…I think of you as my uncle or something like that.”
He smiled, “I understand, but do you see what I’m saying about what people think? Everyone at this table knows me, and yet they can think the worst, so it doesn’t really matter what outsiders say.” he paused before continuing
“Personally I have never been of the mind to have a harem. I find the whole thing to be distracting and much more trouble than it is worth. I could not imagine the tribulations of dealing with different personalities, regulating each one’s progress while attempting to keep correction at a minimum.”
Aro sighed shaking his head “No that is not for me. I have one slave who makes me very happy. She is also my wife and I take that vow very seriously as everybody should. Besides, as Jane has said you are very fresh, and I wouldn’t want to go through those hell years ever again.”
Emmett and Edward chuckled, I wanted to ask what he meant by hell years but Aro went on talking. I don’t know if he guessed at my question but as he spoke he answered it for me. “I suppose fresh can be fun and exciting, but it is also exhausting. I am too old and set in my ways to take on such an endeavor. I do not have the patience, desire, or stamina to take on one so new.”
I wasn’t sure if I should be relieved or offended. Emmett’s comment ended my debate, “He’s saying you’re a brat.”
I gasped while Edward chuckled, “Bella is not a brat,” at the same time Aro commented, “I didn’t say that.”
His attention turned from Emmett to me, “All I’m saying is that people can think what they want but personally I wouldn’t have the energy to…carry a squirming young woman up the stairs to do what needs doing.”
Rose was snickering but it was the sound of Edward’s laugh that caused me to quickly elbow him in the ribs, “Owe!”
It appeared that while I was in shock from the knowledge that everyone at the table assumed Aro and I were having an affair, being referred to as a loaf of wonder bread, and compared to a monstrous two year old, everyone else had finished eating. As I started to gather some of the plates, Jane automatically started to help but Edward stopped her. “I got it.”
In the kitchen I turned on the coffee pot while Edward set the plates he had carried down on the counter before wrapping his arms around my waist. “I’m not talking to you.”
Edward chuckled in my ear, “Yes you are.”
“No I’m not,” I tried to sound indignant.
“Uh...” I could hear the grin in his voice, “…I think I hear something, but it can’t be my Bella because she is not talking to me.”
“I’m serious Edward.”
He gasped, “There it is again!”
Turning in his arms to face him, “Can you at least pretend to let me be mad at you?”
“Oh Bella, if you want to pretend something I can think of a lot better ideas then that.”
The mischievous look in his eye made me giggle. I wasn’t really mad at him, he hadn’t done anything wrong. Rising up to my toes my lips met his as my body melted against him while his hands on my back held me tightly. I started the kiss and I broke it, pulling back from him with one more small kiss. The look on his face was so compelling words didn’t need to be said because I knew that he loved me.
The coffee pot finished and I moved away from Edward to put it on the tray that had everything I would need for dessert, including a cup of herbal tea for Rose. He carried the heavier tray while I took the cake stand.
While we were in the kitchen someone had brought all the stuff from the living room to the table. I assumed that they didn’t bring it into the kitchen to allow Edward and me a private moment. He had cut me a small piece of cake and I was glad that Aro knew right away that it was his mother’s recipe. It was simply delicious and the fact that he knew meant that I must have gotten it right.
Once they were done, the men went into the living room to talk while the three of us cleaned up the dishes and then sat in the kitchen. I had let Seth in – he had been outside while we ate – and he was situated under my chair while we talked.
There was an uncomfortable feeling that needed to be taken away. “Jane, you know that I never would have done …”
She smiled at me, “This girl knows Bella. She thought those things before she had any contact with you. Once she started speaking with you she knew the kind of person you were.”
Her words made me feel better but she still didn’t seem herself. “Remember this one told you that a person’s true self always comes out. They can hide for a small amount of time, but eventually their true intentions are made known.” I nodded while she took ahold of my hand.
“Years ago when Master first started speaking with you, this girl became …a brat. She thought that if Master wanted fresh then she would be that girl and she was naughty on purpose, to get a reaction. After hearing Master talk tonight, this one is ashamed of her behavior. But that has nothing to do with you, it was her own insecurities.” Her words surprised me, because Jane always seems so sure of herself and her role.
“It doesn’t matter how long you are together, there will always be a time when you doubt your own worth or place in their life.” Jane let go of my hand to answer Rose’s comment.
“Yes, that’s very true Rose, because under it all we are just women who love our men and the thought of losing them is sometimes too much to bear. It is only made harder when you have no understanding from those around you. Because outsiders feel that your lifestyle is wrong and they are constantly waiting for it to fall apart. Any marriage or relationship can be complicated enough without adding in what we choose to add.” Jane looked between the two of us as she finished her thoughts.
“Having someone to talk to is a big help, that’s why this girl always says to come talk to her, and talk to each other. Those on the outside who don’t approve are going to ostracize you, make snide comments that can be hurtful. Don’t allow them to deter you. Master’s advice to Bella about finding strength and not letting others prevail over you, that holds true to this life also. It might be friends, it might be family, and unfortunately it will probably be someone whom you never thought would turn their back on you, simply because they don’t understand or approve.” There was a sadness in her voice and I wondered who it was that had done that to her.
“Now,” Jane smiled. “Enough about that stuff, let’s talk about something less serious.” The three of us talked about Rose’s plans for the nursery and the fact that she was going for her ultrasound on Friday. She would be eighteen weeks along and hoped that they could learn the sex of the baby. Both women had asked for my Corn Pie Recipe which I gave them and it wasn’t much time after that the men were done and everyone was getting ready to leave.
Standing at the door they all thanked us for dinner, Aro said he would see Edward in the morning but he hugged me goodbye telling me to have a nice time while we were away. Jane gave my hand a squeeze as she walked by me, I knew what she meant. Rose hugged me, saying she would see me on Sunday and not to worry too much about Forks. Emmett had the remaining cake in one hand while hugging me with the other reminding me that he owes me one.
When the door was shut and the alarm set I slipped my shoes off letting out a sigh of relief while Edward chuckled,“That bad?”
