The muscles in my thighs ached from the combination of the tension I was holding along with the position my lower body was in. The spreader bar between my ankles held my legs open while the rope attached to the bar raised them high in the air. The stiffness came from the way my body seized up as the last orgasm overtook me. My arms stretched above my head left me at the mercy of my Master who had his head between my legs refusing to stop his torturous deeds.
Trying to squirm away was futile, the most I could do was thrash my shoulders about as Edward held my hips in a death lock. My body was one massive quivering tingle and every swirl of his tongue added to it. His fingers moving inside me only served to tease by not applying enough pressure while my cries and moans were muffled around the ball gag in my mouth. I wanted the ordeal to stop yet at the same time to never end.
His fingers moved more forcefully against me as I felt his thumb against my rear entrance causing me to moan against the rubber ball in my mouth while something touched my face. It was feathery soft making me jerk my head away. The wispy touch was back causing my attention to drift from what Edward was doing. Groaning in frustration my head jerked again to nudge it away, only to be met with the sound of laughter.
My arms were suddenly loose allowing me to swat at whatever was being such a nuisance. The laughter drew louder as I realized my legs were no longer restrained and my eyes fluttered open.
This time a real groan left my mouth as I realized that I had been dreaming. Edward laughed once more looking down at me from the bed.
“Good morning Isabella,” the twinkle in his eye made me wonder what he found so humorous as I stretched out on the surprisingly comfortable duvet that was my bed for the night. “Mmmm…Good morning Master.”
I wasn’t exactly sure how much longer we were going to stay in our roles but since he called me Isabella I thought it safer to use his title. The tug of the leash told me that was the correct assessment to make.
“Come up here sweet girl.”
It wasn’t a hard forceful tug but it did leave me no choice but to comply. As I moved, the soreness in my vag was very apparent, making me wince as it felt like my girly bits had participated in a triathlon – which I guess they did.
Lying on his side, Edward held the blanket up with one arm giving me a silent invitation to crawl in next to him. Snuggled into his side our legs entwined together while his strong, warm arms wrapped around my back holding me close to him. My head resting on his shoulder the smell of his skin flooding my senses. There was nothing that compared to his heady scent, it was intoxicating and I found myself inhaling deeply trying to draw more of it in.
Edward sighed kissing the top of my head, “I missed you in my bed last night.”
He didn’t mean it in a spiteful way it truly was meant as a statement of fact, but those simple words wounded me. Where last night I had been too exhausted to even think about why I slept apart from him. In the morning light I realized that my actions had not only kept me away from him, but also him from me. His words from the first time we sat in his kitchen came back to me.
‘Your punishments will inconvenience or deter in some form my enjoyment of you’, the tears I was too tired to shed the night before, came.
“No Isabella,” he held me a little tighter, placing another kiss on my head. “Don’t cry my pet.”
I sniffled, “Your girl is sorry Master.”
“I know she is.”
“You always say that,” at my words he pulled back tipping my chin up making me look into his soft green eyes.
“I say that because it’s true. You have come so far and advanced faster than I could have hoped, but you are still so new to this and still learning. That doesn’t even matter though, twenty years from now, if we’re still doing this, you’re going to mess up. That’s just a fact. Ask Jane, she still does something that earns her a punishment every now and then. So I know you’re sorry, if you weren’t sorry this would all be a game, and I don’t want to play games.”
He wiped the pad of his thumb under my eye catching the last of the moisture, “So no more tears Isabella. It’s over, it’s done, we move on with both of us learning from it. Right?” he asked with a hopeful smile.
I smiled back, “Right.”
“Good,” he announced tucking my head back against his chest. “Now, tell me about your dream.”
My face heated up and I wondered how he knew, then blushed even more as I realized that I must have been talking about it in my sleep.
“What dream?” I asked as innocently as possible while he once again tipped my chin up.
“Don’t play coy with me young lady. You were down there moaning and squirming so much that if I didn’t know you would be sore, I would have joined you and made that dream a reality”
Oh …I knew my sleep talking gave me away
Then something occurred to me, “How did you know I was sore?”
“Who was sore?”
I sighed at my own stupidity, Edward gave me strange look but I corrected my question, “Your girl, how did you know she was sore?”
Pursing his lips Edward leaned on his elbow looking down at me. “Isabella, give me a little bit of credit. You had a rope up against the most delicate tissue on your body for hours, add in all of the grinding you were doing…” my mouth dropped open at the words, “…of course you’re going to be tender. In fact, I’ll need to have a look at it, but first you’re going to tell me about that dream, because I’m afraid this collar,” he tugged on the leash I had forgotten was there. “will not be removed until you do.”
Oh my word….He’s such a cheater
I didn’t remember that being in the contract, using the status of my collar as a ransom to get information. I’m going to have to re-read that thing.
In the mean time Edward was waiting for my answer. He listened to the recounting of the dream with extreme interest; it was as if my subconscious was trying to tell him something. Which I suppose was completely feasible; from the look on his face something told me that my dream just might become reality.
Edward had me put my feet flat on the bed, spreading my knees so he could access my vag. Laying there on the bed looking up at the ceiling while he inspected every minuscule detail was humiliating, which is completely ridiculous considering that Edward has been up close and personal with that part of my anatomy on numerous occasions, but it left me feeling…weird. It was like going to the GYN lying there searching the ceiling for anything that would take my mind off of what was happening; probing the recesses of my mind to find something to talk about that would eradicate the uncomfortable feeling.
“Stay right there,” he said patting my leg before moving to get off the bed and heading into the bathroom. He was only in there a few seconds, coming back to the bed with a warm soft cloth which he laid against my core gently cleaning me.
“Is it bad?” I couldn’t help but wonder and thought about asking for a mirror so I could see for myself but Edward shook his head looking unconcerned. “No, I’m just going to clean it, put new ointment on, and you should be good as new by tomorrow.”
Ignoring the last comment I relaxed thinking about what I wanted to know. “Master may this girl ask you a question?”
“Go ahead,” he said not looking at me while opening the ointment.
“It’s about the dream,” his eyes moved to my face for a second before going back to what he was doing while I continued. “This one was wondering about the gag?”
“What about it Isabella?” the touch of his fingers applying the ointment felt so good I think I purred.
“You haven’t used one yet. Your girl was wondering why that was?” Maybe it was a stupid question. In all honesty the thought of being gagged worries me slightly, yet I know that for most couples a gag is fairly standard equipment.
Edward patted my thigh, “All done. Take the ointment with you today, to reapply as needed.”
“Thank you Master.” Taking my hands he pulled me to a sitting position where he checked the side of my breasts for the rope marks that were no longer there. Leaning over he placed a kiss on my forehead.
“You’re welcome. We only have half an hour. So are you ready to remove this?” He asked running his finger over the black collar.
Giving him a small smile and a nod I told him ‘yes’ figuring that he wasn’t going to answer my question. Edward shifted his body to sit behind me and with my hair still in the braids it didn’t take him long to unfasten the buckle. When it was off I felt his lips on the back of my neck but not against my skin, it was on the locking mechanism of my silver collar. The kiss was a simple act that spoke volumes of his devotion to me and our relationship.
“We’re not ready for gags yet Bella, they will come in due time. For now it’s just you, me, and the control each of us has.” His head turned to the clock on the nightstand. “Let’s get ready, we’ll need to have our after session discussion in the car.”
I didn’t completely understand what Edward meant by the control thing and I figured that it was a moot point because he wasn’t going to elaborate any further, at least not at that time. Because of our bath the night before, going through my morning routine was quick. Fifteen minutes later I was dressed as Edward had suggested with my hair in a French Braid down the center of my back. He walked around picking up the ropes, toys, and other remnants of our session while I straightened out the bed along with removing the traces of my sleeping area.
Still having no clue as to what Edward had planned for the day, my curiousity only intensified when he told me not to bring my purse. He did however ask for my phone and ID which was put into a backpack along with the camera. Seth was ready to get outside, stopping three times to do his business before we got to the car. Edward wanted to get him settled into the doggy-daycare before we did anything else.
I was expecting some kind of a facility but it turned out to be in a woman’s house. There were two other dogs there, who after the initial sniff and greet didn’t seem to pay any attention to Seth. The woman, Kelly, who was in charge assured me that he would be fine but it was still hard to leave him there. I know he’s a dog, but he’s also my baby and I didn’t like leaving him with strangers.
“What if the other dogs are mean to him?” I asked Edward while he held the car door open for me.
I could see him trying not to laugh but his lips twitched giving away his amusement at my worry. “He’ll be fine Bella. You saw the other dogs; they smelled his ass and walked away. If there was going to be any fighting it would have happened then.”
“Well I don’t want them to ignore him either,” I said, voicing more concern while sitting in the seat pulling the belt over my shoulder.
“I’m sure that if any of the others are not completely polite they will go in time-out.” As he went to shut the door he added, “Maybe he’ll meet a bitch and get lucky.”
Gasping as the door shut I watched Edward walk around the front of the car chuckling to himself. I glared at him in disbelief while he put on his own seatbelt. “Are you trying to get my baby laid?”
“That costs extra Bella.” Unsure if he was serious or not I continued to glare until he laughed, “I’m kidding …I swear!” he added holding his right hand up while he continued to laugh. “Are we ready to go now, or do you want to go back in there and put some kind of chastity belt on him?”
I tisked, “I’m ready.” We did need to go but I couldn’t help watching the front of the house as we drove away.
Edward drove us towards the downtown area stopping in front of the Dutch Bakery. They had full sit down service, however due to our time crunch we each got a coffee and danish to go. It took a few extra minutes because of the variety they offered. Edward chose a simple apricot but I couldn’t make up my mind finally picking a mixed berry cheese which they warmed up. When we got down to the harbor we had twenty minutes to wait and my mouth was watering from the aroma of the sweet cake.
Edward took the lid off his coffee while I took a bite of the danish, moaning as the sweet gooey goodness melted in my mouth. The mixture of berries was a perfect balance between sweet and tangy with a thin layer of warm yummy cheese and sweet drizzle.
“MMMmmmmnnnn,” I think my eyes rolled to the back of my head. When I opened my eyes Edward was looking at me licking his bottom lip. “What?”
He kind of shook his head as if trying to come out of a daze before taking a drink of coffee. “Last night was good?”
“Uh huh,” I nodded as I swallowed. “Last night was great. I was a little worried when I saw the leash.”
Edward cleared his throat, “Well, you shouldn’t have been looking, your eyes are to remain down not searching the room.”
I sighed, “I know, but when you put it down on the table all I could think about was when you were going to put it on me.” He looked…stunned, so I figured it would be a good idea to explain. “Not that I wanted to walk around in public, and I will admit it panicked me a little, but it kind of excited me too.” Taking a drink of coffee I asked the question I really wanted to know.
“Sooo…is the leash only for when I have been…inattentive?” truly hoping that wasn’t the case but unsure because he had said something about keeping me under meticulous observation.
“No,” shaking his head. “Maybe I shouldn’t have introduced it under those circumstances but I thought it appropriate at the time. Besides, as I said, it’s to keep you close to me either in a physical sense or in a mental way.”
I understood what he was saying because although the leash kept me very close to him it was a still as if that piece of nylon was an extension of him. His hold on me, the control he held, his love and concern, all in one symbol that Edward held in his hand. That was kind of a strange revelation to me, one that I would have to reflect on later in the solitude of my journal.
The sound of his voice broke through my thoughts, “The restaurant?”
My face heated up as I thought about what happened, what I did and enjoyed so very much, like I was some kind of depraved sexual deviant. My blush made Edward chuckle as I felt the back of his fingers run across my cheek, “You cannot imagine how much I love that blush.”
His words only making me heat up more while glancing at him bashfully and biting my lip. “The restaurant was great, the food was fantastic…”
I knew he wasn’t talking about the cuisine as he waited for me to say what he wanted to know. I said the first thing that came to my mind, “I didn’t yellow?” it came out like a question which Edward answered with a sly smile, “No, you didn’t. Why not?”
“I didn’t need to. You were there so I knew everything would be alright.” That was the best way for me to sum up what I was feeling at the time. That answer seemed to be the right one as a knowing grin formed on his face. I thought I would go on telling him about the apprehensions that I had.
“At first I was a little worried and I thought about saying ‘yellow’ especially when the waiter came over the first time, but then you talked me through that initial anxiety.” He nodded, eating the last bite of his danish, so I continued with my thoughts. “I will admit that if my chair would have been facing the other way and I had to actually see all those people,” I sighed at just the thought. “But since the only person I could see was you, it was easier to let myself go.”
And I did let myself go. I’d had an orgasm in public before – if the club counts as public – but Edward had been holding me then, talking me through it. This time he was there but I was on my own, left to my own devices to control myself. I certainly would not have wanted the whole restaurant to know what I was doing, but the fact that I was following my Master’s orders and pleasing him put everything in a different light.
Every time the bullet turned on an upsurge of desire ran through me and the shame of my immoral actions caused me to rub myself harder against the knot. It was daunting, exciting, and made me feel wicked in a way that I had never felt before. And I am ashamed to admit, even to myself, that by the end of the night I found myself wanting Edward to make me perform in front of the waiter. That last thought worried me because I wasn’t sure what that said about who I was, or more to the point who I thought I was.
Edward placed his hand on my knee, “What’s the matter?”
He reads me so well that I knew there would be no way I could avoid his question, and yet I needed a moment to get my thoughts together. Taking another bite of my danish, Edward gave me the time I needed but I still couldn’t look at him as I spoke.
“Do…is there …” I didn’t want to ask if he thought there was something the matter with me, so I just told him the truth. “I became so much more turned on when the waiter was at the table. I mean you were there, but when he came over it was like…” I looked at his face to see the reaction he had, “…my adrenaline spiked and…ahhh.” I actually moaned while talking about it because it was making my clit tingle at the thought.
“Bella,” he quickly looked at his watch and then back to me. “We’ve talked about this before. You’re an exhibitionist, that doesn’t make you sick or disgusting. It’s just who you are. That little bit of extra excitement you feel from someone being there, whether they are aware of what you’re doing or not, intensifies the experience. The act becomes so much more enjoyable; and let’s face it, there is no sense in doing something you don’t enjoy.”
Edward threw his empty coffee cup into the bag that had held the danishes. “That’s why we have these discussions Bella, to get your true reaction so that I know what you enjoyed and what you didn’t. If there was something that made you so uncomfortable to the point of you didn’t find any satisfaction in it at all, that would be an activity that I would need to rethink or back off and move slower with. It’s all about mutual pleasure and finding a baseline and building from that point. I’m not saying that you are going to be creaming in your panties over everything that we do. There are going to be something’s that you don’t find as pleasurable as others. But there should always be a small amount of enjoyment in every act. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“Yeah I do,” and I did.
Edward got out of the car and came over to open my door; I stepped out and into his open arms. He understood me in ways that I didn’t even understand myself, and found me acceptable. Edward made me feel whole, cherished, and unconditionally loved.
The thing that surprised me about that realization was that it didn’t scare me. I could give myself to him wholeheartedly, safe in the knowledge that he wouldn’t hurt me. I didn’t feel like I had to be constantly on guard worrying about him seeing the real me, because he’s seen me and loves me in spite of all the quirks.
My eyes were closed while I let the warmth of his embrace surround me and I became lost in the feel of his strength, the beating of his heart and the scent coming off his skin, then he tugged on my braid making me lift my chin. Edward’s eyes were a shade of emerald green staring into my soul; lifting up on my toes he tilted his head to meet my lips and his arms were still wrapped tightly around my back, pinning me to his body.
A small whimper left me at the feel of his tongue against mine. He tasted like coffee, apricots and Edward. He straightened his back to break the kiss but I wasn’t ready. My arms that had been against his chest wrapped around his neck and I practically climbed up his body to keep the connection. He had no alternative but to hold me tighter to him so I didn’t fall while our mouths worked against each other.
We kissed until I needed to come up for air. When we pulled apart both of us were breathless and there was a twinkle in his eye that told me I affected him the same way he did me. With a chuckle he set me back down, “Ahh…my little exhibitionist, what am I going to do with you?”
“Ummm…fuck me?” I asked with a hopeful grin, which Edward returned “Later…Come on, our bus should be here soon.”
With his arm draped around my shoulder we walked towards the harbor where the ferry comes in. Half a dozen people were standing there all dressed the same as us. Edward walked us over to the guy holding a clip board giving his name, and after checking the list the guy handed him two tickets that Edward stuck into his pocket. A few minutes later four more guys came over to the group, they were all a little younger than me, dressed in the same casual attire.
I tried to figure out what we were doing by looking at the group of people. Two girls stood together drinking coffee casting glances at Edward. But I was more than happy that their attention seemed to be on the group of guys behind us. Then there was a group of four people who were closer to my dad’s age - mid-forties – not at all athletic looking, but not excessively overweight either. They were laughing and taking pictures of each other, the whole group of us was like an eclectic melting pot that offered me no clue as to our destination.
Just as I was about to ask Edward once again what we were doing, the bus pulled up. It wasn’t really a bus but a red fifteen passenger van that had an ‘AdrenaLine’ logo on the side of it.
AdrenaLine…where had I heard that before?
Looking up at Edward he smiled giving me a wink before ushering me into the van. We sat towards the back of the van with Edward by the window, putting me in the middle with one of the young guys sitting on the end. The driver opened the door, took a head count and then introduced himself as Jay. He asked if we were all ready to get started and told us that it was about a thirty-five minute ride until we got to the ‘compound.’
