Unable to sleep, I was sitting on the chair in the corner of my room looking over the papers that I had copied from the club. I was calling Weiss in the morning to give him a rundown of all that had happened over the weekend along with a few more people for him to investigate. Making my list of occurrences so I wouldn’t forget anything while trying to figure out how it all pieced together.
There had to be a connection, the missing alcohol, the break-in, the altered sign in book, it all had to come together somehow. The sign in book was what really had me baffled. I told Aro years ago that the sign in should be computerized, but he insisted that a lot of the members would not be comfortable with that. They were either technically challenged or worried about someone hacking into their private information.
So out of nostalgia he decided to go the old school route with a giant monstrosity of a book reminiscent of some secret society. Each year a new book was purchased and each year his signature was the first one in there. I suppose that would have been alright except it’s all done in pencil.
The first few years that the club was in operation black ink was used in the book. However there were so many mistakes made of people signing in under the wrong name that Aro decided a pencil should be used. The members are not to erase, if a mistake occurs they are to bring it to his attention and he corrects the book. Well looking over the papers in my hand it was clear that hasn’t been happening. The question I had was; what the hell did any of this have to do with Bella?
As I thought her name she mumbled something in her sleep, looking over at her she was laying on her side facing me. I had loosened the slack on the rope that kept her tethered to my bed so she would be more comfortable. The restraints around her wrist kept her hands together while they lay softly against the pillow in an almost angelic pose.
My own angel sent from heaven, pale skin stood out in contrast to the dark brown sheet that concealed her from breast to thigh. Her knees slightly relaxed in a bent position while her ankle restraints kept her securely positioned to the bed. She was absolutely beautiful and I wondered how in the world I had lived so long without her.
Bella made me so proud with the way she carried herself and her obedience she was incredible to watch. Emmett had brought a disgruntled Caius into the office while Aro and I were discussing what to do about the sign-in book and Mike’s apparent tampering. I really just wanted to finish up our conversation so I could take Bella home for her reward. Emmett pulled me to the side saying that Jess was out in the other room and she was angry because Bella had yelled at her.
That piece of information surprised me. “Why would Bella start a confrontation with Jessica?”
Emmett laughed at my question clapping my shoulder, “Dude, I have no idea …” he laughed harder, “…but she’s pissed.”
Oh Fuck … so much for Bella’s reward …
“Bring her in,” I groaned looking to my uncle who seemed to be enjoying my irritation.
Jessica sat in the chair closest to the side of the desk I was leaning on. She kept shifting position in what I could only assume to be an attempt to get my attention. Caius was upset that Bella refused to speak to him, even after he demanded an answer. That made me angry.
“Isabella is my collared submissive, you have no right to demand anything of her.”
“Edward…” the calmness was rolling off him as he spoke, “I was just asking the girl a simple question, however she did not even acknowledge my presence.”
That’s my girl
With a sigh I looked to Jess but it was Aro who asked, “And what can we do for you?”
“I was attacked in the bathroom.”
“By Isabella?” the disbelief Aro had was plain as day.
“Yes. She was very rude to me.”
Aro gave me another smirk before moving to sit behind his desk and I asked Emmett to call Rose so they could come in and straighten this out. I wasn’t concerned about Caius, she had done exactly as I directed. It was Jess’ complaint that had me at a loss. I couldn’t imagine Bella starting an argument but even if she was provoked and responded she would need to be punished.
Emmett opened the door for them and Rose stood next to her husband while Bella immediately came and presented herself. She looked a little worried so I figured I would take care of Caius first. After answering my questions I let Caius know that she was only following my instructions about not talking to anyone. Jess decided it was a good time to chime in and when I looked at Bella I could tell she was not happy about that.
I wanted to once again set Caius straight about him leaving Isabella alone, but I gave him a chance to ask her anything he wanted to know. He didn’t like that I used the phrase ‘attacked’ and I was proud that Bella remained quiet when he tried to goad her into answering him. The anger in me returned as Bella told Aro what was said to her and it totally pissed me off that he insinuated that my girl took money for sex.
Apparently Aro wasn’t happy about that either because he calmly but thoroughly admonished Caius’s actions. Reminding him once again to mind his own business and if he had any questions or concerns about Aro’s affairs he should just ask him, rather than bother Isabella. Caius wasn’t happy at the thought of sanctions; he would lose his standing in the club and with the other members. He left the room very unhappy and although I hoped, I knew we hadn’t heard the last from him.
Aro was angry not only with Caius but with Jess because it was clear that whatever Mike was up to, she was a part of it. I didn’t know how much of a part or if she was knowingly participating. She certainly didn’t have the brain capacity to be the mastermind, but still she should know better than to get herself involved in anything illicit.
Excusing himself Aro and Jane left the room but before shutting the door he turned and grinned at me like the Cheshire Cat. I would have to ask him later what he found so damn funny about the situation. Emmett had a large smile on his face too, Rose just looked mad as hell.
Standing from where I was leaning against the desk, I figured I’d better get it over with and I hoped upon all hope that I wouldn’t have to punish Bella. I had so wanted to reward her. Bella was still looking at the floor when I spoke.
“Isabella did you speak to Jessica?”
“No Master.”
As soon as the words left her mouth Jess yelled, “Liar!”
I needed Bella to look at me, I don’t think she ever openly lied to me and I remember Leah saying that I would know immediately if she ever did. Locking our eyes so I could see Bella’s reaction I asked Jess to tell me what was said.
I could see Bella trying to contain the anger as Jess told her story of how Bella yelled at her as soon as she came in the bathroom. How she was mad and called Jess a bitch, threatening to hurt her and saying that Jess was nothing and she didn’t care if anything bad happened to her.
As I listened I knew that Jess was exaggerating quite a bit, I knew Bella would never openly start a conflict. She also would not threaten anyone with bodily harm unless there was a good reason. However, my girl must have said something because I couldn’t imagine Jess making everything up. So keeping her gaze I worded my question very carefully.
“Are you telling me that Jessica is making all that up?”
“No Master.”
Son of a bitch, she did talk to her and worse than that she lied to me.
“Then you did speak with her,” my tone was harsh. I wanted her to know how disappointed I was with her. However, I was completely baffled by her answer.
“No Master.”
How could she still deny disobedience?
“Isabella I would suggest that you explain yourself. How is it that you can stand there claiming to be innocent yet she’s telling the truth? ”
Bella’s eyes held mine without so much as a blink as she took a deep breath and started to explain, “Master your girl did say those things…” I had to clamp my mouth shut to keep myself calm until I heard the rest.
“…however, she was speaking to Rosalie; it is not your girls fault if Jessica was eavesdropping on our private conversation.”
Eavesdropping? My girl is diabolical.
I didn’t know if I should laugh or be worried about how devious she could be. I had to let Bella know of my conflict.
“That screams of semantics Isabella.”
She continued to look at me like she was proud of the way she handled the situation. Jess irritated me with her sarcastic comment, “Yes Semantics,” and I glared at her wondering if she even knew what the word meant only to have her protest, “She called me a bitch Edward.”
Jess said my name like I was supposed to protect her or something. When I looked back at Bella the pain and hurt in her eyes freaking tore me apart. All I wanted to do was take her in my arms and make the pain go away. It was in that moment that I knew whatever was said in that bathroom was meant to wound her and I loathed Jess for that. One thing was for sure, there was no way I was going to cause Bella any more pain by giving Jess more attention then I already did.
“Jess you can go back out to Mike, tell him that if he has a problem with what happened I’ll be here another fifteen minutes so he can come talk to me on his break.” I wanted to make it perfectly clear that I knew she was in some way involved with Mike. I also wanted to give him a chance to come talk to me. But more importantly I never took my eyes off of Bella because I wanted her to know that she was more important to me than anyone else.
Jess left completely unsatisfied telling me that she would tell Mike. Her comment confirming that they were somehow together. To be honest I didn’t think he cared but I was going to give him the fifteen minutes to prove me wrong. I showed Emmett what I had found out and when I looked back at Bella she still hadn’t moved nor had the pain left her eyes. For the first time in my life I was saddened by my previous lifestyle. I wished it would have been different so that Bella wouldn’t have to suffer from the backlash of the women who meant nothing to me other than getting me off.
After waiting with no sign of Mike we left Aro’s office. I was just going to head out but I wanted to get Mikes reaction, and it was exactly what I expected. The thing was I couldn’t imagine why he would deny their involvement. It had nothing to do with me, even if I didn’t have Bella I wouldn’t care if Jess was with him, so why downplay it?
The sound of Bella’s sleepy voice brought my attention back to her face as she murmured my name once more adding “my master.”
There was no doubt in my mind that I was unequivocally hers, the woman owned me in a way that I never thought was possible. There is nothing she could ask of me that I wouldn’t do for her. I thought about the gift I had ordered for her and I hoped it was ready before we left for our trip. It was just a simple anklet of tiny silver bells, nothing in comparison to the gift she had given me.
I really wasn’t paying attention to the trivia game. Angela had come around for drink orders and I was keeping an eye on Mike. I knew the girls were getting a lot of correct answers and they laughed while standing in a huddle. It was nice to know that Bella was having a good time considering how much she didn’t want to be at the club. Emmett’s yelling alerted me to the fact that they had won.
“Yo Bro, this is going to be interesting,” my brother said nudging me with his shoulder. I had to agree with him, hoping that their challenge wasn’t too demanding because I wasn’t sure Bella was ready for that. In fact I wasn’t sure that Bella was ready for any public display.
Jane handed Ron the paper as he read, “Deep Shot.”
“Oh man, we’re going to get a firsthand look at the banana training,” Emmett seemed very excited about the idea then sounded kind of sad, “it won’t be Rosie.”
I knew they only used low alcohol content liquors but still Rose was pregnant and she couldn’t have any shots. The girls seemed to be debating about something, Bella looked like she was confused and then Ron said something to them right before she started frantically shaking her head.
Rose spoke to Ron and then he announced. “She needs permission.”
Emmett spoke under his breath, “Holy fuck little Bella is going to do it.”
In a split second decision I yelled, “Granted,” and then wondered if I made the right choice as the girls got back into their huddle. However I had to admit that I was excited about the prospect of Bella doing a pubic scene. I thought that it might be a good starting point for her and with me on the outside looking in; it would give me an opportunity to see what we had to work on.
Rose took the container from Ron and Bella took a few steps away from where they were standing. She looked completely at ease keeping her eyes down with her back and chin straight as she gracefully sank to the floor to get in her waiting position. I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she clasped her hands behind her back forcing her breasts to thrust out.
Waiting on the floor in front of over two hundred people Bella was calm and serene. Her face was as impassive as it would have been had we been alone. The depth of her submission was completely obvious to everyone in the room.
Jane came forward placing a hand on top of Bella’s head, yet she had no reaction while she stayed perfectly still. I was mesmerized watching my Bella stay true to her training, not a flinch or a hitch in her breath as Jane touched, kissed and stroked her skin and hair. She was magnificent and she was mine.
Rose circled around both of them, leaning over to whisper in Jane’s ear telling her the next move to make on Bella. Jane tugged on her hair and tipped her chin up, while Bella showed no sign of fear or self-consciousness. I knew it was an act and that was my aunt with my girl and sister-in-law but it was erotic as hell, made all the more so because of Bella’s show of obedience.
Ron started the bidding at thirty seconds with a five hundred dollar bid; Rose spoke in Jane’s ear. Jane nodded then ran the outside of her fingers over Bella’s jaw and down her throat before skimming them across the exposed skin her chest stopping once she got to the black lace that lined the top of the corset. My Bella stayed so still that the pride in me welled up so much I thought I would fucking burst.
The bid went to one thousand Rose moved around to stand behind Jane once more tugging her hair to force her to look up. Jane opened her mouth to take the shots and I thought she was going to do it until Rose shook her head pulling the alcohol back away and motioning with her chin towards Bella. Someone yelled three thousand for ten seconds, I couldn’t tell who. My eyes were glued to the spectacular woman on the floor. Bella was so secure in her submission, that she had not faltered one little bit.
Rose tipped Bella’s chin higher giving the command, “Open.”
Bella didn’t bat an eye lash as she complied taking the holder into her mouth. I could see the muscles in her throat moving as she worked the contents out of it. I tried to count wondering if she could do it in that amount of time. I knew that my girl had skills when it came to using her mouth but ten seconds didn’t seem very long. Before I could completely comprehend how long it had been the holder was being thrust back out. There were a few gasps and some ‘damns’ being said as Ron announced eight-point-three seconds.
“Holy fuck,” Emmett muttered next to me, but I didn’t answer because my feet were propelling me towards her. Before I could get there a luscious blush broke out over her face and chest making her all the more endearing. As I offered my hand to her I felt a slight hint of jealousy because she had just done her first public scene without me, but it was over shadowed by the growing feeling of pride. She had just shown the whole room what I see in her every day, the gift of her submission to me, a gift that I truly treasured.
A whimper left her drawing my full attention back to the bed. Bella squirmed around like she was trying to get into a comfortable position and I couldn’t stay away from her any longer. Turning out the light, I climbed back into bed pulling the comforter up over us. Bella’s head snuggled into my chest settling back into a peaceful sleep. I still had so many things on my mind but with my girl where she belonged I was able to put them away for the night and sleep.
Bella’s movement brought me out of a deep sleep, but it wasn’t until my brain registered a handful of breast that I fully woke up. She had turned so we were spooning causing my dick to be pressed up against her ass. Trailing a line of soft kisses down her neck while my hand drew circles around a nipple I chuckled at the moan.
“What time is it?” Her sleepy voice broke the silence and I glanced over my shoulder telling her it was almost eight o’clock. Bella let out a sigh of protest.
My lips moved across her neck capturing her earlobe and tugging it before speaking softly, “I was thinking…we could delay your liberation and you let me do naughty things to your body for just a little while longer.”
“Mmm…” she purred, “maybe.”
“Maybe?” I growled while she giggled as my hand slipped down between her thighs.
“Mmmm…that’s cheating.”
It might be but I would never admit to it, “No, this…” my fingers started to move through her slickness, “…is persuasion.”
Bella’s hips moved against my hand, “I’m going to miss my workout.”
“I’ll give you a workout,” I assured her with a hiss as her bottom pushed against my dick. I couldn’t take the pressure any longer so I told her, “Lift your knee Isabella.”
As she complied I knew she would consent, my hips moved back so I could get into a better position and my dick slid through her slick folds. “What do you say Isabella?”
“Please?” the pleading in her voice caused my dick to throb with want and I gave her the workout I had promised.
Getting out of the shower Bella was standing at the sink with a towel wrapped around her while she brushed her teeth. When she was done I took her wrists in my hands to inspect them. She had worn the restraints all night and I wanted to make sure that even though they were padded, that they left no marks on her. As I turned her wrists over there was a small scratch on the outside of her arm just below the elbow.
I didn’t know how it got there, the restraints didn’t come up that high and the ties that secured her to the bed where flat nylon. That should in no way have scratched her. “What happened?”
Bella twisted her arm to see what I was talking about. She rubbed it with her other hand still looking at it while she spoke, “It’s just a small scratch, probably from Jess’s nails.”
She spoke like it was nothing out of the ordinary, opened the cabinet to get the anti-biotic cream then left the bathroom leaving me standing there waiting for an answer. I was ticked that she wouldn’t elaborate and I wondered how Jess’s nails could have scratched her. Bella was already dressed by the time I met up with her in the bedroom. She had her hands full of laundry and was heading out the door telling me that she was going down to start the coffee.
After dressing I took the time to call the investigator, he answered on the second ring and we talked about what had occurred over the weekend. He told me that his initial report would be complete by the end of the week. I told him we would be out of town, and unless what he found was vital to our safety I would prefer to wait until we returned. I then set up a tentative appointment for the following Friday morning, here at the house. Hoping that maybe by then he would have everything finished and we could have a relaxing vacation.
Once that was done I headed downstairs. The coffee had just finished brewing and Bella was digging around in the refrigerator when I into the kitchen. She put some eggs in a pot, filled it with water then put it on the stove to cook.
“Is cereal alright with you?” She asked while I poured our coffee. Her question caught me off guard and I eyed the eggs on the stove. Bella must have seen my confusion because she told me that the eggs were needed for the Corn Pie she was making for dinner.
Sitting down at the table to eat we talked about our morning plans. I was meeting Aro at the club at eleven-thirty to do an alcohol count and Bella told me that she needed to run some errands and then she was coming home to get ready for tonight. We were each just about done eating when she got up to turn off the eggs and bring the coffee pot over to the table. As she stretched her arm out in front of me I couldn’t keep my eyes off the scratch.
“Are we going to talk about it?”
“About what?” she truly didn’t know what I meant, so I held up her arm. Bella’s face fell, “Oh.”
I kept staring at her while she sat back down in her seat, waiting for her to start talking. Whatever happened she didn’t want to tell me, but I wasn’t giving her a choice - I wanted, no I needed to know. Finally she sighed and started talking.
“I don’t know what you want me to say Edward, I handled it, ingeniously I thought, I let her know that I wasn’t going to take any of her shit while still obeying you. Did I do wrong? Were you mad at me?”
Was I mad at her?
I figured I would let her answer her own question, “Did you get punished?”
Bella shook her head at my question so I asked another one, “Were you rewarded?”
The sweetest smile and blush broke out over her face, “Several times,” she admitted, making me chuckle, but I needed her to know something.
My fingers laced with hers on top of the table while I explained, “The fact of the matter is…” I looked in her eyes, “…Bella you shouldn’t have to handle shit.”
“I know that Edward and believe me I have no idea what they expect from me. I don’t understand why in the world your bimbo’s come after me because you don’t invite them into your bed. What do they expect me to say? ‘Oh yeah, go ahead, fuck my boyfriend’ I mean come on.”
Bella was quiet for a second before she spoke again. “You know what? Next time that’s what I’m going to say to them. ‘Go ask Edward why he doesn’t want to fuck you anymore’, because in all honesty if you really wanted to, I couldn’t stop you.”
There was the pain in her eyes again. I squeezed her hand and said the only thing I could think of, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault Edward. I sat right here in this chair a month ago and asked you how many there had been and if I would be seeing them. I knew what I was getting into. I have a Masters in Psychology, believe me I know that woman are malicious, vindictive, and cruel. Your bimbo’s are bullies and if there is one thing I’ve learned from James it’s how to deal with bullies. It’s just…” she trailed off as her eyes filled with tears.
I felt like shit that I had spoken to Jess so much while we were in Aro’s office, “I shouldn’t have given Jess so much of my attention, I didn’t mea…”
Bella cut off my words, “It’s not that you spoke to her that hurt so much. It was…”
I didn’t say anything, instead I watched the woman I love deal with the hurt that had been inflicted, “…she wanted a reaction from you and she got it. It was the look that gave her the most satisfaction. That dominant, I mean business, I own you look. The one that belongs to me,” she sniffled then shook her head dismissively, “it’s stupid never mind.”
There was the cause for her pain; Jess had angered her which she handled brilliantly. I had hurt her, albeit inadvertently but that didn’t matter. Bella stood to clear off the table and I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her into my lap and placing my chin on her shoulder.
“Tell me about this look,” Bella’s head turned while she glared at me through the corner of her eyes with a smirk on her face.
I chuckled pulling her back closer to my chest while I breathed in the scent of her neck, “Come on Bella, tell me what it does to you.”
“You know what it does to me.”
I did know the way she reacted, how it got her into the right frame of mind, how it made her eager and aroused. I was careless and I was sorry, “Are you terribly upset with me?”
