Chapter 104
Bella shifted restlessly in her sleep, twisting her head and pulling at the restraints that had her arms secured firmly against her side. She had been sleeping soundly for at least an hour so her movement and mummers of discomfort woke me. I wasn't sure if her discontent was from a dream or if she was experiencing some sort of pain.
"What's the matter baby?"
It was close to two by the time we gotten home from New Moon, Seth had left a note that he and Tracy had gone to bed. After all that happened at the club along with the lateness of the hour, the four of us didn't hang around for any lengthy discussions. Instead retreating to the privacy of our bedrooms and it didn't take long before the sounds of sex filled the second floor. I had been waiting all week to introduce Bella to the joys of pussy worship and after the night we had, it seemed like the perfect time.
Securing her to the bed with her thighs opened and her feet on the floor, I kissed, licked and blew on every inch of her skin from knees to core. Bringing her to the brink three times before finally succumbing to her pleading and sending her over the edge with my fingers deep inside her and my tongue on her clit.
The scream of pleasure Bella let loose was enough to wake the dead yet I highly doubted she cared since she laid quivering on the bed uttering her thanks of appreciation. Giving her a thorough inspection, I applied a bit of cream to rope marks left around her knees before lifting her limp body for sleep. Laying her flat on her back with bed restraints from the foot board holding her hands in place she all but passed out in bliss.
Her premature wakening had me wondering "Does it hurt?"
I hadn't given her a pillow, in hind sight with Bella's neck injury, that was ignorant on my part and I cursed myself for having forgotten.
"Here baby, lift up" raising her shoulder Bella winced slightly making me feel even worse but then settled back on the fluffy support with a moan of satisfaction that had me asking "better?"
"Yeeeees....thank you"
"Your welcome my pet..." Kissing her head I whispered "...go back to sleep"
But there was no need for the directive, as she was already gone.
The night out with Quil and Claire had been fun and eventful, they got what they came for, a first hand look at the dynamics between a Dom and their submissive. When they first suggested going to New Moon and had so honestly stated their reasons for wanting to, I had made up my mind there wouldn't be any sugar coating. If they wanted to see 'real' that's what they would get. I could tell Bella wasn't as enthusiastic as I was at opening herself up but I figured once we were in familiar, openly accepting surroundings, she'd fall right in to character, and I was right.
Oh she pressed the limits of my patience once or twice making me warn her for her use of tone or words. Some of that I chalked up to fluctuating hormones which I could let pass with a stern reminder. However the sigh could not be overlooked, I had told her no matter where we were or who we were with, she'd be sent to the corner. Even though I knew it would cause her embarrassment and possibly cast me as a dictator, I couldn't - I wouldn't - go back on my word. Bella's descent from the table all but stopped the conversation. Claire and Quil watched each timid step she took then both looked to me with a mixture of shock and bewilderment.
It was Douglas who smoothed thing over "I told yous, Master Edward is still workings on her. My girlfriend gotz a nasty habit of sighing and Himz is getting rid of it. So herz has to go to the corner and have alone time to think about it"
"Like a time out?" Claire's question was obviously directed towards Me as that was where she was looking yet it was once again Douglas who answered.
"Yes, hers has to stand there and say ten times something about how irritating her sighing is and because she acts like a child, Master Edward will treat her like one"
It was certainly clear that Bella had shared that form of discipline with her friend and it made me wonder what other information had been divulged.
"Listen, remember when you was little and your momma yelled at you in front of your friends and you gotz all embarrassed"
Claire's nodding had Douglas continuing "Well that’s how my girlfriend is going to feel. So when herz comes back, dont say nuttin." Shaking his with each word ". just act like it neber happened. If'n you want to ask her about it, askes her tomorrow, not now."
Turning his attention to me he said "Is that OK Master Edward?"
It was more then OK, it was perfect and the man had with a few well placed sentences removed a potentially tense situation for my girl.