The van started and since Edward wouldn’t give me any information, I thought I would let him know how it felt. “By the way there is something I really didn’t like at all.”
The look I got was a mixture of the three ‘C’s’- Confusion, Concern, and Curiosity. I knew he was wondering why I brought up the subject in a van full of people. Exhibitionist tendencies aside, it really was not a good place to have a frank discussion. The concern was why I let it go, why I didn’t safe word or tell him in the car. But it was his curiosity that I was enjoying so much.
“What was it?” his hushed tone was amusing.
“I’ll tell you later,” his gasp of surprise was one thing, but the glare he gave me was too just too funny and I giggled.
“Ok …” he admitted with a resigned look. “I see what you’re doing.”
My resounding giggle drew the attention of the guy sitting next to me. I could feel his eyes on me, turning in his direction I smiled warmly.
“Hi,” he held out his hand. “I’m Jeff.”
Shaking his hand I offered, “Bella.” In a show of not being crude Jeff reached in front of me to introduce himself to Edward. The three other guys in Jeff’s group turned in their seats introducing themselves as well. They were all college students off for the summer and backpacking their way through Washington. The one guy in front of me said that they had started in the peninsula and brought the ferry over early this morning to do this trip. I still didn’t get any information but we struck up a conversation about Forks. They thought the area was beautiful with a lot of lush greenery and mentioned that they had stayed at a campground by LaPush.
All that talking reminded me that we would be going to Forks the next day, filling me with the same mixed feelings of dread and longing that I always got whenever I went back there.
Edward’s hand squeezed mine making me look at his face; he must have known what I was feeling because a small smile played at his lips before he kissed the top of my head whispering in my ear. “It will be nice to see your family Bella.”
“Yeah … it will,” I agreed half-heartedly.
Turning off the road, the van came to a stop in front of log cabin. When we got the large sign over the building told me what we were going to be doing.
AdrenaLine – Zip Cording
I was filled with nervous excitement, “We’re going zip cording?”
“Yes ma’am.”
Taking my hand we followed the rest into the cabin where Edward gave our tickets and we were given a harness, black safety goggles, and a hard hat before being led into another room to watch the instructional film.
The film went over the safety features of the harness, the dos and don’ts, along with a brief description of the zip-line course. The whole thing would take about two hours and began with what they called the virgin run. It was a one hundred and thirty foot line that was thirty feet off the ground and would give everyone a chance to try out the harness before going up to the real course.
We would be separated into groups of six, driven in a jeep up the mountain and then hike about a half of mile to the main area where we would be walking and zipping among the tree tops. The heights ranged from seventy-five to one hundred and fifty feet high, with the lines spanning from two hundred to a thousand feet in length. The video said that we would be reaching speeds of sixty miles per hour, walking across wooded suspension bridges and enjoying majestic views of the Olympic mountain ranges of Washington.
Oh Boy
The nervous excitement was overwhelming as we split up into two groups. Edward and I ended up going with the four older people who we found out were two sisters and their husbands. They lived on the East Coast coming out here on a cruise from Alaska, stopping in port for the day and doing the zip-cording as an excursion.
Our guides name was Colin; he was around thirty with a baby face that still had ruggedness to it. Edward helped me with my harness and I was never so thankful that my man was an expert at using restraints as I was at that moment. If I was going to dangle a hundred and fifty feet in the air, I was going to make damn sure my harness was secure.
Both groups walked outside to take a turn at the virgin run. According to the video it wasn’t hard, all I had to do was clip the hook on the harness into the giant pulley wheel, sit into the harness, lift my legs and slide across the line.
Nothing to it…Easy - Peasy
I was slightly nervous but it wasn’t that far across and there was a net strung the whole length only about five feet underneath the line. Colin was there to show me exactly where to attach the hook and Edward had already gone so he was waiting on the other side. Taking a deep breath with my legs out in front of me I slid right across the line with a big smile on my face straight into my mans arms.
“Not so hard.” I agreed with Edward, “No, it was fun.”
The jeep ride was more like a bouncy all-terrain four by four expedition up the mountain on a bumpy curvy dirt road into the middle of the forest. The whole top was open with roll bars going across that I had to hold on to for fear I was going to be tossed out. After reaching the top the six of us got out, following Colin up a dirt path taking us deeper into the woods.
Edward walked behind me part of the way but as the terrain became more uneven he moved to the front, taking my hand to steady me. Throughout the walk Colin continued to talk, asking where everyone was from and making general conversation in an attempt to be both friendly as well as calming. We walked at a leisurely pace for about twenty minutes stopping once to take pictures. I wasn’t sure exactly how Edward and I were going to look in the goggles and hard hats but it would be memorable.
We came to a set of steep wooden stairs that reached to the top of a very tall tree that lead to a platform that seemed to be sticking out the top of the tree. I could feel my heart race with each step, by the time I reached the top the excitement was gone and I was running on pure panic.
“Oh my god…” I gasped looking over the railing, “…that’s really high!”
“Seventy-five feet Bella,” Colin announced. “It’s half the height of the screamer.”
Yeah that wasn’t helping me
A nervous giggle broke out as I heard the scream from Pam while she moved across the line. Edward’s hand wrapped around my waist, “Come on, where’s that brave girl that jumped off a cliff?”
“You jumped off a cliff Bella?” Colin asked while I kept looking down nodding, “Yeah…but into the ocean.”
“Look babe, there’s a net down there.” There was a net, it was really far down and when I looked back up the other four had already gone. “Should I go first?”
“Nooo…no, don’t leave me up here,” taking a deep breath I walked to the edge. “I’ll go first.”
I swallowed hard while hooking on the harness and I heard Colin say I was ready and just as I was going to sit down my feet wouldn’t lift up.
“Wait...wait…wait…” turning my head to look at Edward pleading, “…kiss me.”
He grinned with a chuckle leaning down to for a quick kiss, “Who kissed you when you jumped off the cliff?”
“Ummm…Jared,” his growl made me giggle. “Ok…I’m ready.”
Taking a deep breath I did exactly as I had before. Sliding across the line from one tree top to the other, it was an amazing experience and I was so proud of myself that I didn’t scream. It didn’t take long to get to the other side and once my feet were on the platform I couldn’t wait to get to the next line to do it again.
Edward was the last person- except for Colin- once he unhooked his harness I practically jumped him in my excitement. “That was awesome!”
“It was,” he agreed hugging me back before we went down the few steps to the rest of our group.
Colin had rejoined us leading the way to the next line which was longer but the same height. It felt like nothing releasing myself off the platform and I even turned around going backwards so Edward could take my picture. The next thing we came to was the suspension bridge and only one person could cross at a time. It was higher off the ground with a dip in the middle and only about eighteen inches wide with cords running along the sides that you could hold on to. It was a little frightening but not too much. By the time we had gotten to the fifth line – the screamer – I was so comfortable with what to do that there was no hesitation at all. The thousand foot line gave enough time to get up to high speeds and I did scream; not out of fear but from exhilaration.
We had taken a bunch of pictures including one of Edward hanging upside down, I wasn’t that brave. The boldest I got was to hold onto the harness with one hand. We also took scenic photos including one of Edward and me with the Olympic Mountain Range behind us, which was the one I was hoping to have framed.
When we finished with the last zip-cord, the course had brought us back to the beginning point where we had gotten into the Jeep. We had an hour and a half before the van took us back to Victoria so the whole group went to the restaurant for lunch. By the time we left there it seemed like everyone was old friends laughing and exchanging cameras to show the pictures they had taken. The two girls appeared to have made friends with the boys making plans on the way back to get together later, even offering them a place to sleep for the night, which I believed they were going to take them up on.
They all seemed so care free, which I suppose is what they were. I had never gotten that chance when I was in college, not that there was any regret on my part. Partying with strange men or getting drunk on the weekends was never my forte. Out of need, I was always cautious making sure that my responsibilities were handled before there was time for myself. But since I’ve been with Edward I’ve come to realize that my happiness should be important too, and he made me so very happy.
Holding the door open for me to get into the car I stepped close to him wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him down for a kiss. “Thank you. I think that was the best thing I ever did.”
“The best thing?” doubt clouded his voice.
“Ok…the best thing with my clothes on,” I admitted while turning to get into the car.
“That’s better,” he agreed with a swat to my bottom.
Picking up Seth didn’t take very long at all. He was excited to see us and I have to admit it did my heart good to know that he missed us so much. We were handed a detailed sheet of all the activities they did with him. Edward gave over his credit card to pay while I put his leash on. I tried to ignore what was being said, because I didn’t even want to know how much it cost to keep him all day.
While Edward was opening our room door, the couple who was staying next door passed us in the hall. They both eyed us up and down with a look of distain. I kept watching them wondering why but Edward seemed to find their actions amusing, chuckling while pushing open the door.
“What was that about?” My question must have been funny because he laughed harder as I took the leash off Seth, who immediately went to lay down in his bed. “Edward?”
“I thought they had gone out,” the words were mixed in with laughter but I still didn’t understand what he meant, until he added, “I guess we were a little loud.”
“How loud?” not that I cared if people heard us but it would be nice to know what the nasty looks were from.
“Well,” he started while emptying the contents of the backpack. “Let’s see...the bed was banging, Seth was howling, you were screaming, and I was busy smacking your ass to keep you from cumming...which by the way, you never thanked me for.”
All I could do was stare at him in disbelief, where was I when all this was going on? “No wonder they looked at us like that…they were jealous.”
Edward burst out laughing, making me laugh with him as he wrapped me in a hug. “I love you.”
“I love you too …and thanks for smacking my ass.” I was laughing so hard tears were in my eyes.
“Anytime baby,” our laughter was dying down as Edward asked me, “What do you want to do now?”
“I really want to take a long hot soak in that tub.”
“Go ahead, I’ll start a fire?” I nodded in agreement heading into the bathroom.
It felt really good to take my hair out of the braid it had been in and even better to get into the hot water. A few minutes later Edward had come in with a glass of wine in his hand for me. He asked if I wanted to go anywhere special for dinner, but I really just wanted to go to a pub and relax for the evening. That idea was fine with him and he left me saying that he wanted to make our ferry reservation and email Alice to get the information for the hotel at the beach.
Leaning back against the wall of the tub I finished the wine and let the hot water relax me. At some point I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew Edward was lifting me out of the water. With a towel laid over my body he laid me in the bed and covered me, saying that he was going to take a shower. It was so warm I closed my eyes snuggling into the comfortable softness. I didn’t go back to sleep but I was very relaxed until the sounds of Edward moving around the room stirred my attention.
Rolling over I watched while he pulled his boxers up over his sculptured ass. Watching Edward dress was just about as arousing as watching him undress. He must have sensed my gaze because he turned around to smirk at me. “What are you doing?”
“Getting up,” removing the blankets Edward stopped me “Wait Bella, I want to check how you’re healing.”
I tried to tell him that it was better but it was no use, he wanted to check for himself. Placing my feet flat on the bed Edward settled between my legs to perform the examination. Putting my arm over my eyes I took some deep breaths, not really wanting to think about what he was doing. His hand took a hold of mine placing it on the bed while his eyes bore into mine.
It felt like forever that he just stared at me before finally speaking, “This is what you don’t like.”
He wasn’t asking and I don’t know why in the world it brought tears to my eyes but it did. He didn’t give me a chance to respond before asking, “What bothers you about it?”
I shrugged because I really didn’t know.
“Close your eyes.” I did as he asked. “Now, tell me what you’re feeling.”
I could feel the tension in my chest as all the muscles constricted while the tears spilled down my cheeks.
“a...afraid…I’m so afraid….he hurt me…so b..ad!” The words spilled out of my mouth with such force that I had no idea where those feelings came from. I wasn’t feeling afraid, just anxious. But there they were and in a matter of seconds I was a crying sniveling mess. Strong arms wrapped around me in an armor of protection holding me securely in his lap, “Shhh…it’s ok baby, I got you. He’s never going to hurt you again.”
“I’m…I’m …sssorry…I didn’t …mean…to be…” unable to get the words out Edward kept rubbing his hand down my arm in a soothing manor.
“Shhh…don’t Bella, you have nothing to be sorry for…shhhh…just relax.”
Edward held me on his lap until my breathing returned to normal then laid down along side of me, propping himself up on his elbow to look down at me. A look of concern filled his eyes while his fingers brushed the hair from of my face. “Are you alright?”
Nodding I reached up to take his hand in mine, there was something he had to know, “I’m not afraid of you.”
“I know,” he squeezed my hand. “It was the memory of something you are afraid of, or maybe you were afraid of it. Come on babe, you’re the Psych major, you know all about this. It might be the position, the act, the timing, or some combination of all three.”
I did know that, and there were many times that James had me in that position doing painful things to my body. Maybe Edward was right and it had more to do with the timing due to our trip to Forks- that I keep pushing to the back of my mind- than anything else. “Why am I still so damn afraid?”
“Baby I think no matter what good memories you have from your earlier childhood, the last few years you lived there held nothing but terror and that’s what is sticking with you. I think you need to go there and make some new…good memories. Does that make sense?”
“Like a rebirth?” my hushed words were met by his smile and calm answer, “yeah…something like that.”
We lay there quietly while Edward held me and after a few minutes he asked if I was ready to get dressed, so we could take Seth for a walk and then get a later dinner. I nodded in agreement, sitting up to get off the bed he handed me the ointment telling me to apply it one more time. My face was blotchy from crying so I washed it with some cool water before doing my hair and applying a little makeup. Basic face powder, blush and mascara were all that was needed. The last thing I did was pee and clean myself – noticing that the tenderness was dissipating – before applying a thin layer of ointment.
Wanting to wear my bells I decided to dress in my khaki skirt, brown silk shirt and strappy sandals. The shoes would go well with the rest of the outfit while still allowing me to walk in comfort. As I dressed Edward would look up from the laptop where he was down loading something into his phone. I was surprised that the first thought I had was maybe it was a new program for BFF. With my bra and panties on the curiosity got the better of me. Jumping on the bed I surprised him by wrapping my arms around his shoulders, peering over to see what he was doing.
“Ohhh,” I groaned seeing that he was down loading directions. “I thought you were doing something that was alot more fun.”
He chuckled, “pray tell, my dear, what did you think I was doing?”
“I thought maybe you brought BFF,” my disappointment was clear. His hand came up to cup my face while placing a kiss on my cheek.
“Sorry to disappoint you love, but BFF is safely tucked away.”
“What?” I knelt back putting my hands on my hips looking annoyed, “That is my favorite toy and a basic piece of equipment that is your responsibility to have with you at all times.”
“Oh really...is it now?” Edward’s amusement at my little show of dominance was very clear, “I’ll give you a basic piece of equipment,” he announced before grabbing my hips flipping me down on the bed and tickling me.
“Edward ….stop!” I was laughing and squirming trying my best to get away.
“Tell me Bella; is BFF better then my fingers?”
Laughing so hard I couldn’t answer as his fingers continued their assault on my ribs, “Please!”
“Answer me, my Bella!”
“No!..No!..No!..” somehow managing to flip over on my belly as the words came out through my giggles, “…your fingers are the best!”
“Good!” he said with a swat on my bottom, “now get dressed. Seth is getting all excited again.”
Following his gaze over my shoulder there was my poor baby with his head tilted, ears raised, and tail wagging, looking like he was ready to start howling any second. Getting up to my knees I righted my panties before patting Seth on the head, “What’s the matter boy?”
Edward’s hand replaced mine while I got up to get dressed, “I told you he needs to get laid. Don’t you Seth?”
“Or fixed,” I said sliding the skirt over my thighs while glancing at Edward who made a face and shuddered.
“You don’t want that do ya boy? Tell her you got the goods you should be able to use them …at least once.”
I laughed at him while adjusting my shirt, “He doesn’t care if he uses it or not.”
“The fuck he doesn’t,” the seriousness in Edward’s voice made me laugh. “He’s a male. We got balls and dicks. Damn straight we want to use them.” Edward patted Seth’s head, “Don’t you boy? You want to be howling for a reason, right?”
As if on cue Seth barked, “See I told you.”
Taking my jacket out of the closet Edward turned off the computer while I grabbed a few doggy-doo-doo bags. It was still light out while we walked the paths through the grounds at the hotel. They lead through lush gardens with a small wooden bridge that arched over a narrow stream. There were a few others out walking enjoying the natural beauty along with the clear evening breeze.
After an hour we took Seth back to the room and then walking the three blocks to the pub for dinner. It was a little after seven when we got there. The band didn’t start until nine but we still had to wait a few minutes for a table. When we were seated the tables were high café style with stools. I sat down with my back towards the bar while Edward sat to my right. The waitress came immediately to take our drink orders; with both of us opting for a pint of local ale she smiled leaving us with menus. I glanced at one quickly just to see what they offered because I already knew what I wanted while Edward took more time studying it.
He ended up getting a burger basket while I got the fish and chips I had been thinking about all day. We talked about what time we had to leave the next day, some of what Alice had emailed him with plans for the beach, and he asked if there was anything I had wanted to do there. It was at that time when I had to be honest, confessing that I didn’t look anything up because I didn’t even know where we were going. That little piece of information made him laugh.
“I’m glad I can amuse you,” I told him sarcastically while taking a drink.