“Oh…you have no idea,” I told him walking to the kitchen to put away the few items I had pulled out while the three of us talked at the table. Edward brought in the glasses from the living room; I told him to just put them in the sink that I would wash them in the morning. Seth went out one more time before we turned out the lights and headed up to bed.
It’s amazing how routine nightly rituals have become for Edward and me, standing in our underwear while brushing our teeth, peeing while the other is in the shower. In all the years that I was with James there was never that comfort zone where I felt at ease enough to be human around him. In the month that I have been with Edward my ability to relax and be myself has grown extraordinarily, to the point where I don’t even think he would care if I farted.
“What are thinking?” his eyes were watching me in the mirror after spitting out the toothpaste.
Spitting myself, I giggled because there was no way I was telling him about my fart theory, “Nothing.”
Rinsing my mouth and putting my toothbrush back in the holder I caught his eyes in the mirror watching me with a curious look. Wiping my hands and mouth on the towel I left him to finish while I removed my under things for bed. Edward rounded the doorway just as I was getting ready to put a nightshirt over my head. Grabbing it out of my hands he stated, “I think we have something to finish.”
“What?” I asked innocently.
“You know what I’m talking about,” The twinkle in his eyes was making my breath hitch as the familiar stir started to form in my belly, while I shook my head, “I don’t know what you are referring to.”
Edward chuckled, “Well then I guess I will give you a minute to think about it.”
As he turned towards his dresser I smacked him lightly on the ass and burst out laughing when he looked back at me in shock. Edward’s arms reached out to grab me, but I squealed jumping out of the way and quickly darting over the bed leaving him standing on the other side.
Edward got that playful smirk on his face while beckoning me with his finger, “Come here Bella.”
“Ummm….No,” I said shaking my head.
He moved around to the end of the bed coming in my direction so I hopped on top of it, every time Edward moved one way I took a step in the opposite He raised one eyebrow in an attempt to compel me to stay still. “Bella?”
I was feeling a little smug at the situation so I shook my head in a cocky fashion drawing out his name, “Ed…war…d?”
I tried to keep my eyes on his movements to see which way he was going to go and I figured that with the raised footboard there was no way he could come at me from the bottom of the bed. But I was wrong. One second I was standing and the next his hand shot out so fast that I didn’t have time to react as I landed face down on the bed. I tried to scurry across to the other side but Edward had a hold of my foot and was pulling me towards him.
“Now what are you going to do?” he asked through his laugher.
I was laughing so hard but still trying to get free as my hands gripped the comforter to try and crawl away. That only brought my ass up in the air giving Edward the perfect target. His hand came down in a loud smack.
“OH!” I yelp through my laughter while Edward chuckled wrapping his other hand around my waist holding me in position.
“You should have come to me my Bella,” his voice was still playful however the swat was not.
“Oh, damn!” my hands were still clawing at the blankets as another swat landed.
“Ow!” I yelled through the laughter trying to dislodge myself from his grip.
“My-my,” Edward chuckled, “you are a naughty girl tonight.” He leaned over my body and his breath whispered hot against my neck, “what happens to naughty girls Bella?”
The tingle rippled through me as I sucked in a deep breath that left me in a whimper, “ahh…they get kissed?”
“Hmmmmm….” Edward hummed as his nosed skimmed down the length of my spine rubbing his stubble over my bottom before he bit down hard on my right cheek.
“Damn!” I gasped then let out a whimper as his hand skimmed along my spine and wrapped tightly around my hair. Edward tugged making me lift my head as he once again leaned over to speak against my neck. “I think that was the wrong answer Bella.”
Oh fuck
“That’s right, naughty girls get fucked.”
I was still contemplating the fact that I had thought out loud when I realized that Edward was positioned behind me between my open thighs. One second I was breathing heavy with need, and the next I was screaming out as he filled me.
Maintaining his hold on my hair with his other hand holding my hip, he kept me from moving as he thrust hard and fast in and out of me. It didn’t take long before my breathing became erratic and Edward growled through his own heavy breath, “Is that what you want Bella? You want to be fucked?”
“Yes!…God yes! Fuck me…”
He felt so good slamming into me and the room became filled with moans and flesh meeting flesh. His hand seemed to grip my hair tighter making me arch my back, but he never slowed his pace.
I could feel the pressure building and I panted out my need, “More…Hard …Please…”
His fingers dug harder into my hip and I knew there would be a bruise there but I didn’t care. It felt so good to be taken with such fierceness that all I could think about was the surges of pleasure running through my body.
Edward was grunting with each thrust the sound of his pleasure along with the pain of the grip he had on my hair was making the tightening in my stomach almost unbearable. I wanted to cry out for more but I couldn’t seem to get my voice. All I could do was take what he was giving me and enjoy it.
“Fuck Bella,” he growled slamming into as he came making me scream out as he took me over the edge with him. The warm tingle shooting through me caused the euphoric high that was better than any drug I ever had.
I was lightheaded from heaving breaths and my limbs felt like Jell-O. The grip he had on my hip eased but he held my hair moving my head to the side while he leaned over my back. My breathing was still coming in quick short pants matching his while me growled in my ear, “See what happens when you run away from me?”
Whimpering as his teeth sunk into my shoulder sending aftershocks through me I made up my mind to run more often.
“Edward!” I yelled while he still had me hanging over his shoulder as he took the stairs two at a time. I was so embarrassed looking back at the people watching him carrying me up the stairs. Emmett and Rose seemed to find my predicament humorous, while Aro and Jane - who had just arrived- tried to figure out what the heck was going on.
“I swear to God Edward,” I tried to sound menacing but my laughing totally ruined the effect and I couldn’t stop myself from giving him another whack on his butt.
“Keep it up Bella, you’re just adding five more.”
Shit! He was serious
When he told me in the kitchen that he would take me upstairs and give me a spanking, I’ll admit I wanted to test his resolve. It had been several days since Edward had put me over his knee and the idea of a warm bottom before bed was intriguing. Once the door bell rang I thought it would be safe as long as I got to the door before he caught me. My thinking was that he would wait until later, it turned out I was wrong, so very wrong.
