Isabella is fucking amazing. I always knew how great she truly was but after reading her journal at dinner all of my suspicions were confirmed. I was in complete awe of the workings of her mind and how she looked into her soul pulling out her thoughts and feelings as the words poured from her. Her natural submissive nature was so raw and unexposed yet she was refining to a precious gem right before my eyes.
The whole evening had turned out better than I could have planned. The weekend was going to be jammed packed with activity plus Bella’s training needed to be kicked up a notch. I had worried that perhaps I was pushing her too fast and she would retreat backwards. After hearing the words from her own mouth as we discussed the goals she pick I was sure it was time to push her limits. She felt ready to lay more control at my feet I would be all to glad to pick it up to keep for myself. In her journal she talked about coveting my attention, which was something I understood as I yearned to bestow it on her.
There were a few things to work on, a major point of contention Bella was going to have to come to terms with and a disrespectful habit that needed to reach its end. Other than those things we were going to have fun. We had been to New Moon on several occasions, each time the visit had been filled with tension, rumors and drama. It was time for Bella to understand the true purpose of the club; she needed to see what being a part of the BDSM community consisted of. The joy and acceptance she could find by associating with likeminded people who she could both learn from as well as teach. And even though she was so fresh there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that Bella could show them all a thing or two.
That didn’t mean I was going to let Bella in a room full of strangers to lollygag on her own. I knew Jane would be busy in the office while we discussed what Weiss had told me about Newton – that Son of a bitch was in for a rude awakening – yet Bella had to branch out. The original idea was to wait for Rose; it wasn’t the best case scenario because Bella would still be rather sheltered nonetheless I couldn’t just leave her out in the cold either. Alice would be there if Bella felt uncomfortable but I didn’t want her to retreat to my sister’s side and hide in the corner. Bella needed to meet people, get involved and feel comfortable being there. Who would have thought that my knight in shining armor would be wearing black wide rimmed glasses, a red bow tie and white Gucci shoes?
Look out world, here comes Douglas to the rescue.
It was utterly perfect, Douglas was Alice’s friend, he was personable, amusing, talkative, and he knew everybody.
I still felt like a parent dropping their child on the first day of kindergarten and even as I walked away I stood by the entryway watching to make sure she was alright. Once I saw Douglas tuck her arm into his and start walking like they were traveling the yellow brick road it was easier to turn my back with a peaceful feeling. That tranquility only lasted until my entrance into the office.
Aro and Marcus were sitting at the desk looking over papers while my aunts sat in the corner chatting. At seeing me Jane glanced over my shoulder looking for Bella, when she didn’t see her anxiety spiked in her eyes.
My aunts anxiety caused my own to rise and I wondered if I had made the right choice of escorts. Jane looked to Aro as if there was a silent request, he shook his head causing a reaction in my aunt that I have only seen a few times – she wanted to slap him.
The whole exchange lasted a brief moment and once everyone said hello Aro asked “Is Ms. Swan out in the main room?”
“Yes, she’s with Douglas…” I said sitting in the chair trying to appear relaxed by crossing my legs “…and I gave her my card to buy something”
Marcus laughed “I hope you have a lot of credits”
That was the least of my worries
Shrugging in nonchalance I assured him “I’m not worried, Bella’s not really …frivolous when it comes to spending money”
Aro knew that and grunted while Marcus grinned “That will change with a wedding ring”
His comment caught me off guard and I stared at him in disbelief “How did you…” then I remembered the conversation I had with my father. “…dad told you”
Aro grinned “Actually he told your mother, we all just happened to be there”
“Nothing’s sacred” I murmured while Didyme stepped up behind me wrapping her arms around my neck in a hug “I think it’s great kid-o, she seems to make you very happy”
The smile came automatically whenever I thought of Bella; it disappeared for a brief moment with my family’s curiosity “When are you planning to ask her?”
“Is there a rush?”
My aunt moved to stand by my side “No, but I’m not getting any younger and I don’t want to throw out a hip doing the hustle at the reception”
I laughed “I’ll try to remember that”
“Good, just make sure you talk to her father first”
That was something maybe they could answer for me “Bella was already married, so do I need to speak to her father? I mean is that proper?”
Aro’s voice traveled through the room “Jane, do you have an opinion?”
At his question I turned to see what she would say and was taken by surprised to see her blinking back tears. Aro must have summoned her because Jane moved to stand by his side. He tugged her by the waist until she sat next to him on the arm of his chair. “Lesson learned slave”
The words weren’t a question, they were more like a reprieve and that was exactly how Jane reacted to them. Her whole body seemed to relax as a smile spread across her face while her eyes welled with tears “Yes Master”
Aro nodded “Go ahead”
Jane blinked a few times before launching into telling me her opinion on the matter. It was her contention that out of respect for Bella and her family it was only polite to not really ask for her hand but to at least make my plans known. Her family had to know that my intentions were reputable, how much I cared for her and how important she was to me. That way they would feel better about her making the decision to spend her life with me.
My aunt looked me square in the eye speaking in a knowing motherly voice “Besides Edward it would go a long way in creating a admirable relationship with Bella’s father and brothers. You have no idea how important that relationship between you and the men in her family will be in the future. So it’s best to start off right, rather than having to go back and rebuild.”
She hadn’t told me anything I didn’t already know or think of myself, yet it was good to have conformation that I was doing the right thing.
Emmett came through the door, saying hello to everyone and taking the chair next to me “You left little Bells out there on her own?”
On her own? What the fuck happened to Douglas?
“Douglas promised me he…”
“Dude relax…” Emmett’s hand shot out to grip my arm as I started to stand “… she was still with the little schnauzer, when I saw them they were sniffing candles and laughing.”
Sitting back in the chair, I let out a long breath while he expanded “All I meant was you’re not hovering over her, she’s out there on her own and she’s having a good time”
“She was alright then?”
He gave a disgruntled look “She’s fine, I told you, her and Dougie were laughing up a storm and Rose is with them now so…can we get this show on the road because my wife is out there…” he thumbed over his shoulder towards the door “…shopping”
“Yeah and Rosalie has a wedding ring” Marcus’s joke was lost on Emmett who gave him a questioning look, then turning to me he got right to the point “So what’s up with Newton?”
Sitting forward I pulled the copies of the papers I had made out of my back pocket “Well according to Weiss he’s been a very busy boy”
Aro and Marcus shifted their attention between me and the evidence Weiss had uncovered while I gave a complete report of Mike’s activities. Once I had explained about the afterhours bar he was running and the connection he had with Bella they didn’t really need much more information to put all the pieces together. Aro knew immediately that it had been Mike who was pilfering the alcohol from the club along with sharing Bella’s personal information. Whether that was for pure vindictiveness or monetary gain was still unanswered.
“Who would have paid for that kind of information?” Didyme asked me but it was Aro who gave the answer “Caius Salvatore”
“Yes.” I agreed “There are many intercepted emails between Laurent and Caius that you really need to see”
“Jesus mighty what the fuck does Caius want with little Bells?” shaking my head at Emmett I really didn’t have an answer other than what is alluded to in the emails.
“Perhaps we’ll be able to get a better understanding of what his game is once we’ve seen all the evidence tomorrow”
Aro didn’t want to spend the whole evening locked away inside the office so he had requested that I just present them with what Mike was up and they would all gather at my home tomorrow afternoon to view the rest.