“No, you’re a man, you can’t help it.”
“What!” I pulled back to look at her face while she giggled at my reaction. “I don’t know if I should be defending my gender or thanking you for being so understanding of my weakness.”
Bella tist. “I didn’t mean it like that. Men think logically. You see something wrong, you want to fix it and you do that by reverting to what works for you. Some men yell, some hit, some remove the problem; in your case - you use the look. The only thing is, that’s my look and I don’t like you giving it to anyone else.”
Her voice softened while her fingers ran over the outside of my hand. I certainly didn’t mean to do anything wrong; Jess had irritated me and I guess Bella was right I reverted to what I know. That is to take command of the situation, I kissed her cheek, “Well my love I am very sorry that I gave your look to someone else and I will try very hard to not do that anymore.”
She glared at me through narrowed eyes, “You’re making fun of me.”
“No…” I told her moving my chin across her shoulder, “I know the look you give me and I wouldn’t want you giving that look to anyone else either. And that’s my logical male brain talking.”
Bella snuggling back closer into my chest while we sat quiet for a minute before I remembered she never answered my original question, “Now, how did you get that scratch?”
As I listened to what happened I was livid, and had it been within my power Jess would be banned from the club. Bella made me promise to let it go and reluctantly I agreed. But one thing is for sure it better not happen again.
We sat at the table finishing the last of the coffee talking about all that had occurred during our time together since yesterday afternoon. How she felt about being in full-mode in front of Joe while he was working on the locks. Her answer was as I expected it to be, at first self-conscious but then it became easier and since it wasn’t a very long period of time Bella didn’t mind at all. Which was a good thing; I rather like keeping her in full submission around ‘vanilla’ people. I would compare it to sneaking sex in public; with a hint of risk at the possibility of getting caught. I find it to be exciting and was pleased to know that would be something we could move forward with.
Bella understood completely why I was displeased with the kiss she laid on my dick in the shower, and we discussed what she wrote in her journal. I waited for her to approach the subject of requesting to be punished. She seemed to skirt around the issue talking about everything but, until finally her mind couldn’t keep evading it anymore.
“It was strange, I just knew that I couldn’t get in that bed and rest knowing that it was unsettled. I needed to know that,” she stopped for a second to gather her thoughts, “this is going to sound really strange especially from me. But I expect you to reprimand me when I’ve done something wrong.”
I sat watching her silently drinking my coffee as she put it all together while staring at her cup when she looked at me it was hard to tell if she was perplexed or reconciled. “You know…James would always say that he needed to teach me a lesson, and I cringed. Of course his idea of a lesson was beating me with a belt and locking me in the box.”
I needed to take a few deep breathes at that statement to keep myself calm at the thought of him hurting my Bella like that. I still wasn’t sure what was going to happen if I met him while we were in Forks. I didn’t have much time to think about it because Bella continued talking.
“But he was just abusive. And when you reprimand me I know it’s out of concern for me so that I really can learn a lesson.” Bella sighed, “Does that make any sense?”
It did make sense and it was the way the world looked at our lifestyle as a parallel version of domestic violence that might have been causing her turmoil. Intellectually Bella knew the difference but now she was getting firsthand experience and trying to reconcile it in her head. I thought I could help her see the difference.
“Were you afraid when he would…” I didn’t even want to use the word reprimand, because that certainly is not what he did, “…penalize you?”
“Oh my god…afraid? I was terrified!” I nodded at her admission before making my point.
“Are you afraid at anytime - before, during, or after when I punish you?”
“No, I don’t like it at the time but I’m more upset that I let you down than I am at you. Afterwards when we talk about it I understand that it was truly meant to teach me a lesson because you care. I know it sounds insecure but when you sent me to bed, I thought you didn’t want to be bothered with me anymore, like I wasn’t worth your time. I also didn’t want to have my… transgression hanging over us for the rest of the night. I wouldn’t have been able to relax because I would have been worrying about it.”
She stopped for a second taking a drink from her cup before looking at me with a serious gaze, “How did you know, that I was going to ask?”
“I didn’t.”
That was the truth. I had hoped, but to be honest I wasn’t sure what I would have done had she not spoken up.
She got up taking as many of the stacked dishes as she could carry while I took the rest over to the dishwasher. While Bella was taking care of them I put away the stuff on the counters. We had spent longer than expected eating, so after letting Seth in, we left the house together; I kissed her good-bye in the garage telling her to be careful and asking her to please let me know when she got home before making my way to New Moon.
Aro wasn’t there when I arrived but I got started anyway. The bartenders had done a good job with keeping track of everything that was used which made restocking easy. By the time I got into the back store room Jane had already started counting what we had in reserve. After taking her numbers we sat together at her desk to reconcile the inventory and it appeared that everything was accounted for.
My aunt was still looking down at the papers double checking the figures as she spoke, “This will make Master most happy. The IT man is coming this afternoon to install the new program. This one believes that will also help to alleviate some if his stress.”
“Has he been worried?” once the question was asked I realized how stupid it was; of course this problem would cause him concern.
“Master hates to think that someone he trusts would steal from him.” I nodded at her obvious answer as a sad smile formed on her face, “Tell this one Edward how is Bella today? We were to go to lunch but last night this one had to cancel because she was needed here.”
I didn’t know they had plans for lunch but maybe nothing was set, “She’s fine.”
“This one was most upset with what happened last night. She finds it difficult to believe that there are those who think it’s alright to create havoc for their own purposes.”
I wasn’t sure exactly who she was referring to and I didn’t get a chance to ask for clarification, Jane looked at me with the most serious face I had ever seen on her, “Edward it is not this one’s place to make demands or suggestions on your relationship with Bella but…”
A throat cleared behind us, “Jane” at the sound of her name her eyes immediately dropped and I was sort of put off that she did not get to finish her statement.
Aro glared at his wife as he spoke, “Edward you will have to excuse audacity of my slave, regardless of how often I have told her not intervene, it seems she has taken upon herself to do so anyway. I suppose that her defiance is mostly due to the affection she has towards Ms. Swan,” his voice became cold, “however, that is no excuse for disobedience.”
Jane stayed completely still while he spoke not even moving while I followed Aro into his office with the inventory information. My phone chirped as I was sitting down with a text from Bella telling me she was home and asking if I would be there for lunch. While Aro looked over the numbers I texted her back saying that I would be a few more hours and would get something on my own. When I looked up my uncle had the same grin on his face he did last night.
“What do you find so damn amusing?”
He raised his hands in surrender letting out a loud chuckle, “Nothing. It’s just nice to see you growing up.”
“Growing Up?” I questioned.
“Yes. Putting away your wild care free ways of being with women who mean nothing to you. Finding someone who you can be happy with, and knowing that Ms. Swan is happy also.” He became rather smug, “I am quite the matchmaker.”
His words made me laugh, “Oh yeah, you’re a regular gypsy.”
“Please Edward, give me a little credit. I will admit that your relationship has flourished quicker than I would have thought, but like I said, it’s nice to see.”
And there was that damn irritating grin again.
“What the fuck are you grinning for? You were doing that while I was trying to sort out what the hell happened with Jess.”
“Yeah,” he raised his eyebrows, “ and how did that work out for you?”
My uncle, whom I admired and respected, was finding something very humorous in the situation, but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction so I answered as simply as I could. “I figured it out, Jess started it …”
He interrupted, “Of course she did.” His face was impassive as he spoke the words in complete confidence making me wonder how he could have been so sure of himself. I didn’t have to ask because he explained.
“Ms. Swan has always struck me as a woman of integrity, respectful and courteous. In answer to your question of what I found so amusing, it was your two worlds colliding. The one of your care free days of bedding anything willing to spread their legs as compared to the one where you find pleasure with a woman of substance. One who not only intrigues you with her feminine ways but challenges you with her wit.”
“Feminine ways?” I asked.
Aro smiled, “I could have been vulgar; however I admire Isabella too much to be crass. All your other women I would call…tarts, a sweet little treat with no substance. However, I have never found anything that Ms. Swan does to be less than graceful and demure. I am most happy that things have worked out for the two of you, and the fact that I had a hand in it only adds to that.”
I stood up because it was getting late and I needed to leave. “Well…I’m glad that I can bring you such joy in both my happiness and with my problems.”
He stood with me. “Oh Edward you don’t really have problems, the longer you stay with Ms. Swan the more your past conquests will see that there is nothing for them to continue pursuing. Right now they are testing the waters to see how tepid they are. They want to see if they can turn up the heat enough to make you or Ms. Swan jump out of the pot. My only recommendation is that you both get some heat retarded suites because I’m fairly sure that the boiling point is yet to come. In the mean time perhaps it is wrong of me to find humor in your trials,” he chuckled before continuing.
“But in all honesty Edward, had you seen your own face last night, you would have laughed too.” I thought about what he said and then wondered what my face did look like, because Emmett was laughing too, I was going to have to ask my brother about that.
I left Aro’s office telling him I would see him later for dinner. When I walked out of the door Jane quickly stood at the sound of her name being called not even acknowledging my departing words. By the time I got outside it was after one and I needed some lunch so I just grabbed two slices of pizza from the Italian place across the street then headed home.
When I got home it was clear that Bella was in full blown hostess mode. The house was spotless, it appeared that every surface had been dusted, vacuumed, and sanitized and there was the unmistakable smell of baking coming from the kitchen. She was standing by the counter rolling dough out when I walked up to her wrapping my arms around her waist.
“Hey baby,” I told her placing a kiss on her temple.
“Hey yourself,” she said not breaking a stride in what she was doing. As I looked I saw the two cakes cooling on a rack.
“Bella you didn’t need to go to all this trouble. We could have just bought something.”
She stopped in mid-roll, “I wanted to. I don’t get to cook very often and it really wasn’t much trouble.”
I shrugged asking her if she needed any help and when she said no I told her that I was going upstairs to pack for our trip. While I was up there, Felix called to say that the anklet I ordered was ready and I could pick it up in the morning. That made me even happier as I was deciding what to take along. Once all that was done I headed back downstairs, Bella was mixing something in a bowl.
“What’s that?” I asked while getting out a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
“Icing for the cake,” she said like it was obvious. Then she asked if I was all packed and when I answered yes she gave me a strange look.
“Did you take extra sweatshirts? Because you know it’s slightly colder in Forks.”
I told her yes and she continued with her question as she turned off the beaters and stirred the sweet goodness with a spoon, “How about deodorant, shampoo, toothbrush…”
Cutting her off before she could ask if I remembered underwear I said, “Bella I’m not twelve I’m a grown man.”
She smiled at me holding up the wooden spoon, “Do you want to lick the spoon?”
“Yes,” I said eagerly. To which she laughed. It took me a second to realize what she found so damn funny, but I didn’t care because that shit was good.
“Mmmm…is this Grammy V’s?”
“Yes. I hope it got right,” she seemed worried but if the cake was as good as the icing, then she fucking nailed it.
But I knew she was worried so I said, “I’m sure it will be great.”
Bella iced the cake, setting it aside on a raised crystal tray with a cover that I had never seen before. I wasn’t sure if she bought it or brought it from her house but it was pretty. After that she took a load of wash out of the dryer and went upstairs to pack. While she did that I went down into the playroom to get a few things together for our trip.
I met Bella back in the kitchen; she had showered and changed into a grey fitted skirt and pink blouse. She had an apron on with bare feet making her look extremely domesticated and I was surprised by how sexy I thought that made her.
Getting out a bottle of wine I poured us each a glass and asked if there was anything I could do. She had me get the chicken in the oven and then help her with hors d'oeuvre. Once again I told her that she didn’t need to go to all the trouble, but she dismissed me with a kiss and grope of my ass.
As we worked in the kitchen every chance she had to walk by me some part of her body came in contact with my ass. At first I thought it was accidental but when the soft brushes turned to squeezes it was obvious what she was doing. I gave her a look of bewilderment with raised eyebrows and all I got in return was feigned innocents. Letting it go I went about my business while we talked about nothing of consequence and had another glass of wine.
Bella came in the kitchen from setting the table to get the water glasses that were on the top shelf of the cabinet. Rather than her struggling I reached up to get them only to feel her squeezing my ass cheeks with both hands.
With my hands full of glasses I looked over my shoulder to see her standing there with the most beautiful blush on her face. Her bottom lip secured tightly between her teeth as once again she played at innocence. She was so cute in her mannerisms I chuckled.
All the food was done, everything was in the warmer and I bent over to baste the chicken one more time, when Bella walked by me with a swat to my ass. This time she giggled. The sound of her amusement made me smirk, “You, my dear, are going to keep it up and I am going to take you upstairs and give you a good spanking.”
At first she giggled then her humor turned to cockiness. “Is that a promise or a threat?”
Raising my eyes in disbelief I told her exactly what it was, “It is a simple statement of fact my love.”
She giggled again giving the pot on the stove a stir. A few minutes later the door bell rang and Bella quickly removed the apron and slipped her shoes on. As she walked by me her hand popped me on the ass before she let out a giggle and ran to the front door. Pressing the code into the box she turned to me laughing, “Ha!”
I didn’t even think about it as I scooped her up over my shoulder before opening the door to a very surprised Emmett and Rose. Bella was squealing and squirming making me use two hands to keep her secure.
“Edward! Put me down!” She was still giggling.
“Is this free whacks night?” my brother asked but my face remained serious as I assured him, “No, this one’s all mine.”
“Edward!” she popped me on the ass again.
I had to hold on to Bella tighter while she squirmed.
“Oh My God Edward… I didn’t mean it …put me down… I promise…I’ll be good.” She was still giggling as she popped me one more time.
So much for her promises
“Rose there are hors d'oeuvres in the warmer could you please get them out? Emmett would you get everyone a drink? If you will excuse me, I have something that I need to take care of upstairs.”

A riding crop and a blindfold doesn't make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It's not a sexual thing to me, it's a very spiritual thing. ~ DominaBlue
Chapter 51
Sitting on the bed in my room I was watching Edward looking through the clothing in the closet while petting Seth. I had been trying to get out of going to the club tonight ever since we got done having sex. At first I thought maybe he had forgotten about it, because we laid wrapped in each other’s arms for a long time. Then I feigned sleep - well not exactly because I was beginning to doze off - hoping that Edward would think I was too tired to go.
“Come on Isabella, we need to get dressed.”
Covering my mouth with the back of my hand I exaggerated the yawn before snuggling back into his side. Edward held me for a few more minutes and then made it completely obvious to me that we were going.
“Tidy up down here and then meet me in your room in five minutes.” Sighing in acquiescence earned me another scolding.
“Was that meant for me?” Edward sat up to glare at me.
“No Sir.”
“I don’t find that sound to be very pleasing Isabella, nor do I care what your opinion is on the matter, had I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it.” The intensity in his eyes was too much and I had to look away.
Edward continued to glare at me for a few more seconds before he asked if my journal was still upstairs. When I told him yes, he announced that I only had four minutes left and I had better hurry up. He went upstairs while I gathered everything up. There really wasn’t much to do, the paper cartons and wine went into the fridge, two glasses went into the dishwasher and I threw the blanket we had sex on into the washing machine.
When I came into the room Edward was already in the closet picking out what he wanted me to wear so I sat on the bed with Seth. I thought about bringing up the idea of just staying home, but I knew that he was resigned to going so I figured I would suck it up and do as he asked.
“Bella where is your red corset?”
“Ummm…in your room?” At least I think that’s where it was, the only other choice would be my closet in the playroom. Edward came out carrying a pair of black jeans and my red heels.
He sighed, “I know we are just trying to figure out our arrangement but could you organize your clothes better?’
“What do you mean?”
“Look, you have more places to keep clothes in this house than I do.” I stared at him in disbelief, because he’s the reason I have so many different places. He’s the one who insisted that I have my own dresser in his room. I was perfectly content the way things were, my room - my stuff.
“All I’m saying is that you need to keep your approved weekend clothes in this room,” He used his pointer finger to stress the point. “Not all over the damn house.”
With that he left, presumably to his room so while he was gone I started getting ready. Coming out of the bathroom Edward came back in the room announcing irately “It’s not there.”
“Then it must be in the playroom.”
Edward huffed, “Just finish getting ready please, come on Seth,” Edward smacked his lips together getting the dogs attention, “I might as well let you out while I’m down there.”
With him gone I continued and by the time Edward returned my makeup was done and I was running the straightener through my hair. I didn’t know if he wanted it up or not but on the off chance he didn’t I figured it be best to get started.
“Here you go,” he watched me for a second, “leave your hair down, and no panties,” he added before leaving to get dressed himself.
I didn’t understand what was so damned important about going tonight if all he wanted to do was check on paperwork, that could wait until the morning - after all it would still be there. But I had resigned myself to the fact that we were going so I might just as well make the best of it. With my hair done I shimmied into the black denim before stepping into the shoes. The corset was another matter all together. I had just gotten it on when Edward came back, that was good because I would need his help.
“Can you tighten the laces for me?”
Edward stepped behind my back tugging the ties tightly from the bottom up. Once he reached my ribs I needed to adjust my boobs so they lay comfortably. I could tell by his expression in the mirror that he was upset and I worried it was with me.
“Are you angry with me?”
Edward tugged a little harder making me suck in air, “No Bella I’m not angry. I know that you don’t want to go and to be honest I don’t want to go either. But, I don’t want to give anyone a chance to alter the sign-in book. They can’t do it while the club is open but as soon as it closes for the weekend it could be possible for them to make changes or completely remove entries. I want to see the information and make copies of it.”
He finished with the laces running his hands down either side of my body, “You look ravishing in this Bella and I must say I’m looking forward to the unlacing.”
“And when do you suppose that’s going to happen?”
His chin rested on my shoulder, “I am planning on being home by eleven and having you restrained in my bed by eleven-fifteen.”
I took in Edward’s outfit while following him down the stairs. He was wearing a pair of black jeans with a dark grey button down over a simple white T-shirt. He looked simply yummy as the shirt moved against the muscles in his back. I was paying more attention to his form than where we were going and when we got to the bottom step his sudden stop caused me to stumble.
Quickly turning he caught me righting my position. “You must pay attention to my movements.”
“Yes Master,” was all I could say not wanting to confess to ogling.
He let Seth in, set the alarm and ushered me to the car. The ride to New Moon was mostly quiet until we reached the down town area. “Isabella I’m sorry I was short with you back at the house. There really is no excuse for it and I’m afraid that my attitude was more of my own unwillingness to accept the situation than anything to do with you.”
I didn’t know what to say to him but I didn’t want Edward to feel bad for about it. “It’s alright Master, but if your girl may ask, what exactly are you hoping to find out?”
He sighed taking my hand in his and told me about Mike being the only one who would have seen him entering the code. So besides getting the information he was thinking that if we showed up tonight it might rattle Mike enough to cause him to say or do something that would explain what happened.
“Isabella do you know him?”
I thought about the man who was there that night, I had came out of the kitchen after standing in front of that damn door to find them in the living room. I didn’t pay very much attention to him, other than to notice the way he stared at me. I remembered grabbing the lapels of my robe because I was uncomfortable with the look he was giving me. But Edward was right there and he immediately sent me upstairs.
“No, although he did look vaguely familiar …”
Edward interrupted, “Mike works security at the club.”
Edward was pulling into the parking lot that was across the street from the main entrance. He didn’t say anything else until he held my door open for me taking my hand and pulling me closer to him. “I am sorry about my behavior.”
