Personal goals?
I sat there staring at the journal wondering what the heck that meant. Did Edward want something that had to do with my submission to him or did he mean life in general? Was this task his subtle way of telling me that there was something about me that I needed to change?
That thought was dismissed as soon as it entered my mind. Because I was absolutely sure that if that was the case Edward would simply tell me. Besides that very morning, the whole time that we spent in bed making love he drilled it into my head how much he adored me. He called me beautiful in every way possible so I knew with all my heart that couldn’t be the reason.
“You’re over thinking this Bella.”
I’m over thinking?
Edward used that soothing voice he has that compels me to understand, “I’m not asking you to come up with a cure for cancer. All I’m talking about are small simple goals, nothing more than that.”
“What kind of goals?” Edward frowned at me. I wasn’t asking him to tell me what objectives I should work towards I was just looking for some direction. “I mean, could they be anything?”
“Yes anything. However they should be relevant, specific, and obtainable.”
I heard what he said relevant, specific and obtainable, those were the words that any educator threw out when talking about goal setting. They truly meant nothing to me because I already knew what a goal consisted of. The intellectual part was taken care of; it was the emotional side I wasn’t too sure about. The more I thought about it and what Edward was asking me to do, the more my mind could only come up with one word. Unfortunately my brain was a jumbled mess of vagueness and the word came out in an exaggerated expression of my discontent.
“Why?” Edward spit the word back at me through narrowed eyes as he sat forward in his chair. At his intense glare I could feel my body recoiling.
Shifting in my seat I drew my legs up to tuck them underneath me while he continued to stare. The intensity of his gaze was so strong that my eyes dropped down to my journal that was clutched in my hands while my teeth nervously bit into my lip. I knew it was wrong to question Edward’s direction and my whiny childish tone didn’t help. In fact all it did was make me sound like a spoiled bratty child. Which was exactly how I was feeling, that didn’t get any better as Edward thoroughly reprimanded me.
“You should know by now that I’m not in the habit of having to explain myself. Nor is it your place to question anything that I would have you do. I know that I should have conveyed the task during our usual. However, I was trying to see that you had a sufficient amount of time to think about what is important to you and what you would like to obtain. But make no mistakes Isabella, that task is not a request from your boyfriend it is a demand from your Master. And just to make myself perfectly clear, had your outburst occurred during our usual time, you would have been swiftly punished. As it is I’m teetering with the notion of doing exactly that as a reminder that you are to respect me at all times.”
Not once did Edward raise his voice above a normal tone, he didn’t need to, the point was made. I on the other hand remained quiet while he continued, “If you want to behave like an ornery child I can be accommodating. Is that what you want Isabella? Do you need a time-out?”
“No Sir,” at my answer Edward gave me the signal to look at him. Lifting my gaze his face was impassive with deep penetrating eyes that are reserved for my Master.
“Now…if you can gather your emotions and behave respectfully then we can finish our discussion minus the incisive whining.”
“Your girl is sorry Master; she didn’t mean to behave like a spoiled brat.”
Edward finally blinked while letting out a deep sigh as he sat back in his chair. I on the other hand remained where I was, rigid and afraid to move. Not that I was worried for my safety, Edward would never hurt me. My anxiety was from my desire to not cause him further disappointment or do something that would add to the feeling of division that already surrounded us. To me it felt like there was a wall between us, one of my own making, which alienated the two of us. On his side was everything good, warmth, companionship and acceptance, on my side resided isolation, disgrace and condemnation.
It seemed like forever sitting there waiting for some sort of indication that it was acceptable for me to move. In all actuality in was only a few seconds until Edward gave me the hand signal to come to him. Before I even crossed the three feet that separated us he gestured for me to kneel, which I did gladly. Moving to his side I sunk to my knees settling on the floor as close to his legs as possible.
“Relax nâhtötse.”
At the feel of my face resting against his thigh all the tension left my body as I let out a stuttering breath while the tears fell. I wasn’t full out crying; it was more of an emotional release that I felt at knowing my place in his heart was secure. Edward shushed me while his hand gently stroked across my shoulder and down my arm as the side of my face nuzzled on his leg. The back of his fingers grazed along my cheek passing across my lips where I gently kissed them.
“Better now?” My body had become so relaxed I only nodded at Edward’s question. That wasn’t what he expected from me, “Answer please.”
“Yes Sir,” I replied quietly, keeping my eyes closed in an attempt to stay in that place of quiet peace.
Wordlessly, Edward’s hand continued to stroke across the skin of my shoulder and upper arm. I savored the times that I was allowed to rest at his feet in total submission. No words needed to be said, he was expressing his acceptance of me in the silent form of his touch. I was conveying my need for his admiration through my tranquil surrender and all felt right with the world.
With my eyes closed I enjoyed the feeling of Edward’s hand as it moved over my body. The contact on my bare skin sending tingles of delight through me. I was so very relaxed yet totally aware of my surroundings. The feel of soft flannel against my face masking yet not eliminating his scent as each breath I took drew more of him into me. In that moment there was not a single conscious thought going through my mind. The breeze blowing softly against my face carried the unmistakable smell of saltwater. I could hear the roll of the waves as they crashed over the sand along with the cry of the seagulls scavenging for food. I knew that the sun was rising however under cover of the balcony we were shaded and it was easy to get lost in the serenity.
Sooner than I would have liked Edward’s hand went to the back of neck, gathering both braids he tugged on them tilting my head back. Retaining the tension on my hair he guided my movements until I was upright on my knees and facing him. There was no anger in his expression yet his eyes were dark with seriousness as he spoke.
“Isabella, I’m not expecting anything profound, a two week time period doesn’t allot for anything momentous. All I’m talking about are three personal goals that can be anything you desire as long as they are meaningful, to you, not to me. You will not be judged for the subject matter or for the degree of difficulty in reaching them. The only expectation that I have is your completion of the task, both parts of it. First in making your choices of what you want to achieve and then implementing the steps towards ultimately obtaining them, and I will accept nothing less than that. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir.”
Edward’s little speech only brought back to mind the fact that I had to come up with goals. He did make me feel slightly more at ease about the whole thing, by pointing out that a two week time frame wouldn’t allow for anything life-altering. Still, I had no idea what I would work towards or how to even set about deciding, that was something I would have think about. The one thing I didn’t have to dwell on was Edward’s purpose. I was sure he had one yet it was clear that he wasn’t going to divulge his reason to me.
“Alright, so other than your original question of why, is there anything else I can answer?”
My head shook as much as it could with Edward still gripping my hair as I answered, “No Sir.”
“Good.” I watched the expression on his face change as he muttered ‘shit’ right after I heard the pitched voice of a little boy, “Hi Uncle Eddie!”
The hold he had on my hair was released as he answered his nephew with a wave, “Hi Vinny.” Edward took a hold of my elbow helping me to stand up with him. Vinny was saying hello to me as Mia ran after her brother falling down in the sand just as she yelled, “Ankle Addie!”
“Sorry babe, my attention was on you and I didn’t see them coming up the beach,” Edward told me quietly as he wrapped one arm around my back while we stood against the railing. I didn’t know what he was apologizing for until I looked down into the faces of his family.
Alice was too busy picking up Mia and brushing the sand off her to be concerned with us. Rose and Emmett stood next to Jasper, both with a smirks on their faces. Jasper however had the same look of disgust as Carlisle and Esme who glared up at us through wide incensed eyes. Carlisle’s gaze was fixed on Edward shaking his head in disapproval while Esme gave me a vacant stare.
Edward was right - Shit
That was twice in less than two hours that Edward’s mother had caught me in a compromising position.
Oh my god…she does think I’m a degenerate slut!
“How was your breakfast?” Emmett called up to us.
I think that Emmett was trying to defuse the situation. I also realized that even though the baby doll nightie I had on wasn’t form fitting it only went halfway down my thighs and I didn’t have anything on underneath. That thought caused me to stand with my legs pressed tightly together and a little closer to the railing. After being caught on my knees with Edward possessively holding on to my hair, the last thing I needed was for a gust of wind to come along. Something told me that a Marilyn Monroe impersonation wouldn’t go over too well.
Edward was answering his bother while I shuffled on my feet trying to show interest in the seashells that Vinny was holding up. Esme and Carlisle had stopped glaring at us but I was really uncomfortable in my state of dress, especially with them all looking up at us. Edward squeezed my hip and I thought that he was warning me to stand still so I was both surprised and relieved when he whispered in my ear, “Go inside nâhtötse.”
Excusing myself I told everyone that I would see them all later and under the pretext that I had something to do, I went inside. That wasn’t truly a lie because after drinking all the coffee I did need to use the bathroom and at that point any excuse would have done.
I couldn’t get over the look that Edward’s mom had given me. While she was in our room earlier, Esme didn’t seem to be overly concerned with what I had said. In fact, she more-or-less blew it off, only giving me a strange look as she was leaving. It was then that her eyes took in my braided pig-tails along with the girly innocents of my blue nighty. I figured that she was a smart lady and knew exactly what naughty thoughts I was hoping my ensemble would conjure in her son’s mind. That was why I suggested that his mother thought I was a slut. Like I was the lowest form of a vile seductress who used her womanly wiles against innocent baby boys enticing them into all kinds of debauchery.
However, the look of disapproval from Edward’s father, along with his mother’s abhorrent stare left no doubt in my mind what they thought.
Standing in the kitchen I picked up the tray with the dirty plates on it from breakfast trying to imagine how our private moment on the balcony would have appeared to an onlooker. It didn’t seem so bad to me. We were both dressed, in pajamas, but still not uncovered. There was no groping occurring, everyone’s hands were in completely appropriate places, mine at my side and Edward’s…
Opening the door to place the tray out in the hallway I thought about where Edward’s hands were. One was in his lap – I think – and the other was at the back of my neck holding my hair. We were almost at the same eye level looking at each other; he was sitting in the chair while I was kneeling. I suppose that was the problem.
Closing the door to the hallway I tried to put myself in Esme’s place and what implications that scene would have meant to me. I was fully aware of the lifestyle and would have known exactly what was occurring. The same as his parents did.
I suddenly felt very dirty and for some reason Charlie popped into my head as I wondered what he would have said or thought seeing us like that. Would he have understood the dynamics of what was happening? I thought not, and was glad as I usually am that my father lives in a world of ignorance. There was no way he would understand the complexities of our relationship and he certainly would never condone it. I couldn’t even imagine the conversation that would most definitely occur if he found out. And I was absolutely positive I wouldn’t be able to look into my father’s face every day with the knowledge that he knew.
It had not occurred to me earlier that Edward’s parents are very aware of his lifestyle and therefore mine as well. Maybe that’s because unlike my father who would without a doubt be bringing that fact up all the time – because like Leah it would be his way to gain understanding – Esme and Carlisle don’t. They can’t be in denial; it would be an impossibility with practically everyone in their immediately family involved to some degree in Power Exchange. There was no way for them to stick their head in the sand and pretend it’s not happening.
Both of Esme’s bothers own and operate lucrative clubs in two major cities that catered to the S&M community. I have yet to meet Edward’s other Aunt and Uncle but I was sure that they are as openly blatant about their chosen lifestyle as Aro & Jane were.
Their two sons are actively involved, although from what I could tell Emmett and Rose have an on and off relationship. Rose doesn’t wear a collar all the time; it seems more like they engage in D/s play when the mood strikes. Edward on the other hand has adapted it to his way of everyday life. Our playtime is scheduled yet just as what happened earlier on the terrace the persona is always present, and I liked it that way.
Standing back at the sink rinsing out the beer bottles that Edward had left there the night before, the thought occurred to me. Hell, even Alice is involved with the club.
She and Jasper might not participate in activities however I wager to guess that eighty percent of her business comes directly from the patrons of New Moon. As we ate dinner the previous night, Alice went on and on about the garments she had made. Esme sat there with a smile on her face engaging in the discussion as she asked for clarification on some of the designs. There was no scorn or apprehension in the conversation; it was just a fact of their life. With all that going on around them there was no way for Edward’s parents be oblivious, so what was it?
Turning off the sink after wiping down the counter area Edward set the coffee pot and cups down that I had left outside. “Is this everything?”
Edward told me yes as he leaned his back against the counter watching me wash the dishes he had just brought in. He appeared to be relaxed with his arms crossed against his chest but I could tell that he was scrutinizing me. Rinsing the soap off the coffee pot I didn’t wait for it to dry before putting it back on the hot plate and wiped the counter down again.
“Are you done?”
My eyes went to Edward, “Yes, thanks for bringing it all in, I didn’t want to bend over to pick it up,” self-consciously my hands went to the short length of my gown. He gave me a crooked grin and before I could stop myself I blurted out, “I think your mom hates me.”
My words brought out a genuine smile as he spoke, “My parents don’t hate you Bella. In fact they adore you.”
Maybe they used to
“Did you see the look your mom was giving me?” the sadness in my voice couldn’t be contained. I truly liked his parents and didn’t like that they were upset with me or my actions.
Edward’s shoulders seemed to slump down as his hands fell to his side in defeat. “That look wasn’t for you Bella, that solely belonged to me. I broke the cardinal rule of being in public-”
“We weren’t in public.” I cut him off because in my mind we were on our own private terrace, having our own private moment.
“Anytime we are not behind four walls with a closed door, we are in public. That means that we, or rather I, need to always be conscious of other people and their sensitivities.” Edward pursed his lips as if in thought and then continued.
“Do you remember on Mother’s Day we went to my parents?” I nodded at his question. “And before we went I explained to you that my parents are aware of my lifestyle but they don’t want it thrown in their faces?”
I did remember him telling me that which was why we had cut our first weekend short, so nodding he went on, “They don’t approve, especially my mother who holds out hope that somehow this is just a phase and the right woman will come along and I will give up my propensity for kinky sex.”
I guess Esme just figured out I’m not that woman
“However, I’m a grown man who supports himself and is not doing anything illegal or detrimental to society. So I can live my life anyway I choose and there is no shame in that, but out of respect for my parents I don’t let them see that side of me.” He sighed then continued.
“I suppose ignorance is bliss and out of sight out of mind or any other shit that you can think of to describe my parents dismissal of my personal life. What I’m trying to say is that they don’t approve and for the most part they don’t say anything. They keep their opinion to themselves as long they don’t see anything that brings it to their attention. They have never seen me interacting with my submissive, so it is easy for them to believe it doesn’t occur.”
I interrupted him because I had to know, “Is that the reason you never took other women around your family?”
Edward’s eyes grew a little softer. “In part yes, but the main reason was because those women never meant anything special to me. I wasn’t going to go traipsing a bunch of different woman in front of my mother. She already doesn’t approve, she would be even less inclined if she had to see so many…” as he trailed off there was almost a look of remorse in his eyes, “Besides to me taking a woman around my family was significant, it was opening up another part of me that all of them had no right to see. Introducing any of them to my family would have given the wrong impression to both my parents and the women. That wouldn’t have been fair to either of them, I’m ashamed to admit that those women were nothing but play things…”
The last words were spoken in a hushed whisper as if he was embarrassed to admit the truth even to himself. “You shouldn’t feel bad about that Edward. They were grown women who knew what was happening. You never promised them anything and they were with you of their own free will.”
“I know that Bella, yet I still can’t help but to be sorry because the decisions I made before are effecting us now.”
We quietly held each other’s gaze for a long moment, I’m sure Edward was condemning himself for his past and I didn’t know what to say to make it any easier for him. There are times when his past comes up to bite me in the ass. That’s when I need to see the circumstances for what they are and remember that it’s not Edward’s fault. It’s not like he was with those women while we were together, or even while he was trying to pursue me. At least I hoped that was the case, if I was wrong I hoped I never found out about it.
He sighed in resignation, “Yeah, well. There is nothing I can do about that now. But with what happened with my parents, that was my fault too.”
I wanted to argue with him that there were two of us out on the balcony but Edward shouldered all the blame upon himself. “By my not being vigilant and keeping a closer watch on what was going on around us, I’m afraid that I opened up the preverbal can of worms. The reaction from my parents was directed towards me, and I’m sure I will hear about my public display. It makes them uncomfortable, so when they are around it is not something I talk about or even allude to. Not because I’m ashamed, it’s simply out of respect for their wishes.”
The scenario that Edward was explaining reminded me of the government’s position on homosexuals in the military. It was a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ situation. I suppose that when you have a child that engages in something you don’t approve of , that would be a good stance to take and would fall under the umbrella of unconditional love.
“The problem is…” Edward smiled reaching out to take my hand, drawing it to his lips and placing a kiss on the pulse point of my wrist. Tugging my arm he pulled my body so that I was positioned in front of him standing between his opened legs. The heat coming off his body was making my own temperature rise, only I wasn’t sick even though my voice sounded weak as I asked, “the problem is?”
Edward gave me a broad smile rubbing the tip of his nose against mine. “You”
My head moved back to allow me a better view of his face as I questioned in disbelief, “Me?”
“Yes you…I find myself so distracted around you that everything else fades away. You, Ms. Swan, capture and hold all of my attention to the point that I forget about everything else including my responsibilities.”
“I’m sorry.”
At my words Edward’s head tilted backwards as he rolled with laughter. Looking up at him I was taken aback for a moment until I realized the humor of my own statement and giggled along with him.
“Oh Bella,” Edward stated with a chuckle as he tightened his arms around the small of my back, “what am I going to do with you?”
“I could think of a few things,” I said looking at him through my lashes.
Edward took in a deep breath before leaning down to kiss me. Our mouths melted together as my hands held on to his arms. His hands moved down gathering the bottom of my nightie and began to pull it up over my body. Breaking the kiss I took a small step back to look up into his face, as I did he slipped the nightie over my head.
“What are you doing?” I asked with mock suspicion.
“Well…” Edward said taking each of my wrists in his hands and bringing them up to his shoulders, “…if I remember correctly there was a suggestion made to spend the morning naked in bed.”
Nodding my head I admitted, “Yes there was.”
“So I was wondering,” his hands wrapped back around me, “after our brief intermission, if that offer might still be available?”
“Oh…were you now?” my hands tightened around his neck as he started walking me backwards towards the bedroom.
Edward’s head bobbed up and down with a wicked grin, “Yes I was. What do you say?”
As if I could refuse
“I say you have entirely too many clothes on.”
“I can fix that,” and he did.
We spent the next two hours in bed, laughing, talking and making love – twice.
Much like earlier in the morning it took a lot for me to get out of bed. I would have been perfectly happy right where I was. However, the clock kept ticking and I figured that Edward’s parents were already unhappy with our behavior and I didn’t want to add to that. With that thought on both our minds we reluctantly got out of bed and into the shower to remove the smell of sex from our bodies.
Edward was dressed in his board shorts and t-shirt a lot quicker than I was ready for. If we were spending the afternoon on the beach there were things that I had to get together. He followed me around the rooms asking stupid questions like why I needed band-aides on the beach. Then laughed at me when I told him that you never know what’s going to wash up on the shore that you could step on. Believe me I knew, rocks, shells, glass and fishhooks have all at one time or another found their way into my feet. I was taking the band-aides.
After a few times of me explaining my motives I finally sent him down to the car to get the cooler – which I had accidentally left there the day before. That turned out to be the best thing I could have done. It gave him something to do and got him out of my way. I love Edward with all my heart, but his constant questioning of me was getting on my nerves.
By the time he came back up I had everything we needed in the beach bag and all I had to do was put some ice in the cooler so our drinks and lunch would stay cold. Double checking the bag I handed Edward the cooler grabbed our towels and sand mat so we could leave. Stopping by the hotel store we bought fresh deli sandwiches, drinks and a few small bags of snacks before heading out onto the beach area.
It was a beautiful day to spend outside; the sun was warm with a gentle breeze blowing off the ocean. The beach itself was right off the outside deck of the hotel with maybe only fifty feet of sand before the shoreline began. There weren’t a lot of people out yet and since Edward and I were the first from our group to arrive we picked a spot on the sand to set up our area. The hotel had lounge chairs available for their guests to use which Edward gathered together while I set out the sand mat.
Edward sat down on the mat next to me and while I took my sunglasses and visor out of the bag he pulled out the SPF 30 sunblock and took off his shirt. Getting to my knees I knelt behind his back to apply the lotion over his shoulders. Working my hands over the expanse of his back, letting them drop down under the waist band of his shorts to the top of his butt cheeks. “Hey… no sun going to be down there.”
I giggled, “You never know, you could lose your shorts in the waves.”
“Well in that case maybe you better do my front too,” Edward smirked at me as he laid down on his back with head resting on my legs.
“Do your own front,” I laughed handing him the bottle.
Edward’s hands came up tugging on the material of my white terry cloth cover-up, “Are you going to leave this on?”
I nodded looking down into his squinting eyes, “For now.”
At my words he pulled the bottom of my shirt over his head looking up at me through the large opening around my neck making me giggle at his silliness. “What are you doing?”
“I wanted to get a good look at the merchandise. I barely got to see you in the bathing suit before you covered it all up.”
Edward had the most adorable pout on his face and I couldn’t help but taunt him. “We spent practically the whole morning checking each other out. I would think you would be tired of seeing the merchandise.”
“Oh nâhtötse, there aren’t enough minutes in the day for me to grow tired of seeing your body.”
Taking ahold of my shirt I pulled it back over his head and suddenly altered my position to straddle Edward’s waist. I moved so quickly that he made an ‘omph” sound as the back of his head hit the mat.
Looking down into his surprised face I leaned over top of him to block the sun from his eyes. “That’s what you say now; in thirty years when my boobs droop and my hips spread you’ll be singing a different tune.”
Edward looked up at me and for a second all playfulness was gone, “You planning to be with me in thirty years?”
I didn’t know what to say, because we hadn’t really spoken in any depth about a future together. Yet I couldn’t imagine one without him. On the other hand I didn’t want to sound like love sick puppy who was dreaming of a life with someone who didn’t want the same thing. I took the safe route turning it back to him. “I plan to be here as long as you want me.”
Edwards smile practically blinded me, “Well in that case, how far are these boobs going to droop? Am I going to need a pillow to reach them or are they just going to fall in my mouth?”
I laughed at him, “They won’t turn into utters.”
He laughed with me wrapping his arms around me and shifting so I was lying flat on my back. He stuck his head under my shirt, nipping with his teeth at the skin over my ribs making me squirm as he spoke from inside my shirt. “What about when you lay down are your boobs going to be all the way over here?”
Lifting up the top of the shirt I looked down to see what he was doing, laughing as he nipped some more. “Get out of there.”
“What the heck!” Emmett’s loud voice boomed. “Haven’t you two had enough, there’s no nooky on the beach.”
At Emmett’s words Edward stuck his head out of the top of my shirt, stretching the neck opening as he looked at his brother, “Is that posted somewhere?’
His question made me laugh and I think I heard the click of a camera as little Vinny who was perched on Emmett’s shoulder declared, “Yeah…no nook’n on the beach.”
Then his little voice asked, “What’s nook’n?” while I tried to push Edward’s head down as I giggled, “Would you get out of my shirt!”
Rose laughed, “I’ll bet that’s the first time you ever heard that Edward.”
He chuckled giving me a kiss before removing himself while Vinny became more insistent, “What’s nook’n!”
“It’s not nook’n, it’s Nooky,” Emmett told him as Edward took my hand pulling me to my feet. I looked at Emmett wondering why the heck he said the word again and didn’t just attempt to get Vinny’s mind on something else.
“Nooky is what adults call hugging.” Rose and I snickered while Edward stared at his brother blankly and wondered, “What are you going to do when he repeats that?”
“He’s not going to repeat it. Are you my man?” Emmett questioned his five year old nephew as he took him off his shoulder and set his feet on the ground. Vinny shook his head adamantly denying any chance of that happening, “No, I won’t repeat it.”
I smirked knowing damn well that he was like a little parrot that recited everything he heard. Shaking my head I bent over to get a towel, as I laid it out on one of the lounge chairs I laughed along with Rose who guaranteed her husband that he was going to be in big trouble because she was sure that Vinny didn’t even know what repeat meant.
“Well then we just all have to stick together with the story…”
“Oh no…” I said sitting down with my book and putting on my sunglasses, “…I’m a cops kid, and will squeal to save her own butt.”
“Then I’ll just blame it on you,” Rose sat in the chair next to me snickering at what Emmett said while I gasped and Edward chuckled. “That’s the way a family works little Bella, you blame each other and no one really knows who did it. Isn’t that right Edward?”
The traitor stood nodding in agreement, “It’s the ‘I don’t know’ and ‘it wasn’t me’ syndrome that siblings do. See what you missed out on being an only child?”
“That’s ok we’ll make up for it now. All those in favor of blaming Bella raise your hand,” three right hands up in the air simultaneously. Even Vinny who looked around at what they were doing succumbed to Emmett’s suggestion and raised his hand.
“Oh, thanks a lot!”
Edward smirked at me, “Just trying to give you the full experience babe.”
“Full experience at what?” Alice asked as she appeared with Mia perched on her hip and a large beach bag slung over her shoulder. Jasper followed behind her carrying a huge cooler with towels folded on top of it.
“Bella is tattle-teller, we were just explaining that doesn’t go over so well in a big family,” Emmett was already trying to make his case.
“That’s right,” Alice declared setting Mia down in the sand. “She who tattles, takes the blame.”
“Is that how it worked?” I asked Edward who nodded, “exactly how it worked. You learn real quickly to keep your mouth shut. Because mom and dad knew somebody did it, but they couldn’t just point a finger in blame and they couldn’t punish all of us…”
“Oh…mom did one time.” Alice stood up taking sand toys out of her bag, “Remember when someone broke great-grandmother’s lamp. Mom was so mad, she even called up Aro and had Mason grounded.”
“That wasn’t funny, I had to miss a football game because of one of you,” for it not being funny Emmett sure was snickering at the memory. Then he turned to me, “See Bella we hardly got blamed for anything and because there was no one else, you got blamed for everything.”
I shook my head, “No I didn’t. I was good girl and never did anything wrong.”
“Bull,” Edward muttered, “she just jumped of cliffs, got lost in caves and ran around the outside of house naked.”
“That doesn’t count,” I insisted but Edward countered. “Oh excuse me, I think if ten years later Emery still calls you sweet cheeks, it counts.”
I could feel my face heating up – fucking Emery.
“Wait!” Emmett exclaimed, “Emery who?”
“Oh that reminds me,” Edward started.
Emmett stopped Edward before he could finish, “No…No...No…nothing reminds you of anything…until I know Emery who?”
“If you would let me finish…”
Edward was cut off again this time by his parents who said a generic hello from behind our chairs. At the sound of their voices my knees bent as my flat feet rested on the seat of the chair, it was as if my body was trying to brace itself for what was sure to be coming. The feel of Esme’s one arm hug from over the back of my chair slightly stunned me as she made her way around to everyone. I suppose maybe Edward was right and she wasn’t angry at me, or perhaps she was being cordial for the sake of appearances. I felt bad at that thought because I didn’t want to believe that Esme would be insincere. In fact both of Edward’s parents were probably the most genuine people I have ever met.
I opened my book pretending not to notice that Esme picked the chair next to mine. From the corner of my eye I watched as she placed a towel over the plastic before sitting down. I sort of steadied myself waiting for the twenty questions or the innuendos that I was sure would be coming. I could feel the rising anxiety build in me as I listened to Edward explain about needing a partner for golfing. The three men got as excited as a ten year old as he gave the entire where’s, when’s and what for’s. It would have been more comical if I wouldn’t have been so distracted waiting for Esme to say something derogatory to me.
I practically jumped when she reached over to touch my hand, “Did you have a restful morning Bella?”
Taking in a deep breath my head turned in her direction, it took me a second to realize what I was seeing. The laughter burst out of me at the sight of Esme sitting there with two braids in her hair. Leaning my head towards her my laughter turned to tears as I realized that this was her silent acceptance of me. She didn’t think ill of me; I wasn’t a slut who was unworthy to be with her son. And if she cared that I submitted to Edward, she was never going to let me know. Esme wrapped her arm around my shoulder holding me closer as her head leaned in towards mine and she whispered in my ear, “We all like our men to defile us dear.”
I nodded and couldn’t stop the tears from falling as I felt that unconditional love that only comes from a mother. It wasn’t something that I had grown up with; Sue was the closest thing to a mother that I could remember having. She loved me and of that I was certain. But still the daily give and take that occurs between a mother and daughter was never part of my life. And I realized at that moment how much I truly missed growing up. Edward and Emmett were telling me the joys of having siblings when in my mind the greatest joy they could ever know was having a mother who unmistakably loved them and always would.
Wiping the tears from my eyes Esme whispered, “You make my son happy Bella, that’s all I could ever want.”
Nodding against her shoulder I whisper back “thank you” hoping that she would know everything that I meant by those two words. Thank you for making me feel welcomed, thank you for accepting me just as I am, thank you for making me feel cared for and thank you for showing me the love of a mother.
Taking another deep breath I broke away from Esme’s embrace and instantly missed the warmth that just seems to radiate from her.
“How about if you and I go out for lunch one day next week?” the suggestion made me smile. I had been out with Esme before while the four of us went shopping. However if it was just going to be the two of us we could get better acquainted and talk more intimately. I figured if Edward is considering us spending the next thirty years together connecting with his mother would be a good thing to do.
“I’d like that.”
“Good, I’ll call you.” I actually found myself looking forward to that call.
My eyes went back to the men who were all standing in front of us talking boisterously about Emmett being the one who was going to play golf. All of them were loudly voicing their opinion on the matter. Carlisle and Jasper were grumbling like children that they couldn’t go while Emmett gloated over his victory.
They all seemed lost in the discussion except for Edward, who was showing obvious interest in the exchange I had with his mother. I wasn’t sure if he realized that I had been crying real tears or if he thought it was from laughter. The sad smile on his face made me think he knew the truth and I smiled wider to let him know that everything was alright. He tilted his head a little bit taking in my expression then winked before joining back into the conversation.
Opening the book back up I re-read the same page over again laughing at some of the parts I had missed the first time. Edward sat down on the side of my chair facing his mom with a bottle of water. After taking a long drink he offered me the bottle which I gladly took a drink from before putting the cap back on. He leaned on me propping his back against my chest so his head lay in the valley between my breast, and my fingers automatically threaded through his hair.
“Edward is there a reason you didn’t shave today?” Esme inquired while Edward stayed where he was answering with an unconcerned tone, “I’m on vacation.”
His mother sighed, “I certainly hope that you shaved the whole time you were with Bella’s family. I would hate to think what they thought if you went around looking like you had no grooming habits.”
Edward’s head turned in the direction of his mother, “How comes you don’t yell at Emmett, he has facial hair?”