“So let me get this straight” Emmett leaned back in the chair “Newton has a woman and not the kind of woman that requires a heavy duty air compressor but a real living breathing female. And she not only knows little Bells, she was also fucking her husband…”
“Ex-husband” I pointed out causing him to sigh and then I clarified “and fucking him makes it sound like they had some kind of an affair. Personally I see it more as he was raping a fourteen year old girl…”
“Jesus Christ! What the fuck is wrong with him?”
That was the million dollar question
“And what the fuck did little Bells see in him anyway, did he ever have any redeeming qualities or was he always an asshole?”
“We are not here to get into the merits of a decision that Ms. Swan made as a young girl”
I was glad when Aro put a stop to those kinds of speculation they had no part in what we were discussing. Besides Bella’s personal business was not something I was willing to share with a room full of people.
Emmett sat there shaking his head in disbelief “I just can’t get over the fact of Newton with a woman.”
“He’s male Emmett” Didyme said as if that should explain everything “He has to stick his johnson in something”
“Yeah, but we’re talking about Newton here, I would think a Pekingese would do…” laugher filled the room “… I mean I was shocked as shit to learn he was with Jess…”
The mention of her reminded me “Oh, Bella and I ran into Jessica today at the grocery store…” I went on to tell them about our encounter. They were all speechless to learn that she had been the one to break into our home and agreed wholeheartedly with my informing the police.
“Did the police talk to her?”
Shrugging at Marcus’s question “I only spoke with the officer in charge of the case…” Emmett mumbled under his breath “doush” while I talked “…before we left the house. He was going to go to the precinct she lives in to let one of the officers there bring her in so he could question her.”
“Well you let the police handle that now Edward” Didyme’s command laced with worry.
“It’s out of my hands”
“So Mr. Newton wanted to hear what was being said while we had our meeting?”
Nodding at Aro I remembered “It wasn’t the first time he tried something like that, he messed with Bella’s dog”
Emmett became incensed “What, I’m going to kick his ass messing with that little guy?”
“What is it with you and dogs tonight?” he called Douglas a Schnauzer, pinned Newton a Pekingese fucker and then his anger at Mike doing something to Seth. I mean I wasn’t happy about that either but Hell he was my dog, well sort of my dog, I should be angry.
“Rosie thinks we should get a puppy so she had me out looking at dogs all afternoon. She drug me to every pet store and shelter in the city”
Ohhh…that explains it.
Emmett usually had a one track mind so whatever was on his brain usually came out of his mouth.
“So are we done here? I would like to spend some time with my wife and then call it an early evening…because I have a golf date in the morning with Emery Sterla and I need my beauty rest”
“Sterla? The Seahawk"s Running back?” Emmett nodded smugly at Marcus
I knew that fucker would rub it in
“How the hell do you know Emery Sterla?”
Before Emmett could give Marcus a line of shit I answered “He and Bella are friends, I was invited to join them and needed a partner, so I asked Emmett”
“Wow, Bella just gets better and better”
Damn right she does
“You know it unck; ask Eddie about the birthday present Bella got him”
All eyes turned to me but Emmett was the one to speak “Go on tell them how she fanagile four family suite Season Tickets out of him”
“You make it sound like Bella tricked him, they grew up together they’re close…”
“Wow… they must be very close” I didn’t like the implication Marcus was making and my brother didn’t help “He calls he sweet cheeks”
They all laughed while I informed Emmett that there was a story behind the name. Keeping his head in the direction of our uncles he held up his hand “Don’t tell, you’ll ruin my fantasy” before talking to the others “So three o’clock tomorrow at Edward’s, we’ll finish this discussion and decide what to do with Caius and Laurent”
“That’s the plan” Aro answered and Emmett wondered “and what happens with Newton?”
“Marcus and I will discuss that and let you know”
Emmett and I left together, shutting the door behind us. We decided that he would pick me up in the morning at eight, so we could get to the golf course in plenty of time. He was overly excited and as we got into the main area he went to find Rose and Bella while I stopped to talk to Demetri.
A few weeks earlier he had suggested when I was ready to look at rings I speak with him about his designing something original – I was ready.
Alice had advised me to get sapphires and that seemed like a really good choice, however I still wanted the majority of the ring to be Diamonds and lots of them. I told him I wanted the ring to sparkle with so much bling that I would be able to see it from across the room. He brought up putting hearts in the design, but that seemed blahzay. Instead I wanted something that encompassed our life as a couple along with her preferences in artwork.
“I was thinking scrolls and maybe you could intertwine them or something along the lines of binding two strands together. Do you think that would be possible?”
Demettri’s eyes drifted over my shoulder but it was unnecessary because I had already felt Bella’s presence. There was also something else coming off my girl, a buzz or a hum and I swore I could smell her arousal in the air.
Demettri lowered his voice “I’ll work on it over the weekend, could you possibly make it the store Monday morning”
The contractors were scheduled to arrive early, if they set up and started working on the bathroom I didn’t see any reason why I couldn’t step out for an hour. “Around ten?”
Answering with a nod his eyes once again went in Bella’s direction probably wondering if she heard or comprehended what we were talking about. I however knew damn well that if she was caught in the web of desire she attention was on that and not what we were saying. However I did wonder if she was still paying attention to me and thought I would test her.
“Isabella” her head snapped up
That’s my girl
She looked rather befuddled and I couldn’t tell if it was lust driven or if something had happened “do you need something?”
"No Sir, your girl just missed you."
It was a breach of our protocol for her to elaborate however I did tell her we were relaxing them for the evening and besides that her answer warmed me so much that I needed her in my arms. When my hands touched the bareness of her back she sucked in a deep breath.
Oh yeah she was aroused
I didn’t think Bella would remember meeting Demetri it was only a brief introduction the last time we had been at the club. She handled herself brilliantly using the correct references along with excusing her lack of memory while asking for forgiveness with respect that she couldn’t place him. Demetri teased about taking her as trade for the donation he had made – as if that would ever happen – Bella knew it was all said in humor but I thought conformation on my part was in order.
"No sorry, this little cum slut is all mine."
Bella drew in a deep breath, under my arm I felt the muscles in her stomach constrict – oh she was really turned on – tightening the hold I had on her, my other hand slid into my pocket to press the remote for the toy, making Bella momentarily sag against me. Getting her footing I nudged her slightly so she would step away from me to let the toys continue working. I also thought it might be a good idea for Demetri to get a firsthand look at Bella’s personality so he would have an easier time incorporating it into the ring. I wanted to get her talking.
"So Isabella, did you truly miss me, or was there another purpose for your coming over?"
"She's a woman Edward, which makes her naturally curious as to what you were talking about.
That was a possibility yet I doubted it "Is that true Isabella?"
"No Sir, your slut," amused at the reference I listened carefully and was slightly perplexed at Bella’s hesitation.
Did something happen?
Taking a closer inspection I noticed Bella was relaxed, smiling and glassy eyed from the sexual arousal. If there had been an incident it must have been something minor. Needing to know I prompted. "And?"