I smiled at him, “Your girl forgives you.”
His face moved closer to mine as he spoke, “My girl is more tolerant then I deserve.”
“Never,” as I said the word his lips brushed against mine, it was a sweet chaste kiss. When he pulled back his eyes held a tenderness in them as he palmed the side of my face.
“Remember your task and speak to no one other than family members.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Come, let’s get this over with so we can get home.” I nodded in agreement following behind him with my eyes down. As we approached the entrance Edward spoke with the guy at the door.
“Tyler, how is the night going?”
“Actually Edward, it’s been busy, it’s game night.”
Edward groaned, “Damn I forget about that.”
Tyler chuckled as we moved into the club telling us to have fun; I wasn’t sure what game night was but it appeared as though I was about to find out. Keeping my eyes down I couldn’t see who Edward was greeting as we moved through the first room. There didn’t seem to be very many people here and I wondered what Tyler was talking about when he said it was busy. That was until we got into the next area where the dance floor was.
It seemed everyone was crowded into this area and before I could take it in Rose came over to us, “Oh thank God! Edward we need a third for our team, can we have Bella?”
“Who’s we?” he asked.
“Jane and I.”
Edward was quiet in what I could only assume was deep thought, “Ask Isabella.”
Rose was pulling on my arm trying to get me to move, “Come on Bella, their going to get started soon.”
Looking up at Edward he smiled at me before placing a kiss on my forehead, “Have fun, but remember your place and who it is that you belong to.”
I let Rose pull me through the people to the middle of the dance floor where Jane was waiting. She wrapped me in a hug and after our brief hello’s I asked what kind of game we were playing.
“It’s kind of like a trivia game, with each correct answer we move up a space on the floor.” Looking down I noticed the different colored squares lined up in rows – apparently we were green. “Then if we win the trivia we get to do a challenge and raise money for one of the families, their son is battling a brain tumor.”
“Oh that’s terrible Jane…” I knew that with the death of Mason seeing another family go through the stress of their sick child would be difficult on her. I was thinking once again how strong she was when it dawned on me, “what kind of challenge?”
Rose answered me in a dismissive tone, “Oh it varies - nothing too hard, and that’s when people bid.” She turned to look at the guy in the front of the stage holding a microphone. “But first we have to get up there…and I want to win Bella.”
The guy in the front of us called everyone’s attention to the front of the room, “Ok. Do we have our teams together?” he looked out over the dance floor before he continued. “You all know how this works...” I didn’t know and I hoped he explained it so I was happy as he went on,
“…you work as a team, give one answer; first team to get six correct answers does the challenge. If the winning team gets to the front with ten questions or less, the club will match the challenge bid. Alright any questions?”
When there was nothing but silence he cleared his throat, “Ok then let’s get started. First question: what is Axillism?”
I whispered to Rose, “Using the armpit for sex.” She blurted it out and the guy looked at us in shock.
“That’s right, green team step forward.” Rose seemed extremely pleased that we could move to the next square.
“Second question: The most popular flavor of editable underware …” he didn’t even get to finish the question when some yelled, “Cherry!”
“Yes, Red team.”
Rose looked over her shoulder then back at us. We had sort of formed ourselves into a huddle and she griped, “Figures that stupid bitch would know the answer to that one. She would have to strap a fruit roll-up to her ass for anyone to eat her out!” My mouth dropped in shock but that didn’t stop me from giggling.
“Be nice Rose,” Jane scolded and it would have held more weight had she not been giggling herself.
“Question three...” we stopped laughing to listen, “The word ‘fuck’ is an acronym …”
Jane quickly blurted, “Fornicate Under Command of the King!”
“Yes…green team.”
The game progressed until we were on question seventeen, and tied with the red team. Both of us needed one more correct answer to win. We had already answered that the first condoms were made out of linen, vibrators were invented to cure women of hysteria, and that Geisha were not allowed to perform oral sex because it was considered demeaning.
Rose was tense as we listened to the next question, “Venus observa is the technical term for…” I whispered, “Missionary position.” Rose yelled out my answer and then high fived both Jane and me when he said that was correct and we won the trivia part.
She really was excited and apparently Emmett was too because he was hooting and hollering as all the other teams left the floor. The guy with the microphone came over to us with a small wooden box and held it out in front of Jane, “Pick a good one.”
She stuck her hand in pulling out a slip of paper handing it to him, “Deep Shot!”
“One of you have to do it,” Rose said shaking her head.
“This one can’t, Master would never allow it,” Jane was also shaking her head with her mouth set in a tight line.
“You have to do it Bella,” Rose whispered.
“Do what?” No one answered my question because the guy interrupted our debating, “Who’s doing it ladies?”
Rose ignored the man with the microphone to explain to me. “They put three shoots in what looks like a thick condom and you have to deep throat it and use your tongue and throat to make it come out.”
I was in total shock, these women wanted me to perform a simulated sex act in front of everyone. “Rose…” I pleaded, “…I can’t do that…” I didn’t know how to get out of it and then I remembered my task nothing can touch my lips, “…I need permission to…”
Rose didn’t even bat an eyelash as she looked to the guy, “Ron she needs permission.”
“She needs permission,” he announced over the microphone. The room was dead quiet and for a brief moment I thought I had my reprieve until I heard Edward’s voice say the one word that gave me no option.
“See he wants you to do it!” Rose was excited; Jane gave me an encouraging nod and I wanted to throw up.
“Ok Ladies let’s get you set…” Ron was talking again, “…you have five minutes - make it good.”
Five minutes?
That didn’t sound very long. I could be the center of attention for five minutes. “What do I have to do?” my words didn’t sound very convincing but Rose smiled.
“Remember Alice and the banana?” I nodded while she went on, “You be Alice, I’ll be me and Jane will be you. Be extra submissive, go with the flow, and whatever you do for God’s sake don’t gag.”
Taking a deep breath to calm myself, “Ok…where do I go?”
Rose told me to get on the floor in my waiting position, relax and follow her lead. I didn’t dare look around the room since my stomach was already doing flips and I wondered how the hell I got myself into this as Ron handed Rose the long phallic cup that contained the shots.
I decided if there was no way to get out of doing this I would man-up and give it all I had. Taking two steps away from the women I sunk down onto the floor as gracefully as I possibly could. Clasping my hands behind my back I could feel every eye on me and I worked hard at keeping my expression impassive while trying to focus on recognizing Edward’s gaze. Everyone else could melt away and I knew that I would be safe as long as he was here.
I don’t know what Rose and Jane were doing while I centered myself and my attention to a speck on the floor. A hand touched the top of my head and I was so happy I didn’t flinch that I had to work harder at not smiling. Jane kept her hand on my head as she circled around me until I could feel her slide her body down along my back.
Using both hands she slid them through my hair moving it back to expose my bare shoulders. Her hands then traced up my arms while she leaned close to me and whispered, “Don’t acknowledge this girl, follow Rose’s directions and let’s see how much money we can raise.”
Her head moved to my other shoulder where she skimmed her nose over the exposed skin while continuing to trace her fingers down the length of my arms. I could hear her soft whispers, “It’s all an act, play the part.”
I’m sure that to anyone looking on it would have appeared that we were having an intimate moment, but in all actuality it was anything but. My stomach seemed to settle even when Jane ghosted her lips along my jaw while she spoke softly against my skin. “The hardest part is sucking out the whip cream, once that’s gone, the liquor will slide right down your throat.”
Jane moved in closer to me while Rose stood to my left before making the circle around us. When she stopped Jane took my hair in her one hand and with the other tipped my chin up while speaking against the back of my neck, “When it’s all gone, don’t touch the holder, use your tongue to push it out.”
I still had no idea what Rose was doing; I was too focused on what Jane was saying to really care. Besides I figured if Jane and I were playing a part, Rose was probably doing the same thing and I had enough of my own problems to think about.
Ron’s voice sounded through the room, “Thirty seconds.”
I didn’t know what that meant but then someone shouted out, “Five Hundred!”
Ok…I guess this is the bidding part.
Jane traced the tips of her fingers down my throat and over the exposed skin of my chest when someone else yelled, “One Thousand for Fifteen!”
He wanted me to do this in fifteen seconds and he would pay a thousand dollars. Rose moved again and before she could get back to where she was someone yelled out, “Three Thousand for Ten!”
“That’s the one we want Bella,” Jane spoke against the line of my neck.
Rose tipped my chin as high as it would go with a stern clear voice she said, “Open.”
My mouth opened and I stretched my chin out to disengage my jaw allowing my throat to be completely unlocked. As the pliable obstruction filled my mouth I began using my tongue to work against the soft plastic. The muscles in my throat constricted around it until I felt something cold slipping down it. To keep from gagging, I needed to continuously swallow and as I did the motion added in the release of the thick cream. A few more swallows and I felt the liquid run down my throat. Once I knew it was empty my tongue automatically pushed the holder out of my mouth, where Rose grabbed it.
Jane was practically giddy and Rose had the biggest smile on her face I had ever seen as Ron announced, “Eight-point-three seconds.”
I could feel my face heat up as all I could think about was - who the hell knew that all those years of James force feeding me his cock would allow me to raise three thousand dollars for a worthy cause? The thought of it caused me to become even more self conscious and someone yelled, “And then she blushes!”
I couldn’t see who it was and frankly I didn’t care, because Edward was standing in front of me holding out his hand to help me up while Ron announced who to write the check out to. Edward took my face in his hands making me look into his dark eyes.
“You are an amazing creature Isabella, beautiful to watch, and you make me so very proud.”
I smiled at his words, “Thank you Master.”
“No my pet, thank you…” the force of his gaze made my belly tighten as moisture leaked through to my jeans, “…is your throat sore?”
“No sir.” It wasn’t and I told him why, “The holder was actually soft and rather small in comparison.”
“To you.” Edward chuckled at my words.
“You give me a gift and then you flatter me.” I didn’t understand what he meant by a gift and I didn’t have time to ask because he led me over to where everyone else was.
Edward picked up a bottle of water and brought it to my lips so I could have a drink, just as he pulled it away Ron and another man came over. Ron wanted to know how to list us on the board as the monthly winners. I didn’t exactly want my name up there and apparently neither did Edward because all three of us were listed under our Master’s name. While Ron walked away the other man finished talking with Emmett and turned towards Edward to shake his hand.
“I would have thought my money to be safe tonight. Caius assured me that your submissive was in no way trained enough for such a public display. I see that he was wrong and I will not make the same mistake in trusting his word so easily next time. Now if I may be so bold as to ask for an introduction to the woman who just had me write a three thousand dollar check?”
Edward didn’t do what he asked at first instead he placated, “In all honesty Demetri that only amounts to a thousand dollars each.”
Demetri played it off as if writing such a large check was nothing, “This is true, however I am well acquainted with the lovely Jane and Emmett’s Rosalie, but I have not had the pleasure of formally meeting your Isabella.”
Edward’s hand rested on my hip pulling me closer to him while the other one raised my chin, telling me to look at the man who stood in front of us, “Isabella meet Demetri.”
I finally looked up at the man; he was the same height as Edward, slightly broader through the shoulders and at least five years older. With very defined muscles that stood out against the tight blue t-shirt. His face was angular with shoulder length dark hair and the bad-boy scruff of whiskers that lined his jaw made him seem rugged. He was a very attractive man and as I looked at his face there was something in his eyes that was oddly familiar yet I was sure we had never met.
“Demetri is Felix’s brother.”
A short gasp of air filled my lungs as recognition took hold and a smile played on Demetri’s face.
“I see you have met my brother.” I remained quiet remembering that Edward told me to speak to no one and I felt kind ridiculous just staring but Edward solved that problem.
“Yes, we have run into him a few times.”
I guess it became pretty clear that I was not going to speak to him and when I lowered my eyes he cleared his throat, “Well I will let you all get back to your evening, I just wanted to say hello to the women who so easily parted me from my money, and to tell you that it was worth every penny.”
When he walked away Edward held a chair out for me to sit next to Rose and a few minutes later Aro joined our table. He placed a kiss on top of Rose’s head and then mine before Emmett made reference to our little show we had put on.
“You missed the fuck-ass hot scene they did!” I was surprised because I didn’t find anything about what was happening at all arousing. But again I had no idea what was happening with the other women, and I suppose to the on looker it was rather erotic.
“So I’ve heard, I’ll have to watch the video.”
Aro’s words caught me off guard and although I should have known, it never dawned on me that we were being filmed. Aro turned his attention to Edward and the two of them began talking quietly together. After a minute Jane was told to join them and Edward said he would be back shortly and that I was to listen to Emmett while he was gone.
Rose and I sat there talking, she asked how the plans for Leah’s shower were going and if I had packed for our trip yet. I noticed that we had gotten a few stares from people on the dance floor but no one else had approached us. I began to feel uncomfortable like there someone staring at me. Looking around I noticed that the blond haired man against the wall seemed to be very interested in what we were doing. When our eyes met, he winked at me and that’s when I realized he was Mike.
Rose followed my gaze and told Emmett, when he looked against the wall Mike quickly turned his attention back to the dance floor. “Ladies why don’t you go to the bathroom?”
Emmett’s suggestion sounded good until we actually started walking through the room, several people stared but Rose seemed oblivious to them. I didn’t need to pee and frankly with the corset I had on it would have been very impractical. The bottom came down to my hips and in order to pull down my pants it would have had to have been opened in the back. So while Rose went into the area where the stalls were I stayed out by the sinks.
A young woman with shoulder length curly hair came in and after taking one look at me she groaned, “Ohhh…Just fucking great. First I get my ass chewed out for something that wasn’t my fault and then I have to come face to face with the skanky ho herself.”
I was completely taken aback by the venom in her voice as well as the words. I had never even met this woman, who the fuck did she think she was? I went to open my mouth only to be reminded that Edward told me to speak to one. So instead I glared at her turning to wash my hands. Apparently she took my obedience for weakness because she continued with her disparaging remarks.
“You know I don’t know who you think you are, but I wish you would disappear. I mean I knew that Edward would never be exclusive with me but at least he would call me every now and then.” My eyes widened at her words but she just kept on talking, “That’s right, I fucked him more times than I can count.”
I could feel the anger building up inside me and I knew I had to get out of there or I was going to blow. As I moved to go past her, she grabbed my arm. “And now what do I have? I play third fiddle whenever it strikes them to invite me and you don’t even fucking care.”
Rose came out of the area where the stalls where and I wretched my arm out of her grasp. Edward told me I was only allowed to talk to the family so instead of addressing the person who pissed me off I spoke to a livid Rose.
“Would you please relay a message to this bitch that she had better never put her hands on me again, and I don’t care how many times she’s fucked my Master but I sure hope she has a good memory because she is never going to fuck him again. Tell her that it doesn’t matter if she is third, fourth, or fifth fiddle, her lot in life or place of prominence in someone’s bed has no bearing on me because she is right, I don’t fucking care!”
As I opened the door to leave the bathroom I heard Rose’s menacing voice, “What the fuck is the matter with you Jess?”
Standing outside the bathroom entrance I leaned up against the wall while waiting for Rose. Emmett had sent us off together so I assumed he wanted us to stay that way. But there was no way I was going to be able to stay in that room with –Rose called her -Jess. By the time Rose came out I had somewhat calmed down, but seeing her astonished face just pissed me off more.
Did she think I should have just taken that verbal abuse?
“Why didn’t you tell that ho off earlier?”
Oh, that was what the dazed looked on her face was from. I sighed and explained Edward’s rules for the night and my thinking on telling Jess off without really talking to her. To my surprise Rose laughed. “That was fucking classic Bella. I couldn’t figure out why you were asking me to tell her, but now I get it.”
She laughed again but really I didn’t think it was funny, I also hoped that when Edward heard about it he wouldn’t be too mad or think that I overstepped my boundaries. Then again I couldn’t imagine that he wouldn’t want me to stand up for myself either. I’m not these people’s doormat or someone they can kick around simply because they are having a bad day.
I’ve been there in my life, always taking the brunt of James’s discontent with his existence. Like it was my fault that he didn’t have a better job, or a nicer car, maybe he thought it was my fault or that I should be able to do something about it. I know he always brought up having more money but that wouldn’t have helped; he would have just found something else to be unhappy with me about.
Because he enjoyed making me miserable, he would take great pleasure in hurting me anyway he could. He was always trying to break me, break my spirit, my will and my fortitude. Anything that would keep me down so that he could feel important and better than someone, even if that person was only me, it would still elevate him in his own mind. The fact was I didn’t allow him to break me - he got close - I’ll give him that much – but he didn’t succeed. In fact, for all his attempts at shattering my life, the opposite occurred.
I lived through the worst he could give and I left him. I went on to fulfill my dream of college and a career that wouldn’t leave me dependant on him for basic necessities. I found fulfillment with my life in helping others find their way. I found a person to love who loves me back unconditionally. Someone who respects me with admiration in his eyes and who is such an amazing person that I can look at him the same way – No, I didn’t allow all of James’s attempts to bring me down and I certainly wouldn’t allow any of these people to do it either.
I was always afraid of what people thought about me and I never had enough confidence in myself, especially the first few years after I left James. I always second guessed myself and my abilities. Even in school where I found that I could excel, everything I did never seemed good enough. Always sitting in the back letting life pass me by, thinking that life was just one obstacle after another.
I never would have had the confidence in myself to do what I did tonight with Rose and Jane; and had Jess attacked me a month ago I would have tucked tail and ran. So where did this new found poise come from…and maybe even a better question is how long will it last?
I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings while having my own internal dialog so I was surprised to see a figure in front of us. “I must say that I was astounded by the little display that you put on ladies, especially you Isabella.”
I didn’t look up to see who it was, but I was pretty sure I knew, internally I cringed - externally I wasn’t going to let this person unnerve me.
“I see that your training is moving along and I am most impressed with your progress. Of course you were with Jane so it makes me wonder if perhaps Aro has had a hand in bringing you along?”
I didn’t give him the satisfaction of an answer instead I continued to watch the movement of his hands. Caius talked with his hands and that always makes me nervous because James use to do the same thing and more often than not his hands would turn into fists. Poise and self-confidence is one thing, a fist coming at you is something different.
Rose however took it upon herself to get us free from the pompous asshole, “We need to get back to our table, please allow us to pass.”
“I asked a question of Isabella, I expect an answer. Or perhaps I should refer your impertinence to your Master,” His hand moved up swiftly and it took everything in me to keep from flinching back, “hmmm…” he hummed, “…the question is who should I inform?”
What does he mean who should he inform?
“I’m wondering how long you’ve known Aro? Has he given you promises or perhaps cash gifts?”
Promises? Promises of what?
Cash gifts? Like I’m some kind of prostitute?
“Caius,” Emmett’s voice caused a calm to rush over me, “Is there a problem?”
“Actually Emmett there is. I asked Isabella a question and she refused to answer, I believe her rudeness should be punished.”
“What happens with Isabella is none of your concern. However, you can take it up with Edward, I’m sure he would be more than willing to talk to you about it. Rosalie, Isabella go back to the table.”
As we walked by Caius wasn’t yet done with his insults, “My, you sure do keep it all in the family don’t you. Family get togethers must be very interesting.” My mouth dropped as my feet stopped, I couldn’t believe what he just said.
“I don’t like what you are implying and I would suggest you shut your mouth!” Jovial Emmett who normally had the disposition of a teddy bear had just turned into a ferocious grizzly.
“Is there a problem here Mr. Cullen?” the Mike guy came over to assist but something told me that Emmett didn’t need any assisting he did however glare at Rose and me.