"Hmmm...." Bella murmured in her sleep making me chuckle as she she said "yummy...fruity...pebbles"
Her and that damn cereal
I swear when Bella pulled those two boxes out the gift bag, I was so tempted to just give in and let her have them. However it all boils down to lessons in control, both hers and mine. If I gave in simply on a whim because I had a twinge of regret that some other man was spoiling my girl what would that say about me? The girl had tried every way she could think of to get what she wanted. And it wasn’t that I didn’t want to indulge her, or just keep something from her she really wanted, it was more the principle of the thing. If she was going to get the treat before the appointed time period, it was gong to be on my terms not hers or anyone elses. The problem was I needed a way for that to happen without usurping my authority.
Who'd of thought, that too would come from Douglas.
Bella went off to dance and Rose went to use the bathroom while Emmett had to check on the setup for the first first demonstration. Leaving Quil and I alone he took the opportunity to ask questions. Most of them centering around my knowledge of how to handle Bella along with learning basic skills they could incorporate into their daily life. Essentially he wanted to know about my training, which I freely told him of the six months I spent living at my uncle's house.
During that time, I would liken it to a boot camp of such, where a raw recruit is taken through a series of exercises and drill instructions until it becomes second nature to him. Those skills need to be expanded upon and adapted so they can be used to their fullest on each situation, but the fundamentals are always the same.
"I was taught to be stern, yet fair, to give instead of take and to remember that just as I'm a flawed human being so is my submissive. I can't expect something from her she is not willing to give and there will be times when her needs will surpass my desires and I have to remember that her needs always comes first. Most people will the submissive as the one who gives everything to the relationship. That's just not true, you'll learn that the Dom becomes just as selfless as she does"
"And that comes over time?"
Time was only part of the equation "And knowledge, I can't over emphasis how important it is to have someone you can learn from'"
Taking that in Quil hesitated a moment before asking "So you would suggest I...train?"
Quil and Claire were not interested in a full on Master/ submissive relationship. They didn’t want specific playtime set aside each week where they could transform into their alter egos. The more I got to watch and speak with him it became clear that what they were interested in was a Head of Household situation.
It's an everyday way of life that resembled a modern day form of 'Father Knows Best', putting Quil in charge of the home and all that happens within its walls. Claire would go about her business under the guidelines that are set up for her to follow. She would then be held accountable for her actions, good ones to be rewarded and bad ones would have consequences. In most instances that amounted to Domestic Discipline, usually corner time or a spanking. Because he was the one she would be looking to for direction, it was imperative that she be able to trust his judgment.
"Yes, some kind of formal training. And preferably from an experienced Dom who you're sure knows what he's doing"
The speculative look I was getting told me Quil was attempting to think of someone who he could train with. He was my friend and if they were really serious there was only one person, the best person, I would recommend.
"My uncle is very....particular about who he takes on as an apprentice. There is a process you have to go through before he accepts you. It starts with filling out an application and then you'll need a reference...if you're interested and you'd like to work with him, I'd personally vouch for you"
There was still something behind his eyes but he nodded in assent so I suggested we go back into the office to get the forms. That's where we went after leaving Bella on the dance floor. While Quil looked over the paperwork, I checked out the demonstration schedule and saw that the first one was actually on 'basic commands'. Thinking that might be of interest to them, I suggested the possibility of going up to see it. The only thing was, I wasn't sure how the two of them would react to the open play that occurs on the second floor.
Figuring there was only one way to find out, I offered to take Quil up and let him make the decision. I wouldn't say the room was in full swing but it was getting there. Quil looked around the big room, taking in the normal activity that occurs with a weary expression.
"You OK man?"
Quil gave me a grin "Jesus, Seth wasn't kidding, was he?"
Laughing I had to agree, that boy was fairly dead on with his knowledge "Just remember condition number one, and don't tell him."
Quil laughed "No way man, he'd be at your house every fucking weekend begging you to bring him."
I wouldn't doubt it, even with the age restriction, he'd still hound me. In all honesty I was sure his desire to go to the club had very little to do with an interest in an alternative lifestyle. Seth was more intrigued with the possibly of live open sexuality being performed in front of his eyes then anything else. I couldn't fault him for that, after all what hot blooded American boy wouldn't give his right nut to see even the slightest bit of live porn?