“Your brother keeps it trimmed, you just look all scruffy,” she countered making me giggle.
“Bella likes my scruff,” Edward tilted his head back so that even in the position we were in he could take in my face, “don’t you nâhtötse?”
Nodding in agreement, my nails ran through the prickly hairs on his face and neck. I loved when Edward ran his coarse hair on his face over my skin. The prickly scratching would work me into a frenzy as he teased the flesh on my sensitive areas. Just the thought of it was creating a craving in me. It was like a scratch that needed to be itched and Edward was the post.
He must have noticed some kind of change in my body because he chuckled. “See mom, I told you, she likes it,” Esme sighed deeply shaking her head but glanced at me with a smile, she knew the score.
“You coming?” Edward answered Jaspers question with an absolute yes, standing he kissed my forehead leaning down to whisper in my ear “In front of my mother”
I rolled my eyes feeling my face heat up while Edward chuckled before kissing his mother’s head and going with the men down to the water’s edge. The four of them stood there watching Vinny run into the water just far enough for the waves to reach his calves before he ran back out. I went back to my book glancing up a few minutes later to see them all tossing a football around.
Jane had given the book to Edward for me, placing a note inside telling me it was the perfect read for sitting at the beach. I had to admit it wasn’t a book that would normally attract my attention. Romance novels weren’t my typical choice; however Jane assured me that ‘The Corset Diaries” was not a standard Harlequin Romance. The story didn’t contain a voluptuous blonde damsel in distress who is ravaged by a burly hero with a big dick. In fact the story was just the opposite and it was funny as hell.
Mia took my attention away from starting a new chapter, she was dripping wet and screaming in Jasper’s arms as he carried her to Alice. “What happened?”
“She got wiped out,” he said without any concern. Alice on the other hand went into mommy phase, jumping from her chair to wrap her daughter in a towel and a hug. Once she calmed down I was going to go back to my book, but Rose stopped me with her comment.
“Skanks homing in at three o’clock,” my eyes shifted to the two women in the ugliest bathing suits I had ever seen, slowing down their pace as they approached our men.
“What the heck are they wearing?” Alice asked while she towel dried Mia’s hair.
“Hideous,” Esme murmured.
As I said ugly, they looked like someone took a perfectly good swimming suit and ripped large chunks of material out until the only thing left was a bunch of scraps. My suit on the other hand was cute with a top that was reminiscent of the forties and the bottom cut to resemble boy shorts with ruffles. Realizing that I was still was wearing the cover up I stood to remove it, making my motions as exaggerated as possible. Turning to fix my towel Esme gasped at seeing the tattoo on my back and like everyone else she pulled the edge of my bottoms to see what was hidden.
“When did you get that?”
“A month ago, Alex did it,” I added the last part because I was sure she would know who that was.
“I always thought about getting a tattoo, something small over my hip that only my husband and doctor would ever see,” Esme confessed.
“You should do it,” Esme had a great body and it would look good on her.
“I don’t know, I think my grandmother would roll over in her grave,” Esme answered while I readjusted the bottoms over my hips.
Purposely bending at the waist to give Edward a good shot of my butt, I picked up the sunblock out of my bag. As I was doing my little show I couldn’t be sure if he was watching as I placed one leg on the chair, slowly working the lotion into my skin. The higher my hands went the more sensual the motions became.
Switching to the other leg Rose snickered, “That’s slick chick, you definitely have his attention.”
Sliding one finger under the strap of my top I let it fall over my shoulder to put lotion on as I finished the other side Rose waved me over to her chair, “Come here I’ll do your back.”
Sitting in between her legs I gathered my hair holding it up out of the way. Esme had been watching what was happening with the skanks. “That’s terrible; you girls shouldn’t have to put up with stuff like that.”
“That’s nothing, you should see what I put with,” giving a dismissive wave I thought better of my statement. “No, it’s better if you don’t.”
Rose chuckled rubbing the lotion into the area between my shoulder blades. Being present for the Jessica fiasco she knew exactly what I was talking about. However, her comment caught me off guard, “Not anymore.”
“What do you mean?” I asked turning my body so I could see her.
Rose grinned, “Bella, after what Aro did I don’t think anyone will even look at you funny.”
“What did he do?” Rose narrowed her eyes at me before understanding came to her features.
“Edward didn’t tell you?”
Tell me what?
My head shook and before I could answer she enlightened me. “Aro sent Jess a certified letter, telling her that because she committed an assault on the premises she was permanently banned from the club and that if she even steps foot on the property she would be arrested for trespassing.”
Oh My Fucking God
“When did this happen?” I wanted specifics about Jessica while Esme was more concerned with what Rose meant by an assault. Rose decided to educate Esme first, recounting all that happened that night in the bathroom. I kept my mouth shut while Alice wondered why I hadn’t said something to Jessica right away and Rose dismissed her question saying that there were extenuating circumstances. Alice caught on to her meaning and Esme just eyed me in a way that told me she wanted to know, but didn’t want to at the same time. Much to my happiness it was the latter instinct that won out.
Esme did however want to know something, “And Edward knows this Jess person how?”
Tilting my head I gave her a pointed look over the top of my sunglasses, understanding came to her immediately as she rolled her eyes, “OH.”
With the story out of the way I wanted my question answered, “Rose when did this happen? And does Edward know? because he didn’t say anything about it.”
“We all had dinner…”
“That I wasn’t invited to,” Alice’s disruption irritated me, “I invited you, and you didn’t want to come.”
“Yeah, I was invited as an afterthought,” all I could do was questionably stare at Alice and hope that her feelings weren’t truly hurt.
“Anyway…” Rose interjected, “that was Monday night and I think Aro mailed the letter Tuesday, because she wasn’t there all weekend.”
I rolled my eyes, “Great that means everyone was talking about it and there was even more gossip.”
“Not too much,” Rose shook her head. “Everyone was more interested in why Mike got suspended.”
“What did Mike do?”
“Doesn’t Edward tell you anything?” I was beginning to wonder that myself. Although it was certainly possible that Edward didn’t know anything about this since it occurred while we were away. My blank stare must have been enough of an answer.
“That night that Jess attacked you, Mike had signed her into the club and then erased her name.”
“Why would he do that?” Alice wondered.
“I have no idea,” Rose shrugged. “No one even knew that they were together.”
“Uh,” was the only response I could come up with. Rose twirled her finger in a circle, “Let me finish your back.”
Spinning around I started thinking about all that Rose had said. I certainly wasn’t going to miss seeing Jessica’s smiling face. In fact rather than feeling bad about the situation, I found that I was happy about what Aro did. That was one less of Edward’s bimbos that I would have to deal with. As I thought about it I wondered. “If Jessica has Mike why did she make such a big deal about me being with Edward?”
“Oh please Bella, your comparing bologna to a T-Bone!” I laughed at Rose’s analogy.
Mike was handsome in a boy next door kind of way, where Edward was just…well…Edward. He was perfect in every way. With Rose moving her hands across my back my mind wondered why Mike would have erased Jessica’s name. Was he embarrassed by her or was he trying to hide her presence in his life from someone? If so who?
It hit me like a bolt of lightning, “Rose…” my body sprung upright as I spun around so quickly that I startled her making her splatter lotion all over her chest.
“Jesus Christ Bella!” she yelled wiping the lotion off with the back of her hand.
“Listen, what did Jessica say in the bathroom?”
“I don’t know, by the time I got there she was just about done…”
“No think Rose. She told me that she got her ass chewed out for something that wasn’t her fault and then she was going on about wanting me to disappear and then she said that she used to fuck Edward…”
Esme gasped but I couldn’t pay attention because I needed to know what Rose remembered. I tried to jog her recall, “Then she said something about her having to play…”
“Third fiddle, when she gets invited.” Rose finished my thought in a monotone voice as she remembered what was said. I nodded “Exactly!”
She looked at me like she still had no idea what I was talking about. “Don’t you see? It’s Mike, he has someone else but they sometimes invite Jessica whenever…”
“They want to use her,” I nodded at Rose’s comment while Esme sighed, “Awe… that poor girl.”
Poor girl?…she’s a bitch
Keeping that opinion to myself I ignored Esme’s comment while Alice asked, “I don’t understand what that has to do with Mike being suspended.”
“He erased Jessica’s name because he didn’t want anyone to know that they were together, and he has someone else. Someone a whole lot more important to him and they had Jessica do something that she messed up. So she came into the bathroom all mad because Mike chewed her a new asshole about it and there I was. What did she call me?”
Thinking about the derogatory name Jessica chose to use, “I think it was skank ho.”
Rose looked at me with a huge smile on her face, “I think your right.”
I couldn’t contain myself as Rose broke into a deep laugh. The giggles overtook us until our heads were on each other’s shoulders while we carried on. We must have looked ridiculous sitting there in a fit of giggles.
“What the hell is going on?” Emmett’s loud voice only made us giggle more.
“Bella is a Skank Ho,” Rose said through her laughter as she sat up pointing a finger at me.
With my hands on my knees I leaned back looking up into Emmett’s eyes laughing harder at his perplexed expression making it harder to get the words out. “Can…you…imagine that…me…a skank ho?”
Emmett stared as if we had lost our minds making us come to our senses. In my moment of clarity I realized Edward was still by the water’s edge with the other men and that Esme and Alice had somehow found us funny because they were giggling too.
“That’s it, I don’t want you two sitting together anymore.” Emmett’s finger wiggled back and forth between Rose and me as I turned back to face him.
Esme took ahold of the situation, “Emmett do you want something?”
His eyes narrowed at the two of us while he answered his mother. “They wanted me to ask about lunch.”
“Oh. Whenever you’re ready,” Esme’s sweet voice giving the answer that I was sure Emmett wanted to hear and dismissing her son with a simple statement, “Go tell them.”
He walked back down the beach shaking his head and muttering, “those two are trouble.”
Rose finished with the lotion on my back and I was just standing up when the men rejoined us. Edward eyed me for a second then broke into a big smile; whatever Emmett had told him about our exchange certainly hadn’t upset him. In fact it was just the opposite he seemed rather pleased.
Lunch was very relaxed, Alice had another beach mat that was put next to mine and we all sat there eating and talking. The men were still going on about golfing with Emery. I guess from their standpoint it was something special, to me it was just Emery. The same guy who I grew up with and no matter where his career took him he would always be the boy who lived on the next road and mercilessly teased me.
Throughout lunch it seemed like Jasper was the most upset that he wasn’t the one going on the golf outing. He kept giving Alice puppy dog eyes however; she must have been immune to them because every attempt was promptly ignored. I couldn’t really blame her, golfing was set for Saturday and it just turned out that he and Alice were hosting a swimming party for Vinny’s baseball team.
It didn’t really help that Emmett kept wallowing in his good fortune by saying, “Too bad suckers.”
The last time Jasper looked to his wife, she gave him back an expression clearly stating that if he left her alone with fourteen five year old boys, she was going to kill him.
I couldn’t blame Alice, it sounded like a hell of a lot of work and before I knew what I was saying the words just popped out of my mouth. “Do you want some help?”
“Oh my god Bella, would you really come?” Alice leaned forward looking past everyone else to take in my response. Her voice sounded both shocked and hopeful. Like she couldn’t believe I would even offer.
Since I had already put my foot in my mouth I might as well go all the way. “Sure, Edward’s going to be golfing, and I don’t have anything else to do.”
My mind immediately started to berate myself. It would be on Saturday and my time belonged to Edward. I should have talked with him first because even though he would be gone he might have had something planned for me to do. Looking up into Edward’s face for reassurance I was met with an irritated stare that told me everything I needed to know.
Shit – I fucked up again

A riding crop and a blindfold doesn't make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It's not a sexual thing to me, it's a very spiritual thing. ~ DominaBlue
Chapter 68
My body was so comfortable lying in the large luxurious bed, draped in smooth sheets and thick silky blankets that only one thing could have pulled me from sleep. The feel of soft insistent lips trailing kisses down my neck, warm breath against my skin, hands cupping my breasts while fingers lazily teased my nipples. It wasn’t a thing disrupting my early morning slumber, it was a person.
“Good morning baby,” his words washed over the skin of my bare shoulder as he kissed a new spot.
My eyes were refusing to open even as his hand moved down over my stomach pulling my bottom half impossibly closer to him. The action made me squirm against a very awake Little Eddie.
“Ahh…morning…mmm…what are you doing?” While saying the words my head tilted giving him better access to the spot behind my ear
“I’m keeping a promise,” his hand swept over my hip gripping my thigh to lift my leg as he dipped his hips putting Little Eddie against my happy spot while his nose skimmed along the line of my neck taking in a deep breath. “Mmm…god baby your skin smells amazing.”
The combination of his actions and words made me whimper as my hips moved of their own accord so I could feel more of him while his kisses on my neck continued. The hand on my breast cupped firmer as his fingers rolled and tweaked my nipple, while the other hand floated lightly over my thigh. His touches were so soft; building a fire inside me that was threatening to erupt. My hips moved against him making his dick slide in between my folds letting me feel its heat.
My eyes finally opened as my head turned to face his where he placed a tender kiss on my lips while Little Eddie continued to play slip and slide against my sex. “You are so beautiful.”
I shook my head because he was the beautiful one and I was going to tell him that but Edward stopped the words with another kiss. Pulling back he stared into my eyes nodding his head. “Beautiful, everything about you, your hair, your face, your body, your heart, your very soul, all of you, so absolutely beautiful.”
It always amazed me the way that he saw me, “You have some bias.”
“Maybe…but that’s my right,” with his words his hips dipped once again as his hand wrapped around my thigh lifting it higher and I could feel him at my entrance, slowly sliding inside me as he groaned, “Fuck baby…you feel so good.”
Moaning softly from the feeling of him filling me so gently, “Mmmm…it’s you.”
“It’s us nâhtötse…the two of us…together,” he drew back as slowly as he entered, making me feel every ever-loving inch. Edward kissed me again while his hand on my stomach helped guide his movements inside me. His lips moved under my jaw in little nips tugging on the skin making my breathing embarrassingly harsh as my body craved more of him.
“Please Edward…” my plea fell on deaf ears as the motion of his hips stayed at their slow torturous pace.
“Not yet.…” Edward’s words were labored as if he was in his own agony but that didn’t impede his movement or his words. “…tell me you feel it Bella…the connection…the draw we have …to each other.”
“I feel it.” My admittance was nothing new, nor was it said to get what I wanted even though my hand moved to grip his hip in an attempt to make him move faster, adding another plea,
He was holding himself up on one elbow while his body molded against my back as his face hovered over mine. “Not until you know…not until you believe.”
I wanted to scream ‘I believe’ because at that point I would have said anything to get his hips to move faster, because the slow stroking was driving me crazy, it was distress, he was using persuasion-by-penis and it was working.
“I love everything about you Bella…your intelligence…your sense of humor…your honesty…your humanity and empathy…fuck nâhtötse…I even love your tenacity….and your fucking quirky eating…”
Edward sucked in a breath as if he was trying to calm himself while tears fell down my checks from the words he was saying. “…baby my life is with you…I want to spend…the rest of my life… everyday doing ….nothing but loving you…tell me…tell me you feel it… and you believe.”
“I believe you,” the words came out in a rush.
“Oh…thank Christ!” his own words were said in relief as his hand moved down to lift my thigh again opening me up as he set my foot flat on the bed behind his legs. He kissed me with force and his movements inside me increased. My back arched pushing my hips against his thrusts while his hand held my stomach firmly pulling me against him.
The feel of his quickened pace was more than welcomed as the tension in my body started to build. “Oh…Edward…harder…please…oh please.”
My hand gripped his hip holding onto him firmly while the other held on to his wrist that was still cupping my breast. The pressure was building in my stomach while my breathing was coming out in pants and soft moans.
“Ohhhh…more… god …please more.”
At my words Edward’s hand moved from my stomach and his fingers started rubbing my clit. That was all it took, the warmth of my orgasm sending tingles through me as I cried out in a deep moan. As my body gave way Edward grunted, “Oh…fuck baby…so fucking good.”
His hand that had brought me to release held my hip as he moved forcefully inside me letting me ride out the bliss. He grunted again slamming deep into me with a groan as I felt the warmth of his cum fill me. He moved inside once more letting out a hiss while my muscles squeezed around him.
“Oh Bella…” the gasping words spoken against my ear, “…you have no idea…how good you feel.”
My head turned placing a kiss on his chin talking through my own panting, “I know…how good you feel.”
Edward’s arms squeezed around me while he kissed my temple, “I love you.”
“I love you,” I told him enjoying the quick intake of air he made as I deliberately tightened around him and wondered, “do you feel that?”
It must have been a stupid question because he laughed, “Yesss,” drawing out the word as I did it again.
I suppose it was silly that I didn’t know, considering that even common sense should have told me that he could. The thing was that I had no experience in playing bed-games; the only person besides Edward I was with was James. There were no touchy feely happy explorations that young lovers do. I thought back to the first time that Edward and I were together he said something to me that at the time I didn’t know what he meant, however at that moment it seemed to make sense.
“Edward when you said,” I thought back to that night getting the right phrase, “…‛milk me’…did you mean this?” I tightened again so he knew what I was talking about. “Because I thought milking referred to massaging the prostrate.”
“It’s both,” the grin he must have had was clear in his voice, “basically it refers to draining all the cum out, which is what you keep doing. And since at the time you didn’t have your fingers up my ass…”
My head lifted to give him a devious smile, Edward’s eyes darted to mine, “Don’t even think about it.”
“Come on! Where’s your sense of adventure?” I teased.
“Oh, I got plenty of adventure, however I draw the line there…” I giggled while he mumbled, “I just might have to get you that play partner.”
Play partner?
“I don’t want a play partner,” the thought was creeping me out.
Shaking my head at his inquiry Edward moved his body to take ahold of my chin, making him slip from inside me. With his eyes intently looking into mine I was growing uncomfortable. “What about your fantasy from yesterday in the car?”
“I don’t want to be with anyone else. I just want to watch.” The admittance of that desire made me feel depraved as my face heated up making Edward grin.
“You don’t have to be physically involved to control the action,” I understood what he was saying however it still didn’t sound like anything I would be interested in actually participating in.
“No,” my head was shaking in absolute certainty. “I don’t think I would like that.”
Edward’s face softened as he laid down tucking me back into his embrace, “Ok, but you let me know if that ever changes.”
He seemed rather assured about the possibility of that happening; personally, I didn’t see it ever occurring. I truly had very little (if any) desire to be in control, I wasn’t a switch - of that I was sure. My role as being a submissive was something that took me years to come to terms with. Defining the characteristics one by one, seeing how they pertained to me and how those traits had -up to that point- been a factor in the events of my life. That was the first thing I had to accept about myself.
It struck a blow to my female independence, after all, this was the twenty-first century. Women could be anything they wanted, without fear of what society thought, or needing to get permission from the men in their lives. That was one of the major sticking points I fought for in my marriage - aside from staying alive - I wasn’t going to back down from fulfilling my dreams.
The problem was, I was stuck on it being a woman’s role and it was Aro who in one of our very first meetings reminded me that there are lots of submissive males. He also brought up the point that we live in a society that tells women to be whatever they want in order to be fulfilled. So it would stand to reason that if they find true happiness and satisfaction in serving, why should they be looked down upon for that decision? A submissive who wholly embraces her true self has just as much right to do so as a woman who became a brain surgeon. She also deserves to be given the same respect.
The next thing I had to come to understand was that I had more than an appetite for vanilla in me. At first I thought that it was the power of suggestion. As I wrote my dissertation I was submerged into a world of kinky living. While doing research I conjured up more than a few images that wreaked havoc with my libido. The first time I masturbated to the idea of me being on the receiving end of a whip was enough to scare the shit out of me.
However, given time, that all passed away and I found I could embrace those fantasies. Maybe that’s because I thought that’s all they were - fantasies. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever think I would find the peace in my life that I had been searching for. Especially not on my knees at the feet of someone else, giving him permission to exact his will over my life. Yet there I was doing that very thing, and being happy, content, and fulfilled.
I was so satisfied with the role that hailed me as Edward’s possession that I couldn’t imagine being the one in charge. I wouldn’t know what to do and I certainly didn’t want to be involved in any sex act with someone else. My fantasy had nothing to do with me partaking in the deeds, even when I felt that stir of excitement with Claire it was all about the control I had over her.
Hmmm…Maybe Edward was right
Maybe at some point in the future I would go to him with that particular request. He would see that I was trained enough to take on the role of being The Top. I also knew without a doubt that Edward would be present throughout the whole thing. That last thought worked the most at putting my mind to ease.
I laid there wrapped in Edward’s arms with the sheet haphazardly thrown over us, wondering who he would invite. My mind began to speculate and I found myself thinking how much fun it would be to get Jessica or Tanya into the playroom. Devious ideas of extracting my revenge came into my mind. I would be all sweet and nice until I had them where I wanted them and then they would pay – and pay dearly. Suddenly a childhood poem to my mind.
Will you walk into my parlour?" said the Spider to the Fly,
'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
And I've a many curious things to shew when you are there."
Ok…it’s down a winding stair but the outcome would be the same.
Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little Fly,
Hearing his wily, flattering words, came slowly flitting by;
With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer drew,
Thinking only of her brilliant eyes, and green and purple hue --
Thinking only of her crested head -- poor foolish thing! At last,
Up jumped the cunning Spider, and fiercely held her fast.
He dragged her up his winding stair, into his dismal den,
Within his little parlour -- but she ne'er came out again!
I thought about luring them into my parlor with their haughty attitudes and egotistic dispositions. Letting them believe they had the upper hand until - poor foolish thing - my reverie had me in a fit of giggles.
“What’s so funny?” Edward’s question caused my face to heat up. There was no way I was going to tell him what I was thinking.
“Nothing,” I snickered as his arms held me tighter.
“Hmmm…now why don’t I believe you?” At his words he shifted so that I was on my back while Edward hovered over top of me. Meeting his eyes I couldn’t keep the grin off my face.
“Tell me Bella,” he coaxed while I bit my lip shaking my head because it was too embarrassing.
Besides I didn’t want to freely admit my jealousy to myself non-the-less to him. I try hard not to let Edward’s past conquests bother me, yet sometimes, especially when it is thrown in my face I can’t help it. I also couldn’t help the glee that I was feeling at the thought of doing something painfully nasty to the two women who are at the heart of that animosity.
Edward raised one eyebrow in disbelief while he continued to scrutinize my expression. Trying to get my thoughts under control I was struggling to lose the feeling of elation I had in exchange for an air of innocence, and failing miserably.
“Bella? Are you going to force me to pry the information out of you?” I giggled again, more at the seriousness of his tone than anything else. That was until he rose up on his knees and started tickling me.
“Stop!....Edward stop!...” my body was thrashing on the bed while I laughed.
“Tell me Bella,” he insisted while his fingers continued tickling my ribs.
“NO!...Stop!...you’re going to make me pee! Besides, I can have my own thoughts!” the last sentence came out in a rush and to my surprise his fingers stopped while he eyed me once again.
“Your right, you are entitled to your own thoughts. But tell me one thing; do those particular thoughts have anything to do with what we were talking about?”
I debated lying to him for a split second but it wasn’t a habit I wanted to get into, besides trust is of the utmost importance, and I wouldn’t want him to lie to me. With that knowledge I nodded expecting that Edward would continue with his inquest. He surprised me by moving to sit on the edge of the bed making me ask, “Where are you going?”
“I thought you had to pee,” he said glancing over his shoulder at me.
There was a part of me that felt bad wondering if I had hurt his feelings or if he was angry that I wouldn’t share with him what I was thinking. Sitting up with the sheet tucked under my arms I moved to lean against his back. My head rested in the spot between his shoulder blades while my arms wrapped around his waist hugging myself to him.
“Please don’t be upset with me…”
Edward sighed as he maneuvered around in my arms to face me. Cupping my chin his beautiful green eyes gazed into mine. “I’m not upset with you and since your line of thinking had something to do with our conversation I will just have to wait and read about in your journal.”
My journal?
I didn’t think my quick little thought of revenge was journal worthy, it was more for my own enjoyment. Edward however must have completely misunderstood as he went on.
“The thing is that I thought we were past that point. I was under the impression that there was no evasiveness in our discussions.”
Reaching to remove his hand from my chin, I opened his palm tracing the lines, “You have a really long life line.”
“Does that mean I’m going to live long?”
His question was common, however wrong. I shrugged, “It means that you will have an abundant happy life. This is your heart line, head line and your fate,” my finger moved over each area.
“What do they mean?” Edward asked me as I kept looking into his palm tracing the trails as I spoke.
“You have one line that originates in your heart, crosses through your head, and grows deeper in your fate, until this small line comes over from your life to join it. That connection then continues on through your life until it crosses over into the other side.”
My eyes darted to his face meeting his gaze I explained, “That’s your soul mate, the person you spend eternity with.”
He captured my attention with his stare for a long moment until he asked, “What else?”
Taking a deep breath I looked back down at his palm tracing along the fate line that ran through the middle of his hand. “This line right above where your fate and life intersect, branches off into the opposite direction and then perishes. That indicates a part of your life that doesn’t go anywhere. Something that was important to you, changed.”
“Like what?” I shrugged at his question because that was something only he would know but I gave him some ideas.
“It could have been a career change, a variation in your lifestyle or philosophy, or a lost love that fizzled. Whatever it was the line is thick…” my finger traced over the contour I was talking about, “…so that means it was a major part of your life up until that moment.”
Edward was quiet while I explained what all the different twists and turns meant in terms of his personality. How each divot or crevasse in any given area meant something in relationship to his life. When I was done I raised his palm placing a kiss in the center of it before looking back into his eyes.
“I wasn’t being evasive Edward, my mind had drifted to a childhood poem ‘The Spider and the Fly’ and with that I mused how there are some people who have intersected with your life that I would love to get into my web and be rid of them. That’s what I found so funny. I don’t want to withhold anything from you, but at the same time I should be able to have those thoughts knowing that I have the privilege of keeping them to myself.”
It took him a moment before he said anything as his eyes continued to stare into mine and then he smiled sadly. “You’re right, are there lines in there that tell you how many times I’m going to act like a obtrusive ass?”
I smiled using the tip of my nail tracing over imaginary lines, “Well…there are a whole bunch right in here.”
Edward chuckled leaning in to kiss me with enough force that we fell back on the bed making my head land on the soft pillows. He pulled back to look down at me, “I’m sorry nâhtötse. It’s no excuse but I just want to be a part of everything in your life.” He brushed a lock of hair behind my ear before adding, “I’ll try to remember that you need some space too.”
“Not too much space,” I told him tightening my arms around his waist “I like you nice and close…so I can keep my eye on you.”
“I’m not going any place. They couldn’t pry me away from you,” he assured me with a small kiss before pulling the sheet further off my body and laying the side of his head in the area just below my breast. The scruff on his chin felt prickly against the sensitive skin and I could feel his breaths wash over me as I lazily ran my fingers through his soft silky hair.
“Edward do we have to go anywhere this morning?” the movement of his head shaking caused the stubble on his face to tickle my skin as he spoke, “No…do you want to do something?”
“Actually I don’t want to do anything. I thought we could make a pot of coffee, order breakfast, and spend the morning naked in bed.”
Edward raised his head resting his chin on my sternum looking at me with a he twinkle in his eye, “If you insist, and I think the room service guy might enjoy that.”
I giggled, “You know what I mean.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean.”
Laying his head back down we stayed liked that for a few minutes holding each other and just being together until my stomach made its presence known. The loud rumbling growl made me giggle as Edward laughed, “Jesus baby, it sounds like you have angry bear in there!”
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m hungry,” giggling as it rumbled yet again.
Edward laughed pulling away from my body to lay next me with his upper body raised as he leaned on his elbow, “Damn! I better order you food before you wake up the whole hotel!”
“Shut up!” I laughed swatting at his shoulder. Edward grabbed my hand pulling me towards him while he laid down bringing me on top of him. His hands moved down my sides to rest on my bottom. With my body pressed firmly against his there was something else that made its presence known, my bladder was full and protesting.
“I really do have to pee.”
Edward gave me a devious smile pressing his hands against the small of my back making me groan, “Ohhh…that’s not nice.”
He chuckled giving my bottom a quick swat, “Go.”
As I scurried off the bed towards the bathroom I could hear him moving around but I was too intent on my mission to care what he was doing. I was in such a hurry that I didn’t completely close the bathroom door so when I sat on the commode Edward chuckled at my huge sigh of relief. I could hear him rustling around in the drawers looking for something.
“Thanks for unpacking for me,” he called through the doorway.
“You’re welcome.” We hadn’t time to unpack when we arrived because Edward had other ideas. Not that I was complaining in the least, but I hate living out of suitcases, so while he watched the game with his family, I put everything away. As I stood to wash my hands Edward talked through the crack in the door.
“I’m going to start coffee and order breakfast, anything special you want?”
“Something light, how about a Croissant and fruit?”
“Ummm…” I assumed he was reading the menu, “…they have a melon medley.”
“That’s good,” I said turning off the water.
“What else? You need some protein Bella.”
I was glad the door was still partly closed as I rolled my eyes while drying my hands. I told him to get me a poached egg because the last thing I wanted to do was let my eating habits slip. There was no way I wanted to be punished for that again.
Edward told me to start the shower he would order the food and then join me, making me giggle when he promised to wash all my dirty spots. The large marble open shower truly was heavenly; the waterfall nozzle overhead trickled down while the wall mounts were positioned in such a way that almost every area of my body was being sprayed.
I stood there just enjoying the water for a few minutes waiting for Edward. When he didn’t come back I started my routine, washing my hair and soaping up my body, moving as slowly as possible. Once I was done there was still no Edward and no reason for me to remain so I turned everything off and got out.
Wrapped in a towel I noticed that the bathroom door to the living room was closed, in hind sight that probably should have been a clue. However, I moved into the bedroom not paying any mind to that closed door either. Standing in front of the dresser I towel dried my hair and rather than fully dry it I ran the brush through, putting it in two nice even braided pig-tails. Leaning down to get my blue baby doll nightie from out of the dresser, I drew in a deep breath of the yellow roses Edward had given me. After pulling the nightie over my head I picked up the card to re-read what he written.
The rose speaks of love silently in a language known only to the heart.
Edward was such a romantic
Thinking that the roses needed light to fully open I looked over at the small seating area in front of the window before deciding that I wanted them out in the main room, where I would be able to see them. The bouquet was full making opening the door difficult and I couldn’t help but to bring them closer to my face to enjoy the fragrance as I spoke.
“Edward I had to wash my own dirty spots. But I did put my hair in pig-tails so you could defile me all over again.”