“I said get to the table. Now!” Rose grabbed my arm moving us quickly along.
Once we were sitting I didn’t even bother to look over in the direction we had just come from, Rose on the other hand was giving me a play-by-play up to the point where Emmett and Caius went into the back room where the offices were.
I tried to calm down because honestly I didn’t do anything wrong, but when Roses phone chirped a feeling of dread came over me. “They want us to come back there.”
Aro’s office was tucked in behind the stage area. The front part was just a simple office area with a desk and file cabinets. Rose knocked on the door and waited until it was opened for us to come in.
The room was not at all what I had expected. There were no windows and the majority of the room was taken up by a large wooden desk where Edward was perched on one corner. Aro sat in the black leather chair behind the desk with Jane dutifully kneeling by his side. Caius was standing to the left of the desk and Jess was sitting on one of the chairs directly in front of it.
I really didn’t get a chance to look around, once I entered the room I immediately presented myself to Edward. Standing there quietly with my eyes down I could feel his gaze on me and I knew that he would be addressing me so the sound of his voice did not startle me.
“Isabella,” as Edward said my name he gave me the signal to look at him, when our eyes met he went on, “Caius has told me that he spoke with you.”
“Yes Sir.”
He nodded, “He said that he asked you a question.”
“Yes Sir.” Edward tilted his head slightly but held my stare.
“He also said that you refused to answer him, even after he repeatedly asked you for a reply. Is that true?”
“Yes Sir.” Edward sighed giving the signal to lower my eyes which I immediately complied to.
“Well Caius, I’m sorry if you were offended by Isabella’s actions, but she did exactly as I had instructed her to do. She was told not to speak to anyone outside of family members…”
“She spoke to me…rudely!”
Fucking Bitch
“Let me handle one complaint at a time please.” Edward pressed and I know it sound’s childish but I had a sudden desire to turn around and stick my tongue out at her.
“Caius I had asked you before not to speak to Isabella, I find it underhanded that you would wait to attack her when I was not there. So since we are all here, I will make an exception tonight and allow Isabella to answer your questions. So ask away.”
Caius didn’t sound happy as he tried to defend himself, “I did not attack her.”
“Did you feel attacked Ms Swan?” Aro asked and I answered, “Yes Sir.”
“How so?” at the sound of Caius’s voice I remained quiet completely ignoring his question making him huff in frustration. Although I don’t know why he was surprised by my silence or maybe he was trying to trip me up and was annoyed it didn’t work. Either way it made me feel pretty damn powerful and I had to work hard to keep the smugness off my face.
“Tell me how Ms Swan.”
My attention went back to Aro, “He stopped us on the way back from the bathroom …” my story was interrupted by Jess’s nagging voice. “Where she was rude to me.”
Although I was not a violent person I wanted to slap her so badly but Edward put a stop to her incisive whining, “We will get to you later…continue.”
I knew he was talking to me so I started talking again telling them all of the conversation that I could remember. The insults, the accusations, and the reference to me being a prostitute, which didn’t seem to go over well with the men in the room, when I was done Aro stood.
“Caius my personal business is just that. Mine. If you have questions about anything pertaining to it I would appreciate it if you address them to me. Now Edward has given you a chance to ask Ms. Swan anything you wish to know, if you have nothing to ask I would suggest that you not bother her anymore or I will be forced to impose sanctions upon you. I must say that we have known each other for many years and that is not something I wish to do, so please do not force my hand on the matter. Do you have any questions for Ms Swan?”
Aro’s words were forceful yet courteous, he meant business without losing his temper and that was why he has always been a man who deserved the respect he received. Caius certainly didn’t have any questions he wanted to ask me in front of him so he gave a resounding ‘No’ and left very unsatisfied.
Aro then turned his attention to the other problem in the room, “Now Miss Jessica, I believe yours is a personal problem that has nothing to do with me, that is unless you also would like to inquire of my business.”
“N…No Sir,” she shuddered over the words.
Aro sighed, “Then I will take my leave. Edward please feel free to use my office as long as necessary. Jane.” At the sound of her name she got up and followed him shutting the door as they left.
Edward stood from where he was leaning on the desk, “Isabella did you speak to Jessica?”
“No Master.” Damn straight I called him Master and he was mine.
“Liar!” she accused loudly.
“Isabella look at me…” my eyes met his and he stared like he was looking for something. “Jessica what is it that was said?”
Edward held my gaze while she talked of course she embellished a lot leaving out how she started it and the part where she grabbed my arm. Her biggest complaint was that I called her a bitch, threatened her, and said I didn’t care about her.
When she was done and seemingly satisfied with her story Edward raised an eyebrow, “are you telling me that Jessica is making all that up?”
“No Master.” I could see the anger roll across his face.
“Then you did speak with her,” it wasn’t a question it was an accusation given with a very harsh tone.
“No Master.”
He looked at me in total confusion, “Isabella I would suggest that you explain yourself. How is it that you can stand there claiming to be innocent yet she’s telling the truth? ”
“Master,” I took a deep breath so my words came out correctly, “your girl did say those things…” Edward’s pursed his lips and I figured I better explain quickly. “…however, she was speaking to Rosalie, it is not your girls fault if Jessica was eavesdropping on our private conversation.”
Edward’s mouth dropped like he couldn’t believe me capable of such a thing, “That screams of semantics Isabella”
I kept my mouth shut, he could call it anything he wants in my mind, I had remained obedient.
“Yes semantics,” the snide remark from Jessica just added to my anger and I wondered if she even knew what the word meant. Edward gave her a stern look in warning and I didn’t like it one bit. That was my look and I could feel the tears filling my eyes.
She apparently thought differently because she whined, “She called me a bitch Edward.”
I hated that she called him by name or the possessive tone she used, it was like a slap in my face and the tears that I had been fighting became harder to hold in. I just wanted to get out of there, I wanted to do home and go to sleep and forget that the night ever happened.
“Jess you can go back out to Mike, tell him that if he has a problem with what happened I’ll be here another fifteen minutes so he can come talk to me on his break,” Edward never took his eyes off me while he spoke or when Jessica got up in a huff.
“Don’t worry Edward I will!” at least her tone went from possessive to indignant as she said his name.
“She’s with Newton?” Rose asked when the door slammed, “Damn I thought he had better taste.”
Did I mention how much I loved Rose?
“Apparently …” Edward said pulling a paper out of his pocket to look at it, “she’s been signing in under his name for the past few weeks, although it only showed up this week because the book has been altered to look like it was under someone else.”
There was a sadness in his eyes while he spoke to me, “Which is why I needed to come tonight”
Emmett came over to see what Edward was talking about while Rose stood next to me. I still had not moved and remained quiet while they discussed how the names had been erased, but it was still clear that the sign-in book was indeed changed.
Rose yawned and Emmett said that they were going home; Edward told him he was going to stay ten more minutes to see if Mike came to (as he put it) ‘have anything he wished to say to him.’ As soon as they left Edward looked to me holding his hand out. “Come here.”
The tears filled my eyes again as he wrapped me up in his arms tucking my head against his shoulder. Edward reached around me to get a tissue and when he did I finally took in the rest of the room. There was some art work on the wall but what caught my eye was the picture that hung by the door. It was the first time since I had entered the room that I smiled and Edward noticed, giving me a questioning look.
“Your girl gave them that.”
“You did?” I nodded
“Yes a few years ago for Christmas. Leah took it, we had to wait until the sun started going down to get the right effect. We sat across the street for over an hour while she took the pictures from all different angles.” Sighing because at the time I sent it, I second guessed myself thinking that maybe it was cliché or a silly gift. Leah assured me that they would love it and practically forced me to send it. It reminded me that I hadn’t talked to her in a few days, that was unusual and I kind of felt bad about it.
Edward came up behind me wrapping me in a hug, “I’ve given him enough time, let’s go”
Following Edward through the club I listened as he said good-bye to a few people and wondered why we weren’t heading towards the exit. It seemed like he was leading me in the opposite direction, until he finally stopped.
“Mike I trust that you have no problem with the way I handled the situation between Isabella and Jessicia?”
I could see Mike fidget on the stool he was sitting on, “Jess? No…why do I care about her? Was…there a problem?”
“She didn’t tell you about the altercation in the restroom?” Getting right to the point I guessed that Edward was trying to gage Mike’s reaction.
He kind of huffed and I couldn’t tell if it was in frustration or disgust, “I...I have nothing to do with Jess …”
Edward interrupted him asking, “Are you sure? She signed in under your name.”
“Ohhh…” Mike sighed then seemed to calm like he now understood what Edward was talking about, “she asked if I wouldn’t mind, since you wouldn’t allow her to,” I knew that line was meant to hurt me. “…so I said it was ok.”
“I never signed Jess in, ever.” Edward stressed the ever for my benefit I was sure of it. “And if you allow her to sign in then you are required to take responsibility for her actions. I would suggest you keep a better eye on her or no longer give her the privilege.”
“I’ll take that under advisement,” it was clear that Mike didn’t like being told what to do, but he really didn’t have any alterative because Edward was only stating the rules which Mike was well aware of.
“Come Isabella,” Edward led us straight out the exit and I was never so happy to see the gloom of the rainy Seattle night as I was at that moment.
After getting into the car Edward turned in his seat cupping the side of my face with his hand, I closed my eyes letting my head lean into his touch. His soft voice caused my eyes flutter open only to see the warmth of his green eyes.
“Are you alright?”
Was I alright? Was I going to let some jealous self-absorbed little tramp make me second guess my life or Edward’s love for me? Or allow the pompous ass to frighten and belittle me so he could use that to get what he wants? Did I want to go back to standing in the back ground watching life go on around me, or was I willing to fight for what makes me happy? Edward’s eyes were searching my face waiting for my answer.
“Your girl is fine, she is just very tired,” and I was physically and mentally exhausted, I had none enough fighting for one night. I had won the battle but something told me the war wasn’t over.
Sitting on the bed in my room I was watching Edward looking through the clothing in the closet while petting Seth. I had been trying to get out of going to the club tonight ever since we got done having sex. At first I thought maybe he had forgotten about it, because we laid wrapped in each other’s arms for a long time. Then I feigned sleep - well not exactly because I was beginning to doze off - hoping that Edward would think I was too tired to go.
“Come on Isabella, we need to get dressed.”
Covering my mouth with the back of my hand I exaggerated the yawn before snuggling back into his side. Edward held me for a few more minutes and then made it completely obvious to me that we were going.
“Tidy up down here and then meet me in your room in five minutes.” Sighing in acquiescence earned me another scolding.
“Was that meant for me?” Edward sat up to glare at me.
“No Sir.”
“I don’t find that sound to be very pleasing Isabella, nor do I care what your opinion is on the matter, had I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it.” The intensity in his eyes was too much and I had to look away.
Edward continued to glare at me for a few more seconds before he asked if my journal was still upstairs. When I told him yes, he announced that I only had four minutes left and I had better hurry up. He went upstairs while I gathered everything up. There really wasn’t much to do, the paper cartons and wine went into the fridge, two glasses went into the dishwasher and I threw the blanket we had sex on into the washing machine.
When I came into the room Edward was already in the closet picking out what he wanted me to wear so I sat on the bed with Seth. I thought about bringing up the idea of just staying home, but I knew that he was resigned to going so I figured I would suck it up and do as he asked.
“Bella where is your red corset?”
“Ummm…in your room?” At least I think that’s where it was, the only other choice would be my closet in the playroom. Edward came out carrying a pair of black jeans and my red heels.
He sighed, “I know we are just trying to figure out our arrangement but could you organize your clothes better?’
“What do you mean?”
“Look, you have more places to keep clothes in this house than I do.” I stared at him in disbelief, because he’s the reason I have so many different places. He’s the one who insisted that I have my own dresser in his room. I was perfectly content the way things were, my room - my stuff.
“All I’m saying is that you need to keep your approved weekend clothes in this room,” He used his pointer finger to stress the point. “Not all over the damn house.”
With that he left, presumably to his room so while he was gone I started getting ready. Coming out of the bathroom Edward came back in the room announcing irately “It’s not there.”
“Then it must be in the playroom.”
Edward huffed, “Just finish getting ready please, come on Seth,” Edward smacked his lips together getting the dogs attention, “I might as well let you out while I’m down there.”
With him gone I continued and by the time Edward returned my makeup was done and I was running the straightener through my hair. I didn’t know if he wanted it up or not but on the off chance he didn’t I figured it be best to get started.
“Here you go,” he watched me for a second, “leave your hair down, and no panties,” he added before leaving to get dressed himself.
I didn’t understand what was so damned important about going tonight if all he wanted to do was check on paperwork, that could wait until the morning - after all it would still be there. But I had resigned myself to the fact that we were going so I might just as well make the best of it. With my hair done I shimmied into the black denim before stepping into the shoes. The corset was another matter all together. I had just gotten it on when Edward came back, that was good because I would need his help.
“Can you tighten the laces for me?”
Edward stepped behind my back tugging the ties tightly from the bottom up. Once he reached my ribs I needed to adjust my boobs so they lay comfortably. I could tell by his expression in the mirror that he was upset and I worried it was with me.
“Are you angry with me?”
Edward tugged a little harder making me suck in air, “No Bella I’m not angry. I know that you don’t want to go and to be honest I don’t want to go either. But, I don’t want to give anyone a chance to alter the sign-in book. They can’t do it while the club is open but as soon as it closes for the weekend it could be possible for them to make changes or completely remove entries. I want to see the information and make copies of it.”
He finished with the laces running his hands down either side of my body, “You look ravishing in this Bella and I must say I’m looking forward to the unlacing.”
“And when do you suppose that’s going to happen?”
His chin rested on my shoulder, “I am planning on being home by eleven and having you restrained in my bed by eleven-fifteen.”
I took in Edward’s outfit while following him down the stairs. He was wearing a pair of black jeans with a dark grey button down over a simple white T-shirt. He looked simply yummy as the shirt moved against the muscles in his back. I was paying more attention to his form than where we were going and when we got to the bottom step his sudden stop caused me to stumble.
Quickly turning he caught me righting my position. “You must pay attention to my movements.”
“Yes Master,” was all I could say not wanting to confess to ogling.
He let Seth in, set the alarm and ushered me to the car. The ride to New Moon was mostly quiet until we reached the down town area. “Isabella I’m sorry I was short with you back at the house. There really is no excuse for it and I’m afraid that my attitude was more of my own unwillingness to accept the situation than anything to do with you.”
I didn’t know what to say to him but I didn’t want Edward to feel bad for about it. “It’s alright Master, but if your girl may ask, what exactly are you hoping to find out?”
He sighed taking my hand in his and told me about Mike being the only one who would have seen him entering the code. So besides getting the information he was thinking that if we showed up tonight it might rattle Mike enough to cause him to say or do something that would explain what happened.
“Isabella do you know him?”
I thought about the man who was there that night, I had came out of the kitchen after standing in front of that damn door to find them in the living room. I didn’t pay very much attention to him, other than to notice the way he stared at me. I remembered grabbing the lapels of my robe because I was uncomfortable with the look he was giving me. But Edward was right there and he immediately sent me upstairs.
“No, although he did look vaguely familiar …”
Edward interrupted, “Mike works security at the club.”
Edward was pulling into the parking lot that was across the street from the main entrance. He didn’t say anything else until he held my door open for me taking my hand and pulling me closer to him. “I am sorry about my behavior.”
I smiled at him, “Your girl forgives you.”
His face moved closer to mine as he spoke, “My girl is more tolerant then I deserve.”
“Never,” as I said the word his lips brushed against mine, it was a sweet chaste kiss. When he pulled back his eyes held a tenderness in them as he palmed the side of my face.
“Remember your task and speak to no one other than family members.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Come, let’s get this over with so we can get home.” I nodded in agreement following behind him with my eyes down. As we approached the entrance Edward spoke with the guy at the door.
“Tyler, how is the night going?”
“Actually Edward, it’s been busy, it’s game night.”
Edward groaned, “Damn I forget about that.”
Tyler chuckled as we moved into the club telling us to have fun; I wasn’t sure what game night was but it appeared as though I was about to find out. Keeping my eyes down I couldn’t see who Edward was greeting as we moved through the first room. There didn’t seem to be very many people here and I wondered what Tyler was talking about when he said it was busy. That was until we got into the next area where the dance floor was.
It seemed everyone was crowded into this area and before I could take it in Rose came over to us, “Oh thank God! Edward we need a third for our team, can we have Bella?”
“Who’s we?” he asked.
“Jane and I.”
Edward was quiet in what I could only assume was deep thought, “Ask Isabella.”
Rose was pulling on my arm trying to get me to move, “Come on Bella, their going to get started soon.”
Looking up at Edward he smiled at me before placing a kiss on my forehead, “Have fun, but remember your place and who it is that you belong to.”
I let Rose pull me through the people to the middle of the dance floor where Jane was waiting. She wrapped me in a hug and after our brief hello’s I asked what kind of game we were playing.
“It’s kind of like a trivia game, with each correct answer we move up a space on the floor.” Looking down I noticed the different colored squares lined up in rows – apparently we were green. “Then if we win the trivia we get to do a challenge and raise money for one of the families, their son is battling a brain tumor.”
“Oh that’s terrible Jane…” I knew that with the death of Mason seeing another family go through the stress of their sick child would be difficult on her. I was thinking once again how strong she was when it dawned on me, “what kind of challenge?”
Rose answered me in a dismissive tone, “Oh it varies - nothing too hard, and that’s when people bid.” She turned to look at the guy in the front of the stage holding a microphone. “But first we have to get up there…and I want to win Bella.”
The guy in the front of us called everyone’s attention to the front of the room, “Ok. Do we have our teams together?” he looked out over the dance floor before he continued. “You all know how this works...” I didn’t know and I hoped he explained it so I was happy as he went on,
“…you work as a team, give one answer; first team to get six correct answers does the challenge. If the winning team gets to the front with ten questions or less, the club will match the challenge bid. Alright any questions?”
When there was nothing but silence he cleared his throat, “Ok then let’s get started. First question: what is Axillism?”
I whispered to Rose, “Using the armpit for sex.” She blurted it out and the guy looked at us in shock.
“That’s right, green team step forward.” Rose seemed extremely pleased that we could move to the next square.
“Second question: The most popular flavor of editable underware …” he didn’t even get to finish the question when some yelled, “Cherry!”
“Yes, Red team.”
Rose looked over her shoulder then back at us. We had sort of formed ourselves into a huddle and she griped, “Figures that stupid bitch would know the answer to that one. She would have to strap a fruit roll-up to her ass for anyone to eat her out!” My mouth dropped in shock but that didn’t stop me from giggling.
“Be nice Rose,” Jane scolded and it would have held more weight had she not been giggling herself.
“Question three...” we stopped laughing to listen, “The word ‘fuck’ is an acronym …”
Jane quickly blurted, “Fornicate Under Command of the King!”
“Yes…green team.”
The game progressed until we were on question seventeen, and tied with the red team. Both of us needed one more correct answer to win. We had already answered that the first condoms were made out of linen, vibrators were invented to cure women of hysteria, and that Geisha were not allowed to perform oral sex because it was considered demeaning.
Rose was tense as we listened to the next question, “Venus observa is the technical term for…” I whispered, “Missionary position.” Rose yelled out my answer and then high fived both Jane and me when he said that was correct and we won the trivia part.