He leaned over to kiss my cheek, “You are so adorable.” His words made me blush but I also rolled my eyes. “I’m serious Bella. When Rose has that baby I am buying it the biggest freaking present I can find.”
“What?” I didn’t understand what he meant.
“I owe that baby, if it wouldn’t have been for him, or her, I would have missed out on the best night of my life.” The look on my face must have told of my confusion because he went on. “I never go to open door nights, that’s Emmett’s thing. I was only there to fill in because he was hosting that party. If it wouldn’t have been for the baby, there wouldn’t have been a party; I never would have met you. And there is not a day that goes by that I do not thank god that you came into my life.”
Edward’s warm hand cup my face, “I couldn’t take my eyes off you that night, you were so beautiful, insightful, and funny. All night long I kept thinking how am I going to get this woman? Because I’d be damn if I was going to give someone else a chance, there was no way I was going to let some other motherfucker anywhere near you.”
His words were sweet but made me blush, “I don’t think there was a line Edward.”
He sat straight while the waitress brought our food and he then ordered another round of pints. As the waitress walked away he picked up his burger to take a bite while I stirred vinegar into the little cup of ketchup they gave me. Once I had my food set up and started eating Edward leaned closer to me to speak.
“You truly have no idea how delightfully intriguing you are.”
Delightfully Intriguing?
I had just shoved a whole steak fry in my mouth, and he goes and tells me something like that!
Yeah right
“I’m not kidding you Bella. Look at that guy over there to your left,” glancing over to the man Edward was talking about; he quickly looked away from me. “Despite the fact that he is sitting there with his wife and children, he is constantly checking you out.”
Looking back at the man his eyes once again moved away from mine. “That’s disgusting; he should be ashamed of himself.”
Edward grinned taking the last drink from his glass. As if she timed it the waitress was there with a replacement. Taking his empty glass she asked if he needed anything else to which his eyes never left mine as he told her no he has all he needs. Taking another bite of burger he seemed to be looking past me while he swallowed then followed it with a drink.
“That mans disgusting behavior is unfortunately his wife’s problem, however if those two guys behind you don’t stop staring at your ass, they are going to be my problem.” there was a threatening edge to his. I figured it might be a good time to get Edward’s mind on something else so I propositioned him.
“Is that an ass you plan on visiting any time soon?”
Yeah that did it
The darkness in his eyes grew with each passing second before he answered me, “Is that an invitation?”
“Engraved and gold embossed.”
With the open invitation there seemed to be more emphasis in getting done with our meal. When the waitress asked if we wanted anything else Edward quickly said no, telling me that we would get some coffee and dessert while we walked. That was fine with me; I was ready to go anyway.
We held hands while walking along the harbor. All the shops and homes that surrounded the water were etched in twinkling light that reflected off the calm glassy surface. Standing on the walkway Edward held my back firmly against his chest while we watched a cruise ship pull away. I wondered if the two couples we were with today were on it. Taking a cruise was something that had never appealed to me before but I think it would be fun to go away some place exotic with Edward.
His presence in my life has been so gratifying, I thought of his words from the pub.
“You know Edward that first night we met, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you either. When it was time to go I tried to stall hoping that you would come back one more time. Then when Aro suggested you accompany me back to the club I wanted to jump up and down in excitement. But I figured you could have any woman you want and it certainly wouldn’t be me. I still don’t know what you see in me…” As I said those words Edward turned me to face him.
“God Bella, I see everything in you. There is not a day in my future that I don’t see you in it.”
My hand cupped the side of his face feeling the prickliness of stubble against my palm. “I never used to think in terms of anything but the immediate future. Months and years were just too hard to bear, but now I find myself wanting it. You’ve given me reason to hope.”
Our lips met in a searing kiss my fingers threading through his hair clutching myself to him while our tongues moved against one another. Pressing my body against Edward his hands held my bottom firmly pulling me impossibly closer to him. I could feel the warm hardness of his erection pressing into my belly making me moan into his mouth as my breathing grew embarrassingly harsh. His hand moved up over my hip and ribs to cup my breast letting his thumb move across the nipple making my moan louder.
“Jesus. Don’t you two ever stop?”
At the sound of a man’s deep voice we broke away from each other. Desperately trying to catch my breath, I glanced over my shoulder to see our neighbors from the hotel strolling along the walkway. Edward chuckled tilting my chin up to place one soft kiss on my lips. When he pulled back the joy in his face was radiant as we simultaneously said, “Jealous.”
It didn’t take us long to get back to the hotel. Edward asked if I wanted to stop for something but I wasn’t hungry, at least not for food. While I undressed he took Seth out one last time, by the time he came back I had already been through my nightly routine and was sitting on the bed rubbing lotion into my legs. Edward wasted no time in getting himself ready joining me in the bed where he took me up on my earlier invitation.
Placing me on my belly with pillows under my hips, his hands moved over my back massaging the muscles while his lips kissed and nipped along my shoulders and neck. He used first one well lubed finger then two, preparing the opening he was going to use.
My body responded to every touch he made by creating a burning need inside me that seemed to move my hips in time with the motions of his fingers. Edward shifted behind me pressing the fullness of his weight against me as his hands guided my wrists to lie on either side of my head. His lips moved up my neck to my ear where he nibbled along the outer edge as I felt his slick length gliding along between the crack.
The need to feel him inside me was too great and I found myself raising my hips against his movements beseeching him. “Please?”
“Patience my love…let it build,” the words spoken against my ear made me moan with longing.
He continued the motions until I thought I was going to go insane with need as I continued to beg him to enter me and put an end the suffering. His hand released my wrist moving down to wrap around my hip where it started to circle my clit making me moan into the bed as my hips rose off the pillows to allow him better access. Releasing the other wrist his body weight lifted off me as I felt him slowly entering me, filling me and squelching the incensed craving.
I couldn’t help the words or the moan that left my mouth, “Ohhh…god…that feels sooo good.”
With his length fully inside me, my muscles relaxed around him as once again I felt his full weight surrounding me. His hands laid over mine entwining our fingers together as he pressed our linked hands into the bed and began to move.
I could feel his heart beating against my back as the side of his face rested against mine making it seemed like we were breathing together as one. I felt lost in the sea of sensations; it was erotic, sexy, and intimately affectionate. I had never in all my life felt so protected or treasured.
“You are so beautiful,” his words washed like a soft breeze across my face. There was nothing rushed or forceful about his movements; he was making love to me in a way that I never thought was possible.
My body responded to his as it always does and as I neared my climax I realized that our breathing was still in harmony as he whispered for me to let it go. My moans increased while my fingers tightened around his as my body shook in sweet release. I could hear his own breathing pick up while he let out a low growl as he pushed our hands deeper into the bed. The moment was so perfect tears fell from my eyes.
The pressure in my hand subsided and I immediately felt the loss of contact. I thought Edward was going to pull away from me but I was wrong. Instead his hands moved down wrapping around my waist to hold me against his chest as he rolled us onto our sides. Without even trying my body automatically molded against his. Our tender moment was extended filling me with even more emotional tears.
“What baby?”
“That was wonderful.”
His arms tightened against me, “Yes it was.” I felt his lips against my hair as I drifted off to sleep.
Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I knew I was dreaming. I’ve had the same dream before or at least some variation of it. For the most part it was a happy dream, sitting in Grans kitchen with the high white cupboards, the yellow curtains blowing from the breeze coming through the open window. The plate of warm molasses cookies sat on the table while the aroma of them baking was still in the air. Grand-dad was someplace close by, I couldn’t see him but his voice carried off in the distance telling someone to hurry while Gran talked on the phone.
Sitting across the table was a lady who looked like me, as I watched her it became clear who it was. She looked exactly the same as I remembered. “Mom? What are you doing here?” Looking around the room I realized who was missing, “Where’s Edward?”
“Bella I can’t stay long. He’s calling me. Can’t you hear him?”
I was confused. Did she mean Grand-dad? Is that who he was calling? Listening closely I tried to comprehend what he was saying only it sounded like muffled yells.
“No mom I don’t hear it,” my hand reached across the table and I touched my mother for the first time in seventeen years. I expected her to be cold; however her hand was warm to the touch. “Stay with me mom. Please stay with me.”
“I can’t Bella.”
She stood up swiftly as I pleaded with her, “I need you. Why won’t you ever stay with me?” She moved over towards the door opening it allowing the voice calling her name to fill the room.
“Don’t leave me! Please don’t leave me!”
“I have to Bella. But promise me that you’ll stay in the light.”
“What light?”
The whole room got dark, so pitch black that I couldn’t see a thing. My eyes moved to where the window should be, but there was nothing. I felt a chill across my shoulders along with a hand touch my back. It scared me so much that I jumped up out of the chair to get away from it.
“Mom! Don’t leave me!”
Through the blackness I could hear my mother’s faint voice, “Bella stay with the light.”
The bright sunlight came shining in the window; it was so brilliant I had to shield my eyes. The darkness was still all around and I could feel hands reaching out to grab me. The fear was rising inside me but I didn’t know what to do. From the direction of the window I heard him calling my name, “Isabella.”
At the same time a dark hand seized onto my shoulder while I sprang forward screaming his name, “Edward!”
Springing up in bed with a start my body trembling as tears ran down my cheeks. My eyes adjusted to the light in the room, looking in the bed at the empty spot where Edward should have been. I heard movement and sensing someone coming towards me I screamed in terror.

A riding crop and a blindfold doesn't make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It's not a sexual thing to me, it's a very spiritual thing. ~ DominaBlue
Chapter 56
Stuck…that’s what I was. Fucking stuck between the preverbal rock and a hard place. All day long I kept waiting for Bella to tell me that she had changed her mind. It’s not that I doubted her ability or thought her unprepared because I had full confidence in her submission. The only concern I had was the confidence that Bella had in herself.
When she asked what we were going to do during our usual time I figured that I would see what her thoughts were. Personally I was expecting her to immediately go with modified. That would keep us in our perspective roles while in public yet allow for fullness while in the room. But when it took several minutes of internal debating I was expecting Bella to tell me that she just wanted to cancel for the evening. That would have been fine with me, I look forward to our D/s play but I was also enjoying just being together; after all we were on vacation.
But no – not my Bella, she has to go and shock me with her request to go in full mode. There was no way I would tell her that she wasn’t ready. For one I didn’t believe that, more importantly I didn’t want Bella to believe that. She has come so far in making strides at her self-confidence it was almost amazing to watch the inner strength that was coming through. The last thing that I want to have happen is for her to lose any of what she worked so hard to gain. Especially now with us heading to Forks in a few days, there would be no time for her to recover and on the other hand it could be the boost that she needs.
The other problem was I had a situation to discuss with my submissive. I had originally thought about doing it before dinner but then she threw that plan out the window. She is going to need to keep her concentration on what is happening and I don’t want her distracted in anyway. That means our discussion had to occur after we returned for the evening.
So I am stuck between the reward that I was hoping to God she would receive not getting in the way of over-shadowing the correction that had to be taken care of.
Not keeping the calendar properly up to date is a small infraction - not anything close to the phone incident – but it is one of the ten rules that I gave her. It was also something that couldn’t continue to happen. If Isabella needed me to keep her close, treat her like someone who needed to be constantly watched because she was unable to do things on her own, well then that’s what I was going to do.
After I left Bella in the room to get ready the first thing I had to do was stop by the front desk to see if they could deliver something to the room that would provide for her comfort. Once that was secured it was off to the pet supply store I had seen while we walked around earlier. I could have borrowed Seth’s leash however a stronger collar was necessary. The one Bella wears is not meant to be used for what I had in mind.
Bella’s collar was more of a non-removable necklace, a daily reminder to her and me of the commitment we made to each other. Beside’s there was absolutely no way for me to attach the leash to it. And what a fine leash it was. Strong black woven nylon in a length not meant for walking but for training, and that’s what it was going to be used for, besides it was time Bella had one of her own.
My mind had been thinking about it all day, conjuring up images of Bella kneeling beside me while I held the reins to her movements. Keeping her within arm’s reach and directing her into position by a tug of the leash. The intention this time would be correction, but it was my hope that she would be wearing the leash in the very near future simply for enjoyment. Because I have to admit what my mind was conceiving was fucking sexy as hell.
Opening the door to the room brought me to the spectacle that was my Bella. She was gracefully alluring as she knelt in front of the fire waiting. Normally she would face the other way with her back to me. However since Sunday night when I watched her sink down to the floor at New Moon, I couldn’t get the picture out of my head. The impassive look of total surrender was truly a sight to behold and I wanted to see it again.
Of course my dick wanted to see it too and was fighting its way through my pants to try and get a firsthand look. This was another reason it’s best to her have looking the other way, it allows a few minutes for me to calm the fuck down and get that shit under control. Maybe it was the masochist in me because the view before me was worth any effort on my part.
Bella seemed so calm while she waited as if it was a completely natural position for her to be in. As I moved towards her the excitement for our upcoming evening was starting to build in me. Usually I would prolong that feeling letting the adrenaline build in myself while giving Bella time to brew in her own anticipation. The extra time allows the tension to build until it becomes an energized buzz of eagerness while Bella awaits my touch. Giving her time to wonder what my plans are for her, until the edginess begins to set in.
But I just didn’t have the time; we needed to leave in an hour to make the dinner reservation. I needed to give her instructions as well as prepare her body for the first phase of our evening. Laying her new collar and leash on the table I watched as the cool calmness receded in what appeared to be a catch in her breath. Not exactly understanding the reaction I greeted my submissive.
“Good evening Isabella.”
I didn’t get a reaction, but then again I wasn’t expecting one as I moved past her to the closet where the toy bag was. Placing it on the bed where I could keep an eye on Bella while getting the items out that would be used for the night. I needed two lengths of rope, the remote control bullet and lube, plus the adjustable spreader bar and T-restraint for later. Zipping the tote bag up I returned it to the closet, dropping it on the floor and getting the small red gift bag from my suitcase.
Turning to get the things off the bed I had a full view of Bella. Her body and posture had not changed at all but it was clear that she was biting the inside of her lip. It was also clear that her eyes kept shifting to the leash on the table.
Yeah…she was more than a little anxious
That was good for tonight I wanted her to squirm, in fact Bella was going to be squirming a lot. But right now she should be keeping her eyes down and not being so curious.
“Nosy tonight?” I asked while moving to stand back in front of her.
At my words Bella’s eyes immediately went back to the floor but it was too late, she had been caught.
“I thought we had this discussion before about keeping out of my business. Yes or No Isabella?”
“Yes Master. Your…” Cutting her off with a swift retort, “I didn’t ask for an explanation. All I wanted was a simple yes or no.”
Giving her a second to recompose herself I went on with my admonishment of her inquisitiveness.
“I understand that it is your natural female inclination to be snooping, however I would suggest that you work very hard at overcoming it. Any item that I have out is none of your concern. You will be made aware of its existence if and when I choose to introduce it. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Master,” there were no tears and for that I was glad.
Bella had grown so much more stable in her role. Where a month ago that little rebuke would have brought a round of tears, now she takes the words for what they are and hopefully learns the lesson from it.
I let out an audible sigh, “Good. Don’t make me have to tell you again,” with that taken care of I held my hand out. “Stand up.”
Taking my offered hand for support Bella stands; she looks absolutely ravishing wearing nothing but black stockings and heels. She had done her hair as I had asked, the bulk of it high on her head with the ends cascading down leaving the majority of her neck exposed. Dropping her hand I gave the signal for her to turn and as she did I stopped her movement by stepping up against her back.
My hand ran down the length of Bella’s side along her ribs, stomach and over the flare of her hip. At my touch she remained rigid in stance so I thought it would be a good time to see how much my Bella could take.
My other hand moved to wrap around her waist as my fingers slowly glided over her lower stomach moving upwards. Using a single finger I circled around her navel a few times as the hand that had been on her hip worked its way back up. Bella’s skin was so soft with a silkiness that let my hands slither over it as they moved towards to her breasts. She truly was lovely with natural curves and beauty that I found so very pleasing.
I could feel the muscles across her shoulders tighten as she fought to remain steadfast while the tips of my fingers traced the round fullness of her breasts. Her body was responding to my attention yet she showed no sign of the desire that was beginning to grow. Cupping both breasts firmly my thumbs circled the areolas a few times before quickly flicking against her nipples. The bands she wore kept them constantly erect and in a state of perpetual need, making my actions all the more effective. Bella responded by drawing in a deep breath while the tension in her shoulders intensified.
Smiling to myself I figured it was time to truly test my pets resolve. Bella sucked in a ragged mouthful of air while I rolled each nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I thought for sure a whimper would escape but instead she completely stopped breathing until she got herself under control. A few seconds later her breathing resumed and I praised her.
“Good girl Isabella,” the words were spoken softly against her ear before my nose skimmed along her shoulder. My fingers continued their work while I spoke once again in Bella’s ear. “The question I have is, can you continue?”
“Yes Master,” her voice was slightly breathy but I couldn’t fault her for that. However I could test her answer and that’s what I did.
Taking a small step so that I could get into a better position to see her face, my left hand crossed over to Bella’s right nipple to resume its work, while letting my right hand move downward, tugging forcefully on the small patch of hair making her bite her lip to remain quiet.