"And she wanted to return your card before she lost it." She said slipping her hand into the pleats between her breasts and blushed at Demettri’s comment about being jealous of the card. The rest of the conversation was as amusing and enlightening as the first half had been. I will admit to being shocked at the purchase of a flogger – no excuse me – a pretty flogger. However nothing could have prepared either of us for the revelation that Frank Banner allowed her to enter his work station.
And what did she call him?
The man was high protocol, no nonsense, strict discipline Domination. He never talked to anyone –not even Aro – while working on a piece. The fact that he not only spoke but allowed Bella to touch his work was astonishing and I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.
“Well Edward, now I've heard everything, a pretty flogger and Frank Banner branded as nice. Isabella, you are either the most naive person I've ever met or you are more charming than I suspect."
It was definitely the charming
Gianna joined us for a brief moment; I had played with the tall olive skinned woman a few times while Demetri watched. That was their thing, she enjoyed playing with others and he enjoyed watching.
After the introductions Demetri excused themselves telling Bella that he hoped she would remember him from now on before clapping me on the shoulder and commenting on how I didn’t have a chance. I already knew that, looking at Bella I could see all the emptiness of my previous life. The meaningless sex, the women who I played with for no reason other than mutual release and the years of feeling fulfilled in my solitude. I was happy with my life because I didn’t think there was anything missing, And in truth at the time there hadn’t been. Standing there in a room where I had spent so much time by myself, I could see how that all came to an end with the emergence of Bella in my life. I was also very sure that I could no sooner go back to that life of seclusion then I could have cut off my arm. My kink was still in full effect, the difference was it now revolved around her and fulfillment would only come with giving her what she needed. Bella was everything I could have ever wanted all rolled into one amazing woman.
An amazing woman who looked like she was going to implode from sexual desire.
Leaning down I kissed her head and was just about to put my hand inside her top to see if I couldn’t heat her up a little bit more when Emmett called out "There you are!"
And Bella sighed
A quick snap of the fingers, an arm to the point the way and a demanding “Now” caused the lust in her eyes to be replaced with horror. Turning off the toy I watched her swallow hard as she looked up into my unwavering face and hesitated to move.
She was going to need a push
This one time I would give her an option "You can walk to that corner or I will drag you there, the choice is yours."
Bella was not happy, then again she was not supposed to be happy about being disciplined all she had to do was comply. I was promised total surrender, her journal talked of her personal gratification in forfeiting her will. The eloquence of her writing so inspiring that it convinced me she was ready to proceed. The words she used to express the depth of her submission was not ‘consent’ – no she took it further saying she needed to ‘assent.’
To accept my rule, my control, my dominance without question or fail – well this was her chance to prove it.
It was also my chance to test the water, if this action was going to cause a problem then there was no way in hell I could achieve what I was hoping to achieve. Bella continued to stare at me for what felt like hours, I don’t know if she was trying to see if I was joking or if my determination was going to waver.
She must have decided that neither one of those things was going to happen. Pulling her lip between her teeth Bella lowered her eyes and sulked over the corner and I left a sigh of relief while my chest filled with pride.

“What did little Bells do?”
“Isabella has a nasty habit of sighing and grumbling”
“Oh” Emmett commented while Rose elbowed him in the ribs making him grunt as she accused “It’s probably your fault for teasing her”
“Why were you teasing her?”
He told me about the picture and her bare butt which I found rather humorous and Rose became more vehement in yelling at her husband “You’re a big jerk sometimes you know that?”
“Watch it woman, I’ll put you in a corner” that comment made me laugh as Rose stood her ground “I’d like to see you try”
To be honest I would like to see that too. Rose found solace in being restrained however she was a classic novice bedroom submissive. Even then there were times she preferred to just go vanilla. There were no rules, no protocol (unless she initiated it) and definitely no corner time.
Rose wanted to go up to the second floor, get a drink and sit down but I asked if they would wait until Bella returned. She was going to be embarrassed and it would be better to just get it all over with at one time, that way she wouldn’t be self-conscious when she saw them upstairs. Garrett had joined us just before Bella moved away from the corner. All he wanted to do was say hello and as Bella joined us I didn’t wait at all to pull her to me. I was so proud of her, I placed a kiss on her head, glad to feel her relax and no one made any mention of her discipline as they talked as if it hadn’t occurred.
When the three of them left us I gave a small necessary lecture. Bella had to know that it was a onetime reprieve to give her the choice. If it happens again and I hoped it didn’t, I would lead the way to the corner with her kicking and screaming if necessary. The lecture needed to be expanded when Bella tried to apologize making me remind her not to say the word ‘sorry’ I wasn’t expecting any reply so it made me over curious to know what she was thinking when I saw the intuition flash in her eyes and I demanded “tell me”
I have to admit I figured it would take Bella a whole lot longer to figure out what I expected; In fact I had half anticipated her to come right out and ask me about it or at the very least phase it as a question in her journal. Instead all I could do was watch in awe as the she came to the correct conclusion and the words came pouring out.
"Master, your girl realizes how her rude sighing displeases you, she would not appreciate someone doing that to her. It was wrong of her to hesitate in following your command and she thanks you for helping her to see that."
Who was this woman?
For some reason Aro’s words from the first night I met Isabella came back to me ‘she's a diamond in the rough…one who needs to be refined until she sparkled’
Indeed she was
Looking at her I could see the growth, the confidence, the honesty and I wondered how the fuck did I get so god damn lucky. Amazing, she was an amazing creature and she was mine.
Stroking her face I lifted her chin and kissed her before giving the praise “That, nâhtötse, is a proper response."
It was the second time that night I was filled with a surge of regret that we couldn’t just be home making love all night. But time waits for no man, there were things to do and training to accomplish, reluctantly I told her "Come, we only have a few minutes."
Ben was talking with Alice about Tia being in her fashion show, they were married for several years. I’ve attended play parties where they were present. They socialized, participated but they were a hundred percent monogamous and enjoyed parties where the others were too. As we spoke I made a mental note to keep them in mind for when Bella was ready for that step.
I will admit to being rather irritated at the thought of Bella signing up to participate in the fashion show without asking my permission. Then once I realized how Alice had taken upon herself to involve Bella my irritation was focused on my sister. I decided it was for a good cause and it would be a step in the right direction for Bella’s training so I would let her commitment stand. However I was going to have words with my sister and this was not going to happen again.
There was something else I would discuss with Alice. She didn’t like all the Master talk, Sirs and sluts being tossed around. I could see her point when we were on her tuff but she was in a club that caters to that lifestyle. The people here were a major source of her clientele so she was just going to have to suck it up and deal. The rolling of eyes and disgruntle looks were rude and caused Bella to be self-conscious. I wasn’t going to have that, Alice was going to have to learn to keep her opinions to herself or for the sake of Bella we would ignore my sister when she was in the club.
Getting ready to continue on with our night Alice told Bella not to worry and the sigh almost came out. Instead she did what she had done before and I commended her "Nice save."
See she can do it
We had a half hour before everything on the second floor got started and I wasn’t sure how Bella was going to take the festivities. The one thing I did know was I wanted to make my possession of her very well known. I had ordered a new collar with a personalized name tag and after placing it on her neck I retrieved the leash from the bag, hooked it on, started the toy and made my way upstairs.