“Those are beautiful roses Bella.”
That was not the voice I was expecting to hear
Moving the roses aside I looked over towards the seating area to see Esme standing there with a smile on her face and Edward behind her silently laughing his ass off. I was sure that my face was bright red and really glad I had chosen a nightie that was on the conservative side.
“Ed…Edward surprised me with them,” I said trying to get the embarrassment from my word vomit under control.
Esme’s smile stayed plastered on her face while she glanced at her son, who was still laughing, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but Edward wasn’t answering his phone and I wanted to see if you were going to join us for breakfast.”
“I told mom that we had just ordered room service and would meet them later.” How Edward talked through the large grin on his face was beyond me.
I still hadn’t moved and had to force my feet to propel me towards them. Since Esme wasn’t going to say anything about my naughty comment I decided to act like it never happened. I placed the vase on the coffee table while Esme scolded her son. “You need to leave your phone on so that I can reach you.”
Looking for a way to get back into her good graces I said, “You should have my number Esme, I never turn my phone off.”
Unconsciously I could feel my right foot rubbing against the soft carpet. That also was another lesson I did not ever want to be repeated.
“That might be a good idea,” She answered shifting her gaze from my eyes to the braids on either side of my head. I could feel my face heating up as I tried to smile while she began to move in order to take her leave. She kissed Edward’s cheek and gave me a small hug as she spoke, “Enjoy your breakfast, I’ll see you both later.”
Edward put his hand on the small of my back urging me along as he walked her to the door. Before leaving she told us that lunch was a free for all and the plan for dinner was to order take out to eat on the beach. After saying good-bye again she gave me another strange look that I totally understood and left.
With his mother gone Edward completely lost his composure, breaking out in a fit of laughter while I was mortified. “Oh my god Edward, your mother must think I’m the biggest degenerate slut!”
“No she doesn’t,” he said through his laughter pulling me into a hug while I mumbled against his chest, “I can’t believe she heard me say that…pig tails so you could defile me.” He was laughing so hard my head was bobbing around from the movement of his chest
“It’s not funny!” My protest might have carried more weight if I hadn’t been laughing too.
“Oh, Bella…” he said while chuckling. “I’m going to shower, breakfast should be here soon, so I’m afraid the defiling will have to wait.”
His hands pulled on my two pig-tails making my head tilt backwards so I was looking up into his face. Most of the humor was gone as he stared down at me, “Just so you know, I do like these…very much.”
Holding on to the two braids Edward kissed me. The mixture of his mouth mingling with mine along with the slight pain of my hair being pulled made me moan. Drawing back my eyes opened to see his dark deep-green gaze and when he spoke his voice was intense. “Oh yes nâhtötse, I like them very, very much.”
With a sigh Edward released me and while he walked towards the bedroom I stood there taking my own deep breaths while shaking my head to clear my mind. The aroma of fresh coffee is what led me to the small kitchen area, after getting a cup I took it with me to enjoy on the balcony.
The morning was spectacular. The air was slightly cool but the sun was warm, casting rays of bright yellow and orange against the ocean. I sat in the cushioned patio chair watching the waves roll against the sandy shore. Unlike the beaches in LaPush there were no rocks along the shoreline, just a seemingly endless trail of golden sand. A few seagulls flew overhead and I watched as every now and then one would dive headfirst into the water to catch a fish. It was quiet, calm, and peaceful; it was exactly what I needed.
My first cup of coffee was done and while I went inside for a refill there was a loud knock at the door. Before I could answer it Edward came out of the bedroom dressed in clean pajama pants and a t-shirt, his hair was still damp from the shower. “I got it babe.”
Since he was taking care of the door I poured us both coffee and we decided to take the tray of food out on the balcony to eat. Edward sat the tray down on the table between our chairs and when I placed his coffee on it I seen my journal. The night before I had updated my food intake and written some of my thoughts on the playtime we had, along with starting a new entry.
Edward took his seat while he started pulling the silver lids off of the plates. He had ordered a full breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs and home fries complete with orange juice and toast.
“We didn’t get a chance to have our after session talk last night,” Edward said putting salt on his eggs while I spread jam on the bottom half of my croissant. Placing the poached egg on top of it I wished I had some ketchup and just as the thought entered my mind Edward placed two packets of Heinz on the tray in front of my plate.
I have to admit that the night before when I walked into the bedroom to see the rose’s sitting there I was happy; but seeing those two little packs of ketchup made me ecstatic.
“Did you order those for me?” I thought that it was possible they just came with each tray. Edward looked at me with narrowed eyes, “I wasn’t sure if you put ketchup on poached eggs or not, but I figured if not, you could use the packets later on something else.”
It was silly that I should get so emotional over something as stupid as Edward ordering me ketchup, but I couldn’t help the tears that formed in my eyes. Everyone always laughed at my eating habits and the only other person who always remembered my ketchup fixation was Jake. I sat there looking into Edward’s eyes blinking back the tears watching his expression turning to concern. His hand reached out to stroke my face, “Bella, what’s the matter?”
Smiling I shook my head to ease his worry, “Nothing…I love you.”
What was I supposed to say? You’re looking at a crazy woman who cries over ketchup packets?
Oh, and by the way, she thinks you are the greatest person on the face of the earth. Not because you gave her eighty dollar roses, no - it was the ten cent ketchup packets that earn that title. Edward would have thought I was insane, and maybe I was but at that moment I never felt more loved or accepted.
Edward gave me a goofy grin, almost as if he could read my mind and knew the ridiculousness of my musing. “I love you too nâhtötse.”
And I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he did.
When he picked up his coffee my attention went back to my food. Opening up one of the packets I squeezed the ketchup on top of the egg before poking the yoke and smearing it all together. Edward watched me with astute fascination as I cut off a piece of food, chewing it while taking a drink of coffee.
“Good?” Edward asked, but with my mouth full all I could do was nod.
“Alright then,” he smiled at me, “about our session. Was there anything you wanted to say about it?” he asked me before putting a bite of egg into his mouth.
I shook my head and I should have known better then to dismiss the question so easily. Edward scrutinized me with narrowed eyes waiting for my correct response. “I liked it.”
He nodded taking another drink while I ate a piece of honeydew melon. When it was clear to me that Edward wasn’t going to ask me anymore questions I took it upon myself to be more forthcoming. “I was excited and glad that we had enough time to play. Which reminds me, do you still have those play lists on your computer?”
“Yes…would you like them?”
Nodding I answered enthusiastically, “Yes! The one in the car was so pretty and the second one, well…”
My teeth bit into my bottom lip and even though I let this man tie me up and bring me to orgasm by whipping me with a leather crop I couldn’t keep the blush off my face. “I don’t really remember any of it.”
Edward chuckled, “I guess that means I did a good job at keeping you distracted.”
“I would say you did a very good job.”
“Give me your I-pod and I will download the two lists for you,” he assured me while reaching for my journal. “I’m more interested in this statement.”
Edward opened the pages to the place where he had placed the pen inside the book as a marker. He scanned my writing before reading aloud.
‘It took everything I had to remain in that chair, to not scream out in fear and to
submit to my Master. The anxiety was building so fast that I could feel my heart
beating in my chest as the memories came flooding back to me. No matter how
much I tried to push them away, telling myself that I was safe, my mind brought
everything back in perfect recall. I didn’t want to be afraid but I couldn’t stop it.’
Edward looked at me as if he was gaging my reaction to my own words, and then asked what he wanted to know. “Those feelings of being afraid, were they strictly from the gag?”
I had to think for a minute before I answered. “It was the combination of everything. Being spread open, my hands up, the gag…all those things brought back the memories of …of being…”
No matter how many times I thought about that day and what occurred in my kitchen I could never bring myself to say the word rape. I would call it domestic violence, an assault, or admit to being attacked and traumatized yet what it really was escaped my vocabulary. To me there is a stigma attached to that word, which somehow makes the victim feel even dirtier then she already does. Perhaps that is because it is such a grievous act, the ultimate violation that involves the taking of something so personally intimate.
It is a heinous act of violence that leaves the victim to have to justify her actions to everyone who asks. The police, hospital, family, and friends all want to know in vivid detail what happened. They force the victim to retell the nightmare over and over again, each time reliving every moment as if it was just occurring. Each time she tells her account the victim is placed under the watchful eye of the authorities. All of who seem to be waiting for any small deviation in recollection. Then if there is a catch in her memory the whole ordeal is questioned along with her motives. The victim is then left to her own new sense of reality and safety; she’s abandoned to bear the brunt of the pain, shame, and her own guilt.
It may be a world of denial that I’m living in, and maybe I’m wrong or just too weak to face the reality; but from the time I woke up in the hospital battered, bruised and beaten and no matter what the authorities said happened to me, in an act of self-preservation my mind rejected the term and all the connotation that goes along with it.
This day was no different. Giving pause I chose a different word, “…violated.”
Edward stared at me as if he was reliving what I had told him about that day. I waited for the look of pity to cross his face, it never came. Instead I was greeted with what appeared to be guilt. “I didn’t mean to bring that all back to you. The last thing I want is for you to be afraid. There should never be any fear…”
“That’s not true Edward,” he was waiting for me to elaborate - so I did. “Every time I kneel before you there is a small fear that runs through me. It’s like adrenaline that builds the anticipation, the unknown is a fear.”
“Ok. Then perhaps I should say panic.” I nodded in agreement at his choice of word. “You were on the verge of panic Bella.”
As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t deny his observation. “I was…but you saw it and brought me back to reality. You talked me through the anxiety until I was able to overcome it.”
“And that was all I needed to do…talk?”
“Yes…your voice soothed the terror, helped me to calm down enough to where I could disassociate what was happening at that moment from my memories. All I needed you to do was talk me through it, remind me that I could breathe and that I was with you, not…” I wasn’t going to say his name but Edward knew who I meant, “…and I knew that I could trust you and I was safe. That small act of reassuring me was what allowed me to fully submit to you.”
Edward swallowed the last bite of his toast and took a drink of juice before he asked, “So once that initial panic was gone, everything else was as…usual?”
I could feel the smile spread across my face, “if you are referring to the slow build of desire that takes over my body until it explodes in a mind numbing orgasm…then yes…it was quit ordinary.”
“Ordinary?” he asked incredulously.
“If you are asking about mechanics, then it was typical. If you are asking about the experience as a whole, then it was extraordinary.” At the use of the word Edward practically beamed.
“So, I take it you like the new toy,” he was stating not asking.
“Oh yes, that was great, but BFF is still my favorite.”
Edward grinned shaking his head at my preference in toys.
“Alright…” he said with a chuckle “…so other than extraordinary, is there anything else you have to say?”
I shook my head while chewing on a piece of melon, swallowing I reminded him “Just don’t forget about the playlist”
“I’ll get them for you”
I thought we were done and started stacking the plates while he read through more of my journal entries. As I stood to take the tray into the room he told me to bring the coffee pot back out with me. That simple request let me know that we had more to talk about.
While I was gathering the coffee my eyes fell on the other unopened packet of ketchup and it might have been sentimental but I quickly picked it up, setting it aside so it wouldn’t get thrown away. There was still half a bowl of mixed melons which I brought back out onto the balcony along with the coffee.
Edward seemed very intent while reading my journal and didn’t even wait for me to sit back down to begin. “I don’t know why anything that you do surprises me, yet it happened again.”
Refilling his cup my eyes darted to his quickly wondering what on earth he was talking about. I didn’t have to spectacle for long as he went on “I wanted to give you a topic to explore. The idea was to give it to last night but with our company there wasn’t any time, which was why I picked up your journal today and was truly amazed by what I read.”
My eyes narrowed in confusion trying to look over Edward’s arm to see what he was referring to. I couldn’t really see so I was glad when he enlightened me. “You went from talking about why you were afraid during our session to asking yourself why you submit”
Edward picked up his cup holding it in his hand while he continued to silently read or maybe he was re-reading before he spoke “It would have been very easy to simply say ‘I submit to bring pleasure to my Master’ but that isn’t the case.”
“I think I did write that” I said stretching my neck in his direction
“Yes you did however that is not your main reason. You wrote…
Although I know that by my totally submitting to my Master’s will brings
him pleasure that is not the only reason I do it. I can be selfless and give of
myself; however there is no way I could be so gallant as to give everything
he ask of me without getting something other than his happiness in return.
So the question I have to ask myself is; what is it that I get from my
submission? First and foremost would be a deep found joy. There is a part
of me that I have only begun to tap into that gains a deep satisfaction in submitting
to His will. Is that something that I should feel guilty about? I don’t believe it is,
especially if mutual satisfaction is the name of the game. There is also something
deep inside me that is comforted in my submitting. I find security, love
and joy in giving Him control over every part of me. It is the only time that I can
be truly free”
Looking up from my journal Edward eyed me and somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered if he didn’t approve of what I said. It wasn’t that I worried about being in trouble because he had told me numerous times that I was free to write whatever I wanted without fear of being punished for it. Still I couldn’t distinguish what he was thinking.
“Did I write something wrong?” I said with a worried voice
Edward narrowed his eyes “No, on the contrary you wrote something very profound that I would venture to say most seasoned submissive wouldn’t have considered. The question I have is why didn’t you finish it?”
“I think I fell asleep” my admittance made Edward grin
“I want you to finish this, exhaust every reason you can think of and I will tell you the higher the number the greater your reward will be. However I will warn you that I expect not only a reason but an example or explanation to go along with it. Just as you have done with the two motives you already stated. Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir. When do you want it by?”
“Friday at the dinner table” he said it like I should have already known and I suppose I should have. Edward picked up the pen, turned a few pages in my journal and started writing. “Along with that I am going to give you a task. Which I also want to see on Friday”
I nodded although I was somewhat anxious about getting everything done on time, especially since we were still on vacation. It didn’t take Edward long and when he was done he closed the journal stuck the pen back into its holder and handed it to me.
I sat there staring at the book in my hand like it was a snake about to bite me. I wanted to see what Edward was asking of me yet unsure if I truly wanted to know. He made the decision for me. “Go ahead nâhtötse, take a look”
Why am I so nervous?
It wasn’t the first time I had been given a task and I highly doubted it would be the last. Opening the journal I found the page where Edward had written what I was to do. Reading it I was filled with both relief and apprehension. I felt relief because it wasn’t anything that would require physical capabilities and apprehension because I wasn’t sure exactly how to set out to fulfill his request. Taking a deep breath I re-read the instructions.
‘You are to set three personal goals for yourself that you can accomplish within the next two weeks.’
Yeah…How the hell am I going to do that?
My body was so comfortable lying in the large luxurious bed, draped in smooth sheets and thick silky blankets that only one thing could have pulled me from sleep. The feel of soft insistent lips trailing kisses down my neck, warm breath against my skin, hands cupping my breasts while fingers lazily teased my nipples. It wasn’t a thing disrupting my early morning slumber, it was a person.
“Good morning baby,” his words washed over the skin of my bare shoulder as he kissed a new spot.
My eyes were refusing to open even as his hand moved down over my stomach pulling my bottom half impossibly closer to him. The action made me squirm against a very awake Little Eddie.
“Ahh…morning…mmm…what are you doing?” While saying the words my head tilted giving him better access to the spot behind my ear
“I’m keeping a promise,” his hand swept over my hip gripping my thigh to lift my leg as he dipped his hips putting Little Eddie against my happy spot while his nose skimmed along the line of my neck taking in a deep breath. “Mmm…god baby your skin smells amazing.”
The combination of his actions and words made me whimper as my hips moved of their own accord so I could feel more of him while his kisses on my neck continued. The hand on my breast cupped firmer as his fingers rolled and tweaked my nipple, while the other hand floated lightly over my thigh. His touches were so soft; building a fire inside me that was threatening to erupt. My hips moved against him making his dick slide in between my folds letting me feel its heat.
My eyes finally opened as my head turned to face his where he placed a tender kiss on my lips while Little Eddie continued to play slip and slide against my sex. “You are so beautiful.”
I shook my head because he was the beautiful one and I was going to tell him that but Edward stopped the words with another kiss. Pulling back he stared into my eyes nodding his head. “Beautiful, everything about you, your hair, your face, your body, your heart, your very soul, all of you, so absolutely beautiful.”
It always amazed me the way that he saw me, “You have some bias.”
“Maybe…but that’s my right,” with his words his hips dipped once again as his hand wrapped around my thigh lifting it higher and I could feel him at my entrance, slowly sliding inside me as he groaned, “Fuck baby…you feel so good.”
Moaning softly from the feeling of him filling me so gently, “Mmmm…it’s you.”
“It’s us nâhtötse…the two of us…together,” he drew back as slowly as he entered, making me feel every ever-loving inch. Edward kissed me again while his hand on my stomach helped guide his movements inside me. His lips moved under my jaw in little nips tugging on the skin making my breathing embarrassingly harsh as my body craved more of him.
“Please Edward…” my plea fell on deaf ears as the motion of his hips stayed at their slow torturous pace.
“Not yet.…” Edward’s words were labored as if he was in his own agony but that didn’t impede his movement or his words. “…tell me you feel it Bella…the connection…the draw we have …to each other.”
“I feel it.” My admittance was nothing new, nor was it said to get what I wanted even though my hand moved to grip his hip in an attempt to make him move faster, adding another plea,
He was holding himself up on one elbow while his body molded against my back as his face hovered over mine. “Not until you know…not until you believe.”
I wanted to scream ‘I believe’ because at that point I would have said anything to get his hips to move faster, because the slow stroking was driving me crazy, it was distress, he was using persuasion-by-penis and it was working.
“I love everything about you Bella…your intelligence…your sense of humor…your honesty…your humanity and empathy…fuck nâhtötse…I even love your tenacity….and your fucking quirky eating…”
Edward sucked in a breath as if he was trying to calm himself while tears fell down my checks from the words he was saying. “…baby my life is with you…I want to spend…the rest of my life… everyday doing ….nothing but loving you…tell me…tell me you feel it… and you believe.”
“I believe you,” the words came out in a rush.
“Oh…thank Christ!” his own words were said in relief as his hand moved down to lift my thigh again opening me up as he set my foot flat on the bed behind his legs. He kissed me with force and his movements inside me increased. My back arched pushing my hips against his thrusts while his hand held my stomach firmly pulling me against him.
The feel of his quickened pace was more than welcomed as the tension in my body started to build. “Oh…Edward…harder…please…oh please.”
My hand gripped his hip holding onto him firmly while the other held on to his wrist that was still cupping my breast. The pressure was building in my stomach while my breathing was coming out in pants and soft moans.
“Ohhhh…more… god …please more.”
At my words Edward’s hand moved from my stomach and his fingers started rubbing my clit. That was all it took, the warmth of my orgasm sending tingles through me as I cried out in a deep moan. As my body gave way Edward grunted, “Oh…fuck baby…so fucking good.”
His hand that had brought me to release held my hip as he moved forcefully inside me letting me ride out the bliss. He grunted again slamming deep into me with a groan as I felt the warmth of his cum fill me. He moved inside once more letting out a hiss while my muscles squeezed around him.
“Oh Bella…” the gasping words spoken against my ear, “…you have no idea…how good you feel.”
My head turned placing a kiss on his chin talking through my own panting, “I know…how good you feel.”
Edward’s arms squeezed around me while he kissed my temple, “I love you.”
“I love you,” I told him enjoying the quick intake of air he made as I deliberately tightened around him and wondered, “do you feel that?”
It must have been a stupid question because he laughed, “Yesss,” drawing out the word as I did it again.
I suppose it was silly that I didn’t know, considering that even common sense should have told me that he could. The thing was that I had no experience in playing bed-games; the only person besides Edward I was with was James. There were no touchy feely happy explorations that young lovers do. I thought back to the first time that Edward and I were together he said something to me that at the time I didn’t know what he meant, however at that moment it seemed to make sense.
“Edward when you said,” I thought back to that night getting the right phrase, “…‛milk me’…did you mean this?” I tightened again so he knew what I was talking about. “Because I thought milking referred to massaging the prostrate.”
“It’s both,” the grin he must have had was clear in his voice, “basically it refers to draining all the cum out, which is what you keep doing. And since at the time you didn’t have your fingers up my ass…”
My head lifted to give him a devious smile, Edward’s eyes darted to mine, “Don’t even think about it.”
“Come on! Where’s your sense of adventure?” I teased.
“Oh, I got plenty of adventure, however I draw the line there…” I giggled while he mumbled, “I just might have to get you that play partner.”
Play partner?
“I don’t want a play partner,” the thought was creeping me out.
Shaking my head at his inquiry Edward moved his body to take ahold of my chin, making him slip from inside me. With his eyes intently looking into mine I was growing uncomfortable. “What about your fantasy from yesterday in the car?”
“I don’t want to be with anyone else. I just want to watch.” The admittance of that desire made me feel depraved as my face heated up making Edward grin.
“You don’t have to be physically involved to control the action,” I understood what he was saying however it still didn’t sound like anything I would be interested in actually participating in.
“No,” my head was shaking in absolute certainty. “I don’t think I would like that.”
Edward’s face softened as he laid down tucking me back into his embrace, “Ok, but you let me know if that ever changes.”
He seemed rather assured about the possibility of that happening; personally, I didn’t see it ever occurring. I truly had very little (if any) desire to be in control, I wasn’t a switch - of that I was sure. My role as being a submissive was something that took me years to come to terms with. Defining the characteristics one by one, seeing how they pertained to me and how those traits had -up to that point- been a factor in the events of my life. That was the first thing I had to accept about myself.
It struck a blow to my female independence, after all, this was the twenty-first century. Women could be anything they wanted, without fear of what society thought, or needing to get permission from the men in their lives. That was one of the major sticking points I fought for in my marriage - aside from staying alive - I wasn’t going to back down from fulfilling my dreams.
The problem was, I was stuck on it being a woman’s role and it was Aro who in one of our very first meetings reminded me that there are lots of submissive males. He also brought up the point that we live in a society that tells women to be whatever they want in order to be fulfilled. So it would stand to reason that if they find true happiness and satisfaction in serving, why should they be looked down upon for that decision? A submissive who wholly embraces her true self has just as much right to do so as a woman who became a brain surgeon. She also deserves to be given the same respect.
The next thing I had to come to understand was that I had more than an appetite for vanilla in me. At first I thought that it was the power of suggestion. As I wrote my dissertation I was submerged into a world of kinky living. While doing research I conjured up more than a few images that wreaked havoc with my libido. The first time I masturbated to the idea of me being on the receiving end of a whip was enough to scare the shit out of me.
However, given time, that all passed away and I found I could embrace those fantasies. Maybe that’s because I thought that’s all they were - fantasies. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever think I would find the peace in my life that I had been searching for. Especially not on my knees at the feet of someone else, giving him permission to exact his will over my life. Yet there I was doing that very thing, and being happy, content, and fulfilled.
I was so satisfied with the role that hailed me as Edward’s possession that I couldn’t imagine being the one in charge. I wouldn’t know what to do and I certainly didn’t want to be involved in any sex act with someone else. My fantasy had nothing to do with me partaking in the deeds, even when I felt that stir of excitement with Claire it was all about the control I had over her.
Hmmm…Maybe Edward was right
Maybe at some point in the future I would go to him with that particular request. He would see that I was trained enough to take on the role of being The Top. I also knew without a doubt that Edward would be present throughout the whole thing. That last thought worked the most at putting my mind to ease.
I laid there wrapped in Edward’s arms with the sheet haphazardly thrown over us, wondering who he would invite. My mind began to speculate and I found myself thinking how much fun it would be to get Jessica or Tanya into the playroom. Devious ideas of extracting my revenge came into my mind. I would be all sweet and nice until I had them where I wanted them and then they would pay – and pay dearly. Suddenly a childhood poem to my mind.
Will you walk into my parlour?" said the Spider to the Fly,
'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
And I've a many curious things to shew when you are there."
Ok…it’s down a winding stair but the outcome would be the same.
Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little Fly,
Hearing his wily, flattering words, came slowly flitting by;
With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer drew,
Thinking only of her brilliant eyes, and green and purple hue --
Thinking only of her crested head -- poor foolish thing! At last,
Up jumped the cunning Spider, and fiercely held her fast.
He dragged her up his winding stair, into his dismal den,
Within his little parlour -- but she ne'er came out again!
I thought about luring them into my parlor with their haughty attitudes and egotistic dispositions. Letting them believe they had the upper hand until - poor foolish thing - my reverie had me in a fit of giggles.
“What’s so funny?” Edward’s question caused my face to heat up. There was no way I was going to tell him what I was thinking.
“Nothing,” I snickered as his arms held me tighter.
“Hmmm…now why don’t I believe you?” At his words he shifted so that I was on my back while Edward hovered over top of me. Meeting his eyes I couldn’t keep the grin off my face.
“Tell me Bella,” he coaxed while I bit my lip shaking my head because it was too embarrassing.
Besides I didn’t want to freely admit my jealousy to myself non-the-less to him. I try hard not to let Edward’s past conquests bother me, yet sometimes, especially when it is thrown in my face I can’t help it. I also couldn’t help the glee that I was feeling at the thought of doing something painfully nasty to the two women who are at the heart of that animosity.
Edward raised one eyebrow in disbelief while he continued to scrutinize my expression. Trying to get my thoughts under control I was struggling to lose the feeling of elation I had in exchange for an air of innocence, and failing miserably.
“Bella? Are you going to force me to pry the information out of you?” I giggled again, more at the seriousness of his tone than anything else. That was until he rose up on his knees and started tickling me.
“Stop!....Edward stop!...” my body was thrashing on the bed while I laughed.
“Tell me Bella,” he insisted while his fingers continued tickling my ribs.
“NO!...Stop!...you’re going to make me pee! Besides, I can have my own thoughts!” the last sentence came out in a rush and to my surprise his fingers stopped while he eyed me once again.
“Your right, you are entitled to your own thoughts. But tell me one thing; do those particular thoughts have anything to do with what we were talking about?”
I debated lying to him for a split second but it wasn’t a habit I wanted to get into, besides trust is of the utmost importance, and I wouldn’t want him to lie to me. With that knowledge I nodded expecting that Edward would continue with his inquest. He surprised me by moving to sit on the edge of the bed making me ask, “Where are you going?”
“I thought you had to pee,” he said glancing over his shoulder at me.
There was a part of me that felt bad wondering if I had hurt his feelings or if he was angry that I wouldn’t share with him what I was thinking. Sitting up with the sheet tucked under my arms I moved to lean against his back. My head rested in the spot between his shoulder blades while my arms wrapped around his waist hugging myself to him.
“Please don’t be upset with me…”
Edward sighed as he maneuvered around in my arms to face me. Cupping my chin his beautiful green eyes gazed into mine. “I’m not upset with you and since your line of thinking had something to do with our conversation I will just have to wait and read about in your journal.”
My journal?
I didn’t think my quick little thought of revenge was journal worthy, it was more for my own enjoyment. Edward however must have completely misunderstood as he went on.
“The thing is that I thought we were past that point. I was under the impression that there was no evasiveness in our discussions.”
Reaching to remove his hand from my chin, I opened his palm tracing the lines, “You have a really long life line.”
“Does that mean I’m going to live long?”
His question was common, however wrong. I shrugged, “It means that you will have an abundant happy life. This is your heart line, head line and your fate,” my finger moved over each area.
“What do they mean?” Edward asked me as I kept looking into his palm tracing the trails as I spoke.
“You have one line that originates in your heart, crosses through your head, and grows deeper in your fate, until this small line comes over from your life to join it. That connection then continues on through your life until it crosses over into the other side.”
My eyes darted to his face meeting his gaze I explained, “That’s your soul mate, the person you spend eternity with.”
He captured my attention with his stare for a long moment until he asked, “What else?”
Taking a deep breath I looked back down at his palm tracing along the fate line that ran through the middle of his hand. “This line right above where your fate and life intersect, branches off into the opposite direction and then perishes. That indicates a part of your life that doesn’t go anywhere. Something that was important to you, changed.”
“Like what?” I shrugged at his question because that was something only he would know but I gave him some ideas.
“It could have been a career change, a variation in your lifestyle or philosophy, or a lost love that fizzled. Whatever it was the line is thick…” my finger traced over the contour I was talking about, “…so that means it was a major part of your life up until that moment.”
Edward was quiet while I explained what all the different twists and turns meant in terms of his personality. How each divot or crevasse in any given area meant something in relationship to his life. When I was done I raised his palm placing a kiss in the center of it before looking back into his eyes.
“I wasn’t being evasive Edward, my mind had drifted to a childhood poem ‘The Spider and the Fly’ and with that I mused how there are some people who have intersected with your life that I would love to get into my web and be rid of them. That’s what I found so funny. I don’t want to withhold anything from you, but at the same time I should be able to have those thoughts knowing that I have the privilege of keeping them to myself.”
It took him a moment before he said anything as his eyes continued to stare into mine and then he smiled sadly. “You’re right, are there lines in there that tell you how many times I’m going to act like a obtrusive ass?”
I smiled using the tip of my nail tracing over imaginary lines, “Well…there are a whole bunch right in here.”
Edward chuckled leaning in to kiss me with enough force that we fell back on the bed making my head land on the soft pillows. He pulled back to look down at me, “I’m sorry nâhtötse. It’s no excuse but I just want to be a part of everything in your life.” He brushed a lock of hair behind my ear before adding, “I’ll try to remember that you need some space too.”
“Not too much space,” I told him tightening my arms around his waist “I like you nice and close…so I can keep my eye on you.”
“I’m not going any place. They couldn’t pry me away from you,” he assured me with a small kiss before pulling the sheet further off my body and laying the side of his head in the area just below my breast. The scruff on his chin felt prickly against the sensitive skin and I could feel his breaths wash over me as I lazily ran my fingers through his soft silky hair.
“Edward do we have to go anywhere this morning?” the movement of his head shaking caused the stubble on his face to tickle my skin as he spoke, “No…do you want to do something?”
“Actually I don’t want to do anything. I thought we could make a pot of coffee, order breakfast, and spend the morning naked in bed.”
Edward raised his head resting his chin on my sternum looking at me with a he twinkle in his eye, “If you insist, and I think the room service guy might enjoy that.”
I giggled, “You know what I mean.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean.”
Laying his head back down we stayed liked that for a few minutes holding each other and just being together until my stomach made its presence known. The loud rumbling growl made me giggle as Edward laughed, “Jesus baby, it sounds like you have angry bear in there!”
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m hungry,” giggling as it rumbled yet again.
Edward laughed pulling away from my body to lay next me with his upper body raised as he leaned on his elbow, “Damn! I better order you food before you wake up the whole hotel!”