After making our way through the bar area into the smaller room where the demonstration was going to happen, I let Quil make the decision. We had only been gone fifteen minutes yet still I wanted to get back down to Bella. On the way Stefan stopped me, he had made arrangements with Aro to provide small weekly payments against his outstanding bill and he wanted to give it to me. I was just telling him I'd see he got a receipt when Douglas approached.
He stood off to the side with his arms folded over his chest and a scowl on his face impatiently waiting for me to be done with Stefan. Turning my full attention to the slightly irate man, I had to wonder what had happened in the short time I'd been gone. Douglas was clearly agitated and glancing across the dance floor to Bella, her posture made it very clear she was anxious about something. She sat ram-rod straight, tapping her fingers on the table and chewing on her bottom lip like it was her last meal.
And was her wine glass empty?
"Master Edward, this boy needs to speak with you about your submissive"
The formlessness of Douglas's intro was alarming as was the look on Bella's face when she turned to see what was going on. Catching her looking, I twirled my finger and as her head turned back around her foot started to bounce.
What the fuck was going on?
"What is it Douglas?"
"Last night Bells told me she owed me one...and I want to collect"
Quil patted my shoulder with a small chuckle before excusing himself to leave me with a very serious Douglas who was waiting for a response.
“I'm sorry...what do you mean collect?”
Douglas was very adamant about the fact Bella had promised to repay him and as he told me what he wanted I couldn't help but wonder what had brought all this on. I had thought about getting the answer from Douglas however I decided it would be better to hear the story from Bella. Besides something told me it was all connected with their silent communication that occurred when we arrived.
"So she owes me and with your permission, I want to do it right now"
Bella wasn't going to be happy about what he wanted plus I needed to make sure that she had indeed indebted herself to him.
"Give me a moment to speak with Isabella”
"OK, I'll be waiting with Daddy by the bar"
Rose was just returning to her seat as I approached the table, she took one look at Bella and worry crossed her face "What happened?"
That was exactly what I want to know, because my girl was biting her lip and twirling the ends of her hair around her fingers. Bella didn't answer the question however Claire glanced between the two women and broke out in a fit of giggles.
The scowl on Bella's face completely disappeared as she realized I was there and stood to present herself. Before turning to acknowledge her, I gave Claire one last glance; she was still snickering under her breath. It was very clear that what happened, Claire found it funny. I also took solace in the fact that Douglas approached me like a petulant child hell bent on proving a point. It was with that thought in mind I glanced towards the bar. Douglas was staring at me with eager eyes and at my nod he quickly started moving towards the DJ stage.
Bella stood in her standard pose, eyes down, hands at her sides but she was all kind of anxious. Her breathing seemed to be almost forced, and there was a slight twitch in her fingers, it almost appeared like she was willing herself to remain steadfast.
Was she afraid?
I had to see her eyes “Isabella”
It wasn't fear that met my gaze, it was something else brewing; almost an anger that had her on the verge of tears.
What the fuck had happened?
I figured the only way to find out was to just be frank “Douglas made a request that you join him on the stage”
Oh yeah, that was definitely anger
Bella's eyes narrowed to the point where she was practically squinting, I was going to warn her about keeping her composer however she quickly corrected herself so I went on “He told me you offered to repay him for all the help he gave you yesterday”
“May this girl speak Master?” at my nod Bella wondered “What does he want?”
“I guess you are going to have to go up there and find out”
Just as I finished speaking, the song that had been playing came to an end and Douglas's voice came out of the sound system “I have a challenge!”
Her eyes widened at the same time her jaw dropped “What kind of challenge?”
Madonna's 'Just Like A Prayer' started playing and Bella began to shake her head “Master, do you know what he wants your girl to do?”
I knew, what I didn’t know was how she knew
“Master...Dougie wants your girl...”
I finished her sentence “To fulfill her word”
“This one never agreed to...”