My hand dropped down further and I have to admit I was very satisfied with myself when I felt the moisture seeping to her outer lips. Dipping my fingers between her folds I was met with a warm wetness that seemed to be dripping out of her like a faucet. She was so fucking wet and my dick was screaming at me to let him get all up inside it. I needed to get myself under control before I broke and let out a groan of my own. Since fucking her right now wasn’t an option I needed to get the attention back to Bella and away from my raging hard-on.
“My, my…how wet are you Isabella?” not getting an answer I quickly slapped the soft skin over her clit, “answer me.”
“Mmm...extremely wet Master.”
That she was, but I wanted a proper response and I also wanted to see where her frame of mind was. So while my fingers began to circle her clit I asked, “Who is extremely wet?”
Bella swallowed hard letting out a breath before answering, “Master’s slut…is extremely wet.”
Bingo that was the word I was hoping for
“Would my slut like to feel my cock inside of her?” I asked while my hands began to apply more pressure to both her nipple and clit. Bella’s jaw slackened as her tongue peeked out to moisten her lips while her breathing began to deepen. She was getting close and yet she still had not faltered in any way.
“Master’s slut…wants whatever pleases him.”
“Hmmm…” I hummed against her neck while the motions of my fingers never stopped. Bella started breathing heavier and I figured she wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer, but I wasn’t ready to let her go yet either. “Right now this is pleasing me, in fact…”
I could feel the muscles in Bella’s stomach tighten as I spoke in her ear, “…do you feel that…” I rubbed my hard-on into the side of her ass, “…do you feel what you do to me?”
“Yes Master.” As she said the words I once again grinded my dick against her, “What do you intend to do about that?”
And there it was, the sound that I had been waiting for escaped her lips. It was a soft whimper but it was most definitely there. “Is that what it takes Isabella? All my slut needs the feel of my cock against her and she cracks?”
Between my words and the attention of my fingers Bella’s body was getting to the breaking point, I wanted her close but the orgasms were to come later so this needed to stop. Removing my hand from her pussy I brought it to her face and holding her jaw between my thumb and little finger I pressed the two fingers covered with her juices down on her tongue making her suck. Lifting Bella’s chin and tilting it slightly so I could speak clearly in her ear.
“You never answered me Isabella. Is that what it takes? Does the feel of my cock make you so excited that you lose your composure?”
She let out a small whimpering murmur around my fingers, “I’m going to take that as a yes. And for the answer to my original question...hmmm…kneel.”
Removing my fingers from her mouth, Bella didn’t move at first, more than likely just taking a second to get her bearings, but we didn’t have time for that.
“Now Isabella!” The sternness in my voice caused her to comply. Moving in front of Bella I gave her the signal to look at me. Her eyes met mind with a desire in them that was almost staggering and my dick pulsed with eagerness as I asked, “So…what are you going to do?”
Her tongue moved across her lips and she seemed search for the words, “Master, will you allow your sluts mouth to ease your discomfort?”
Damn she is getting good at this
I could not think of one comeback to Bella’s response. In one sentence she asked for permission, told me what she was going to do and why she was doing it. That was the most important thing - the why. If I was going to question her on anything it would have been that. But my smart girl thwarted those issues my making it about my comfort rather than her desires. And who in their right mind would say no to being comfortable?
Oh yeah, my Bella is getting very good at this
Bella’s eyes remained fixed on mine while I toed off my shoes and opened my jeans letting them drop to the floor along with my boxers. Her face held no emotion, but in her eyes the longing couldn’t be masked. Taking the step towards her and away from the clothing pooled on the floor I gave the simple command. “Open.”
The feel of Bella’s warm moist mouth as it wrapped around my throbbing cock was like a balm on a festering sore. It felt so good that a low hiss escaped my mouth and the sound must have excited her because she moaned around my dick, drawing it further into her mouth. She wasted no time at setting a pace that would have made me concentrate hard on my control. However, prolonging wasn’t what I was going for.
So rather than distracting myself I focused on the superb talents of her mouth, the way she would move over the shaft in quick sure motions drawing her head back while swirling her tongue along the underside and finishing the motion with a swipe over the head. She looked so fucking sexy on her knees with her brown innocent eyes looking up at me.
The tingle in my balls was starting to grow and with each sweep of her mouth over my dick it got stronger. My hand cupped the back of head giving me the leverage to guide her motions in a faster pace. The muscles in my legs started to tighten along with the tingle in my balls that turned into a pressure radiating up into my stomach. It felt so fucking good that part of me wanted to draw out the feeling as long as possible, but the larger part was looking forward to the climax. That was where all my focus went.
Closing my eyes I let the pressure build while her mouth seemed to keep the perfect amount of suction. Bella’s teeth scraped along my shaft ending with a small nip on the tip. On the next pass down she hummed making her tongue vibrate as she took me deep into the back of her throat. Holding me there she swallowed, then something that sounded like a growl vibrated my whole dick. The muscles in her throat clamped down once again and I fucking lost it, erupting in a quick burst.
Bella continued to swallow around me – I don’t know how the fuck she does that – until I was done pulsating. My legs felt weak but in a good sort of way as my hand left the back of her head. She pulled her mouth back keeping a small amount of pressure on me. Her tongue swirling one last time over the head before rubbing the tip of it over the slit making me grunt.
Looking down at Bella the lustful gaze that had been there before seemed to have intensified, but her reward would come later. At the moment I needed to get myself dressed so I could prepare her for the evening. With a signal to lower her eyes I moved about the room to get my clothes out for dinner. I had brought a black suit and once I had everything on but the jacket my attention was turned back to Bella.
Holding my hand out I had her stand so I could work on getting the ropes in place. I had wanted to do a combination breast and crotch harness however the dress she was wearing wouldn’t allow for that. So the breast bindings would have to wait for later.
Folding the blue eight foot section of nylon rope in half I set about working on the binding. Wrapping it around Bella’s waist and pulling the ends through the opening of the bight at her navel. I could feel her eyes on me while I worked but she remained quiet while I made two knots in the length.
“Turn around,” Bella complied immediately.
With her back to me, I used my hand in a tapping motion between her legs silently telling her to part them. Using two fingers I moved through the slick folds before plunging into her wet core causing a moan.
My other hand came down swiftly on her ass, “Quiet!”
After a few more swipes through the slickness I placed the bullet at her entrance, she was so wet no lube was necessary as I slid it up into place. Using the remote I turned it on for a test run and was happy to see the muscles in Bella’s ass tighten at the sensation, yet she made not a whimper.
“Good girl,” I praised while placing a kiss on her hip and turning off the toy.
Reaching between her legs to grab the rope that was hanging down I brought it up through her parted thighs pulling it taut against her sex. Holding the rope against her ass I stood to check on the placement of the knots in the front. One fell just above the pubic bone and the other laid over her clit.
As I moved the rope must have rubbed against Bella’s sensitive nub because she hissed. Pulling the robes tighter against her body she stiffened as I got her attention. “Do we need to stay in tonight to work on the meaning of quiet?”
“No Master.” I kept my eyes on the side of her face for a few seconds watching as her eyes remained fixed on the floor while biting on her bottom lip.
Once satisfied that Bella knew to remain quiet I adjusted the rope through her folds making sure that it laid flat so as not to cause any damage to the surrounding area. When I was sure of the correct position I tied a series of five knots up the back. These would only cause Bella discomfort if she sits back in a chair, thereby insuring that her back will remain very straight.
Tucking the ends through the rope wrapped around her waist I made a square knot to keep it all in place. There was still about a foot left on each end which I separated and wrapped around her waist tucking it into the rope that was already there.
“Turn around,” I said placing a quick swat on her bottom.
Bella took a small tentative step and I watched as her eyes grew from the sensation that the movement was causing, “Interesting isn’t it?”
“Yes Master.”
Just you wait my pet
I wanted to tell her that she hasn’t felt anything yet, but I figured why ruin the surprise?
“Get dressed and then I have a gift for you.” Tilting her head to the side she looked at me like I had just spoken in Swahili, “Now!”
I couldn’t help the grin on my face as I watched Bella take the five steps to the closet where her dress hung over the door frame. The first one was cautious and each consecutive one carefully placed until a slight shiver rippled through her as she lifted her arms to retrieve her clothes. I could have gotten it for her, but she needed to get used to the friction that the rope was causing.
Pulling the dress over her head Bella adjusted the waist tying the belt just below her ribs. The dress was two different shades of blue that looked like hanging scarves. It wasn’t tight against her body yet it showed off her natural curves and ended mid-way down her thighs. She looked great and the flow of the material hid any trace of the ropes underneath. The only thing I wished that could have been changed was that the material across her breasts were ruffled obscuring the firmness of her nipples.
“Come back here.” Her steps were less hesitant on the way back over and I figured by the time we actually had to walk by other people she would have adjusted to the feeling of the rope.
Holding the bag on my lap Bella stood in front of me biting her lip while eyeing the bag and when I moved it closer to my body her neck strained in an attempt to see what was inside. This time I chuckled at her interest. “Well, you are nosey tonight.”
At my words Bella dropped her eyes looking almost sad, “Your girl is sorry Master.”
Cupping her chin I wanted her to look at me to show me the excitement she just had, “No...No Isabella. I told you, this is your gift. You should want to see what it is.”
Her eyes lit up as she once again craned her neck to see what was in the bag, “Why did Master buy his girl a gift?”
“Because I can. Because I thought she would like it. Because I want to see it on her.”
“What is it?”
Well, that was right to the point
I had Bella hold on to my shoulders, before closing her eyes and slipping off her left shoe. With a firm grip on me I placed her foot on her leg to put the anklet on. Once it was securily in place she opened her eyes looking down with a huge smile.
“You bought your girl bells? Do they jingle?” shaking her foot she announced with glee, “They do!”
Before I could move the bag or realize what was happening Bella had thrown herself in my lap wrapping her arms around me, “Thank you Master. This one wanted to get bells, but didn’t know if she should or not.”
“I’m glad you like them.”
Bella pulled back looking in my eyes, “Your girl loves them but not as much as she loves you.”
“That’s always a good thing Isabella.” I placed a small kiss on her lips but then I figured I had better warn her about the bells, “The majority of people will not know what the bells mean; they will only see a pretty piece of jewelry that jingles. But there are those who will know, all they have to do is see the bells or hear the jingle and you will have their full attention. Their eyes will go to your collar…” I traced the sliver that adored her neck, “…they will know exactly what you are.”
“Your girl understands.”
While Bella was sitting I spread my legs having her sit flat on the bed between them to receive instructions. Turning on the bullet my hand ran up her thigh under the dress to press on the knot against her clit while giving the directions. “When the toy is on, you are to rub yourself against the knot…do that now…” the wiggle that her bottom made caused the knots on her back to rub against my dick making me quickly turn off the bullet, I went on explaining ,“You are to stop immediately when the toy shuts off and you are not permitted to stop until it does. Do I make myself clear?”
It was a simple concept one that would not bring Bella unnecessary attention – if she remained quiet – yet would push her limits while solidifying the trust and dependence she has in me. Bella answered with a ‘Yes Sir’ and I got on my jacket, placed the wrap around her shoulders and we left.
Rather than walking we took the car to the restaurant arriving a few minutes early for our reservations. Bella stood quietly behind me as we waited and dutifully followed while the hostess led us to our table which was along the wall towards the back of the room. It was the dinner hour and the three tables that surrounded us were all occupied. Holding the chair out for Bella, I placed her at the small table so that she would be facing the wall. I choose to sit against the wall facing Bella along with the other patrons. That position gave me the advantage of being completely aware of our surroundings, while giving Bella an unconstructive view of only me. As I sat down the hostess left me with a wine list telling us to enjoy our dinner.
I turned on the bullet.
Bella’s eyes dropped to the table as she began to make the subtle movements. So subtle in fact that no one but us would know she was doing it. “Good girl Isabella, but look at me.”
Her eyes went to mine and I nodded once in approval looking down at the wine list before asking, “What are you in the mood for red or white?”
I knew she preferred white but I wanted to hear her reply. “Whichever you prefer Sir.”
Good answer, slightly hushed with a definite tone of sexual tension that I have come to know so well. However, I couldn’t reply since the waiter approached with menus and I watched as Bella stopped her movements. At least I believe she did however it was possible that she continued in a way that I wasn’t even aware of what she was doing. Either way I turned off the switch.
Taking the order for a bottle of white house wine the waiter left while I made the inquiry. “Why did you stop?”
Not asking if but why. If I was wrong then Bella would tell me, however I didn’t get an answer, instead her eyes once again went to the table telling me all I needed to know. Inclining a little closer across the table I used the finger trace along her jaw before tapping lightly on her chin. “Did I not make my instructions clear?”
Again her eyes went to the table in shame for disobeying, so again I tapped Bella’s chin. Her gaze was slightly glassy which I’m sure was a mixture of remorse and anxiety. I needed her to understand that I expected full obedience or she would face the consequences. “Do not disobey me again. Do you understand?”
“Yes Master.”
Bella’s eyes shifted to both sides of the table looking to see if anyone had heard her words. She didn’t need to worry about that. The tables were far enough apart that even with the other patrons talking at what my mother would have called ‘inside voices’ it was difficult to hear their conversations. Our hushed words would have been next to impossible to distinguish.
Clearing my throat brought her attention back to me, “Where does your attention belong Isabella?” She didn’t answer because it wasn’t expected of her. I knew that she was uneasy but this was her idea. So I gave Bella a second to think about my question before helping her center herself.
“I want you to close your eyes, take few a deep breaths and put your focus where it belongs.” I watched while Bella did as I asked. After the second breath she opened her eyes, the tension was gone and calm was in its place; a relaxed smile played across her face.
“That’s my girl.” I smiled back at her, “Do you feel better?”
“Yes Master, thank you.” Sitting back in the chair with a nod I switched on the bullet before picking up the menu.
The movement Bella made was even less subtle than before but glancing over the top of the menu I could tell she was obeying. The waiter brought the wine, peeling off the wax seal with a small knife before using the cork screw to open it. I kept an eye on Bella while he went about his job. She had not stopped this time in fact it appeared to me that she was rather enjoying herself.
After handing the cork back to the waiter I switched off the toy. Bella froze, as her shoulders hitched forward while letting out a long deep exhale. It took her a second to compose herself but by the time the waiter handed her the glass of wine there was no clue that anything was out of the ordinary. When he handed me a glass I held it up between us in a toast.
“To my Isabella, and all of her magnificent perfection.”
“Here...Here!” the waiter agreed while Bella clinked my glass with a blush on her face. My words weren’t meant to embarrass but to praise. Now that she was over the initial fears, our evening could and would progress as I had hoped.
Bella kept her eyes down while I did the ordering, starting with Smoked Salmon and Raw Oysters and choosing Sea Bass with wild rice and vegetables for our entrees. Mine was to be grilled while Bella’s was Dijon. I figured she would like all the different flavors that go into making the sauce.
The waiter left taking the menus with him and I needed to tell Bella about the next day. “I’m afraid I have a confession to make.”
Maybe that wasn’t the best way to start the conversation because Bella looked worried so before she could get too upset I went on, “When I gave you today to plan what to do, that was because I had already scheduled our day for tomorrow”
“What are we going to do?” she asked taking a sip from her glass.
“Always so curious…” she cut me off with a sly smile, “It’s my ..”
Correcting her speech before going on with what she wanted to say, “It’s your girl’s natural female inclination.”
She was ribbing me for the admonishment I gave her earlier. It was all in fun but I couldn’t let her get away with it. “It just might be the catalyst to my girl’s punishment too.”
The expression on her face made me chuckle but I meant what I said, I would punish her if need be. “But as to your question, it’s a surprise…”
She cut me off again, “You are just full of surprises...”
“So I am.” This time I interrupted her while also starting the bullet watching closely as she resigned herself, “But I’m afraid that we need to be at the harbor by nine and we will be gone most of the day. So I also made arrangements for Seth to spend the day at Doggy-Daycare.
We will also need to grab a small breakfast from one of the local shops.”
Taking a drink, I gave Bella a few seconds to see if she had any more questions for me. When she didn’t answer me I was going to tell her what time we needed to leave but the waiter came over with the appetizers. Placing them in the center of the table I thanked him while keeping an eye on Bella. When he walked away I told Bella that in order to get everything done and be on time we had to leave by eight o’clock.
Truly hoping to get some kind of a response, I was disappointed when all she did was nod her head a few times. I couldn’t really judge how close she was by any sounds because for obvious reasons Bella was being exceptionally quiet. Half expecting her to say ‘yellow’ at any moment I continued to watch while her body language was telling me everything I needed to know.
Bella was doing exactly as I had directed using the knot as a sort of scratching post. The reaction that her body was having from the stimulation was enticing to watch. Her face was flushed with a relaxed jaw as her tongue or teeth were in constant contact with her lips. Silent panting breaths caused her chest to heave from the flow of air. But it was in her eyes, the desire, the want, the need.
I wasn’t sure whether I wanted it to happen yet or not. Part of me wanted to make Bella wait, but the bigger part wanted her to enjoy the reward she deserved, and yet another part couldn’t wait to witness it. I found myself doing something that very rarely happens, I gave her the choice.
“Isabella,” I spoke while leaning across the table as if to refill her glass, “if you can be quiet you may release or I can stop it. The choice is yours.”
Never taking her eyes off mine, Bella sat up straighter than she had been; the muscles in her neck tighten as her lips pressed into a hard line. I could see the wave of pleasure wash over her while she pushed against it until a small quiver shook across her shoulders. To anyone else it would have looked like she had a chill but I knew it was the peak of her orgasm. As her body relaxed I turned off the toy but couldn’t take my eyes off her. Reaching my hand out to cup her face, Bella closed her eyes as her cheek nuzzled into my palm.