The room was brighter than normal so Felix would be able to see the gathered crowd. Anyone who was going to be participating usually stood close to the stage while those who only came to watch stayed to the back and sides of the room. I found the spot to stand on the far side and gave Bella a little more to concentrate on by changing the toy setting to a pulse. It must have worked as her breathing quickened while she seemed to follow much closer.
Charles stopped me to make a smart ass comment about me not MC’ing, it was something that had been my job for the past several years. With Bella in my life that was a done deal, I had absolutely no desire to be involved and I didn’t think she would appreciate what the role entailed. However his smug attitude was annoying as hell, Charles was a jackass who fancied himself a trainer of newbies. His so called training consisted of caning them at the slightest infraction and releasing them before they were ready to move on. Needless to say his arrogance failed to make him one of my favorite people. The only reason I stopped at all was because he was a Caius crony and my momma always said “kill them with kindness” and momma has never been wrong.
Holding up the handle of the leash I told him my hands were already full and my slut required all my concentration. He eyed Bella in the most unsavory manner and I hoped to god she kept her eyes down so she didn’t see his expression. I really had no idea what Caius wanted with Bella but it was starting to get old and was going to come to an end really soon.
Situating us along the wall I placed Bella behind me in part because I didn’t want her to see them setting up the stage and in part because Charles continued to glance over in our direction. I could feel Bella’s body against my back, her hard nipples like small fingers tickling my skin. Moving my shoulders I used the edge of my scapula to rub against the hard bud that had to be overly sensitive from the chains.
I could feel her head move as she looked to each side, probably trying to see who was witnessing her exhibition.
I heard her breathing change to a pant and decided that there was no need for Bella to worry about more people than she had to. On our left Adam sat in the chair while Billy knelt before him stroking his cock. It was a normal routine for those two, Billy was constantly lavishing Adams dick with his attention. Personally I could not imagine the kind of control Adam had to withstand hours of his dick plastered inside tight leather pants while he’s being rubbed, stroked and licked all night long.
Shifting my body to the right I pressed back a little firmer, pinning her against the wall and unable to move her head. This position – if her eyes were open, which I couldn’t be sure of - would feed the voyeurism in her. I heard the moan, louder than Bella might have been comfortable with but something told me she was in a state of mind where she just no longer cared. Increasing the speed of the toy pulsing inside her brought out another moan. The sounds of Bella panting along with the rhythm of the toy were sending fucking shock waves through my dick.
Her body was shaking against mine in what I could only imagine to be an attempt to control herself and that was not what I wanted. Pressing us firmer against the wall I turned the toy to the fastest setting and nearly came myself when Bella sucked in a ragged while her body shuttered through a strangled cry as she fought to remain quiet.
Nice try baby
The fight in her only lasted a few seconds, Bella wasn’t screaming however the more she struggled against letting go of the sound the more she shook until there was a loud intake of air as her body gasped for oxygen. I wanted to turn around so I could support her and watch the orgasm take over however I was afraid if I moved she’d fall. Instead all I could do was allow Bella to sag against me until she would be capable to stand on her own.
Her breathing was still heavy as Bella mumbled out "Thank you Master, thank you."
Thinking if she was coherent enough to show her appreciation she was also lucid enough to stand. Testing her ability to remain upright I released a small amount of pressure, and was able to reach in my pocket to shut off the toy. Bella kind of whimpered so I was fairly sure she was steady enough that I could quickly spin around.
Her face was flushed with a few hairs plastered against her sweaty forehead while her wide eyes were fixated on Adam and Billy. She seemed paralyzed with both fear and humiliation as the two men continued to stare back.
“Nice show Edward” at the words Bella stiffened and the panting breaths seemed to come a little faster.
Taking her chin I forced her to look at me. I needed her focus to be on me, allowing her to feel safe yet she couldn’t completely tune out her surroundings. Much the same way I wanted her to immediately face Emmett and Rose after standing in the corner, so it was in her best interest for me to push her to face Adam and Billy. That wasn’t going to be an easy thing for her to do, but it was absolutely imperative that she did. With that in mind I needed to make her do something that made it impossible to avoid the two men.
“Isabella what do you say to Adam and Billy for watching you?”
Bella’s eyes widened further as she realized what I was asking her to do. I nodded once before turning her head back in their direction “What do you say Isabella?”
Come on baby
Come on baby say it…just say it
I knew if she could get the words out it would be an acknowledgement of what she did and she could accept it so we could move on. She wanted to participate in exhibitionism; she had an orgasm on the dance floor while in my arms. Then at the restaurant in Victoria while she sat across the table from me, what she had just done was the next step and she had to own it.
Taking a deep breath, Bella swallowed hard before the words came out in a calm voice “Thank you Sir and Billy for …watching Master’s girl…cum”
“That’s my girl” I whispered pulling her chin back to kiss her deeply.
Bella’s hands gripped my forearms as her body molded against me while my mouth took hers possessively. The kiss deepened until she cocked a leg around mine and moaned into my mouth. Pulling back I placed a small kiss on her lips then stood with a smile on my face as I watched her eyes glaze over with satisfaction.
“Oh my, you are a cum slut tonight nâhtötse”
The blush on her face deepened while she looked me square in the eye with a big grin on her face “Yes Sir”
Chuckling I reached in my pocket to pull out one of the wrapped truffles, glancing at Bella while twisting open the red shiny paper she was scrutinizing my actions with eagerness.
Watching her eyes follow the treat while I held it up I asked. “Do you want this?”
Her gaze shifted to mine as she bit her lip and bobbed her head
“Answer please”
Yes Sir”
Bringing the chocolate to her, I smiled as her mouth opened in anticipation. Holding it against her lips I had her bite through the center before pressing the whole thing into her awaiting mouth. It took a second for the moan to come and when it did I was not disappointed by the loud “Mmmmmm”
“See boy that’s the difference between a man and woman. She can cum without the mess” Bella blushed at Adam’s comment but I wanted to prove that assumption false.
“Oh but your wrong in fact …” I watched Bella’s eyes widened when I placed my hand on her inner thigh, letting it slip under her skirt and into the wetness I knew was there “….Isabella is a sloppy mess”
Bella’s face turned redder as she held my gaze while I brought the glistening finger to my mouth so I could suck off the moisture with a moan of my own “Mmmmm…nothing finer”
Bella bit her lip as the blush was replaced with desire making me chuckle and the two men made sounds of disgust.
Grinning with satisfaction at them I said “To each their own gentleman”
“Uck!” Adam grunted pushing Billy’s head back to his crotch “You can have that all you want”
“Yes I can”
And I planned to.
Taking the leash in my hand I told Bella to say goodbye. Holding her chin straight she gave a flirty little wave while saying “Goodbye gentlemen, enjoy your evening”
Not exactly a proper farewell yet effective and so completely Bella that I couldn’t alter it.
Several eyes followed us as I lead Bella over to where my family was waiting for us. Rose was sitting on one chair with her feet resting on another sipping a glass of what appeared to be cranberry juice. Dougie was in a chair next to her talking while Emmett stood with a beer in his hand speaking to Riley who knew more about sport stats than anyone I knew. As we approached Emmett gave the leash on Bella a strang look that I hadn’t understood until I disconnected it from the clasp. Once Bella was free Emmett wrapped his large arm around her shoulder and tucked her against his side.