“Shut up!” I laughed swatting at his shoulder. Edward grabbed my hand pulling me towards him while he laid down bringing me on top of him. His hands moved down my sides to rest on my bottom. With my body pressed firmly against his there was something else that made its presence known, my bladder was full and protesting.
“I really do have to pee.”
Edward gave me a devious smile pressing his hands against the small of my back making me groan, “Ohhh…that’s not nice.”
He chuckled giving my bottom a quick swat, “Go.”
As I scurried off the bed towards the bathroom I could hear him moving around but I was too intent on my mission to care what he was doing. I was in such a hurry that I didn’t completely close the bathroom door so when I sat on the commode Edward chuckled at my huge sigh of relief. I could hear him rustling around in the drawers looking for something.
“Thanks for unpacking for me,” he called through the doorway.
“You’re welcome.” We hadn’t time to unpack when we arrived because Edward had other ideas. Not that I was complaining in the least, but I hate living out of suitcases, so while he watched the game with his family, I put everything away. As I stood to wash my hands Edward talked through the crack in the door.
“I’m going to start coffee and order breakfast, anything special you want?”
“Something light, how about a Croissant and fruit?”
“Ummm…” I assumed he was reading the menu, “…they have a melon medley.”
“That’s good,” I said turning off the water.
“What else? You need some protein Bella.”
I was glad the door was still partly closed as I rolled my eyes while drying my hands. I told him to get me a poached egg because the last thing I wanted to do was let my eating habits slip. There was no way I wanted to be punished for that again.
Edward told me to start the shower he would order the food and then join me, making me giggle when he promised to wash all my dirty spots. The large marble open shower truly was heavenly; the waterfall nozzle overhead trickled down while the wall mounts were positioned in such a way that almost every area of my body was being sprayed.
I stood there just enjoying the water for a few minutes waiting for Edward. When he didn’t come back I started my routine, washing my hair and soaping up my body, moving as slowly as possible. Once I was done there was still no Edward and no reason for me to remain so I turned everything off and got out.
Wrapped in a towel I noticed that the bathroom door to the living room was closed, in hind sight that probably should have been a clue. However, I moved into the bedroom not paying any mind to that closed door either. Standing in front of the dresser I towel dried my hair and rather than fully dry it I ran the brush through, putting it in two nice even braided pig-tails. Leaning down to get my blue baby doll nightie from out of the dresser, I drew in a deep breath of the yellow roses Edward had given me. After pulling the nightie over my head I picked up the card to re-read what he written.
The rose speaks of love silently in a language known only to the heart.
Edward was such a romantic
Thinking that the roses needed light to fully open I looked over at the small seating area in front of the window before deciding that I wanted them out in the main room, where I would be able to see them. The bouquet was full making opening the door difficult and I couldn’t help but to bring them closer to my face to enjoy the fragrance as I spoke.
“Edward I had to wash my own dirty spots. But I did put my hair in pig-tails so you could defile me all over again.”
“Those are beautiful roses Bella.”
That was not the voice I was expecting to hear
Moving the roses aside I looked over towards the seating area to see Esme standing there with a smile on her face and Edward behind her silently laughing his ass off. I was sure that my face was bright red and really glad I had chosen a nightie that was on the conservative side.
“Ed…Edward surprised me with them,” I said trying to get the embarrassment from my word vomit under control.
Esme’s smile stayed plastered on her face while she glanced at her son, who was still laughing, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but Edward wasn’t answering his phone and I wanted to see if you were going to join us for breakfast.”
“I told mom that we had just ordered room service and would meet them later.” How Edward talked through the large grin on his face was beyond me.
I still hadn’t moved and had to force my feet to propel me towards them. Since Esme wasn’t going to say anything about my naughty comment I decided to act like it never happened. I placed the vase on the coffee table while Esme scolded her son. “You need to leave your phone on so that I can reach you.”
Looking for a way to get back into her good graces I said, “You should have my number Esme, I never turn my phone off.”
Unconsciously I could feel my right foot rubbing against the soft carpet. That also was another lesson I did not ever want to be repeated.
“That might be a good idea,” She answered shifting her gaze from my eyes to the braids on either side of my head. I could feel my face heating up as I tried to smile while she began to move in order to take her leave. She kissed Edward’s cheek and gave me a small hug as she spoke, “Enjoy your breakfast, I’ll see you both later.”
Edward put his hand on the small of my back urging me along as he walked her to the door. Before leaving she told us that lunch was a free for all and the plan for dinner was to order take out to eat on the beach. After saying good-bye again she gave me another strange look that I totally understood and left.
With his mother gone Edward completely lost his composure, breaking out in a fit of laughter while I was mortified. “Oh my god Edward, your mother must think I’m the biggest degenerate slut!”
“No she doesn’t,” he said through his laughter pulling me into a hug while I mumbled against his chest, “I can’t believe she heard me say that…pig tails so you could defile me.” He was laughing so hard my head was bobbing around from the movement of his chest
“It’s not funny!” My protest might have carried more weight if I hadn’t been laughing too.
“Oh, Bella…” he said while chuckling. “I’m going to shower, breakfast should be here soon, so I’m afraid the defiling will have to wait.”
His hands pulled on my two pig-tails making my head tilt backwards so I was looking up into his face. Most of the humor was gone as he stared down at me, “Just so you know, I do like these…very much.”
Holding on to the two braids Edward kissed me. The mixture of his mouth mingling with mine along with the slight pain of my hair being pulled made me moan. Drawing back my eyes opened to see his dark deep-green gaze and when he spoke his voice was intense. “Oh yes nâhtötse, I like them very, very much.”
With a sigh Edward released me and while he walked towards the bedroom I stood there taking my own deep breaths while shaking my head to clear my mind. The aroma of fresh coffee is what led me to the small kitchen area, after getting a cup I took it with me to enjoy on the balcony.
The morning was spectacular. The air was slightly cool but the sun was warm, casting rays of bright yellow and orange against the ocean. I sat in the cushioned patio chair watching the waves roll against the sandy shore. Unlike the beaches in LaPush there were no rocks along the shoreline, just a seemingly endless trail of golden sand. A few seagulls flew overhead and I watched as every now and then one would dive headfirst into the water to catch a fish. It was quiet, calm, and peaceful; it was exactly what I needed.
My first cup of coffee was done and while I went inside for a refill there was a loud knock at the door. Before I could answer it Edward came out of the bedroom dressed in clean pajama pants and a t-shirt, his hair was still damp from the shower. “I got it babe.”
Since he was taking care of the door I poured us both coffee and we decided to take the tray of food out on the balcony to eat. Edward sat the tray down on the table between our chairs and when I placed his coffee on it I seen my journal. The night before I had updated my food intake and written some of my thoughts on the playtime we had, along with starting a new entry.
Edward took his seat while he started pulling the silver lids off of the plates. He had ordered a full breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs and home fries complete with orange juice and toast.
“We didn’t get a chance to have our after session talk last night,” Edward said putting salt on his eggs while I spread jam on the bottom half of my croissant. Placing the poached egg on top of it I wished I had some ketchup and just as the thought entered my mind Edward placed two packets of Heinz on the tray in front of my plate.
I have to admit that the night before when I walked into the bedroom to see the rose’s sitting there I was happy; but seeing those two little packs of ketchup made me ecstatic.
“Did you order those for me?” I thought that it was possible they just came with each tray. Edward looked at me with narrowed eyes, “I wasn’t sure if you put ketchup on poached eggs or not, but I figured if not, you could use the packets later on something else.”
It was silly that I should get so emotional over something as stupid as Edward ordering me ketchup, but I couldn’t help the tears that formed in my eyes. Everyone always laughed at my eating habits and the only other person who always remembered my ketchup fixation was Jake. I sat there looking into Edward’s eyes blinking back the tears watching his expression turning to concern. His hand reached out to stroke my face, “Bella, what’s the matter?”
Smiling I shook my head to ease his worry, “Nothing…I love you.”
What was I supposed to say? You’re looking at a crazy woman who cries over ketchup packets?
Oh, and by the way, she thinks you are the greatest person on the face of the earth. Not because you gave her eighty dollar roses, no - it was the ten cent ketchup packets that earn that title. Edward would have thought I was insane, and maybe I was but at that moment I never felt more loved or accepted.
Edward gave me a goofy grin, almost as if he could read my mind and knew the ridiculousness of my musing. “I love you too nâhtötse.”
And I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he did.
When he picked up his coffee my attention went back to my food. Opening up one of the packets I squeezed the ketchup on top of the egg before poking the yoke and smearing it all together. Edward watched me with astute fascination as I cut off a piece of food, chewing it while taking a drink of coffee.
“Good?” Edward asked, but with my mouth full all I could do was nod.
“Alright then,” he smiled at me, “about our session. Was there anything you wanted to say about it?” he asked me before putting a bite of egg into his mouth.
I shook my head and I should have known better then to dismiss the question so easily. Edward scrutinized me with narrowed eyes waiting for my correct response. “I liked it.”
He nodded taking another drink while I ate a piece of honeydew melon. When it was clear to me that Edward wasn’t going to ask me anymore questions I took it upon myself to be more forthcoming. “I was excited and glad that we had enough time to play. Which reminds me, do you still have those play lists on your computer?”
“Yes…would you like them?”
Nodding I answered enthusiastically, “Yes! The one in the car was so pretty and the second one, well…”
My teeth bit into my bottom lip and even though I let this man tie me up and bring me to orgasm by whipping me with a leather crop I couldn’t keep the blush off my face. “I don’t really remember any of it.”
Edward chuckled, “I guess that means I did a good job at keeping you distracted.”
“I would say you did a very good job.”
“Give me your I-pod and I will download the two lists for you,” he assured me while reaching for my journal. “I’m more interested in this statement.”
Edward opened the pages to the place where he had placed the pen inside the book as a marker. He scanned my writing before reading aloud.
‘It took everything I had to remain in that chair, to not scream out in fear and to
submit to my Master. The anxiety was building so fast that I could feel my heart
beating in my chest as the memories came flooding back to me. No matter how
much I tried to push them away, telling myself that I was safe, my mind brought
everything back in perfect recall. I didn’t want to be afraid but I couldn’t stop it.’
Edward looked at me as if he was gaging my reaction to my own words, and then asked what he wanted to know. “Those feelings of being afraid, were they strictly from the gag?”
I had to think for a minute before I answered. “It was the combination of everything. Being spread open, my hands up, the gag…all those things brought back the memories of …of being…”
No matter how many times I thought about that day and what occurred in my kitchen I could never bring myself to say the word rape. I would call it domestic violence, an assault, or admit to being attacked and traumatized yet what it really was escaped my vocabulary. To me there is a stigma attached to that word, which somehow makes the victim feel even dirtier then she already does. Perhaps that is because it is such a grievous act, the ultimate violation that involves the taking of something so personally intimate.
It is a heinous act of violence that leaves the victim to have to justify her actions to everyone who asks. The police, hospital, family, and friends all want to know in vivid detail what happened. They force the victim to retell the nightmare over and over again, each time reliving every moment as if it was just occurring. Each time she tells her account the victim is placed under the watchful eye of the authorities. All of who seem to be waiting for any small deviation in recollection. Then if there is a catch in her memory the whole ordeal is questioned along with her motives. The victim is then left to her own new sense of reality and safety; she’s abandoned to bear the brunt of the pain, shame, and her own guilt.
It may be a world of denial that I’m living in, and maybe I’m wrong or just too weak to face the reality; but from the time I woke up in the hospital battered, bruised and beaten and no matter what the authorities said happened to me, in an act of self-preservation my mind rejected the term and all the connotation that goes along with it.
This day was no different. Giving pause I chose a different word, “…violated.”
Edward stared at me as if he was reliving what I had told him about that day. I waited for the look of pity to cross his face, it never came. Instead I was greeted with what appeared to be guilt. “I didn’t mean to bring that all back to you. The last thing I want is for you to be afraid. There should never be any fear…”
“That’s not true Edward,” he was waiting for me to elaborate - so I did. “Every time I kneel before you there is a small fear that runs through me. It’s like adrenaline that builds the anticipation, the unknown is a fear.”
“Ok. Then perhaps I should say panic.” I nodded in agreement at his choice of word. “You were on the verge of panic Bella.”
As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t deny his observation. “I was…but you saw it and brought me back to reality. You talked me through the anxiety until I was able to overcome it.”
“And that was all I needed to do…talk?”
“Yes…your voice soothed the terror, helped me to calm down enough to where I could disassociate what was happening at that moment from my memories. All I needed you to do was talk me through it, remind me that I could breathe and that I was with you, not…” I wasn’t going to say his name but Edward knew who I meant, “…and I knew that I could trust you and I was safe. That small act of reassuring me was what allowed me to fully submit to you.”
Edward swallowed the last bite of his toast and took a drink of juice before he asked, “So once that initial panic was gone, everything else was as…usual?”
I could feel the smile spread across my face, “if you are referring to the slow build of desire that takes over my body until it explodes in a mind numbing orgasm…then yes…it was quit ordinary.”
“Ordinary?” he asked incredulously.
“If you are asking about mechanics, then it was typical. If you are asking about the experience as a whole, then it was extraordinary.” At the use of the word Edward practically beamed.
“So, I take it you like the new toy,” he was stating not asking.
“Oh yes, that was great, but BFF is still my favorite.”
Edward grinned shaking his head at my preference in toys.
“Alright…” he said with a chuckle “…so other than extraordinary, is there anything else you have to say?”
I shook my head while chewing on a piece of melon, swallowing I reminded him “Just don’t forget about the playlist”
“I’ll get them for you”
I thought we were done and started stacking the plates while he read through more of my journal entries. As I stood to take the tray into the room he told me to bring the coffee pot back out with me. That simple request let me know that we had more to talk about.
While I was gathering the coffee my eyes fell on the other unopened packet of ketchup and it might have been sentimental but I quickly picked it up, setting it aside so it wouldn’t get thrown away. There was still half a bowl of mixed melons which I brought back out onto the balcony along with the coffee.
Edward seemed very intent while reading my journal and didn’t even wait for me to sit back down to begin. “I don’t know why anything that you do surprises me, yet it happened again.”
Refilling his cup my eyes darted to his quickly wondering what on earth he was talking about. I didn’t have to spectacle for long as he went on “I wanted to give you a topic to explore. The idea was to give it to last night but with our company there wasn’t any time, which was why I picked up your journal today and was truly amazed by what I read.”
My eyes narrowed in confusion trying to look over Edward’s arm to see what he was referring to. I couldn’t really see so I was glad when he enlightened me. “You went from talking about why you were afraid during our session to asking yourself why you submit”
Edward picked up his cup holding it in his hand while he continued to silently read or maybe he was re-reading before he spoke “It would have been very easy to simply say ‘I submit to bring pleasure to my Master’ but that isn’t the case.”
“I think I did write that” I said stretching my neck in his direction
“Yes you did however that is not your main reason. You wrote…
Although I know that by my totally submitting to my Master’s will brings
him pleasure that is not the only reason I do it. I can be selfless and give of
myself; however there is no way I could be so gallant as to give everything
he ask of me without getting something other than his happiness in return.
So the question I have to ask myself is; what is it that I get from my
submission? First and foremost would be a deep found joy. There is a part
of me that I have only begun to tap into that gains a deep satisfaction in submitting
to His will. Is that something that I should feel guilty about? I don’t believe it is,
especially if mutual satisfaction is the name of the game. There is also something
deep inside me that is comforted in my submitting. I find security, love
and joy in giving Him control over every part of me. It is the only time that I can
be truly free”
Looking up from my journal Edward eyed me and somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered if he didn’t approve of what I said. It wasn’t that I worried about being in trouble because he had told me numerous times that I was free to write whatever I wanted without fear of being punished for it. Still I couldn’t distinguish what he was thinking.
“Did I write something wrong?” I said with a worried voice
Edward narrowed his eyes “No, on the contrary you wrote something very profound that I would venture to say most seasoned submissive wouldn’t have considered. The question I have is why didn’t you finish it?”
“I think I fell asleep” my admittance made Edward grin
“I want you to finish this, exhaust every reason you can think of and I will tell you the higher the number the greater your reward will be. However I will warn you that I expect not only a reason but an example or explanation to go along with it. Just as you have done with the two motives you already stated. Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir. When do you want it by?”
“Friday at the dinner table” he said it like I should have already known and I suppose I should have. Edward picked up the pen, turned a few pages in my journal and started writing. “Along with that I am going to give you a task. Which I also want to see on Friday”
I nodded although I was somewhat anxious about getting everything done on time, especially since we were still on vacation. It didn’t take Edward long and when he was done he closed the journal stuck the pen back into its holder and handed it to me.
I sat there staring at the book in my hand like it was a snake about to bite me. I wanted to see what Edward was asking of me yet unsure if I truly wanted to know. He made the decision for me. “Go ahead nâhtötse, take a look”
Why am I so nervous?
It wasn’t the first time I had been given a task and I highly doubted it would be the last. Opening the journal I found the page where Edward had written what I was to do. Reading it I was filled with both relief and apprehension. I felt relief because it wasn’t anything that would require physical capabilities and apprehension because I wasn’t sure exactly how to set out to fulfill his request. Taking a deep breath I re-read the instructions.
‘You are to set three personal goals for yourself that you can accomplish within the next two weeks.’
Yeah…How the hell am I going to do that?
Chapter 67
Bella came out of the Ladies Room with her folded clothes in her hands and her purse slung over her shoulder. She had taken a few extra minutes in there changing as I had requested. The images that I had of her dressed that way were nothing compared to the reality, she was perfection in the flesh. The conservative white button shirt with its three quarter length sleeves contradicted the tight fit across her breasts along with the cleavage that was peeking through the opened top buttons. The bottom was tucked into the waist of her dark blue knee length skirt that hugged the curve of her hips while the matching belt with its little gold buckle accentuated her flat stomach. She left her hair down with its natural waves cascading over her shoulders and down her back, she was exuding an air if provocative innocence that I couldn’t wait to defile.
I’ve been thinking about it all day, ever since this morning when Bella came out on the porch carrying the quilt that was on our bed. I was sitting on the swing with Jacob drinking coffee and talking while she went over to the wash line to hang up the wet blanket. A breeze blew sending wisps of hair around her face while the light weight robe blew out away from her body.
With the sun shining on her face she looked sweet and virtuous going about her domestic chores, that is until she looked at me. It was a subtle glance over her shoulder that contained a deep penetrating gaze, the glint in her eye was enough to make my breath catch. The grin that followed along with the obvious giggle over her amusement at the look I gave her when she stealthily tweaked her nipple was what sealed her fate.
Innocent my ass
That woman was walking raw sexuality in the most dangerous disguise of chaste virtue. Bella could go around with a sweet smile on her face calling her father ‘daddy’ and wearing pig tails; however, Isabella was anything but sweet and if she was going to wear pig tails it was only because she wanted me to pull them as I fucked her from behind while she screamed ‘harder big daddy!’
Ever since that moment on the porch where she gave me that seductive glance I was itching to play with her, get Isabella into my clutches and let the rawness loose. The weekend had gone quickly yet it seemed so long; throughout that time we’ve had sex, made love and even some D/s play but I had a need to possess, to take and control what was mine. I needed to reestablish our roles and if I was reading her signals correctly, which I hoped that I was, Bella needed it to.
Coming out of the ladies room, her eyes met mine for a split second before dropping them to the floor in a submissive manor.
Oh yeah, my girl wanted to play
Bringing no added attention to herself Bella stood before me in presentation, her back, shoulders and chin straight with her eyes lowered. People were wandering around us going into the rest rooms, using the vending machines and seeking directions from the attendant, to Bella’s credit there was no self-consciousness in her actions. She stood in a very public place waiting for my acknowledgement as comfortably as she would have in private. Granted to anyone paying us any attention it would have appeared as though she was just rejoining me while I waited with the other men yet it still took confidence.
“Ready nâhtötse?” I asked without making her wait while taking the clothes from her hands.
I wasn’t exactly sure what she said but I did recognize the ‘ái’ as meaning yes. It was enjoyable to able to call her my pet out loud in such a public place without fear of someone over hearing. That was another reason why I learned some words and phrases, besides the obvious happiness it brings to Bella we could verbally communicate while still keeping it private. However, as we walked to the car away from the cluster of people I asked her what she said. Not that I thought it was anything derogatory still I was happy to know that ásgaya meant ‘sir’ or ‘sire.’ I had Bella repeat the word a few more times until I had the pronunciation down, making a mental note to ask her how to say master.
We walked a little slower back to the car; I assumed that was because of the toy I had given to Bella. It wasn’t a bullet with a shape that was meant to stay lodged inside. She was holding a five inch purple vibrator inside her using only the tautness of her muscles. If we were at home, I would have pushed her to see how strong her muscles were but here I was content to take it slow.
Getting to the car I opened the back door to put her clothing in before opening hers. As she stepped into the open door the normal ‘thank you’ came from her mouth, I knew it was out of politeness but I needed to set the tone for the drive.
Keeping my voice firm I told her, “Quiet and keep your eyes lowered.”
Getting in the car she not only lowered her eyes but her chin as well, I let it go. Once she was seated I leaned in to hold her chin between my thumb and forefinger correcting her with firmness, “Eye’s lowered, head straight.”
Bella did as I said and my eyes wandered down her form. Her breasts were heaving from the force of her breaths which I could see her struggling to control. The car didn’t afford us much room to maneuver and the proximity of our bodies allowed me to feel the heat coming off her body as well as her breaths on my face. The sexual tension in the air was palatable, so thick and heavy I needed to close my eyes and take my own deep breath to get re-centered.
Opening my eyes I had to get back to what I was doing and ignore the desire that was building. “You look simply delectable nâhtötse. However, for my purposes we have a few adjustments to make.”
My fingers skimmed down her neck to the buttons on her shirt. The top three were open and I worked the next one out of the button hole revealing more skin. My fingers lingered there moving slowly down the valley between the two peaks enjoying the catch in her breath however with that reaction also came a whimper that shouldn’t have occurred.
At the sound my eyes shot to her face staring intently through narrowed lids, “Do we need to revisit the meaning of my expectation of quiet Isabella?”
She remained with her eyes lowered slowly releasing the bottom lip she held between her teeth as she answered with a quiet voice, “No Master.”
“Good, because until I tell you otherwise, you are not to make a sound not even a harsh breath. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Master.”
Satisfied with her understanding I went back to what I was doing, letting my hands move down the side of her waist, hips, and thighs. Taking the hem of her skirt I slid it up her legs until it was bunched high around her upper thighs giving me just a teasing glimpse of her center. My hands moved down the inside of her legs stopping at her knees which I separated, leaving her spread open provocatively.
My hands shifted moving back up the path they had just traveled letting two fingers drift over the outer lips of her core while the other hand followed behind running two fingers through her folds.
God – So fucking wet
My fingers slipped quickly inside her, feeling the end of the vibrator I pushed on it, sending the phallus deeper. The hitch in Bella’s breath made my dick respond as if it were a moan causing it to throb painfully against the confines of my pants. The sound from her once again brought my attention to her face. Taking a hold of her chin I stared directly into her lowered eyes waiting to see if she would defy me yet again by meeting my gaze. When she didn’t I decided to be generous and gave her the last warning.
“If you make one more sound, my plans for the rest of the day will change and you will not be happy about it.”
I really wanted her to experience what I had planned; however it was more important that she remain obedient and if I needed to push that fact, then so be it. Bella sat rigid in the seat, holding herself so still that I wasn’t even sure she was breathing. Satisfied that I got my point across I brought my fingers up to her mouth, spreading the moisture from her juices across her lips before pointing one finger at her in warning. “Leave it there.”
After bringing the seatbelt across her body I buckled it, pulling on the strap to tighten the slack giving her a feeling of being restrained. The last thing I did was turn her head so she would be looking out the window and away from where I would be. Standing up to take in her position I was concerned about the stress on her neck. She had already complained about it being stiff from the drive and I didn’t want to add to her discomfort. Leaning down I pressed the button on the side of the seat making it recline slightly before slipping my hand between the head rest and her neck. Satisfied the new seat position took away the tension I kissed her forehead once before shutting the door and moving around the car to get in.
After starting the engine I needed to give instructions. “Isabella you are to remain quiet and in that position until I speak to you. I don’t want to hear a sound and I don’t want to see you even flinch.”
I didn’t ask if she understood because I knew she did. Putting the car in reverse I pulled out of the parking spot to continue on with the drive. My idea was that keeping her still and looking away from me was similar to having Bella in a waiting position. The quietness of the car provided the proper atmosphere to allow for the waiting, letting her to wonder if and when I was going to acknowledge her.
While I drove my eyes would glance in her direction, she was calm yet I could tell the edge was beginning to creep in. The unease was inciting an air of building anticipation, making the moment of my actual contact all the more gratifying A few times I caught her reflection in the window; her eyes were wide and shifting as if trying to see what I was doing. It didn’t matter because Isabella was going to wait just a little bit longer.
This part of the journey was all about timing, I wanted to give her twenty minutes of stewing before bringing the toy to life. I had bought that particular vibrator the week before we left. It works from a sensor that pulsates to the beat of music much the way a strobe light blinks at a dance club. I had set up two special play lists in the I-pod, the first was for stimulation. The music was soft with easy beats and words of love that took me time to put together.
That list lasted an hour with a growing intensity, each song building upon the previous one. I hoped that besides feeling the stimulation of the toy, Bella would be able to feel my heart poured out in the words of the songs. The original plan was to play the list through its entirety, timing the end of it with our arrival at the hotel. However, that was before we had breakfast and since then there was something on my mind that necessitated a discussion. It wasn’t that what I wanted to talk about was of immediate importance, it could wait. However I thought it best to bring up while it was fresh on Bella’s mind and while she was sexually aroused. Hopefully those two conditions would be occurring simultaneously very soon and I would get a better understanding of what was going through that pretty little head of hers.
One concern I had was that on a Sunday our usual ended at six o’clock however I was counting on Bella not minding us extending that for an hour. Yes it was manipulative on my part, getting her all worked up with no release just so I could have my way with her. But hey, I’m a man, and I will use whatever means are necessary and at my disposal to get what I want.
And I wanted Bella - ripe, aroused, and begging.
My concern about having the plans I made interrupted had more to do with my mother then Bella. In all honesty my girl could tell me ‘no, it’s six o’clock-we’re done,’ and I would have to abide by her decision, although I highly doubted the possibility of that happening. My mother on the other hand was debatable. If I knew that woman at all – and I did – she was planning and expecting us all to get together for a first night family dinner and there would be no thwarting her.
The one thing I had in my favor was that before Emmett left Seattle he needed to do the paperwork at New Moon. That meant he would not be leaving until at least noon putting off his arrival at the hotel until around six. That was my ace in the hole – no pun intended.
What it did mean was that dinner would have to be scheduled later, giving me the time to finish in the room what I started in the car. Because the main event centered on the second play list, that lasted for another hour and should end with both of us very happy.
Yeah it’s going to all be in the timing
Checking the GPS I decided that Bella had waited long enough. Reaching out to lay my hand on her shoulder I could feel the tension in her muscles relax at my touch, “Isabella look at me.”
Remaining very quiet her head turned towards me saying nothing as I had directed. I guess she took my warning to heart.
“I want you to remain quiet and get my I-pod from the center compartment.”
I had placed it there when we got out for lunch knowing it would be safe yet giving her easy access to it. Once she had it in her hands she looked at me expectantly. “I made you a gift nâhtötse. Page through the play list, see if you can find it.”
Bella continued to look at me for a moment like she was unsure what to do. Raising an eyebrow I asked, “You don’t want your gift?”
The smile on her face told me all I needed to know. I tried to watch her reaction as she scanned through the different names in my list; I knew what she was seeing. There were at least twenty-five different titles and eight or nine that contained her name. The one I wanted to jump out at her was written in bold letters. I could tell when she found it because her head turned back to me with an unasked question in her eyes.
“Tell me nâhtötse which one is it?” her voice was quiet as she answered my question with one of her own, “Loving Bella?”
“That’s the one,” I told her. “Pull it up and take a look at the titles.”
The list was a mixture of old and new and contained a mix of artists: Lionel Richie, Savage Garden, Garth Brooks, Foreigner and others. I had picked the songs for the meaning of their words while paying close attention to the beat, placing them in a specific order in hopes that it would all come together. After a minute she glanced back at me, waiting for my permission which I gave with one word, “Speak.”
“There are songs on here that your girl has never heard.” It wasn’t said with contempt but rather interest, like she wanted to hear them.
“That’s good, then it truly will be a gift as the words of the songs open up my heart to you,” I said, taking the I-pod from her hands. It might have sounded cheesy but that was exactly what I wanted to have happen.
“Close your eyes and stay quiet.”
Bella sat back doing as directed while I plugged in the I-pod and hit play. The first tones from the piano sounded one note at a time, as I listened I watched for Bella’s reaction. There was a slight hitch in her breath but no audible sound as her eyes shifted to mine while Lionel Richie started singing ‘The Only One.’ The slow steady beat of the bass making the toy come to life, it was soft and subtle giving only a small amount of stimulation.
I could tell by the look Bella gave me that the vibrator was working, but I wanted her to have the full experience, “Sit back nâhtötse, relax, listen. and feel.”
As she once again relaxed into the seat my hand rested on her thigh where my thumb moved slowly back and forth across her skin. The song built as it moved to its conclusion before Lonestar’s ‘Amazing’ began to play. The steady beat providing the toy with percussion giving an easy constant vibration.
As each song played, the intensity of the beat increased making the sensations from the toy tucked inside her stronger. Every now and then I could feel the muscles in her thighs constrict for a moment before they would relax again. The beat of the music was continually growing yet it was still a slow relaxed tempo that truly only served to rouse her desire. I wanted her to hear the music, listen to the words, and feel the rhythm pulsing through her. It seemed to be working. As I sang along with Bon Jovi’s ‘Thank You For Loving Me,’ a single tear trailed down her face. It was the only time my hand left her thigh – to capture the tear.
The next two songs were R&B with a faster beat and I decided after Dakota Moon’s ‘Sing You To Sleep’ played, it would be a good time to take a break so we could have that talk. Pausing the I-pod I thought about the best way to broach the subject. Since Bella was still relaxed with her eyes closed I decided that would probably be the easiest way to start.
“Stay still Isabella,” I told her placing my hand on her knee letting my fingers glide softly up the inside of her thigh. “You are to speak freely and tell me about this morning.”
Bella’s brow furrowed, I thought that meant she was confused as to what I was talking about so I prompted, “At breakfast, you gave Claire a bite of food, something happened, tell me about it.”
“This one doesn’t know what you mean.”