Again I cut her off “Did you or did you not say 'I owe you one?”
“Yes Sir...but that meant a shopping trip or helping him with a party...not...” her hand gestured towards the stage and Douglas called out “Come on girlfriend get up here!”
Bella's eyes shifted as if trying to see the stage but I had to know “Did you specify that?”
“No Sir” bringing her attention back to me Bella tried to justify herself “But...”
“But nothing. You gave your word, without any conditions applied to it and now you are going to follow through on them...”
Interrupting me she whined “But Master...”
Her rudeness making my tone sharper then normal “No Buts Isabella!”
Taking a deep breath to calm myself I told her exactly how it was going to be “You are either going to walk to that stage or I will plant you there myself”
“Bu...” I didn't even wait for the rest of the word.
Squatting down I wrapped my arm around her knees and hoisted her over my shoulder. Bella made an "oof" kind of sound as her body squirm against me while she pleaded "Master please..."
"Quiet" I said forcefully with a well placed hand on her up turned rear end.
"Oh" she huffed out and as I started walking my hand came down harder on the fullness of her bottom. That time the resulting "OH" was laced with a bit of pain which resulted in a slightly firmer swat and a louder response from her "ouch!"
The last slap was a loud crack that had her squirming as she cried out “OWE!”
I hadn't really been paying attention to the rest of the room but as I planted Bella securely on her feet there was a bit of applause along with some humorous laughter. Nothing got this crowd more excited then a Dominant putting their submissive in place. However as happy as the observers were, my girl was as equally unhappy. Her whole face was burning red from the humiliation as she stared at the floor with lips so tightly pressed together they were beginning to turn white.
That was totally unacceptable.
Lifting her chin with one finger I told her sternly "Lose the face"
"Douglas tell Isabella want you have in mind" I said while holding her gaze to make sure the pout didn't return and also to see her reaction. While she listened it was clear she already knew what he wanted as there was no surprise in her expression.
No surprise but plenty of anger.
She was mad as hell and although I knew it wasn't going to be pretty I had to let Bella have her say. Releasing her chin I asked "What's your reply nâhtötse?"
In hind sight, throwing in the term of endearment wasn't the best thing to do but I was only trying to settle her down.
"Master's pet, thinks...." Turning towards Douglas she practically hissed "...paybacks are a BITCH!"
"Master Edwrad, herz is threatening me" his whining little boy voice along with the words only serving to make Bella more agitated "It's not a threat....that's a PROMISE"
Douglas turned his wounded eyes on her "I don't know why your so mad. You think your right, I say you're wrong..."
It was still unclear to me what they were arguing over however it must have been really important to Douglas because the childish demeanor was completely gone as he said "So all I'm saying is, put you're money where you're mouth is girlfriend ...and prove it"
Craig - the DJ - called for two 'Deepshot's' to be prepared and Bella's eyes became more determined. I knew that look, my girl was getting her back up and she was going to be stubborn.
As if to prove me right she narrowed her eyes at Douglas "This one doesn't have to do anything to show she was right. So you just go ahead and do what you want. If you beat the time, so what. And if you don't...then she guesses there is nothing more to prove."
“You mean you're just going to forfeit?”
Douglas should have known that was exactly what she meant.
Realizing that, his face fell ever so slightly at the idea of not having any real competition. My authority over Bella was such that I could make her participate but I couldn't force her to try and win. She was going to need some kind of incentive and I had just the thing.
“ would like to be able to eat those Fruity Pebbles Demetri gave you for breakfast tomorrow”
That got her attention
“You mean this one can have them?”
Ginning because I knew I'd hit the right reward I assure her “You keep my name up on that board...” glancing over my shoulder to where her victory was immortalized “...and I'll declare the bet null in void...and you may have that cereal”
That was all it took for the ire to be replaced by enthusiasm; Bella practically beamed at me and then it was as if something tragic popped in her mind. The pout was back along with the lip biting and I had to wonder “What is it?”