“I’m sorry little Bells, I shouldn’t have teased you like that” Bella didn’t get a chance to say anything before Douglas was next to her trying to hug around Emmett’s massive form “Me too girlfriend, Daddy was right that was very rude of me” he stood back giving her a wink “but you do have a nice ass”
Bella laughed “Thanks”
Her eyes looked up at Emmett “You’re forgiven but you have to learn to shut the hell up or this one is going to tell your mom”
The smugness left Emmett’s face “You would tell mom on me?”
“Damn Straight”
Emmett’s eyes widened while his lips twitched like he was trying to hide the smile and then just gave up “Well, then I guess you really are part of the family”
Bella smiled widely as Emmett squeezed her shoulder making her teeter off balance before he added “That means I get to tease you more …sweet cheeks”
I chuckled as the fury rolled across Bella’s face and she pulled her arm out elbowing him hard in the ribs while she hissed “Ass”
The insult completely lost by my brothers yell “Fuck!...” he bent over grabbing his ribs “…I have to golf in the morning”
“Who cares Ros-coe Beep Beep!” Bella added the hand signals while Riley looked on in amusement “I think I’m missing the joke”
Bella turned with defiance “Would you like to know the joke Double D?”
“Double D?” I questioned and the wind seemed to leave Bella’s sails as she realized what was said.
My eyes narrowed at her as I heard “I told you daddy, Isabella wants to call you Double D”
Riley burst out laughing so hard that I thought the man had tears in his eyes “Isabella…” his laughter continued while he spoke “I would be honored ….for you to call me …Double D”
“really” Bella questioned
“Absolutely, In fact I insist”
Bella looked to me for an answer but I was still dumbfounded on why she called Riley Double D, I had absolutely no idea what was so humorous about it. The lights in the main area started to dim leaving just the front by the stage lit. Giving Bella the hand signal she came to me and I arranged her to stand in front of me with my hand wrapped around her waist. Felix came out on stage telling everyone they would be a few more minutes and from the corner of my eye I saw someone approaching us.
Angela stood a few feet away waiting for me to say it was alright to approach. Bella had already told me how much it hurt her feelings when I let my Dom side out in front of Jess so I wasn’t about to let that happen again. However I did wonder what she wanted “Hello Angela”
“Good evening Sir”
“Do you want something?”
“I just wanted…I mentioned to Isabella about the submissive meeting at my home next week and I was wondering if it would be alright to give her that information”
I was beginning to think that Bella had a fuller night then I was aware of “Go ahead”
Angela stepped closer handing Bella a piece of paper “the time and address are on there, if you can make it that would be great. If you have any questions Edward has my number…”
Angela is not a vindictive person, it is not in her nature to cause trouble or be hurtful so I knew that the line about the phone number truly was said to be helpful. Besides, I had never been with Angela in a sexual way nor was she a regular submissive that I played with yet I couldn’t let the statement hang there and Bella needed to know.
“I no longer have your number Angela or anyone else’s; they have all been deleted from my phone”
“Oh…well, ok”
Of course it was ok, what else could it be?
“…then maybe I’ll see you next week Isabella”
There was sincerity in Bella’s voice “Maybe and Thank you”
Angela answered with a “You’re welcome” nodded at me and left.
Taking the paper I glanced at it quickly wondering if this was something Bella wanted to do, folding it to stick in my pocket. Douglas leaned over to ask if that was about the submissive’s group, when Bella answered yes he whispered loud enough for me hear “I’ll go with you and if worse comes to worse, we can sit in the corner and talk scandalous gossip about all those bitches”
Bella giggled and I had to chuckle along with her yet I was happy because it seemed like she had at least made one friend and that was a start. Felix came out on stage getting everyone’s attention; however instead of Bella looking to the front her head was tilted on my shoulder gazing up at me.
Cocking my head back I looked down into her wide inquisitive eyes. I thought for sure she was wondering what was going on and I could have told her but I wanted her to witness it firsthand without any preconceived notions. “Isabella pay attention”
Felix stated the rules first and then gave the disclaimer “All transactions are made through club credit that are exchangeable immediately at the time of sale. There are no extended payments or barters accepted. This is a COD point of sale so if you don’t have the available credits do not make the offer. Tonight’s transactions are all done under the guides of consensual play, they are in no way legally binding and all limits are to be strictly observed. Ok ladies and gentlemen tonight we have five pieces of property up for sale and remember to bid high as all proceeds will be going to St Jude’s.”
In memory of Mason - this week is the anniversary of his death
The whole time Felix talked Bella’s head would shift back and forth between the stage and my face, until finally settling on just me. Glancing down I was met with the same inquisitive eyes and I had to know what she wanted. Thinking it was something to do with what was happening on the stage and I could just give a quick explanation so Bella would pay attention I asked “What is it?”
“Did you really do that?”
“Address me properly. And do what?”
“Yes Sir. Your girl was wondering if her Master really delete all the numbers?”
I was amused that yet again Bella stunned me “Yes I did”
Did she not believe me?
Earlier she mistrusted my word on the correct time; here she was questioning me again. Holding her chin I gave a stern glare “That is the second time this evening you doubted my word”
“Your girl doesn’t mean any disrespect it’s just that she was…Master can this one ask …when?”
Staring down into her eyes I wondered if she knew how deeply I loved her or how much her presence had changed my life. Thinking that it might go a long way in boosting her self-esteem I told her honestly “I deleted them all the day I knew I loved you”
“You did?”
“Are you doubting me again nâhtötse?” I wasn’t angry but I wanted her to have no uncertainties about my devotion to her.
Bella smiled brightly “No Sir, your girl would never…she loves you”
“And I love her” I said with a small kiss “now relax and watch”
Bella faced the stage leaning her back against my chest just as Felix brought out the first sub up for auction. She was of medium height with sandy blond hair pulled back into a pony tail that hung to her shoulders. She was rather round with extra weight that filled out her stomach and thighs. She was completely shaved with a Safe, Sane and Consensual logo tattooed on her left hip. The wooden plaque around her neck laid flush over the top of amble breast while a weighted chain dangled from rings through her pierced nipples.
Felix placed her in the center on the stage in position two, which is a basic kneeling pose with wide thighs and hands behind her back. “The first item up for sale is number three-seven-four, a twenty-eight year old, five foot-seven inch, one hundred fifty pound bi-sexual female who is currently serving Mistress Sinclaire. She is a masochist, who comes with negotiable limits and requires strict discipline. You are bidding on a service period of one week however that can be extended through negotiations with Mistress Sinclaire.”
Calling out position one the sub kept her hands behind her back while rising to her feet. Felix stood behind her squeezing both large breasts in his hands and forcefully pinched both nipples causing a grunt to escape the woman. “Soft tits, responsive nipples” Felix commented simultaneously slapping with a force that caused the extra flesh of her breast to ripple.
The sub went into an inspection pose, legs wide apart, back and chin straight with lowered eyes and her hands clasped behind her neck. Donning disposable gloves Felix spread open her labia “Pussy wet…” plunging his fingers inside her “fairly tight for her age…” using both hands to spread her open his fingers rubbed over her clit in quick movement “responsive…” lastly pinching her clit and giving a small twist “…with a pieced hood”
Leaving that area he wrapped his left hand around her ponytail yanking her head back “Open…” the subs mouth opened for inspection. Felix pulled her lower lip down before lifting up the top one “Good teeth, no decay…” he stuck his finger inside her mouth “…pierced tongue…” and he must have pressed downward because her mouth closed around his finger as he commented “sucking action needs improvement”
Felix called out the last number, four, and the sub turned to get into a rear inspection pose. Bent over wide separated legs the sub grasped each ankle while Felix coated his glove covered fingers with lube.