Bella was over thinking, she needed to let go of her inhibitions and tell me what was at the root of her reaction. My fingers drifted over her outer lips while I tried to coax the answer from her, “Picture it in your head, the fork coming out of Claire’s mouth…”
“She did what your girl said.”
“Yes she did, and what did that do to you?’ I asked while my fingers became more insistent in their movements.
Bella whimpered opening her knees a little wider, “It made your girl want to tell her to do something else.”
“What would my girl have her do?”
She answered without thinking, “She doesn’t know.”
That might have been an honest answer, it’s not like Bella has had any training in being the top, hell she was just learning the roll of the bottom. But I wanted to make sure so my question became more direct. “Would you have Claire do something to you?”
“Don’t know…maybe or something to herself…or someone else…yeah someone else. This one wanted to make her do something nasty to someone else, so she could watch.”
At her admission my fingers moved from her center to grasp her hand using it to replace mine, “Touch yourself Isabella.”
Not that I wasn’t enjoying what I was doing however driving seventy-five miles an hour on the highway while trying to stroke a pussy and concentrating on what Bella was saying was not exactly the safest thing to do. I can multi-task with the best of them but even I have to admit that was too much.
There was no tentativeness in her actions as her hand continued what I started. It wasn’t long until Bella’s breathing became harsher from the obvious pleasure she was giving herself. I waited a few more seconds before continuing, “Free your mind and tell me what you would have made Claire do.”
“It’s not Claire…” her voice was weak yet I had to know, “Who is it?”
“Don’t know who…but she’s on her knees and this one walks up behind her wrapping her hand in the ends of her hair pulling it so that her head leans back as a man with a flaccid dick comes in. This one tells her to stick out her tongue and only use the very tip along his length, then the rest of her tongue until he becomes hard. Your girl watches closely as she directs the movement of the girl’s mouth with her hair. When he is ready, your girl makes her open her mouth so she could suck on his balls…ahhhhh…”
The sound of Bella’s moan went straight to my dick as I listened to her fantasy. I had heard enough to know what I needed to. In the diner I watched with apt fascination at Bella’s restrained arousal. I knew that as she watched Claire take the food from the fork that something had stirred inside her, I just didn’t know what. There was a possibility that it was from Claire herself, they had been friends a long time and it wouldn’t be difficult for those feelings to become sexual. Especially since Bella has lost so much of her inhibitions, any desires that she had repressed are going to be surfacing. The thought also occurred that it was strictly a desire to be with another woman, which would have been easier to fulfill than Claire herself. However, Bella’s reaction had very little to do with the woman herself, it was rather to dominate and direct the scene to fulfill the voyeurism in her. That was something we could work up to rather easily and would only require a play party to fulfill.
As her fantasy continued I understood that the male was also submissive and she directed the sex act that they shared. It was nothing harsh, there was very little pain inflicted other than clamps. The whole thing was about restraining the participants and her control over them. Like I said an easy fantasy to fulfill, but one that will take some training on her part and wouldn’t take place for some time.
“Master please?” The need was clear in her voice bringing me back from my thoughts as she asked for permission to release.
“No,” I told her firmly, I wanted her aroused without any satisfaction; that would come later and by my hand-not hers.
Removing her hand I brought it to my mouth where I licked and sucked the flavor off enjoying both the tang and her whimper. The sound was a mixture of disappointment as well as further excitement as her oral fixation was being provoked by my tongue moving purposely across and between her fingers. Glancing over at her, she stared at me with dark lust filled eyes as the tip of her tongue moved slowly across the inside of her bottom lip. It took me a second to realize what she was doing and I didn’t like it.
“Stop that,” I admonished with a soft flick of my finger against her lip, “you are taking what belongs to me.”
I planned to kiss and lick that flavor off her when we got out of the car. Bella flinched not because the flick was painful but from the quickness of the action. “Sorry Master, your girl…
“My girl was being naughty.”
The mood in the car had shifted from sexual tension to disapproval. It wasn’t my intention to make her feel errant; all I wanted to do was remind her of my instructions. Taking her hand I placed it over my dick letting her feel the titanium rod inside my pants, “You are not the only one aroused Isabella, but that doesn’t negate my instructions.”
Her small hand squeezed around me as she slid it over my jeans. “Your girl could take care of that Master.”
“I know she can…” the words were as forceful as I could make them with the thought of her sucking me off and I would have allowed it if our drive would have lasted longer but at the moment it wasn’t going to be happening “…and she will, later. For now I want you to sit back and finish enjoying your gift.”
Relaxing back with a resounding sigh that irritated the shit out me – I can’t wait until that is taken care of – Bella once again closed her eyes. Before beginning the rest of the play list I gave her position the once over, having her open her knees a little wider, I pushed play. The tempo of the next several songs was going to be faster and her thighs had to be parted to keep the friction at a minimum. Bella would still be able to clench her muscles but without the use of her thighs to rub against, it would only serve to frustrate her - making her needier.
The first few notes of ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ came through the speakers and Bella uncharacteristically pulled her upper lip between her teeth as she rested her head back against the seat with a soft moan. The words were true and the beat would peak and fall several times throughout making the toy all the more effective. The next song was ‘All My Life’ with a constant steady pulse. Glancing over she had turned her head to look at me, with a tentative hand she raised her palm to my face. I didn’t say anything as I leaned my cheek against it, silently giving her permission to touch me. When I moved my head away the song was ending and as K-Ci and JoJo crooned I sang along.
“All my life, I prayed for someone like you. Yes I pray that you do love me too”
Shifting my face I placed a kiss on her palm before looking over to see the tears in her eyes but she didn’t say anything. In all honesty no words were needed; the look I was getting said it all. The next few songs kept the same steady beat and at times I sang along but for the most part I just wanted her to enjoy the experience, letting Bella be immersed in the words and the sensations cursing through her. The last song Bon Jovi’s ‘In These Arms’ was the most intense and spoke of what I hoped for our future.
I wanted to stand in the sun and make promises to each other. I wanted to hold her forever and make everything alright because I needed her more than I ever needed anything. She told me earlier I was her injichaag, her soul mate the one who makes her everything she is, the funny thing was that was exactly how I felt. Bella articulated her feelings through her words, I used the songs to say the same thing and she understood.
We were just hitting Lincoln City when the last song finished. Not wanting the next list to begin, I quickly turned off the I-pod before giving Bella my attention. “Did you like your gift nâhtötse?”
“Yes, it was beautiful, Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I can assume that the toy added to the experience” The blush on her face was all the confirmation I needed but she answered.
“Yes Sir. It felt like the music was pulsing through me, like I could feel the words infusing into my soul. Is…” Bella stopped short making me wonder, “Is what? Finish what you were going to ask.”
It took a moment before she spoke whether from gathering her thoughts or from uncertainty I wasn’t sure.
“Is that all…is that what the vibrator is for, to feel the beat?”
Trying hard not to grin so that I gave nothing away I answered with a simple, “No.”
Once we were alone in the room she was going to find out exactly what the toy could do and the wondrous joys the infusion into her soul could bring. In the mean time, I had answered her question and there was no time for any more as we pulled into the parking deck of the Inn at Spanish Head Resort. It was a large complex with seven floors directly on the beach with all the amenities that one would expect. As far as I knew no one from the family had ever stayed here; yet with Alice’s discriminating tastes I was sure that it would be beyond satisfactory.
I parked in a regular space rather than in the temporary office area. I would have to get ahold of my mother to see what she had planned; however, the more time that Bella and I had alone the better, so I didn’t want to waste a second having to move the car again. The ocean breeze was the first thing that hit me when I opened the door, it was warm out but the air was cool making me wonder if sitting out with only a bathing suit on was going to be possible.
Opening Bella’s door I took a second to put her seat up and fix the one button I had undone before taking her hand to help her out. She smoothed the wrinkles in her skirt as best she could but it didn’t really help. That was ok because before the evening was over that skirt was going to need dry cleaning.
Unable to wait any longer my arms wrapped around her waist pulling her close to me as my mouth found hers. Her lips were dry and I wasted no time in making them moist, running my tongue across the fullness of her bottom lip. The faint taste of her juices was still there and if I thought tasting her essence off my fingers was good, savoring the flavor off her lips was sublime.
The tang hit my taste buds with a delicate mix of her breath and I wanted more, I wanted all of her, right then and there. Bella’s hands gripped onto my forearms clinging to me as I captured her moan in my mouth making me groan in answer. I felt her hip brush against my dick sending bolts of energy through me. The animal inside was screaming for release but I had to push him down with a promise that it wouldn’t be too long of a wait. Pulling my head back I looked into Bella’s face; her eyes were closed to the brightness making her look angelic with the sun creating red highlights in her hair that I had not seen before. She was beautiful and for a second I felt almost guilty about what I had planned to do to her, and then she opened her eyes.
“Master, please?” The deep dark brown lust filled eyes of my slut were back and along with her words were pleading with me to take her.
“All in good time nâhtötse” I told her running my hands across her bottom.
On the outside my words sounded cool and patient, on the inside my dick and blood pressure was screaming for me to hurry the fuck up.
Bella reached in the car to get her purse and I told her to grab the I-pod because in my haste to get out I had forgotten it. Popping open the trunk all I needed was our two suitcases and my black tote bag. Bella came to the back of the car and I asked if there was anything else she wanted. Reaching in, she took out the small paisley bag with our toiletries and two bottles of water from the case that I always kept back there. Satisfied that we had everything I shut the trunk and we walked to the lobby.
It was a big bright colored room with a large circular desk in the middle that was constructed of varies mosaic tiles. The guy behind the desk, whose name tag declared him to be Carl, was in his early-twenties wearing the standard outfit of black pants, white shirt and tie. I assumed that this was not his chosen profession and that he was a college kid who was working a job for the summer. He really wouldn’t have struck me as someone to remember except that from the moment we stepped through the glass doors he couldn’t take his eyes off Bella’s boobs.
That wouldn’t normally bother me except that we stood there in front of the desk for a few seconds while he openly gawked. Not that I blamed the kid one bit, the three remaining open buttons showed off her cleavage and besides that, Bella was aroused. That fact was plainly obvious as her nipples protruded through the light weight shirt. The problem was I wanted to get into our fucking room so I could play with those nipples and everything else that came along with them.
Clearing my throat to get Carl’s attention I watched in amusement as he stammered at being caught ogling my woman. “Cullen.”
“E..e..excuse me?” poor Carl, I felt bad for him.
“The name is Cullen, we have a reservation.”
Carl looked at me like he was lost for a moment before his senses returned, “Oh…right away sir.”
When Carl starting typing into the keyboard Bella looked at me through her lashes and snickered, her enjoyment of the situation made me grin, she really was a devil in disguise.
Carl kept his eyes on the computer monitor scrunching his face like there was a problem while he spoke “We have several Cullen’s, ummm…”
“Edward,” I answered before he could ask.
“Yes Sir…ummm…” his eyes shot to Bella quickly then back to the monitor, “…you have a one bedroom … um…all I need is a credit card.”
Bella moved quickly to place her purse on the desk, taking out her wallet while I groaned. She shot me a look that shut me right up, “We had a deal.”
“I know,” I said holding my hands up in surrender, “and just because I agreed doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“I don’t care if you like it, suck it up,” she said holding out her Visa Card for Carl.
“Oh…you’re the one going to be sucking it up.” I said with a soft growl against her ear but from the look we got I was sure Carl over heard me, Bella however shrugged with smugness, “Promises. Promises.”
The grin on my face increased as I looked back at Carl who was staring at us with a blank expression. Raising my eyebrows he looked down at his hand seeming to remember that he had a job to do. He typed a few more things into the computer then swiped the card through the machine, looking back at Bella he questioned, “Do you want place all four nights on the card as well as room charges?”
I spoke up before Bella could answer, “Is it possible to pay for the room charges separate when we check out?”
“Yes Sir. I just need to keep a credit card on file but all charges can be paid at check out,” Carl seemed to have gotten his composure together because he sounded a lot more professional all of a sudden. In any case I was glad about the separate billing. Paying for the room was one thing and if it made Bella happy, I could accept it. However, I had already charged items to the room and there was no way I was going to let her pay for it.
Carl gave Bella back her credit card and some papers to sign just as the elevator doors behind us opened to familiar voices.
“Uncle Eddie!” Vinny yelled running into my leg.
“Hey buddy, what are you doing here?” I asked in a shocked tone while ruffling his hair.
“We’re staying at the beach with you.”
“Ohhh…well then I think this vacation just got a whole lot better.”
“Hello Bella dear,” My mother said kissing her cheek before making small talk by asking how the drive was.
“Augh,” Bella kind of groaned while letting out a gust air. “It was long, but good.”
Good? Only good?
I stood there taking in the description of our drive feeling rather dejected at her choice of words when it dawned on me, my mother was so intent on my girlfriend that she didn’t even say hello to me. “What am I chopped liver?”
Both women looked at me like I was the rude one. Leaning down I kissed mom’s cheek, “Hello mother, I know I’m only the person who came along with Bella, but it’s nice to see you anyway.”
Mom tisked placing both hands on my face pulling it down to kiss my forehead. “Hello Edward, it’s good to see you too.”
“Oh Nooo…You can’t sway me with second rate mommy kisses. I see where my place is,” I told her with mock scorn then pouted, “that’s ok, the complex will probably only last a year or two.”
“Oh Edward hush,” mom said, lightly slapping my arm while Bella giggled.
The elevator chimed again opening the doors to let Alice out. Her hands were full with towels, a swimming ring and goggles but that didn’t stop her from hugging Bella.
I looked down at Vinny who was watching the women –for lack of a better word- cackle. “Do you see what happens when you get a girlfriend? It’s like us men don’t even exist.”
Vinny nodded his head once in agreement, “Yeah, who needs them?”
“Well I wouldn’t go that far, girls are good for some stuff.”
“Yeah…” he agreed then asked, “like what?”
“Well…they are really good at cooking dinner.” What else was I supposed to say?
Vinny scrunched up his little face in contemplation but didn’t get to answer as Alice broke in, “Edward, would you stop warping my son?”
“I’m not warping him.”
Vinny agreed, “Uncle Eddie’s not whooping me.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at the little man, Alice didn’t find it funny and thankfully Carl saved me by calling Bella’s name. While she was signing the slip and getting the key cards for our room, my mother eyed me with suspicion.
“Edward, please tell me you are not making Bella pay?”
I rolled my eyes while Bella handed me a key card to the room informing me the room number was three-fourteen. Then like the savior she was, explained our deal to my mother who didn’t seem any happier about it than I did, but kept her opinion to herself. That was one of the things I loved about my mom, she only intruded in our private lives when asked to, never making her view known unless it was solicited.
Vinny started whining about going to the pool, tugging on Alice’s arm while mom said that she had made dinner reservations for seven-thirty in the hotel restaurant. Looking at my watch I realized that we had less than two hours - my plans were still on but we had to get moving. After another round of hugs and I’ll see you laters, Bella and I headed towards the elevators. Before the door opened Alice yelled through the lobby. “Oh and Bella, you should never wear linen in the car, it wrinkles like crazy.”
“I’ll try and remember that,” she mumbled looking up at me with the most adorable blush on her face.
Inside the elevator my eyes stayed on Bella waiting to see if she would need to be brought back into a submissive mind frame and I was happy when she continued to stay quiet with her eyes lowered and remained that way until we stepped into our room.
“Wow,” was all Bella said and I had to agree with her.
Alice had outdone herself; the room was more like an apartment painted in a soothing light green color. The large living room contained comfortable off white upholstered furniture that consisted of a couch and loveseat facing a dark wooden armoire that stood between two low back dark green chairs. In the center of the grouping on the coffee table sat the bottle of wine in the ice bucket along with the chocolates I had ordered.
The dark green drapes were open giving a spectacular view of the ocean off the balcony and providing enough natural light to make the dark wood of the kitchen cabinets on the right side of the room gleam. The main area contained two doors one to the bathroom that housed a two person tub and separate tiled shower with a waterfall spray overhead and six different water ports jetting from the walls.
We were definitely going to make good use of that.
The bedroom was painted the same green color with the bed covered in a plush off white comforter with accents of dark green that matched the drapes. All the other furniture was dark wood except for the two high back upholstered chairs that created a small seating area in front of the large picture window that looked out over the ocean. In the far corner of the room was a door that I assumed to be a closet because the only other door was open giving us access to the bathroom. Sitting in the middle of the dresser in front of a large wall mirror was a crystal vase containing the yellow roses I had arranged for Bella.
When she seen them her eyes lit up and I could tell that she wanted to touch them but held herself back. “Go ahead nâhtötse, they’re yours.”
Bella put her face up to the bouquet taking a deep breath of the sweet scent before she picked up the card that was folded in front of them. She read the words I had requested to be written, it was a quote that I thought to be very appropriate. Looking at me she still was unsure what I would allow so I made it easy for her, “Do you like them?”
She blinked her eyes several times, “You spoil this one Master.”
I wiped the single tear from her cheek, “It brings be pleasure to spoil you nâhtötse, but you didn’t tell me if you like them or not.”
“This one loves them, thank you, they are her favorite.”
I knew that
We had left everything out in the other room when we came exploring and it might have been the proper thing to unpack however I had other plans. Taking a look around the room my eyes settled on the wooden oval floor mirror and ideas took on another dimension.
“Do you have something you can quickly put your hair up with?” it would be better if she did but I didn’t want to waste time while she dug through her luggage.
“Yes Sir.”
“Good…” my demeanor was calm but my dick was doing the happy twitch as I gave her instructions, “Go into the bathroom, fix your hair, then meet me in the other room.”
“As you wish.” While Bella went out into the other room to get what she needed, I took the mirror with me.
Picking up the black tote my mind started making a check list of everything I would need. By the time I had the bag on the kitchen table I was able to gather everything rather quickly. Being able to lay my hands on each item as swiftly as possible was one of the reasons why I don’t require Bella to put my things away. I want to know what I have and where it is at any given moment. For safety reasons I need to know that I have everything that could be needed and that it is in tip-top shape. Nothing is put away either in the travel case or in the playroom that needs to be replaced or repaired. That is my responsibility and I take it very seriously.
With everything ready I had a few moments to get my bearings before Bella presented herself. Her hair was up as I requested but it didn’t seem to be very secure, that was alright it only had to remain out of the way until I had her in position.
“I need the I-pod Isabella.”
While she got that out of her purse I opened the armoire hoping that there was a docking system, I had a portable I-home but the toy would work better with the proper sound system - like the Bose Wave that was perched on the shelf above the TV.
Ah…Alice I love you
Bella stood at my side in a perfect stance holding the I-pod out, “Isabella kneel.”
I knew that our time was limited but I had to get myself together, my mind was going in all different directions and if I didn’t get centered then I needed to call the session off. It’s not like I was planning anything dangerous like suspension or a harsh whipping; yet any D/s play holds an air of danger that requires total focus. At that moment (due to haste and eagerness) my concentration was lacking which was very unsafe for both of us, and since I was introducing something new I had to be exceptionally vigilant.
Leaving Bella on her knees I moved a few feet away, watching her shoulders move with each breath she took. With her hair up and the clothing she had on it put me in mind of a virtuous secretary, taking a deep breath my mind ran through the scene one more time. Satisfied that I had myself under control and it was safe to let the dominate creature inside me loose, I approached Bella.
Standing directly behind her with my knees practically touching her back I gazed down waiting to see if she would falter. When she didn’t, I took the moment to move one of the low back chairs over by the kitchen table. The sound must have gotten Bella’s attention because I could see her head shift slightly like she was trying to look over her shoulder. That actually made me grin with happiness because it’s always more fun when she’s slightly disobedient.
No one likes a perfect submissive
“Do you have a kink in your neck or are you being nosey again?” My words came out harsh but they worked as her head immediately went back into position.
Smiling at her reaction I took two throw pillows off the couch and walked into the bathroom to get a towel. With the chair set up my attention once again turned to Bella. Picking up the black nylon collar that I bought her in Victoria I moved to stand in front of her with the length of the dog collar hanging in front of her face so she could see it. There was a slight deep intake of air yet no other reaction was shown.
“Open your mouth Isabella,” as she did what I said my voice became stern, “Wider.”
With her mouth open I placed the collar between her lips, “Hold that.”
Taking the I-pod from her hands I looked through the play list until I found the one I was looking for. Possessing Bella was exactly like the one in the car except the music was more robust with a hard beat that grew to a nonstop intensity. Where the play list in the car was meant to stimulate - this one was designed for one purpose – heightened pleasure. She said that the toy provided her with a feeling like the music was infusing into her soul allowing her to feel it going through her. That sensation was going to be increased tenfold to the point where the gag would be necessary because I didn’t think she would be able to remain quiet enough.
Tipping her chin up with the pad of my thumb Bella’s wide brown eyes looked at me like a doe caught in the head lights. There was some apprehension there; however, most of what I saw was excitement, but before continuing there was something I needed to know.
“It’s almost six o’clock Isabella, that means our usual is over.” I couldn’t help the satisfied grin that came over me at her obvious disappointment. “I’m willing to extend our scheduled conclusion for another hour however I won’t do it without your permission. So tell me now, do I have your consent to continue?”
“Yes Master,” the words came out around the collar she held between her teeth
Raising one eyebrow as if I was surprised by her answer, “Very well. Stand up.”
Taking my hand Bella got to her feet while I moved my head from left to right eyeing her appearance, “I think we need to show a little bit more skin nâhtötse.”
Pulling the bottom of her shirt out of the waist band my fingers set to unfastening the small white buttons. With each one more of her skin was visible and I made a point of brushing it with knuckles as I went along. Bella’s breathing became heavier and once her shirt was completely open I let the two sides hang loose exposing just a hint of the lacy flesh tone bra she wore. Holding Bella’s gaze my hand moved down to slip under her skirt sliding up her legs where I tapped on the inside of her thighs. Knowing what I wanted she parted them as wide as her skirt would allow. My fingers separated her folds and plunged inside her sending the toy deep into her depth causing a loud gasp.
Momentarily widening my eyes in shock before narrowing them in disapproval I put on an air if irritation, “I’m going to let that go because I hadn’t told you to remain quiet, however don’t test my patience Isabella.”
Her eyes widened and even with the collar still in her mouth somehow or another she was able to bite down on her bottom lip. If I was going to get her to disobey it was now. Spreading open the two fingers inside her I told her to push the vibrator out. Holding on to the small of her back with my other hand to keep her steady I slowly worked the toy in and out of her. After a few passes I once again pushed it hard and fast deep up inside her, the gasp was more like a shuddering whimper as her muscles squeezed around my fingers.
“I’m going to have a problem with you this evening aren’t I Isabella?”
She gripped her lip tighter shaking her head with wide convincing eyes, but I wanted to hear her. Once again I had her push the toy out; this time I used my thumb working it over her clit while my fingers inside her wiggled the vibrator. It wasn’t enough stimulation on either part to give her any satisfaction, in fact if anything it was an annoyance that she would have to endure. After a minute or two Bella shifted her hips trying to get more friction from my thumb, it was a reaction yet not the one I wanted. The hand that held onto her back came down on her bottom in a quick swat silently telling her to hold still.
Her body stiffened as she set her hips making her internal muscles tighten. It was now or never and I took the chance, plunging the toy once more. The strangled moan was more than I could have asked for.
“Alright Isabella, we’ll do it the hard way.”
Taking the nylon collar from her mouth I fastened it around her neck buckling it in the front. With that in place it was time to get the rest of her in position. Walking over to chair I called her over to me where I put the padded wrist restraints on both hands making sure that the clips were on the inside of her wrist, before having Bella sit down. The two pillows were behind the small of her back causing her to sit forward on the seat, giving me easier access. With her sitting I squatted down to put on the ankle restraints making sure the clips were facing back. When all four limbs had their restraints in place I double check their placement making sure of proper fit.
Satisfied that everything was alright and while I was still squatted down I worked on getting Bella’s lower body the way I wanted it. Taking ahold of her right leg I lifted under her knee draping it over the arm of the chair. Using the small length of rope I made a slip knot on the end to attach an “S” hook which I connected to the clip on the back of the ankle restraint. With that in place I moved back to the front of the chair giving Bella the once over. She looked rather uncomfortable and her skirt was hindering her legs from being opened any further. That was an easy fix.
With one leg already lifted off the seat it was easy to slide the material of the skirt up over her thighs letting it gather around her hips. With that done I draped Bella’s left leg over the other arm effectively opening her center. Before moving to the back of the chair to secure her I removed the vibrator, I had been playing with it and I wanted to make sure that it was properly placed to give her the optimum effect. Taking it out I was glad I did as it was backwards; sliding it back into place my eyes went to Bella’s. She seemed very intent on watching what I was doing.
Sometime I will have to explain to her that setting up the scene correctly is all part of the buildup. It’s like foreplay for both of us. For her it’s arousing because she’s losing her freedom and for me because with every little detail I’m gaining more control. That discussion would come later, for the moment I held her gaze while my thumb did a figure eight around her clit and opening after a few passes I gripped her clit applying more pressure while I watched her jaw clench. The tighter I pinched the more her bottom tried to retreat away from the pressure.
“Hold still,” the force from my fingers eased slightly then squeezed firmly making her breath hitch and I could see her internal muscles clench together yet she held still. I could have teased her a little longer however time was wasting.
Moving to the back of the chair I pulled on the rope that was attached to her right ankle drawing her leg back. The rope was wrapped around the end of chair anchoring it before wrapping it around the other side and creating another slip knot with an “S” hook that I had to pull taunt in order to attach it to the clip on the other ankle restraint. Standing up I looked down at my work satisfied, Bella was spread open exactly how I wanted her.
Taking the adjustable spreader bar I fed it through the ring of the collar that was on the back of her neck, leaving it there until I got the gag in place. It was the first time Bella had worn one so I picked a solid ball with a smaller circumference.
“Open your mouth,” I told her bringing the black rubber ball in front of her face.
As she complied the gag was put in place then securely buckled behind her head. The straps against her cheeks needed to be checked, making sure that they weren’t too tight; the last thing I wanted was for Bella to have chafe marks. Pleased with both the placement and the tension, I brought her wrists up attaching the clips on the restraints to either end of the spreader bar, effectively holding her hands in place. There was still some movement afforded on her part but not much. I didn’t need for her hands to be immobile, just out of the way. Checking her wrists once more it was time to explain how to safe word with the gag on.
Placing my hands on her shoulders I firmly pulled Bella back to lean against the chair inclining her body. Taking in the expression on her face I couldn’t tell what was going through her mind. “Are we good here Isabella?”
The nod was tentative making me wonder, “Are we on yellow?”
Bella’s eyes grew wider and I could see the fear creep in as her head bobbed once. Holding her gaze I needed to get her accustomed to the gag before I could continue. Cupping her chin my fingers skimmed along the strain of her jaw. “Relax your mouth Isabella, don’t bite down.”
As she complied I went on speaking with a calm clear voice, “Close your eyes nâhtötse, breath in through your nose, nice easy breaths. The ball isn’t that big…let the breath out of your mouth around the gag,” pleased with what she was doing I continued to stoke along her jaw line. “Say ‘Ah’ Isabella.”
The sound was muffled yet still audible, “See nâhtötse, the gag only mutes the noise it doesn’t stop it and it doesn’t impede your breathing at all.”
There are gags that will do both; however this one is more for effect than anything else. The other gags are something that we will work up to, slowly, like with the canes, which was a whole other challenge. At the moment I needed to know that there and then Bella was alright.
“Open your eyes Isabella,” as she obeyed I could tell that she was a whole lot more comfortable, yet I needed to hear it. “Are we good now?”
I watched her chest raise as Bella drew in a deep breath then nodding her head with confidence. I continued to watch her for a few more seconds debating with myself if she was alright or not. It seemed like her body had relaxed and the air of confidence that usually exudes from her was back so I trusted her word.
Taking the small red ball off the table I placed it in her right hand. “This is your safe word Isabella; since you can’t talk you drop the ball. Do you understand?” At her nod I had her do it once.
With the ball back in her possession I wrapped the black silk scarf around her eyes, knotting it on the side of her head. My hands ran down Bella’s shoulders separating the two sides of her open shirt tucking each one behind her back. Her whole torso was exposed allowing me to slide my hands over her rib cage, slipping them under the cups of her bra and releasing her breasts from the confines of the lacy material. With the way her body was inclined on the chair along with her breasts being thrust upwards in her bra she was perkier than normal. I would have loved to tease and play with her nipples until she begged me to let her cum however with a bit a regret I decided that would happen at another time.
The folded towel was placed under her bottom to protect the upholstery and then I positioned the mirror a few feet in front of her, tilting the top so that I could have a perfect view. The last things I did were remove my shirt, turned on the I-pod, and picked up the crop.
The first couple words of ‘Say Yes’ came through the speakers in a flawless tone making the vibrator hum. I started on the outside of her left leg using the flat end of the crop to skim the leather slowly up her skin, passed her stomach to her ribs circling her breast before moving slowly down the other side. The movement was deliberate, drawing out the desire in her as it danced across her skin to the pace of the music.
With each pass the leather came closer to her sensitive areas yet never touched the spots where she wanted it most. She tried to shift her hips and shoulders a few times but the slow steady pace continued. By the end of the song I was sure that the leather had gradually teased every piece of exposed skin and between the steady purr of the vibrator and my actions Bella was a wanton pile of need.
Sarah McLachlan’s ‘Possession’ came on next, starting with the same slow steady tempo that turned into a quicker beat. This time as the crop moved quicker over Bella’s skin I made sure to touch the spots I had missed and every now and then I flicked the leather quickly against her in time to the heavy pulse. The sound of the crop hitting her flesh along with the soft pink glow that her skin was taking on, spurred me to continue as my dick throbbed.
With each tap of the leather against her skin a muted sound came from Bella’s mouth as she felt the pain from the crop along with the vibration inside her. The list continued to play each song growing more potent, and as the beat picked up so did the strikes from the crop. By the time Creed’s ‘Bound and Tied’ started playing Bella was covered with sweat, the inside of her upper thighs were pink as well as the underside of both breasts.
Using the edge of the crop and going along with the rhythm of the music, I alternated between flicking her nipples in rapid secession to a sound slap directly over her clit. The muffled sounds coming out from around the gag became louder with the beginning cords of ‘Too Close’ making me even more painfully aware of my dick.
The beat was still strong and constant but the tempo allowed for me to sweep the leather across her outer lips before striking the top of her clit. It was relentless and each slap of the leather caused Bella to shamelessly cry out in need.