“Exquisite.” It was the first and only word that came to my mind. At the sound of my voice Bella’s eyes fluttered open greeting me to a warm smile. “You are truly a miraculous creature Isabella.”
It was hard to break the intimacy of the moment; even there in a room full of people it felt like we were alone in our own little space, so with a reluctant sigh I sat back, “Let’s eat.”
We talked quietly while enjoying our meal, the Sea Bass was delicious and Bella thanked me for making such a good choice. Throughout the evening I had turned on the bullet a few more times, but didn’t allow Bella to reach her release. Watching her letting herself go was enthralling but keeping her on the edge was so damn fucking hot. By the time we had finished dessert and coffee my dick was so hard I wondered how I was going to be able to walk.
The ride back to the hotel only took a few minutes and once I opened the door Seth was more than ready to go outside. Before going out on doggy-duty I took notice that housekeeping had delivered the extra duvet that had been requested. I also put a pillow on the floor for Bella and then left with the dog for her to prepare for me.
Seth hit the first tree we came to and would have been ready to go back in immediately but I wanted to give Bella a few extra minutes of waiting time. So rather then returning to the room we walked around the building. When I did take him back inside the couple who occupied the room next to ours said a passing hello as they were going out for the evening. I sort of felt bad about that; Bella had made some reference about going to a pub, or walking along the harbor at night. With my plans for the evening that wouldn’t be possible but we still had one more night left and I would make it up to her then.
Unhooking Seth’s leash outside our door he sauntered into the room like it was his home. He gave Bella a passing glance as he walked by her kneeling form on his way to the water dish. I hadn’t told Bella which way to face so I was happy that she took her normal stance. Standing behind her I worked on removing the unnecessary clothing and laying them over the back of the sofa, stopping when only my pants and shirt remained. Pulling the ends of my shirt from the confines of my waist I rolled up both sleeves while approaching Bella.
We had a matter to discuss but first I wanted her to know what my reaction was to her performance throughout the evening. Standing at her side I placed my hand on the top of Bella’s head. “Relax my pet”
Bella’s head lay against my thigh while my hand moved in a petting motion over her temple “I was so proud of you tonight. I can’t think of one thing that caused me any displeasure. You did exactly as I instructed and followed your training better than I could have hoped.”
Relaxing into me further I continued to stroke, letting her feel my delight in her for a few moments, but we needed to get on with what had to be taken care of. “You know Isabella I owe you an apology. I’m afraid that because of the nature of our relationship that I have neglected one of my duties. So I ask for your forgiveness and I will rectify my negligence right now.”
It truly was my fault that I had not asked for confessions. Tapping her shoulder Bella righted herself allowing me to move in front of her. Tipping her chin so I could look in her eyes while I spoke “I am with you so often on a daily basis, seeing everything you do that I have become laxed in seeking your confessions. That certainly doesn’t absolve you from telling me of any misdeeds but as I said it is something that we will correct right now. So I ask you Isabella, are there any rules that you have failed to comply with?”
I was imploring her to tell me but she answered quickly with a “No Master”
With a sigh I released her chin to look around the immediate area, not seeing what I was looking for. “Where is your journal?”
I got that look again like she didn’t understand a word I said which caused me to become slightly agitated “Get it…Now!”
Quickly moving from her spot Bella went to her purse on the dresser coming back she stood in front of me with her chin and eyes down holding the journal out for me to take. She stood there while I paged through. I knew that her eating was much better we had taken care of that along with the phone business. Her sleeping was not perfect but it was acceptable and other then the days that I agreed to she had not missed any exercise. Bella even went so far as to mark those days ‘EA” with an asterisk and a footnote that said ‘Edward Approved.
All of that information could be quickly skimmed over while I looked for the entries she had made of her talks with Jane. While I paged through the journal it became clear that she had not been given a weekly writing assignment in quite some time. That also would be rectified but first-things-first. The last entry about Jane was dated on Thursday last week and made reference to the talk they had the previous day.
Holding the journal in front of her so she knew what I was referring to I asked “You have not spoken with Jane since this time?”
“Yes Master your girl has spo..”
Bella’s eyes were still down but I could see the crease marks in her forehead as she thought. What I couldn’t tell was if had been thinking about the times I was asking for or if she was trying to figure out what I was getting at.
I stopped her quickly “Who?”
She sighed in irritation whether it was at me or herself I couldn’t tell, either way I didn’t like it but Bella corrected her speech “This girl…”
“Look at me” needing to see her face and she complied immediately so I signaled for her to continue.
“Master this girl spoke with Jane on Monday night at dinner and before that Sunday night at the club”
That was the time I was interested in.
Paging through the book I made an observation “I do not see any entries for Sunday night”
The confused look I got from Bella was almost comical “Mast..” she stopped talking, probably because she had not been given permission to speak so I nodded once “Go on explain yourself.”
It seemed like a roundabout way to bring up her neglect of keeping the calendar up to date, but it is so much better if she realizes for herself what she did. It also helps her to know that eventually even the smallest detail will come to light and I will call her on it.
Bella let out a frustrated sigh, reminding me that was something we would need to be working on next, but for now her show of irritation came at a bad time. “I didn’t not ask for petulant sounds I gave you a chance to explain yourself. Now do so without the rude commentary”
“Your girl is sorry Master.” I nodded in acceptance while she went on to explain “This one wasn’t aware that she was to document every exchange. She thought you only want to know about stuff that pertained to this girl’s submission. Such as if Jane gave your girl suggestions or advice. Not just basic talk”
Now we were getting somewhere “And what kind of basic talk was this Isabella?”
She still had that look of confusion but at least the sound effects were gone “We played the game, laughed, Jane cancelled lunch…”
“And what lunch was that Isabella? Because I didn’t see any lunch date posted on your calendar.”
Now she got it
I could see her stiffen as her teeth bit into her lip while her eyes dropped. This was my naughty submissive in the flesh. If I had been a policemen or some kind of interrogator this pose would be Bella’s ‘tell’, her guilty stance, her confessional posture. I knew she understood the point I was getting at but there was more information that had to be acquired.
“Look at me” our eyes met and rather than fish around for the answers I got to the point “Was this an impromptu lunch that was discussed in passing as a possibility or was this something that had been arranged days in advance?”
“It was arranged the week prior”
“A week? So you had all those days to put it on the calendar. Every morning for breakfast, dinner time, just getting a bottle of water…”
Bella interrupted me “This one forgot”
Asking the question that really mattered with her forgetting “Would you have forgotten to go to the lunch?” With my question Bella went back to her guilty stance making me tell her again to look at me.
“Your girl doesn’t believe she would have forgotten about the lunch” Tears began to form in her eyes.
“And the waxing? Would you have forgotten that?”
“No Sir”
“Alright then, I can only assume that you forget to keep your responsibilities to me.” At my words the tears fell from her eyes. They weren’t tears of pain but remorse as she saw how her actions affect me. I hated to see her cry but this was something that could not continue and Bella had to see it from my point of view.
Moving past Bella I place the journal on the table and picked up the collar. “If you need me to keep you under constant watch Isabella, I can do that. Because believe me I have no qualms about keeping you within arm’s reach and under meticulous observation.”
Standing behind Bella wrapping the collar around her neck “I would much rather prefer to treat you as an adult who can be trusted to do what is expected of her. But if you need me to treat you like a child who needs to be lead around…so be it”
After attaching the collar with the buckle in the front of her neck, I moved over to the bed leaving her to stand there. Opening the drawer to the nightstand to get the rest of the items I had removed from the bag earlier. With everything on the bed the last thing I needed was a towel. Retrieving one from the bathroom I glanced at Bella. She was still in the same position with obvious tears now falling down her face.
“Bring your leash and come here” moving with slow deliberate steps she picked up the leash as if it would bite her holding it with both hands out away from her body.
“Closer” I beckoned making her lower her hands as she stepped between my open legs.
“Slip off your shoes, hold on to my shoulders and give me your foot” She knew which foot I was talking about.
Once the anklet was removed and placed on the nightstand, I slid my hands down her legs to remove the stockings before having her take a step back so I could stand up. Applying a generous amount of lube to my hands I worked into the crevice between her breasts, being sure to get enough on the underside. Wiping my hands I set about using the other piece of rope wrapping several lengths around her breast drawing them closely together. The ends needed to be secured and normally I would do that by tying a knot in the back of her neck. That wasn’t possible with Bella due to the injury she had sustained. So leaving the ends longer I draped them over her shoulders, down her back and attached them to the rope that created the crotch harness.
Sitting back on the edge of the bed I double checked the breast binding to make sure that the ropes were not too tight or that there is undo pressure on any one point. Satisfied with my work I set about using my mouth to remove the bands from Bella’s nipples. It was part of the reason why I liked the bands so much. The sensations they created in Bella was one thing but my joy really came from them in the removal and with her breast bound they were so very delectable.
Starting with the right side my tongue flicked across the hard nub before circling around it. A whimper left Bella’s mouth but I didn’t care, tonight I wanted to hear her. Taking the nub between my teeth and pulling to elongate it caused a gasp and a frustrated sigh came out when I moved to the other side. By the time I had the first one almost off, Bella was panting and rubbing herself against the knot.
My hand came down quickly on her bottom as my mouth moved away from its task to give a stern warning “Stop that”
Going back to what I was doing my hands moved down to Bella’s thighs tugging them apart. A few minutes later I had one band in my mouth working on the other and Bella was a constant sound of wanton moans. Grasping her hips firmly my teeth gripped the band and in one swift motion pulled it off as Bella screamed.
Her panting breaths left me to wonder as I looked into her face “Did you just cum?”
She was still panting while shaking her head “No…no Master...no”
Keeping my hands on her hips I waited for a moment until she had caught her breath before having her stand back up. Standing myself I moved behind her and reached in my pocket to turn on the bullet.
The noise Bella made was somewhere between a gasp and choke, the sound went straight to my already painful dick and I rubbed it against her hip “Oh yes my pet I do so love the sounds you make and I am looking forward to hearing them all.”
My words and actions having an effect on Bella that I was beginning to enjoy, as a loud primal moan came out of her while she rubbed herself against the knot. “That’s it my little slut, the toy is on you should be working that knot”
Taking the leash from Bella’s hands and attaching it to the hook on the back of her neck I wrapped the two feet of nylon around my hand and tugged causing her head to tilt back as a gasp left her throat. Closing the small space between us my other hand wrapped around Bella’s arm and across her chest to tease her nipples.
The moans from her were incredible and every one that flowed seemed to be louder and more savage then the last. The movement she was making with her hips was causing friction against my dick and I needed to focus on Bella to keep from blowing my load.
Speaking against her ear in as stern of a voice as I could muster “My little one needs me close, how close? Does she need me to fuck her?...”
At my words her hips started moving with more purpose while she started to mutter incoherently and I had to restrain myself from crushing my dick against her while I spoke low and forcefully “Because I’m going fuck you. I’m going to hold on to your leash and fuck you so hard…”
I didn’t get to finish because the low primal moan that came from her was nothing but need as she starting pleading with me. “please…ple..ple…please…may…plea..pleeeasseee”
Her stammering sounded like gibberish but I knew what she wanted and she was going to wait so I wasted time with an obvious question. “Do you want to cum?”
“Yes! Please!” her voice was almost unrecognizable as she screamed out
“You only get one Isabella…Do you understand me?”
“Yes Mas…yes” her legs were shaking and my arm that was over her chest wrapped under her arm to give her more support before going back to her nipple as she starting begging. I wanted her to hold it, let the intensity build while I tried to help her focus on something else.
Keeping my tone firm I clarified “If you cum now, it will be the only time you cum tonight. Are you sure?” I didn’t even get an answer just one long high pitched plead for release.
“Hold it Isabella” I said sternly while she begged and I warned her again “Hold it”
Bella’s body was covered with a sheen of sweat as the muscles in her back tighten while a steady stream of panting moans came out of her mouth. Taking her ear lope between my teeth I bit down, while pinching her nipple and growled “Now”
She sucked in a deep breath of air, arching her back as her upper body seized while her hips moved against the rope between her legs and screamed out a string of incoherent words that I was sure was Quileute.
Holding her firmly I watched as the rush from her orgasm came over her body turning her pale skin to the prettiest shade of pink. The look on her face was pure bliss as she seemed to stop breathing for a second and a single tear ran down the side of her face while she rested her full weight against my body.
Fucking Glorious
Loosening the slack on the leash, Bella’s head still did not move until her breathing started to return to normal. Turning off the bullet I watched as her eyes fluttered open to look into mine. “Welcome back my pet”
Lifting her head upright Bella took a tentative step to adjust her weight on her feet, leaving out a small whimper from what I could only assume was the knot rubbing against her sensitive clit.
I didn’t want to leave go of the hold I had on her until I was sure she could safely remain upright on her own. Instead supporting her the few steps it took to get her by the bed so she could sit down.
“Are you ok now?” I asked squatting down in front of her and handing over the bottle of water off the nightstand.
“Yes Sir…thank you” her voice was still hushed as she opened up the bottle. I smiled and couldn’t help myself but ask “What are you thanking me for Isabella, the water or the orgasm?”
A soft smile accompanied the harsh blush as she swallowed a large gulp of water “Both”
“You’re welcome Isabella…” I told her while taking the spreader bar off the bed “…for both”
Adjusting the bar to a three foot width I took the water bottle from Bella before attaching the bar to her ankles. I had originally planned to have her kneeling on the floor but looking at her sitting there I had a better idea. Once the bar was on I had her stand to attach the ‘T’ restraint.
This is a simple but effective device that looks like an upside-down ‘T’. The hook on the long end attaches to the collar and the hands are placed in the cuffs on either side of the cross strip, thereby securely holding both wrists in place. With that keeping her hands in position I had her sit back on the bed while I got myself ready.
Stepping away from Bella I watched her eyes while unbuttoning my shirt. They followed my hands as they moved down my chest and she actually licked her lips while I unzippered my pants. The woman was amazing she was just coming off a massive orgasm and she was looking at me like a starving man looks at T-bone steak, drool included.
I am a lucky bastard
With my clothes gone I needed to apply lube to both myself and Bella. Stroking my hand over my dick a few times I practically groaned at the moan that came from her. I loved hearing those sounds they were like an electric pulse to my balls. But if she didn’t settle her ass down there was no way I was going to be able to hold out long enough to actually fuck her.
And I was definitely fucking her.
Stepping between her open legs I took a hold of her leash again wrapping it around my hand to give me greater control. Squatting down I moved closer to Bella’s body and gripping my shaft brought it up between her breast.
The ropes around them created a perfect spot and with Bella sitting on the bed she was at the ideal height. After a few thrust I used the leash as a lead but I didn’t need to tell Bella what to do. Every time my dick came through that glorious spot her mouth was there to meet it. The softness of her tits squeezing around my dick along with the warmth of her mouth felt so good. Add to that the fact that we had spent the past several hours engaging in various kinds of sexual activity and I was ready for some fucking relief.
But not yet
I could feel the tingle starting in my legs but I wanted to make it last so I pulled up on Bella’s leash to remove her mouth from me. I couldn’t see her face but she was trying her hardest to get back on me making me tug her leash even harder. After a few softer strokes I got myself under control letting the slack go on the leash, Bella didn’t wait at all to get her mouth back on me.
It was the only thing that came out of mouth along with a hiss as her warm lips wrapped around me. Between the sight of me fucking her tits, and the sounds from her mouth along with the vibrations from her moans I had to once again pull her away from me so I could calm the fuck down. When I did I realized that Bella was once again rubbing against the knot.
Pulling the leash so she tilted her head up I warned “Don’t you dare cum”
She seemed to sit still but her breathing was erratic as I let the slack go once again. I ended up pulling her away from my dick three more times always being met with the sound of Bella’s discontent. Those frustrated noises were going to be the next thing that leaves but if I was being honest at the time they helped to clear my mind. So in a sense those irritating sounds from Bella were a mixed blessing.
The last time I pulled Bella away was the hardest, my dick was keeping a steady pumping rhythm and she had her lips suctioned over the whole head while her tongue lapped across it. It felt so fucking good that it was actually tortuous to tug on her leash. The only thing that got me through was the fact that being up inside her would feel even better.
Stepping away I reached behind Bella to open up one of the knots for the breast binding. With that done it only took a few seconds for the ropes to be removed. Lifting her feet by the bar I gave it a twist making her body follow so she was face down on the bed. Opening the square knot for the harness let me have access to the spot I wanted.
My fingers ran through Bella’s slit and she moaned deeply as they entered her to retrieve the bullet. Once it was out I couldn’t wait any longer, using the spreader bar I lifted her legs so her knees were bent with her feet in the air. Holding the leash in one hand I grabbed my cock in the other and slammed into her.
“Ohhh….fuck!” Bella screamed while all I could do was grunt.
She felt so fucking good it was heaven. Warm, wet and so fucking tight, every moment inside her felt like ecstasy, I had been waiting all day to feel her and it was worth it she was the best fucking pussy drug I ever had. Bella was moaning as my dick moved in and out of her in a furious pace. The only thing that was drowning out her noises was the sound of the bed banging against the wall.