Edward swung open the door to his room and in three strides I was slid off his shoulders as he sat down on the edge of the bed. There was still a part of me that thought he was joking and just trying to get a rise out me. That thought only lasted as long as it took for him to get me over his knee.
“Edward,” I tried to plead my case. “They are going to think we are up here having sex.”
“No Bella, they are going to think you are up here getting the spanking I said you would get.”
I could feel his forearm pressing into my back as his one leg wrapped around both of mine to keep me in position. “And I would hate to disappoint our guests.”
With the last word his hand came down in a loud smack against my skirt covered bottom. I was still so shocked I couldn’t say anything, until the next one landed close to the same spot.
“Oh!” the sound left my mouth in a gasp.
“Hmmm…I think you can do better than that.” His hand came down on the other cheek making me whimper as two more swats came quickly.
“So tell me my Bella…” his hand made contact once again, “…did you doubt my word?”
“Nooo,” I cooed as another swat landed on my bottom.
“No?” Edward asked skeptically with another swat. “That means you knew,” swat “what would happen?” swat
With each strike my bottom started to get warmer and as his hand ran over the area where it had just made contact I couldn’t stop the soft sounds of pleasure that left my mouth or the gathering wetness that was forming between my thighs.
“Ohhhh…” the word vibrated as my breathing was almost embarrassing while he rubbed both cheeks before swatting each one firmly making me squirm.
“I thought you would do it later.” The sentence came out of my mouth so fast it sounded like one big word.
“ohhh,” he groaned in understanding while rubbing my bottom. “I guess you were wrong.”
His hand came down quickly in two solid swats making me yelp. “Yeeeesss, I was wrong.”
“But you must have wanted the spanking.” The monotone sound of his voice was almost hypnotic as I sighed with the feel of another swat.
“Mmmmm,” I purred against his leg while my thighs rubbed together of their own accord.
“No, No, No. I’m afraid that’s not happening.” Edward’s hand gripped as much of my bottom as he could, squeezing it firmly. The feeling made me whimper even more before two well placed swats struck me across each cheek.
My body lay limply across his lap relishing the feeling of his large strong hands rubbing my well warmed bottom. This was my happy place as I’m sure the soft sighs coming from me could attest to. Apparently it was one of Edward’s happy places too because his very hard erection was poking me in my side. The pressure from his arm across my back lessened while his hand ran through the length of my hair.
“Are you happy now?” I could hear the grin in his voice.
Edward continued to stroke through my hair in a soothing manner as my hand which wrapped around his leg began to rub along his inner thigh. My movements becoming more purposeful while moving closer to the bulge that had to be uncomfortable. The angle I was in made it difficult, but my fingers were able to trace his hardness making him hiss.
“You’re going to get yourself in trouble.” Using both his hands Edward lifted so that I sat in his lap making me whimper slightly from the tingle of my butt sitting on his firm legs.
“I like that kind of trouble,” I told him through panting breaths shifting slightly so that my body rested fully against his. The movement caused my hip to press against a hard Little Eddie making him suck in a breath of air while his eyes grew dark with desire.
“I know you do, and I must admit I like you in that kind of trouble,” he placed a small kiss on my lips, “but there are people downstairs waiting for us.”
Oh Shit
“I forgot about them.”
Edward chuckled at my admission, “So easily distracted.”
“It’s not funny, what are they going to say?” I was mortified at the implication of him carrying me up the stairs. Plus the fact that I was sure my face must have been flushed from the surge of lust that he had created in me.
Edward was still grinning as he stood us up. “Come on let’s get down there, they won’t say anything.”
“Emmett?” He stopped walking to look at me.
“Well, Emmett might.”
Edward’s eyes scanned my appearance and a grin formed on his face. “Why don’t you go into the bathroom and freshen up, while I go down and give a proper welcome.”
“That bad?” I asked skeptically.
His grin became bigger, “Bella if there weren’t people downstairs, there is no way we would be leaving this bedroom.”
I couldn’t help the blush that crept over my face. Edward chuckled closing the space between us and placing a kiss on my lips. My arms wrapped around his neck as his hand squeezed my tender bottom making me moan unto his mouth. At the sound he pulled back looking at me with his dark eyes.
His hand cupped the side of my face, “Oh my Bella, the things I want to do to you. But they’re going to have to wait until later.”
He placed one more small kiss on my lips and as I turned he gave my bottom another swat making me yelp while he added, “Hurry up.”
Looking at my reflection in the mirror I realized that Edward was right. My face was indeed rosy with wild chaotic hair. Not too concerned with my face because I knew it would be beet red from my blushing, I concentrated on my hair. Running a brush through it didn’t help it at all, so I ended up securing the sides loosely with a clip in the back.
After straightening my skirt I made my way down the stairs not even looking into the living room where I could hear the men talking. Instead going into the kitchen where Rose was putting the prosciutto-wrapped scallops on a dish, while Jane was just finishing the strawberry brie puffs. When they heard me enter Rose gave me a smirk but Jane looked bewildered.
“Thank you for taking care of this.” Trying to ignore their curiosity I stirred the artichoke dip and then moved to get the sweet and sour sauce for the scallops out of the refrigerator.
Rose couldn’t take it anymore and started laughing, “What did you do?”
Still unable to meet their eyes I rearranged the crackers and chips for the dip, while my face burned, until I heard what sounded like grief in Jane’s voice, “Were you inattentive again Bella?”
I don’t know why but it was important to me that she not be disappointed with my actions so I figured I would let them know, “No I wasn’t inattentive,” smiling wickedly I told her exactly what I was. “I was downright naughty, on purpose.”
“Oh!” she gasped, while Rose laughed, and finally a sly smile crossed Jane’s face. “Well this one will admit that being naughty does tend to keep Master’s interest. However, this one does not know if she would be naughty before company came.”
“Well, I thought he would wait until later,” I admitted while putting a stack of dishes on the tray with the napkins.
Rose laughed again, but Jane always the voice of reason touched my arm making me look at her, “Now you know he won’t.”
I couldn’t help the giggle that came out as she smirked. Jane was right, next time I won’t make the same mistake. I realized that my hand was unconsciously rubbing the sensitive area and as I stopped the warm tingle made me rethink. Perhaps this is one lesson that I just might forget.