There no gentle motion or easing into the penetration two fingers are used to plunge deep inside. Felix turned his wrist a few times pulled out and plunged three fingers back inside causing the sub to gasp.
“Well adjusted to anal penetration yet still offers up resistance”
Felix withdrew his fingers called out position three and removed his gloves to pick up the paper with the subs basic list of limits, special talents and personal information on it off the floor. Standing off to the side he called out “Rotate”
The sub lifted pivoted a quarter turn stood still for a count of five then pivoted again, continuing around in a circle while Felix read off the paper “Hard limits, no blood play, no knife play, no rape scenes...” Bella sucked in a breath but didn’t tense as Felix went on “…light mummification and electro-eroticism, the rest is all up for negotiation.”
The sub finished with her clockwise rotation repeated the same process going in the other direction while Felix finished with her attributes “She enjoys cooking and baking, her favorite TV shows are Mad Men, The Office and Fringe. She likes country music, Nascar and NFL. She enjoys trying new things and pushing her limits. That ladies and gentlemen is item number three-seven-four”
Felix called out position two making the sub get on her knees as he spoke to the audience “Do I have an opening bid?”
These things usually go fast, the first bid was a hundred dollars and within less than a minute the sub was being handed over to her interim Dom for eight hundred and seventy five credits and the next one was being brought out on stage.
Bella turned her head to speak softly “Master why would anyone want to do this? Is it safe…going off with strangers like that?”
“It’s safer here then if they put themselves on some internet link. At least here at the club everyone sort of knows each other.”
She nodded as if that made sense while turning her head back to watch Felix put the next sub – a petite golden hair blonde – through the same routine. Once he got to her personal preferences Bella again turned to ask me “Why would they do it though Master? If they are happy and it’s only for a short time, why do it?”
She was right that the two women were basically only on loan however there were others who were auctioned and remained with the Dominant. “Some go on the action block because their training is complete and it’s time to move on to an established Dom. Others want to fulfill a fantasy or maybe it has been requested of them “
“Are they being forced?”
“No Isabella, I assure you they are all participating of their own free will.”
“But Master how do you…”
Realizing that the bidding was starting I put my finger over her lips and whispered “Shhh….if you’re not quiet Felix will think your placing a bid and we will have to take her home”
The look on Bella’s face was just too funny and I laughed drawing Felix’s attention. His eyes met mine with a questioning stare and I shook my head to wave him off before tightening my hold on Bella “See…that’s why we have to be quiet”
Too afraid to say anything, all Bella did was nod with wide knowing eyes as Felix auctioned off the second submissive to Garrett for a two week period at the cost of twelve hundred credits.
Bella’s head followed the submissive through the crowd as she went to kneel at Garrett’s feet. Taking the blanket draped over his arm, he wrapped it around her shoulders and straightened to watch the next auction while absentmindedly stoking her hair.
“Master…” she whispered against my neck “…he cares for her?”
Keeping my voice low I explained “A good Dominate will always care for his submissive. It doesn’t matter if she is his wife, his collared servant or his play partner for the hour. The submissive’s needs always come first.”
Seeming pleased with that explanation we watched the third one being brought out on stage – a muscular male – by Irena and Bella shuffled her feet. Unsure if the reaction was due to the presence of Irena or the male sub, my arms tightened as leaned down to whisper “Remain still”
My hand slipped through the folds of the fabric between her beasts cupping the right one and used my thumb to tease her nipple. The tip was cold against my finger and the little nub bulged like a hard water logged sponge around the strangle hold of the lariat at the base. Bella’s shoulder tensed in response, I nuzzled my face into her neck placing a kiss on my collar before tugging her ear lobe with my teeth. Bella sucked in a breath and I reminded with a whisper “Remain quiet”
Her breathing picked up slightly as her back pressed firmer against my chest while I teased and rolled the nipple in my hand. All the while Irena was going through the motions of inspecting the sub. A male is put through the same process of presenting himself in the four positions. The difference occurs in the actual inspection because his cock and balls are locked away in a chastity devise and the anal inspection only takes place if he is homosexual – which this male was not. He was a sensual submissive who enjoyed light bondage and soft pain play.
By the time Zafrina had procured him at a price tag of fifteen hundred credits – males always seem to bring in higher bids – Bella was letting out soft little purring sounds. I turned on the toy to a mild buzz and rubbed my hard dick against her back letting her know what those sounds were doing to me. The feel of my dick against her brought a low moan from her mouth as she pressed against me and wiggled.
Fucking hell
I sucked in a breath through my teeth and the little tease pressed firmer and wiggled again. With low rubble I growled in her ear and pinched the nipple in my hand. Her whole body shook as a strangled cry that sounded like a stuttering owl came from her. I watched as her head dropped forward while her shoulders tensed and she continued to take a few deep cleansing breaths until the shivering inside her stopped.
Placing a kiss on Bella’s bare shoulder blade her head moved to give me better access and I kissed her neck a few times until reaching her ear. “That one stuck up on you”
Her head turned towards me and I placed a kiss on her lips before she answered “yes Sir, Thank you Master”
I continued to place small kisses on her jaw until reaching her ear “Your welcome little one, and I must admit I love that your breast are so responsive”
My fingers rolled her over sensitive nipple making her gasp and then giggle as snuggled her head into the nook of my neck. I placed a kiss on Bella’s forehead and felt a hand clap me on the shoulder “We’re out of here, I’ll see you bright and early”
Emmett and Rose were leaving and as I looked to the stage I realized the fourth submissive had already been sold and Felix was presenting the last one.
Uh, I guess Bella isn’t the only one who loses her focus”
Removing my hand from its nice warm hiding spot I told Emmett we were going too. Once Bella and I had said goodbye to Riley – excuse me double D – and Douglas I hooked the leash back on Bella’s removable collar and lead her back downstairs. The venders were still in full force with more people loitering around all the different tables. I spotted my aunts and uncles going into the VIP section but decided not to make our way through all the people just to say goodnight.
Stopping by the bar I asked Conner for two bottles of water and if there was a package for me, amazed to find that there were two. I didn’t mind that Bella had bought something else it was more of the surprise that she hadn’t told me about it.
“Did you purchase another item Isabella?”
“No Sir”
Conner handed me the waters along with the two brown paper wrapped packages, the larger one I was sure being a flogger, the smaller one a box about the size of an envelope. Both had my name on them in what appeared to be the same handwriting so I knew they come from Frank.
Maybe the small one was some kind of instructional book
I held onto the waters but gave the packages to Bella, she bought them, they were hers and I couldn’t wait to find out what she intended to do with a flogger. When we reached the vestibule I signed out and switched the leash from the front to the back. Wrapping the slack around my hand several times until it was flush against Bella’s neck. That allowed for us to walk in public without drawing any extra attention, to a passerby it would appear as if I was lovingly holding my girl, yet we both knew different.