Lowering her chin Bella attempted to look at me through her lashed, which being she was on the raised platform of the stage made he all the more pitifully adorable as she asked. “ going to have some to?”
Kissing the tip of her nose I assured her “You win my love, and I'll be eating sugar coated cardboard right along with you.”
The resulting smile had me grinning as I held out my pinky finger “Deal?”
Bella just gripped my outstretched finger with hers “Deal”
“We need a holder” Craig said me when Angela appeared with the phallic shaped drink holders. Looking around the room I was going to ask Rose when Douglas nixed that idea by saying “No, she already dropped it for Bells. It needs to be someone else”
“I'll do it” Pappy said as he walked towards us “If that's alright with you Edward?”
Pappy was a good guy, who's real name was Alistair, however that didn't fit the leather vested, hip chain biker persona he was so well known for. In actually the man was a laid back Dom who enjoyed nothing more then spending the day on his customized vintage Super Glide FXE. It was a mean machine that he let me test drive on one of the rides he took with Emmett and I. He liken himself as the 'go to person' for advice, which I suppose is where the name came from. He really was a fountain of information on all sorts of subjects however his main expertise was cane's. He was a master at the craft, wielding one with such artistic precision that he made it look easy.
Giving him a nod I told Bella to 'try her hardest and make me proud' then went back to our table to watch the show.
Emmett had returned – I found out later Rose had texted him – and the two of them stood next to Quil and Claire. I took a place beside our friends just in time to see both Douglas and Bella sink to their knees. Everyone's attention was rivited to the stage where there was some sort of banter going on between them. Douglas stuck out his tounge causing a few snickers from the audience. The two of them exchanged a few more words that had Pappy laughing and Craig snickering as he reviewed the rules.
"Ok kiddies, the clock starts as soon as the holder passes your lips and stops when you push the empty container out. Fasted one to do that wins"
Taking a step back he added "Good luck..Challenger goes first and Douglas your time to beat is eight-point-thee seconds....Remember you gag, you loose...ready?"
"Yup" Douglas said confidently.
The music came to an end and Pappy stepped forward with the shot held out as Bella glowered at Douglas while he opened his mouth. I tried to count in my head but got distracted as Riley stepped up next to me and wondered.
"Do you know what brought this on?"
Shaking my head I questioned him "you?"
"Not exactly but I have a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with that early morning phone call” Hearing that, my eyes moved from the activity on the stage to the man standing next to me. “I was this close...' creating a gap with thumb and forefinger “ getting it out of Isabella and if Caius wouldn't have been a jackass...” shaking his head “...well no worries Douglas will tell me tonight...after all I do have ways of making my boy talk.”
What was that about Caius?
“Seven-point-eight seconds” Craig's announcement along with the thunderous applause temporally caused my mind to switch gears. Looking towards the stage Douglas smiled smugly at Bella and announced with attitude "Told ya! You did it wrong!"
Did what wrong?
Emmett laughed and gave his own theory “Are they talking about who gives a better blow job?"
Claire giggled "Not exactly"
I really wanted to question Riley on the Caius comment but it was Bella's turn and as she gave me a quick glance before tilting her head back to open her mouth I got a quick flash of that determination I both love and disdain in her eye.
My girl was taking no prisoners.
Douglas watched with the rest of us as Pappy lowered the container into Bella's mouth. She accepted the intrusion without any sign of difficulty and started to vigorously work on the obstruction. My brain registered the murmurs of astonishment going on around me however it wasn't until someone called out "work it girl" that I realized just how strong her throat muscles were. And I'm not ashamed to say my dick swelled at the memory of being on the receiving end of the constriction.
Once again I became distracted to the point where I had lost track of time so as Pappy removed the tube Bella had pushed out, I waited with bated breath for Craig to make his announcement.
The whole place erupted in applause at hearing the time of six-point-two seconds and Bella being the gracious winner she is, pointed a finger at Douglas and yelled "HA! Told ya Master had more stamina!"