“god…I’m going ..to …” Bella panted out
“The fuck you are” I growled out as my hand came down on her bottom in a resounding slap making her gasp and then cry out as another one landed.
A few more slaps later and the pressure was building inside me to an unbearable point. Bella was back to begging as the bed kept hitting the wall and even poor Seth seemed to be wondering what the heck was going on but I couldn’t care less. Grapping Bella’s hips I shouted out and came inside her so hard my legs buckled. Pulling out of her I fell on to bed landing next to Bella in a breathless mass of exhaustion. My body felt numb and I wanted to do absolutely nothing but lay there and enjoy the feeling.
I couldn’t exactly say how long we laid there. The only thing that I could say for certainty was that I didn’t go to sleep. My eyes were closed and I was completely relaxed but also always conscious of my surroundings. It was the soft mewl that came from Bella that brought me out of the stupor I was in. She needed to be released from all the restraints, checked for bruises and then put to bed.
She really wasn’t happy that I was disturbing her but once her arms were free she groaned with the movement. I figured that it would be a good idea to go start the tub so that she could soak in the hot water and loosen up; I also set up Bella’s sleeping spot for the night.
Having Bella sit I worked on getting the harness off and the last thing was her collar with the leash. Picking her up I carried her on weak legs to the tub where we sat and I took out what was left of her hairdo -the majority of it had already came out on its own- so I could wash her hair.
While washing Bella’s body I checked to make sure that there weren’t any bruises. The only thing that I could see was a few rope marks on the side of her breast and over her left hip. The only other thing was that her crotch was tender; I would make sure to put ointment on those areas before putting her down for the night.
We sat in the hot water with the jets on, relaxing and letting the water soak away any sore muscles. She was half asleep but still talking to me trying her very best to find out what we doing tomorrow. But I wasn’t giving anything away.
Then she was concerned about the daycare for Seth, I assured her that it was the very best, each dog was given their own caretaker. He would be walked and played with all day. She laughed when I said that he would come home with a picture made from macaroni for her to display on the refrigerator.
When it was getting to the point where she couldn’t keep her eyes open and her fingers were getting pruney it was time to get out. She wrapped a towel around herself and another one around her hair and we stood together in matching outfits brushing our teeth. Sitting on the bed I took the hairbrush from her. I had never brushed any other woman’s hair, the act had never appealed to me. However that first time I did it on the bed in Bella’s home there just seemed to be something so innocently intimate about the act, that I found great joy in it.
When all the knots were out Bella separated the back into two sides, leaned against my chest and began braiding the two sections into long pig-tails down over her shoulders. “Master? What should your girl wear tomorrow?”
I grinned at her attempts while massaging ointment onto the marks on her breast “I would suggest jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt but take a sweatshirt along”
“Will it be cool there?” I shrugged “It might be, especially in the morning…spread your legs” she needed ointment on the tender flesh, as my fingers moved over the delicate skin she moaned lifting her hips to meet my touch. The sound once again going to my dick but I knew she would be sore and I needed to keep myself in check.
“I think it is time for my Isabella to sleep” As she sat up my hand held her in position while I stood picking up the collar, strapping it around her neck with the buckle in the back. Bella looked up at me with those big brown doe eyes as I attached the leash to the hook in the front.
“Come little one I’ll put you to bed” keeping the leash at its regular length Bella had no choice but to follow me to the other side of the bed where the extra duvet was folded in half on the floor. The pillow and blanket already waiting for her to get snuggled in for the night. Bella’s eyes scanned between the bed and the make-shift one on the floor until finally settling on my face.
“Those that need their Master to keep them close like children need to be treated as such. It would be irresponsible of me to let you sleep in the bed because it’s possible that you might fall out. But don’t worry little one I will constantly be within arm’s reach” lightly tugging the end of the leash as I said the last sentence.
“We have to get up early … so off you go” I said swatting her bottom for effect.
Squatting down next to my disgruntled but very tired submissive I made sure the pillow was under her neck, tucked the blanket up under her chin, kissed the top of her head and laid the leash on the bed.
Climbing under the blankets and turning out the light, I looked down at Bella. The soft beam of light from the bathroom cast a glow of muted shadows on her features. She was lying on her side facing the bed. Due to the length of the leash she wouldn’t have much space to move around but from what I could tell that wouldn’t be a problem.
Her eyes were already closed with hands tucked up under her chin. She looked peaceful, comfortable and serene. My hand ran down the length of the braid while she snuggled closer into the softness of the duvet.
Holding the leash my head lay down on the pillow as thoughts of the day ran quickly through my mind. I could feel myself starting to drift into sleep and my fingers moved over the flat nylon that was between them. It was the connection to Bella I needed to be able to succumb to the rest my body so desperately required.
“Good night Isabella” I whispered through a yawn and was surprised with a responding yawn and a groggy hushed voice “Good night Master"
Stuck…that’s what I was. Fucking stuck between the preverbal rock and a hard place. All day long I kept waiting for Bella to tell me that she had changed her mind. It’s not that I doubted her ability or thought her unprepared because I had full confidence in her submission. The only concern I had was the confidence that Bella had in herself.
When she asked what we were going to do during our usual time I figured that I would see what her thoughts were. Personally I was expecting her to immediately go with modified. That would keep us in our perspective roles while in public yet allow for fullness while in the room. But when it took several minutes of internal debating I was expecting Bella to tell me that she just wanted to cancel for the evening. That would have been fine with me, I look forward to our D/s play but I was also enjoying just being together; after all we were on vacation.
But no – not my Bella, she has to go and shock me with her request to go in full mode. There was no way I would tell her that she wasn’t ready. For one I didn’t believe that, more importantly I didn’t want Bella to believe that. She has come so far in making strides at her self-confidence it was almost amazing to watch the inner strength that was coming through. The last thing that I want to have happen is for her to lose any of what she worked so hard to gain. Especially now with us heading to Forks in a few days, there would be no time for her to recover and on the other hand it could be the boost that she needs.
The other problem was I had a situation to discuss with my submissive. I had originally thought about doing it before dinner but then she threw that plan out the window. She is going to need to keep her concentration on what is happening and I don’t want her distracted in anyway. That means our discussion had to occur after we returned for the evening.
So I am stuck between the reward that I was hoping to God she would receive not getting in the way of over-shadowing the correction that had to be taken care of.
Not keeping the calendar properly up to date is a small infraction - not anything close to the phone incident – but it is one of the ten rules that I gave her. It was also something that couldn’t continue to happen. If Isabella needed me to keep her close, treat her like someone who needed to be constantly watched because she was unable to do things on her own, well then that’s what I was going to do.
After I left Bella in the room to get ready the first thing I had to do was stop by the front desk to see if they could deliver something to the room that would provide for her comfort. Once that was secured it was off to the pet supply store I had seen while we walked around earlier. I could have borrowed Seth’s leash however a stronger collar was necessary. The one Bella wears is not meant to be used for what I had in mind.
Bella’s collar was more of a non-removable necklace, a daily reminder to her and me of the commitment we made to each other. Beside’s there was absolutely no way for me to attach the leash to it. And what a fine leash it was. Strong black woven nylon in a length not meant for walking but for training, and that’s what it was going to be used for, besides it was time Bella had one of her own.
My mind had been thinking about it all day, conjuring up images of Bella kneeling beside me while I held the reins to her movements. Keeping her within arm’s reach and directing her into position by a tug of the leash. The intention this time would be correction, but it was my hope that she would be wearing the leash in the very near future simply for enjoyment. Because I have to admit what my mind was conceiving was fucking sexy as hell.
Opening the door to the room brought me to the spectacle that was my Bella. She was gracefully alluring as she knelt in front of the fire waiting. Normally she would face the other way with her back to me. However since Sunday night when I watched her sink down to the floor at New Moon, I couldn’t get the picture out of my head. The impassive look of total surrender was truly a sight to behold and I wanted to see it again.
Of course my dick wanted to see it too and was fighting its way through my pants to try and get a firsthand look. This was another reason it’s best to her have looking the other way, it allows a few minutes for me to calm the fuck down and get that shit under control. Maybe it was the masochist in me because the view before me was worth any effort on my part.
Bella seemed so calm while she waited as if it was a completely natural position for her to be in. As I moved towards her the excitement for our upcoming evening was starting to build in me. Usually I would prolong that feeling letting the adrenaline build in myself while giving Bella time to brew in her own anticipation. The extra time allows the tension to build until it becomes an energized buzz of eagerness while Bella awaits my touch. Giving her time to wonder what my plans are for her, until the edginess begins to set in.
But I just didn’t have the time; we needed to leave in an hour to make the dinner reservation. I needed to give her instructions as well as prepare her body for the first phase of our evening. Laying her new collar and leash on the table I watched as the cool calmness receded in what appeared to be a catch in her breath. Not exactly understanding the reaction I greeted my submissive.
“Good evening Isabella.”
I didn’t get a reaction, but then again I wasn’t expecting one as I moved past her to the closet where the toy bag was. Placing it on the bed where I could keep an eye on Bella while getting the items out that would be used for the night. I needed two lengths of rope, the remote control bullet and lube, plus the adjustable spreader bar and T-restraint for later. Zipping the tote bag up I returned it to the closet, dropping it on the floor and getting the small red gift bag from my suitcase.
Turning to get the things off the bed I had a full view of Bella. Her body and posture had not changed at all but it was clear that she was biting the inside of her lip. It was also clear that her eyes kept shifting to the leash on the table.
Yeah…she was more than a little anxious
That was good for tonight I wanted her to squirm, in fact Bella was going to be squirming a lot. But right now she should be keeping her eyes down and not being so curious.
“Nosy tonight?” I asked while moving to stand back in front of her.
At my words Bella’s eyes immediately went back to the floor but it was too late, she had been caught.
“I thought we had this discussion before about keeping out of my business. Yes or No Isabella?”
“Yes Master. Your…” Cutting her off with a swift retort, “I didn’t ask for an explanation. All I wanted was a simple yes or no.”
Giving her a second to recompose herself I went on with my admonishment of her inquisitiveness.
“I understand that it is your natural female inclination to be snooping, however I would suggest that you work very hard at overcoming it. Any item that I have out is none of your concern. You will be made aware of its existence if and when I choose to introduce it. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Master,” there were no tears and for that I was glad.
Bella had grown so much more stable in her role. Where a month ago that little rebuke would have brought a round of tears, now she takes the words for what they are and hopefully learns the lesson from it.
I let out an audible sigh, “Good. Don’t make me have to tell you again,” with that taken care of I held my hand out. “Stand up.”
Taking my offered hand for support Bella stands; she looks absolutely ravishing wearing nothing but black stockings and heels. She had done her hair as I had asked, the bulk of it high on her head with the ends cascading down leaving the majority of her neck exposed. Dropping her hand I gave the signal for her to turn and as she did I stopped her movement by stepping up against her back.
My hand ran down the length of Bella’s side along her ribs, stomach and over the flare of her hip. At my touch she remained rigid in stance so I thought it would be a good time to see how much my Bella could take.
My other hand moved to wrap around her waist as my fingers slowly glided over her lower stomach moving upwards. Using a single finger I circled around her navel a few times as the hand that had been on her hip worked its way back up. Bella’s skin was so soft with a silkiness that let my hands slither over it as they moved towards to her breasts. She truly was lovely with natural curves and beauty that I found so very pleasing.
I could feel the muscles across her shoulders tighten as she fought to remain steadfast while the tips of my fingers traced the round fullness of her breasts. Her body was responding to my attention yet she showed no sign of the desire that was beginning to grow. Cupping both breasts firmly my thumbs circled the areolas a few times before quickly flicking against her nipples. The bands she wore kept them constantly erect and in a state of perpetual need, making my actions all the more effective. Bella responded by drawing in a deep breath while the tension in her shoulders intensified.
Smiling to myself I figured it was time to truly test my pets resolve. Bella sucked in a ragged mouthful of air while I rolled each nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I thought for sure a whimper would escape but instead she completely stopped breathing until she got herself under control. A few seconds later her breathing resumed and I praised her.
“Good girl Isabella,” the words were spoken softly against her ear before my nose skimmed along her shoulder. My fingers continued their work while I spoke once again in Bella’s ear. “The question I have is, can you continue?”
“Yes Master,” her voice was slightly breathy but I couldn’t fault her for that. However I could test her answer and that’s what I did.
Taking a small step so that I could get into a better position to see her face, my left hand crossed over to Bella’s right nipple to resume its work, while letting my right hand move downward, tugging forcefully on the small patch of hair making her bite her lip to remain quiet.
My hand dropped down further and I have to admit I was very satisfied with myself when I felt the moisture seeping to her outer lips. Dipping my fingers between her folds I was met with a warm wetness that seemed to be dripping out of her like a faucet. She was so fucking wet and my dick was screaming at me to let him get all up inside it. I needed to get myself under control before I broke and let out a groan of my own. Since fucking her right now wasn’t an option I needed to get the attention back to Bella and away from my raging hard-on.
“My, my…how wet are you Isabella?” not getting an answer I quickly slapped the soft skin over her clit, “answer me.”
“Mmm...extremely wet Master.”
That she was, but I wanted a proper response and I also wanted to see where her frame of mind was. So while my fingers began to circle her clit I asked, “Who is extremely wet?”
Bella swallowed hard letting out a breath before answering, “Master’s slut…is extremely wet.”
Bingo that was the word I was hoping for
“Would my slut like to feel my cock inside of her?” I asked while my hands began to apply more pressure to both her nipple and clit. Bella’s jaw slackened as her tongue peeked out to moisten her lips while her breathing began to deepen. She was getting close and yet she still had not faltered in any way.
“Master’s slut…wants whatever pleases him.”
“Hmmm…” I hummed against her neck while the motions of my fingers never stopped. Bella started breathing heavier and I figured she wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer, but I wasn’t ready to let her go yet either. “Right now this is pleasing me, in fact…”
I could feel the muscles in Bella’s stomach tighten as I spoke in her ear, “…do you feel that…” I rubbed my hard-on into the side of her ass, “…do you feel what you do to me?”
“Yes Master.” As she said the words I once again grinded my dick against her, “What do you intend to do about that?”
And there it was, the sound that I had been waiting for escaped her lips. It was a soft whimper but it was most definitely there. “Is that what it takes Isabella? All my slut needs the feel of my cock against her and she cracks?”
Between my words and the attention of my fingers Bella’s body was getting to the breaking point, I wanted her close but the orgasms were to come later so this needed to stop. Removing my hand from her pussy I brought it to her face and holding her jaw between my thumb and little finger I pressed the two fingers covered with her juices down on her tongue making her suck. Lifting Bella’s chin and tilting it slightly so I could speak clearly in her ear.
“You never answered me Isabella. Is that what it takes? Does the feel of my cock make you so excited that you lose your composure?”
She let out a small whimpering murmur around my fingers, “I’m going to take that as a yes. And for the answer to my original question...hmmm…kneel.”
Removing my fingers from her mouth, Bella didn’t move at first, more than likely just taking a second to get her bearings, but we didn’t have time for that.
“Now Isabella!” The sternness in my voice caused her to comply. Moving in front of Bella I gave her the signal to look at me. Her eyes met mind with a desire in them that was almost staggering and my dick pulsed with eagerness as I asked, “So…what are you going to do?”
Her tongue moved across her lips and she seemed search for the words, “Master, will you allow your sluts mouth to ease your discomfort?”
Damn she is getting good at this
I could not think of one comeback to Bella’s response. In one sentence she asked for permission, told me what she was going to do and why she was doing it. That was the most important thing - the why. If I was going to question her on anything it would have been that. But my smart girl thwarted those issues my making it about my comfort rather than her desires. And who in their right mind would say no to being comfortable?
Oh yeah, my Bella is getting very good at this
Bella’s eyes remained fixed on mine while I toed off my shoes and opened my jeans letting them drop to the floor along with my boxers. Her face held no emotion, but in her eyes the longing couldn’t be masked. Taking the step towards her and away from the clothing pooled on the floor I gave the simple command. “Open.”
The feel of Bella’s warm moist mouth as it wrapped around my throbbing cock was like a balm on a festering sore. It felt so good that a low hiss escaped my mouth and the sound must have excited her because she moaned around my dick, drawing it further into her mouth. She wasted no time at setting a pace that would have made me concentrate hard on my control. However, prolonging wasn’t what I was going for.
So rather than distracting myself I focused on the superb talents of her mouth, the way she would move over the shaft in quick sure motions drawing her head back while swirling her tongue along the underside and finishing the motion with a swipe over the head. She looked so fucking sexy on her knees with her brown innocent eyes looking up at me.
The tingle in my balls was starting to grow and with each sweep of her mouth over my dick it got stronger. My hand cupped the back of head giving me the leverage to guide her motions in a faster pace. The muscles in my legs started to tighten along with the tingle in my balls that turned into a pressure radiating up into my stomach. It felt so fucking good that part of me wanted to draw out the feeling as long as possible, but the larger part was looking forward to the climax. That was where all my focus went.
Closing my eyes I let the pressure build while her mouth seemed to keep the perfect amount of suction. Bella’s teeth scraped along my shaft ending with a small nip on the tip. On the next pass down she hummed making her tongue vibrate as she took me deep into the back of her throat. Holding me there she swallowed, then something that sounded like a growl vibrated my whole dick. The muscles in her throat clamped down once again and I fucking lost it, erupting in a quick burst.