My own desire increased as I watched in the mirror as her hips rose opening herself wider while she tried to meet the crop. I could tell that Bella was close and it wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge. The muscles in her stomach rippled with tension while her erratic breathing was over shadowed by the muffled moans and her hips seemed to be in constant motion.
As the song came to an end bringing the start of ‘Unholy Love’ my left hand gripped the knot that held the scarf over her eyes removing it in one sweep. Dropping it to the floor I held on to the bar that was threaded through the collar making Bella lift her head. “Look.”
Bella’s eyes were wide as she took in her appearance in the mirror, her hair in total disarray, her face flushed, the angry pink spots that marred her sweat covered skin. The playroom is filled with mirrors, yet I don’t believe she had ever seen herself like this with her legs spread wide, revealing the puffiness of her slick center. This time she was not only going to feel it, she was going to see the wonder of her body.
“Watch Isabella,” I order while the crop came down over the top of her clit after a few rapid strikes, making her breathing even more erratic.
“Ask me Isabella,” my words were demanding as they came out among my own rough breaths.
Her eyes bore into mine in the reflection of the mirror, “I said watch!” the strike of the leather crop coming down hard on her sensitive flesh as my other hand gripped the closest nipple. The muffled scream from my fingers twisting the nub was countered by my order, “Ask me.”
The crop continued to rein down on its target as Bella screamed out a muffled, ‘please.’
“Ask me again!” I yelled pinching the nipple in my fingers while the crop moved faster to the beat as Bella cried out around the gag, “Pleeeeeaaaassssseeeeee!”
All I really heard was the ‘ease’ as I knew that the song was coming to a close. “Watch,” I ordered moving the placement of the crop down just a fraction to hit the precise spot several times. Bella stiffened as her eyes grew wider, I knew it was time, “Now Isabella.”
I counted the rapid strikes, it was on the eighth one when her body shook as she sucked in a deep breath while her thighs tightened so much her ass raised off the chair and she screamed out as she came, throwing her head back against the chair while the vibrator burst out of her onto the floor.
My fingers eased up on the hold they had on her nipple while I kept using the crop to the beat of the music letting her ride out the pleasure that was cursing through her. The initial scream had turned to constant moans and whimpers as her body came down. I would have given her time to come back to reality, however I was dealing with my own need and if I didn’t get my dick inside her soon, that fucker was going to explode.
Dropping the crop on the floor I unzipped my jeans part of the way so that I was able to bend down to unhook the ankle restraints from the ‘S’ hooks. Glad that from all of Bella’s movement the tension had loosened making it rather easy to release the clips. I didn’t waste time undoing her wrists as I lifted Bella from the chair turned us slightly and leaned her over the kitchen table. The height wasn’t exactly perfect but there was no time to worry about that. My pants were down around my ankles with my dick in my hand before I even stepped in behind her. There was no teasing as I lined myself up.
Bella moaned faintly around the gag and I groaned from the feeling of her warm wetness blanketed around me. She felt so fucking good I couldn’t help myself as I gripped her upper thighs, spreading her wider and pulling her body closer to me. My thrusts were urgent, I didn’t really care if she came again, this was all about Edward and I took what I wanted, hard and fast.
The first twinges started in my stomach as I faintly registered the last song on the play list and it wasn’t long before I felt her muscles clamp down on me in a fucking vice grip that I lost it. Shooting my cum deep inside her with such force my fucking legs buckled. The rush of my orgasm was so strong I was dizzy as my upper body collapsed onto Bella’s back.
“Fuck baby…” I said through heaving breaths kissing whatever part of her skin I could reach, “…that was so fucking worth the wait.”
All I heard was a groan and I realized that I was probably crushing her. Moving to stand my head was still dizzy and my legs felt like fucking jello while another moan came from Bella as I pulled my deflating dick out of her. She laid face down on the table with her wrists still bound, her feet flat on the floor and her legs spread with her bottom sticking up in the air.
Moving to the side of the table I worked to unbuckle the gag, pulling the ball from her mouth I didn’t have to tell Bella to flex her jaw, it was automatic. Next I unclipped her wrists massaging the muscles in her upper arms before bringing them down alongside her body and gently unclasping her hand to reclaim the red ball. Bella had such a grip on it that her fingers were white from the effort it took to not drop it. Once the spreader bar was removed from the clip in the collar I brushed the hair out of her face with my fingers.
“Are you alright nâhtötse?” I asked waiting for her eyes to open.
Bella nodded, “yeah, I’m tired, hungry, and I have to pee.”
“That’s a whole lot of things you have going on,” I said with a chuckle lifting her shoulders from the table so she would stand. “Go to the bathroom, I’ll take the rest of the stuff off of you in there.”
She padded lazily to the bathroom while I picked up the vibrator off the floor, reaching the door she groaned loudly as if in pain. “What’s the matter?”
“There’s man goo dripping out of me.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, “I think it’s a mixture of goo.”
“Whatever it is, it’s gross,” she grumbled while I laid the toy on a paper towel on the counter to clean off later.
The bathroom door was only half closed and as I walked by putting the chair away I called in, “I thought you like my goo?”
“Not running down my leg,” Bella answered over the water running in the sink.
Since she had obviously finished peeing I opened the door all the way, going into the large bathroom to remove the rest of my equipment from her body. “We don’t have much time Bella, why don’t you shower quickly while I finish cleaning up?”
While she showered I got everything back into its rightful place before showering myself. I had opened the bottle of wine and we each had a glass while we dressed. There are some things that I really appreciate about Bella - and her ability to get ready in a hurry is one of them. She is not one of those women that require an hour to do her hair and makeup. Twenty minutes later we were heading out of the door and she looked gorgeous, wearing a simple dark grey short sleeve dress with a high waist that swooped around her neck showing off my collar. The length came to just above her knees and with the black heels that showed off her pretty pink toe nails she looked perfect for a family dinner.
I finished the wine in my glass while Bella picked up her purse and we left to go downstairs. When we got out into the hallway Emmett and Rose were coming out of the room two doors down from us. After the hellos and customary female hugs, the four of us walked together towards the elevators. The doors dinged letting us know that it had arrived. Bella was talking to Rose about how big her belly had gotten while Emmett made us all laugh as he took credit for his potency.
“How was Forks?” Emmett asked as the elevator descended.
“Wet,” I answered truthfully.
My brother scrunched up his face in disgust, “I didn’t ask how little Bella was.”
The gasp from my girl was loud, “I can’t believe you just said that. I thought we had a deal Emmie!”
“Alright…alright…but I couldn’t resist.” He laughed while Bella rolled her eyes as we walked out into the lobby area. “Seriously, how was it?”
I knew exactly what my brother wanted to know. His question centered on James, it wasn’t a subject I wanted to talk about right at that moment so I appeased him by telling him that we had a nice time. More hellos and hugs were exchanged as everyone gathered together. We only waited a few minutes to be seated which was good because like Bella, I too was hungry. We followed the hostess through the small restaurant to an area set up for us back in the corner by two walls of windows that looked out onto the ocean. The sun was half-way set creating a beautiful scene which I admired while holding out Bella’s chair; she said a thank you as she sat down.
“You’re welcome nâhtötse” leaning down to place a kiss on her head before taking my seat next to her. Bella had a grin on her face as she watched me, “You really like that word.”
“Yes I do,” I assured her. I did like that word and planned to use it all the time.
The waiter handed out menus along with the wine list, then took drink orders. When he left, the table was fairly quiet and while everyone decided what they wanted to eat my attention went to Bella. “What are you hungry for nâhtötse?”
“Hmmm…I was thinking the Cod?” looking at the menu it was coconut macadamia nut crusted with a coconut curry sauce, all those flavors and textures were so Bella. “Sounds like that’s right up your alley.”
We decided to share the crab cakes in a sweet mustard sauce for an appetizer and I settled on the pan seared rib eye. When the waiter came back with the drinks everyone was ready to order, and when he walked away Vinny who was seated on the end of the table yelled, “Uncle Eddie how comes you didn’t come swimming with us?”
All eyes turned to me waiting for an answer including the woman who was my willing partner in detaining me, “Ahh…Aunt Bella was tired and needed a nap.”
“Ohhh…grandma had to leave because grandpa needed a nap too,” the eyes that were on me went to my parents. My mom coughed in her water glass and dad had a smug smile on his face.
Vinny however was on a roll, “Daddy wanted to take a nap but mommy said No, he had to wait until later.”
“Ah…Vinny here, I brought your cars.” Alice worked quickly to get his little mind on something else, that seemed to work as he became involved in running the car over his sister’s arms.
“How was Forks?” My dad asked while I took a drink of wine.
“It was good, we were busy the whole time but it was fun.”
My mother was the next one who had a question which she asked with a hopeful tone, “Did you get along well with Bella’s father?”
I thought about how I was introduced to Chief Swan and snickered at how everything worked out before answering, “Yes, he’s a very nice man. Everyone was very nice.” Catching Emmett’s eye I could tell that he really wanted to know more, however mom wasn’t done.
“When can we meet him?”
Mom’s question caught me off guard; it hadn’t dawned on me that they should meet. Looking to Bella I wondered if she was thinking the same thing and I answered, “They will all be coming to Seattle in two weeks…”
“All?” dad wondered.
“Ummm…It’s my sister’s baby shower so everyone will be staying over.”
“We’re going to have a full house, Bella’s brother Seth is staying with us and Quil and Claire…”
“They’re staying with us?” Bella questioned.
“Yes nâhtötse,” with the drive and our extra activities in the room I must have forgotten to tell her that. “He asked if it would be alright this morning at the diner.”
Bella nodded while Emmett asked, “Did you learn a new language Eddie?”
Bella giggled, I suppose at the name Eddie, while I answered with narrowed eyes, “Just a few words and phrases.”
“What does that mean? Na…what did you say?” my mom wondered.
“Ahhh…” usually I was quick with an answer, however for the life of me I could not think of one. I didn’t think my mother would appreciate me going around calling Bella my pet. Although I did know at one time it was fashionable, I’m sure it didn’t hold the same connotation as it does now. Bella didn’t help at all as she looked at me expectantly. When I didn’t answer Jasper had to put in his two cents, “It’s probably a naughty word Esme.”
“Yeah mom, one you can only define by looking it up on Urban Dictionary,” Emmett commented while Bella finally spoke up,
“It is not naughty.”
My mom was waiting for an answer which Bella started, “nâhtötse means…” searching my brain for a synonym for pet I finished her sentence, “…literally it means my precious or my cherished one.”
Those words made both my parents smile while Emmett groaned, “Ohhh…little brother. I never thought I’d see the day when you got all sappy.”
“You let him alone,” Mom came to my defense. “I think that is very sweet Edward.”
The waiter brought the appetizers as the conversation switched topics to what we were doing tomorrow. It was a nothing day of sitting on the beach or around the pool. By the time our meals came Alice was in full-on explanation of all the work she had been doing getting ready for the Anniversary party coming up on Saturday. Explaining in detail about the outfits she had made for some of the club members. Mom talked about the charity event her and dad had gone to on Friday night and before we knew it the coffee was being served.
“Edward are we watching the Lakers tonight?” Jasper wanted to know.
I had forgotten that the NBA finals had started and game two was being played tonight.
“I’ll bring the beer,” Emmett added.
My room was always the place where the men would gather during family vacations because I was always alone. There wasn’t anyone to wake up or intrude on guy time but since I had Bella with me I didn’t know what to say as they both waited for an answer. I didn’t just want to say it was alright without having her approval yet to them it was a nightly ritual.
“Do you mind if they come up to watch the game?”
Bella shrugged at my question, “No it’s ok, you all can watch your hoopy’s.”
“Hoopy’s?” Emmett questioned while I wanted to know, “Are you sure?”
It didn’t seem like Bella was opposed to the idea and we really didn’t do anything except watch a game and sit around and talk.
“Yes, I’m sure.” Emmett and Jasper seemed to be glad about that, I on the other hand felt off for some reason.
We paid our bill and as everyone was leaving the men all said that they were going to change their clothes and meet in our room in fifteen minutes. Bella wanted to stop in the little store area to get a few things for the kitchen so after saying goodnight to the woman we bought coffee, milk, some cold drinks, and a few snacks. Getting on the elevator Bella was gibbering on about getting things to make breakfast, I had to stop her.
“Bella we are on vacation, we will either go out or order room service.”
“We have a full kitchen Edward…” she said it as if it should be obvious, “…why did we get a room with a kitchen if we’re not going to use it?”
“I think all the rooms here come with a kitchen. Besides nâhtötse we already did use it.” The blush on her face made me chuckle and before the doors opened I asked one more time, “Bella if you rather they don’t come to our room…”
“Nooo…Edward it’s fine really, you spend some male bonding time with your dad and bothers. I can watch TV in the bedroom and I really do want to start that book. Or, maybe I’ll spend some quality time in that bathroom.”
“That is a nice bathroom,” I agreed stepping out of the elevator. “We’ll have to conserve water and shower together.”
Emmett’s door opened as walked by and he told Bella that Rose wanted to talk to her for a minute. She handed me the bag of chips and pretzels she was carrying, gave me a kiss and disappeared with a promise that she wouldn’t be too long.
“Aro wanted me to tell you that Felix is running the auction on Friday. He figured that because of Bella you wouldn’t be interested.”
I nodded, “Aro was right.”
I had been in charge of the auction for the past four years. It requires a lot of hands on involvement with the participants who are being bid on. It was not something that I could see Bella being comfortable with me partaking in. In fact, I hadn’t even thought about going to the event, but it might be something that Bella would find interesting; I would have to think about it.
Opening the door to our room I put the two bags down on the table telling Emmett that I was going to change. We hadn’t unpacked so I looked through my suitcase taking out a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt; there was no need to dress any better. I heard the knock at the door as I came out of the bedroom. I thought maybe it was Bella but then realized she would have used her key. Jasper came in dressed much the same way I was, carrying another six pack and a bag of Sun Chips.
“Ahhh…Edward,” Emmett started while I picked up the bags off the table. “there is a little something on the counter you might want to put away before dad gets here.”
My eyes scanned the area – fuck, the vibrator – I had forgotten I left it there so that I could clean it later. The next knock at the door had me moving quickly to put the toy in the bedroom. Mom had sent dad down with chips and salsa and so I got out a bowl while putting the things in the bag away. Jasper had the doors to the armoire open and the TV on, the game was already in the second quarter, and just as I sat down Bella came back in. She stood next to my chair with one knee on the overstuffed arm while I wrapped my arm around her waist.
“Congratulations Emmett!” Bella’s voice was truly happy; however like me, my brother seemed unsure, “For what?”
“For your son.”
“Ohhh…did she show you the pictures?” he became animated while I wondered “It’s a boy?”
“Of course it’s a boy, as if my manliness could make anything else!” I rolled my eyes while my father laughed as he explained about the x and y chromosomes.
Bella got a sly grin on her face, “Roscoe uh?”
“She’s not naming my son Roscoe, that’s a fucking dog’s name!”
Bella laughed at his agitation while the rest of us grinned, “Well Rose says…”
“I don’t give a shit what Rose says, my son will not be named fucking Roscoe!”
Bella was in a total fit of giggles and I didn’t know why it was kind of comical the way Emmett was being so adamant but it wasn’t hysterical. All of a sudden Emmett seemed to be enlightened as his eyes widened, “Did Rose tell you?” he asked then accused, “She did!”
Bella was still laughing as her two hands came out in front of her she made a fist with one hand “Ros” and a fist with the other “Co” then made a yanking motion with her right hand and spoke in a high pitch tone through her laughter ‘beep…beep”
“Fuck you,” my brother mumbled as Bella wiped the tears from her eyes as she laughed while Emmett became indignant, “Our deals off, I just declared open season.”
I had no idea what caused that reaction in Emmett and apparently no one else did either because they were looking just as confused as I felt. It must have been something a whole lot worse than Bella calling him Emmie, if he was willing to call off their deal.
“Go to bed Bella,” Emmett grumbled before looking to me, “Send her to bed.”
“I’m going,” Bella waved her hand while she giggled but instead of going to the bedroom she walked over to the back of the couch wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug.
“I’m sorry Emmett,” the words came out seriously at first then the giggle returned. “It’s just so cute.”
“Yeah…yeah…yeah…I hear ya.”
Bella let him go stopping by me for a kiss before saying good night to everyone else. When she shut the door to the bed room our attention went to Emmett who grumbled, “fucking women, they tell each other everything…nothing is sacred.”
There was no way he was going to get away with not telling us what the fuck just happened. He sat there drinking his beer trying his hardest to ignore our gazes. “I’m not fucking telling you ok?”
I sat back taking a drink from the bottle with a shrug, “Bella will tell me later.”
Emmett narrowed his eyes at me while Jasper complained, “Well who’s going to tell me, because I want to know?” while dad wrinkled his nose, “I don’t want to know.”
It was clear that Emmett wasn’t going to tell us so we relaxed back into watching the second half of the game. Dad stayed until the end of the third quarter as soon as the door closed Jasper pounced. Emmett wasn’t going to have any choice but to tell, besides as I seen it Bella would spill anyway and I could just tell Jasper so it was better to hear it firsthand. Emmett sighed taking a long drink from a fresh bottle of beer before he began.
“It really is nothing, you know how they call a big slong a rosco?”
No…I didn’t know that
“You know…I roscoed the bitch,”
ok that I heard of it’s a slang word for slapping a girl in the face with your dick.
Emmett looked at me pointedly, “and by the way, she got it wrong. It’s not beep-beep it’s be-be…be-be-boz to be exact.”
He took another swig from the bottle, “So when I was young that was how I use to beat off.”
He said it so casually that it was humorous, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I would squeeze each ball then use the stroke to the beat in my head, ‘Ros-Co-be-be… Ros-Co-be-be… Ros-Co-be-be,” he chanted adding the hand motions, “until I bozzed. And why the fuck my wife has to go around telling people these things…”
“So why the hell does she want to name the baby Roscoe?” Jasper asked what I was thinking.
Emmett rolled his eyes looking even more annoyed “because she’s a hormonal lunatic and said that since the baby came from my balls it would be cute to name him Roscoe.”
I laughed while Jasper grinned then wondered, “Is she really bad?”
“Oh man Jaz, I’m tellin’ ya. I love Rosie, god only knows how much. But that woman is driving me crazy. One minute she’s laughing, then she’s crying she’s hot, she’s cold, she has to take an afternoon nap and then at two o’clock in the morning she’s waking me up to see if I want to play rummy. She goes from one extreme to the other.” My brother took another drink sighing deeply, “Now her big thing is sex, all she wants is sex, it’s like she can’t get enough.”
That’s a problem?
“I swear she’s going to wear me out!”
Jaz took a drink shaking his head with a knowing grin, “enjoy it while you can, because the sex will end real soon.”
“I feel the sucker moving around in there. It’s alive!” we both laughed at him but didn’t say anything as he went on complaining. “I’m serious, it moves all over the place…moving across Rosie’s stomach…it looks like a fucking Alien.”
“I take it you’re not enjoying the wondrous delights of pregnancy?”
At Jasper’s words Emmett’s face softened, “No it’s not that, I mean it’s pretty cool and I can’t wait for the little guy to get here, but someone needs to tell us men about all the shit we have to go through. It’s not easy dealing with this stuff especially when no one told you about it. The moodiness is one thing but the vomiting? We go out for a nice dinner at the tune of a hundred bill and she goes home to puke it up. And all the physical changes…”
I thought Emmett was talking about the round belly, bigger breast things like that so I was surprised when he leaned forward and spoke matter-of-factly.
“My wife if growing hair in places woman are not supposed to have hair. Her skin is getting these brown patches and there is something constantly dripping from her and don’t even get me started on all the shit she needs.”
“What does she need?” both of my brothers looked at me like I had just asked why the sky was blue.
“Clothing, pads, lotions and these bras with openings in them, that sounded pretty cool when Rose told me about them but let me tell you, they are not sexy…at all” Emmett shook his head taking another drink, “and what the fuck kind of asshole invented pregnancy underwear? I mean come on those things are like…”
“Granny panties?” I asked picturing something very unflattering
“Beyond that dude, I’m telling you these things are so big and reinforced that I could survive jumping out of a plane at twenty-thousand feet using them as a parachute,” we laughed at his expense because it was just fucking funny.
“It will be worth it,” my attempts at making him feel better fell a little short as he asked Jasper, “How long does all this shit last?’
“Depends on if she breastfeeds, hormone levels need to stay high for milk production.”
Emmett slumped back in defeat wondering, “So another year?”
Jasper and I looked at each other with a grin, “Don’t worry Emmett every other man has made it through, you will too.”
“I hope your right Jaz.”
Just then the bedroom door opened and a sleepy Bella came padding out walking towards the kitchen area. She had her hair up in a ponytail and was wearing a pink pajama set that consisted of shorts and a tank top. Taking the empty bottles, I followed behind her as she got a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. I could tell she had been sleeping from the groggy look in her eyes and the yawn that she suppressed with her hand.
“Did we wake you?” I asked setting the bottles in the sink. We had been laughing and I didn’t want to disturb her.
“No,” she yawned again bringing the back of her hand to her mouth.“I was reading and must have dozed off, when I woke up you weren’t there and my throat was really dry,” another yawn stopped her from talking, “hmmm…I’m sorry…I’m going back to bed.”
Nodding in agreement I yawn–because those things are addicting. Leaning down I kissed her forehead “I’ll be in soon nâhtötse”
Following Bella back into the living room I went to sit back down while Jasper stopped her before she went into the bedroom, “Alice will have a fit if she sees you in Victoria Secretes.”
Bella looked at him, “Alice makes stretch cotton?”
“No…” he laughed.
Bella shrugged, “Well you let me know when she does...” she yawned again before saying “good-night.”
They both said good-night to her and when she shut the door Emmett eyed me and after he yawned gave me a warning “You wait and see, that sweet little woman is going to get pregnant and she’ll turn into a raging hormonal crazy person.”
The twinge of sadness overcame me as I realized that may be something that never happens. They must have seen the shift in my mood as they looked at me with narrowed eyes. That however was our own private business and not something I was prepared to share, at least not at that moment.
Emmett looking to change the subject asked me again about Forks. I told him about James coming up to me outside of the diner and what had happened at the bar. Explaining that I thought James was an arrogant fuck who seemed to enjoy causing as much misery as he could. Both of them were shocked at Bella’s response to him, however after a moment of thought Emmett leaned forward putting the empty bottle on the table.
“Bella is a whole lot stronger than you thought, she would have to be or else she would have ended up in the loony bin sucking down anti-depressants to make it through the day.”
Thinking about his words it was a simple statement yet so very true. I knew that her submission to me gave her strength but I also knew that it was there all along, her quiet strength that helped her cope.
We talked a little bit more about what occurred over the weekend along with our trip to Victoria. Emmett filled me in on some of what occurred at the club while we were gone. There were a few things that I would have to inform Bella about but it was all for the better and hopefully it would make us going there more enjoyable.
By the time we finished talking the game had ended and they both left shortly after, leaving me to clean up the small mess. Putting the extra lock on the door, I turned out the lights and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Bella had left the small light by my side of the bed on while she slept peacefully under the blankets. Taking off my shirt I turned off the light as I slid under the blankets curling myself around a naked Bella. She wiggled before turning in my arms and tucking herself against my chest. Kissing the top of her head I whispered a good-night, smiling as she tilted her head slightly to kiss under my chin.
“You’re naked nâhtötse, were you waiting for me?” my hand moved down the length of her spine making her snuggle in closer to me.
“Yeah, but I fell asleep,” she sounded exhausted and I felt bad that she had tried to wait up. “I’m sorry baby, I should have kicked them out…”
Shaking her head she protested, “No…you need to spend time with them.”
As the words ended she yawned against my chest. “You’re tired baby, let’s go to sleep”
“I’d wake up and show you how much I love you.”
Her words made me smile, “I’ll tell you what, I’m tired too, how about we both go to sleep and in the morning I’ll show you how much I love you?”
Her head settle into the spot where it just seemed to fit so perfectly as she hummed, “mmmm…deal.”
Bella came out of the Ladies Room with her folded clothes in her hands and her purse slung over her shoulder. She had taken a few extra minutes in there changing as I had requested. The images that I had of her dressed that way were nothing compared to the reality, she was perfection in the flesh. The conservative white button shirt with its three quarter length sleeves contradicted the tight fit across her breasts along with the cleavage that was peeking through the opened top buttons. The bottom was tucked into the waist of her dark blue knee length skirt that hugged the curve of her hips while the matching belt with its little gold buckle accentuated her flat stomach. She left her hair down with its natural waves cascading over her shoulders and down her back, she was exuding an air if provocative innocence that I couldn’t wait to defile.
I’ve been thinking about it all day, ever since this morning when Bella came out on the porch carrying the quilt that was on our bed. I was sitting on the swing with Jacob drinking coffee and talking while she went over to the wash line to hang up the wet blanket. A breeze blew sending wisps of hair around her face while the light weight robe blew out away from her body.
With the sun shining on her face she looked sweet and virtuous going about her domestic chores, that is until she looked at me. It was a subtle glance over her shoulder that contained a deep penetrating gaze, the glint in her eye was enough to make my breath catch. The grin that followed along with the obvious giggle over her amusement at the look I gave her when she stealthily tweaked her nipple was what sealed her fate.
Innocent my ass
That woman was walking raw sexuality in the most dangerous disguise of chaste virtue. Bella could go around with a sweet smile on her face calling her father ‘daddy’ and wearing pig tails; however, Isabella was anything but sweet and if she was going to wear pig tails it was only because she wanted me to pull them as I fucked her from behind while she screamed ‘harder big daddy!’
Ever since that moment on the porch where she gave me that seductive glance I was itching to play with her, get Isabella into my clutches and let the rawness loose. The weekend had gone quickly yet it seemed so long; throughout that time we’ve had sex, made love and even some D/s play but I had a need to possess, to take and control what was mine. I needed to reestablish our roles and if I was reading her signals correctly, which I hoped that I was, Bella needed it to.
Coming out of the ladies room, her eyes met mine for a split second before dropping them to the floor in a submissive manor.
Oh yeah, my girl wanted to play
Bringing no added attention to herself Bella stood before me in presentation, her back, shoulders and chin straight with her eyes lowered. People were wandering around us going into the rest rooms, using the vending machines and seeking directions from the attendant, to Bella’s credit there was no self-consciousness in her actions. She stood in a very public place waiting for my acknowledgement as comfortably as she would have in private. Granted to anyone paying us any attention it would have appeared as though she was just rejoining me while I waited with the other men yet it still took confidence.
“Ready nâhtötse?” I asked without making her wait while taking the clothes from her hands.
I wasn’t exactly sure what she said but I did recognize the ‘ái’ as meaning yes. It was enjoyable to able to call her my pet out loud in such a public place without fear of someone over hearing. That was another reason why I learned some words and phrases, besides the obvious happiness it brings to Bella we could verbally communicate while still keeping it private. However, as we walked to the car away from the cluster of people I asked her what she said. Not that I thought it was anything derogatory still I was happy to know that ásgaya meant ‘sir’ or ‘sire.’ I had Bella repeat the word a few more times until I had the pronunciation down, making a mental note to ask her how to say master.
We walked a little slower back to the car; I assumed that was because of the toy I had given to Bella. It wasn’t a bullet with a shape that was meant to stay lodged inside. She was holding a five inch purple vibrator inside her using only the tautness of her muscles. If we were at home, I would have pushed her to see how strong her muscles were but here I was content to take it slow.
Getting to the car I opened the back door to put her clothing in before opening hers. As she stepped into the open door the normal ‘thank you’ came from her mouth, I knew it was out of politeness but I needed to set the tone for the drive.
Keeping my voice firm I told her, “Quiet and keep your eyes lowered.”
Getting in the car she not only lowered her eyes but her chin as well, I let it go. Once she was seated I leaned in to hold her chin between my thumb and forefinger correcting her with firmness, “Eye’s lowered, head straight.”
Bella did as I said and my eyes wandered down her form. Her breasts were heaving from the force of her breaths which I could see her struggling to control. The car didn’t afford us much room to maneuver and the proximity of our bodies allowed me to feel the heat coming off her body as well as her breaths on my face. The sexual tension in the air was palatable, so thick and heavy I needed to close my eyes and take my own deep breath to get re-centered.
Opening my eyes I had to get back to what I was doing and ignore the desire that was building. “You look simply delectable nâhtötse. However, for my purposes we have a few adjustments to make.”
My fingers skimmed down her neck to the buttons on her shirt. The top three were open and I worked the next one out of the button hole revealing more skin. My fingers lingered there moving slowly down the valley between the two peaks enjoying the catch in her breath however with that reaction also came a whimper that shouldn’t have occurred.
At the sound my eyes shot to her face staring intently through narrowed lids, “Do we need to revisit the meaning of my expectation of quiet Isabella?”
She remained with her eyes lowered slowly releasing the bottom lip she held between her teeth as she answered with a quiet voice, “No Master.”
“Good, because until I tell you otherwise, you are not to make a sound not even a harsh breath. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Master.”
Satisfied with her understanding I went back to what I was doing, letting my hands move down the side of her waist, hips, and thighs. Taking the hem of her skirt I slid it up her legs until it was bunched high around her upper thighs giving me just a teasing glimpse of her center. My hands moved down the inside of her legs stopping at her knees which I separated, leaving her spread open provocatively.
My hands shifted moving back up the path they had just traveled letting two fingers drift over the outer lips of her core while the other hand followed behind running two fingers through her folds.
God – So fucking wet
My fingers slipped quickly inside her, feeling the end of the vibrator I pushed on it, sending the phallus deeper. The hitch in Bella’s breath made my dick respond as if it were a moan causing it to throb painfully against the confines of my pants. The sound from her once again brought my attention to her face. Taking a hold of her chin I stared directly into her lowered eyes waiting to see if she would defy me yet again by meeting my gaze. When she didn’t I decided to be generous and gave her the last warning.
“If you make one more sound, my plans for the rest of the day will change and you will not be happy about it.”
I really wanted her to experience what I had planned; however it was more important that she remain obedient and if I needed to push that fact, then so be it. Bella sat rigid in the seat, holding herself so still that I wasn’t even sure she was breathing. Satisfied that I got my point across I brought my fingers up to her mouth, spreading the moisture from her juices across her lips before pointing one finger at her in warning. “Leave it there.”
After bringing the seatbelt across her body I buckled it, pulling on the strap to tighten the slack giving her a feeling of being restrained. The last thing I did was turn her head so she would be looking out the window and away from where I would be. Standing up to take in her position I was concerned about the stress on her neck. She had already complained about it being stiff from the drive and I didn’t want to add to her discomfort. Leaning down I pressed the button on the side of the seat making it recline slightly before slipping my hand between the head rest and her neck. Satisfied the new seat position took away the tension I kissed her forehead once before shutting the door and moving around the car to get in.