There was one moment of pure silence as it seemed every eye in the room was pinned to me and then the ruckus erupted, loud cat calls, laughter and applause filled the room. Douglas who was still on his knees began bowing to my girl who's beet red face was staring at me for some kind of direction on what to do.
"Is that what this was all about..."Emmett laughed "Little Eddie being able to out last Riley?"
"ah uh" Claire nodded
"How the fuck did that conversation come up?"
I was wondering that myself, however there were more import things to do; like getting my girl off that stage.
Bella beamed at me as I approached with what could only be described as a bashful excitement. Her flushed red face shinning with the exhilaration of winning. Smiling at her I opened my arms and she leaped at me with a momentum that cause us to spin as I caught her. Clinging to me with her arms around my neck and legs encircling my waist I chuckled at her enthusiasm.
“Well someone is happy”
I completely disregarded our audience as I let my lips tell Bella how proud I was of her. Pulling back from her lips, the chagrin was still on her face. Lowering her head Bella's eyes roamed freely around the room before she tucked her head into neck. I thought it was just bashfulness that had her trying to hide and I wanted to tease her a bit.
“Whats the matter, my slut doesn’t want to meet her adoring public?”
I was expecting some kind of response so when Bella remained quiet it made me suspicious. “What's the matter baby?”
“Master your girls been naughty” she said in a low voice against my neck.
Bella's idea of naughtiness was not exactly the same as mine. I understood how or why she would feel guilty over what she coined OCB – Operation Cock Block – however there truly was no reason for it. At least not with her master and as I told her with my own sense of chagrin at knowing I had fallen into her trap. The bet along with the game she played was with her boyfriend not her Master, there was no naughtiness that required punishment.
Retribution was another thing and as if to make my point I threw Bella's own words back at her “Paybacks are a bitch”
Bella's sleep talking disrupted my thoughts “Ed...ward...don't go...stay...its too dark...stay with the light”
She must have been having that same dream again, her subconscious dredging it up on an almost nightly basis. Wanting to give her as much comfort as possible, I wrapped myself around her sleeping form, and holding her as tightly as I could, whispered “I got ya baby, I got ya”
And I did have her.
I wasn't kidding her when I told her on the dance floor there was a line of people who would love to be with my girl. She's too damn innocently sexy – isn’t that an oxymoron – for her own good and after the little display of her oral skills I was sure the list had grown. Don't get me wrong, I was strutting around like a peacock in all his glory. Not only did my girl prove she was a professional at the art of deep throating, she announced to the whole fucking club that I was a sexual dynamo. And there isn't a man alive that wouldn't let that shit inflate his ego.
The whole time we stood watching the demonstration with Quil and Claire, people would come up to us making a comment. Most were humorous, some were envious and others nothing but congratulatory. In any case the comments were given with nothing but respect for both myself and Bella. It seemed like all the bullshit rumors that had been circulating since the first night I showed up with her, were gone.
It wasn't sure if that was because Newton was no longer feeding the frenzy of gossip, or if people just started to see Bella for what she truly was. Plus it had seemed like whatever bullshit Caius had been behind was also over. At least that's what I had thought, personally I hadn't seen him all night and hadn't thought to bring him up to Bella, so I was taken off guard when I was informed what had happened.
Even with being adequately warned, Claire still reacted much the same way Bella had at stepping into the main demonstration room. To his credit, Quil immediately saw her distress and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, spoke quietly in her ear, then gave her a moment to take it all in. Once she had calmed Quil didn't waver in his decision – it would have been very easy to just turn around and go back downstairs. Instead the man placed his hand on the small of her back and lead her through the bar area towards the smaller demonstration room.