She really was excited and apparently Emmett was too because he was hooting and hollering as all the other teams left the floor. The guy with the microphone came over to us with a small wooden box and held it out in front of Jane, “Pick a good one.”
She stuck her hand in pulling out a slip of paper handing it to him, “Deep Shot!”
“One of you have to do it,” Rose said shaking her head.
“This one can’t, Master would never allow it,” Jane was also shaking her head with her mouth set in a tight line.
“You have to do it Bella,” Rose whispered.
“Do what?” No one answered my question because the guy interrupted our debating, “Who’s doing it ladies?”
Rose ignored the man with the microphone to explain to me. “They put three shoots in what looks like a thick condom and you have to deep throat it and use your tongue and throat to make it come out.”
I was in total shock, these women wanted me to perform a simulated sex act in front of everyone. “Rose…” I pleaded, “…I can’t do that…” I didn’t know how to get out of it and then I remembered my task nothing can touch my lips, “…I need permission to…”
Rose didn’t even bat an eyelash as she looked to the guy, “Ron she needs permission.”
“She needs permission,” he announced over the microphone. The room was dead quiet and for a brief moment I thought I had my reprieve until I heard Edward’s voice say the one word that gave me no option.
“See he wants you to do it!” Rose was excited; Jane gave me an encouraging nod and I wanted to throw up.
“Ok Ladies let’s get you set…” Ron was talking again, “…you have five minutes - make it good.”
Five minutes?
That didn’t sound very long. I could be the center of attention for five minutes. “What do I have to do?” my words didn’t sound very convincing but Rose smiled.
“Remember Alice and the banana?” I nodded while she went on, “You be Alice, I’ll be me and Jane will be you. Be extra submissive, go with the flow, and whatever you do for God’s sake don’t gag.”
Taking a deep breath to calm myself, “Ok…where do I go?”
Rose told me to get on the floor in my waiting position, relax and follow her lead. I didn’t dare look around the room since my stomach was already doing flips and I wondered how the hell I got myself into this as Ron handed Rose the long phallic cup that contained the shots.
I decided if there was no way to get out of doing this I would man-up and give it all I had. Taking two steps away from the women I sunk down onto the floor as gracefully as I possibly could. Clasping my hands behind my back I could feel every eye on me and I worked hard at keeping my expression impassive while trying to focus on recognizing Edward’s gaze. Everyone else could melt away and I knew that I would be safe as long as he was here.
I don’t know what Rose and Jane were doing while I centered myself and my attention to a speck on the floor. A hand touched the top of my head and I was so happy I didn’t flinch that I had to work harder at not smiling. Jane kept her hand on my head as she circled around me until I could feel her slide her body down along my back.
Using both hands she slid them through my hair moving it back to expose my bare shoulders. Her hands then traced up my arms while she leaned close to me and whispered, “Don’t acknowledge this girl, follow Rose’s directions and let’s see how much money we can raise.”
Her head moved to my other shoulder where she skimmed her nose over the exposed skin while continuing to trace her fingers down the length of my arms. I could hear her soft whispers, “It’s all an act, play the part.”
I’m sure that to anyone looking on it would have appeared that we were having an intimate moment, but in all actuality it was anything but. My stomach seemed to settle even when Jane ghosted her lips along my jaw while she spoke softly against my skin. “The hardest part is sucking out the whip cream, once that’s gone, the liquor will slide right down your throat.”
Jane moved in closer to me while Rose stood to my left before making the circle around us. When she stopped Jane took my hair in her one hand and with the other tipped my chin up while speaking against the back of my neck, “When it’s all gone, don’t touch the holder, use your tongue to push it out.”
I still had no idea what Rose was doing; I was too focused on what Jane was saying to really care. Besides I figured if Jane and I were playing a part, Rose was probably doing the same thing and I had enough of my own problems to think about.
Ron’s voice sounded through the room, “Thirty seconds.”
I didn’t know what that meant but then someone shouted out, “Five Hundred!”
Ok…I guess this is the bidding part.
Jane traced the tips of her fingers down my throat and over the exposed skin of my chest when someone else yelled, “One Thousand for Fifteen!”
He wanted me to do this in fifteen seconds and he would pay a thousand dollars. Rose moved again and before she could get back to where she was someone yelled out, “Three Thousand for Ten!”
“That’s the one we want Bella,” Jane spoke against the line of my neck.
Rose tipped my chin as high as it would go with a stern clear voice she said, “Open.”
My mouth opened and I stretched my chin out to disengage my jaw allowing my throat to be completely unlocked. As the pliable obstruction filled my mouth I began using my tongue to work against the soft plastic. The muscles in my throat constricted around it until I felt something cold slipping down it. To keep from gagging, I needed to continuously swallow and as I did the motion added in the release of the thick cream. A few more swallows and I felt the liquid run down my throat. Once I knew it was empty my tongue automatically pushed the holder out of my mouth, where Rose grabbed it.
Jane was practically giddy and Rose had the biggest smile on her face I had ever seen as Ron announced, “Eight-point-three seconds.”
I could feel my face heat up as all I could think about was - who the hell knew that all those years of James force feeding me his cock would allow me to raise three thousand dollars for a worthy cause? The thought of it caused me to become even more self conscious and someone yelled, “And then she blushes!”
I couldn’t see who it was and frankly I didn’t care, because Edward was standing in front of me holding out his hand to help me up while Ron announced who to write the check out to. Edward took my face in his hands making me look into his dark eyes.
“You are an amazing creature Isabella, beautiful to watch, and you make me so very proud.”
I smiled at his words, “Thank you Master.”
“No my pet, thank you…” the force of his gaze made my belly tighten as moisture leaked through to my jeans, “…is your throat sore?”
“No sir.” It wasn’t and I told him why, “The holder was actually soft and rather small in comparison.”
“To you.” Edward chuckled at my words.
“You give me a gift and then you flatter me.” I didn’t understand what he meant by a gift and I didn’t have time to ask because he led me over to where everyone else was.
Edward picked up a bottle of water and brought it to my lips so I could have a drink, just as he pulled it away Ron and another man came over. Ron wanted to know how to list us on the board as the monthly winners. I didn’t exactly want my name up there and apparently neither did Edward because all three of us were listed under our Master’s name. While Ron walked away the other man finished talking with Emmett and turned towards Edward to shake his hand.
“I would have thought my money to be safe tonight. Caius assured me that your submissive was in no way trained enough for such a public display. I see that he was wrong and I will not make the same mistake in trusting his word so easily next time. Now if I may be so bold as to ask for an introduction to the woman who just had me write a three thousand dollar check?”
Edward didn’t do what he asked at first instead he placated, “In all honesty Demetri that only amounts to a thousand dollars each.”
Demetri played it off as if writing such a large check was nothing, “This is true, however I am well acquainted with the lovely Jane and Emmett’s Rosalie, but I have not had the pleasure of formally meeting your Isabella.”
Edward’s hand rested on my hip pulling me closer to him while the other one raised my chin, telling me to look at the man who stood in front of us, “Isabella meet Demetri.”
I finally looked up at the man; he was the same height as Edward, slightly broader through the shoulders and at least five years older. With very defined muscles that stood out against the tight blue t-shirt. His face was angular with shoulder length dark hair and the bad-boy scruff of whiskers that lined his jaw made him seem rugged. He was a very attractive man and as I looked at his face there was something in his eyes that was oddly familiar yet I was sure we had never met.
“Demetri is Felix’s brother.”
A short gasp of air filled my lungs as recognition took hold and a smile played on Demetri’s face.
“I see you have met my brother.” I remained quiet remembering that Edward told me to speak to no one and I felt kind ridiculous just staring but Edward solved that problem.
“Yes, we have run into him a few times.”
I guess it became pretty clear that I was not going to speak to him and when I lowered my eyes he cleared his throat, “Well I will let you all get back to your evening, I just wanted to say hello to the women who so easily parted me from my money, and to tell you that it was worth every penny.”
When he walked away Edward held a chair out for me to sit next to Rose and a few minutes later Aro joined our table. He placed a kiss on top of Rose’s head and then mine before Emmett made reference to our little show we had put on.
“You missed the fuck-ass hot scene they did!” I was surprised because I didn’t find anything about what was happening at all arousing. But again I had no idea what was happening with the other women, and I suppose to the on looker it was rather erotic.
“So I’ve heard, I’ll have to watch the video.”
Aro’s words caught me off guard and although I should have known, it never dawned on me that we were being filmed. Aro turned his attention to Edward and the two of them began talking quietly together. After a minute Jane was told to join them and Edward said he would be back shortly and that I was to listen to Emmett while he was gone.
Rose and I sat there talking, she asked how the plans for Leah’s shower were going and if I had packed for our trip yet. I noticed that we had gotten a few stares from people on the dance floor but no one else had approached us. I began to feel uncomfortable like there someone staring at me. Looking around I noticed that the blond haired man against the wall seemed to be very interested in what we were doing. When our eyes met, he winked at me and that’s when I realized he was Mike.
Rose followed my gaze and told Emmett, when he looked against the wall Mike quickly turned his attention back to the dance floor. “Ladies why don’t you go to the bathroom?”
Emmett’s suggestion sounded good until we actually started walking through the room, several people stared but Rose seemed oblivious to them. I didn’t need to pee and frankly with the corset I had on it would have been very impractical. The bottom came down to my hips and in order to pull down my pants it would have had to have been opened in the back. So while Rose went into the area where the stalls were I stayed out by the sinks.
A young woman with shoulder length curly hair came in and after taking one look at me she groaned, “Ohhh…Just fucking great. First I get my ass chewed out for something that wasn’t my fault and then I have to come face to face with the skanky ho herself.”
I was completely taken aback by the venom in her voice as well as the words. I had never even met this woman, who the fuck did she think she was? I went to open my mouth only to be reminded that Edward told me to speak to one. So instead I glared at her turning to wash my hands. Apparently she took my obedience for weakness because she continued with her disparaging remarks.
“You know I don’t know who you think you are, but I wish you would disappear. I mean I knew that Edward would never be exclusive with me but at least he would call me every now and then.” My eyes widened at her words but she just kept on talking, “That’s right, I fucked him more times than I can count.”
I could feel the anger building up inside me and I knew I had to get out of there or I was going to blow. As I moved to go past her, she grabbed my arm. “And now what do I have? I play third fiddle whenever it strikes them to invite me and you don’t even fucking care.”
Rose came out of the area where the stalls where and I wretched my arm out of her grasp. Edward told me I was only allowed to talk to the family so instead of addressing the person who pissed me off I spoke to a livid Rose.
“Would you please relay a message to this bitch that she had better never put her hands on me again, and I don’t care how many times she’s fucked my Master but I sure hope she has a good memory because she is never going to fuck him again. Tell her that it doesn’t matter if she is third, fourth, or fifth fiddle, her lot in life or place of prominence in someone’s bed has no bearing on me because she is right, I don’t fucking care!”
As I opened the door to leave the bathroom I heard Rose’s menacing voice, “What the fuck is the matter with you Jess?”
Standing outside the bathroom entrance I leaned up against the wall while waiting for Rose. Emmett had sent us off together so I assumed he wanted us to stay that way. But there was no way I was going to be able to stay in that room with –Rose called her -Jess. By the time Rose came out I had somewhat calmed down, but seeing her astonished face just pissed me off more.
Did she think I should have just taken that verbal abuse?
“Why didn’t you tell that ho off earlier?”
Oh, that was what the dazed looked on her face was from. I sighed and explained Edward’s rules for the night and my thinking on telling Jess off without really talking to her. To my surprise Rose laughed. “That was fucking classic Bella. I couldn’t figure out why you were asking me to tell her, but now I get it.”
She laughed again but really I didn’t think it was funny, I also hoped that when Edward heard about it he wouldn’t be too mad or think that I overstepped my boundaries. Then again I couldn’t imagine that he wouldn’t want me to stand up for myself either. I’m not these people’s doormat or someone they can kick around simply because they are having a bad day.
I’ve been there in my life, always taking the brunt of James’s discontent with his existence. Like it was my fault that he didn’t have a better job, or a nicer car, maybe he thought it was my fault or that I should be able to do something about it. I know he always brought up having more money but that wouldn’t have helped; he would have just found something else to be unhappy with me about.
Because he enjoyed making me miserable, he would take great pleasure in hurting me anyway he could. He was always trying to break me, break my spirit, my will and my fortitude. Anything that would keep me down so that he could feel important and better than someone, even if that person was only me, it would still elevate him in his own mind. The fact was I didn’t allow him to break me - he got close - I’ll give him that much – but he didn’t succeed. In fact, for all his attempts at shattering my life, the opposite occurred.
I lived through the worst he could give and I left him. I went on to fulfill my dream of college and a career that wouldn’t leave me dependant on him for basic necessities. I found fulfillment with my life in helping others find their way. I found a person to love who loves me back unconditionally. Someone who respects me with admiration in his eyes and who is such an amazing person that I can look at him the same way – No, I didn’t allow all of James’s attempts to bring me down and I certainly wouldn’t allow any of these people to do it either.
I was always afraid of what people thought about me and I never had enough confidence in myself, especially the first few years after I left James. I always second guessed myself and my abilities. Even in school where I found that I could excel, everything I did never seemed good enough. Always sitting in the back letting life pass me by, thinking that life was just one obstacle after another.
I never would have had the confidence in myself to do what I did tonight with Rose and Jane; and had Jess attacked me a month ago I would have tucked tail and ran. So where did this new found poise come from…and maybe even a better question is how long will it last?
I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings while having my own internal dialog so I was surprised to see a figure in front of us. “I must say that I was astounded by the little display that you put on ladies, especially you Isabella.”
I didn’t look up to see who it was, but I was pretty sure I knew, internally I cringed - externally I wasn’t going to let this person unnerve me.
“I see that your training is moving along and I am most impressed with your progress. Of course you were with Jane so it makes me wonder if perhaps Aro has had a hand in bringing you along?”
I didn’t give him the satisfaction of an answer instead I continued to watch the movement of his hands. Caius talked with his hands and that always makes me nervous because James use to do the same thing and more often than not his hands would turn into fists. Poise and self-confidence is one thing, a fist coming at you is something different.
Rose however took it upon herself to get us free from the pompous asshole, “We need to get back to our table, please allow us to pass.”
“I asked a question of Isabella, I expect an answer. Or perhaps I should refer your impertinence to your Master,” His hand moved up swiftly and it took everything in me to keep from flinching back, “hmmm…” he hummed, “…the question is who should I inform?”
What does he mean who should he inform?
“I’m wondering how long you’ve known Aro? Has he given you promises or perhaps cash gifts?”
Promises? Promises of what?
Cash gifts? Like I’m some kind of prostitute?
“Caius,” Emmett’s voice caused a calm to rush over me, “Is there a problem?”
“Actually Emmett there is. I asked Isabella a question and she refused to answer, I believe her rudeness should be punished.”
“What happens with Isabella is none of your concern. However, you can take it up with Edward, I’m sure he would be more than willing to talk to you about it. Rosalie, Isabella go back to the table.”
As we walked by Caius wasn’t yet done with his insults, “My, you sure do keep it all in the family don’t you. Family get togethers must be very interesting.” My mouth dropped as my feet stopped, I couldn’t believe what he just said.
“I don’t like what you are implying and I would suggest you shut your mouth!” Jovial Emmett who normally had the disposition of a teddy bear had just turned into a ferocious grizzly.
“Is there a problem here Mr. Cullen?” the Mike guy came over to assist but something told me that Emmett didn’t need any assisting he did however glare at Rose and me.
“I said get to the table. Now!” Rose grabbed my arm moving us quickly along.
Once we were sitting I didn’t even bother to look over in the direction we had just come from, Rose on the other hand was giving me a play-by-play up to the point where Emmett and Caius went into the back room where the offices were.
I tried to calm down because honestly I didn’t do anything wrong, but when Roses phone chirped a feeling of dread came over me. “They want us to come back there.”
Aro’s office was tucked in behind the stage area. The front part was just a simple office area with a desk and file cabinets. Rose knocked on the door and waited until it was opened for us to come in.
The room was not at all what I had expected. There were no windows and the majority of the room was taken up by a large wooden desk where Edward was perched on one corner. Aro sat in the black leather chair behind the desk with Jane dutifully kneeling by his side. Caius was standing to the left of the desk and Jess was sitting on one of the chairs directly in front of it.
I really didn’t get a chance to look around, once I entered the room I immediately presented myself to Edward. Standing there quietly with my eyes down I could feel his gaze on me and I knew that he would be addressing me so the sound of his voice did not startle me.
“Isabella,” as Edward said my name he gave me the signal to look at him, when our eyes met he went on, “Caius has told me that he spoke with you.”
“Yes Sir.”
He nodded, “He said that he asked you a question.”
“Yes Sir.” Edward tilted his head slightly but held my stare.
“He also said that you refused to answer him, even after he repeatedly asked you for a reply. Is that true?”
“Yes Sir.” Edward sighed giving the signal to lower my eyes which I immediately complied to.
“Well Caius, I’m sorry if you were offended by Isabella’s actions, but she did exactly as I had instructed her to do. She was told not to speak to anyone outside of family members…”
“She spoke to me…rudely!”
Fucking Bitch
“Let me handle one complaint at a time please.” Edward pressed and I know it sound’s childish but I had a sudden desire to turn around and stick my tongue out at her.
“Caius I had asked you before not to speak to Isabella, I find it underhanded that you would wait to attack her when I was not there. So since we are all here, I will make an exception tonight and allow Isabella to answer your questions. So ask away.”
Caius didn’t sound happy as he tried to defend himself, “I did not attack her.”
“Did you feel attacked Ms Swan?” Aro asked and I answered, “Yes Sir.”
“How so?” at the sound of Caius’s voice I remained quiet completely ignoring his question making him huff in frustration. Although I don’t know why he was surprised by my silence or maybe he was trying to trip me up and was annoyed it didn’t work. Either way it made me feel pretty damn powerful and I had to work hard to keep the smugness off my face.
“Tell me how Ms Swan.”
My attention went back to Aro, “He stopped us on the way back from the bathroom …” my story was interrupted by Jess’s nagging voice. “Where she was rude to me.”
Although I was not a violent person I wanted to slap her so badly but Edward put a stop to her incisive whining, “We will get to you later…continue.”
I knew he was talking to me so I started talking again telling them all of the conversation that I could remember. The insults, the accusations, and the reference to me being a prostitute, which didn’t seem to go over well with the men in the room, when I was done Aro stood.
“Caius my personal business is just that. Mine. If you have questions about anything pertaining to it I would appreciate it if you address them to me. Now Edward has given you a chance to ask Ms. Swan anything you wish to know, if you have nothing to ask I would suggest that you not bother her anymore or I will be forced to impose sanctions upon you. I must say that we have known each other for many years and that is not something I wish to do, so please do not force my hand on the matter. Do you have any questions for Ms Swan?”
Aro’s words were forceful yet courteous, he meant business without losing his temper and that was why he has always been a man who deserved the respect he received. Caius certainly didn’t have any questions he wanted to ask me in front of him so he gave a resounding ‘No’ and left very unsatisfied.
Aro then turned his attention to the other problem in the room, “Now Miss Jessica, I believe yours is a personal problem that has nothing to do with me, that is unless you also would like to inquire of my business.”
“N…No Sir,” she shuddered over the words.
Aro sighed, “Then I will take my leave. Edward please feel free to use my office as long as necessary. Jane.” At the sound of her name she got up and followed him shutting the door as they left.