After starting the engine I needed to give instructions. “Isabella you are to remain quiet and in that position until I speak to you. I don’t want to hear a sound and I don’t want to see you even flinch.”
I didn’t ask if she understood because I knew she did. Putting the car in reverse I pulled out of the parking spot to continue on with the drive. My idea was that keeping her still and looking away from me was similar to having Bella in a waiting position. The quietness of the car provided the proper atmosphere to allow for the waiting, letting her to wonder if and when I was going to acknowledge her.
While I drove my eyes would glance in her direction, she was calm yet I could tell the edge was beginning to creep in. The unease was inciting an air of building anticipation, making the moment of my actual contact all the more gratifying A few times I caught her reflection in the window; her eyes were wide and shifting as if trying to see what I was doing. It didn’t matter because Isabella was going to wait just a little bit longer.
This part of the journey was all about timing, I wanted to give her twenty minutes of stewing before bringing the toy to life. I had bought that particular vibrator the week before we left. It works from a sensor that pulsates to the beat of music much the way a strobe light blinks at a dance club. I had set up two special play lists in the I-pod, the first was for stimulation. The music was soft with easy beats and words of love that took me time to put together.
That list lasted an hour with a growing intensity, each song building upon the previous one. I hoped that besides feeling the stimulation of the toy, Bella would be able to feel my heart poured out in the words of the songs. The original plan was to play the list through its entirety, timing the end of it with our arrival at the hotel. However, that was before we had breakfast and since then there was something on my mind that necessitated a discussion. It wasn’t that what I wanted to talk about was of immediate importance, it could wait. However I thought it best to bring up while it was fresh on Bella’s mind and while she was sexually aroused. Hopefully those two conditions would be occurring simultaneously very soon and I would get a better understanding of what was going through that pretty little head of hers.
One concern I had was that on a Sunday our usual ended at six o’clock however I was counting on Bella not minding us extending that for an hour. Yes it was manipulative on my part, getting her all worked up with no release just so I could have my way with her. But hey, I’m a man, and I will use whatever means are necessary and at my disposal to get what I want.
And I wanted Bella - ripe, aroused, and begging.
My concern about having the plans I made interrupted had more to do with my mother then Bella. In all honesty my girl could tell me ‘no, it’s six o’clock-we’re done,’ and I would have to abide by her decision, although I highly doubted the possibility of that happening. My mother on the other hand was debatable. If I knew that woman at all – and I did – she was planning and expecting us all to get together for a first night family dinner and there would be no thwarting her.
The one thing I had in my favor was that before Emmett left Seattle he needed to do the paperwork at New Moon. That meant he would not be leaving until at least noon putting off his arrival at the hotel until around six. That was my ace in the hole – no pun intended.
What it did mean was that dinner would have to be scheduled later, giving me the time to finish in the room what I started in the car. Because the main event centered on the second play list, that lasted for another hour and should end with both of us very happy.
Yeah it’s going to all be in the timing
Checking the GPS I decided that Bella had waited long enough. Reaching out to lay my hand on her shoulder I could feel the tension in her muscles relax at my touch, “Isabella look at me.”
Remaining very quiet her head turned towards me saying nothing as I had directed. I guess she took my warning to heart.
“I want you to remain quiet and get my I-pod from the center compartment.”
I had placed it there when we got out for lunch knowing it would be safe yet giving her easy access to it. Once she had it in her hands she looked at me expectantly. “I made you a gift nâhtötse. Page through the play list, see if you can find it.”
Bella continued to look at me for a moment like she was unsure what to do. Raising an eyebrow I asked, “You don’t want your gift?”
The smile on her face told me all I needed to know. I tried to watch her reaction as she scanned through the different names in my list; I knew what she was seeing. There were at least twenty-five different titles and eight or nine that contained her name. The one I wanted to jump out at her was written in bold letters. I could tell when she found it because her head turned back to me with an unasked question in her eyes.
“Tell me nâhtötse which one is it?” her voice was quiet as she answered my question with one of her own, “Loving Bella?”
“That’s the one,” I told her. “Pull it up and take a look at the titles.”
The list was a mixture of old and new and contained a mix of artists: Lionel Richie, Savage Garden, Garth Brooks, Foreigner and others. I had picked the songs for the meaning of their words while paying close attention to the beat, placing them in a specific order in hopes that it would all come together. After a minute she glanced back at me, waiting for my permission which I gave with one word, “Speak.”
“There are songs on here that your girl has never heard.” It wasn’t said with contempt but rather interest, like she wanted to hear them.
“That’s good, then it truly will be a gift as the words of the songs open up my heart to you,” I said, taking the I-pod from her hands. It might have sounded cheesy but that was exactly what I wanted to have happen.
“Close your eyes and stay quiet.”
Bella sat back doing as directed while I plugged in the I-pod and hit play. The first tones from the piano sounded one note at a time, as I listened I watched for Bella’s reaction. There was a slight hitch in her breath but no audible sound as her eyes shifted to mine while Lionel Richie started singing ‘The Only One.’ The slow steady beat of the bass making the toy come to life, it was soft and subtle giving only a small amount of stimulation.
I could tell by the look Bella gave me that the vibrator was working, but I wanted her to have the full experience, “Sit back nâhtötse, relax, listen. and feel.”
As she once again relaxed into the seat my hand rested on her thigh where my thumb moved slowly back and forth across her skin. The song built as it moved to its conclusion before Lonestar’s ‘Amazing’ began to play. The steady beat providing the toy with percussion giving an easy constant vibration.
As each song played, the intensity of the beat increased making the sensations from the toy tucked inside her stronger. Every now and then I could feel the muscles in her thighs constrict for a moment before they would relax again. The beat of the music was continually growing yet it was still a slow relaxed tempo that truly only served to rouse her desire. I wanted her to hear the music, listen to the words, and feel the rhythm pulsing through her. It seemed to be working. As I sang along with Bon Jovi’s ‘Thank You For Loving Me,’ a single tear trailed down her face. It was the only time my hand left her thigh – to capture the tear.
The next two songs were R&B with a faster beat and I decided after Dakota Moon’s ‘Sing You To Sleep’ played, it would be a good time to take a break so we could have that talk. Pausing the I-pod I thought about the best way to broach the subject. Since Bella was still relaxed with her eyes closed I decided that would probably be the easiest way to start.
“Stay still Isabella,” I told her placing my hand on her knee letting my fingers glide softly up the inside of her thigh. “You are to speak freely and tell me about this morning.”
Bella’s brow furrowed, I thought that meant she was confused as to what I was talking about so I prompted, “At breakfast, you gave Claire a bite of food, something happened, tell me about it.”
“This one doesn’t know what you mean.”
Bella was over thinking, she needed to let go of her inhibitions and tell me what was at the root of her reaction. My fingers drifted over her outer lips while I tried to coax the answer from her, “Picture it in your head, the fork coming out of Claire’s mouth…”
“She did what your girl said.”
“Yes she did, and what did that do to you?’ I asked while my fingers became more insistent in their movements.
Bella whimpered opening her knees a little wider, “It made your girl want to tell her to do something else.”
“What would my girl have her do?”
She answered without thinking, “She doesn’t know.”
That might have been an honest answer, it’s not like Bella has had any training in being the top, hell she was just learning the roll of the bottom. But I wanted to make sure so my question became more direct. “Would you have Claire do something to you?”
“Don’t know…maybe or something to herself…or someone else…yeah someone else. This one wanted to make her do something nasty to someone else, so she could watch.”
At her admission my fingers moved from her center to grasp her hand using it to replace mine, “Touch yourself Isabella.”
Not that I wasn’t enjoying what I was doing however driving seventy-five miles an hour on the highway while trying to stroke a pussy and concentrating on what Bella was saying was not exactly the safest thing to do. I can multi-task with the best of them but even I have to admit that was too much.
There was no tentativeness in her actions as her hand continued what I started. It wasn’t long until Bella’s breathing became harsher from the obvious pleasure she was giving herself. I waited a few more seconds before continuing, “Free your mind and tell me what you would have made Claire do.”
“It’s not Claire…” her voice was weak yet I had to know, “Who is it?”
“Don’t know who…but she’s on her knees and this one walks up behind her wrapping her hand in the ends of her hair pulling it so that her head leans back as a man with a flaccid dick comes in. This one tells her to stick out her tongue and only use the very tip along his length, then the rest of her tongue until he becomes hard. Your girl watches closely as she directs the movement of the girl’s mouth with her hair. When he is ready, your girl makes her open her mouth so she could suck on his balls…ahhhhh…”
The sound of Bella’s moan went straight to my dick as I listened to her fantasy. I had heard enough to know what I needed to. In the diner I watched with apt fascination at Bella’s restrained arousal. I knew that as she watched Claire take the food from the fork that something had stirred inside her, I just didn’t know what. There was a possibility that it was from Claire herself, they had been friends a long time and it wouldn’t be difficult for those feelings to become sexual. Especially since Bella has lost so much of her inhibitions, any desires that she had repressed are going to be surfacing. The thought also occurred that it was strictly a desire to be with another woman, which would have been easier to fulfill than Claire herself. However, Bella’s reaction had very little to do with the woman herself, it was rather to dominate and direct the scene to fulfill the voyeurism in her. That was something we could work up to rather easily and would only require a play party to fulfill.
As her fantasy continued I understood that the male was also submissive and she directed the sex act that they shared. It was nothing harsh, there was very little pain inflicted other than clamps. The whole thing was about restraining the participants and her control over them. Like I said an easy fantasy to fulfill, but one that will take some training on her part and wouldn’t take place for some time.
“Master please?” The need was clear in her voice bringing me back from my thoughts as she asked for permission to release.
“No,” I told her firmly, I wanted her aroused without any satisfaction; that would come later and by my hand-not hers.
Removing her hand I brought it to my mouth where I licked and sucked the flavor off enjoying both the tang and her whimper. The sound was a mixture of disappointment as well as further excitement as her oral fixation was being provoked by my tongue moving purposely across and between her fingers. Glancing over at her, she stared at me with dark lust filled eyes as the tip of her tongue moved slowly across the inside of her bottom lip. It took me a second to realize what she was doing and I didn’t like it.
“Stop that,” I admonished with a soft flick of my finger against her lip, “you are taking what belongs to me.”
I planned to kiss and lick that flavor off her when we got out of the car. Bella flinched not because the flick was painful but from the quickness of the action. “Sorry Master, your girl…
“My girl was being naughty.”
The mood in the car had shifted from sexual tension to disapproval. It wasn’t my intention to make her feel errant; all I wanted to do was remind her of my instructions. Taking her hand I placed it over my dick letting her feel the titanium rod inside my pants, “You are not the only one aroused Isabella, but that doesn’t negate my instructions.”
Her small hand squeezed around me as she slid it over my jeans. “Your girl could take care of that Master.”
“I know she can…” the words were as forceful as I could make them with the thought of her sucking me off and I would have allowed it if our drive would have lasted longer but at the moment it wasn’t going to be happening “…and she will, later. For now I want you to sit back and finish enjoying your gift.”
Relaxing back with a resounding sigh that irritated the shit out me – I can’t wait until that is taken care of – Bella once again closed her eyes. Before beginning the rest of the play list I gave her position the once over, having her open her knees a little wider, I pushed play. The tempo of the next several songs was going to be faster and her thighs had to be parted to keep the friction at a minimum. Bella would still be able to clench her muscles but without the use of her thighs to rub against, it would only serve to frustrate her - making her needier.
The first few notes of ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ came through the speakers and Bella uncharacteristically pulled her upper lip between her teeth as she rested her head back against the seat with a soft moan. The words were true and the beat would peak and fall several times throughout making the toy all the more effective. The next song was ‘All My Life’ with a constant steady pulse. Glancing over she had turned her head to look at me, with a tentative hand she raised her palm to my face. I didn’t say anything as I leaned my cheek against it, silently giving her permission to touch me. When I moved my head away the song was ending and as K-Ci and JoJo crooned I sang along.
“All my life, I prayed for someone like you. Yes I pray that you do love me too”
Shifting my face I placed a kiss on her palm before looking over to see the tears in her eyes but she didn’t say anything. In all honesty no words were needed; the look I was getting said it all. The next few songs kept the same steady beat and at times I sang along but for the most part I just wanted her to enjoy the experience, letting Bella be immersed in the words and the sensations cursing through her. The last song Bon Jovi’s ‘In These Arms’ was the most intense and spoke of what I hoped for our future.
I wanted to stand in the sun and make promises to each other. I wanted to hold her forever and make everything alright because I needed her more than I ever needed anything. She told me earlier I was her injichaag, her soul mate the one who makes her everything she is, the funny thing was that was exactly how I felt. Bella articulated her feelings through her words, I used the songs to say the same thing and she understood.
We were just hitting Lincoln City when the last song finished. Not wanting the next list to begin, I quickly turned off the I-pod before giving Bella my attention. “Did you like your gift nâhtötse?”
“Yes, it was beautiful, Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I can assume that the toy added to the experience” The blush on her face was all the confirmation I needed but she answered.
“Yes Sir. It felt like the music was pulsing through me, like I could feel the words infusing into my soul. Is…” Bella stopped short making me wonder, “Is what? Finish what you were going to ask.”
It took a moment before she spoke whether from gathering her thoughts or from uncertainty I wasn’t sure.
“Is that all…is that what the vibrator is for, to feel the beat?”
Trying hard not to grin so that I gave nothing away I answered with a simple, “No.”
Once we were alone in the room she was going to find out exactly what the toy could do and the wondrous joys the infusion into her soul could bring. In the mean time, I had answered her question and there was no time for any more as we pulled into the parking deck of the Inn at Spanish Head Resort. It was a large complex with seven floors directly on the beach with all the amenities that one would expect. As far as I knew no one from the family had ever stayed here; yet with Alice’s discriminating tastes I was sure that it would be beyond satisfactory.
I parked in a regular space rather than in the temporary office area. I would have to get ahold of my mother to see what she had planned; however, the more time that Bella and I had alone the better, so I didn’t want to waste a second having to move the car again. The ocean breeze was the first thing that hit me when I opened the door, it was warm out but the air was cool making me wonder if sitting out with only a bathing suit on was going to be possible.
Opening Bella’s door I took a second to put her seat up and fix the one button I had undone before taking her hand to help her out. She smoothed the wrinkles in her skirt as best she could but it didn’t really help. That was ok because before the evening was over that skirt was going to need dry cleaning.
Unable to wait any longer my arms wrapped around her waist pulling her close to me as my mouth found hers. Her lips were dry and I wasted no time in making them moist, running my tongue across the fullness of her bottom lip. The faint taste of her juices was still there and if I thought tasting her essence off my fingers was good, savoring the flavor off her lips was sublime.
The tang hit my taste buds with a delicate mix of her breath and I wanted more, I wanted all of her, right then and there. Bella’s hands gripped onto my forearms clinging to me as I captured her moan in my mouth making me groan in answer. I felt her hip brush against my dick sending bolts of energy through me. The animal inside was screaming for release but I had to push him down with a promise that it wouldn’t be too long of a wait. Pulling my head back I looked into Bella’s face; her eyes were closed to the brightness making her look angelic with the sun creating red highlights in her hair that I had not seen before. She was beautiful and for a second I felt almost guilty about what I had planned to do to her, and then she opened her eyes.
“Master, please?” The deep dark brown lust filled eyes of my slut were back and along with her words were pleading with me to take her.
“All in good time nâhtötse” I told her running my hands across her bottom.
On the outside my words sounded cool and patient, on the inside my dick and blood pressure was screaming for me to hurry the fuck up.
Bella reached in the car to get her purse and I told her to grab the I-pod because in my haste to get out I had forgotten it. Popping open the trunk all I needed was our two suitcases and my black tote bag. Bella came to the back of the car and I asked if there was anything else she wanted. Reaching in, she took out the small paisley bag with our toiletries and two bottles of water from the case that I always kept back there. Satisfied that we had everything I shut the trunk and we walked to the lobby.
It was a big bright colored room with a large circular desk in the middle that was constructed of varies mosaic tiles. The guy behind the desk, whose name tag declared him to be Carl, was in his early-twenties wearing the standard outfit of black pants, white shirt and tie. I assumed that this was not his chosen profession and that he was a college kid who was working a job for the summer. He really wouldn’t have struck me as someone to remember except that from the moment we stepped through the glass doors he couldn’t take his eyes off Bella’s boobs.
That wouldn’t normally bother me except that we stood there in front of the desk for a few seconds while he openly gawked. Not that I blamed the kid one bit, the three remaining open buttons showed off her cleavage and besides that, Bella was aroused. That fact was plainly obvious as her nipples protruded through the light weight shirt. The problem was I wanted to get into our fucking room so I could play with those nipples and everything else that came along with them.
Clearing my throat to get Carl’s attention I watched in amusement as he stammered at being caught ogling my woman. “Cullen.”
“E..e..excuse me?” poor Carl, I felt bad for him.
“The name is Cullen, we have a reservation.”
Carl looked at me like he was lost for a moment before his senses returned, “Oh…right away sir.”
When Carl starting typing into the keyboard Bella looked at me through her lashes and snickered, her enjoyment of the situation made me grin, she really was a devil in disguise.
Carl kept his eyes on the computer monitor scrunching his face like there was a problem while he spoke “We have several Cullen’s, ummm…”
“Edward,” I answered before he could ask.
“Yes Sir…ummm…” his eyes shot to Bella quickly then back to the monitor, “…you have a one bedroom … um…all I need is a credit card.”
Bella moved quickly to place her purse on the desk, taking out her wallet while I groaned. She shot me a look that shut me right up, “We had a deal.”
“I know,” I said holding my hands up in surrender, “and just because I agreed doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“I don’t care if you like it, suck it up,” she said holding out her Visa Card for Carl.
“Oh…you’re the one going to be sucking it up.” I said with a soft growl against her ear but from the look we got I was sure Carl over heard me, Bella however shrugged with smugness, “Promises. Promises.”
The grin on my face increased as I looked back at Carl who was staring at us with a blank expression. Raising my eyebrows he looked down at his hand seeming to remember that he had a job to do. He typed a few more things into the computer then swiped the card through the machine, looking back at Bella he questioned, “Do you want place all four nights on the card as well as room charges?”
I spoke up before Bella could answer, “Is it possible to pay for the room charges separate when we check out?”
“Yes Sir. I just need to keep a credit card on file but all charges can be paid at check out,” Carl seemed to have gotten his composure together because he sounded a lot more professional all of a sudden. In any case I was glad about the separate billing. Paying for the room was one thing and if it made Bella happy, I could accept it. However, I had already charged items to the room and there was no way I was going to let her pay for it.
Carl gave Bella back her credit card and some papers to sign just as the elevator doors behind us opened to familiar voices.
“Uncle Eddie!” Vinny yelled running into my leg.
“Hey buddy, what are you doing here?” I asked in a shocked tone while ruffling his hair.
“We’re staying at the beach with you.”
“Ohhh…well then I think this vacation just got a whole lot better.”
“Hello Bella dear,” My mother said kissing her cheek before making small talk by asking how the drive was.
“Augh,” Bella kind of groaned while letting out a gust air. “It was long, but good.”
Good? Only good?
I stood there taking in the description of our drive feeling rather dejected at her choice of words when it dawned on me, my mother was so intent on my girlfriend that she didn’t even say hello to me. “What am I chopped liver?”
Both women looked at me like I was the rude one. Leaning down I kissed mom’s cheek, “Hello mother, I know I’m only the person who came along with Bella, but it’s nice to see you anyway.”
Mom tisked placing both hands on my face pulling it down to kiss my forehead. “Hello Edward, it’s good to see you too.”
“Oh Nooo…You can’t sway me with second rate mommy kisses. I see where my place is,” I told her with mock scorn then pouted, “that’s ok, the complex will probably only last a year or two.”
“Oh Edward hush,” mom said, lightly slapping my arm while Bella giggled.
The elevator chimed again opening the doors to let Alice out. Her hands were full with towels, a swimming ring and goggles but that didn’t stop her from hugging Bella.
I looked down at Vinny who was watching the women –for lack of a better word- cackle. “Do you see what happens when you get a girlfriend? It’s like us men don’t even exist.”
Vinny nodded his head once in agreement, “Yeah, who needs them?”
“Well I wouldn’t go that far, girls are good for some stuff.”
“Yeah…” he agreed then asked, “like what?”
“Well…they are really good at cooking dinner.” What else was I supposed to say?
Vinny scrunched up his little face in contemplation but didn’t get to answer as Alice broke in, “Edward, would you stop warping my son?”
“I’m not warping him.”
Vinny agreed, “Uncle Eddie’s not whooping me.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at the little man, Alice didn’t find it funny and thankfully Carl saved me by calling Bella’s name. While she was signing the slip and getting the key cards for our room, my mother eyed me with suspicion.
“Edward, please tell me you are not making Bella pay?”
I rolled my eyes while Bella handed me a key card to the room informing me the room number was three-fourteen. Then like the savior she was, explained our deal to my mother who didn’t seem any happier about it than I did, but kept her opinion to herself. That was one of the things I loved about my mom, she only intruded in our private lives when asked to, never making her view known unless it was solicited.
Vinny started whining about going to the pool, tugging on Alice’s arm while mom said that she had made dinner reservations for seven-thirty in the hotel restaurant. Looking at my watch I realized that we had less than two hours - my plans were still on but we had to get moving. After another round of hugs and I’ll see you laters, Bella and I headed towards the elevators. Before the door opened Alice yelled through the lobby. “Oh and Bella, you should never wear linen in the car, it wrinkles like crazy.”
“I’ll try and remember that,” she mumbled looking up at me with the most adorable blush on her face.
Inside the elevator my eyes stayed on Bella waiting to see if she would need to be brought back into a submissive mind frame and I was happy when she continued to stay quiet with her eyes lowered and remained that way until we stepped into our room.
“Wow,” was all Bella said and I had to agree with her.
Alice had outdone herself; the room was more like an apartment painted in a soothing light green color. The large living room contained comfortable off white upholstered furniture that consisted of a couch and loveseat facing a dark wooden armoire that stood between two low back dark green chairs. In the center of the grouping on the coffee table sat the bottle of wine in the ice bucket along with the chocolates I had ordered.
The dark green drapes were open giving a spectacular view of the ocean off the balcony and providing enough natural light to make the dark wood of the kitchen cabinets on the right side of the room gleam. The main area contained two doors one to the bathroom that housed a two person tub and separate tiled shower with a waterfall spray overhead and six different water ports jetting from the walls.
We were definitely going to make good use of that.
The bedroom was painted the same green color with the bed covered in a plush off white comforter with accents of dark green that matched the drapes. All the other furniture was dark wood except for the two high back upholstered chairs that created a small seating area in front of the large picture window that looked out over the ocean. In the far corner of the room was a door that I assumed to be a closet because the only other door was open giving us access to the bathroom. Sitting in the middle of the dresser in front of a large wall mirror was a crystal vase containing the yellow roses I had arranged for Bella.
When she seen them her eyes lit up and I could tell that she wanted to touch them but held herself back. “Go ahead nâhtötse, they’re yours.”
Bella put her face up to the bouquet taking a deep breath of the sweet scent before she picked up the card that was folded in front of them. She read the words I had requested to be written, it was a quote that I thought to be very appropriate. Looking at me she still was unsure what I would allow so I made it easy for her, “Do you like them?”
She blinked her eyes several times, “You spoil this one Master.”
I wiped the single tear from her cheek, “It brings be pleasure to spoil you nâhtötse, but you didn’t tell me if you like them or not.”
“This one loves them, thank you, they are her favorite.”
I knew that
We had left everything out in the other room when we came exploring and it might have been the proper thing to unpack however I had other plans. Taking a look around the room my eyes settled on the wooden oval floor mirror and ideas took on another dimension.
“Do you have something you can quickly put your hair up with?” it would be better if she did but I didn’t want to waste time while she dug through her luggage.
“Yes Sir.”
“Good…” my demeanor was calm but my dick was doing the happy twitch as I gave her instructions, “Go into the bathroom, fix your hair, then meet me in the other room.”
“As you wish.” While Bella went out into the other room to get what she needed, I took the mirror with me.
Picking up the black tote my mind started making a check list of everything I would need. By the time I had the bag on the kitchen table I was able to gather everything rather quickly. Being able to lay my hands on each item as swiftly as possible was one of the reasons why I don’t require Bella to put my things away. I want to know what I have and where it is at any given moment. For safety reasons I need to know that I have everything that could be needed and that it is in tip-top shape. Nothing is put away either in the travel case or in the playroom that needs to be replaced or repaired. That is my responsibility and I take it very seriously.
With everything ready I had a few moments to get my bearings before Bella presented herself. Her hair was up as I requested but it didn’t seem to be very secure, that was alright it only had to remain out of the way until I had her in position.
“I need the I-pod Isabella.”
While she got that out of her purse I opened the armoire hoping that there was a docking system, I had a portable I-home but the toy would work better with the proper sound system - like the Bose Wave that was perched on the shelf above the TV.
Ah…Alice I love you
Bella stood at my side in a perfect stance holding the I-pod out, “Isabella kneel.”
I knew that our time was limited but I had to get myself together, my mind was going in all different directions and if I didn’t get centered then I needed to call the session off. It’s not like I was planning anything dangerous like suspension or a harsh whipping; yet any D/s play holds an air of danger that requires total focus. At that moment (due to haste and eagerness) my concentration was lacking which was very unsafe for both of us, and since I was introducing something new I had to be exceptionally vigilant.
Leaving Bella on her knees I moved a few feet away, watching her shoulders move with each breath she took. With her hair up and the clothing she had on it put me in mind of a virtuous secretary, taking a deep breath my mind ran through the scene one more time. Satisfied that I had myself under control and it was safe to let the dominate creature inside me loose, I approached Bella.
Standing directly behind her with my knees practically touching her back I gazed down waiting to see if she would falter. When she didn’t, I took the moment to move one of the low back chairs over by the kitchen table. The sound must have gotten Bella’s attention because I could see her head shift slightly like she was trying to look over her shoulder. That actually made me grin with happiness because it’s always more fun when she’s slightly disobedient.
No one likes a perfect submissive
“Do you have a kink in your neck or are you being nosey again?” My words came out harsh but they worked as her head immediately went back into position.
Smiling at her reaction I took two throw pillows off the couch and walked into the bathroom to get a towel. With the chair set up my attention once again turned to Bella. Picking up the black nylon collar that I bought her in Victoria I moved to stand in front of her with the length of the dog collar hanging in front of her face so she could see it. There was a slight deep intake of air yet no other reaction was shown.
“Open your mouth Isabella,” as she did what I said my voice became stern, “Wider.”
With her mouth open I placed the collar between her lips, “Hold that.”
Taking the I-pod from her hands I looked through the play list until I found the one I was looking for. Possessing Bella was exactly like the one in the car except the music was more robust with a hard beat that grew to a nonstop intensity. Where the play list in the car was meant to stimulate - this one was designed for one purpose – heightened pleasure. She said that the toy provided her with a feeling like the music was infusing into her soul allowing her to feel it going through her. That sensation was going to be increased tenfold to the point where the gag would be necessary because I didn’t think she would be able to remain quiet enough.
Tipping her chin up with the pad of my thumb Bella’s wide brown eyes looked at me like a doe caught in the head lights. There was some apprehension there; however, most of what I saw was excitement, but before continuing there was something I needed to know.
“It’s almost six o’clock Isabella, that means our usual is over.” I couldn’t help the satisfied grin that came over me at her obvious disappointment. “I’m willing to extend our scheduled conclusion for another hour however I won’t do it without your permission. So tell me now, do I have your consent to continue?”
“Yes Master,” the words came out around the collar she held between her teeth
Raising one eyebrow as if I was surprised by her answer, “Very well. Stand up.”
Taking my hand Bella got to her feet while I moved my head from left to right eyeing her appearance, “I think we need to show a little bit more skin nâhtötse.”
Pulling the bottom of her shirt out of the waist band my fingers set to unfastening the small white buttons. With each one more of her skin was visible and I made a point of brushing it with knuckles as I went along. Bella’s breathing became heavier and once her shirt was completely open I let the two sides hang loose exposing just a hint of the lacy flesh tone bra she wore. Holding Bella’s gaze my hand moved down to slip under her skirt sliding up her legs where I tapped on the inside of her thighs. Knowing what I wanted she parted them as wide as her skirt would allow. My fingers separated her folds and plunged inside her sending the toy deep into her depth causing a loud gasp.
Momentarily widening my eyes in shock before narrowing them in disapproval I put on an air if irritation, “I’m going to let that go because I hadn’t told you to remain quiet, however don’t test my patience Isabella.”
Her eyes widened and even with the collar still in her mouth somehow or another she was able to bite down on her bottom lip. If I was going to get her to disobey it was now. Spreading open the two fingers inside her I told her to push the vibrator out. Holding on to the small of her back with my other hand to keep her steady I slowly worked the toy in and out of her. After a few passes I once again pushed it hard and fast deep up inside her, the gasp was more like a shuddering whimper as her muscles squeezed around my fingers.
“I’m going to have a problem with you this evening aren’t I Isabella?”
She gripped her lip tighter shaking her head with wide convincing eyes, but I wanted to hear her. Once again I had her push the toy out; this time I used my thumb working it over her clit while my fingers inside her wiggled the vibrator. It wasn’t enough stimulation on either part to give her any satisfaction, in fact if anything it was an annoyance that she would have to endure. After a minute or two Bella shifted her hips trying to get more friction from my thumb, it was a reaction yet not the one I wanted. The hand that held onto her back came down on her bottom in a quick swat silently telling her to hold still.
Her body stiffened as she set her hips making her internal muscles tighten. It was now or never and I took the chance, plunging the toy once more. The strangled moan was more than I could have asked for.
“Alright Isabella, we’ll do it the hard way.”
Taking the nylon collar from her mouth I fastened it around her neck buckling it in the front. With that in place it was time to get the rest of her in position. Walking over to chair I called her over to me where I put the padded wrist restraints on both hands making sure that the clips were on the inside of her wrist, before having Bella sit down. The two pillows were behind the small of her back causing her to sit forward on the seat, giving me easier access. With her sitting I squatted down to put on the ankle restraints making sure the clips were facing back. When all four limbs had their restraints in place I double check their placement making sure of proper fit.