He was going to make one hell of a Dom
The unease Claire had experienced remained throughout the demonstration and Quil showed his inexperience by not forcing her to remain observant to what he had brought her there to witness. That's just one of those things his formal training will emphasis – keeping the submissive attention where you want it. Instead her eyes wondered about the room, falling more often then not on Ian's submissive Crystal, kneeling naked in the corner. Her tear stained face was secondary t the cardboard sign hanging from her neck that read “Master's Slut Was Disobedient”
Afterward, sitting in the bar the four of us spoke over drinks about their impressions of the presented display. At the time, Quil was not as interested in formal protocols or sexual presentations, however he did find the section on proper posture along with hand signals as something to explore. Claire on the other hand could not seem to get past Crystal's public punishment. No matter what was said, she always came back to the – as Claire put it – 'pitiful girl'. It had gotten to where no matter how much Claire continued to say how degraded she would be if that was her, I got the feeling it was quite the opposite. After all there comes a point where 'one protested to much' and there was something in her voice that spiked my intuition. I was only beginning to know Claire but I ingrained notion that she was masking a hidden desire and humiliation was indeed something she'd like to explore.
I had just made a mental note to speak with Quil about my suspicions when I caught a movement on my peripheral. Demetri stepped towards our small group with Gianna trailing behind, saying hello he pulled a chair over from the next table to sit down in the space between Quil and I.
“Gianna these are Master Edward's and Isabella friends..Quil and...” hesitating Quil answered “Claire” answered
“Claire” he repeated with a nod before gesturing to the woman standing at attention behind him “This is my Gianna. I would have introduced you before however she was bit this evening”
Casting a quick glance over his shoulder Demetri added “So my attention was needed elsewhere and...” shifting his eyes to Bella as he went on “...I'm afraid that means I also missed your victory Isabella, which is a shame since I heard it was quit a show.”
Glancing to Isabella I was expecting her to say something instead she was once again nervously chewing her lip. I was going to call her out for being rude when Demetri spoke to Claire “I'm afraid I owe you an apology for my behavior. I certainly didn't mean to give you the impression that I'm some kind of dominating male who likes to throw his weight around. I was slightly irritated with Caius, so please forgive me”
That was the second time Caius's name had been mention, which I found odd as I hadn't seen him all night. “Was he even here?”
Demetri's eyes raised as he glanced from me to Bella “You didn't inform your Master?”
It was clear she wasn't going to answer so I prompted “Isabella?”
“Yes Sir, he was here” Raising my eyes I waited for the story which took longer then it should have and in my frustration I spoke with more force then intended “I'm waiting!"
Bella flinched but started talking “Your girl was with Dougie, he was asking for permission to attend the shower and this one was speaking with Eleazar...”
She went on to tell how Riley was asking questions about the phone call she had already told me all about and that's when Caius approached them. As the story continued I was getting more and more furious, some of that anger was with Bella for not immediately informing me however most of it was directed at Caius. It infuriated me to no end that he would once again wait until I wasn't there to approach Bella. He was like a bully, prying on those he perceives to be weaker and running away when someone his own size stands up to him.
“You hadn't specifically placed Isabella in my charge Edward, still when I saw Caius come towards them I stepped in. If I overstepped...”
“No...thank you”
Giving me a nod Demetri's face became stoic “I just wish Isabella would have responded quicker”
Without a moments hesitation, I held my friends gaze, snapped my fingers and gave the hand single for Bella to kneel. She immediately dropped to the floor then once I gave the signal, settled into her waiting position.
“What do you mean quicker? Isabella didn't move as fast as she just did?”
“No, I'm sorry, she didn't. I had to speak to her twice. In the mean time the situation was beginning to get heated and all I wanted to do was separate her...and her friend..." Demetri nodded towards Claire. "...from the line of fire”
Bella remained still as stone, her eyes glued to the floor while I watched her for a long moment and thought about what to do. It was true I hadn't asked Demetri to oversee her, still I was glad he had taken it upon himself to step in on my behalf. Next to my brother, Demetri would be the one who I trusted the most with Bella's well being. He would never take any liberty's or insert himself without provocation. The same rules of decorum and responsibilities that have been instilled into me, also reside within him. Which was why I had told Bella that she should always feel safe around him and when I am not there she was to obey him the same way she would me.
That directive was given to her the night Jacob had stopped by to tell us her car had been vandalized. I had thought I made it fairly clear and that Bella understood my directive, but perhaps I had been mistaken.