Edward stood from where he was leaning on the desk, “Isabella did you speak to Jessica?”
“No Master.” Damn straight I called him Master and he was mine.
“Liar!” she accused loudly.
“Isabella look at me…” my eyes met his and he stared like he was looking for something. “Jessica what is it that was said?”
Edward held my gaze while she talked of course she embellished a lot leaving out how she started it and the part where she grabbed my arm. Her biggest complaint was that I called her a bitch, threatened her, and said I didn’t care about her.
When she was done and seemingly satisfied with her story Edward raised an eyebrow, “are you telling me that Jessica is making all that up?”
“No Master.” I could see the anger roll across his face.
“Then you did speak with her,” it wasn’t a question it was an accusation given with a very harsh tone.
“No Master.”
He looked at me in total confusion, “Isabella I would suggest that you explain yourself. How is it that you can stand there claiming to be innocent yet she’s telling the truth? ”
“Master,” I took a deep breath so my words came out correctly, “your girl did say those things…” Edward’s pursed his lips and I figured I better explain quickly. “…however, she was speaking to Rosalie, it is not your girls fault if Jessica was eavesdropping on our private conversation.”
Edward’s mouth dropped like he couldn’t believe me capable of such a thing, “That screams of semantics Isabella”
I kept my mouth shut, he could call it anything he wants in my mind, I had remained obedient.
“Yes semantics,” the snide remark from Jessica just added to my anger and I wondered if she even knew what the word meant. Edward gave her a stern look in warning and I didn’t like it one bit. That was my look and I could feel the tears filling my eyes.
She apparently thought differently because she whined, “She called me a bitch Edward.”
I hated that she called him by name or the possessive tone she used, it was like a slap in my face and the tears that I had been fighting became harder to hold in. I just wanted to get out of there, I wanted to do home and go to sleep and forget that the night ever happened.
“Jess you can go back out to Mike, tell him that if he has a problem with what happened I’ll be here another fifteen minutes so he can come talk to me on his break,” Edward never took his eyes off me while he spoke or when Jessica got up in a huff.
“Don’t worry Edward I will!” at least her tone went from possessive to indignant as she said his name.
“She’s with Newton?” Rose asked when the door slammed, “Damn I thought he had better taste.”
Did I mention how much I loved Rose?
“Apparently …” Edward said pulling a paper out of his pocket to look at it, “she’s been signing in under his name for the past few weeks, although it only showed up this week because the book has been altered to look like it was under someone else.”
There was a sadness in his eyes while he spoke to me, “Which is why I needed to come tonight”
Emmett came over to see what Edward was talking about while Rose stood next to me. I still had not moved and remained quiet while they discussed how the names had been erased, but it was still clear that the sign-in book was indeed changed.
Rose yawned and Emmett said that they were going home; Edward told him he was going to stay ten more minutes to see if Mike came to (as he put it) ‘have anything he wished to say to him.’ As soon as they left Edward looked to me holding his hand out. “Come here.”
The tears filled my eyes again as he wrapped me up in his arms tucking my head against his shoulder. Edward reached around me to get a tissue and when he did I finally took in the rest of the room. There was some art work on the wall but what caught my eye was the picture that hung by the door. It was the first time since I had entered the room that I smiled and Edward noticed, giving me a questioning look.
“Your girl gave them that.”
“You did?” I nodded
“Yes a few years ago for Christmas. Leah took it, we had to wait until the sun started going down to get the right effect. We sat across the street for over an hour while she took the pictures from all different angles.” Sighing because at the time I sent it, I second guessed myself thinking that maybe it was cliché or a silly gift. Leah assured me that they would love it and practically forced me to send it. It reminded me that I hadn’t talked to her in a few days, that was unusual and I kind of felt bad about it.
Edward came up behind me wrapping me in a hug, “I’ve given him enough time, let’s go”
Following Edward through the club I listened as he said good-bye to a few people and wondered why we weren’t heading towards the exit. It seemed like he was leading me in the opposite direction, until he finally stopped.
“Mike I trust that you have no problem with the way I handled the situation between Isabella and Jessicia?”
I could see Mike fidget on the stool he was sitting on, “Jess? No…why do I care about her? Was…there a problem?”
“She didn’t tell you about the altercation in the restroom?” Getting right to the point I guessed that Edward was trying to gage Mike’s reaction.
He kind of huffed and I couldn’t tell if it was in frustration or disgust, “I...I have nothing to do with Jess …”
Edward interrupted him asking, “Are you sure? She signed in under your name.”
“Ohhh…” Mike sighed then seemed to calm like he now understood what Edward was talking about, “she asked if I wouldn’t mind, since you wouldn’t allow her to,” I knew that line was meant to hurt me. “…so I said it was ok.”
“I never signed Jess in, ever.” Edward stressed the ever for my benefit I was sure of it. “And if you allow her to sign in then you are required to take responsibility for her actions. I would suggest you keep a better eye on her or no longer give her the privilege.”
“I’ll take that under advisement,” it was clear that Mike didn’t like being told what to do, but he really didn’t have any alterative because Edward was only stating the rules which Mike was well aware of.
“Come Isabella,” Edward led us straight out the exit and I was never so happy to see the gloom of the rainy Seattle night as I was at that moment.
After getting into the car Edward turned in his seat cupping the side of my face with his hand, I closed my eyes letting my head lean into his touch. His soft voice caused my eyes flutter open only to see the warmth of his green eyes.
“Are you alright?”
Was I alright? Was I going to let some jealous self-absorbed little tramp make me second guess my life or Edward’s love for me? Or allow the pompous ass to frighten and belittle me so he could use that to get what he wants? Did I want to go back to standing in the back ground watching life go on around me, or was I willing to fight for what makes me happy? Edward’s eyes were searching my face waiting for my answer.
“Your girl is fine, she is just very tired,” and I was physically and mentally exhausted, I had none enough fighting for one night. I had won the battle but something told me the war wasn’t over.
Chapter 50
“Ohhhahhh,” I groaned earning a stern look of disapproval from Edward.
“Hold on a second Emmett.”
Removing the phone from his ear I received his full attention, “Isabella do you have something you wish to say?”
“No Sir,” my eyes suddenly found the wood pattern of the table to become very interesting.
“Then I would suggest that you keep your opinions to yourself.”
I didn’t look up as he chastised me for my outburst instead biting my bottom lip while feeling the discomfort of his gaze on me. After a second of time he went back to his conversation. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the club; it was more like I didn’t want to have to deal with the people there. They were catty, irritating, and downright rude. Besides that, my selfish nature was making an appearance and I really resented the fact that I was going to have to share our usual time with other people. Our weekend had already been disrupted enough and I was looking forward to spending what was left of it with my Master.
Edward finished his call, snapping the phone closed and setting it on the table. I could feel his eyes on me while I tried to remain calm under his intense stare. “I know this is your table and you are allowed to make yourself known, but I will not tolerate insolence. If you have something to say, behave like an adult and voice your concerns through words not petulant sounds of disrespect. Now I will ask you one more time, do you have something to say?”
My first inclination was to answer with a resounding ‘no Sir’ but that would have been dishonest. He and Jane were always telling me to be open and direct with what I was feeling so that’s what I decided to do.
“Master I…”
He interrupted me with a firm voice that I was sure would match his expression, “Look at me…” our meeting gaze told me my assessment was correct, “…now speak.”
Taking a deep breath I started again, “Why do we need to go there? I thought,” I sighed, causing Edward’s eyes to rise, “we already lost part of our time together and I was looking forward to being alone.” The few words came out in a hush because I felt bad for being so narcissistic.
Edward’s eyes narrowed and his head tilted ever so slightly as he scrutinized my words. “I would like nothing more than to alone with you all night Isabella. However, this is one of those things that cannot be put off. I need to check something out so we will be making an appearance tonight.”
With those words he put an end to the discussion, “Now, stand up.”
Swallowing hard I stood while he swerved in the chair bringing me to stand between his open legs. Edward placed his hands on either side of the top shirt I had been wearing, sliding it over my shoulders then down my arms before neatly folding and laying it on the table. The white stretchy cotton of my remaining tank top hid nothing from his view. His hands moved to my hips pulling me closer to him placing my breast directly in front of his face.
My hands went to his shoulders but he gripped both wrists drawing them behind my back causing my breasts to rise closer to his mouth. Edward’s teeth latched on to my right nipple through the thin material pulling the aching nub between them making me whimper.
His eyes shot to mine as he let go of the hold he had on me. “Keep your head straight, your eyes on the wall,” compiling immediately he demanded, “and I don’t want to hear a sound, not even a harsh breath.”
With those words his teeth once again seized my nipple where he proceeded to tug, nip and torment the captured peak. I had to work hard at maintaining my stance while his teeth moved from one side to the other. The bands on my nipples had already made them overly sensitive and the extra pressure from his teeth was to the point of being almost painful. But it wasn’t enough pain and rather than back away from it, I found myself thrusting my breasts out further in hopes that he would bite harder.
I knew my breathing was increasing but I worked at keeping it silent as the pressure in my belly started to build. I wanted to cry out, to beg him to bite harder to give me some relief but I stayed quiet while his teeth continued to use my nipples as a chew toy.
Every time he moved from one side to the other the disappearance of his mouth caused a burning sensation that was only nullified by his return. The pressure was building faster as my internal muscles contracted to the point where I could no longer stop the small escape of sound that left my throat.
As the noise reached his ears Edwards mouth left my body in a move that left me both relieved and wanting. Keeping my eyes on the wall I didn’t glance down into his face but I could tell that he was looking at mine. “Is there a part of ‘no sound’ you didn’t understand?”
“No Sir. Your…”
“I didn’t ask you for an excuse,” Edward’s hands moved holding both of my wrists in one of his while the other hand moved under my skirt to the juncture between my thighs.
“Oh my, someone is more than a little aroused.”
Absurd as it sounds his words caused me to be embarrassed by the way my body reacted and I could feel the blush burning my cheeks. His fingers moved aside the thin piece of thong as they probed through my slick folds causing me to tense up when he reached my clit.
“Don’t. Make. A. Sound.” Each word was punctuated with a fierce tone telling me that it would be in my best interest to comply.
Edward used two fingers rubbing quickly over my clit, my eyes shut as my legs started to tremble while the pressure welled up in my stomach. I had to fight the natural urge to let it escape by pushing against it, only to have it build harder. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I heard Edward’s voice, “Remain quiet and cum.”
My whole body shook with the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. The warmth from the tingle was like a shot of pleasure that radiated from the concentrated pressure. I could literally see the energy shooting through me like a white light and it felt so good that I continued to push against it in hopes that it wouldn’t end. The only way I was able to remain quiet was by holding my breath as I continued to press against the urge to cry out.
My face started to tingle while white specks flashed against my eyes lids and it was only when I heard Edward’s voice that I realized I was still holding my breath.
“Isabella breathe.”
My lungs practically screamed out in relief as they filled with fresh oxygen. After a few more breaths my eyes fluttered open making me realize that I was no longer standing. Edward’s arms were wrapped around me while I rested in his lap with my head leaning against his shoulder.
“That’s my girl, breathe.”
My head cleared with a few more deep breathes and Edward lifted me to a standing position for a second before he moved behind me. My skirt was lifted and Edward slid the thong down my legs before leaning me over the table. His hand hooked under my knee lifting my leg to so that my foot rested flat on the chair he had been sitting on. His chest pressed against my back and I shuddered at the feeling of his warm breath against my neck was as he growled in my ear.
“Not one sound.”
I felt him at my entrance right before his hands gripped my hips as he thrust into me making me clamp my jaw shut to keep from crying out. His pace was fast and hard, leaving me breathless as he used my body for his own pleasure.
I was working so hard at keeping quiet, that I didn’t feel his hands leave my hips until they took ahold of my breasts. My body reacted with a shiver from his hands gripping the already tender flesh as once again I pushed against the building pressure. Edward grunted once, buried himself inside me and let out a primal groan as he came.
His chest crushed against my back, pinning me down to the table while his panting breathes echoed my own. He kissed my shoulder once before whispering in my ear, “Good girl.”
The pride that welled up inside of me from those two simple words actually brought tears to my eyes. The delight that he gained from me in the few minutes that I remained silent was worth any effort on my part. In that moment I felt the satisfaction from my own ability to work towards the goal that he had set for me. It might have been a simple thing but being able to control myself through my own devises was pivotal to me.
It wasn’t arrogance because I knew that I would be tested again and perhaps next time fail, but that would just be a learning experience that I could draw new insight from. Although I never really thought of myself as being strong, I was beginning to see the strength that lay dormant inside me. Giving me a small glimpse of the understanding that Edward seems to have of me.
Perhaps it was silly to have such an epiphany over the simple act of remaining quiet. Especially when originally it was only done out of devotion to my Master, simply to make him happy through my obedience. But if there is one thing I learned through all the years in psychology it’s that you never know where the insight is going to come from.
Edward stood taking me along with him, “Come, we’ll shower before I order dinner.”
Following quietly on weak legs Edward led me upstairs and into his bathroom, where I stripped off the tank top while he started the water. Stepping under the spray he moved behind me and began lathering my hair. His long firm fingers felt so good while massaging my scalp I let out a small sigh.
Edward chuckled, “You like that?”
“Yes Sir.”
Who in their right mind wouldn’t?
Tilting my head up into the water I felt his fingers trail down the length of spine, “To be a soap bubble and find a happy home in your luscious ass.”
“They’d pop in there and disappear,” I informed him as I turned to catch his gaze.
“Oh Isabella, I could disappear in there and believe me there would definitely be some popping,” A wicked grin formed on his face making me blush while he chuckled and applied conditioner to my hair.
“Now wash me.”
It was the first time he had asked me to do that and I thoroughly enjoyed running my hands over the planes of his body. I got on my knees to do his lower legs and feet bringing me face to peen and I couldn’t help but to lean forward to place a kiss on it.
“Isabella, was permission given for you to put your lips on me?”
“No Sir.”
My voice was small as my eyes looked straight ahead at Edward’s semi-erect dick. Perhaps his head didn’t like my lips on him, but his peen sure did. Before I had a chance to fully appreciate the growing sight before me, strong arms lifted me to my feet.
“Rinse out your hair and meet me in the bedroom in five minutes.”
With that he stepped out of the shower leaving me to wonder if I had screwed up again or if he just needed to get away to calm down his growing hard-on. The answer came as soon as I left the bathroom with my hair and body still wrapped in towels. Edward was standing at his dresser with his back to me not even bothering to turn around as he told me to remove the towels and kneel.
“Isabella…” from the tone of his voice it was clear that I had screwed up “…your task was simple; nothing is to touch your lips without my permission. So it makes me wonder if you were once again being inattentive or if it is that you can’t help yourself when there is cock in front of you.”
I kept my eyes down as I thought about his words, I truly didn’t think about what I was doing and it wasn’t just any cock it was his. Personally I didn’t think what I did was all that bad, at least not until I heard his next words.
“You confound me Isabella.” Edward was standing directly in front of me wearing a pair of pajama pants; my eyes stayed focused on his bare feet.
Confound him?
“I watch you work so hard at controlling yourself with what should be a difficult task, such as remaining quiet and yet with a simple one you seem to forget. Is it nonce lance? Do you feel like the simpler the task is the less effort it needs, or that you don’t need to remember to perform it? I feel like you take two steps forward only to take one back. I should not have to remind you several times a day what is expected of you.”
He was right and although at the time I didn’t see the problem with placing a kiss on him, Edward’s words made me realize I was wrong. My job as his submissive was to obey his commands, all of his commands to the best of my ability.
“What have you got to say for yourself?”
“Your girl is sorry Master. She loves you and just wanted to show you that. She see’s now that she should have asked for permission.”
“Yes…she should have. Besides the disobedience you took liberties of touching my body without my consent. That is not to happen again. You were granted permission to wash me, not to put your mouth on me. Again it’s all in the attention to details. Simple tasks are the building blocks of harder ones that are to come. I cannot move forward as I want to when we have to continually come back to these same issues.”
I could see what he was saying, and although I felt bad for my actions there were no tears just my own disappointment in my actions. My thoughts went back to my epiphany and I would take his words as a learning experience, his punishment as recompense, and move forward with a lesson learned.
Edward surprised me by holding his hands out for me to take. “Come, I want you to rest.”
I stared down at the bed and the tears that were not there before suddenly came. My mind was reeling with all kinds of scenarios as to why there was no punishment. Was I not worthy of the time it would take or the energy to allocate it? Or worse was he so disappointed in me that he was not ready to forgive me? Maybe in his mind he thought it was pointless to continue with this relationship if I couldn’t even remember one simple task.
Edward took my chin in his hand forcing me to look at him, “Tell me.”
His voice was stern as was the look in his eyes I sniffled as the tears ran down my cheeks, “Are you so terribly disappointed that you can’t forgive this girl?”
I specifically didn’t refer to myself as his girl. Edward continued to stare at me and I blurted out, “Master your girl won’t be able to rest with your displeasure hanging over her head.”
“So ask it of me Isabella?”
Ask him? He wanted me to ask him to punish me. Was I crazy, who the hell wants to be punished? As I thought about it, I realized I did. There would be no way I could possibly relax knowing that this was not settled, it had to be finished and there was only one way to do that.
“Master please,” I sniffled, “your girl needs to be reprimanded, so she knows she is forgiven.”
“You are asking me to punish you.” It wasn’t a question; it was a perfectly delivered line from someone who knew exactly what he was doing.
The intent didn’t matter to me just so I could get the closure. “Yes…please.”
“Sit,” Edward’s chin motioned towards the overstuffed chair in the corner. As I sat back in it he picked up the throw blanket that lay on the ottoman and covered me up. Reaching over to the nightstand he picked up my journal and when he gave it to me the pen was sticking out of the top of it.
“For the next hour you are to work on that. If you finish before then, remain where you are until I come to get you.”
“Thank you Master.”
Edward smiled at me, stood, and pressed a kiss to my forehead, “You have an hour.”
Once he left the room I settled back into the chair opening the journal to see what he had written.
Give the definition of each word and tell how they correspond with each other.
A Task, A Lesson, Obedience.
I reread his writing three times before I got a clear understanding of what I was being asked to do and then as I started to get my thoughts together something else occurred to me. Edward had written this while I was still in the bathroom. He had every intention of having me write at some point and I wondered for a minute if he was happy that I had insisted upon doing it now rather than later. As I started writing on the meaning of a task there was one thing I was certain of--I was happier doing it now.
I had to get out of the shower, it was hard enough to try and control my dick with Bella on her knees, and next to impossible when I her lips touched me. I knew she only did it out of affection and a gesture of devotion but that did not negate the fact that she disregarded the task I had set for her.
When she came out of the bathroom I had made up my mind that the punishment was going to only occur at her request. She needed to realize where I stood on the issue, my concerns for her lackadaisical responce to my orders, and then I was going to let the ball remain in her court. If she was truly sorry and wanted to move past this setback she would tell me, hell with that, she would beg me.
I have to admit it was one of the rare times when I was happy to see her tears of distress and I knew exactly what the problem was. I just needed her to acknowledge the need for closure and hopefully for the last time in regards to this issue. So once she asked me to dispense her punishment I felt like I could burst from the pride I had for her.
“Mommy has come a long way Seth.” The dog looked at me like he knew exactly what I was talking about. Still he was more than happy to abandon me for the back yard.