Everything was ready to get taken into the living room and they each took something to help me carry it in. My eyes immediately went to Edward’s as we entered, he had a grin on his face and he winked at me making me smirk as my face heated. Rose and Jane followed my lead putting the food they had carried down on the coffee table. Rose moved to sit next to her husband on the couch, while Jane fixed a plate.
After saying hello to Aro – who stood to greet me – my attention turned to Emmett waiting for some kind of comment, but all I got was a hello. Edward had poured me a glass of wine, handing it to me while I carefully perched myself on the arm of the chair he was in. My bottom was tender but not painful just slightly tingly.
While everyone ate, the talk focused on the preparations for the Anniversary party and Edward’s uncle Marcus coming in from Chicago. I had yet to meet him because apparently he and his wife Didyme didn’t come to Seattle very often, so when they did there was a lot of family activities. I knew that Esme was excited about her brother coming as that was the reason they were returning home early from the beach. There was talk about having a large family gathering the day after the party, but that hadn’t yet been confirmed.
Every now and then I could feel Emmett watching me, every time my eyes went in his direction he quickly looked away; needless to say it was making me very selfconscious. I knew he had something to say and I wished he would just spit it out and get it over with.
After a few more minutes of playing cat and mouse with him I couldn’t take it anymore and the next time he was caught staring I blurted out, “What? I know your trying really hard, but just say it Emmett!”
Emmett tilted his head slightly while he narrowed his eyes as if deep in thought. “How the fuck did you swallow that shit so fast last night?”
OK…sooo not what I thought he was going to say
I could feel my face heat up as he looked at me curiously while continuing, “Seriously, do you have extra muscles in your throat or something? Because the fastest time was…” he looked to Rose for conformation, “…what thirteen-something seconds?”
She nodded, “Thirteen-point-eight.”
“Yeah …. You did it in half the time,” his tone was one of astonishment.
Edward corrected him, “Eight is not half of thirteen Emmett.”
“Fucking close enough,” Emmett said before his eyes went back to mine. “That’s why the bid went so high, there was no way they thought you could do it that fast.”
“The bid went high because of Caius,” Edward said next to me, but Emmett never diverted his eyes from my face. He stood up reaching in his pocket and I wondered what the heck he was doing as he took a step in my direction.
“Open your mouth, let me see,” He said holding a small flashlight that was attached to his keys.
“No! Get the hell away from me!” I swatted my hand in his direction.
“Come on little Bella, let me see…” his voice was like a curious child’s whine.
Emmett looked kind of dejected that his curiosity was not going to be fulfilled, and as he turned to go back to the couch I felt kind of sorry for him. “Do you really want to know?”
“Yes,” his large form turned back to me so quickly bringing the flashlight back out of his pocket.
“Put that thing away, a demonstration would give you a better idea.” he seemed eager and I glanced at Rose.
“Would you go get the banana?” she was stunned for a moment but my smirk must have told her I was up to something because she started for the kitchen glancing back over her shoulder to give me a curious look, probably wondering what I was up to.
Putting my wine on the table I took the keys out of Emmett’s hands setting them next to my glass. “You won’t need them.”
I sort of eyed Emmett up before placing my hands on his forearms while looking up at his face. “Do you trust me?”
With those words I thought for sure he would have caught on to what I had planned, but he was either too anxious to satisfy his curiosity or he underestimated me because all he did was nod.
“Answer please.”
It was so hard not to laugh while looking into his eyes as he spoke, “I trust you.”
Rose was back peeling the banana as she stood next to her husband. I had wanted to use that for breakfast in the morning, but if this worked out it would be worth the loss. “Rose you be you, I’ll be me…” looking back up at his face I tried to keep my expression as serious as I could, “…and Emmett you have to get on your knees.”
Realization dawned on him along with everyone else in the room as Aro and Edward snickered. But poor Emmett looked pale, “What?”
I figured since I came this far I might as well continue. I tried to get that dark stern look and talk without laughing. “Don’t keep me waiting. Rose won’t be able to reach your mouth and I have to talk you through it so kneel,” adding the hand signal as I said the word.
Rose was silently giggling while Emmett’s eyes narrowed. I couldn’t take it anymore and I started to giggle as Emmett spat, “Fuck that shit! You two are not shoving a fucking banana down my throat like some god damn fake cock.”
I was laughing so hard there were tears in my eyes but poor Emmett wasn’t done, “Get down on my fucking knees…Kneel” he said the word like it left a nasty taste in his mouth adding the hand motion while he kept ranting as everyone else laughed.
“Edward take her back upstairs, she’s not done yet! Fucking kneel,” he was grumbling while he slumped back into the couch.
“I don’t know Emmett, she did that pretty damn good,” I looked at Edward and he winked.
“I did good?” my laughter was dying down and Edward smirked, “I think if I had been you Emmett, I would have knelt.”
“Yeah?” that piece of information excited me, but Edward shook his head giving me a look like ‘don’t-even-think-about-it’ as he firmly told me, “No!”
“Damn,” adding a snap for emphasis.
As I looked about the room I had once again forgot that there were other people here. Jane was still grinning and Aro was chuckling so I guess it was safe to say that everyone enjoyed the floor show. Everyone that is except Emmett, and I kind of felt bad about that, so walking to the back of the couch I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist and you walked right into it.”
“Yeah…yeah…yeah...don’t worry little Bella I’ll get you back,” he said patting my arm.
“I don’t doubt it,” I told him releasing my hold and taking the banana from Rose. Excusing myself I went into the kitchen to check on dinner, everything was done so after pulling the chicken out of the oven to allow it to rest I started putting the other stuff into serving bowls. The sound of the kitchen door swinging open made me turn to see who was there, and I smiled as Aro joined me.
“Isabella I don’t wish to disturb you, but may I speak with you for a minute?”
Not wanting to be rude I stopped what I was doing. “Yes Sir, do you need something?”
“No..no, please continue, I can talk while you work.” I asked him to give me a second while I took the Corn Pie out of the oven because I didn’t want him talking to my back. Once it was out I gave him my attention.