Satisfied that everything was alright and while I was still squatted down I worked on getting Bella’s lower body the way I wanted it. Taking ahold of her right leg I lifted under her knee draping it over the arm of the chair. Using the small length of rope I made a slip knot on the end to attach an “S” hook which I connected to the clip on the back of the ankle restraint. With that in place I moved back to the front of the chair giving Bella the once over. She looked rather uncomfortable and her skirt was hindering her legs from being opened any further. That was an easy fix.
With one leg already lifted off the seat it was easy to slide the material of the skirt up over her thighs letting it gather around her hips. With that done I draped Bella’s left leg over the other arm effectively opening her center. Before moving to the back of the chair to secure her I removed the vibrator, I had been playing with it and I wanted to make sure that it was properly placed to give her the optimum effect. Taking it out I was glad I did as it was backwards; sliding it back into place my eyes went to Bella’s. She seemed very intent on watching what I was doing.
Sometime I will have to explain to her that setting up the scene correctly is all part of the buildup. It’s like foreplay for both of us. For her it’s arousing because she’s losing her freedom and for me because with every little detail I’m gaining more control. That discussion would come later, for the moment I held her gaze while my thumb did a figure eight around her clit and opening after a few passes I gripped her clit applying more pressure while I watched her jaw clench. The tighter I pinched the more her bottom tried to retreat away from the pressure.
“Hold still,” the force from my fingers eased slightly then squeezed firmly making her breath hitch and I could see her internal muscles clench together yet she held still. I could have teased her a little longer however time was wasting.
Moving to the back of the chair I pulled on the rope that was attached to her right ankle drawing her leg back. The rope was wrapped around the end of chair anchoring it before wrapping it around the other side and creating another slip knot with an “S” hook that I had to pull taunt in order to attach it to the clip on the other ankle restraint. Standing up I looked down at my work satisfied, Bella was spread open exactly how I wanted her.
Taking the adjustable spreader bar I fed it through the ring of the collar that was on the back of her neck, leaving it there until I got the gag in place. It was the first time Bella had worn one so I picked a solid ball with a smaller circumference.
“Open your mouth,” I told her bringing the black rubber ball in front of her face.
As she complied the gag was put in place then securely buckled behind her head. The straps against her cheeks needed to be checked, making sure that they weren’t too tight; the last thing I wanted was for Bella to have chafe marks. Pleased with both the placement and the tension, I brought her wrists up attaching the clips on the restraints to either end of the spreader bar, effectively holding her hands in place. There was still some movement afforded on her part but not much. I didn’t need for her hands to be immobile, just out of the way. Checking her wrists once more it was time to explain how to safe word with the gag on.
Placing my hands on her shoulders I firmly pulled Bella back to lean against the chair inclining her body. Taking in the expression on her face I couldn’t tell what was going through her mind. “Are we good here Isabella?”
The nod was tentative making me wonder, “Are we on yellow?”
Bella’s eyes grew wider and I could see the fear creep in as her head bobbed once. Holding her gaze I needed to get her accustomed to the gag before I could continue. Cupping her chin my fingers skimmed along the strain of her jaw. “Relax your mouth Isabella, don’t bite down.”
As she complied I went on speaking with a calm clear voice, “Close your eyes nâhtötse, breath in through your nose, nice easy breaths. The ball isn’t that big…let the breath out of your mouth around the gag,” pleased with what she was doing I continued to stoke along her jaw line. “Say ‘Ah’ Isabella.”
The sound was muffled yet still audible, “See nâhtötse, the gag only mutes the noise it doesn’t stop it and it doesn’t impede your breathing at all.”
There are gags that will do both; however this one is more for effect than anything else. The other gags are something that we will work up to, slowly, like with the canes, which was a whole other challenge. At the moment I needed to know that there and then Bella was alright.
“Open your eyes Isabella,” as she obeyed I could tell that she was a whole lot more comfortable, yet I needed to hear it. “Are we good now?”
I watched her chest raise as Bella drew in a deep breath then nodding her head with confidence. I continued to watch her for a few more seconds debating with myself if she was alright or not. It seemed like her body had relaxed and the air of confidence that usually exudes from her was back so I trusted her word.
Taking the small red ball off the table I placed it in her right hand. “This is your safe word Isabella; since you can’t talk you drop the ball. Do you understand?” At her nod I had her do it once.
With the ball back in her possession I wrapped the black silk scarf around her eyes, knotting it on the side of her head. My hands ran down Bella’s shoulders separating the two sides of her open shirt tucking each one behind her back. Her whole torso was exposed allowing me to slide my hands over her rib cage, slipping them under the cups of her bra and releasing her breasts from the confines of the lacy material. With the way her body was inclined on the chair along with her breasts being thrust upwards in her bra she was perkier than normal. I would have loved to tease and play with her nipples until she begged me to let her cum however with a bit a regret I decided that would happen at another time.
The folded towel was placed under her bottom to protect the upholstery and then I positioned the mirror a few feet in front of her, tilting the top so that I could have a perfect view. The last things I did were remove my shirt, turned on the I-pod, and picked up the crop.
The first couple words of ‘Say Yes’ came through the speakers in a flawless tone making the vibrator hum. I started on the outside of her left leg using the flat end of the crop to skim the leather slowly up her skin, passed her stomach to her ribs circling her breast before moving slowly down the other side. The movement was deliberate, drawing out the desire in her as it danced across her skin to the pace of the music.
With each pass the leather came closer to her sensitive areas yet never touched the spots where she wanted it most. She tried to shift her hips and shoulders a few times but the slow steady pace continued. By the end of the song I was sure that the leather had gradually teased every piece of exposed skin and between the steady purr of the vibrator and my actions Bella was a wanton pile of need.
Sarah McLachlan’s ‘Possession’ came on next, starting with the same slow steady tempo that turned into a quicker beat. This time as the crop moved quicker over Bella’s skin I made sure to touch the spots I had missed and every now and then I flicked the leather quickly against her in time to the heavy pulse. The sound of the crop hitting her flesh along with the soft pink glow that her skin was taking on, spurred me to continue as my dick throbbed.
With each tap of the leather against her skin a muted sound came from Bella’s mouth as she felt the pain from the crop along with the vibration inside her. The list continued to play each song growing more potent, and as the beat picked up so did the strikes from the crop. By the time Creed’s ‘Bound and Tied’ started playing Bella was covered with sweat, the inside of her upper thighs were pink as well as the underside of both breasts.
Using the edge of the crop and going along with the rhythm of the music, I alternated between flicking her nipples in rapid secession to a sound slap directly over her clit. The muffled sounds coming out from around the gag became louder with the beginning cords of ‘Too Close’ making me even more painfully aware of my dick.
The beat was still strong and constant but the tempo allowed for me to sweep the leather across her outer lips before striking the top of her clit. It was relentless and each slap of the leather caused Bella to shamelessly cry out in need.
My own desire increased as I watched in the mirror as her hips rose opening herself wider while she tried to meet the crop. I could tell that Bella was close and it wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge. The muscles in her stomach rippled with tension while her erratic breathing was over shadowed by the muffled moans and her hips seemed to be in constant motion.
As the song came to an end bringing the start of ‘Unholy Love’ my left hand gripped the knot that held the scarf over her eyes removing it in one sweep. Dropping it to the floor I held on to the bar that was threaded through the collar making Bella lift her head. “Look.”
Bella’s eyes were wide as she took in her appearance in the mirror, her hair in total disarray, her face flushed, the angry pink spots that marred her sweat covered skin. The playroom is filled with mirrors, yet I don’t believe she had ever seen herself like this with her legs spread wide, revealing the puffiness of her slick center. This time she was not only going to feel it, she was going to see the wonder of her body.
“Watch Isabella,” I order while the crop came down over the top of her clit after a few rapid strikes, making her breathing even more erratic.
“Ask me Isabella,” my words were demanding as they came out among my own rough breaths.
Her eyes bore into mine in the reflection of the mirror, “I said watch!” the strike of the leather crop coming down hard on her sensitive flesh as my other hand gripped the closest nipple. The muffled scream from my fingers twisting the nub was countered by my order, “Ask me.”
The crop continued to rein down on its target as Bella screamed out a muffled, ‘please.’
“Ask me again!” I yelled pinching the nipple in my fingers while the crop moved faster to the beat as Bella cried out around the gag, “Pleeeeeaaaassssseeeeee!”
All I really heard was the ‘ease’ as I knew that the song was coming to a close. “Watch,” I ordered moving the placement of the crop down just a fraction to hit the precise spot several times. Bella stiffened as her eyes grew wider, I knew it was time, “Now Isabella.”
I counted the rapid strikes, it was on the eighth one when her body shook as she sucked in a deep breath while her thighs tightened so much her ass raised off the chair and she screamed out as she came, throwing her head back against the chair while the vibrator burst out of her onto the floor.
My fingers eased up on the hold they had on her nipple while I kept using the crop to the beat of the music letting her ride out the pleasure that was cursing through her. The initial scream had turned to constant moans and whimpers as her body came down. I would have given her time to come back to reality, however I was dealing with my own need and if I didn’t get my dick inside her soon, that fucker was going to explode.
Dropping the crop on the floor I unzipped my jeans part of the way so that I was able to bend down to unhook the ankle restraints from the ‘S’ hooks. Glad that from all of Bella’s movement the tension had loosened making it rather easy to release the clips. I didn’t waste time undoing her wrists as I lifted Bella from the chair turned us slightly and leaned her over the kitchen table. The height wasn’t exactly perfect but there was no time to worry about that. My pants were down around my ankles with my dick in my hand before I even stepped in behind her. There was no teasing as I lined myself up.
Bella moaned faintly around the gag and I groaned from the feeling of her warm wetness blanketed around me. She felt so fucking good I couldn’t help myself as I gripped her upper thighs, spreading her wider and pulling her body closer to me. My thrusts were urgent, I didn’t really care if she came again, this was all about Edward and I took what I wanted, hard and fast.
The first twinges started in my stomach as I faintly registered the last song on the play list and it wasn’t long before I felt her muscles clamp down on me in a fucking vice grip that I lost it. Shooting my cum deep inside her with such force my fucking legs buckled. The rush of my orgasm was so strong I was dizzy as my upper body collapsed onto Bella’s back.
“Fuck baby…” I said through heaving breaths kissing whatever part of her skin I could reach, “…that was so fucking worth the wait.”
All I heard was a groan and I realized that I was probably crushing her. Moving to stand my head was still dizzy and my legs felt like fucking jello while another moan came from Bella as I pulled my deflating dick out of her. She laid face down on the table with her wrists still bound, her feet flat on the floor and her legs spread with her bottom sticking up in the air.
Moving to the side of the table I worked to unbuckle the gag, pulling the ball from her mouth I didn’t have to tell Bella to flex her jaw, it was automatic. Next I unclipped her wrists massaging the muscles in her upper arms before bringing them down alongside her body and gently unclasping her hand to reclaim the red ball. Bella had such a grip on it that her fingers were white from the effort it took to not drop it. Once the spreader bar was removed from the clip in the collar I brushed the hair out of her face with my fingers.
“Are you alright nâhtötse?” I asked waiting for her eyes to open.
Bella nodded, “yeah, I’m tired, hungry, and I have to pee.”
“That’s a whole lot of things you have going on,” I said with a chuckle lifting her shoulders from the table so she would stand. “Go to the bathroom, I’ll take the rest of the stuff off of you in there.”
She padded lazily to the bathroom while I picked up the vibrator off the floor, reaching the door she groaned loudly as if in pain. “What’s the matter?”
“There’s man goo dripping out of me.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, “I think it’s a mixture of goo.”
“Whatever it is, it’s gross,” she grumbled while I laid the toy on a paper towel on the counter to clean off later.
The bathroom door was only half closed and as I walked by putting the chair away I called in, “I thought you like my goo?”
“Not running down my leg,” Bella answered over the water running in the sink.
Since she had obviously finished peeing I opened the door all the way, going into the large bathroom to remove the rest of my equipment from her body. “We don’t have much time Bella, why don’t you shower quickly while I finish cleaning up?”
While she showered I got everything back into its rightful place before showering myself. I had opened the bottle of wine and we each had a glass while we dressed. There are some things that I really appreciate about Bella - and her ability to get ready in a hurry is one of them. She is not one of those women that require an hour to do her hair and makeup. Twenty minutes later we were heading out of the door and she looked gorgeous, wearing a simple dark grey short sleeve dress with a high waist that swooped around her neck showing off my collar. The length came to just above her knees and with the black heels that showed off her pretty pink toe nails she looked perfect for a family dinner.
I finished the wine in my glass while Bella picked up her purse and we left to go downstairs. When we got out into the hallway Emmett and Rose were coming out of the room two doors down from us. After the hellos and customary female hugs, the four of us walked together towards the elevators. The doors dinged letting us know that it had arrived. Bella was talking to Rose about how big her belly had gotten while Emmett made us all laugh as he took credit for his potency.
“How was Forks?” Emmett asked as the elevator descended.
“Wet,” I answered truthfully.
My brother scrunched up his face in disgust, “I didn’t ask how little Bella was.”
The gasp from my girl was loud, “I can’t believe you just said that. I thought we had a deal Emmie!”
“Alright…alright…but I couldn’t resist.” He laughed while Bella rolled her eyes as we walked out into the lobby area. “Seriously, how was it?”
I knew exactly what my brother wanted to know. His question centered on James, it wasn’t a subject I wanted to talk about right at that moment so I appeased him by telling him that we had a nice time. More hellos and hugs were exchanged as everyone gathered together. We only waited a few minutes to be seated which was good because like Bella, I too was hungry. We followed the hostess through the small restaurant to an area set up for us back in the corner by two walls of windows that looked out onto the ocean. The sun was half-way set creating a beautiful scene which I admired while holding out Bella’s chair; she said a thank you as she sat down.
“You’re welcome nâhtötse” leaning down to place a kiss on her head before taking my seat next to her. Bella had a grin on her face as she watched me, “You really like that word.”
“Yes I do,” I assured her. I did like that word and planned to use it all the time.
The waiter handed out menus along with the wine list, then took drink orders. When he left, the table was fairly quiet and while everyone decided what they wanted to eat my attention went to Bella. “What are you hungry for nâhtötse?”
“Hmmm…I was thinking the Cod?” looking at the menu it was coconut macadamia nut crusted with a coconut curry sauce, all those flavors and textures were so Bella. “Sounds like that’s right up your alley.”
We decided to share the crab cakes in a sweet mustard sauce for an appetizer and I settled on the pan seared rib eye. When the waiter came back with the drinks everyone was ready to order, and when he walked away Vinny who was seated on the end of the table yelled, “Uncle Eddie how comes you didn’t come swimming with us?”
All eyes turned to me waiting for an answer including the woman who was my willing partner in detaining me, “Ahh…Aunt Bella was tired and needed a nap.”
“Ohhh…grandma had to leave because grandpa needed a nap too,” the eyes that were on me went to my parents. My mom coughed in her water glass and dad had a smug smile on his face.
Vinny however was on a roll, “Daddy wanted to take a nap but mommy said No, he had to wait until later.”
“Ah…Vinny here, I brought your cars.” Alice worked quickly to get his little mind on something else, that seemed to work as he became involved in running the car over his sister’s arms.
“How was Forks?” My dad asked while I took a drink of wine.
“It was good, we were busy the whole time but it was fun.”
My mother was the next one who had a question which she asked with a hopeful tone, “Did you get along well with Bella’s father?”
I thought about how I was introduced to Chief Swan and snickered at how everything worked out before answering, “Yes, he’s a very nice man. Everyone was very nice.” Catching Emmett’s eye I could tell that he really wanted to know more, however mom wasn’t done.
“When can we meet him?”
Mom’s question caught me off guard; it hadn’t dawned on me that they should meet. Looking to Bella I wondered if she was thinking the same thing and I answered, “They will all be coming to Seattle in two weeks…”
“All?” dad wondered.
“Ummm…It’s my sister’s baby shower so everyone will be staying over.”
“We’re going to have a full house, Bella’s brother Seth is staying with us and Quil and Claire…”
“They’re staying with us?” Bella questioned.
“Yes nâhtötse,” with the drive and our extra activities in the room I must have forgotten to tell her that. “He asked if it would be alright this morning at the diner.”
Bella nodded while Emmett asked, “Did you learn a new language Eddie?”
Bella giggled, I suppose at the name Eddie, while I answered with narrowed eyes, “Just a few words and phrases.”
“What does that mean? Na…what did you say?” my mom wondered.
“Ahhh…” usually I was quick with an answer, however for the life of me I could not think of one. I didn’t think my mother would appreciate me going around calling Bella my pet. Although I did know at one time it was fashionable, I’m sure it didn’t hold the same connotation as it does now. Bella didn’t help at all as she looked at me expectantly. When I didn’t answer Jasper had to put in his two cents, “It’s probably a naughty word Esme.”
“Yeah mom, one you can only define by looking it up on Urban Dictionary,” Emmett commented while Bella finally spoke up,
“It is not naughty.”
My mom was waiting for an answer which Bella started, “nâhtötse means…” searching my brain for a synonym for pet I finished her sentence, “…literally it means my precious or my cherished one.”
Those words made both my parents smile while Emmett groaned, “Ohhh…little brother. I never thought I’d see the day when you got all sappy.”
“You let him alone,” Mom came to my defense. “I think that is very sweet Edward.”
The waiter brought the appetizers as the conversation switched topics to what we were doing tomorrow. It was a nothing day of sitting on the beach or around the pool. By the time our meals came Alice was in full-on explanation of all the work she had been doing getting ready for the Anniversary party coming up on Saturday. Explaining in detail about the outfits she had made for some of the club members. Mom talked about the charity event her and dad had gone to on Friday night and before we knew it the coffee was being served.
“Edward are we watching the Lakers tonight?” Jasper wanted to know.
I had forgotten that the NBA finals had started and game two was being played tonight.
“I’ll bring the beer,” Emmett added.
My room was always the place where the men would gather during family vacations because I was always alone. There wasn’t anyone to wake up or intrude on guy time but since I had Bella with me I didn’t know what to say as they both waited for an answer. I didn’t just want to say it was alright without having her approval yet to them it was a nightly ritual.
“Do you mind if they come up to watch the game?”
Bella shrugged at my question, “No it’s ok, you all can watch your hoopy’s.”
“Hoopy’s?” Emmett questioned while I wanted to know, “Are you sure?”
It didn’t seem like Bella was opposed to the idea and we really didn’t do anything except watch a game and sit around and talk.
“Yes, I’m sure.” Emmett and Jasper seemed to be glad about that, I on the other hand felt off for some reason.
We paid our bill and as everyone was leaving the men all said that they were going to change their clothes and meet in our room in fifteen minutes. Bella wanted to stop in the little store area to get a few things for the kitchen so after saying goodnight to the woman we bought coffee, milk, some cold drinks, and a few snacks. Getting on the elevator Bella was gibbering on about getting things to make breakfast, I had to stop her.
“Bella we are on vacation, we will either go out or order room service.”
“We have a full kitchen Edward…” she said it as if it should be obvious, “…why did we get a room with a kitchen if we’re not going to use it?”
“I think all the rooms here come with a kitchen. Besides nâhtötse we already did use it.” The blush on her face made me chuckle and before the doors opened I asked one more time, “Bella if you rather they don’t come to our room…”
“Nooo…Edward it’s fine really, you spend some male bonding time with your dad and bothers. I can watch TV in the bedroom and I really do want to start that book. Or, maybe I’ll spend some quality time in that bathroom.”
“That is a nice bathroom,” I agreed stepping out of the elevator. “We’ll have to conserve water and shower together.”
Emmett’s door opened as walked by and he told Bella that Rose wanted to talk to her for a minute. She handed me the bag of chips and pretzels she was carrying, gave me a kiss and disappeared with a promise that she wouldn’t be too long.
“Aro wanted me to tell you that Felix is running the auction on Friday. He figured that because of Bella you wouldn’t be interested.”
I nodded, “Aro was right.”
I had been in charge of the auction for the past four years. It requires a lot of hands on involvement with the participants who are being bid on. It was not something that I could see Bella being comfortable with me partaking in. In fact, I hadn’t even thought about going to the event, but it might be something that Bella would find interesting; I would have to think about it.
Opening the door to our room I put the two bags down on the table telling Emmett that I was going to change. We hadn’t unpacked so I looked through my suitcase taking out a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt; there was no need to dress any better. I heard the knock at the door as I came out of the bedroom. I thought maybe it was Bella but then realized she would have used her key. Jasper came in dressed much the same way I was, carrying another six pack and a bag of Sun Chips.
“Ahhh…Edward,” Emmett started while I picked up the bags off the table. “there is a little something on the counter you might want to put away before dad gets here.”
My eyes scanned the area – fuck, the vibrator – I had forgotten I left it there so that I could clean it later. The next knock at the door had me moving quickly to put the toy in the bedroom. Mom had sent dad down with chips and salsa and so I got out a bowl while putting the things in the bag away. Jasper had the doors to the armoire open and the TV on, the game was already in the second quarter, and just as I sat down Bella came back in. She stood next to my chair with one knee on the overstuffed arm while I wrapped my arm around her waist.
“Congratulations Emmett!” Bella’s voice was truly happy; however like me, my brother seemed unsure, “For what?”
“For your son.”
“Ohhh…did she show you the pictures?” he became animated while I wondered “It’s a boy?”
“Of course it’s a boy, as if my manliness could make anything else!” I rolled my eyes while my father laughed as he explained about the x and y chromosomes.
Bella got a sly grin on her face, “Roscoe uh?”
“She’s not naming my son Roscoe, that’s a fucking dog’s name!”
Bella laughed at his agitation while the rest of us grinned, “Well Rose says…”
“I don’t give a shit what Rose says, my son will not be named fucking Roscoe!”
Bella was in a total fit of giggles and I didn’t know why it was kind of comical the way Emmett was being so adamant but it wasn’t hysterical. All of a sudden Emmett seemed to be enlightened as his eyes widened, “Did Rose tell you?” he asked then accused, “She did!”
Bella was still laughing as her two hands came out in front of her she made a fist with one hand “Ros” and a fist with the other “Co” then made a yanking motion with her right hand and spoke in a high pitch tone through her laughter ‘beep…beep”
“Fuck you,” my brother mumbled as Bella wiped the tears from her eyes as she laughed while Emmett became indignant, “Our deals off, I just declared open season.”
I had no idea what caused that reaction in Emmett and apparently no one else did either because they were looking just as confused as I felt. It must have been something a whole lot worse than Bella calling him Emmie, if he was willing to call off their deal.
“Go to bed Bella,” Emmett grumbled before looking to me, “Send her to bed.”
“I’m going,” Bella waved her hand while she giggled but instead of going to the bedroom she walked over to the back of the couch wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug.
“I’m sorry Emmett,” the words came out seriously at first then the giggle returned. “It’s just so cute.”
“Yeah…yeah…yeah…I hear ya.”
Bella let him go stopping by me for a kiss before saying good night to everyone else. When she shut the door to the bed room our attention went to Emmett who grumbled, “fucking women, they tell each other everything…nothing is sacred.”
There was no way he was going to get away with not telling us what the fuck just happened. He sat there drinking his beer trying his hardest to ignore our gazes. “I’m not fucking telling you ok?”
I sat back taking a drink from the bottle with a shrug, “Bella will tell me later.”
Emmett narrowed his eyes at me while Jasper complained, “Well who’s going to tell me, because I want to know?” while dad wrinkled his nose, “I don’t want to know.”
It was clear that Emmett wasn’t going to tell us so we relaxed back into watching the second half of the game. Dad stayed until the end of the third quarter as soon as the door closed Jasper pounced. Emmett wasn’t going to have any choice but to tell, besides as I seen it Bella would spill anyway and I could just tell Jasper so it was better to hear it firsthand. Emmett sighed taking a long drink from a fresh bottle of beer before he began.
“It really is nothing, you know how they call a big slong a rosco?”
No…I didn’t know that
“You know…I roscoed the bitch,”
ok that I heard of it’s a slang word for slapping a girl in the face with your dick.
Emmett looked at me pointedly, “and by the way, she got it wrong. It’s not beep-beep it’s be-be…be-be-boz to be exact.”
He took another swig from the bottle, “So when I was young that was how I use to beat off.”
He said it so casually that it was humorous, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I would squeeze each ball then use the stroke to the beat in my head, ‘Ros-Co-be-be… Ros-Co-be-be… Ros-Co-be-be,” he chanted adding the hand motions, “until I bozzed. And why the fuck my wife has to go around telling people these things…”
“So why the hell does she want to name the baby Roscoe?” Jasper asked what I was thinking.
Emmett rolled his eyes looking even more annoyed “because she’s a hormonal lunatic and said that since the baby came from my balls it would be cute to name him Roscoe.”
I laughed while Jasper grinned then wondered, “Is she really bad?”
“Oh man Jaz, I’m tellin’ ya. I love Rosie, god only knows how much. But that woman is driving me crazy. One minute she’s laughing, then she’s crying she’s hot, she’s cold, she has to take an afternoon nap and then at two o’clock in the morning she’s waking me up to see if I want to play rummy. She goes from one extreme to the other.” My brother took another drink sighing deeply, “Now her big thing is sex, all she wants is sex, it’s like she can’t get enough.”
That’s a problem?
“I swear she’s going to wear me out!”
Jaz took a drink shaking his head with a knowing grin, “enjoy it while you can, because the sex will end real soon.”
“I feel the sucker moving around in there. It’s alive!” we both laughed at him but didn’t say anything as he went on complaining. “I’m serious, it moves all over the place…moving across Rosie’s stomach…it looks like a fucking Alien.”
“I take it you’re not enjoying the wondrous delights of pregnancy?”
At Jasper’s words Emmett’s face softened, “No it’s not that, I mean it’s pretty cool and I can’t wait for the little guy to get here, but someone needs to tell us men about all the shit we have to go through. It’s not easy dealing with this stuff especially when no one told you about it. The moodiness is one thing but the vomiting? We go out for a nice dinner at the tune of a hundred bill and she goes home to puke it up. And all the physical changes…”
I thought Emmett was talking about the round belly, bigger breast things like that so I was surprised when he leaned forward and spoke matter-of-factly.
“My wife if growing hair in places woman are not supposed to have hair. Her skin is getting these brown patches and there is something constantly dripping from her and don’t even get me started on all the shit she needs.”
“What does she need?” both of my brothers looked at me like I had just asked why the sky was blue.
“Clothing, pads, lotions and these bras with openings in them, that sounded pretty cool when Rose told me about them but let me tell you, they are not sexy…at all” Emmett shook his head taking another drink, “and what the fuck kind of asshole invented pregnancy underwear? I mean come on those things are like…”
“Granny panties?” I asked picturing something very unflattering
“Beyond that dude, I’m telling you these things are so big and reinforced that I could survive jumping out of a plane at twenty-thousand feet using them as a parachute,” we laughed at his expense because it was just fucking funny.
“It will be worth it,” my attempts at making him feel better fell a little short as he asked Jasper, “How long does all this shit last?’
“Depends on if she breastfeeds, hormone levels need to stay high for milk production.”
Emmett slumped back in defeat wondering, “So another year?”
Jasper and I looked at each other with a grin, “Don’t worry Emmett every other man has made it through, you will too.”
“I hope your right Jaz.”
Just then the bedroom door opened and a sleepy Bella came padding out walking towards the kitchen area. She had her hair up in a ponytail and was wearing a pink pajama set that consisted of shorts and a tank top. Taking the empty bottles, I followed behind her as she got a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. I could tell she had been sleeping from the groggy look in her eyes and the yawn that she suppressed with her hand.
“Did we wake you?” I asked setting the bottles in the sink. We had been laughing and I didn’t want to disturb her.
“No,” she yawned again bringing the back of her hand to her mouth.“I was reading and must have dozed off, when I woke up you weren’t there and my throat was really dry,” another yawn stopped her from talking, “hmmm…I’m sorry…I’m going back to bed.”
Nodding in agreement I yawn–because those things are addicting. Leaning down I kissed her forehead “I’ll be in soon nâhtötse”
Following Bella back into the living room I went to sit back down while Jasper stopped her before she went into the bedroom, “Alice will have a fit if she sees you in Victoria Secretes.”
Bella looked at him, “Alice makes stretch cotton?”
“No…” he laughed.
Bella shrugged, “Well you let me know when she does...” she yawned again before saying “good-night.”
They both said good-night to her and when she shut the door Emmett eyed me and after he yawned gave me a warning “You wait and see, that sweet little woman is going to get pregnant and she’ll turn into a raging hormonal crazy person.”
The twinge of sadness overcame me as I realized that may be something that never happens. They must have seen the shift in my mood as they looked at me with narrowed eyes. That however was our own private business and not something I was prepared to share, at least not at that moment.
Emmett looking to change the subject asked me again about Forks. I told him about James coming up to me outside of the diner and what had happened at the bar. Explaining that I thought James was an arrogant fuck who seemed to enjoy causing as much misery as he could. Both of them were shocked at Bella’s response to him, however after a moment of thought Emmett leaned forward putting the empty bottle on the table.
“Bella is a whole lot stronger than you thought, she would have to be or else she would have ended up in the loony bin sucking down anti-depressants to make it through the day.”
Thinking about his words it was a simple statement yet so very true. I knew that her submission to me gave her strength but I also knew that it was there all along, her quiet strength that helped her cope.
We talked a little bit more about what occurred over the weekend along with our trip to Victoria. Emmett filled me in on some of what occurred at the club while we were gone. There were a few things that I would have to inform Bella about but it was all for the better and hopefully it would make us going there more enjoyable.
By the time we finished talking the game had ended and they both left shortly after, leaving me to clean up the small mess. Putting the extra lock on the door, I turned out the lights and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Bella had left the small light by my side of the bed on while she slept peacefully under the blankets. Taking off my shirt I turned off the light as I slid under the blankets curling myself around a naked Bella. She wiggled before turning in my arms and tucking herself against my chest. Kissing the top of her head I whispered a good-night, smiling as she tilted her head slightly to kiss under my chin.
“You’re naked nâhtötse, were you waiting for me?” my hand moved down the length of her spine making her snuggle in closer to me.
“Yeah, but I fell asleep,” she sounded exhausted and I felt bad that she had tried to wait up. “I’m sorry baby, I should have kicked them out…”
Shaking her head she protested, “No…you need to spend time with them.”
As the words ended she yawned against my chest. “You’re tired baby, let’s go to sleep”
“I’d wake up and show you how much I love you.”
Her words made me smile, “I’ll tell you what, I’m tired too, how about we both go to sleep and in the morning I’ll show you how much I love you?”
Her head settle into the spot where it just seemed to fit so perfectly as she hummed, “mmmm…deal.”
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