I dug through the drawer where all the takeout menus were, deciding on Chinese. Rather than pick out two meals I ordered a variety of things, knowing that Bella would appreciate the mixture. Throwing in a load of wash I thought about calling the Private Investigator, but decided against it until I confirm my suspicions about Mike.
He would have been the only one who could have seen me enter the default code, why he would tell someone the number was another matter. Was he the reason that someone broke into the house or did he accidentally release the information where another party could overhear?
I hated to think that Mike would do something so dastardly. I have known him for four years, we weren’t exactly friends but we were always cordial. There was never any antagonism between us over work or women. He came to the club, did his job, never seemed to get involved in anybody’s personal business, and let’s face it at New Moon that’s a major plus.
As far as women are concerned I had never seen him with one, of course I never really paid attention either. So it’s not like I was stepping on his toes or anything remotely close. It seemed fairly obvious that Bella didn’t know him, and since she’s the only woman I have been with for the past month I couldn’t see how that would be an issue.
Still I couldn’t get the nagging feeling out of my head to check out his time card along with the sign in book to see when others arrived, if they arrived at all.
The washing machine buzzed and before I switched the load into the drier I let Seth in the back door. The dog started barking before the door bell rang.
“It’s just the food,” I told him as he followed me to the door barking the whole time, “Seth!” I admonished while shutting down the alarm and opening the door to a very stunned Irena.
“Since when do you have a dog Edward?”
I didn’t respond to her question instead sighing heavily, “What can I do for you Irena?”
“You can invite me in,” she said as if it should be obvious.
Hesitantly I moved to the side to allow her entrance locking the door but leaving the alarm off, I wasn’t taking any chances. She stood in my living room watching Seth as he sat by my feet.
“I never thought you to be a dog lover,” the sweetness in her voice confused me because the last time we spoke it was anything but friendly. That was the day she and Caius attacked Bella for which I found their actions deplorable.
“Cut the crap Irena why are you here?” My tone was rude but she deserved it and I didn’t trust her.
She sighed looking around the room, “Where is Isabella?”
I raised an eyebrow, “Is that why you are here, to see Isabella? Do you want to insult her again or me?” the look on her face was as if my words wounded her.
“No Edward. I’m truly sorry about that. I had hoped that I could apologize to you both at the club, but you don’t seem to come as much anymore. So I thought it best to stop by rather than call so I could speak to you in person.”
Without any response from me she went on, “Edward you and I have been friends a long time…”
That comment got a reaction from me and I figured I would set her straight on the state of our friendship. “Were. Past tense. That friendship ended with your belligerence to the woman I love.”
“Love?” she laughed “Oh I have to get to know that woman better,” she said condescendingly under her breath.
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”
Irena’s demeanor changed, “Honestly Edward I didn’t mean anything by that. Truly I’m just shocked, you never,” she sighed again. “Well I just wanted to let you know that I was sorry. Caius seemed to think that he would have a chance at getting together with your Isabella. I feel retched about my part in it. But he…”
I cut right to the chase, “What does he want with Isabella?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
“And what were you going to get out of it?” I knew there had to be something in it for her.
“He offered me a job managing one of his stores,” Her face fell as if she was embarrassed “Look Edward I’m not going to lie to you. I could have used the job and I just figured Isabella was nothing more to you than a passing fancy, had I known you had any feelings for the girl…” she trailed off before looking me in the eye once again.
“Caius heard about Isabella’s financial status and I’m sure on some level that appealed to him, although he seemed more interested in her relationship with Aro. For reasons unknown to me, that piece of information seemed to give him a massive hard-on for the girl.”
I thought about what she just said and asked for clarification, “Who started the rumors?”
“I couldn’t pin it down to one person and you know how rumors spread. I don’t go to open door nights, and by that first weekend there were all kinds of stories. People were whispering everything from Isabella being Aro’s secret lover to her being his illegitimate child. Then when it was clear that you had taken up with her it became worse.”
We grew quiet as I tried to piece together what she was saying when the door bell rang again this time it was the guy with our food. As I sat the bags down on the sideboard Irena smiled sadly. “I’ll let you get to your dinner, truly I am sorry Edward and I hope that you can forgive my selfish intentions.”
As she was leaving the house she held out her hand and I shook it without reservation. I didn’t think I would ever trust her as I had in the past but at least I understood her motives. Before I could shut the door Irena turned to me, “The dog came with Isabella, didn’t he?”
I nodded with a grin while she laughed, “You must really love her.”
“I do.” She smiled again this time with a little twinkle in her eye, “Then I am truly happy for you.”
Shutting the door I made sure to reset the alarm before moving to the kitchen to get a glass and a bottle of wine. I would think more about Irena’s little visit later once I had fed Bella and hopefully gained more information tonight. After starting the fireplace and putting a blanket on the floor I brought the food and wine over and then turned on some soft music before going up to get Bella.
It had been slightly longer than an hour and I hoped that she wouldn’t be upset again at my lingering absence. Bella was curled up on the chair her hair was all gathered over one shoulder with her head tucked in the corner while she slept. I hated to wake her but we had a time schedule to keep.
Taking her robe out of the closet I sat on the ottoman tracing the line of her jaw with the back of my hand watching as a small smile played on her face.
“Come on sleepy head, time to get up.” Her eyes fluttered open at the sound of my voice as she leaned into my touch.
Bella’s eyes met mine and I asked, “Did you get your writing done?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Good. Then let’s go eat dinner,” Taking her hands I lifted her to her feet watching as the blanket fell to the floor. Then held out the robe for her to put on, once it was over her shoulder’s I adjusted the fit telling her to leave the belt open and she followed me down the stairs.
“I would like a glass of water Isabella,” I told her when we had reached the bottom step.
“Yes Master.” I watched as she walked into the kitchen with Seth on her heels.
She had not acknowledged his presence and I was sure he wanted some attention from her. While she was gone I moved to sit on the couch opening up the various white boxes and taking out the chopsticks from their wrapper, staring at the fire I started eating. Bella came back kneeling before me with the glass stretched out in front of her.
“It’s warm by the fire Isabella, you can remove the robe and relax,” I told her taking the glass from her hands and watching as the pink silk slid from her body.
The soft glow from the fire played across her skin as she sank down further onto the floor. I stopped her before she laid her head in my lap by holding on to her chin. Keeping my eyes locked with hers, I brought the glass to her lips allowing her a drink. After she swallowed Bella’s tongue peeked out to capture the excess moisture, the sight of it caused my dick to twitch and I had to take a drink myself to keep from groaning.
Using the chopsticks I picked up a piece of sesame chicken bringing it to her lips. Bella’s mouth opened further to accept it and my eyes watched her lips wrap around the end of the meat drawing it in with her tongue. This time I couldn’t help the sharp intake of air that my body suddenly needed or the small groan that followed her sigh of delight.
Holy Fuck!
This was going to be a long meal and a difficult one to keep myself in control. With that thought in mind I took another drink of water before eating a piece of chicken myself in an attempt to calm down. Bella’s eyes watched my hand move towards her while she opened her mouth once again to accept what I was offering her.
After a few more bites I brought the wine glass to her lips and she drank a large sip voicing her satisfaction once more, “Mmmmm…”
I figured if she liked the wine as it was she would appreciate the taste more with the shrimp, “Here you hold this.”
She took the glass from me, while I took a shrimp out of the container bringing it to her mouth with my hand. Bella’s lips wrapped around the food and as she pulled it between her teeth, her tongue licked the tips of my fingers. My gaze moved from her mouth to her eyes and there a fire burning that had nothing to do with the hearth.
I watched her chew, while I ate one myself once she swallowed I told her to take a drink then watched as the dry wine mixed with the flavor of the shrimp, “Mmmmmmm.”
Oh yeah…I knew she would like that.
“Good?” I asked taking the glass from her so I could have a sip.
“Delicious,” Her eyes sparkled.
“Yes…” I agreed with her and as much as I was enjoying watching her I wanted Bella closer to me. My hands slid under her arms pulling her towards me, “relax my pet.”
Her head tilted so she could rest her cheek on my thigh while I continued to alternate the various boxes. In between I would have her lift her head to receive drinks and while I ate my free hand would stroke her face, down her neck and skim over her bare shoulder. While I touched her, Bella snuggled in closer to my groin letting out little purrs of happiness, only stopping when she felt another bite of food at her lips.
She was absolutely glorious and the intimacy of the act was more intense than anything I have ever felt. The woman brought me such joy not only in a sexual manor but also in an emotional and intellectual way. It was like she was perfectly and wondrously made especially for me.
“You look mighty comfortable down there,” a smile played at her lips while my thumb strokes across them.
“Yes sir. Your lap is very comfy.”
“Well in that case, come here.” Lifting her up and setting her sideways across me, my arm wrapped around Bella’s back drawing her in to lay her head against my shoulder.
“Did you have enough to eat?” All the container boxes were just about empty and Bella’s chewing had slowed but I wanted to make sure.
“Yes Master, Thank you.”
“You’re welcome my pet.” I placed a kiss on the top of her head, “now…” reaching behind her, “…for dessert.” I handed her a fortune cookie.
Bella opened the wrapper breaking the cookie in half to remove the little scrap of paper that was tucked inside to read it. Her expression was compelling making my curiosity spike, “What does it say?”
Her eyes never left the paper as she read, “The one who makes you the happiest will feed you for the rest of your life.”
My face fell at the words, I had read hundreds of fortunes and none have ever sounded so truthful. Taking the paper from her finger I re-read it, “The sun shine will warm your face.”
Bella giggled and when my eyes locked with hers she at least had the impulse to try and stifle it. “Your girl was interpreting for you.”
“Interpreting?” I growled lifting her swiftly and moving us on to the floor. Bella lay underneath me her breasts bouncing slightly from the giggle her laughter made me chuckle.
“For a second there I thought Confuses might have been a real fortune teller.”
Bella’s stared at me in bewilderment, “What do you mean?”
Shit! I didn’t mean to say that out loud.
To help take her mind off my ramblings I kissed her. My lips molded to hers gently at first until Bella parted hers letting me taste the sweetness of her mouth. The soft moan that came from her urged me on until I found myself grinding my dick against her heat. Taking her hands I lifted them over her head holding them there with one hand while I worked to free myself from the pajama pants.
Bella lifted her hips to meet me as I slid into her wet warm tightness. “God baby you feel so good.” I took my time, enjoying every stroke as Bella’s body responded under me, while we shared loving tender kisses. Her hands that were locked in my grip started to offer resistance as her moans became louder telling me she was getting close.
“Tell me who you belong to,” I demanded gripping the back of her neck with free hand.
“You…only …you,” she panted out between gasps of air.
“”Damn straight!”
Letting her hands go I held on to her hips while shifting to my knees. This position gave me a better view of my Bella. Her hair was spread out behind her head like a mahogany curtain. The flame from the fire cast her skin in a glow of warm amber while the reflection danced in her eyes. Her breasts bounced with my every move as the wanton sounds that I love so much continued to fill the room.
Moving my hand to rest on her mound I used my thumb to rub her clit causing Bella to cry out “Master please!”
“What does my slut want?” the words came out in a growl.
“Please…your slut …wants to …cum…ohhhhh….pleeasssee?”
I was going to make her wait but from the signals she was giving off I didn’t think she would be able to hold it very much longer.
“Cum for me …now,” I told her while applying more pressure to her clit.
Bella’s hands gripped the blanket above her head as her shoulders pressed firmly into the floor while her back arched. I don’t know what she said it sounded like a bunch of prattling and I couldn’t tell if it was Native American or plain nonsense.
My thumb kept working until Bella started to come back to reality and I felt the beginnings of my own release. Gripping both her hips I thrust a few more times and pulled out of her at the last second to shoot my cum on her stomach before sitting back on my heels.
Bella’s hand came down and before touching my seed her eyes met mine in a silent request, which I answered with a nod. A small smile played on her face as her fingers scooped up as much as they could before putting them in her mouth to clean them off.
“Mmmmm,” it was the same sound of delight she made while savoring the wine and just the thought of her enjoying my taste that much kept my dick at full attention. Bella sat up looking down at my predicament before meeting my eyes.
“Master may your slut clean you off?”
I couldn’t stop the groan that came out as she lowered her body and wrapped her lips around me. Bella moaned while her tongue lapped over me effectively cleaning me of our mixed juices. When she was done my lips once again found hers and between the scent in the air and the taste on her mouth my head was starting to spin. Wrapping my arms around her body I pulled Bella with me to the floor tucking her in next to me against my chest.
“Your girl loves you Master.”
Lifting her chin our eyes locked and I poured as much feeling into my words as I possibly could “As I love her.”
The moment was sealed with a tender kiss before I tucked her head back into the nook of my neck holding her close to me. The fire warmed my back while the woman who meant more to me than life itself warmed my front and ultimately heart and soul.
“Ohhhahhh,” I groaned earning a stern look of disapproval from Edward.
“Hold on a second Emmett.”
Removing the phone from his ear I received his full attention, “Isabella do you have something you wish to say?”
“No Sir,” my eyes suddenly found the wood pattern of the table to become very interesting.
“Then I would suggest that you keep your opinions to yourself.”
I didn’t look up as he chastised me for my outburst instead biting my bottom lip while feeling the discomfort of his gaze on me. After a second of time he went back to his conversation. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the club; it was more like I didn’t want to have to deal with the people there. They were catty, irritating, and downright rude. Besides that, my selfish nature was making an appearance and I really resented the fact that I was going to have to share our usual time with other people. Our weekend had already been disrupted enough and I was looking forward to spending what was left of it with my Master.
Edward finished his call, snapping the phone closed and setting it on the table. I could feel his eyes on me while I tried to remain calm under his intense stare. “I know this is your table and you are allowed to make yourself known, but I will not tolerate insolence. If you have something to say, behave like an adult and voice your concerns through words not petulant sounds of disrespect. Now I will ask you one more time, do you have something to say?”
My first inclination was to answer with a resounding ‘no Sir’ but that would have been dishonest. He and Jane were always telling me to be open and direct with what I was feeling so that’s what I decided to do.
“Master I…”
He interrupted me with a firm voice that I was sure would match his expression, “Look at me…” our meeting gaze told me my assessment was correct, “…now speak.”
Taking a deep breath I started again, “Why do we need to go there? I thought,” I sighed, causing Edward’s eyes to rise, “we already lost part of our time together and I was looking forward to being alone.” The few words came out in a hush because I felt bad for being so narcissistic.
Edward’s eyes narrowed and his head tilted ever so slightly as he scrutinized my words. “I would like nothing more than to alone with you all night Isabella. However, this is one of those things that cannot be put off. I need to check something out so we will be making an appearance tonight.”
With those words he put an end to the discussion, “Now, stand up.”
Swallowing hard I stood while he swerved in the chair bringing me to stand between his open legs. Edward placed his hands on either side of the top shirt I had been wearing, sliding it over my shoulders then down my arms before neatly folding and laying it on the table. The white stretchy cotton of my remaining tank top hid nothing from his view. His hands moved to my hips pulling me closer to him placing my breast directly in front of his face.
My hands went to his shoulders but he gripped both wrists drawing them behind my back causing my breasts to rise closer to his mouth. Edward’s teeth latched on to my right nipple through the thin material pulling the aching nub between them making me whimper.
His eyes shot to mine as he let go of the hold he had on me. “Keep your head straight, your eyes on the wall,” compiling immediately he demanded, “and I don’t want to hear a sound, not even a harsh breath.”
With those words his teeth once again seized my nipple where he proceeded to tug, nip and torment the captured peak. I had to work hard at maintaining my stance while his teeth moved from one side to the other. The bands on my nipples had already made them overly sensitive and the extra pressure from his teeth was to the point of being almost painful. But it wasn’t enough pain and rather than back away from it, I found myself thrusting my breasts out further in hopes that he would bite harder.
I knew my breathing was increasing but I worked at keeping it silent as the pressure in my belly started to build. I wanted to cry out, to beg him to bite harder to give me some relief but I stayed quiet while his teeth continued to use my nipples as a chew toy.
Every time he moved from one side to the other the disappearance of his mouth caused a burning sensation that was only nullified by his return. The pressure was building faster as my internal muscles contracted to the point where I could no longer stop the small escape of sound that left my throat.
As the noise reached his ears Edwards mouth left my body in a move that left me both relieved and wanting. Keeping my eyes on the wall I didn’t glance down into his face but I could tell that he was looking at mine. “Is there a part of ‘no sound’ you didn’t understand?”
“No Sir. Your…”
“I didn’t ask you for an excuse,” Edward’s hands moved holding both of my wrists in one of his while the other hand moved under my skirt to the juncture between my thighs.
“Oh my, someone is more than a little aroused.”
Absurd as it sounds his words caused me to be embarrassed by the way my body reacted and I could feel the blush burning my cheeks. His fingers moved aside the thin piece of thong as they probed through my slick folds causing me to tense up when he reached my clit.
“Don’t. Make. A. Sound.” Each word was punctuated with a fierce tone telling me that it would be in my best interest to comply.
Edward used two fingers rubbing quickly over my clit, my eyes shut as my legs started to tremble while the pressure welled up in my stomach. I had to fight the natural urge to let it escape by pushing against it, only to have it build harder. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I heard Edward’s voice, “Remain quiet and cum.”
My whole body shook with the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. The warmth from the tingle was like a shot of pleasure that radiated from the concentrated pressure. I could literally see the energy shooting through me like a white light and it felt so good that I continued to push against it in hopes that it wouldn’t end. The only way I was able to remain quiet was by holding my breath as I continued to press against the urge to cry out.
My face started to tingle while white specks flashed against my eyes lids and it was only when I heard Edward’s voice that I realized I was still holding my breath.
“Isabella breathe.”
My lungs practically screamed out in relief as they filled with fresh oxygen. After a few more breaths my eyes fluttered open making me realize that I was no longer standing. Edward’s arms were wrapped around me while I rested in his lap with my head leaning against his shoulder.
“That’s my girl, breathe.”
My head cleared with a few more deep breathes and Edward lifted me to a standing position for a second before he moved behind me. My skirt was lifted and Edward slid the thong down my legs before leaning me over the table. His hand hooked under my knee lifting my leg to so that my foot rested flat on the chair he had been sitting on. His chest pressed against my back and I shuddered at the feeling of his warm breath against my neck was as he growled in my ear.
“Not one sound.”
I felt him at my entrance right before his hands gripped my hips as he thrust into me making me clamp my jaw shut to keep from crying out. His pace was fast and hard, leaving me breathless as he used my body for his own pleasure.
I was working so hard at keeping quiet, that I didn’t feel his hands leave my hips until they took ahold of my breasts. My body reacted with a shiver from his hands gripping the already tender flesh as once again I pushed against the building pressure. Edward grunted once, buried himself inside me and let out a primal groan as he came.
His chest crushed against my back, pinning me down to the table while his panting breathes echoed my own. He kissed my shoulder once before whispering in my ear, “Good girl.”
The pride that welled up inside of me from those two simple words actually brought tears to my eyes. The delight that he gained from me in the few minutes that I remained silent was worth any effort on my part. In that moment I felt the satisfaction from my own ability to work towards the goal that he had set for me. It might have been a simple thing but being able to control myself through my own devises was pivotal to me.
It wasn’t arrogance because I knew that I would be tested again and perhaps next time fail, but that would just be a learning experience that I could draw new insight from. Although I never really thought of myself as being strong, I was beginning to see the strength that lay dormant inside me. Giving me a small glimpse of the understanding that Edward seems to have of me.