Eyeing the pie I had just removed he smiled at me warmly, “It’s nice to see you so carefree around everyone. You seem much more confident and I must admit it does me good to see that. You are young and need to laugh more.”
I giggled, “Emmett is easy to laugh with.”
Aro agreed with me with a slight nod of his head, “And Edward?”
“Edward is easy to laugh with too.”
“Good, it truly brings me joy to see you happy and carefree.”
“Well I don’t know about carefree…”
Aro spoke before I could finish, “Yes well, that is what I wanted to talk to you about. I was looking over my calendar for the upcoming month and I noticed that it was time to set up another meeting with the Financial Planner.”
Once I turned twenty-five my father had given me full rights to the trust he had started for me when my mother died. I had no idea what to do with such a large amount of money and I didn’t want to risk losing any of it. After speaking with Aro he had suggested that I meet with the man who handled his investments, even going so far as to set up the appointment and going with me. He had also taken the time to show me how to buy and sell stocks along with mutual funds, he told me that diversity was the best way to keep my investments safe. I was glad he was there to help me, growing up without money there was no need for me to understand market trends or Nasdec fluctuations. It’s not that it was hard to comprehend, but it was like learning a whole new language and I would have been lost without him, or worse - swindled out of what I had.
“Anyway, I know that you had asked me to go along with you, and I was wondering if you still needed me to do that?”
“Well,” I told him while getting the green beans into a serving bowl. “I’ve been doing some investing on my own; and I’ve actually made a little bit of money.”
I was proud of that and it appeared he was too, “Good for you Ms Swan. It’s not that hard it just requires a little know how and diligence.” He was right that it wasn’t hard once I’d been shown how.
Aro was watching me waiting for an answer. I didn’t feel comfortable enough to go alone yet, but I knew that he was a busy man and I didn’t want to bother him. “If you don’t have the time…”
“No, that’s not it,” he said shaking his head. “I would make the time. But I didn’t know if you were thinking of having Edward attend the meeting with you.”
“Oh…does Edward know what he’s doing?”
Aro laughed at my question. “I believe that he uses a different representative but from the same firm and he would be more then competent to consult with you.”
How did I not know this? I knew that Edward talked about having a trust fund, but in all honesty the topic of his personal finances have never come up in our conversations. The only time we discussed money was when I would get upset over his need to pay for everything.
Aro clarified his meaning, “As I said, I wouldn’t mind going with you, but I ask that Edward be made aware of my involvement. In all honesty though, I pass you off into very capable hands.” The grin on his face made me smile.
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” I asked him with humor.
“Would I do that?” the smile on his face made me giggle as he laughed along with me and then he spoke, “You let me know…”
Aro didn’t get to completely finish his statement because the kitchen door swung open to an almost angry Edward. His eyes were narrowed and there was a look of confusion on his face as he glanced between his uncle and me. “What’s so funny?”
Shaking my head I laughed once more, “Nothing.”
That answer didn’t seem to set well with Edward, “Something must be pretty damn humorous for you to both be in here alone, laughing your asses off!”
I stared at him in disbelief. He sounded …jealous.
Aro chuckled under his breath, “I’ll tell everyone dinner is ready.” As he left I think he mumbled something that sounded like ‘very capable hands’ but I couldn’t be sure because my focus was on the disgruntled man staring at me.
“Edward will you bring the chicken to the table?” I asked picking up the Corn Pie with the hot mitts.
“Bella, I want to know what the fuck you were doing in here.”
“Are you serious?” It was a stupid question because I could tell that he was.
“You two are in here alone having a little tae-ta-tae, laughing and carrying on like…” a sternness crossed his features. “My uncle is not the laughing kind.”
That comment caught me off guard. Aro is a disciplined man who takes his business and responsibilities very seriously. However, he is also thoughtful, compassionate and has a witty sense of humor. I wanted to say something to alleviate Edward’s tension but I really didn’t have time to explain the whole thing at that moment.
“He just asked me a question and I promise we will talk about it later, right now my dinner is getting cold.”
“You’re fucking right. We will talk about it sooner rather than later.”
I stared at him in shock while he picked the chicken up off the counter. “If I didn’t know any better I would swear you were jealous of your uncle.”
Edward stopped mid-step turning to look at me, “Bella you and Aro have some kind of strange relationship that I don’t fully understand. He seems almost protective of you, like …”
He didn’t finish instead shaking his head, “we’ll talk about it later.”
I stood there for a brief moment watching as he passed through the door right before Jane came in followed by Rose. They each picked up the remaining serving bowls off the counter and followed me into the dining room. Once everything was on the table Edward held my chair out for me, placing a kiss on my head as I slid back in. I looked at the gesture as a sign that he wasn’t really mad just in need of a deeper understanding of the relationship I had with Aro.
There were compliments about how good everything looked while Edward carved the chicken. Emmett wondered why there was pie on the table and I had to explain what it was. Telling them that it was a family favorite and when I was younger whenever Sue made baked chicken, corn pie was always served with it. There were also lots of dinners when it was the meal all by itself. My father would only eat it with a little extra butter but everyone else would put warm milk on top of it. Getting myself a serving with a ladle of milk the others at the table were at least willing to try it.
The talk at the dinner table revolved around more family preparations for a while, but soon they returned to the last night’s events.
“Honestly Bella, I have no idea how you did not smack that girl.”
I knew that Rose was just standing up for me, but in all honesty I was of the mind that violence was never the answer. “To tell you the truth, had she not grabbed my arm I would have just left without giving her the satisfaction of a reply.”
“Jessica laid her hands on you?” Aro seemed incensed by that piece of information. I truly wanted to drop the whole thing and tried to play off his question.
“It was nothing really.”
Edward placed his hand on my thigh under the table giving it a small squeeze as he spoke, “I had asked Emmett to keep an eye on Bella, but he can’t very well go into the bathroom with them.”
“That’s not the point Edward. No one should have to keep an eye on her or anyone else. If there is one place that a person should feel safe from being accosted it’s at New Moon.”
I spoke up as quickly as I could, “I felt safe…”
Aro’s eyes narrowed with intensity and I could feel the anxiety rolling off him, “I have a meeting with Mr. Newton tomorrow afternoon; I assure you this will be taken care of.”