“Isabella do you remember our conversation concerning Demetri?”
“Yes Sir”
If there was one thing I knew about Bella, she wouldn't directly disobey me so rather then beat around the bush to get the whole story I just got right to the point.
Giving another hand signal, Bella complied by lifting her eyes to mine and disregarding the fact that two guest were sitting with us I ordered sternly “Explain yourself”
Blinking a few times she seemed to be gathering her thoughts before beginning in a soft voice “Master it is true that your girl didn't immediately listen when her name was called. And she could make all kinds of excuses as to why she didn't. Such as everything happened really fast and her back was to Master Demetri. Your girl did not feel the presence of her own Master and knew that it was not your voice calling her. So in her ignorance she did disregard it however when she was called the second time and this one saw who it was, your girl immediately remembered your order to always obey Master Demetri. Once she realize the mista...understanding that occurred this one took Claire by the hand and did as she was told”
I was getting rather good at Bella's use of linguistics, she truly was a master at all things oral, however there were several words that stood out amongst the others in her rambled explanation.
Looking to Demetri I gave Bella the signal to drop her eyes before asking him "Did you get all that?”
Giving me a smile he nodded once "I'm well versed in slut-talk my friend"
Chuckling I checked Bella's reaction to the term, seeing she was not phased I glanced to the couple sitting across from me. Claire wasn't as comfortable yet she remained quiet, wanting to prove it was not said in a derogatory manner I decided to bring them into the fold.
"How about you Quil...did you comphened the slut-talk?"
His face showed only a slight hint of repulsion at referring to his childhood friend as a slut. However seeing that Bella was still comfortable with the conversation he played along "Not exactly, what's slut-talk?"
Chuckling Demetri explained "That's the language all intelligent sluts use when they are trying to talk their way out of trouble. They use lots of words to say what they mean in hopes that their Dom will either be distracted or find them cute enough to disregard the infraction. What they fail to realize is anyone with experience sees through that right away and will focus on the main topic they are trying to avoid"
Grinning at Quil I thought maybe I'd elaborate on his first lesson "When you're in a good mood, it's kind of cute"
"Yeah, and you can't blame them for trying" Demetri laughed
"That's true..." I agreed "...unfortunately for Isabella her pretexts won't work this time because basically she admitted to making a mistake.Which she tried to cover up by saying it was a misunderstanding because she knows all mistakes are punishable. Isn't that right Isabella?"
"Yes Sir"
I saw the look on our friends faces, it was laced with worry so I thought it best to show Bella was not fearful of me. "And why is that Isabella?"
Keeping her eyes fixed to the floor she answered honestly "because it is through her mistakes that your girl learns to serve you more fully"
That was a good answer but needed a little more "And the punishment?"
"Master will be fair in making sure his girl is not inattentive in the future"
"And there you have it Demetri, my girl was inattentive. In all honesty her mistake was partly my fault because I had not thought to reiterate the importance of my command. But even so, when i was not there and she heard her name called Isabella should have taken the time to see who it was."
Wanting to stress my next sentence I spoke directly towards Bella "because at this point in time, it could have been someone who meant to do her harm. And her disregard could have caused a disastrous situation. So I assure you she will not make the same mistake again and she will respond to you in as quick of a timeframe as she does to me. Isn't that right Isabella?"
"Yes Master"
Leaving Bella on the floor, I had her move closer to me and relax while we continued to talk with Demetri. Throughout our conversation which consisted of small talk, I unconsciously stoked Bella's arm and played with her hair while her head rested lightly against my thigh. Closing her eyes off to the outside world Bella let out soft little hums of satisfaction. Nothing loud enough to draw attention to herself, yet enough that I knew my girl was content where she was.
Throughout that time Claire's eyes often fell on Bella and it wasn't hard to see that she was looking forward to the day when she too would be completely owed.

A riding crop and a blindfold doesn't make it BDSM. There is a big difference between being kinky and being in the scene. It's not a sexual thing to me, it's a very spiritual thing. ~ DominaBlue
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