Bella continued to swallow around me – I don’t know how the fuck she does that – until I was done pulsating. My legs felt weak but in a good sort of way as my hand left the back of her head. She pulled her mouth back keeping a small amount of pressure on me. Her tongue swirling one last time over the head before rubbing the tip of it over the slit making me grunt.
Looking down at Bella the lustful gaze that had been there before seemed to have intensified, but her reward would come later. At the moment I needed to get myself dressed so I could prepare her for the evening. With a signal to lower her eyes I moved about the room to get my clothes out for dinner. I had brought a black suit and once I had everything on but the jacket my attention was turned back to Bella.
Holding my hand out I had her stand so I could work on getting the ropes in place. I had wanted to do a combination breast and crotch harness however the dress she was wearing wouldn’t allow for that. So the breast bindings would have to wait for later.
Folding the blue eight foot section of nylon rope in half I set about working on the binding. Wrapping it around Bella’s waist and pulling the ends through the opening of the bight at her navel. I could feel her eyes on me while I worked but she remained quiet while I made two knots in the length.
“Turn around,” Bella complied immediately.
With her back to me, I used my hand in a tapping motion between her legs silently telling her to part them. Using two fingers I moved through the slick folds before plunging into her wet core causing a moan.
My other hand came down swiftly on her ass, “Quiet!”
After a few more swipes through the slickness I placed the bullet at her entrance, she was so wet no lube was necessary as I slid it up into place. Using the remote I turned it on for a test run and was happy to see the muscles in Bella’s ass tighten at the sensation, yet she made not a whimper.
“Good girl,” I praised while placing a kiss on her hip and turning off the toy.
Reaching between her legs to grab the rope that was hanging down I brought it up through her parted thighs pulling it taut against her sex. Holding the rope against her ass I stood to check on the placement of the knots in the front. One fell just above the pubic bone and the other laid over her clit.
As I moved the rope must have rubbed against Bella’s sensitive nub because she hissed. Pulling the robes tighter against her body she stiffened as I got her attention. “Do we need to stay in tonight to work on the meaning of quiet?”
“No Master.” I kept my eyes on the side of her face for a few seconds watching as her eyes remained fixed on the floor while biting on her bottom lip.
Once satisfied that Bella knew to remain quiet I adjusted the rope through her folds making sure that it laid flat so as not to cause any damage to the surrounding area. When I was sure of the correct position I tied a series of five knots up the back. These would only cause Bella discomfort if she sits back in a chair, thereby insuring that her back will remain very straight.
Tucking the ends through the rope wrapped around her waist I made a square knot to keep it all in place. There was still about a foot left on each end which I separated and wrapped around her waist tucking it into the rope that was already there.
“Turn around,” I said placing a quick swat on her bottom.
Bella took a small tentative step and I watched as her eyes grew from the sensation that the movement was causing, “Interesting isn’t it?”
“Yes Master.”
Just you wait my pet
I wanted to tell her that she hasn’t felt anything yet, but I figured why ruin the surprise?
“Get dressed and then I have a gift for you.” Tilting her head to the side she looked at me like I had just spoken in Swahili, “Now!”
I couldn’t help the grin on my face as I watched Bella take the five steps to the closet where her dress hung over the door frame. The first one was cautious and each consecutive one carefully placed until a slight shiver rippled through her as she lifted her arms to retrieve her clothes. I could have gotten it for her, but she needed to get used to the friction that the rope was causing.
Pulling the dress over her head Bella adjusted the waist tying the belt just below her ribs. The dress was two different shades of blue that looked like hanging scarves. It wasn’t tight against her body yet it showed off her natural curves and ended mid-way down her thighs. She looked great and the flow of the material hid any trace of the ropes underneath. The only thing I wished that could have been changed was that the material across her breasts were ruffled obscuring the firmness of her nipples.
“Come back here.” Her steps were less hesitant on the way back over and I figured by the time we actually had to walk by other people she would have adjusted to the feeling of the rope.
Holding the bag on my lap Bella stood in front of me biting her lip while eyeing the bag and when I moved it closer to my body her neck strained in an attempt to see what was inside. This time I chuckled at her interest. “Well, you are nosey tonight.”
At my words Bella dropped her eyes looking almost sad, “Your girl is sorry Master.”
Cupping her chin I wanted her to look at me to show me the excitement she just had, “No...No Isabella. I told you, this is your gift. You should want to see what it is.”
Her eyes lit up as she once again craned her neck to see what was in the bag, “Why did Master buy his girl a gift?”
“Because I can. Because I thought she would like it. Because I want to see it on her.”
“What is it?”
Well, that was right to the point
I had Bella hold on to my shoulders, before closing her eyes and slipping off her left shoe. With a firm grip on me I placed her foot on her leg to put the anklet on. Once it was securily in place she opened her eyes looking down with a huge smile.
“You bought your girl bells? Do they jingle?” shaking her foot she announced with glee, “They do!”
Before I could move the bag or realize what was happening Bella had thrown herself in my lap wrapping her arms around me, “Thank you Master. This one wanted to get bells, but didn’t know if she should or not.”
“I’m glad you like them.”
Bella pulled back looking in my eyes, “Your girl loves them but not as much as she loves you.”
“That’s always a good thing Isabella.” I placed a small kiss on her lips but then I figured I had better warn her about the bells, “The majority of people will not know what the bells mean; they will only see a pretty piece of jewelry that jingles. But there are those who will know, all they have to do is see the bells or hear the jingle and you will have their full attention. Their eyes will go to your collar…” I traced the sliver that adored her neck, “…they will know exactly what you are.”
“Your girl understands.”
While Bella was sitting I spread my legs having her sit flat on the bed between them to receive instructions. Turning on the bullet my hand ran up her thigh under the dress to press on the knot against her clit while giving the directions. “When the toy is on, you are to rub yourself against the knot…do that now…” the wiggle that her bottom made caused the knots on her back to rub against my dick making me quickly turn off the bullet, I went on explaining ,“You are to stop immediately when the toy shuts off and you are not permitted to stop until it does. Do I make myself clear?”
It was a simple concept one that would not bring Bella unnecessary attention – if she remained quiet – yet would push her limits while solidifying the trust and dependence she has in me. Bella answered with a ‘Yes Sir’ and I got on my jacket, placed the wrap around her shoulders and we left.
Rather than walking we took the car to the restaurant arriving a few minutes early for our reservations. Bella stood quietly behind me as we waited and dutifully followed while the hostess led us to our table which was along the wall towards the back of the room. It was the dinner hour and the three tables that surrounded us were all occupied. Holding the chair out for Bella, I placed her at the small table so that she would be facing the wall. I choose to sit against the wall facing Bella along with the other patrons. That position gave me the advantage of being completely aware of our surroundings, while giving Bella an unconstructive view of only me. As I sat down the hostess left me with a wine list telling us to enjoy our dinner.
I turned on the bullet.
Bella’s eyes dropped to the table as she began to make the subtle movements. So subtle in fact that no one but us would know she was doing it. “Good girl Isabella, but look at me.”
Her eyes went to mine and I nodded once in approval looking down at the wine list before asking, “What are you in the mood for red or white?”
I knew she preferred white but I wanted to hear her reply. “Whichever you prefer Sir.”
Good answer, slightly hushed with a definite tone of sexual tension that I have come to know so well. However, I couldn’t reply since the waiter approached with menus and I watched as Bella stopped her movements. At least I believe she did however it was possible that she continued in a way that I wasn’t even aware of what she was doing. Either way I turned off the switch.
Taking the order for a bottle of white house wine the waiter left while I made the inquiry. “Why did you stop?”
Not asking if but why. If I was wrong then Bella would tell me, however I didn’t get an answer, instead her eyes once again went to the table telling me all I needed to know. Inclining a little closer across the table I used the finger trace along her jaw before tapping lightly on her chin. “Did I not make my instructions clear?”
Again her eyes went to the table in shame for disobeying, so again I tapped Bella’s chin. Her gaze was slightly glassy which I’m sure was a mixture of remorse and anxiety. I needed her to understand that I expected full obedience or she would face the consequences. “Do not disobey me again. Do you understand?”
“Yes Master.”
Bella’s eyes shifted to both sides of the table looking to see if anyone had heard her words. She didn’t need to worry about that. The tables were far enough apart that even with the other patrons talking at what my mother would have called ‘inside voices’ it was difficult to hear their conversations. Our hushed words would have been next to impossible to distinguish.
Clearing my throat brought her attention back to me, “Where does your attention belong Isabella?” She didn’t answer because it wasn’t expected of her. I knew that she was uneasy but this was her idea. So I gave Bella a second to think about my question before helping her center herself.
“I want you to close your eyes, take few a deep breaths and put your focus where it belongs.” I watched while Bella did as I asked. After the second breath she opened her eyes, the tension was gone and calm was in its place; a relaxed smile played across her face.
“That’s my girl.” I smiled back at her, “Do you feel better?”
“Yes Master, thank you.” Sitting back in the chair with a nod I switched on the bullet before picking up the menu.
The movement Bella made was even less subtle than before but glancing over the top of the menu I could tell she was obeying. The waiter brought the wine, peeling off the wax seal with a small knife before using the cork screw to open it. I kept an eye on Bella while he went about his job. She had not stopped this time in fact it appeared to me that she was rather enjoying herself.
After handing the cork back to the waiter I switched off the toy. Bella froze, as her shoulders hitched forward while letting out a long deep exhale. It took her a second to compose herself but by the time the waiter handed her the glass of wine there was no clue that anything was out of the ordinary. When he handed me a glass I held it up between us in a toast.
“To my Isabella, and all of her magnificent perfection.”
“Here...Here!” the waiter agreed while Bella clinked my glass with a blush on her face. My words weren’t meant to embarrass but to praise. Now that she was over the initial fears, our evening could and would progress as I had hoped.
Bella kept her eyes down while I did the ordering, starting with Smoked Salmon and Raw Oysters and choosing Sea Bass with wild rice and vegetables for our entrees. Mine was to be grilled while Bella’s was Dijon. I figured she would like all the different flavors that go into making the sauce.
The waiter left taking the menus with him and I needed to tell Bella about the next day. “I’m afraid I have a confession to make.”
Maybe that wasn’t the best way to start the conversation because Bella looked worried so before she could get too upset I went on, “When I gave you today to plan what to do, that was because I had already scheduled our day for tomorrow”
“What are we going to do?” she asked taking a sip from her glass.
“Always so curious…” she cut me off with a sly smile, “It’s my ..”
Correcting her speech before going on with what she wanted to say, “It’s your girl’s natural female inclination.”
She was ribbing me for the admonishment I gave her earlier. It was all in fun but I couldn’t let her get away with it. “It just might be the catalyst to my girl’s punishment too.”
The expression on her face made me chuckle but I meant what I said, I would punish her if need be. “But as to your question, it’s a surprise…”
She cut me off again, “You are just full of surprises...”
“So I am.” This time I interrupted her while also starting the bullet watching closely as she resigned herself, “But I’m afraid that we need to be at the harbor by nine and we will be gone most of the day. So I also made arrangements for Seth to spend the day at Doggy-Daycare.
We will also need to grab a small breakfast from one of the local shops.”
Taking a drink, I gave Bella a few seconds to see if she had any more questions for me. When she didn’t answer me I was going to tell her what time we needed to leave but the waiter came over with the appetizers. Placing them in the center of the table I thanked him while keeping an eye on Bella. When he walked away I told Bella that in order to get everything done and be on time we had to leave by eight o’clock.
Truly hoping to get some kind of a response, I was disappointed when all she did was nod her head a few times. I couldn’t really judge how close she was by any sounds because for obvious reasons Bella was being exceptionally quiet. Half expecting her to say ‘yellow’ at any moment I continued to watch while her body language was telling me everything I needed to know.
Bella was doing exactly as I had directed using the knot as a sort of scratching post. The reaction that her body was having from the stimulation was enticing to watch. Her face was flushed with a relaxed jaw as her tongue or teeth were in constant contact with her lips. Silent panting breaths caused her chest to heave from the flow of air. But it was in her eyes, the desire, the want, the need.
I wasn’t sure whether I wanted it to happen yet or not. Part of me wanted to make Bella wait, but the bigger part wanted her to enjoy the reward she deserved, and yet another part couldn’t wait to witness it. I found myself doing something that very rarely happens, I gave her the choice.
“Isabella,” I spoke while leaning across the table as if to refill her glass, “if you can be quiet you may release or I can stop it. The choice is yours.”
Never taking her eyes off mine, Bella sat up straighter than she had been; the muscles in her neck tighten as her lips pressed into a hard line. I could see the wave of pleasure wash over her while she pushed against it until a small quiver shook across her shoulders. To anyone else it would have looked like she had a chill but I knew it was the peak of her orgasm. As her body relaxed I turned off the toy but couldn’t take my eyes off her. Reaching my hand out to cup her face, Bella closed her eyes as her cheek nuzzled into my palm.
“Exquisite.” It was the first and only word that came to my mind. At the sound of my voice Bella’s eyes fluttered open greeting me to a warm smile. “You are truly a miraculous creature Isabella.”
It was hard to break the intimacy of the moment; even there in a room full of people it felt like we were alone in our own little space, so with a reluctant sigh I sat back, “Let’s eat.”
We talked quietly while enjoying our meal, the Sea Bass was delicious and Bella thanked me for making such a good choice. Throughout the evening I had turned on the bullet a few more times, but didn’t allow Bella to reach her release. Watching her letting herself go was enthralling but keeping her on the edge was so damn fucking hot. By the time we had finished dessert and coffee my dick was so hard I wondered how I was going to be able to walk.
The ride back to the hotel only took a few minutes and once I opened the door Seth was more than ready to go outside. Before going out on doggy-duty I took notice that housekeeping had delivered the extra duvet that had been requested. I also put a pillow on the floor for Bella and then left with the dog for her to prepare for me.
Seth hit the first tree we came to and would have been ready to go back in immediately but I wanted to give Bella a few extra minutes of waiting time. So rather then returning to the room we walked around the building. When I did take him back inside the couple who occupied the room next to ours said a passing hello as they were going out for the evening. I sort of felt bad about that; Bella had made some reference about going to a pub, or walking along the harbor at night. With my plans for the evening that wouldn’t be possible but we still had one more night left and I would make it up to her then.
Unhooking Seth’s leash outside our door he sauntered into the room like it was his home. He gave Bella a passing glance as he walked by her kneeling form on his way to the water dish. I hadn’t told Bella which way to face so I was happy that she took her normal stance. Standing behind her I worked on removing the unnecessary clothing and laying them over the back of the sofa, stopping when only my pants and shirt remained. Pulling the ends of my shirt from the confines of my waist I rolled up both sleeves while approaching Bella.
We had a matter to discuss but first I wanted her to know what my reaction was to her performance throughout the evening. Standing at her side I placed my hand on the top of Bella’s head. “Relax my pet”
Bella’s head lay against my thigh while my hand moved in a petting motion over her temple “I was so proud of you tonight. I can’t think of one thing that caused me any displeasure. You did exactly as I instructed and followed your training better than I could have hoped.”
Relaxing into me further I continued to stroke, letting her feel my delight in her for a few moments, but we needed to get on with what had to be taken care of. “You know Isabella I owe you an apology. I’m afraid that because of the nature of our relationship that I have neglected one of my duties. So I ask for your forgiveness and I will rectify my negligence right now.”
It truly was my fault that I had not asked for confessions. Tapping her shoulder Bella righted herself allowing me to move in front of her. Tipping her chin so I could look in her eyes while I spoke “I am with you so often on a daily basis, seeing everything you do that I have become laxed in seeking your confessions. That certainly doesn’t absolve you from telling me of any misdeeds but as I said it is something that we will correct right now. So I ask you Isabella, are there any rules that you have failed to comply with?”
I was imploring her to tell me but she answered quickly with a “No Master”
With a sigh I released her chin to look around the immediate area, not seeing what I was looking for. “Where is your journal?”
I got that look again like she didn’t understand a word I said which caused me to become slightly agitated “Get it…Now!”
Quickly moving from her spot Bella went to her purse on the dresser coming back she stood in front of me with her chin and eyes down holding the journal out for me to take. She stood there while I paged through. I knew that her eating was much better we had taken care of that along with the phone business. Her sleeping was not perfect but it was acceptable and other then the days that I agreed to she had not missed any exercise. Bella even went so far as to mark those days ‘EA” with an asterisk and a footnote that said ‘Edward Approved.
All of that information could be quickly skimmed over while I looked for the entries she had made of her talks with Jane. While I paged through the journal it became clear that she had not been given a weekly writing assignment in quite some time. That also would be rectified but first-things-first. The last entry about Jane was dated on Thursday last week and made reference to the talk they had the previous day.
Holding the journal in front of her so she knew what I was referring to I asked “You have not spoken with Jane since this time?”
“Yes Master your girl has spo..”
Bella’s eyes were still down but I could see the crease marks in her forehead as she thought. What I couldn’t tell was if had been thinking about the times I was asking for or if she was trying to figure out what I was getting at.
I stopped her quickly “Who?”
She sighed in irritation whether it was at me or herself I couldn’t tell, either way I didn’t like it but Bella corrected her speech “This girl…”
“Look at me” needing to see her face and she complied immediately so I signaled for her to continue.
“Master this girl spoke with Jane on Monday night at dinner and before that Sunday night at the club”
That was the time I was interested in.