My meal suddenly became very interesting and I wished that Aro would just let it go. Keeping my eyes down I spoke my concerns. “Don’t you think it will be better to not make a big deal out of it?”
My voice wasn’t very strong because I will admit Aro can be intimidating but I was sure he could hear me. Edward spoke up, “I promised Bella that I wouldn’t do anything this time.”
Chancing a glance at Aro he was considering Edward’s words and again I hoped that he would drop it. The whole situation made me uncomfortable. I didn’t like to think that my presence would cause anyone to get into trouble. I also thought that retaliation would only spur more unwanted attention in my direction. However I guess Aro didn’t see it that way.
“And so you shall keep your word, however I made no such promise nor would I ever. New Moon is my club, my rules, my code of conduct.” Aro’s eyes met mine his expression was very serious.
“I just don’t want to be the cause…” Aro eyes narrowed and I wasn’t sure if it was because I spoke or if it was what I said, but he was not happy.
“Isabella, it doesn’t matter to me if it is you, Rose, or a stranger off the street. Every action good, bad or indifferent has a consequence. I will not allow an assault that took place in my club to go by the way side. Now, are you going to sit there and tell me that you started the altercation?”
“No sir…I didn’t even know who she was. She just came in and started yelling about being third fiddle and it was all my fault…”
“Third Fiddle?” Emmett asked at the same time Edward spoke, “You didn’t tell me that.”
I shrugged looking to him, “I didn’t know it mattered.”
“Does Newton have a woman?” Edward’s question was directed towards his brother who shrugged and Rose spoke up, “I never seen him with one, but I didn’t even know he was with Jess until last night.”
“Maybe Newton has a man,” Emmett pondered.
While they were discussing Mike Newton’s personal life my thoughts went back to the matter at hand. I was still of the mind that any kind of retribution on my behalf would appear to be Aro’s attempt of protecting me. That would only cause more scandal and I just wanted it to stop. It was clear that going to the club was something that Edward enjoyed and to be honest so did I, when we could be left alone. I wanted to try and get Aro to understand that I believed he was adding fuel to the fire.
My eyes met Aro’s he seemed calm so I thought I would take a chance, “Sir, I know that you are angry,” His eyebrows raised and before he could cut me off again I added quickly, “But if I could please just say one more thing.”
From the corner of my eye I could see Edward’s head turn towards me while Emmett chuckled muttering, “little Bella is getting feisty.”
“Go on.”
Knowing that I had to tread lightly with Aro I tried to word my concerns very carefully. “I know that it is your club and your rules and that you have every right to enforce them as you see fit. However, don’t you think that certain people will see it as you only doing it as a way of shielding me? Caius already has made comments and it might just make him think he is right.”
“Are you done?”
“Yes Sir.”
Aro nodded once, “Before I answer, allow me to ask you some questions. In reference to my anger, what did I tell you was the number one trait a dominant must process?”
I knew where he was going to go with his question but I answered anyway, “Self-control.”
“Because if he can’t control himself, he can’t be expected to control others.”
Aro smiled, “I taught you well Ms. Swan.” At his words the hand Edward had on my leg squeezed me tightly, and Aro continued. “I am now the same as I always am, in total control of my anger, so you can dispel that notion from your pretty little head. However, would you not agree that there is a difference between uncontrolled rage and justified ire?”
I didn’t say anything at first, instead nervously biting my lip but he continued to stare at me waiting for an answer. “Yes Sir, there is a difference.”
Aro seemed pleased with my answer as he leaned forward slightly as if to close the distance between us, “As far as what Caius or anyone else thinks about my motives…” he got a distant look in his eyes before asking me, “Do you remember what I told you when you were going to quit school?”
“You were going to quit?” Edwards question caused me to momentarily break my attention away from Aro to answer him. I spoke the words in a hushed whisper, “It was a bad time.”
I didn’t want to get into the whole situation sitting at the dinner table, but I did contemplate not continuing with my education. It was right after James had attacked me in my home. I was a mess, not sleeping, not eating, and on most days afraid to leave my house yet fearful of being there alone. I had taken a full semester off returning to a part-time status and even with going throughout the summers it took me an extra year to get done. I was so worn out from the stress and all the anti-depressants that I was finding it difficult to function normally, and even more difficult to focus on my studies. I had thrown myself into working at the center as a means to try and forget but the twice-weekly counseling session always brought it back. I was so distraught with all that happened, doubting myself and my ability to have a normal life that I just couldn’t see the purpose of continuing.
“It was a bad time,” Aro commented before he asked, “But what were my words to you Isabella?”
I couldn’t help the emotion that welled up inside of me at the memory; it was such a dark time in my life. Everyone was coddling me, but Aro didn’t do that, he understood my pain but yet he was the only one who expected me to rise above it. The thought of his words brought tears to my eyes.
“You told me to dig deep, find the strength or else I’d only hurt myself and I’d allow him to prevail.” Aro had said more in his eloquent wording but that was the gist of his advice. He raised one eyebrow at my acknowledgement of his words
“It is the same thing Ms. Swan, although a different situation. You are a passive person, a quality that I greatly admire in you. Also a quality that I am sure is the reason you remained alive and sane during all those years of being with that man – and I use the term loosely - because in my opinion he should be strung up with his balls cut off and shoved down his throat.”
Aro took a deep breath before he continued, “But being passive doesn’t mean weak, nor does it imply fearfulness. It doesn’t matter what anyone says or thinks, they have no bearing upon my life or yours. Caius is not the first one to think that the relationship we share is something more than a platonic endeavor of someone who has more wisdom bestowing it to someone who wishes to know it, and he is not the last.” His eyes shifted to Edward who I could feel stiffen at my side.
I couldn’t think about Edward’s reaction because a thought occurred to me. “There was someone else?”
Aro chuckled humorlessly, “Ah Ms. Swan, sometimes your innocence in the ways of man is refreshing. To you there would not be any connotation of indecency of a man meeting with a beautiful young woman on a regular basis. But, I would venture to guess that everyone at this table would think differently.”