Perhaps it was silly to have such an epiphany over the simple act of remaining quiet. Especially when originally it was only done out of devotion to my Master, simply to make him happy through my obedience. But if there is one thing I learned through all the years in psychology it’s that you never know where the insight is going to come from.
Edward stood taking me along with him, “Come, we’ll shower before I order dinner.”
Following quietly on weak legs Edward led me upstairs and into his bathroom, where I stripped off the tank top while he started the water. Stepping under the spray he moved behind me and began lathering my hair. His long firm fingers felt so good while massaging my scalp I let out a small sigh.
Edward chuckled, “You like that?”
“Yes Sir.”
Who in their right mind wouldn’t?
Tilting my head up into the water I felt his fingers trail down the length of spine, “To be a soap bubble and find a happy home in your luscious ass.”
“They’d pop in there and disappear,” I informed him as I turned to catch his gaze.
“Oh Isabella, I could disappear in there and believe me there would definitely be some popping,” A wicked grin formed on his face making me blush while he chuckled and applied conditioner to my hair.
“Now wash me.”
It was the first time he had asked me to do that and I thoroughly enjoyed running my hands over the planes of his body. I got on my knees to do his lower legs and feet bringing me face to peen and I couldn’t help but to lean forward to place a kiss on it.
“Isabella, was permission given for you to put your lips on me?”
“No Sir.”
My voice was small as my eyes looked straight ahead at Edward’s semi-erect dick. Perhaps his head didn’t like my lips on him, but his peen sure did. Before I had a chance to fully appreciate the growing sight before me, strong arms lifted me to my feet.
“Rinse out your hair and meet me in the bedroom in five minutes.”
With that he stepped out of the shower leaving me to wonder if I had screwed up again or if he just needed to get away to calm down his growing hard-on. The answer came as soon as I left the bathroom with my hair and body still wrapped in towels. Edward was standing at his dresser with his back to me not even bothering to turn around as he told me to remove the towels and kneel.
“Isabella…” from the tone of his voice it was clear that I had screwed up “…your task was simple; nothing is to touch your lips without my permission. So it makes me wonder if you were once again being inattentive or if it is that you can’t help yourself when there is cock in front of you.”
I kept my eyes down as I thought about his words, I truly didn’t think about what I was doing and it wasn’t just any cock it was his. Personally I didn’t think what I did was all that bad, at least not until I heard his next words.
“You confound me Isabella.” Edward was standing directly in front of me wearing a pair of pajama pants; my eyes stayed focused on his bare feet.
Confound him?
“I watch you work so hard at controlling yourself with what should be a difficult task, such as remaining quiet and yet with a simple one you seem to forget. Is it nonce lance? Do you feel like the simpler the task is the less effort it needs, or that you don’t need to remember to perform it? I feel like you take two steps forward only to take one back. I should not have to remind you several times a day what is expected of you.”
He was right and although at the time I didn’t see the problem with placing a kiss on him, Edward’s words made me realize I was wrong. My job as his submissive was to obey his commands, all of his commands to the best of my ability.
“What have you got to say for yourself?”
“Your girl is sorry Master. She loves you and just wanted to show you that. She see’s now that she should have asked for permission.”
“Yes…she should have. Besides the disobedience you took liberties of touching my body without my consent. That is not to happen again. You were granted permission to wash me, not to put your mouth on me. Again it’s all in the attention to details. Simple tasks are the building blocks of harder ones that are to come. I cannot move forward as I want to when we have to continually come back to these same issues.”
I could see what he was saying, and although I felt bad for my actions there were no tears just my own disappointment in my actions. My thoughts went back to my epiphany and I would take his words as a learning experience, his punishment as recompense, and move forward with a lesson learned.
Edward surprised me by holding his hands out for me to take. “Come, I want you to rest.”
I stared down at the bed and the tears that were not there before suddenly came. My mind was reeling with all kinds of scenarios as to why there was no punishment. Was I not worthy of the time it would take or the energy to allocate it? Or worse was he so disappointed in me that he was not ready to forgive me? Maybe in his mind he thought it was pointless to continue with this relationship if I couldn’t even remember one simple task.
Edward took my chin in his hand forcing me to look at him, “Tell me.”
His voice was stern as was the look in his eyes I sniffled as the tears ran down my cheeks, “Are you so terribly disappointed that you can’t forgive this girl?”
I specifically didn’t refer to myself as his girl. Edward continued to stare at me and I blurted out, “Master your girl won’t be able to rest with your displeasure hanging over her head.”
“So ask it of me Isabella?”
Ask him? He wanted me to ask him to punish me. Was I crazy, who the hell wants to be punished? As I thought about it, I realized I did. There would be no way I could possibly relax knowing that this was not settled, it had to be finished and there was only one way to do that.
“Master please,” I sniffled, “your girl needs to be reprimanded, so she knows she is forgiven.”
“You are asking me to punish you.” It wasn’t a question; it was a perfectly delivered line from someone who knew exactly what he was doing.
The intent didn’t matter to me just so I could get the closure. “Yes…please.”
“Sit,” Edward’s chin motioned towards the overstuffed chair in the corner. As I sat back in it he picked up the throw blanket that lay on the ottoman and covered me up. Reaching over to the nightstand he picked up my journal and when he gave it to me the pen was sticking out of the top of it.
“For the next hour you are to work on that. If you finish before then, remain where you are until I come to get you.”
“Thank you Master.”
Edward smiled at me, stood, and pressed a kiss to my forehead, “You have an hour.”
Once he left the room I settled back into the chair opening the journal to see what he had written.
Give the definition of each word and tell how they correspond with each other.
A Task, A Lesson, Obedience.
I reread his writing three times before I got a clear understanding of what I was being asked to do and then as I started to get my thoughts together something else occurred to me. Edward had written this while I was still in the bathroom. He had every intention of having me write at some point and I wondered for a minute if he was happy that I had insisted upon doing it now rather than later. As I started writing on the meaning of a task there was one thing I was certain of--I was happier doing it now.
I had to get out of the shower, it was hard enough to try and control my dick with Bella on her knees, and next to impossible when I her lips touched me. I knew she only did it out of affection and a gesture of devotion but that did not negate the fact that she disregarded the task I had set for her.
When she came out of the bathroom I had made up my mind that the punishment was going to only occur at her request. She needed to realize where I stood on the issue, my concerns for her lackadaisical responce to my orders, and then I was going to let the ball remain in her court. If she was truly sorry and wanted to move past this setback she would tell me, hell with that, she would beg me.
I have to admit it was one of the rare times when I was happy to see her tears of distress and I knew exactly what the problem was. I just needed her to acknowledge the need for closure and hopefully for the last time in regards to this issue. So once she asked me to dispense her punishment I felt like I could burst from the pride I had for her.
“Mommy has come a long way Seth.” The dog looked at me like he knew exactly what I was talking about. Still he was more than happy to abandon me for the back yard.
I dug through the drawer where all the takeout menus were, deciding on Chinese. Rather than pick out two meals I ordered a variety of things, knowing that Bella would appreciate the mixture. Throwing in a load of wash I thought about calling the Private Investigator, but decided against it until I confirm my suspicions about Mike.
He would have been the only one who could have seen me enter the default code, why he would tell someone the number was another matter. Was he the reason that someone broke into the house or did he accidentally release the information where another party could overhear?
I hated to think that Mike would do something so dastardly. I have known him for four years, we weren’t exactly friends but we were always cordial. There was never any antagonism between us over work or women. He came to the club, did his job, never seemed to get involved in anybody’s personal business, and let’s face it at New Moon that’s a major plus.
As far as women are concerned I had never seen him with one, of course I never really paid attention either. So it’s not like I was stepping on his toes or anything remotely close. It seemed fairly obvious that Bella didn’t know him, and since she’s the only woman I have been with for the past month I couldn’t see how that would be an issue.
Still I couldn’t get the nagging feeling out of my head to check out his time card along with the sign in book to see when others arrived, if they arrived at all.
The washing machine buzzed and before I switched the load into the drier I let Seth in the back door. The dog started barking before the door bell rang.
“It’s just the food,” I told him as he followed me to the door barking the whole time, “Seth!” I admonished while shutting down the alarm and opening the door to a very stunned Irena.
“Since when do you have a dog Edward?”
I didn’t respond to her question instead sighing heavily, “What can I do for you Irena?”
“You can invite me in,” she said as if it should be obvious.
Hesitantly I moved to the side to allow her entrance locking the door but leaving the alarm off, I wasn’t taking any chances. She stood in my living room watching Seth as he sat by my feet.
“I never thought you to be a dog lover,” the sweetness in her voice confused me because the last time we spoke it was anything but friendly. That was the day she and Caius attacked Bella for which I found their actions deplorable.
“Cut the crap Irena why are you here?” My tone was rude but she deserved it and I didn’t trust her.
She sighed looking around the room, “Where is Isabella?”
I raised an eyebrow, “Is that why you are here, to see Isabella? Do you want to insult her again or me?” the look on her face was as if my words wounded her.
“No Edward. I’m truly sorry about that. I had hoped that I could apologize to you both at the club, but you don’t seem to come as much anymore. So I thought it best to stop by rather than call so I could speak to you in person.”
Without any response from me she went on, “Edward you and I have been friends a long time…”
That comment got a reaction from me and I figured I would set her straight on the state of our friendship. “Were. Past tense. That friendship ended with your belligerence to the woman I love.”
“Love?” she laughed “Oh I have to get to know that woman better,” she said condescendingly under her breath.
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”
Irena’s demeanor changed, “Honestly Edward I didn’t mean anything by that. Truly I’m just shocked, you never,” she sighed again. “Well I just wanted to let you know that I was sorry. Caius seemed to think that he would have a chance at getting together with your Isabella. I feel retched about my part in it. But he…”
I cut right to the chase, “What does he want with Isabella?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
“And what were you going to get out of it?” I knew there had to be something in it for her.
“He offered me a job managing one of his stores,” Her face fell as if she was embarrassed “Look Edward I’m not going to lie to you. I could have used the job and I just figured Isabella was nothing more to you than a passing fancy, had I known you had any feelings for the girl…” she trailed off before looking me in the eye once again.
“Caius heard about Isabella’s financial status and I’m sure on some level that appealed to him, although he seemed more interested in her relationship with Aro. For reasons unknown to me, that piece of information seemed to give him a massive hard-on for the girl.”
I thought about what she just said and asked for clarification, “Who started the rumors?”
“I couldn’t pin it down to one person and you know how rumors spread. I don’t go to open door nights, and by that first weekend there were all kinds of stories. People were whispering everything from Isabella being Aro’s secret lover to her being his illegitimate child. Then when it was clear that you had taken up with her it became worse.”
We grew quiet as I tried to piece together what she was saying when the door bell rang again this time it was the guy with our food. As I sat the bags down on the sideboard Irena smiled sadly. “I’ll let you get to your dinner, truly I am sorry Edward and I hope that you can forgive my selfish intentions.”
As she was leaving the house she held out her hand and I shook it without reservation. I didn’t think I would ever trust her as I had in the past but at least I understood her motives. Before I could shut the door Irena turned to me, “The dog came with Isabella, didn’t he?”
I nodded with a grin while she laughed, “You must really love her.”
“I do.” She smiled again this time with a little twinkle in her eye, “Then I am truly happy for you.”
Shutting the door I made sure to reset the alarm before moving to the kitchen to get a glass and a bottle of wine. I would think more about Irena’s little visit later once I had fed Bella and hopefully gained more information tonight. After starting the fireplace and putting a blanket on the floor I brought the food and wine over and then turned on some soft music before going up to get Bella.
It had been slightly longer than an hour and I hoped that she wouldn’t be upset again at my lingering absence. Bella was curled up on the chair her hair was all gathered over one shoulder with her head tucked in the corner while she slept. I hated to wake her but we had a time schedule to keep.
Taking her robe out of the closet I sat on the ottoman tracing the line of her jaw with the back of my hand watching as a small smile played on her face.
“Come on sleepy head, time to get up.” Her eyes fluttered open at the sound of my voice as she leaned into my touch.
Bella’s eyes met mine and I asked, “Did you get your writing done?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Good. Then let’s go eat dinner,” Taking her hands I lifted her to her feet watching as the blanket fell to the floor. Then held out the robe for her to put on, once it was over her shoulder’s I adjusted the fit telling her to leave the belt open and she followed me down the stairs.
“I would like a glass of water Isabella,” I told her when we had reached the bottom step.
“Yes Master.” I watched as she walked into the kitchen with Seth on her heels.
She had not acknowledged his presence and I was sure he wanted some attention from her. While she was gone I moved to sit on the couch opening up the various white boxes and taking out the chopsticks from their wrapper, staring at the fire I started eating. Bella came back kneeling before me with the glass stretched out in front of her.
“It’s warm by the fire Isabella, you can remove the robe and relax,” I told her taking the glass from her hands and watching as the pink silk slid from her body.
The soft glow from the fire played across her skin as she sank down further onto the floor. I stopped her before she laid her head in my lap by holding on to her chin. Keeping my eyes locked with hers, I brought the glass to her lips allowing her a drink. After she swallowed Bella’s tongue peeked out to capture the excess moisture, the sight of it caused my dick to twitch and I had to take a drink myself to keep from groaning.
Using the chopsticks I picked up a piece of sesame chicken bringing it to her lips. Bella’s mouth opened further to accept it and my eyes watched her lips wrap around the end of the meat drawing it in with her tongue. This time I couldn’t help the sharp intake of air that my body suddenly needed or the small groan that followed her sigh of delight.
Holy Fuck!
This was going to be a long meal and a difficult one to keep myself in control. With that thought in mind I took another drink of water before eating a piece of chicken myself in an attempt to calm down. Bella’s eyes watched my hand move towards her while she opened her mouth once again to accept what I was offering her.
After a few more bites I brought the wine glass to her lips and she drank a large sip voicing her satisfaction once more, “Mmmmm…”
I figured if she liked the wine as it was she would appreciate the taste more with the shrimp, “Here you hold this.”
She took the glass from me, while I took a shrimp out of the container bringing it to her mouth with my hand. Bella’s lips wrapped around the food and as she pulled it between her teeth, her tongue licked the tips of my fingers. My gaze moved from her mouth to her eyes and there a fire burning that had nothing to do with the hearth.
I watched her chew, while I ate one myself once she swallowed I told her to take a drink then watched as the dry wine mixed with the flavor of the shrimp, “Mmmmmmm.”
Oh yeah…I knew she would like that.
“Good?” I asked taking the glass from her so I could have a sip.
“Delicious,” Her eyes sparkled.
“Yes…” I agreed with her and as much as I was enjoying watching her I wanted Bella closer to me. My hands slid under her arms pulling her towards me, “relax my pet.”
Her head tilted so she could rest her cheek on my thigh while I continued to alternate the various boxes. In between I would have her lift her head to receive drinks and while I ate my free hand would stroke her face, down her neck and skim over her bare shoulder. While I touched her, Bella snuggled in closer to my groin letting out little purrs of happiness, only stopping when she felt another bite of food at her lips.
She was absolutely glorious and the intimacy of the act was more intense than anything I have ever felt. The woman brought me such joy not only in a sexual manor but also in an emotional and intellectual way. It was like she was perfectly and wondrously made especially for me.
“You look mighty comfortable down there,” a smile played at her lips while my thumb strokes across them.
“Yes sir. Your lap is very comfy.”
“Well in that case, come here.” Lifting her up and setting her sideways across me, my arm wrapped around Bella’s back drawing her in to lay her head against my shoulder.
“Did you have enough to eat?” All the container boxes were just about empty and Bella’s chewing had slowed but I wanted to make sure.
“Yes Master, Thank you.”
“You’re welcome my pet.” I placed a kiss on the top of her head, “now…” reaching behind her, “…for dessert.” I handed her a fortune cookie.
Bella opened the wrapper breaking the cookie in half to remove the little scrap of paper that was tucked inside to read it. Her expression was compelling making my curiosity spike, “What does it say?”
Her eyes never left the paper as she read, “The one who makes you the happiest will feed you for the rest of your life.”
My face fell at the words, I had read hundreds of fortunes and none have ever sounded so truthful. Taking the paper from her finger I re-read it, “The sun shine will warm your face.”
Bella giggled and when my eyes locked with hers she at least had the impulse to try and stifle it. “Your girl was interpreting for you.”
“Interpreting?” I growled lifting her swiftly and moving us on to the floor. Bella lay underneath me her breasts bouncing slightly from the giggle her laughter made me chuckle.
“For a second there I thought Confuses might have been a real fortune teller.”
Bella’s stared at me in bewilderment, “What do you mean?”
Shit! I didn’t mean to say that out loud.
To help take her mind off my ramblings I kissed her. My lips molded to hers gently at first until Bella parted hers letting me taste the sweetness of her mouth. The soft moan that came from her urged me on until I found myself grinding my dick against her heat. Taking her hands I lifted them over her head holding them there with one hand while I worked to free myself from the pajama pants.
Bella lifted her hips to meet me as I slid into her wet warm tightness. “God baby you feel so good.” I took my time, enjoying every stroke as Bella’s body responded under me, while we shared loving tender kisses. Her hands that were locked in my grip started to offer resistance as her moans became louder telling me she was getting close.
“Tell me who you belong to,” I demanded gripping the back of her neck with free hand.
“You…only …you,” she panted out between gasps of air.
“”Damn straight!”
Letting her hands go I held on to her hips while shifting to my knees. This position gave me a better view of my Bella. Her hair was spread out behind her head like a mahogany curtain. The flame from the fire cast her skin in a glow of warm amber while the reflection danced in her eyes. Her breasts bounced with my every move as the wanton sounds that I love so much continued to fill the room.
Moving my hand to rest on her mound I used my thumb to rub her clit causing Bella to cry out “Master please!”
“What does my slut want?” the words came out in a growl.
“Please…your slut …wants to …cum…ohhhhh….pleeasssee?”
I was going to make her wait but from the signals she was giving off I didn’t think she would be able to hold it very much longer.
“Cum for me …now,” I told her while applying more pressure to her clit.
Bella’s hands gripped the blanket above her head as her shoulders pressed firmly into the floor while her back arched. I don’t know what she said it sounded like a bunch of prattling and I couldn’t tell if it was Native American or plain nonsense.
My thumb kept working until Bella started to come back to reality and I felt the beginnings of my own release. Gripping both her hips I thrust a few more times and pulled out of her at the last second to shoot my cum on her stomach before sitting back on my heels.
Bella’s hand came down and before touching my seed her eyes met mine in a silent request, which I answered with a nod. A small smile played on her face as her fingers scooped up as much as they could before putting them in her mouth to clean them off.
“Mmmmm,” it was the same sound of delight she made while savoring the wine and just the thought of her enjoying my taste that much kept my dick at full attention. Bella sat up looking down at my predicament before meeting my eyes.
“Master may your slut clean you off?”
I couldn’t stop the groan that came out as she lowered her body and wrapped her lips around me. Bella moaned while her tongue lapped over me effectively cleaning me of our mixed juices. When she was done my lips once again found hers and between the scent in the air and the taste on her mouth my head was starting to spin. Wrapping my arms around her body I pulled Bella with me to the floor tucking her in next to me against my chest.
“Your girl loves you Master.”
Lifting her chin our eyes locked and I poured as much feeling into my words as I possibly could “As I love her.”
The moment was sealed with a tender kiss before I tucked her head back into the nook of my neck holding her close to me. The fire warmed my back while the woman who meant more to me than life itself warmed my front and ultimately heart and soul.
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