Eric was at the door, he told me the night had been quiet and just as Tyler had, he expressed his desire and cheerfulness for Mike’s return. I ignored the comment knowing full well that Mike was not coming back, instead giving a nod and saying goodnight.
Bella shivered slightly in the night air making me draw her closer to my body “Sorry nâhtötse I should have thought to have you bring a wrap”
Setting the water bottle on top of the car I unlocked the door and held the packages while Bella got in. Setting them on her lap I once again switched the leash to the front, flicking the heart shaped metal tag with my finger.
Bella hadn’t seen that yet
After securing her seat belt I reached down to recline the seat and looped the leash handle over the stick shift. Reaching up to get one of the water bottles I unscrewed the lid before handing it to Bella with an order “Drink”
Taking the other bottle I shut the door satisfied with the long gulp she took and walked around to get in myself. Bella was fiddling with the small box and the curiosity of its contents was getting to me troo “Open it”
Taking off the brown wrapping she tilted the attached note into the glow of the street light. Flipping on the overhead in the car for her she smiled at what was written before handing it to me.
Ms. Isabella
Thank you for sharing your charming company with me.
The box contained a yellow leather rose complete with black stem and leaves. Holding in her hand Bella twisted the flower taking in all the perfect detail before glancing at me. “That’s very pretty”
“Yes Sir it is…” she thought for a moment then asked “…Master are we still relaxed?”
The girl read my mind
Flipping off the overhead I took the two packages out of her lap to place them in the back seat “As a matter of fact Isabella for the ride home I want you to think of car as the kitchen table, so speak freely.”
Before putting the car in gear I increased the pace of the toy and asked my first question “Did you have fun tonight?”
“Yes I did” I didn’t need to ask for an elaboration, before I could even exit the parking space Bella jumped right in. “At first I was kind of worried that you were going to leave me alone”
Was she serious?
“Do you really think I would that? Just walk away and leave you alone?”
“No, I knew you wouldn’t but for a split second I thought…”
Stopping at the traffic light I wondered if there would ever come a time when Bella understood my commitment to her. Glancing over I smiled “Baby it was hard enough to leave you with Douglas”
“Oh my word Master…Dougie…” she laughed “he’s so freaking funny”
There was something I had to know “What’s up with calling Riley Double D?”
“Well I called Dougie, Douglas and he said no only Daddy calls him that and out of respect for Riley other Doms call him Douglas. So I said alright but what do I call Riley and he said call him Dougie’s daddy…” Bella giggled, she was so animated and excited, telling me how the name double D came up. Giggling at how Douglas said Riley would approve of the name. Her joy and happiness infecting my own mood as I chuckled along with her when Bella speculated “I don’t think I want to be let in on the inside joke, I’d probably be mortified”
She was undoubtedly right; something’s are better left to the unknown. However Bella’s use of the word mortified brought up the subject I really wanted to talk about. “So tell me what you were thinking about when you came”
“Which time?” Bella clarified with a giggle
“You know which time”
Bella rested her head back against the seat “I wasn’t thinking about anything I could feel your body against mine, smell you and the toy was pulsing inside me. I tried to hold it but then Billy licked Adam’s dick and I just ...”turning to stare me in the eye she admitted “…it was the most erotic thing I had ever seen …and I lost it”
“And how did you feel when you knew they were watching you?”
I was completely taken off guard by the answer “I knew they were watching me the whole time. Well at least Billy was because he stared right at me while he licked Adam’s over Adam’s dick”
Oh…no wonder she lost it
The exhibitionist had an audience
I grinned “Erotic uh?”
“Yesss…nasty, sexy, fucking hot…and then when I opened my eyes…and saw them…knew they were watching…all I could think was…I am a cum slut…”
I chuckled slightly not because I thought it was funny but because she was totally off base with the cum slut reference. I had my reason for the name however it wasn’t something I was prepared to share just yet, Bella would be finding out soon enough. It was time for my submissive to learn that too much of a good thing is not always pleasant and that included orgasms. Her admission to releasing on purpose was not something that set well with me. It didn’t matter how much she insisted that the pleasure was magnified by my presence or how she had only started to enjoy them, her unauthorized orgasms amounted to blatant disobedience and would not be tolerated. An occasional slip up was understandable and expected. In fact they could even be fun as it allows me to punish her in the most enjoyable ways. However for the time being Bella needed some training in the definition of a true cum-slut. She needed to see how too much pleasure could be a bad thing and how delaying it made the release so much better. And hopefully once she knew I would have a submissive that no longer came without permission.
“And how did being a cum-slut make you feel?”
Bella looked out the windshield inton the lited garage, gathering her thoughts for a moment before turning back to me “It didn’t really sink in because I was too caught up in my fear of what they were thinking about me and then…” she bit her lip and I promted “and then?”
“Then you were there and you wanted me to thank them and for a moment I thought about running away and never going back there. But as I thought about it, when Adam first said something he was talking to you, not me. He thanked you for the show, as if I wasn’t even there. He didn’t see me as Bella Swan the Psychology Professor with wicked desires. He only saw me as your submissive, who was doing what she had been directed to do. So what happened was out of my hands, reactions were directed at you and somehow that made it alright. Does that make sense?”
Bella had just discovered the true freedom of being a submissive. She could explore the deep desires that lie within her all under the guilds of ‘it wasn’t me’.
“Perfect sense” I said lifting her hand to my lips, kissing the back of her wrist.
“And then I got chocolate”
I chuckled “And I suppose that made it all worth it?”
“It did…of course two pieces would have been better” I laughed some more and glance at the clock on the wall of the garage “Well do you have anything else to say before we get out of the car?”
At her ‘no Sir’ I started to open the door and stopped when Bella asked “Why didn’t you just tell me what you meant when you said I wasn’t allowed to say the word sorry anymore”
Swinging open the door I told her exactly why I didn’t “You never asked me”
Seth was excited that we had returned home, he met us at the door with a wagging tail a demanding presence that required notice. Bella squatted down to scratch his head talking to him like he was a baby “Did you miss the momma…yeah…momma sent you away with Aunt Leah and then leaves you all alone…”
A few months ago I would found the display to be strange; looking at Seth eating up the attention it was hard to put an end to it. But put an end to it I did, with one simple question “Do you have to go out?”
Seth was halfway through the room before Bella even got to her feet. “Go prepare yourself Isabella; I’ll take care of him”
Going into the kitchen Bella headed towards the cellar door, before she could disappear I remembered the clit ring she was wearing and called out “Isabella, leave the thong on the bathroom counter and don’t you dare wash your legs off”
“As you wish Master”
Yes…I thought opening the back door for Seth …she was going to learn really quickly what it was that I wished.
We had been gone for several hours so rather than leave Seth outside by himself I went out with him. The dog went through his normal routine of running around the perimeter of the yard twice before setting on his favorite watering spot. He looked up at me and without thinking I toss the tennis ball to him that was in a basket on the table.
Yes…I Edward Cullen had baskets of dog toys sitting around my house.