I didn’t even get to answer before Emmett spoke, “I would think you were getting some.”
My mouth dropped in shock and as I looked around the table Rose was nodding her head, Jane had her eyes down, and Edward was staring at me. “I thought he was.”
“How could you?” I asked, shocked.
“I didn’t know who you were Bella, but I knew that Aro was working with a female graduate student,” he shrugged explaining.
“Jane,” Aro’s voice broke through the feeling of unease I suddenly felt.
My eyes fell on the woman across the table from me. “This girl didn’t know you Bella. All she knew was what Master told her. That you were smart, pretty and young, half this girl’s age and fresh, so very fresh.”
I could feel my mouth drop open, “Jane you thought…” I couldn’t even say the words. “…ohhh…my god. That’s just …” I shuddered.
“Well thank you very much Ms. Swan,” Aro’s words made it sound like he was wounded but his chuckle told me otherwise.
“You know what I mean. You’re a handsome man but…I think of you as my uncle or something like that.”
He smiled, “I understand, but do you see what I’m saying about what people think? Everyone at this table knows me, and yet they can think the worst, so it doesn’t really matter what outsiders say.” he paused before continuing
“Personally I have never been of the mind to have a harem. I find the whole thing to be distracting and much more trouble than it is worth. I could not imagine the tribulations of dealing with different personalities, regulating each one’s progress while attempting to keep correction at a minimum.”
Aro sighed shaking his head “No that is not for me. I have one slave who makes me very happy. She is also my wife and I take that vow very seriously as everybody should. Besides, as Jane has said you are very fresh, and I wouldn’t want to go through those hell years ever again.”
Emmett and Edward chuckled, I wanted to ask what he meant by hell years but Aro went on talking. I don’t know if he guessed at my question but as he spoke he answered it for me. “I suppose fresh can be fun and exciting, but it is also exhausting. I am too old and set in my ways to take on such an endeavor. I do not have the patience, desire, or stamina to take on one so new.”
I wasn’t sure if I should be relieved or offended. Emmett’s comment ended my debate, “He’s saying you’re a brat.”
I gasped while Edward chuckled, “Bella is not a brat,” at the same time Aro commented, “I didn’t say that.”
His attention turned from Emmett to me, “All I’m saying is that people can think what they want but personally I wouldn’t have the energy to…carry a squirming young woman up the stairs to do what needs doing.”
Rose was snickering but it was the sound of Edward’s laugh that caused me to quickly elbow him in the ribs, “Owe!”
It appeared that while I was in shock from the knowledge that everyone at the table assumed Aro and I were having an affair, being referred to as a loaf of wonder bread, and compared to a monstrous two year old, everyone else had finished eating. As I started to gather some of the plates, Jane automatically started to help but Edward stopped her. “I got it.”
In the kitchen I turned on the coffee pot while Edward set the plates he had carried down on the counter before wrapping his arms around my waist. “I’m not talking to you.”
Edward chuckled in my ear, “Yes you are.”
“No I’m not,” I tried to sound indignant.
“Uh...” I could hear the grin in his voice, “…I think I hear something, but it can’t be my Bella because she is not talking to me.”
“I’m serious Edward.”
He gasped, “There it is again!”
Turning in his arms to face him, “Can you at least pretend to let me be mad at you?”
“Oh Bella, if you want to pretend something I can think of a lot better ideas then that.”
The mischievous look in his eye made me giggle. I wasn’t really mad at him, he hadn’t done anything wrong. Rising up to my toes my lips met his as my body melted against him while his hands on my back held me tightly. I started the kiss and I broke it, pulling back from him with one more small kiss. The look on his face was so compelling words didn’t need to be said because I knew that he loved me.
The coffee pot finished and I moved away from Edward to put it on the tray that had everything I would need for dessert, including a cup of herbal tea for Rose. He carried the heavier tray while I took the cake stand.
While we were in the kitchen someone had brought all the stuff from the living room to the table. I assumed that they didn’t bring it into the kitchen to allow Edward and me a private moment. He had cut me a small piece of cake and I was glad that Aro knew right away that it was his mother’s recipe. It was simply delicious and the fact that he knew meant that I must have gotten it right.
Once they were done, the men went into the living room to talk while the three of us cleaned up the dishes and then sat in the kitchen. I had let Seth in – he had been outside while we ate – and he was situated under my chair while we talked.
There was an uncomfortable feeling that needed to be taken away. “Jane, you know that I never would have done …”
She smiled at me, “This girl knows Bella. She thought those things before she had any contact with you. Once she started speaking with you she knew the kind of person you were.”
Her words made me feel better but she still didn’t seem herself. “Remember this one told you that a person’s true self always comes out. They can hide for a small amount of time, but eventually their true intentions are made known.” I nodded while she took ahold of my hand.
“Years ago when Master first started speaking with you, this girl became …a brat. She thought that if Master wanted fresh then she would be that girl and she was naughty on purpose, to get a reaction. After hearing Master talk tonight, this one is ashamed of her behavior. But that has nothing to do with you, it was her own insecurities.” Her words surprised me, because Jane always seems so sure of herself and her role.
“It doesn’t matter how long you are together, there will always be a time when you doubt your own worth or place in their life.” Jane let go of my hand to answer Rose’s comment.
“Yes, that’s very true Rose, because under it all we are just women who love our men and the thought of losing them is sometimes too much to bear. It is only made harder when you have no understanding from those around you. Because outsiders feel that your lifestyle is wrong and they are constantly waiting for it to fall apart. Any marriage or relationship can be complicated enough without adding in what we choose to add.” Jane looked between the two of us as she finished her thoughts.
“Having someone to talk to is a big help, that’s why this girl always says to come talk to her, and talk to each other. Those on the outside who don’t approve are going to ostracize you, make snide comments that can be hurtful. Don’t allow them to deter you. Master’s advice to Bella about finding strength and not letting others prevail over you, that holds true to this life also. It might be friends, it might be family, and unfortunately it will probably be someone whom you never thought would turn their back on you, simply because they don’t understand or approve.” There was a sadness in her voice and I wondered who it was that had done that to her.