Paging through the book I made an observation “I do not see any entries for Sunday night”
The confused look I got from Bella was almost comical “Mast..” she stopped talking, probably because she had not been given permission to speak so I nodded once “Go on explain yourself.”
It seemed like a roundabout way to bring up her neglect of keeping the calendar up to date, but it is so much better if she realizes for herself what she did. It also helps her to know that eventually even the smallest detail will come to light and I will call her on it.
Bella let out a frustrated sigh, reminding me that was something we would need to be working on next, but for now her show of irritation came at a bad time. “I didn’t not ask for petulant sounds I gave you a chance to explain yourself. Now do so without the rude commentary”
“Your girl is sorry Master.” I nodded in acceptance while she went on to explain “This one wasn’t aware that she was to document every exchange. She thought you only want to know about stuff that pertained to this girl’s submission. Such as if Jane gave your girl suggestions or advice. Not just basic talk”
Now we were getting somewhere “And what kind of basic talk was this Isabella?”
She still had that look of confusion but at least the sound effects were gone “We played the game, laughed, Jane cancelled lunch…”
“And what lunch was that Isabella? Because I didn’t see any lunch date posted on your calendar.”
Now she got it
I could see her stiffen as her teeth bit into her lip while her eyes dropped. This was my naughty submissive in the flesh. If I had been a policemen or some kind of interrogator this pose would be Bella’s ‘tell’, her guilty stance, her confessional posture. I knew she understood the point I was getting at but there was more information that had to be acquired.
“Look at me” our eyes met and rather than fish around for the answers I got to the point “Was this an impromptu lunch that was discussed in passing as a possibility or was this something that had been arranged days in advance?”
“It was arranged the week prior”
“A week? So you had all those days to put it on the calendar. Every morning for breakfast, dinner time, just getting a bottle of water…”
Bella interrupted me “This one forgot”
Asking the question that really mattered with her forgetting “Would you have forgotten to go to the lunch?” With my question Bella went back to her guilty stance making me tell her again to look at me.
“Your girl doesn’t believe she would have forgotten about the lunch” Tears began to form in her eyes.
“And the waxing? Would you have forgotten that?”
“No Sir”
“Alright then, I can only assume that you forget to keep your responsibilities to me.” At my words the tears fell from her eyes. They weren’t tears of pain but remorse as she saw how her actions affect me. I hated to see her cry but this was something that could not continue and Bella had to see it from my point of view.
Moving past Bella I place the journal on the table and picked up the collar. “If you need me to keep you under constant watch Isabella, I can do that. Because believe me I have no qualms about keeping you within arm’s reach and under meticulous observation.”
Standing behind Bella wrapping the collar around her neck “I would much rather prefer to treat you as an adult who can be trusted to do what is expected of her. But if you need me to treat you like a child who needs to be lead around…so be it”
After attaching the collar with the buckle in the front of her neck, I moved over to the bed leaving her to stand there. Opening the drawer to the nightstand to get the rest of the items I had removed from the bag earlier. With everything on the bed the last thing I needed was a towel. Retrieving one from the bathroom I glanced at Bella. She was still in the same position with obvious tears now falling down her face.
“Bring your leash and come here” moving with slow deliberate steps she picked up the leash as if it would bite her holding it with both hands out away from her body.
“Closer” I beckoned making her lower her hands as she stepped between my open legs.
“Slip off your shoes, hold on to my shoulders and give me your foot” She knew which foot I was talking about.
Once the anklet was removed and placed on the nightstand, I slid my hands down her legs to remove the stockings before having her take a step back so I could stand up. Applying a generous amount of lube to my hands I worked into the crevice between her breasts, being sure to get enough on the underside. Wiping my hands I set about using the other piece of rope wrapping several lengths around her breast drawing them closely together. The ends needed to be secured and normally I would do that by tying a knot in the back of her neck. That wasn’t possible with Bella due to the injury she had sustained. So leaving the ends longer I draped them over her shoulders, down her back and attached them to the rope that created the crotch harness.
Sitting back on the edge of the bed I double checked the breast binding to make sure that the ropes were not too tight or that there is undo pressure on any one point. Satisfied with my work I set about using my mouth to remove the bands from Bella’s nipples. It was part of the reason why I liked the bands so much. The sensations they created in Bella was one thing but my joy really came from them in the removal and with her breast bound they were so very delectable.
Starting with the right side my tongue flicked across the hard nub before circling around it. A whimper left Bella’s mouth but I didn’t care, tonight I wanted to hear her. Taking the nub between my teeth and pulling to elongate it caused a gasp and a frustrated sigh came out when I moved to the other side. By the time I had the first one almost off, Bella was panting and rubbing herself against the knot.
My hand came down quickly on her bottom as my mouth moved away from its task to give a stern warning “Stop that”
Going back to what I was doing my hands moved down to Bella’s thighs tugging them apart. A few minutes later I had one band in my mouth working on the other and Bella was a constant sound of wanton moans. Grasping her hips firmly my teeth gripped the band and in one swift motion pulled it off as Bella screamed.
Her panting breaths left me to wonder as I looked into her face “Did you just cum?”
She was still panting while shaking her head “No…no Master...no”
Keeping my hands on her hips I waited for a moment until she had caught her breath before having her stand back up. Standing myself I moved behind her and reached in my pocket to turn on the bullet.
The noise Bella made was somewhere between a gasp and choke, the sound went straight to my already painful dick and I rubbed it against her hip “Oh yes my pet I do so love the sounds you make and I am looking forward to hearing them all.”
My words and actions having an effect on Bella that I was beginning to enjoy, as a loud primal moan came out of her while she rubbed herself against the knot. “That’s it my little slut, the toy is on you should be working that knot”
Taking the leash from Bella’s hands and attaching it to the hook on the back of her neck I wrapped the two feet of nylon around my hand and tugged causing her head to tilt back as a gasp left her throat. Closing the small space between us my other hand wrapped around Bella’s arm and across her chest to tease her nipples.
The moans from her were incredible and every one that flowed seemed to be louder and more savage then the last. The movement she was making with her hips was causing friction against my dick and I needed to focus on Bella to keep from blowing my load.
Speaking against her ear in as stern of a voice as I could muster “My little one needs me close, how close? Does she need me to fuck her?...”
At my words her hips started moving with more purpose while she started to mutter incoherently and I had to restrain myself from crushing my dick against her while I spoke low and forcefully “Because I’m going fuck you. I’m going to hold on to your leash and fuck you so hard…”
I didn’t get to finish because the low primal moan that came from her was nothing but need as she starting pleading with me. “please…ple..ple…please…may…plea..pleeeasseee”
Her stammering sounded like gibberish but I knew what she wanted and she was going to wait so I wasted time with an obvious question. “Do you want to cum?”
“Yes! Please!” her voice was almost unrecognizable as she screamed out
“You only get one Isabella…Do you understand me?”
“Yes Mas…yes” her legs were shaking and my arm that was over her chest wrapped under her arm to give her more support before going back to her nipple as she starting begging. I wanted her to hold it, let the intensity build while I tried to help her focus on something else.
Keeping my tone firm I clarified “If you cum now, it will be the only time you cum tonight. Are you sure?” I didn’t even get an answer just one long high pitched plead for release.
“Hold it Isabella” I said sternly while she begged and I warned her again “Hold it”
Bella’s body was covered with a sheen of sweat as the muscles in her back tighten while a steady stream of panting moans came out of her mouth. Taking her ear lope between my teeth I bit down, while pinching her nipple and growled “Now”
She sucked in a deep breath of air, arching her back as her upper body seized while her hips moved against the rope between her legs and screamed out a string of incoherent words that I was sure was Quileute.
Holding her firmly I watched as the rush from her orgasm came over her body turning her pale skin to the prettiest shade of pink. The look on her face was pure bliss as she seemed to stop breathing for a second and a single tear ran down the side of her face while she rested her full weight against my body.
Fucking Glorious
Loosening the slack on the leash, Bella’s head still did not move until her breathing started to return to normal. Turning off the bullet I watched as her eyes fluttered open to look into mine. “Welcome back my pet”
Lifting her head upright Bella took a tentative step to adjust her weight on her feet, leaving out a small whimper from what I could only assume was the knot rubbing against her sensitive clit.
I didn’t want to leave go of the hold I had on her until I was sure she could safely remain upright on her own. Instead supporting her the few steps it took to get her by the bed so she could sit down.
“Are you ok now?” I asked squatting down in front of her and handing over the bottle of water off the nightstand.
“Yes Sir…thank you” her voice was still hushed as she opened up the bottle. I smiled and couldn’t help myself but ask “What are you thanking me for Isabella, the water or the orgasm?”
A soft smile accompanied the harsh blush as she swallowed a large gulp of water “Both”
“You’re welcome Isabella…” I told her while taking the spreader bar off the bed “…for both”
Adjusting the bar to a three foot width I took the water bottle from Bella before attaching the bar to her ankles. I had originally planned to have her kneeling on the floor but looking at her sitting there I had a better idea. Once the bar was on I had her stand to attach the ‘T’ restraint.
This is a simple but effective device that looks like an upside-down ‘T’. The hook on the long end attaches to the collar and the hands are placed in the cuffs on either side of the cross strip, thereby securely holding both wrists in place. With that keeping her hands in position I had her sit back on the bed while I got myself ready.
Stepping away from Bella I watched her eyes while unbuttoning my shirt. They followed my hands as they moved down my chest and she actually licked her lips while I unzippered my pants. The woman was amazing she was just coming off a massive orgasm and she was looking at me like a starving man looks at T-bone steak, drool included.
I am a lucky bastard
With my clothes gone I needed to apply lube to both myself and Bella. Stroking my hand over my dick a few times I practically groaned at the moan that came from her. I loved hearing those sounds they were like an electric pulse to my balls. But if she didn’t settle her ass down there was no way I was going to be able to hold out long enough to actually fuck her.
And I was definitely fucking her.
Stepping between her open legs I took a hold of her leash again wrapping it around my hand to give me greater control. Squatting down I moved closer to Bella’s body and gripping my shaft brought it up between her breast.
The ropes around them created a perfect spot and with Bella sitting on the bed she was at the ideal height. After a few thrust I used the leash as a lead but I didn’t need to tell Bella what to do. Every time my dick came through that glorious spot her mouth was there to meet it. The softness of her tits squeezing around my dick along with the warmth of her mouth felt so good. Add to that the fact that we had spent the past several hours engaging in various kinds of sexual activity and I was ready for some fucking relief.
But not yet
I could feel the tingle starting in my legs but I wanted to make it last so I pulled up on Bella’s leash to remove her mouth from me. I couldn’t see her face but she was trying her hardest to get back on me making me tug her leash even harder. After a few softer strokes I got myself under control letting the slack go on the leash, Bella didn’t wait at all to get her mouth back on me.
It was the only thing that came out of mouth along with a hiss as her warm lips wrapped around me. Between the sight of me fucking her tits, and the sounds from her mouth along with the vibrations from her moans I had to once again pull her away from me so I could calm the fuck down. When I did I realized that Bella was once again rubbing against the knot.
Pulling the leash so she tilted her head up I warned “Don’t you dare cum”
She seemed to sit still but her breathing was erratic as I let the slack go once again. I ended up pulling her away from my dick three more times always being met with the sound of Bella’s discontent. Those frustrated noises were going to be the next thing that leaves but if I was being honest at the time they helped to clear my mind. So in a sense those irritating sounds from Bella were a mixed blessing.
The last time I pulled Bella away was the hardest, my dick was keeping a steady pumping rhythm and she had her lips suctioned over the whole head while her tongue lapped across it. It felt so fucking good that it was actually tortuous to tug on her leash. The only thing that got me through was the fact that being up inside her would feel even better.
Stepping away I reached behind Bella to open up one of the knots for the breast binding. With that done it only took a few seconds for the ropes to be removed. Lifting her feet by the bar I gave it a twist making her body follow so she was face down on the bed. Opening the square knot for the harness let me have access to the spot I wanted.
My fingers ran through Bella’s slit and she moaned deeply as they entered her to retrieve the bullet. Once it was out I couldn’t wait any longer, using the spreader bar I lifted her legs so her knees were bent with her feet in the air. Holding the leash in one hand I grabbed my cock in the other and slammed into her.
“Ohhh….fuck!” Bella screamed while all I could do was grunt.
She felt so fucking good it was heaven. Warm, wet and so fucking tight, every moment inside her felt like ecstasy, I had been waiting all day to feel her and it was worth it she was the best fucking pussy drug I ever had. Bella was moaning as my dick moved in and out of her in a furious pace. The only thing that was drowning out her noises was the sound of the bed banging against the wall.
“god…I’m going ..to …” Bella panted out
“The fuck you are” I growled out as my hand came down on her bottom in a resounding slap making her gasp and then cry out as another one landed.
A few more slaps later and the pressure was building inside me to an unbearable point. Bella was back to begging as the bed kept hitting the wall and even poor Seth seemed to be wondering what the heck was going on but I couldn’t care less. Grapping Bella’s hips I shouted out and came inside her so hard my legs buckled. Pulling out of her I fell on to bed landing next to Bella in a breathless mass of exhaustion. My body felt numb and I wanted to do absolutely nothing but lay there and enjoy the feeling.
I couldn’t exactly say how long we laid there. The only thing that I could say for certainty was that I didn’t go to sleep. My eyes were closed and I was completely relaxed but also always conscious of my surroundings. It was the soft mewl that came from Bella that brought me out of the stupor I was in. She needed to be released from all the restraints, checked for bruises and then put to bed.
She really wasn’t happy that I was disturbing her but once her arms were free she groaned with the movement. I figured that it would be a good idea to go start the tub so that she could soak in the hot water and loosen up; I also set up Bella’s sleeping spot for the night.
Having Bella sit I worked on getting the harness off and the last thing was her collar with the leash. Picking her up I carried her on weak legs to the tub where we sat and I took out what was left of her hairdo -the majority of it had already came out on its own- so I could wash her hair.
While washing Bella’s body I checked to make sure that there weren’t any bruises. The only thing that I could see was a few rope marks on the side of her breast and over her left hip. The only other thing was that her crotch was tender; I would make sure to put ointment on those areas before putting her down for the night.
We sat in the hot water with the jets on, relaxing and letting the water soak away any sore muscles. She was half asleep but still talking to me trying her very best to find out what we doing tomorrow. But I wasn’t giving anything away.
Then she was concerned about the daycare for Seth, I assured her that it was the very best, each dog was given their own caretaker. He would be walked and played with all day. She laughed when I said that he would come home with a picture made from macaroni for her to display on the refrigerator.
When it was getting to the point where she couldn’t keep her eyes open and her fingers were getting pruney it was time to get out. She wrapped a towel around herself and another one around her hair and we stood together in matching outfits brushing our teeth. Sitting on the bed I took the hairbrush from her. I had never brushed any other woman’s hair, the act had never appealed to me. However that first time I did it on the bed in Bella’s home there just seemed to be something so innocently intimate about the act, that I found great joy in it.
When all the knots were out Bella separated the back into two sides, leaned against my chest and began braiding the two sections into long pig-tails down over her shoulders. “Master? What should your girl wear tomorrow?”
I grinned at her attempts while massaging ointment onto the marks on her breast “I would suggest jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt but take a sweatshirt along”
“Will it be cool there?” I shrugged “It might be, especially in the morning…spread your legs” she needed ointment on the tender flesh, as my fingers moved over the delicate skin she moaned lifting her hips to meet my touch. The sound once again going to my dick but I knew she would be sore and I needed to keep myself in check.
“I think it is time for my Isabella to sleep” As she sat up my hand held her in position while I stood picking up the collar, strapping it around her neck with the buckle in the back. Bella looked up at me with those big brown doe eyes as I attached the leash to the hook in the front.
“Come little one I’ll put you to bed” keeping the leash at its regular length Bella had no choice but to follow me to the other side of the bed where the extra duvet was folded in half on the floor. The pillow and blanket already waiting for her to get snuggled in for the night. Bella’s eyes scanned between the bed and the make-shift one on the floor until finally settling on my face.
“Those that need their Master to keep them close like children need to be treated as such. It would be irresponsible of me to let you sleep in the bed because it’s possible that you might fall out. But don’t worry little one I will constantly be within arm’s reach” lightly tugging the end of the leash as I said the last sentence.
“We have to get up early … so off you go” I said swatting her bottom for effect.
Squatting down next to my disgruntled but very tired submissive I made sure the pillow was under her neck, tucked the blanket up under her chin, kissed the top of her head and laid the leash on the bed.
Climbing under the blankets and turning out the light, I looked down at Bella. The soft beam of light from the bathroom cast a glow of muted shadows on her features. She was lying on her side facing the bed. Due to the length of the leash she wouldn’t have much space to move around but from what I could tell that wouldn’t be a problem.
Her eyes were already closed with hands tucked up under her chin. She looked peaceful, comfortable and serene. My hand ran down the length of the braid while she snuggled closer into the softness of the duvet.
Holding the leash my head lay down on the pillow as thoughts of the day ran quickly through my mind. I could feel myself starting to drift into sleep and my fingers moved over the flat nylon that was between them. It was the connection to Bella I needed to be able to succumb to the rest my body so desperately required.
“Good night Isabella” I whispered through a yawn and was surprised with a responding yawn and a groggy hushed voice “Good night Master"
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