Throwing the ball a little further the second time, Seth stopped at the end of the yard to bark at the fence. Not wanting to disturb the neighbors I smacked my lips a few times then called him to go in. It was near eleven and Seth must have wanted to go to bed because he followed me around the kitchen while I refilled his bowls, checked the alarm and took two bottles of water out of the refrigerator. Picking Bella’s leash up off the counter I headed for the cellar door with Seth right on my heels. Beginning to pull the door shut behind me Seth sat there with the saddest expression I had ever seen.
The look making me feel so guilty for leaving him behind that I explain “Not now boy, I have to take care of mommy first, then I’ll be back for you and I’ll get your bed so you can sleep downstairs with us” The look on his face changed and I swear the dog understood me.
The playroom was as I had left it, using the time to set it up when I sent Bella to her room. The lights set to a medium brightness, fitness ball inflated and waiting in the frame I had specially made for it. The small portable table sitting next to it with a towel covering the equipment I would be utilizing. I had already made up the bed with sheets and blankets even turning them down so it would be easier to place Bella in, because I was sure I’d be carrying her there. My i-pod was sitting in the dock already set to the playlist for the evening, once I set down the water bottles and I turned it on. The soft sounds of piano keys filled the room while I emptied the contents of my pockets leaving the remote for the toy where it was. Tucking the handle of the leash into my waist band I turned to focus on Bella.
She knelt, waiting for me on the mat a few feet in front of the closed cabinet that housed my collection of canes. I had shown her the contents the first day she was here for a tour so there was no mystery as to what was inside. Besides the shape and dimensions of the wall mounted closet would have been a dead giveaway. If there was any anxiety in her, it wasn’t showing.
Bella held perfectly still, the chains still connected to her breast dangled freely between them. Her hair was as it had been, up, showing off the two collars around her neck. The permanent silver one laying around the base and the black nylon strapped around the middle. The small metal heart shaped tag hanging from it proclaiming exactly her status to anyone who saw it.
“Stand Isabella” I commanded with an extended hand to help her up.
Once she stood my fingers wrapped around the chains attached to her breast. Giving a tug Bella hissed as she took a step forward and my hand traveled up her neck, rubbing the tag between my fingers. I knew she had gone to the bathroom so Bella would have seen in the mirror what I had engraved on it. She didn’t say anything however a slight shade of pink colored her cheeks.
The back of my fingers skimmed down the length of her jaw “I’m going to assume that blush is a good sign and you like the addition to the collar”
Bella remained quiet - good girl
“Well that’s good, I’m glad you approve” I said stepping away and opening the door to the cabinet. My collection consisted of nine canes, four of them were bamboo of different widths, two straight and one bent rattan, one leather and one nylon.
Stepping aside I watched her struggling to keep her eyes down, flirting with the desire to quench her curiosity verses remaining obedient. I was happy to see the obedience take precedence. “Go ahead, look”
Her eyes lifted at the same time her teeth sank into her bottom lip. “These are my canes Isabella for this weekend and possibly next I am loaning one to you. It is going to become your best friend for the next week or two. You may borrow anyone you want but I would caution you to select wisely. Go ahead choose”
I expected hesitation
I expected a question
I expected some sign of trepidation
I expected she would choose the thinnest or widest
What I didn’t expect was what happened. Bella showed absolutely no reluctance as she confidently removed the leather cane out its holder and returned to her spot.
I was glad her eyes were down so she couldn’t see the shock on my face as I asked “Are you sure that’s the one you want?”
The answer came with no hint of indecision “yes Sir”
Amazing…just fucking amazing
“Very well” I said closing the door on the other canes before giving her the instruction. “For the time being whenever you are serving me that cane is not to be out of your custody. It should always be in your hand or within arm’s reach. You will sleep with it, eat with it and take it to the bathroom with you. While you are in this house that cane should at no time be out of your possession. Do I make myself clear?”
From the moment Bella asked me if it was possible to slowly initiate the use of a cane, I had been racking my brain on the best way to proceed. The only thing I could think of was a total immersion. In my mind the more familiar Bella became with the cane the more comfortable she would become to experience its strike. I had a few exercises for her to partake in and I was anticipating that by the end of our weekend my main goal would be accomplished. Bella’s fear originated from associating the sound of the cane slicing through the air with the sound a belt makes. If we were going to be able to proceed at all, that connection would need to be eradicated. Handling the cane was the first step.
“Yes Master”
“Good then let’s continue our evening” rather than attach the leash I used the chains between her breast to lead Bella to the waiting ball. It kept her very close to me and I rather enjoyed the sounds she made as the loops pulled her nipples.
Standing her in front of the ball I moved to her back letting my hands run from hip to breast and back down again. Bella stood perfectly still grasping the handle of the cane with both hands while the end was planted firmly on the floor a half of foot in front of her. My face nuzzled in her neck drawing in deep breaths while my hands moved slowly upward. As they circled her breast my fingers lightly tugging the slack of the chains before making their decent. After a few passes I increased the pressure on my fingers watching with satisfaction as the cane moved.
Yeah it was getting to her.
On the next pass my right hand continued up her shoulder, then down her arm, grasping her wrist to remove it from the hold she had on the handle and guided it to the junction between her thighs
“Touch yourself Isabella” I said softly against her ear
The movement of her arm and the soft mewling noises told me she had complied.
My hands went back to their work as I kissed the length of her neck and ground my hard dick against her hip making her moan.
“Mmmm…” I hummed against her ear “…I love those noises Isabella”
Her hand started to move with more purpose and it was time to remove the chains. Pulling her back firmer against my chest my hands cupped her breast and length of my thumbs covered her sensitive nipples causing her to whimper from the pain, and her hand moved faster. My thumbs and forefingers played with the little silver ring working it loose while Bella’s face contorted in discomfort and she was constantly whining from the throbbing ache in her nipples.
“Shhh…” I whispered in her ear “…almost done nâhtötse”
I grinded my dick against her again, groaning in her ear while my fingers continued to loosen the loop. Bella was shaking through the panting breaths and gasping for air as her hand moved worked with more urgency over her clit.
“That’s it baby…are you ready…” I warned before starting the count.
“…one…” my finger nails dug into the indentations in her nipples to pinch the bands and Bella let out a strangled whimper.
“…two…” I rolled the bands a little making sure there was enough slack in them while Bella’s hand worked feverishly and each gasping breath was followed with a wail.
“…three…” as I said the word my nails held onto the bands as I ripped them off.
The orgasm that racked through her caused Bella’s whole body to tense as she rose on her toes. The scream started out like a gasp that by the time her body started shaking it had turned into a high pitched squeal. My hands palmed her breast letting the warmth of them sooth her tender nipples as she gasped for fresh air. There had been no words of any kind muttered from her mouth and I waited to hear the phase she had been instructed to say.
Lifting her head a soft sigh vibrated against my neck as the words came out in between the whimpers “…ah…Thank you…ah…Mas..ter”
Bella’s eyes were close so she couldn’t see my smile when I kissed her sweaty forehead “You’re welcome”
I held her a moment longer letting Bella get her equilibrium back. That had been a rather forceful orgasm. Checking the clock I noticed it was eleven fifteen, which left me forty-five minutes to accomplish my goal for the night.
One down – Nine to go
Bella took a deep breath letting it out in a long cleansing exhale and I felt her weight shift so she was standing on her own accord. Letting her body ease away from mine I noticed with immense satisfaction through the whole thing she had not let the cane fall from her left hand.
Fucking amazing
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