“Now,” Jane smiled. “Enough about that stuff, let’s talk about something less serious.” The three of us talked about Rose’s plans for the nursery and the fact that she was going for her ultrasound on Friday. She would be eighteen weeks along and hoped that they could learn the sex of the baby. Both women had asked for my Corn Pie Recipe which I gave them and it wasn’t much time after that the men were done and everyone was getting ready to leave.
Standing at the door they all thanked us for dinner, Aro said he would see Edward in the morning but he hugged me goodbye telling me to have a nice time while we were away. Jane gave my hand a squeeze as she walked by me, I knew what she meant. Rose hugged me, saying she would see me on Sunday and not to worry too much about Forks. Emmett had the remaining cake in one hand while hugging me with the other reminding me that he owes me one.
When the door was shut and the alarm set I slipped my shoes off letting out a sigh of relief while Edward chuckled,“That bad?”
“Oh…you have no idea,” I told him walking to the kitchen to put away the few items I had pulled out while the three of us talked at the table. Edward brought in the glasses from the living room; I told him to just put them in the sink that I would wash them in the morning. Seth went out one more time before we turned out the lights and headed up to bed.
It’s amazing how routine nightly rituals have become for Edward and me, standing in our underwear while brushing our teeth, peeing while the other is in the shower. In all the years that I was with James there was never that comfort zone where I felt at ease enough to be human around him. In the month that I have been with Edward my ability to relax and be myself has grown extraordinarily, to the point where I don’t even think he would care if I farted.
“What are thinking?” his eyes were watching me in the mirror after spitting out the toothpaste.
Spitting myself, I giggled because there was no way I was telling him about my fart theory, “Nothing.”
Rinsing my mouth and putting my toothbrush back in the holder I caught his eyes in the mirror watching me with a curious look. Wiping my hands and mouth on the towel I left him to finish while I removed my under things for bed. Edward rounded the doorway just as I was getting ready to put a nightshirt over my head. Grabbing it out of my hands he stated, “I think we have something to finish.”
“What?” I asked innocently.
“You know what I’m talking about,” The twinkle in his eyes was making my breath hitch as the familiar stir started to form in my belly, while I shook my head, “I don’t know what you are referring to.”
Edward chuckled, “Well then I guess I will give you a minute to think about it.”
As he turned towards his dresser I smacked him lightly on the ass and burst out laughing when he looked back at me in shock. Edward’s arms reached out to grab me, but I squealed jumping out of the way and quickly darting over the bed leaving him standing on the other side.
Edward got that playful smirk on his face while beckoning me with his finger, “Come here Bella.”
“Ummm….No,” I said shaking my head.
He moved around to the end of the bed coming in my direction so I hopped on top of it, every time Edward moved one way I took a step in the opposite He raised one eyebrow in an attempt to compel me to stay still. “Bella?”
I was feeling a little smug at the situation so I shook my head in a cocky fashion drawing out his name, “Ed…war…d?”
I tried to keep my eyes on his movements to see which way he was going to go and I figured that with the raised footboard there was no way he could come at me from the bottom of the bed. But I was wrong. One second I was standing and the next his hand shot out so fast that I didn’t have time to react as I landed face down on the bed. I tried to scurry across to the other side but Edward had a hold of my foot and was pulling me towards him.
“Now what are you going to do?” he asked through his laugher.
I was laughing so hard but still trying to get free as my hands gripped the comforter to try and crawl away. That only brought my ass up in the air giving Edward the perfect target. His hand came down in a loud smack.
“OH!” I yelp through my laughter while Edward chuckled wrapping his other hand around my waist holding me in position.
“You should have come to me my Bella,” his voice was still playful however the swat was not.
“Oh, damn!” my hands were still clawing at the blankets as another swat landed.
“Ow!” I yelled through the laughter trying to dislodge myself from his grip.
“My-my,” Edward chuckled, “you are a naughty girl tonight.” He leaned over my body and his breath whispered hot against my neck, “what happens to naughty girls Bella?”
The tingle rippled through me as I sucked in a deep breath that left me in a whimper, “ahh…they get kissed?”
“Hmmmmm….” Edward hummed as his nosed skimmed down the length of my spine rubbing his stubble over my bottom before he bit down hard on my right cheek.
“Damn!” I gasped then let out a whimper as his hand skimmed along my spine and wrapped tightly around my hair. Edward tugged making me lift my head as he once again leaned over to speak against my neck. “I think that was the wrong answer Bella.”
Oh fuck
“That’s right, naughty girls get fucked.”
I was still contemplating the fact that I had thought out loud when I realized that Edward was positioned behind me between my open thighs. One second I was breathing heavy with need, and the next I was screaming out as he filled me.
Maintaining his hold on my hair with his other hand holding my hip, he kept me from moving as he thrust hard and fast in and out of me. It didn’t take long before my breathing became erratic and Edward growled through his own heavy breath, “Is that what you want Bella? You want to be fucked?”
“Yes!…God yes! Fuck me…”
He felt so good slamming into me and the room became filled with moans and flesh meeting flesh. His hand seemed to grip my hair tighter making me arch my back, but he never slowed his pace.
I could feel the pressure building and I panted out my need, “More…Hard …Please…”
His fingers dug harder into my hip and I knew there would be a bruise there but I didn’t care. It felt so good to be taken with such fierceness that all I could think about was the surges of pleasure running through my body.
Edward was grunting with each thrust the sound of his pleasure along with the pain of the grip he had on my hair was making the tightening in my stomach almost unbearable. I wanted to cry out for more but I couldn’t seem to get my voice. All I could do was take what he was giving me and enjoy it.
“Fuck Bella,” he growled slamming into as he came making me scream out as he took me over the edge with him. The warm tingle shooting through me caused the euphoric high that was better than any drug I ever had.
I was lightheaded from heaving breaths and my limbs felt like Jell-O. The grip he had on my hip eased but he held my hair moving my head to the side while he leaned over my back. My breathing was still coming in quick short pants matching his while me growled in my ear, “See what happens when you run away from me?”
Whimpering as his teeth sunk into my shoulder sending aftershocks through me I made up my mind to run more often.
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